2009-01-07 ARRA PacketAGENDA Regular Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 Wednesday, January 7, 2009 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussio or exDlanatioii is received from t he B oard or a member of the public. 2 -A. Approve the minutes o_fthe Regular Meeting of November 5, 2008. 2-B. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 18, 2008. 2 -C. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 2, 2008. 2-D. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Mariusz Lewandowski dba Woodmasters at Alanneda Point. 2 -E. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Alameda Soccer Club at Alanneda Point. 2 -F. Authorize the Sale of Four Boston whalers to NRC for $44,500. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Alameda Point Update Presentation of SunCal's Draft Redevelopment Master Plan. 3 -B. VA/Navy Presentation Regarding the Navy /VA Federal -to- Federal Transfer at Former NAS Alameda. r 1. 11 1 ,a -t..:- 4 -A. oral report from Member Matarr ese, Restoration. Advisory Board (RAB) representative Highlights of December 4 Alameda Point R.AB Meeting. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) ARRA Agenda January 7, 2009 Page 2 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. Notes a Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary at 749-5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. Present: Chair Beverly Johnson B oardmernber Doug deHaan Boardmernber Frank Matarrese B oardrnember Marie Gilmore Vice Chair Lena Tarn 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 10, 2008. 2-B. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 1, 2008. 2 -C. Approve a Permanent waiver of License Fees for Alameda Unified School District Student Activities. 2 -D. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Building 43 Associates, Inc. at Alameda Point. Member Gilmore motioned approval of the Consent Calendar, seconded by Member deHaan, and passed by the following voice votes: Ayes 5, Does 0, Abstentions o. ee 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Alameda Point Update Review and Comment on SunCal's Development Concept Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, summarized SunCal's submission of Development Concept pursuant to the ENA on September 19th. During October, SunCal presented its Development Concept to eight boards and commissions, and received feedback. Comments received were provided in the staff report and presented to give the ARRA an opportunity to follow -up on the comments from the boards and commissions, provide feedback, and to hear additional comments from the public. The draft Master Plan, a more detailed land plan, is due to on Dec. 19, and will be presented to the ARRA Board at its January 7 th regular meeting. As SunCal has indicated, the current land plan has residential densities beyond those permitted in Measure A. therefore, SunCal would need a vote of the people to implement its land plan. They have until April 30, 2009 to decide to pursue a ballot initiative. Business terms between. SunCal and the CIC is due by June 2010. There is a Council resolution of Fiscal Neutrality mandated for base reuse, so a project proforma, an analyses of project cost and revenues to determine project feasibility, is being prepared. Alameda Point is within the APIP redevelopment area. when Alameda Point is conveyed, that new development will generate revenue and value, which will result in incremental increase in property taxes paid. The project must create the value to generate the tax increment that the CIC can then choose to invest in the project. There is no tax increment without project, therefore it is not possible to determine which tax Increment funds, if any, are available without completing the project proforma and negotiating a DDA, which is due in June 2010. The CIC has made no commitment of funds to the project. Its only obligation is to negotiate in good faith on both the land plan and public. /private partnership until the ENA expires in June of 2010. The DDA must be approved by the City Council and the CIC; and until the DDA is approved, it is not possible for the CIC to commit funds to the project. Under the terms of the ENA, SunCal is paying for all city staff costs and third party consultant costs consistent with the requirement for the fiscal neutrality that we demand. Member Matarrese referred to the comments included in the staff report and stated that it was important to make a distinction whether the points being raised were from the boards or from individuals. Pat Keliher, SunCal's Alameda Point Project Manager gave the presentation. The presentation will be made available on SunCal's website. At the conclusion of the presentation, Chair Johnson called all of the speakers first: Corinne Lambden concerned about the historical relevant structures, and would life Board to consider all options of adaptive reuse before permanently destroying there. Mary Fetherolf thanked SunCal for the presentation and asked a couple of process questions about where to find the financial models and assumptions of the project, and about the draft Master Plan. Elizabeth Krase spoke on behalf of AAPS. She discussed concerns about the historic buildings planned for demolition, stating that it's not acceptable. Doug Biggs APC has enjoyed participating in the SunCal community process and supports SunCal's plan. Mi'Chelle Fredrick excited to see the progress that has been made, encouraged by the plan that acknowledges the unprecedented potential of Alameda point yet still recognizes the constraints. Diane Lichtenstein echoed what Mi'Chelle Frederick said. Interested in how the development will happen, and would like to see more of the integration and diversity in the types of housing and structures. Helen Sause congratulated Member deHaan. and Member Gilmore for their re- elections. Had a request that the city undertake an active role in developing the transit system which addresses the whole island. Gretchen Lipow discussed fiduciary responsibility of the Alameda Point project. Nancy Heastings from HOMES, complimented SunCal on its transit oriented design, and wanted to know the date and review process for the transportation plan. John Knox. White requested the ARRA really give direct direction to SunCal as to what they would life to support before the process moves forward. He discussed that we cannot try to react to the market, we need to loop at something that has that flexibility, and a plan we can be proud of in 50 or loo years. Arthur Lipow discussed the poor economy and traffic mitigation issues, and suggested an alternative of a public trust modeled on the Presidia trust that could have productive uses of the structures. Susan Decker supports SunCa's plan and the flexibility in their process. Encouraged that it would produce something that is truly an asset to Alameda. Michael Krueger agreed with most of the speakers and is supportive of SunCal's plan. Chair Johnson explained that this meeting has to be recessed in order to reconvene the PUB meeting of earlier. Meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m. by Chair Johnson. All Board members agreed that Item 3 -A (SunCal's Development Concept) and the balance of the 1115 agenda be continued at a Special ARRA Meeting scheduled on November 18, 20080 Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, November 18, 2008 The meeting convened at 9:43 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding. Present: Chair Beverly Johnson Boardme mber Doug deHaan B oardmerr ber Frank Matarrese B oar dmernber Marie Gilmore Vice Chair Lena Tani 2. CONSENT CALENDAR i 2 -A. Authorize the Executive Director to Execute an Amendment to Agreement with Russell Resources for Environmental Consulting Services for Alameda. Point Extending the Term for 12 Months and Adding $147,540 to the Budget. 2-B. Approve a one -year Lease with Two one -Year options with Makani Power for a Portion of Hangar12. Member deHaan motioned approval of the Consent Calendar, seconded by Member Matarrese, and passed by the following voice votes: Ayes 5, Noes 0, Abstentions O. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS This portion of the meeting is a continuation of the Regular ARRA. Meeting of 1115, which was recessed by Chair Johnson. On 1115, all Board members agreed that Item 3 -A (SunCal's Development Concept) and the balance of the 1115 agenda be continued at the Special ARIZA Meeting scheduled on November 18, 20080 3 -A. Alameda Point Update Review and Comment on SunCal's Development Concept (Continuedfrom. the November 5, 2008 Regular Meeting) Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, provided an overview regarding the put pose of presenting SunCal's Development Concept, which was to solicit feedback and comments from the ARRA to move forward with the draft Master Plan, which is due Dec. 19' Chair Johnson called the public speakers first. Michael Krueger reiterated a point that if any board member cannot support the plan for whatever reason, now is the appropriate time to discuss and raise objections, and what changes need to be made. Arthur Lipow discussed his concerns about the impact of the bankruptcies of SunCal Companies to the Alameda Point project. Susan Decker discussed her continued support of the Plan. The Board reminded the public that the list of questions from the last meeting on Nov. 5 has been summarized and will be addressed this evening. Pat Keliher, SunCal's Alameda Point Project Manager, Matthew Ridgway of Fehr and Peers, Peter Calthorpe and Peter Tagami, of California Capital Group, were present to answer questions. Member Gilmore stated that a key issue revolves around the feasibility of implementation and the traffic solutions how to move people on and off the