ARRA Resolution 27,i L i A R RED E VEL O PMEN T i S 3 F j I, N NO. 27 AUTHOR ZING INTERIM EXPENDITURES of ALAMEDA. POINT OBLIGATIONS IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2000 FY WHEREAS, the Alameda :Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) approved a budget for Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Alameda Point operations in September 1999; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that lease revenue for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 is $7,823,847 with approximately $2 million lease revenue carryover. In addition, there are unexpended grant and local matching funds for OEA, and EDA grant monies to b e carried over to FY 2000 -01. Proposed appropriations for Alameda Point operations are $9,823,84"x; and WHEREAS, Alameda Point appropriations include public safety, infrastructure, maintenance and administration costs; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to authorize payment of Alameda point obligations until the City budget is adopted; Uj NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that ARRA hereby approved interim expenditures prior to the approval of the ARRA Budget for FY 2000 -01 at the levels set by the ARRA Budget for FY 1999 -00 in order to pay Alameda .Point obligations until the City/ARRA budget is adopted; BE IT F RESOLED that the ARRA• hereby appropriates and approves expenditure of the remaining unexpended grant and local matching funds for +SEA and EDA grant awards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2000 -2002 presented to the Alameda Meuse and Redevelopment Authority no later than the July 2000 ARRA meeting. AYES: 5 NOES: Q ABSENT: Q ABSTENTIONS: o .Alameda Reuse Redevelopment .Authority Date: June, 2000