2004-06-02 Regular ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
The meeting convened at 5:39 p.m. with Mayor Johnson presiding.
Present: Beverly Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda
2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of December 16, 2003.
2 -B. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 3, 2004.
2 -C. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 7, 2004.
2 -D. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 2004.
2 -a
Member Gilmore motioned for approval of the Consent Calendar items. The motion was
seconded by Member Kerr and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes — 4; Noes — 0;
Abstentions — 0 (Member Daysog arrived after the vote).
3 -A. Presentation /update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning.
City Manager Jim Flint introduced Stephen Proud, Alameda Point Project Manager, to present a
comprehensive review, history, and update of the Alameda Point Development status. The
presentation largely focused on the status of ARRA /NAVY Negotiations. Next ARRA /NAVY
Meetings: June 8t1i June 29t1i July 21 ".
Jim Flint reiterated that this presentation will be part of each month's regular ARRA meeting and
asked if it met the Council's expectations.
Mayor Johnson expressed that the presentation was "very good" and hoped for good viewership.
Member Matarrese requested from Stephen Proud a better description of our position relative to
the Navy for the public to understand that it is the Navy's process vs. ARRA's process — and that
there are challenges in dealing with the federal agency.
Mayor Johnson requested a review of the history of the former BRAG, decision on base closure
and reuse plan process, and the Navy's own estimate of clean -up and conveyance. Stephen Proud
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stated that the process is largely Navy- driven. The Navy is the property owner and disposal agent
and the timing of everything is at their discretion. Understanding the long history between the
Navy and ARRA goes back to the 1993 BRAC closure and EDC Business Plan in 1996. The
Navy is continuing their dialogue with us regarding the transfer of the property. There is a no-
cost EDC /MOA document in place. Staff initiated an early transfer discussion with the Navy,
requesting that we take responsibility for the environmental remediation program, as the program
was funded by the Navy through an Environmental Services Cooperative agreement. When our
remediation costs were significantly higher than the Navy's, negotiations broke down. However,
new conversation with the Navy has started with staff discussing issues that we can control, like
the Land Use Planning process, although we still have to rely on the Navy to respond to us.
Jim Flint reiterated the negotiations temporarily ceased due to the remediation cost estimates.
Mr. Flint emphasized ARRA's new approach, which the Navy has been receptive to. He stated
the ARRA has provided direction to reengage negotiations with the Navy which is moving in an
optimistic direction.
Member Kerr discussed the change of legislation in Washington, D.C. that was against no -cost
conveyance and how the Navy began to find fault with our agreement. The biggest challenge is
the Navy recognizing the value of the property in the current marketplace.
Mayor Johnson stated it is encouraging that things are moving in a new direction with the Navy
and hopes the process keeps moving forward.
City Manager Flint stated the new model for disposal will be brought back to ARRA in June
2005, based on ARRA direction.
Member Daysog discussed 2 points: 1) phased conveyance should not be confiised with cherry -
picking 2) in terms of the environmental cost, discussions should be based on the vantage point
of what is best for the public (safety).
4 -A. Recommendation to approve a 15 -month consultant agreement with ROMA Design
Group in the amount of $587,595 for Master Land Planning at Alameda Point.
Andrew Thomas, Planning Department Manager, presented his report to the ARRA Board. He
discussed the history and qualifications of the ROMA Design Group, a consulting firm that has
been selected to provide Land Use and Urban Design expertise. Introduced the principals of
ROMA to the Board: Walter Rask and Jim Adams, and discussed the comprehensive selection
process and criteria. Mr. Thomas also informed the ARRA of upcoming Public Engagement
meetings, the first one scheduled in August.
Councilmember Daysog asked Andrew to please discuss the selection process, so that the public
will be aware that it was a major competitive process, especially since the financial commitment is
Public Speakers:
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Lee Perez, Chair of the APAC — in fiill agreement on the recommendation and provided brief
review of the APAC's 11 -year history in terms of working with the community and what they can
contribute to the process.
Andrine Smith, Chair of Community Involvement Subgroup of the APAC - discussed APAC's
role in the public outreach, their credibility with the community because of their impartiality, and
would like to stay involved in the planning process with ROMA and be the host for the
community engagement meetings. APAC will still be here to continue the process, without
interruption, once the ROMA contract is completed. Had 3 recommendations:
1. That an APAC member be a representative on the ROMA team and participate in their
2. A designated representative from ROMA to attend the APAC meetings.
3. Be public host for the Community Engagement Meetings
Requested that the Scope of Work be expanded to include these recommendations.
Diane Lichtenstein, Co -chair of the APAC, reiterated the importance of APAC's involvement in
the planning process.
Member Matarrese challenged APAC on their impartiality by emphasizing that the APAC does
represent the City as an official entity of the City.
Jim Flint replied that it is implicit that staff will work collaboratively with ROMA and APAC.
The APAC will not serve as a filter and that the ARRA will have final decision - making control in
the process.
Bill Smith, citizen, discussed that he was the only person that attended a public meeting that
Andrine Smith called a year ago.
5 -A. Oral report from APAC.
There was no oral report from APAC. (Members spoke under Item 4 -A.)
5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative.
There was no oral report from Member Matarrese.
Jim Flint informed the Council that Elizabeth Johnson, staff member to the RAB, will provide a
monthly summary to Member Matarrese.
5 -C. Oral report from the Executive Director (non- discussion items).
There was no report from the Executive Director.
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(Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the
governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.)
There were no oral communications.
There were no communications from the Governing Body.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the open session meeting at 6:53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Irma Frankel
ARRA Secretary
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