island. She discussed this as being a big part of her comfort level with regard to whether the plan can be executed. She wants to see real life examples of the solutions in place and working, and does not want Alameda to be the experiment. Member Matarrese had two transportation—related points: how we are addressing commute in the tube into China Town, and truck routes, how are we moving goods? Matthew Ridgway, consultant from Fehr Peers, addressed the transportation issues. He stated that traffic congestion is expected to be worse, regardless of Alameda Point redevelopment, as moving traffic to /from Alameda Point is secondary next to the traffic moving through the tube and the 880 corridor. one of the questions was whether the option of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was out. Mr. Ridgway responded `no', but is reserving the right of way to bus transit alignment. He further discussed that the project is developer funded and funding will be sought from AC Transit and other funding sources. Another question was regarding buy -in of other stakeholders. Mr. Ridgway explained that they are working with AC Transit for funding issues and Caltrans on Broadway /Jackson improvements, but there is a much larger group of stake holders, and they are not assuming things outside of Alameda's purview. The Board had requested a matrix be created. Mr. Ridgway prepared a draft which highlights major differences between the three plans, the APCP plan, the wRT plan, and the current SunCal plan. one of the major differences they realized was having an onsite school, which was carried forward to the current AP transportation strategy. A rapid bus element was not definitive in other plans, but in the current AP transportation strategy, it is definitive to fund a rapid bus transit system, also proposing to fund construction and operating costs for an additional BRT line across the whole island to the Frultvale BART station in order to increase transit use throughout the island. A bikeshare program is being proposed; and another dramatic difference is a progressive parking plan, which was in the APCP plan, and is carried forward to the current plan. Shared parking, unbundling cost of residential parking, commercial fee based parking, parking maximums, limit number of auto trips new elements included in the summary of the matrix proposed to reduce auto trips. Chair Johnson and Member Matarrese were concerned about the passive incentives of parking, which did not have the effect that was intended, because other transportation hasn't been provided. Member Gilmore discussed these unintended consequences and not being able to lure business to site because there is not enough parking. Member del -Iaan discussed the real life situation in Alameda, that streets upon streets are constrained because of no parking. He stated his concern that lack of parking has not driven .Alamedans to use public transportation. Mr. Ridgway explained that possibly parking shortages weren't in tandem with a whole host of transportation alternatives. They are proposing to implement the transportation alternatives and provide the level of parking that would balance with those alternatives to be effective economically and be viable. They are trying to develop a plan that addresses all these issues. Chair Johnson stated that if we insure other transportation alternatives were available, people would use it. Vice Chair Tarn discussed the City's settlement with Oakland China town over the impact of the Alameda Point project with traffic in China Town a traffic level threshold was generated, and the appropriate level was 1800 units. She asked Mr. Ridgway if their mitigation. measures are all to get back to that threshold level. Mr. Ridgway affirmed, stating that they are marketing the plan as a green development you live here because you only have one car or no car the people that have a lifestyle with fewer or no automobiles would want to live here. Another question addressed how the water emergency transit authority will interface and will meet the needs for maintenance and fueling facilities, and if this can be accommodated at Alameda Point. Mr. Ridgway explained that they have looked at the issue of relocation of the ferry terminal to the estuary or to sea plane lagoon, but have not looked at dredging or fueling stations; and have not reached that level of detail at this point. .Another request from the Board was to provide examples of transit alternatives. Fehr Peers provided a handout with information which cites several examples. Studies included comparative analysis of transit uses among specific cities in the bay area. They are diligent in citing statistics and research conducted nationally to reduce the number of auto trips. Regarding funds for island wide transportation solutions, Mr. Ridgway stated that operating and capital cost are being borne by the Alameda Point project. In response to the request to have an analysis of how many vehicle trips this plan will create, Mr. Ridgway said that a detailed phasing plan will be included in the Dec. 19 draft master plan. Member Matarrese reiterated that the PDC and concept plan didn't address the issue of goods and services moving on and off Alameda Point truck routes, etc. for commercial and retail.. He stressed that this is a critical component that needs to be addressed. For Peter Calthorpe addressed the next category of issues regarding adaptive reuse and light industrial questions, and questions regarding examples of other transit oriented development. Mr. Calthorpe gave a presentation of several examples of comparable mixed use developments, housing over retail, live -work in other bay area cities including Oakland, Richmond, Daly City, San Mateo, and San Jose. Alameda Point has a unique component to offer which attracts entities to the various mixed -use elements, that Alameda Point has the ability to have a large company "campus Vice Chair Tam asked Mr. Calthorpe to comment on creating that buffer between the different types of uses so there are no inherent conflicts that city councils have to deal with. Mr. Calthorpe explained that, until you get to real industrial uses, you don't have to buffer. The beauty of that mix, the services, parks and shops are double duty if you put a store in a typically residential neighborhood, it won't be used but if you put it in mixed use it's used throughout the day, a better viability and keeps folks out of their cars. we're all focused on transit mode. Member del -3aan asked about adaptive reuse and light industry, and the compatibility of this? Mr. Calthorpe stated that the parcels for commercial development are not best used as light industrial. rather as low -rise office, and some historic reuse that can be industrial; explaining that when you invest this much in public infrastructure, the parks and transit you don't want to dedicate land to light industrial it would be underutilization for light industrial. Member Matarrese wanted to discuss the potential reuse of hangars. Phil Tagami, of California Capital Group, continued the presentation by discussing adaptive reuse of the historical district structures. He discussed the tax credits and identified the protected historic districts. His focus is on 23 of 86 buildings identified, including the flight tower and the dive building. In total, he was asked to study 1.3M sq. ft. of space, as well as preserving and protecting the open space that is part of that. One of the tests of being able to restore the buildings is to give equal attention, respect to the buildings, and early involvement is key having the opportunity to transition and put the site into reuse Now would protect from further decay, create use and activity, and generate more revenue. There is a demand for certain activities and good transitional uses; now is the opportunity to have the time to become intimate with these buildings and begin process of next phase. Member deHaan stated that the Navy had an inventory of the historical buildings and had desires and needs for specific ones. He asked how far we are in that process and does it relate to the 23 of 86 buildings. Mr. Tagarni stated that they are 113 of the way done and there is a lot of due diligence that needs to be exercised. He further explained that the Navy hasn't fully processed the application for the historic district. Clear policies and a well thought -of redevelopment effort requires patience, due diligence, and there will be verbal sparring a challenge and constraint that they are ready to engage in. Mr. Tagami discussed a similar situation with the Fox Theatre in Oakland there were more reasons why you can't renovate the building versus why you can and there's a shorter time horizon here at Alameda Point, so they are willing to explore adaptive reuse prior to transfer and are ready to take that risk. Member Matarrese asked whether Mr. Tagami has had discussions with the City regarding transitional use prior to transfer and whether we are pursuing this. Member Matarrese stated that this option was a way to get us closest to the plan without losing the assets out there, as there is copper reining, vandalism, and no funds to secure property. Mr. Tagami said that he has expressed this desire and that SunCal has beginnings of communication with the City. It is an ongoing process, but they want to mind their role, focus on due diligence and underwriting, but said that when the time is appropriate, they would be prepared to engage in that dialogue. Member Matarrese asked if the appropriate time is now and if they are prepared to engage ill that dialogue now. Member Matarrese expressed to the Board that they consider giving direction to move this issue as a priority. vice Chair Tam discussed that the heavy capital makes the council