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2005-04-06 ARRA Packet
AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority •w. t w !w !w �! !w a!w }. * * *** +.* Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Wednesday, April 6, 2005 Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. City Hall will open at 6:45 p.m. Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public. 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 2, 2005. 3. PRESENTATION 3 -A. Presentation on the March 31d and March 23r Community Workshops regarding Transportation and the Preliminary Development Concept 4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None. 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A. oral report from APAC. 5-B. oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 8. ADJOURNMENT CEIVE APR 0 4 2Q05 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY OF ALAMEDA ARRA Agenda — April 6, 2005 Page 2 This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. The next regular ARRA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005. Notes: ▪ Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary, Irma Frankel at 749 -5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. ▪ Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. • Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. ▪ Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 2, 2005 The meeting convened at 7:16 p.m. with Mayor Johnson presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Chair, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda Doug DeHaan, Boardrnember, City of Alameda Frank Matarrese, Boardrnember, City of Alameda Absent: Marie Gilmore, Boardmember, City of Alameda 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the Special meeting of November 3, 2004. 2 -B. Approval of the minutes of the Special meeting of November 18, 2004. 2 -C. Resolution Supporting a Joint Local/ State Effort to Speed Up Redevelopment of California's Closed Military Bases. Chair Johnson motioned for approval of the Consent Calendar items. The motion was seconded by Member DeHaan and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes —3; Noes — 0; Abstentions —1 by Member Matarrese. 3. PRESEI\TATION 3 -A. Presentation/update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning. Stephen Proud gave monthly update on Alameda Point land planning and Navy conveyance process. At the January Meeting with the Navy we developed a Master Timeline with the Navy and got an update on the status of some of the selective restoration sites. We discussed the first phase footprint and key IR sites that are contained within the footprint and the ARRA made a presentation at that meeting of our revised infrastructure costs for Alameda Point. We gave the Navy an update of the status of the Trust exchange with the State Lands Commission. We let them know that the legislation as been approved for the Trust exchange and that we had drafted a draft exchange agreement that we had shared with State Lands Commission staff. Our legal counsel had submitted it to their legal counsel and that we were currently awaiting comments. Elizabeth Johnson, one of our planners at AP made a presentation to the historic advisory board on Jan 7th where we gave them some background information on the historic district and the actions that were underway relative to the historic district. 1 G:\Comdev\Base Reuse& RedevplARRA \M[NUTES\2OO5\O2 -02 -O5 Regular.ARRA minutes.doc on Saturday, Jan 22nd we had a tour with the Alameda Architectural Preservation. The group came out and we toured around the base, specifically focusing on historic preservation issues. We had an excellent turn out with well over 15 members attending, along with Page and Turnbull. Two upcoming community workshops: the first one is March 3rd with the planning board; at that one we will focus largely on land use options, a continuing dialogue of what's happening at our first two community workshops. The next would be on Mar 23rd with the transportation . commission where we would focus more on transportation related issues obviously and specifically on some of the discussions that we had at our last workshop for estuary crossings. Our goal is take all of those transit options and try and funnel them down to a couple that we can really study in depth as we move forward thru the process. So this is the continuing dialogue on . that issue with the transportation commission, again hosted with the APAC as well. Member DeHaan asked how we are planning to get feedback from the Historic Preservation Society on the tour and if they be part of the community workshop. Stephen Proud replied that they were invited to participate in those meetings as an opportunity to make sure their comments came through the workshop format and they were also invited to solicit and give us