2005-06-01 Regular ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, June 1, 2005 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Chair, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda Doug DeHaan, Boardmember, City of Alameda Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -C 2 -A Report from the Acting Executive Director recommending the Approval of Subleases at Alameda Point. Member Matarrese motioned for approval of the Consent Calendar items. The motion was seconded by Chair Johnson and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes — 5; Noes — 0; Abstentions — 0. 3. PRESENTATION 3 -A. Presentation/update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning Steven Proud, project manager for Alameda Point, gave a brief update on Navy Negotiations, focused on two fronts: submission of the conveyance proposal to the Navy; and the public planning process. The conveyance proposal was submitted to the Navy in May and is under consideration by the Navy right now. There have been meetings in support of that with some of the regulatory agencies, including the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and EPA. The next meeting with the Navy to discuss the contents of the proposal is June 2, 2005. Mr. Proud reminded the public and the Board that the next public workshop is on June 8'h at the Mastick Senior Center, starting at 6:30PM. Chair Johnson thanked Mr. Proud and commented on all the positive feedback she's received from the public regarding the workshops: that they appreciate all the hard work and effort and how informative and helpfiil the presentations were. Mr. Proud gave credit to Andrew Thomas, Planning Supervisor, for coordinating the workshops, and to Irma Frankel for coordinating the public outreach, and other staff members who have worked hard to make sure the workshops are successfiil. L: Coradev Base Reuse& Redevp ARR A,1\IINtTTES`,2005,June I.Regular ARRa nunutes.doc Member deHaan asked when we're expecting the Navy to respond. Mr. Proud stated that we asked for a response from the Navy by June 30"' which corresponds to the date in the conditional acquisition agreement with Alameda Point Community Partners for there election to proceed. 3 -B. Video presentation by the Alameda Naval Air Museum (ANAM). Marilyn York from the Alameda Naval Museum gave a brief (4 minutes) video presentation of the Alameda naval Air Museum (ANAM). Marilyn York and Barbara Bach were two public speakers, both requesting a long term lease with the right of renewal and the same terms for the ANAM. Member deHaan thanked them for the effort they put in it and remarked that the video was extremely informative. He commended them for the effort to get the shell improvements which were over $700,000. 4. REGULAR AGENDA ITMES 4 -A. Report authorizing the Acting Executive Director to Execute a two year lease renewal (1- year with 1 -year owner option) with Alameda Naval Air Museum (ANAM) for Building 77 at Alameda Point. In response to Member deHaan's question regarding why the agreement is in front of the Board if it's already been signed, Bill Norton explained that the agreement has not been signed by the museum association, as they indicated they want at least a 5 year and probably a 20 year lease. So they have not signed it. Mr. Norton fiirther explained that the ANAM did have a 5 year lease. However, there were performance criteria in the lease, but they did not have the ability to perform over a 3 year period because they did not have time to actually occupy the stricture until they got a certificate of occupancy in March 2004, it's not reasonable to expect them evaluated on the performance measure that they were required to. The original thought was to give them this prior year plus 2 years upcoming, so that we could review the performance criteria during that period of time. Mr. Norton advised, based upon some of the concerns that ANAM has, to modify the item to authorize the Executive Director to enter into negotiations with ANAM for the lease, rather than authorizing the existing lease agreement to be signed — enter into negotiations for a new lease. There were several speakers, including the representative from Red Bridge Media, Ken Robles, who is partnered with Veterans Administration Archival Department in Washington, D.C. in a historical video project (video taping veterans) to keep the history alive. Member Matarrese motioned for staff s recommendation to enter into negotiations for a new lease with ANAM. The motion was seconded by Member Gilmore and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes — 5; Noes — 0; Abstentions — 0. 2 L: Coradev Base Reuse& Redevp ARR A,1\IINtTTES`,2005,June I.Regular ARRa nunutes.doc 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A Oral report from APAC. Chair Lee Perez was not present and the ARRA Secretary read written comments from Helen Sause regarding her concerns on the redevelopment of Alameda Point. Chair Johnson advised that it was unclear whether Ms. Sause's written note were drafted with Lee Perez as the APAC oral report, or if she intended them to be just public comment. 5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. Member Matarrese said he would have two RAB at the July 14"' ARRA meeting. 6. ORAL COMMUNICAITONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) There was one speaker slip, Virginia Roberts, who supports Helen Sause's comments regarding appointing a citizens committee to assist with the Alameda Point redevelopment. Chair Johnson noted that public involvement is always encouraged and would like people to continue to participate in the process. 7. COMMUNICAITONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY There was no additional communications from the Board. 8. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION OF THE ARRA TO CONSIDER CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR: Chair Johnson advised that this item was a place holder in case it was needed, but that there was no item to discuss. 9. ADJOURNMENT Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary L: Coradev Base Reuse& Redevp ARR A,1\IINtTTES`,2005,June I.Regular ARRA nunutes.doc