and the board reluctant to make investments for property we don't own. Mr. Tagami explained that they often go at risk and are not asking the city to go at risk. They evaluate current increment expense, have a good track record of delivering value, all of which requires a team. approach. They will expend the time, energy and money. Chair Johnson asked if DSD wants to move forward with interim adaptive reuse. Debbie Potter explained that the key components to the partnership and business deal is the leasing program and at what point to transition that leasing program. These discussions are underway, and staff is interested in understanding what SunCal and Phil Tagami are proposing. Taking over the leasing program and expanding that program, renovating and identifying what uses can be derived from those if renovated. David Brandt, Deputy Executive Director, added that there was also discussion of starting with restoring one building at a time. Chair Johnson stated that there are lots of benefits to adaptive reuse prior to transfer and that we should move forward. Member Gilmore asked how many of the 23 buildings are currently under lease, to which Ms. Potter replied that most are not, because they are in poor condition. Member Gilmore discussed working something out with Suncal and Mr. Tagami for taking over historic properties that are not under lease, to rehab and get there for productive use, and the sooner the better. Ms. Potter explained that we should continue the analysis, what they can expect for a revenue stream, and how willing are they to go at risk for buildings we don't own. Mr. Tagami explained that all properties need time on task; they need to take stock of the buildings, introduce there back on marketplace. It will take lots of work, and there will be obstacles and tears shed, but they are up for the challenge and there is no excuse not to engage. Mr. Keliher wanted to make it clear that SunCal has not engaged staff in any kind of detail about this particular issue, in response to Chair Johnson's request that SunCal communicate with staff on more regular basis staff so they can have a better understanding of possibilities, and they are not caught by surprise. Ms. Potter stated that she didn't intend to give that impression, and that the issue just hasn't been discussed in great detail. She explained that SunCal and Tagami have to do their deal before they can come to the City with a proposal. The Board and staff were all in agreement that there are advantages to moving forward with rehabilitation on the structures that can be saved, and to make it a priority to move forward on. discussions and do it as quickly as possible. Member Matarrese proposed that the ARRA direct staff to get into discussions with SunCal and Phil Tagami tomorrow and bring an update back on what the discussions have been like and what the choke points are; and this issue can be discussed as a separate activity that runs parallel to the development. All Poardmembers agreed. Nice Chair Tam expressed that the key to a successful project is flexibility in reacting to the changing economic conditions. In the next decade there is some expectation that the sustained downturn in economy will require job creation, and looking at the potential. for self sustaining for energy level for the entire island, maybe there are some partnerships with AP&T, such as a solar farm, or other type of renewable energy source. vice Chair Tam supports the plan, as it reflects and captures sentiment that we've been hearing throughout the community and public workshops. Chair Johnson stated that there needs to be discussion about the phasing of public amenities at some other appropriate point. FM reiterate some comments from last time including that the plan needs work on environmental issues such as the working waterfront, which showers noise upwind. He expressed that it's an odd place to put a neighborhood. He also mentioned not wanting to see plans that have sidewalk dining because it's freezing cold near the waterfront and no water play in park. He cited that there are plenty of lessons in town to learn. from, discussing the Bay Street, Emeryville situation where there is residential over retail and the problems that come from that type of development. Member Matarrese stated examples are all around that we should consider, and would like the same level of detail in the final plan that has been given to residential, given to commercial and light industrial. Member dehaan asked SunCal about a survey that they were conducting with Alameda residents. Mr. Kellher clarified that the survey is preliminary and is sponsored by SunCal and not the City. 4 -A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration .Advisory Board (RAB) representative. Highlights of October 2 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. (Continued from the November 5 2008 Regular Meeting) Member Matarrese provided a brief presentation. He discussed highlights from the ARRA meeting of Sept. 10 The BCT gave an update and of the fiscal year and their activities, and there were comments on the transfer of FOST for site IR 15. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 11:34 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary UNAPPROVED MINUTES of THE REGULAR MEETING of THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, December 2, 2005 The meeting convened at 11:18 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Beverly Johnson B oardmember Doug deHaan B oardmernber Frank Matarrese Boardrnernber Marie Gilmore Vice Chair Lena Tarn. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -C 2 -A.. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Petris Air work Industries, Inc. dba Alameda Aerospace at Alameda Point. This item was pulled from the agenda and not addressed. It was continued to the January 7, 2009 regular ARRA meeting. (This item was subsequently submitted as an off agenda). 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3 -A. Approve the Community Reuse Plan Amendment and Legally Binding Agreement for the Homeless Accommodation at the North Housing Parcel This item was continued to a Special Joint Meeting of the ARRA and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners on February 4, 2009. 4 -A. oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative Highlights of November 6 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. Member Matarrese did not attend the 1116 RAB meeting and did not have a report. He was attending a Council meeting on 1116. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. A Meeting was adjourned at 11:19 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, 64k4t.", O-X&L�� Irma Glidden ARRA S ecretary Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From. Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: January 7, 2009 Re: Authorize Negotiation and Execution. of a Sublease Renewal for Mariusz Lewandowski dba Woodmasters at Alameda Point BACKGROUND The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) governing Board approves all Alameda Point subleases with a lease term greater than one year. The proposed sublease for Mariusz Lewandowski dba Woodmasters (Woodmasters) is for five years. nl'� CT TC3N Woodmasters formerly occupied Building 44 at Alameda Point. In February 2008 the Navy informed the ARRA that they would be conducting screening and testing in four buildings at Alameda. Point and that those buildings are required to be empty for these tests. Building 44 was one of those buildings. Attachment A. describes the business terms for the proposed sublease for Woodmasters in a portion of Building 43. The rent for Woodmasters is $19,896 annually, or $0.3419 per sq. ft. in the first year. There is a 3% increase in each subsequent year. The building will continue to be used for light manufacturing and office purposes. Building 43 is in poor to fair condition. In accordance with the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between the ARRA. and SunCal Companies, this lease has been discussed with representatives from SunCal Companies and has their concurrence. BUDGET C FINANCIA.L INVACT This lease will generate $19,896 in the fist year. These funds will be retained by the ARRA. RECOMMENDATION Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Woodmasters at Alameda Point. Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority January 7, 2009 Page 2 Respectfully submitted, Leslie Little Development Services Director r By: Nanette Banks Finance Administration Manager Attachment: A. Proposed Sublease Business Terms B. Site Map ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED SUBLEASE BUSINESS TERMS TENANT BUILDING SIZE (SF) TERM RENT Mariusz Lewandowski dba Woodmasters 43 4480 5 yrs $1,658 /mo. ATTACHME NT B Io O d --G 1�1 LJ D i L� i i Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: January 7, 2009 2 -E Re: Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Alameda Soccer Club at Alameda Point BACKGROUND The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) governing Board approves all Alameda Point subleases with a lease term greater than one year. The proposed sublease for Alameda Soccer Club is for five years. DISCUSSION The Alameda Soccer Club leased the field they currently occupy from the ARRA five years ago. At that time, the Alameda Soccer Club installed a new grass playing field, which included grading, installing an irrigation system, planting the grass, and installing a fence and bleachers, all at their sole expense. Attachment A describes the business terns for the proposed sublease for the Alameda Soccer Club at Homet Field. Although the rent for the Alameda Soccer Club is waived, the club shall continue to maintain the field at their sole expense, which is estimated to be approximately $40,000 annually. In addition to maintaining the field, they also pay for the water used, which averages $550 per month. The field will continue to be used for adult and youth soccer. when the field is not in use, the field will be available for the Recreation and Park Director to schedule use. In accordance with the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between the ARRA and S unCal Companies, this lease has been discussed with representatives from SunCal Companies and has their concurrence. BUDGET CONSIDERATION l FINANCIAL IMPACT This lease will generate approximately $6,600 in the first year to pay for water. These funds will be retained by the ARRA. Honorable Chair and Members of the January 7, 2009 Alameda Meuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Alameda Soccer Club at Alameda Point. By: Nanette Banks Finance Administration Manager Attachment: A. Proposed Sublease Business Terms B. Site Map ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED SUBLEASE BUSINESS TERMS TENANT BUILDING SIZE (SF) TERM RENT Alameda Soccer Club Hornet Field 104,544 5 yrs Waived ATTACHMENT B ai cf) 0 I i� X X X D C FTI VIKING 0-- 0 0 0-) cyl N 0 0 00 0-) m X �k Q0 00 ED 0-) r\j 0 SKYHAWE 00 m c Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: January 7, 2009 2 -F WEEM :j Re: Authorize the Sale of Four Boston Whalers to NRC f or $44,500 BACKGROUND In June 2001 the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) established a procedure for the disposition of personal property. The procedure delegated to the Executive Director the authority to declare as surplus any item of personal property which is valued at less than $10,000 and which is not required for use by the ARRA in the administration of its powers and duties pursuant to the Joint Powers .Agreement between the Alameda City Council and the Alameda Community Improvement Commission. DISCUSSION The Navy transfer of personal property to the ARRA included the title to two 1996 Boston whalers, Serial Numbers BwCPA035L596 and BwCPA0336596; a 1992 Boston whaler, Serial Number BwCPA3031293; and a 1993 Boston whaler, Serial Number BwC8222EH394. NRC Environmental Services (NRC) uses these boats in support of port management. They have spent a considerable amount of money to maintain the boats in warping order. NRC has requested to purchase these boats and add therm to their maintenance program. Staff initiated a marine survey in order to determine the value of these boats. VRS vericlairn determined the market value 'of the boats to be $15,000 for BwCPA035L596, $12,000 for BWCPA0336596, $18,000 for BwCPA3031293 and $8,000 for BwC8222EH394. As part of their request to purchase these boats, NRC included invoices showing the amount they have spent on each boat to restore them to working condition. As has been the ARRA's past practice, NRC's prior investment in the boats was taken into account when determining the sale price of the vessels. The attached Citv owned Vessel Repair Synopsis and New Offer shows the appraised value, materials,, and labor required for repairs and the offer of purchase price for these Boston whalers. BUDGET CONSIDERATION 1 FINA NCIAL IMPACT The purchase will generate $44,500 to the ARRA lease revenue fund. Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority RBCOMMENDATION January 7, 2009 Page 2 Authorize the sale of four Boston whalers to the ARRA.'s port services manager, NR.C, for $441, Respectfully su itted, I' w Leslie Little Development Services Director F4 q By: Nanette Banks Finance Administration Manager October 16, 2008 Re: offer to Purchase Four City Owned Vessels Dear Mr. Ha aspen, I would like to thank you for providing the results by the independent contract surveyor pertaining to the City of A.la neda owned vessels. It is our intention to actively pursue the search for a buyer of these vessels in order to help the cit-V gain the most valuable offer Flo available. That being said ROES would like to offer to purchase four 4) of the vessels listed. These are: 1996 Boston whaler, BWCPA.035L596 1996 Boston Whaler, BW PA0336596 1992 Boston whale-, BWCPA3031293 1993 .Boston whaler; B C8222EH394 While we appreciate that the surveyor conducted his appraisal given the current condition of the four vessels mentioned we would like all parties to understand that the vessels were in their current condition due to the substantial repair and maintenance completed by and paid for by NRCES. We understand that based on our current contractual agreement with the City of Alameda these vessels were available for our use at no charge as long as they were maintained and operated at our expense. with this in mind I would like the city to take into consideration the following: Firstly when NRCES took over the contract from Trident Marine the vessels in question were in very poor condition, one was not usable at all due to a bad engine. Due to the high standards NRCES adheres to and to better be prepared to ful fill our contractual obligation to the city and to MARAD we took it upon ourselves to bring these vessels to a condition where they could be relied on to fulfill their purpose safer and efficiently. Thus the survey values carne back as they did. Secondly we went beyond the normal maintenance required and committed substantial funds and manpower to bring them up to their current valuation. If this work were not to have been completed the boats would not be valued as they are presently by the survey, Lastly we continue to provide a high level of maintenance and care to these vessels something we feel was neglected for many years previous to our taking over tile. contract with the city- Given the above information we would like to offer the Cite of Alameda the amount of $44,500.00 for purchase of these vessels. We feel this is a very reasonable offer and given that their current state is due only to our due diligence and expense we feel it is reasonable and fair. T have included below a synopsis of the repairs made to the vessels we are offering to purchase and the invoices for the expenses incurred. We sincerely hope that you will help us in completing this sale and to help the city understand why our offer is some what lower then their current appraised value. Respectfully Submitted Charles Greer CA Regional Marine Operations Manager 2 City Owned vessel Repair Synopsis and New Offer 1996 Boston Whaler, PA03SL596 Work Performed by NRCES: 0 Engine and lower unit repaired t0 make usable. 0 See attached invoices for materials purchased 4-144086 acid 91.02453. 0 Total materials to snake vessel usable; $3287.39 Appraised Value: $1 5 Materials: $3287.39 New Offer: 12,500.00 1996 Boston whaler BWCPA0336596 Work performed by NR ES Original engine replaced due to failure. vessel required VHF radio. None as originally received. See attached invoice #1443 66 for $17,053. 16. Motor and radio installation perfon ned by Nl CES. Estimated labor cost at $45.00/hr X 2 men x 24 br s. $2160.00 Total .materials and labor to make vessel usable $19,213.16 Appraised Value: $12 Materials and Labor: $19,213-16 New Offer. $9,000.00 1992 Boston whaler, BWCPA3031293 Work performed by NR S: a Both outboards repaired due to various issues. 0 See attached invoice 4 144478 for $9017.23 Appraised value: $18,000.00 Materials and Labor: $9 New Offer: $15,500.00 1993 Boston 'whaler; BWC8222EH394 Work performed by NRCES: Engine repaired due t0 various issues. See .attached Invoice 41444084 for 1,040.98 Appraised value_ $8 Materials and Labor: $1 New Offer: $7 Total Appraised value: $53 Total Invested. in Repairs: $35,558.76 Total Offer for POnr Boats: $44 3 uvrBOARD MOTOR SHOP DP14CN M 8:30AX 51AA30PM SAT 9:00AN 5:00PM CLOSED SUNDAY 222 KENNEDY STREET OAFLANDr CA- 94606 (510-533-92'90 Work Order 11022 1x voice 144366 Reprint 12/01/200? 11022 .09:50 :25 1024,53 Year /Make 96 BOSTON WHALER NRC ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES Model: IM.LPACT 21 Loa.: 21 1605YEIRRY PT CG Nurnbe r, lirs: OTL SPILL A-�T TN:MARCU S ALAMEDAt CA 94501- Serial NO: nWCPA033L596 V�Soel: BF1 50/BANJ1 301378 510-719-0076 WK#510-749-1390 Warr: INVOICE FOR WORK PERFORMED FOR BOAT/VESSEL NEW HONDA 150\ OWNERS INSTALL NEW HONDA 150 (T/M) 0% 00n PO 250434 JOB #31532 INSTALL NEW HONDA, 150 AND SAVE OLD MOTOR Part Number Detcription List Qt Price Ext Price 0 82 07 -1 0W3 OMFC-W OlLflOW30 FC-W 7 6.58 46,06 SHOP 10 4 GA BAIT CAL 1 44.,50 44-50 R.B)? 15 0 AXX HONDA 1509P 4-STR 12410,00 1 1165 800 11658.00 Stock No 4186 DANJ-1301378 06240-ZW5-U40 BOX RI's, R. 1 249-99 249.99 36452-ZW7-1 1 OAR I-GN/STP PNL W/PGM I 19b•99 199.99 32205-ZY6-025AH 20-WIRE MAIN HR N, ,69 1 169 106. 37250 -ZW5-01OZA T_ACH/Hl� METER BKI 1 8706 .99 87.99 37260-ZW5-00OZA BK TRIM METRR 1 62.69 62.69 37450-ZW5-000ZA BK VOLTMETER. 1 18W69 18,.,69 32103-ZW7-000AH I TRENT HARNI F AR 75.,.44 7 5 44. MI S C RIGGING SARD 1 75.00 7 5.0 0 301947X22r4T 33C SUPR.EMF, 111024 2 68.49 136.98 58130-ZY3-015A 3X15 1/4 X 15 AL 1 162-98 162-98 Material: 12925-00 Date Description Ro-urs Price 11/30/2007 216 INSTALL NEW MOTOR 16,00 1568.00 Labor: 1568-00 Subtotal., $14493-00 A, 2 2 REPAIR BILGE PUMPS (T/ M) 0% comp BOTH BILGE PAPS NOT WORXING Part Numbex Description List Qt Price Ext price BP0540 COUPLER REPAIR XI 1 48.00 48-00 S4-1597 RULt-A-MATIC PLUS 2 56..79 113.58 MERCURY-FREE 50-1025 RULE 500 PUMP 1 28.49 28.49 ma tear. al" 190,07 'ell 9 9_60 8002 /Z-T/OT Mf"AT'R uu U orive on m-F 8*.,3oAm 5 3 0PM SAT 9:00AM 5.*.00PM CLOSED SUNDAY 333 KENNEDY STREET. 