2009-04-01 Regular ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The meeting convened at 7:14 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding.
Present: Chair Beverly Johnson
Boardmember Lena Tam
Boardmember Frank Matarrese
Boardmember Marie Gilmore
Vice Chair Doug deHaan
2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 2009.
2 -A
2 -B. Approve the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting of the ARRA /HABOC of March 4, 2009.
2 -C. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Antiques by the Bay,
Building 13, at Alameda Point.
2 -D. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Antiques by the Bay,
Building 459, at Alameda Point.
2 -E. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Bay Ship & Yacht
Company at Alameda Point.
2 -F. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Dreyfuss Capital Partners, Building
29, at Alameda Point.
2 -G. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Dreyfuss Capital Partners, Hangar
22, at Alameda Point.
2 -H. Approve a Waiver of License Fees for Pacific Skyline Council, BSA Sea Scouts, Ancient
Mariner Regatta.
Staff requested to pull Items 2 -E, 2 -F, and 2 -G. The balance of the consent calendar was
motioned for approval by Vice Chair deHaan, seconded by Member Tam, and passed by
the following voice votes: Ayes — 5, Noes — 0, Abstentions — 0.
3 -A. LRA Presentation of Treasure Island Redevelopment - Jack Sylvan, San Francisco
Mayor's office.
Jack Sylvan of the San Francisco Mayor's office gave a powerpoint presentation of the Treasure
Island redevelopment project. After the presentation, Boardmembers asked questions
regarding the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA), its relationship with the Navy, and
if they were able to disclose their purchase price terms. Mr. Sylvan replied that he is not at
liberty to discuss the term amount. The redevelopment challenges of the ARRA and TIDA are
very similar (transportation, density, etc.) noting that ARRA's Measure A and environmental
issues are a greater challenge.
3 -B. Alameda Point Update.
Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, gave an overview of
SunCal's work over the past 60 days, including its work toward the March 26 submittal of its
Ballot Initiative. SunCal requested a Tidelands Summary be prepared. The summary was
prepared by City Attorney's office and transmitted to City Clerk's office. Once the notice is
published, SunCal can begin its signature — gathering process to be completed by June 17. If the
required number of qualified signatures is received, the City Council will have to take action to
place the initiative on the ballot by Aug. 7. Pursuant to the ENA, SunCal has until April 30 to
elect whether they're going to formally move forward with the ballot process or submit an
application that is consistent with existing law. A second milestone to be completed by April 30
is the required deposit to begin CEQA work. Staff anticipates coming back to the ARRA in May
with an award of contract for an EIR consultant. SunCal will also provide a presentation and
summary of the components of their initiative which will include a specific plan, community plan,
a Development Agreement, and various other amendments to the zoning ordinance and city's
general plan.
Member Matarrese requested that the timeline of the process be posted on the Alameda Point
One speaker, Ashley Jones, directed a question to Mayor Johnson regarding her ability to be
impartial regarding the Measure A issue as it pertains to the redevelopment at Alameda Point.
Mayor Johnson replied that the speaker time is for the public to comment on the item and not for
Janet Davis expressed concern about the contamination and the safeguards in place before
development begins. David Brandt explained to Ms. Davis that the agencies that are overseeing
the clean up are the EPA and the DTSC. Boardmembers also recommended Ms. Davis attend
the RAB meetings for more information on the environmental issues of Alameda Point.
Helen Sause spoke in support of the SunCal initiative and encouraged Alameda citizens to read
the information and understand it before making a decision.
3 -C. Alameda Point Environmental Issues Update: Radiological Substance at West Shore
of Seaplane Lagoon and Block of Oversize Debris at North Shore of Seaplane
This update is being provided to notify the ARRA board of several recent discoveries made by
the Navy in conjunction with a couple clean -up projects in the vicinity of the Seaplane Lagoon.
The Navy is currently working on amending a current clean -up contract to deal with radioactive
material, and also further investigating the block of concrete. Staff recommends that the ARRA
send a letter to the Navy with specific requests to resolve these issues including: requesting that
the Navy, as part of the analysis that they do on the radioactive material, that they rule out any
possibility that radioactive material could have come from anything other than the outfall that is
in the vicinity which carried a lot of waste from several buildings that dealt with radium paint —
and if they can't rule out that as the only possible source for that material — that they conduct a
base -wide radiological survey; the second request: that the Navy characterize the cement block
and inform of their decision on how to dispose of the concrete debris.
Dr. Peter Russell, environmental consultant, clarified the testing that would be done on the
recent discoveries.
Member Matarrese motioned to approve a letter be sent to the Navy outlining the ARRA's
requests to analyze the radioactive material and characterize the cement block (and
disposal); and to do further testing /investigation if necessary. The motion was seconded
by Vice Chair deHaan, and passed by the following voice votes: Ayes — 5, Noes — 0,
Abstentions — 0.
4 -A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)
representative - Highlights of March 5th Alameda Point RAB Meeting.
Member Matarrese reiterated that Item 3 -C covered the highlights of the March 5t" RAB meeting
and thanked Dr. Russell for bringing the item before the ARRA Board.
There were no speakers.
Member Tam requested a status report of the subcommittee established (at the March 4 ARRA
meeting) to meet with the Navy to communicate concerns. Mr. Brandt stated that the issue was
discussed with the City Attorney's office and explained that the Brown Act prohibits a quorum of
the Body from meeting outside of the limits of the City of Alameda, which hampers the ability of
the subcommittee to be effective. He requested that the Board consider limiting the committee
to two members in order to have the ability to travel outside the city limits without violating the
Brown Act. Member Tam suggested this be the Mayor's prerogative to choose the two
members. Chair Johnson accepted the recommendation but stated that the selection of the two
members will be determined at a later time.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. by Chair Johnson.
Respectfully submitted,
Irma Glidden
ARRA Secretary