comments independent of those workshops. Member Matarrese requested minutes of that meeting to give us at least some indication of what they might have said. Stephen Proud began discussions on the ARRA led predevelopment budget: The ARRA has $3.5 million that is available to lead the predevelopment planning period. There was a slight increase on Navy conveyance and on the land use planning side. At this point through the process we've spent @ 45% of what we had budgeted and we're about 12 mo. into an 18 mo. process. Councilmember DeHaan asked if we were anticipating any contract amendments. Stephen Proud replied that at this point, we don't expect there would be any contract amendments. We do have a couple of contracts that have expirations date that were set for Mar 31st but we don't see anything on the horizon that looks like it would result in one of our consultant contracts going up in any extraordinary way in the near future. Member DeHaan asked what the completion date is on the project. Stephen replied that this budget was programmed to take us thru June 3O ' of 2005 -- an 18 month ARRA led pre budget p g p development period, from the beginning of 04 to the middle of 05. 4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None. 5. ORAL REPORTS 5 -A. Oral report from APAC There were no representatives from APAC. Chair Johnson stated there were no representatives from APAC. Chair Johnson stated there was an APAC sub - committee meeting this evening therefore there were no members available for an oral report. 2 G:\Comdev'Base Reuse& Redevp \ARRA\MLNUTES\2005\02 -02 -05 Regular.ARRA minutes.doe 5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. RAB met on January 6, 2005. Key topics were the Seaplane Lagoon; site 17.The draft feasibility study was presented. A timeline for implementing remediation for that site in 2006 was discussed. This would be the actual remediation of contaminants in the Seaplane Lagoon. An update of action on the Miller School and Woodstock Child Care Center, site 30 and the remediation activities that went on there. New RAB member, Joan Conrad, voted in. Next meeting is February 3, 2005 at 6:30 pm. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Member Mataresse thanked staff for all the work done, particularly with getting community workshops together and stated that he's very interested in the Transportation workshop on March 23rd, acknowledging that having a transportation infrastructure in place before a development increases the value of the land because it's there and not an encumbrance. A meeting on February 18, 2005 is schedule to reactivate our liaison committee with AC Transit Propose to discuss transportation with a BART liaison committee. Chair Johnson suggests our liaison committee should schedule a meeting with BART, which may need council approval. States BART is a big issue for Alameda. Stephen Proud stated that the logistics had not been worked out yet, but mentioned that it would be hosted as a joint workshop with either one of the boards or commissions and the APAC but that the 4th workshop would be a more general public forum. There was nothing formal discussed for a 5th workshop. Member DeHaan would like to see the Economic Development Commission P p host the 5th meeting. Chair Johnson stated that discussions regarding EDC hosting had already been done. Chair Johnson asked if there was a public outreach planned. Prior ones very well attended. Great benefit that these workshops are broadcasted live. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Johnson adjourned the open session meeting at 7:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Frankel ARRA Secretary 3 G:\Comdev\Base Reuse& Redevp \ARRA\MINUTES12005\02 -02 -05 Regular.ARRA minutes.doc City of Alameda Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority March 24, 2005 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: William C. Norton Acting Executive Director 3 -A Re: Presentation on the March 3rd and March 23rd Community Workshops regarding Transportation and the Preliminary Development Concept. Background Since the last ARRA Board Meeting on March 2ui , the staff/consultant team conducted two community workshops with the assistance of the Alameda Point Advisory Committee (APAC), Planning Board, and Transportation Commission. The purpose of the April 6th ARRA presentation is to brief the Board on the material presented, community comments received, and next steps in the planning process. The March 3rd Workshop was co- hosted by the Planning Board and APAC and focused on the preliminary development concepts for Alameda Point. The meeting was well attended (standing room only in the Council Chambers) and televised, and the attendees provided excellent suggestions for the next drafts of the land use concept. Many attendees also made a point of