0AKL_kND CA. 94606 (510)-533-9290 Work Order 11022' Invoice 144366 Reprint 12/01/2007 11022 09 50"_ 25 102453 Year/Hobe 9 6 BO STON WHALER NRC ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES Modell: IMPACT 21 Loa 21 1605 PERRY PT CG Number.: Hrs OIL SPILL ATTN:MARCUS ALAMEDAf CA 94501- Serial No: BWCPAD33L596 Vessel e. DF1 50/BANJI 301378 510-719-0076 WIC #51 0 -749 -1 390 warxe INVOICE FOR WORK PERFORMED FOR BOAT/VESSEL NEW HONDA 150\ OWNERS w ift 1 INSTALL NEW HONDA 150 (T /M} 0% CO PO#250434 JOB #31532 INSTALL NEW BONDA 150 AND SAVE OLD MOTOR Part Number Description Llat Qt Price Ext Price 08207-10W30MFC-W OlLrIOW30 FC-W 7 6,58 46,06 SHOP 10 4 GA BATT CARL 1 44.50 44-50 aB_V150AKX HONDA 15014P 4-STR 12410,00 1 11658, 00 116S8_00 Stock No 4186 BA J- 1301378 06240-ZW5-V40 BOX ICITr R. 1 249-99 249.99 36452--ZW7-1110A3 IGN/STP PAL W/PGV1 1 199.99 199.99 32205-ZY6-02SAIi 20-WIRE M7�LIW HRN 1 106-69 106.69 37250-ZW5-01 OZA TACH/HR MIETER BK 1 8?.99 87.99 37260-ZWS-DOOZA BK TRIM METER,�FA 1 62.69 62.69 37450-ZWS-OOOZA BX V0=METERrFA 1 18.69 18.69 32103-ZW7-00DA14 I TPMqT HALRN., FAR I 7S.44 75-44 1 MI SC RIGGING S= 1 75,00 75-00 301947X22FT 33C SUPREME 111.24 2 68.49 136.98 58130-ZY3-015A 3X15 1/4 X 15 AL 1 162.98 162-98 Material: 12925.00 Date Description x1purs PrIae 11/30/2007 216 INSTALL NEW MOTOR 16,Oo 1568.00 Labor: 1568.00 Subtotal, 9 $14493A0 2 2 REPAIR BILGE PUMPS (TIM) 0% CON BOTH BILGE PUMPS NOT WORKING Part Numhar Description list Q t y Price Ex Price BPOS40 COUPLER REPAIR R1 1 48-00 48.00 54-1597 RULE-A-MATIC PLUS 2 56.79 113-58 MERCURY-FREE 50-1025 RULE 500 PUMP 1 28.49 28-49 Material: 190.07 S P A M% ZG/TO 3,9VJ Work o rder 11022 Invoice 144366 Reprint Pa 10/17/2008 11022 09- 50-26 Date Descri Hours Price 11/30/2007 21 REPAIR BILG1,1 PMwfPS 1,00 98.00 Labor: 98,00 Subtotal^ $288,07 3 3 0 STEERING CYLv SALTIED UP (T/M) 0% COT STEERING CYLINDER ALL SALTED UP AND WILL 'NOT COME OFF OLD MOTOR. FRONT HELM LEAX1UG AND WILL NOT WORK 1PROPERLY AT HIGH RPM part Number Description Li9t Qt Pride Ext Pr i C Q TLHHC5345 PIVOT FRONT MOUNT 1 677,.00 677oOO. 88-6004 S FA STPR 14YD�UL 1 2 16,59 33.18 LT. Materialz 710.18 4 4 INSTALL VHF RADIO (T/M) 0- C T,NSTALL NEW VRF RADIO PACE GE Part Number Description List 00 Qt Price Ext Price I ICOM M422 VHF RAD 1 399.00 399.DD 10-2161 MOUNT STAINLESS 59-99 1 49.99 49-99 27-1500 CLAMSHELL 'VENT 1- 4.59 4.5.9 Material.. 453-58 Date Description Hours pr ice 12/01/2007 216 INSTALL VHF RADIO KIT 1-.50 147.00 Labor: 147-00 Subtotal: $600..58 Date Brou In: 11/26/2007 Total Mate rz'.al: $14278.83 Date Promised 12/17/2007 Total Labor: $18-13,00 Date Conipleted 12/01/2007 Tax $1249o4O Date invoiced 12/01/2007 Total Amount: $1 7341 Z3 W $0.00 V bky,?ad33c,sq(. Z0 39Vc4 TO:OT BOOZ/LT/01 09: 00 5105333050 SERVICE PAGE 01105 OUTBOARD MOTOR SHOP O PEN M-F 8 3 0AM 5 3 0PM SAT 9 O OAM 5-00PH CLOSED SUNDAY 333 �NNEDY STREET OANLAND, cA. 94606 (510)-533-9290 work order 11015 Invo'ce 144478 Reprint 08: 54t40 12/05/2007 11015 102453 NRC EN V�RQMENTAL SERVICES 1605 FERRY PT OIL SPILL ATTN-MARCUS 0 ALAXEDAr CA 94501- Y ear /Make,-, BOSTON WHALER Mode 1 25 GUARDIAU Loa: CG Number: Q 11 Hr a Ar w 510,719-0076 WK#510,749-1390 serial No: 3031293 Vossol: 2200TXEOC/GO3948099P Warr-. OICE F OR W ORK PERFORMED FOR B OAT/VESSEL SZ00TXE0C/G03948099P OWNERS CHECK OUT (T/M) PO#7150434 JOB #31532, LEAK TESTED BOTH ENGINES PORT OK. FOUND COIL LEADS MISROUTED COP,_RFCTED_ CRECKED STBD SIDE-OK ALSO CORRECTED R OUTING OF COILS LEADS, C5ECXED GEARDIL ON BOTH. ENGINES NEEDS TO BE CHANGED. PORT WON'T START NO SPARK TO #3 45 CYL,INDER. STBDw WON'T START OARS LOADED UP WITH OIL+ WATER TESZED AFTER ALL REPAIRS P�FORMED STBD ENGINE POPS OUT CF GE AR UNDER A LOAD Date Description Price 11/30/2007 214 Check out 2.00 196.00 12/04/2007 21.4 WATER TEST 1.50 147-00 Labor: 343,00 2 2 ELECTRICAL N 0% CHECKED DA- TIER IES BOTH BAD INSTALLED 2 N.73W BAT TERIBS REPLACED 1 NEGATIVE BATTERY CABLE TILAT WAS BAD. RUNNING LIGHTS I; .qo p CHECXED FOUND FUSE HOLDER CORRQID REPLACED RETE part Number DescriptiOn Lint Qt Price Ext Price 'EAT 4 24M-X�M HIGI-1 OUTPUT 2 89.95 179-90 SHOP LUGS /WRZ-:�-1/ 2' CABLE 1 18.00 1 B.00 54-3500 PERKO FUSE PANEL FU 1 BA9 B.99 Material-, 206,89 Da-te Descriptioxl Hours Price 11/20/2007 221 BATT8RIES/LUGS 11,00 98.00 12/05/2007 214 'RTJNNING LIGRT8 0-50 49.00 Labor: 147,00 Subtotal, $353,89 A B AND LUSEr 3 1036 TUN V4-V6 CARB (T/M) 0% CO FORT ENGINE LEAK TESTED OK NO ST A RK To #3 #4 SPARKe CHA GEAR OIL AND WASjjFR PRESSURE AND VA CUUM CHECK LOWER UNIT, CHECY SyNC, AND LINK, REPLACE P LUGS t LUBE MOTOR, LUBE STEERING, CE R C Irr, PROP AND SHAFT, REPLACE FUEL FILTERf, TEST RUN AND C1112C.X SHIFT AND RUNNING TEMPERATURE. TOROUE HEADS/ NGPAI a'3 1 SOR 1) 10/1,G1/2008 09'.'00 5105333050 SER��ICE PAGE 02/05 Work Order 11015 lavoice 14447B Reprint Pa ISO 1 6/2008 08:54-:40 NEXT SERVICE SHOULD BE PERFORMED AFTER ONE SEASON OR AFTER APPROXIMATLY 100 HOURS OF RUNNING TIME part Number Description List Qt Price, Ext Price Q L78YC PAR PLUG 6 .5-72 34-32 502906 FUEL FILT 10 MIC 1 9.98 9.98 311598 WASHER 10 PR- 2 o.96 1.90 SHOP GEAROILMREASE 1 18.45 18.4S HHHZZZ HAZARD WASTE 1 1.79 1.79 Material: 66-44 Date De s cript 14orl Pry'ce 11/30/2007 214 �service 2,00 196.00 Labor 196,00 subtotalA $262.44 4 1036 TUNE AND LURE V4 -V6 CARE (T /M) 0% co ST:BD. ENGINE LEAX TES TED OX MIECKED SPAP%Xj CHANGE GEAR OIL AND WASHER S PRESSURE AND VACUUM CRECK LOWER UNIT, CHECK SYNC AND LINK, REPLACE PUGS LUKE MOTOIZr LEE STEERING, CHECK PROP AND SERFT, REPLACE FUEL FILTER., TEST RUN AND CHECK SHIFT AND RUNNING TEMPERA's URE& TORQUE I-1EADS, -sXT SERVICE S�IOULD BE PE ,FORMED AFTER .ONE Nr SEASON 0 AFTE APPROXIMA-TLY 100 HOURS OF RUNNING TIMF, P Number Description List Qt P r 3. C e Ext Price Q L78YC SPAYZ7-r<PLUG 6 5.72 34.32 50 290 6 FUEL FILT 10 MIC 1 9.98 9.98 311598 WASHER 10 PX- 2 O�95 1,90 SHOP GEAROIL/GREASE 1 18,45 18.45 �ffzzz RAZARD WASTE. 1 1-.79 1.79 Naterialf-I 66,44 Date Deooript ion Hours Price 11/30/2007 214 service 2.00 196.00 Labor& 196,00 Subtotal: $262-44 5 1078 WATER PUMP (V6 V8) (T/M) 0% 'a O! PORT ENGINE REMOVE AND REP LACE WATE� PUMP ASSY. CLEAN WATER SAS SAGE S IN LOWER UNIT- TEST RUN AiqD CRUC X OPERXTING TEMPERATURE. part Number Description List Q4my Price Ext Price 5001595 KIT AY PUMP 1 77.33 77.33 Material: 77,33 PA 10/16 2003 09:00 5105-OJ33050 SERVICE PAC-E 03/05 Work Order 1101 5 I-nvolce 1 4447 8 Reprint Pa 10/16/2008 11015 08:54: Date Description Hours pxiaa 11 214 water pvmp 2.,00 196.00 Labor; 196.00 Subtotal: $273-33 6 1078 VIA TER PUMP (V6 V8) (T/M) 0,% COM13 STBD- ENGINE RISIMOVE 7 ►ND REPLACE WATER PUMP ASSY. CLEAN WATER PAS 5AQES IN LOWER UNIT- TFST RUN AND CHECK OPERATING TEMPERATURE. Part Number Descript-.11on List Qty prioe Ext Price 5001593 KIT AY,IMP�LLRR 1 41-98 41 .98 Materl"Lal: 41.98 Date De5cription Hours P=ice 11/30/2007 214 water pump 196-00 L 2-.00 abor: 196oOO .0 Subtotal.. $237,98 7 3 z steer-lin (T/M) 0% S OR 11YDRALIC STEEPING RAM HAS NICKS ON IT HELM LEAXING. WE REMOVED RELM PAM HAD TO USE A TORCH TO GET APART. INSTALLED NEW RAM HELM FIL LED SYSTEM BLEED. CHANGE I ANCHOR ON STEERING WITH A GOOD USED ONE: Part Number Descriptioxi Lis t Qt Price Ext psi ce 88-6220 SEASTAR TT -HOSES S 1 1149-99 1149.9-9 SHOP USED STEERING A14M 1 10.'00 10.00 SHOP FLUID 18..ss 18.55 Material: 1178.54 Date Description Ho' r.9 Price 12/03/2007 214 STEERING 5.00 490.00 Labor 490.00 Subtotal, $1668.54 lip, 4 throttle/shift (T/M) 0 C lii PORT THROTTLE SHIFT P%,Ms STRIPPED REPLACED WITH USED ARMS REPLYCED STBD THROTTLE ARM WITH GCQU USED ONE AS OLD ONE WAS CORROIDED. ALSO REPLACED MISSING BOLT ON POWERSEAD BASE- STBD tMOVED ARM SHIFT ARM MISSING BUSHING FE 4PLACED BUSH ING RE COTTER PIN. Part Xumbe-r Description List Qty Price Ext Price SHOP. US�D SHIFT/THROTTLE 1 40w00 40-00 material: 40.00 Date Description Hours Price 12/03/2007 714 SHIFT/TEROTTLE 3,00 294.00 Labor,. 294,00 1W Subtotal. $334,00 9 5 A TBD ENGINE (T M) 0% COTE- STBD ENGINE WON'T START AS CARDS FULL OF OIL DRAINED OUT OJIL 5 'W 10/16/2005 09: 00 5105322060 SE PAGE 04/05 Work O de TTIVOiae 144478 rr 11015 Reprint 10/16/2008 11015 08p RUN CLEANER IN GARBS NOW ENGTNE 5T ARTS RM FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME THEN HOR14 WENT OFF TESTED FOUND VRO BAD INSTALLED NEW VRO CLEANED UP C-ARBS. CHEC1�D OIL TANK, FILLED PURGE TANK* WATER LEAY\.,TNG FROM ENGINE WE REMOVED LOWER PANS FOUND E UAUST HOSE LEAKING WE REMOVED INSPECTED OR REINSTALLED TIGHTENED CLAMP RETESTED ON FLUSHER OK REINSTALLED LOWER PANS. Part Number Description List Qt Price Ext Price 5007089 ANODE AY 1 26,39 26.39 5004558 3007420 VRQ 1 345.00 345.00 OIL XD30 TCW 3 BULK 1/2 2 9-50 1.9.00 390,39 Date Desc=1".ption Ho-urs Price 12/03/2007 214 9TBID ENGINE 4. 5 0 441.00 Labor: 441.00 Subtotal: $831-39 10 M PORT MOTOR (T/M) 0-% q O PORT MOTOR RESET LINYAat THROTTLE PLATES. NO SPARK TO #3 #5 CHANC7ED OUT RECEPTICLES. RAN ENGINE LEAN 'POPPING HAD TO REMOVE CARBSt D I SAS SEMBLED f CLEAN8D OUT, REASS CABBED REINSTALLED ADJUSTED- TIMER BAS STUCX REMCV2D FLYWHEEL CLE2�NED LUBED TIME BASE RE INN TALLER FLYWHEEL. GROMMET LEARING ON EXHAUST HOUSING REP 7DACED- POWERHEAD LEAKING AT BASE G2 Sl,�.ET REMOVED POWEFJJT;AD CLEANED UP SURFACES REINSTALLED POWERREAD 'IT14 NEW GASKET. CHECKED OIL TANK FILLED PURG' E. RETESTED ON FLUSHER VRO FA.T►ED REPLACED* Part Number De8cription List Qt Price Ext Price 5007420 KIT AYrF PUMP&LMTR 1 345400 345-00 hi I nn f 1 3-. ht S PP 4 -ei 1 8.55 8.55 333879 GASIKETo PWHD-ADPT 1 18,..69 18.69 345586 GROMMET INSERT 1 58--14 58-14 301967 0 RING M 1 3r61 3.61 512256 -PT-N 481817-AF,44 M 3 1.67 51-01 OIL3 XD30 Tcw 3 13ULK 1/2 2 9.50 19w00 Material 45a.00 Date Description Hours Price 12/0-3/2007 214 PORT MOTOR 12.50 1225-00 Labor: 1225.00 Subtotal: $1683-00 7 trailer" (T/M) 0% QoLup-, ills tall heav dut tongue jack chan coupler on front of traller. Part Number Deacxiptiox Litt Qt PrjL-C.e Ext Price FUA256C 4 2 5/16 COUPLER 142,30 142-30 FLIED 2500 HD TCNGUE JACK 1 105.32 105.,32 41-1854 ANC iOR S RAC KLE, 3/8 2 2.60 5,,20 ki mat tea' r mar alff 215.24 82 bU_1GPA3o3 129 �j 10/1G/2000w 09s060 5105333050 SERVICE PACE 05/e5 Work Order 11015 Involve 144A78 ReprInt Pa 10/16/2008 11015 08:54:40 Date Degcription Hours Price 12/04/2007 214 TFAILER 1,00 98.00 Labor: 98"00 Subtotal; $350-82 STBD ENGINE LOWER (T/M) 0% C STBD ENGINE (COUNTER ROTATION) LOWER UNIT OP OUT OF CE A UNDER A-LOAD. WE INSTALLED -A GOOD USED LOWER UlTIT TOOK NEW WATER 'PUMP OFF OLD LOWER PUT ON USED LOWER CHANG-EID GEAR OIL REWATER TESTED, Part Number Description List Q t y prj Ext Price SHOP USED LOWER COUNTER 1 1800 00 1800.00 SHOP GEAROIL/GREASE 1 18.45 18.45 Material: 1818-45 Date Description Hours 12/05/2007 210 LOWER/RETEST 2.00 196,00 .6 Labor-. 