Kearney 470Officeholder and Candidate Campai Statement Short Form (Government Code Section 84206) T or print in ink. Date of election if applicable: Amendment (Explain Below (Month, Da Year Date Stamp u L SHORT FORM WN. h 6� Fr Use Onl QT- 'TV7 Statement Covers Calendar Year _20 (20i K1 0FRCE 67 2. Officeholder or.Candidate Information 3. off ice Sau ht or Held CIF NAVE OF OFF CEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD STRVE DQRE JURISDICTION (LOCAYION fr CITY �4 STATE ZIP CODE AREA QODE/DAYTIME PH E OPTIONAL' FAX E-KklL,,4bDRESS t7 4. Committee Information List all cornmittees of which y ou have knowled that are primaril formed to recel've contributions or to make expenditures on behalf cf candidac COMMITTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER I COMMITTEE ADDRESS I NAmF- nF TRPA5�11RFR 5. Verification DISTRICT NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) I declare under penalt of per that to the best of m knowled I anticipate that I will receive less than $1 and that I will spend less than $1 000 durin the calendar y ear and that I have Used all reasonable dili in preparin this statement, I certif Linder penalt per Linder the laws of the S of California that the fore is tr and correct, �o ExeCLIted on B y DATE SIGNATURE -OPOFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE FPPC Form 4701470 Supplement (Januar FPPG Toll-Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772)