196�.00 Subtotal: $2014,45 nay e Brou In: 11/20/2007 Total Material: $4597.28 Date Promised 12/11/2007 Total Labor, IV $401 Date 'let 'cl i' Co e mp 12/05/2007 Tax-, $401.95 Date Invoiced 12 To tal Amount, 9G17.23 $0.00 ��.eacP�a3a 3 iz Reprint summar Of Invoice 4-*144084** 11/23/2007 h 105 Work 0.r **11016 for 102453 SRC EN'VIRCMEXTAL SERVICES Phone- 510-719, 1605 FERRY PT 0 0076 OIL SPILL ATTNs:lxlARCUS Fax: 510-749,4150 AL. CA 94501 Fax: DON 719-0076 keven Part Number Descript�,on Qt pric4z-� Ext Price 175158 G-2AR OIL AND LUBE VALVE 6PK 1 20.00 2o.00 26-1040 311598 r4EAD POLE AssEM13Ty, 'WAMER 1 1 6.68 29-39 6.68 317245 10 P-K. SPRTRG M 2 0.95 29-39 1 318395 VALVE 1 2-74 .90 2,74 512�56 512-4.78 1 PIX 481817-A-844 M 2- ..4 3.61 1.67 7.22 582365 COVER IGN CCIL M SP PLUG LEAD Ay 1 .3-71 6-68 3.71 5841 HEMZZ KIT AyiIGDT COIL M 3 1 12-77 36.21 38-31 Labor HA'17JA-RD WASTR DIAG. GET RUMNI 1�11 36-21 1.11 3 21 93 2 332369 C-1kSKET TERMST 1OPK 2 0-66 375,()o 5005440 GASIU-1,1T DRIL 10PR THERM Ay 2 0-74 132 1.48 Labor REPL THE 2 50-22 Labor WATER TEST, D2LY 294-00 147-00 8ales subtotal: TaX (Area 1): 1022.97 Fl INVOICE TOTAL: 1 8, 0-li 1040■9 C l "arge to Accourl 102453 040 ,98 00-AT gZ2z c —x 34q-- On-the-mmter marine sales and services. 333 Kenned S [reef, Oakland', CA W606 Where f ir e professicnc(15 shop! 0 0 w"Iv. ou I boo An;-, to rskop com whoro Ystc Pkone 510,533,9290 Fox 510.53:3.3374 �Y T i f17 t o �4 91 7% j 4 tit L.;) 4 t .3 .19 t T oil t Received b X unless Olherwisespeci W, pa of !his invoice is due or) the 156 of tka month 10110"Yin ol purc ase.Nrcho�ni vcmees Io pm 1.5% purnowh inlere5f ai oil past am balances annuol percenlo role of 161. and all reascau to CO515 and n1lornc fees incurred in culfeaiun ot" this account, it m,-4er-iur 1-4c) refunds on insfutled P aris, special orders, alectrica" ports, or corburclor ossem6lse5, Reloms i�uUUed io j 5%jI 6ni-IJ16 clean a. Adc6rat cmd refunded g cx>ds riusl Ee orcampanied b IN5 inya;ce No rater ;s accepip.8 agar 30 t4a from delp- of Invoice, rr er ine so 01 services, Were t h e professiona s hop d Motor Sh 4 e 0 m Wh€ ra rise Fratessfarrrrds Shop! ,s '4 333 Kennedy Sheet, 041and, CA 9A606 lvvv w. ou [boctr d i tiolar s tiop .corr, Phone 510.533.9290 a Fax 510,533.3374 `.r i y 1, f r•e r y r i r' f a et 3 u r I fi n, 9 3f3 f.y P' 4 j •1' F a j F., 9f •t Y r s i r S y ♦e_ A T? Qf' i ii s- i "r �4.� R',� r` x .F a 1 it �ti a .r�.. :t r° F Z t -e Ly s_ Y tea.»...,... r r.n ..r.. y y..� _,fir. t F rF ti ...yam.. r f..... _,...,.a w. tt z! V V z f�nC I r 131•, 1111 ,J Recaiv.od by X F r t r� 1 ul d a urrj}r :e. FLa&oser' agrees In f�a 1. per �nont� interes{ ir) >�l past dUla �iO yes, 431MU31 p�c'c�Ma�aa rde 0 1 s Unless czfer.�5 E�ii, €Ystnt cl il�E ir i uv air l!t �tl� ralx t d o ria n i le Tnc rr�d in C -06",t on al INS a= eauni, I necessary. No r i'voolled porm, spn�rsn c� rclers, lecf�'icai ;�rar4s or ccrr urelcr Lass mlalles. al urn su }ec! In l��,d ing r,nd n!I r ,osorm6la coils ari ch arge: All �Irlts and �eluazded gca cls must lar: �zc�mpc�tr��d �y tl,�s In< <a�ce. Igo fet:.rcrs;. �cre�t,�c� c���r days >sxn die o r.��,��. City of Alameda Alameda .Reuse and Redevelopment Authority To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment .Authority From: Debra K.urita Executive Director Date: January 7, 2009 v Re: Alameda Point Update Presentation of the Alameda Point Draft Redevelopment Master Plan BACKGROUND On July 18, 2007, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), Community Improvement Commission (CIC), and City Council approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with SunCal Alameda Point LLC (SunCal) for the redevelopment of Alameda Point. The 24 -month ENA established key performance milestones, provided for reimbursement of ARRA staff and third party costs, identified activities to be completed by third party entities, and specified key personnel assigned to the project. The ENA was amended in March 2005 to provide more time to complete two tasks: preparation of the Development Concept and related documents, and preparation of the draft master plan. In addition, SunCal was required to deposit $350,000 a quarter, and spend $117,000 a month, for consultant costs to ensure progress on developing the required documents. The ENA was further amended in October 2005 to allow a transfer of ownership interest in SunCal to a new entity that is providing project financing. As part of approving the second amendment, the deadline for submitting the draft master plan was extended 30 days to December 19, 2005. On September 19, SunCal submitted the Development Concept and related documents, including a business plan, infrastructure plan, draft update of the Sports Complex Master Plan, and draft project pro forina. SunCal gave presentations on the Development Concept to eight boards and commissions during October to receive feedback, and they presented it to the ARRA Board on November 5 and November IS. SunCal evaluated the comments received from City boards and commissions and the ARRA as part of preparing the draft master plan. T7T ,qCTT .qgTC)N On December 19, 2005, SunCal submitted its .Alameda Point .Draft Redevelopment Master Plan (Master Plan), a Sports Complex Master Plan Update (Update), and a Business Plan for the proposed project outlined in the master plan. In addition, the City retained Fehr and Peers to Honorable Chair and Members of the January 7, 2009 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 of 2 prepare a Transportation Strategy to support the land uses identified in SunCal's Master Plan. The Master Plan and Update, along with the Transportation Strategy, are public documents. Pursuant to the terms of the ENA, the Business Plan is a confidential document. The public documents were posted on the Alameda Point web site www. alanheda- pint. cons and made available at the Alameda Free Library on Monday, December 22, 2005. All of the documents, including the Business Plan, were transmitted to the ARRA Board members under separate cover. SunCal is presenting its Master Plan and Update to the ARRA Board at its January 7, 2009 meeting. Submittal of the Master Plan and related documents is a mandatory milestone pursuant to the FICA. These documents are a further refinement of SunCal's land plan and assessment of financial feasibility. The Master Plan addresses design principles, the land plan, transportation, sustainability, infrastructure, and next steps. The Business Plan includes the current project pro forma and its supporting documents. Following the presentation of the Master Plan to the ARRA Board, S unC al will continue to fulfill its obligations under the ENA, including supporting negotiations with the Navy for a conveyance tern sheet, finalizing an exchange agreement for Public Trust properties, refining the proposed land plan and project pro forma, and continuing due diligence in such areas as historic preservation and environmental clean -up. SunCal's next mandatory milestones are a ballot initiative deterihination, a written election to submit an entitlement application or pursue a ballot initiative, due on April 30, 2009, and a finalized Navy conveyance terns sheet due on July 3 l 2009. FINANCIAL IMPACT This staff report is for information only and no action is required. Therefore, there is no financial impact on the ARRA and General Fund budgets. RECOMMENDATION Receive public comment and provide feedback on SunCal's Alameda Point Draft Redevelonnhent Master Plan. RjAp,,AyMlly submi Leslie Development,,, rvices Director I Debbie Potter Base Reuse and Community Development Manager DI JLAL /DP do Ctv of Alameda V Alameda Reuse and Redevelo meat Authority To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Debra Kurita Executive Director Date: January 7, 2009 Re: Department of veterans Affairs (VA)/Navy Presentation Regarding the Navy /VA Federal -to- Federal Transfer at Former NAS Alarneda BACKGROUND In 1993, when. the Navy announced that it was closing Naval Air Station Alameda, the United States Fish and wildlife Service (USF&W) formally submitted a request for a Federal-to -Federal transfer of the western portion of the former base. USF &w requested a transfer of approximately 550 acres of dry land and loft acres of submerged lands to provide a refuge for two endangered species, the California Least Tenn and the California Brown Pelican. The Davy and USF &w were unable to reach agreement on the terns of a Fed -to -Fed transfer and in 2004, the Navy began discussions with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) about the opportunity for a Fed --to -Fed transfer to meet the VA's goal of a permanent location for VA facilities to serve Bay Area veterans. In November 2006, the VA formally requested a property transfer from the Navy. The VA made a presentation to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) at its December 5, 2007 meeting. The VA proposed developing 113 acres of the 550 -acre site with a colurnbariuzn, a community hospital that would serve the community as well as veterans, a medical office building and a VA out patient clinic. The remainder of the site would be devoted to protecting and maintaining the least tern colony. Since December 2007, the VA has been: 1) wor%ing with the Navy on a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the terrns and conditions of the proposed transfer, 2) preparing for the anticipated consultations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act with the USF &w, as required for Federal agencies when an endangered species nzay be impacted by property transfer and /or development, and 3) preparing an Environrnental Assessnnent (E-A) as required pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to determine any environmental impacts of the proposed property transfer and/or development. Honorable Chair and Members of the January 7, 2009 Alan.eda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 of 3 The VA and Navy held a public information meeting on December 18, 2008, and a request was made at that tine that the presentation be made to the Y Board at its January 7, 2009 meeting. The presentation is for informational purposes and no action is required. DDT Cl TON The December 18, 2008 public information meeting was held aboard the USS Hornet and approximately 100 people attended the meeting. The VA and Navy made a power point presentation regarding the proposed project and answered questions from. the audience. The power point presentation was posted on the Alameda Point web site (www.alaineda-point.com on December 22, 2008. A shortened version of the presentation will be made to the ARRA. A copy of the presentation is attached to the staff report. The public information meeting was conducted consistent with NEPA. The VA and Navy outlined the need for the project, the proposed land plan, the alternative land plans that will be analyzed as part of the NEPA process, and the key environmental resources that will be considered in the E.A. Several audience members asked questions and provided comments. The VA and Navy also outlined a schedule for completing the envirom rental review for the proposed property transfer. The initial public cornment period Concludes on January 20, 2009. The draft EA will be published in Spring 2009. There will be another public comment period on the draft EA, and the final EA will be published in the Summer 2009. Staff anticipates submitting comments during the initial public comment period requesting the VA and Navy to analyze the project impacts on public services and facilities, particularly transportation and municipal services. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact from receiving a presentation from the VA and Davy on the proposed Fed -to -Fed transfer of a portion of NAS Alameda. RECOMMENDATION This r eport for only action is required ull I I a 'b p��. T1 'Be31vd� �`+'i� S' ec r ��e- •Y y Leslie Kittle Development Services Director By eb ie Potter Base Reuse and Community Development Manager Honorable Chair and Members of the AIameda Reuse and. Redevelopment Authority DI`LAL /DP.dc January 7, 2009 Page 3 of Attachment I. VAJNavy Pourer Point Presentation Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 1 g NAS :��:do c: —d in 1937 y Di 7F�£:sc opett�+ aL ��AS A :a eL.cx� C'��: :.S s d.�i o` by the BsRAC yy %i7rnmission r� qp t kg e r of f 'y �ry e t..iLS 3 r F ed t o Fed ed Li LRE�ifoam r F S -a irfie ;d for ,p -)se .c k +�r.`i �5.3ge refuge, in De ber r 03, the Navy and the ySF WS reach -o'd a Im re in tramsf er of this real prop,,,. rt of Si tire the es; F�C-1 has iy�G[. e Fp�/wo kin v 4vi�t h G F t /o r� famed ay�- e 3 V�S!�yrs arc i�[1d U L:cal C Gde v d'.e t Guth �r y i[ te n Fc;�J- to.,7• ed F `o kytr�a of The e p C o�: C ct i. Y a pl�o/'■t frorr; tI1e N avy t q VIk, Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 1 VHA needs in VA Sierra Pacific Network VHA Mission Arl��i V�.,it"f8fIs 2004 Nav makes%/Aawam of oopommi� veterans b vidin primar r of prope-t� at NAS Nam-eda. Serves 1 .1 mil lio V n eterans N avwn ber 2004 VA Secr e.,a. v sef ?L Fbi frlcJ of Irtent Ic, intleres�"I-,-5 acquir.ln related medical, sur N f, IAS .he. orn%er� �41am b r 2 005 'VA r=d N a vT i r7 i t ate s K s D i i,@L� t iin c w t I Greater, Ba Area VBA %upport Oftce, November 2006 VA Sencretary, Ninrilsor, makes 'ormv: Navv VHA needs in VA Sierra Pacific Network VHA Mission veterans b vidin primar VHA Serves 1 .1 mil lio V n eterans State-olf�-the-all VHA Outptaderq C'Inic Ic serve ve'Mrar-sM N-orffiem J�.ejmadln Count related medical, sur N NGA VA C of to serve Vcatorans in the Greater, Ba Area VBA %upport Oftce, VHA needs in VA Sierra Pacific Network VHA Mission (Northern Califoenia/Northern Nevada) Se te the needs of America's veterans b vidin primar Serves 1 .1 mil lio V n eterans f..,.arle, specializ care, and Over 300,,000 Patients related medical, sur N Ike rpental he�,alth and social Six major Medical Centers support services. 27 Outpatient Clinics Presentation to ARDA I\J-% 01/07/09 2 C-3 NCA Msn The National Cemetery Administration h onors veterans with f inal resting pima in national shrines and with lasting tributes that commemorate their service to our nation. Source: 2000 US Census extrapolated to 2007 a A l a� g.[;rvlces L urre:ltfy o 2° the 00C fld W di;` c be Prr a :d ,-i r.-�, st i- t1 )e -aF1 P t N arneda F int2 c id +;ri;lf 1"ic 13 d e Phr —ary e0are Eye Clinic Urgent �JC.�� 1L iJ�'�.�L�CL�f �''�f I"L"- -`."4 `C�� �3LrrSiii' a I l/SuYCif. cal Subspeciaffies> Dental x C�S i.� S q P% t •�e�i 'k'�i t�:.J An Fb �Fi. a4: r Y L.. atory arid Radi o y x D Iivsi a' 3 hf.�r I DOD A�Y:k.iuie7irxv Ca e '..rflYi ;c ^G�i- Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 3 VHA Outpatient Clinic Other Space/Acrea sitin Criteria Considerations Re located "-ithiii a 30 min Ama wit-h ,Jense 30""000 crnss 'j 5 hetjrs VeL;�rzjarl P opulation S jlk�-t OPC Location Area: to loml 49.50 115 ac.-es "and uses Space Ac reage cofntrp cos'm 'C'o-unt --me Acce s V. pu""ic a-res Ei. A 1 a n e, C n/ VBA cc,�,ft:-d 4..05 6.a"t-1,14., Pvoid Oft) ze fli P ath OF airpotz, Cq, Qand d ue 4.`.3 15 P 05t tra-IjimatUr Stress VV' San FFan09-5,-.e Ba,,� s Service Area Other Considerations (Catchment Area) Ar-�� densel veneran Co':.umbaria tnai. 9011,�-, sUffic-ent f,,-;r at least a 40- would serve of weSC,hin a 175 rml� m6us ,,,f pr0 s$-m che sa,- Ba Area veterans 5 hetjrs 75 IT,- -Nr -les Fix, s`bRlt Che'r re-,.�dence a',alab"Rity of water and utibbes "and uses Space Ac reage Re quals f r soi-s a-res re.]F ri dUnns o ---pment Presentation to ARDA a,c IxrI% 01/07/09 4 ALI. VA FACILITIES LOCATED ON TRANSFER PARCEL VAwou".d acouire 5.49-ar-:c- -,arcel fron, Nav Kira Feed. �o- F-ed -rap-s-er and 1 3-acre 1 e. lthe L."te wo-ft-,-'be, deve the fcz:' O-Mn NCA GoiumbaHa Cemeter C amm u nit Hospital with heli EU L ;2 -50, 60 s ftJ2 5 acres VA Support Officns I Medical Offlre BuMings sq, t./2" ecries) Other Proposed Uses Natzire Use e U o Asting btmkers fol, szorage of emler s -pl-es Alteirnative C (Aelbbteo 66 A 7 t f'VHX A I WM: 3 NCA CEMETERY ON FED-TO-FED TRANSFER PARCEL VHA OUTPATIENT CLIMC AT OTHER ALAMEDA POINT SfTE Wk -v., o Wd a c: u i e 5 4 9 a r, r; --1 P 3 F e 1 fi, o m Na v y v a 'F; d t o- I:: e d T a i -i --,f e r NCA Cemefery dcEv&1opear -or, 5419-acre trar--sfar 3>31rce-1 VHA Omtpale5�.,t C-Nnic E tabfis%hed a-, az AL-.me---da Point VA Rf-, 9 ,.vm a 1 0 ff i eq �4, ou Id r rn a r. i n� 0 a -ND corer -.-n ^i hospim, or rnedc-A, office space pmposr-4J, ',,)A,-vaWd not. pLn-,u -o e jn!�Has T a `-m I m e r: s a !,,,e m, a I \f A V O;j I A rt e e ,4 0 p kj rr li, C Of" V arreda Point A* li t een' C A a IV pme.t.ei yon M� P IN .0 d IA CEMETERY ON FED-TO-FED TRANSFER PARCEL VHA OUTPATIENT CLINIC IN OAKLAND VA kv i I d t'-qi i i j r e-, 5 4 9 -a c, r e P ,,,i rc f ro r i Na �v i a, F e d r,, e Tr s f e r NCA Gem,---te developod o-n 549-acre �rarzY*:- w c-1 VHA Ouwaflenl- Clinic a� a lor-afion, in, U 11 4 No cm-, mm. f3 n. tv h os;) -Ml o m e d i --a;: o face Spare P no po -ze --i:- �w a W d r, o 1 -k- i el p�-rsu.e EUL op�,,,�rwl:fies 4 o *his 2"Iternative, VA,,vouid need "ca purcb-ase! or lease propert Presentation to ARDA 1\1-1 01/07/09 5 1 r -Ifflc 'd b F d A o ca t r,-i r s: f r w, o, i i I c; t t a k e, F I ej; o, 'vA. f ia d! wo; j C. M7;a On the site. P ro p a i iy wc� u. d r e r, a i n Nav uovinears hip �Untdl another properly c fie4 od d b e id en U C., 'C')n-site ractivities, Ovo-.Uld bo, -imito.-d m, -'and d: %h, i t h t N I a v -1V c F. re ta k e, s t a t i i F, f t h,,,,, site ,)'he.- actions, a e, VH--,',' Heq1thc-,qre arld VBA benefits services vvuuld rerna.- �-A the (10- e'M [c),cation", N C A C iem e� t e r Se, r v i cie, s an F'r a n c i C o B y A r e a v e t P, r a r s w o u Id use the 'Smi Joaquiri National ;Cerrtetery ir-., 'Sama Nella, CA, lol�-ated c 100 miles a-,,ma the Saaame Vale Nati'm'lal C ej "Aj'-r a Ovate ce III etf,' r mill 'S I ay, or 1� M1 fdemliltv, investi cha�acterize-, and clean up hazard-ous SUbstances Reduce dsk to human health and the n from past disposa" operations and spills /releases Consistent with the Corm -,r ehensive Einvironmental Response. Compensation and "CERCLA Complete necessai- environmental work and obtaill SItel Closure, from re a Biolo ReSOL-1-CC-S Transportation Hazardous Materials Was Geolo and Soil,$ titer Rosources Utilities 0 D 1 Serv�ces Land Us e Noise V-sua" Resmirces Air Qualit CUItUFai. Resource�- Environmenta'. Juistice Presentation to ARDA 1%-M 01/07/09 6 Initial PUbliC Comment Period (until 1120109) Publication of Draft E (Spring 2009) Draft EA Public Comment Period (Spring 2009) Final E (urnmer 2009) Public Notice of Availability and FI (S ummer 2009) Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 7 R Program low F C}��'1l :7 a cre s Diaoram W est Beach V% e" -3nds 33 acres 5 's L.!,..r o se4.i E :a; '�f PSJS./ on:nn.w nt Feb 2009 S i Cit,�.� e Engi seeri g Design and I i ple, i en Re, [edy X01 W 013 g +•gam .:l ,.x.,. T i+:�'M s� t`.- y.::v� r»t �x,� a.sy.. y� ..a� Initial PUbliC Comment Period (until 1120109) Publication of Draft E (Spring 2009) Draft EA Public Comment Period (Spring 2009) Final E (urnmer 2009) Public Notice of Availability and FI (S ummer 2009) Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 7 Presentation to ARRA 01/07/09 8 Russell Resources, Inc. environmental management Alameda Point RAB Meeting on December 4, 2008 Highlights and Analysis RAB members resent: George Humphreys (outgoing co- chair), Fred Hoffman, Joan Konrad, Jinn Leach, Kurt Peterson, Dale Smith (incoming co- chair), Jinn Sweeney, Jean Sweeney, and Michael Jahn. Torrey Peter Russell, the ARRA's environmental consultant, did not attend, because much of the meeting was a year -end pot luck gathering, with few business matters on the agenda. The information presented here is from draft meeting minutes prepared by the Navy. The discussion below supplements the draft minutes with technical evaluation and analysis. Rernedi ation and other field work in progress: 0 debris pile removal along north share of Seaplane Lagoon continuing 0 removal of radiologically impacted storm drain outside Building 5 groundwater petroleum rernediation system near Atlantic Avenue entrance continuing 0 groundwater treatment at IR Site 14 (former fire training area in Northwest Territory) continuing 0 the petroleum renediation system at the southern end of the western hangar row is continuing to extract much more jet fuel than was expected New RAB Community Co- Chair: Dale Smith was elected RAB Community Co -Chair for 2009. Navy presentation of FY09 protects Sites with remedial action planned for FY09 or in progress: o IR. Site 14 (former fire training area in Northwest Territory): Groundwater at this site is being cleaned to eliminate unacceptable risks from indoor vapor intrusion with residential use, even though it is Public Trust land and residential uses are not permitted. o IR Sites 5 (Building 5, Aircraft Rework Facility) and 10 (Building 400, Missile Rework operations). Historically, dial painting wastewaters were discharged into drains connected to the storm sewer system. The Navy is resuming replacement of affected storm sewers and associated soil. A several hundred -foot segment of radiologically impacted storm drain line is under structural supports inside Building 5. The Navy claims structural considerations preclude removal of this drain line while the building in place. Upon further investigation, this might be determined not to be the case. Either the Navy must remove a portion of the building to address this remediation now, or required cleanup must be conducted in the future, once Building 5 is demolished. o IR Site 17 (Seaplane Lagoon): The ARRA urged the Navy to investigate the debris piles along the north shore of the Seaplane Lagoon for many years. The Navy's ensuing investigation showed widespread contamination, which is now RR1, 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite T, San Rofael, California 94903 415.902.3. 23 fox 815.572.8600 Page 2 of 3 Alameda Point RAB Meeting, December 4, 2008 December 18, 2008 Highlights and Analysis being excavated and hauled offsite. Following completion of the storm drain line cleanup (discussed above) and removal of the debris piles, the Navy will clean up contaminated sediments in the northeast and northwest corners of Seaplane Lagoon by excavation and disposal offsite. o IR Site 26 (western Hangar Zone): The Navy has completed its first phase of groundwater treatment to remove solvents. However, during the initial cleanup, the Navy discovered unexpected petroleum contamination, which made the treatment much less effective. The Navy is rethinking how to implement the next phase of groundwater cleanup at this site. Cleanup will allow unrestricted reuse. o IR Site 27 (Dock. Zone): This fiscal year the Navy will begin groundwater cleanup to remove solvent contamination and allow unrestricted reuse. Pilot testing will precede full -scale groundwater treatment. o IR Site 28 (Todd Shipyard): Metals contamination in soil and groundwater at this site threatens organisms in Oakland Inner Harbor. Contaminated soil will be excavated and disposed offsite. Groundwater will be treated to immobilize dissolved metals. The pilot testing phase is in progress. This site is already clean enough for residential reuse, even though such reuse is not planned. o OU -1 Sites IR Site 6 (Building 41, Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Facility): The Navy will remove an oil -water separator and treat groundwater to lower solvent contamination to drinking water standards. Although cleanup has yet to begin, once completed the site will be available for unrestricted reuse. IR Site 7 (Navy Exchange Service Station): The Navy formerly operated an incinerator at this site, which resulted in heavy contamination of soil, primarily with metals. The Navy will excavate metals contamination, with offsite disposal, to allow unrestricted reuse. Cleanup of petroleum in soil and groundwater at this site is mostly completed. IR Site 8 (Building 114, Pesticide Storage Area): Soil removal with offsite disposal will make this site suitable for unrestricted reuse. Relatively minor groundwater petroleum contamination is being addressed, but closure of this issue likely will not occur in FY09. IR Site 16 (C -2 Cans Area, Shipping Container Storage): In this area, the Navy will remove oil -water separators, excavate pesticide contaminated soil in the south, and lead contaminated soil in the north. The Navy will conduct further treatment of groundwater solvent plumes one in the south and one in the north. Sites with remedial decisionmaking planned for FY09: o IR Site 35 (west Housing Area): This site is the bulk of EDC -5 and includes most of the historic residential areas.t Much of this site likely will be reused for future residences. This site has relatively minor contamination and it will be cleaned to allow unrestricted reuse. o IR Site 1 (1943 -1956 Disposal Area): This "landfill" in the northwest comer of the former base is currently at the draft ROD stage of clean -up decisionmaking. 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, San Rafael, California 94903 415.902.3123 fax 815.572.8500 Page 3 of 3 December 18, 2008 Alameda Point RAB Meeting, December 4, 2008 Highlights and Analysis The Navy has yet to respond to the ARRA s, letter concerning additional investigation to evaluate whether the landfill is still present. o IR Site 2 (west Beach Landfill and Associated wetlands): This landfill, to the south of IR Site 1, is proposed to be transferred to the Veterans' Administration. This site is the likely recipient of wastes relocated from the former IR Site 1 landfill. o IR. Site 24 (Pier 1 and 2 Sediments): A small area of contamination under wharf Road likely will. be rernediated by excavation and disposal offsite. Cleanup of this site is challenging due to limited access under the road built over the water. other sites are still in the investigation and feasibility study stages of the CBRCLA process. These include most prominently oU -2A, which includes the former petroleum refinery; oU -2B, the area immediately south of Atlantic Avenue, which includes heavy solvent contamination of groundwater associated with Buildings 163 and 360; and O 2C, the area around Building 5, which also includes heavy solvent contamination of groundwater. The Davy has conducted several removal actions and pilot tests in these areas, but much work remains to clean up the extensive solvent contamination. The two major petroleum sites remaining on the base are currently undergoing active remediation one at the southern end of western hangar Row (CAA -C), and one near the Atlantic Avenue entrance to the former base (CAA -3). Many other petroleum sites have yet to be formally closed through the Water Board's regulatory process, but little if any further active rernediation is expected to be needed. The closure of two such petroleum. sites, AOC -23G and CAA -6, is needed to remove institutional controls restricting digging from PBC -1. PBC -1 recently received a FoST (Finding of Suitability to Transfer) determination as a prelude to transfer. PB C -1 is the site of the planned sports complex. Pro cyress Pie Charts Anna- Marie Cook, the US EPA's project manager for Alameda Point, presented two pie charts (attached) that illustrate the status of environmental cleanup at the former base. e Alameda Point Designated Reuse: This chart shows the acreages for restricted and unrestricted reuse for the portions of the base that have already had clean -up decisions made for them. of the 845 acres with reuse already decided, only 100 acres have reuse restrictions. whenever possible, Alameda Point is being cleaned for unrestricted reuse. Alameda Point Investigation and Cleanup: This chart shows the amount of land at Alameda Point in each stage of the CERCLA process. The acreage of the segments in the left half of this chart approximately equals the total acreage on the first chart. These segments are areas for which clean decisions have been made, determining suitability for unrestricted reuse. The large yellow segment, labeled Site Investigations, is primarily composed of the runways parcels proposed to be transferred to the Veterans' Administration. 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, San Rafael, California 94903 415.902.3123 fox 815. 572.8600 (n CD co Cf) c ET r-t- C CD D c 0- CD Cn CD 3 CD 0 0 CD N X CD 0 cr 3 CD 0- 0 0 w CD C C CD CD 0 0 3 C: 0 CD CD a CD CD CL CD (n CD co oo CIOE3 CD CD;:;: Cl) "13 cD cn �{n 0 0 (D 5 7 0 -cn rah LL l cn O- FD 0 OF) cn 0 m co CD w 0 1-1 CD (n co CD I M MEN IM 11 PEW W 1. co CD CD CD CL C� co I M MEN IM 11 PEW CD (n 00 I o c CD CD CD CD CD CL C� co