expressing their gratitude for the amount of information provided and the format of the workshop. The March 23rd Workshop was co- hosted by the Transportation Commission and the APAC and focused on a preliminary transportation plan for Alameda Point. The meeting was also well attended (near capacity for the Council Chambers) and televised. Attendees provided valuable feedback and ideas about how to improve the land use plan to encourage non - automobile use, improve the transportation plan to increase transit use and minimize traffic congestion, and how to focus and refine the evaluation of estuary crossings. Representatives from AC Transit, BART, and the Water Transit Authority also attended the meeting which helped to ensure a well - informed community discussion of the issues. Discussion The attached presentation provides an overview of the information presented at the two workshops. At the April 6th ARRA Board meeting, the staff /consultant team will be prepared to further brief the ARRA Board on the specific work tasks, analyses, and modifications to the draft Preliminary Development Concept and draft Transportation Plan that will be needed to respond to community comments and prepare for the upcoming public meetings, which include: Dedicated to Excellence, Coi emitted to Service Honorable Chair and Members of Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority March 24, 2005 Page 2 Workshop #4 -- Late April/Early May `05 • Present Refined Preliminary Development Concept • Present Refined Preliminary Transportation Plan • Present Alternatives Workshop #5 - June '05 • Present recommended Preliminary Development Concept and recommended Transportation Plan • Present Alternatives ARRA Board — July `05 • Present recommended Preliminary Development Concept and Transportation Plan Fiscal Impact No action or additional funds are being requested. Recommendation No action is being requested. This report is for information only. Respectf 14 j submitted, Attachments: 1, Land Use Presentation 2. Transportation Presentation Leslie Little De elopment S Stephen Proud Alameda Point Project Manager es Director By: Andrew Thomas Supervising Planner Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service ii z 0 Q ROMA DESIGN GROUP APRIL 6, ZEUS ARRA BOARD PRESENTAT ON ia . Overview of Preliminary Development Concept -Next steps in the Land Use Planning effort 2. Overview of the Preliminary Transportation Strategy -Next steps in the Transportation Planning effort l � :sV ✓'t'r::s ....:....... a�. e i.?ic(. ... �. �..�.,i � �....�N...�i..: rv..n .::......, "::': Y<iiL�n9`���:.• ..i•�,. .�.::: F i. .� -sc�• r 5 .. �'a � �;f� : = "' isi� %dii < <':::�i.,y 3?�„ ,. :..l�k•'�S'�io. ��i�' =�%`T� '..:. �' � � � k�. 3i'f� =n`3 %;�j�• -Y ����`;�jjj�7�`\ is:���?��Y�,:�?.�5����:.c�a>.., t�.,.�F : �e:���,$S�j���,.��' rd�?R :zs;��e: �. 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F z cap a § a r� 'S11igt 14 - 4¢'s&' L s. 0 , ` ii is ESA : ,rn'�z >ti�V'', '���a 5 .j �";� fF�'`� ar-x> g �.�a � ,�S �',�ri,��R i,� a ''� ry a' ALAMEDA.P01N7 ,a� .. , fir`:. R oMA l7ESIGN'0R00P €ff;i ' ,it it RC]IVI A DSIG5 G OU P z 0 Go 0 CI • • Alternatives ✓ 0 w 0) Q 0 a`• x N N () CM W O v 0) c CO C •• .� © N '�' : v • a • N s� � 0 N N 0 Ga a. .. a .0 Q U ca_ ] U •cal) • 0 �s� • �v 2 x,c N x a >1 00 a as E- a © El -0 C -a .e o ▪ ., �, Z -a N E v t1] N N .E E D v E N< cc 0 > v = °' co 8.. 0 O . . . Needed for Environmental Review to addr Historic Preservation, and U 1 o N c • p o C.3 N a U E 0 o ▪ E U D 1— a) O U • Z • Measure A, ransition between Buffers and • • ✓ 0 existing and new development 0 0 2 0 C7 ALAMEDA r2.1 0 0 z 0 w z z co 0 z 1- (1) LIJ>7 1 w w co z 0 z < DA POINT ROMA DESIGN GROUP 0. co x z 0 0 0 0 a) 0 c E 0 0 (T.) a)> ct E 0).. EL 0 0) a) (1) 'E E E E 0 o 0 — c 0 0 a .0) aracter/ Neighborhood Centers • Neighborhood C • Pedestrian/BicyclelTransit Enhancements • The Commercial Center/Atlantic Corridor • The Seaplane Lagoon Open Space /Hanger Interface • Continue to Refine Alternatives 2. Workshop #4 — Late April /Early May `05 •Present Refined PDC •Present Alternatives •Present Refined Transportation Plan 3. Workshop #5 - June '05 • Present recommended PDC and Transportation Plan 0 c cti 0 3- 0 0) E E 0 0) c: 5 0 co 0 0 co < CC CC: 0 o >„ Co —3 c,T 2 1— 0 RONiA C]ESIG LL. LL 0 1.1.1 CC 1— -J Ea LL1 Li —1 z z LL. z L. u. ct 2 PM Peak Hour Traffic Constant Unit Count N 0 N ,i- 0 ,— Constant Land Value N 0 N N- N N Constant Traffic N 0 N N 0 ('J 7.. :12 U) z (.0 . 9 0 0 0 6 ° r. cti (\I -ea- • .0 § 000'00W-17$ u) C D 0 N o 0 N 0 CO 0 00 Unit Type Single Family Multi - family >, = E al L.L. a) . a c 65 Multi - family Single Family Multi - family 0 0 00 Alameda Point Transportation Strategy Components of Sustainable Transportation Provide Transportation Alternatives Land Use Strategies Good pedestrian environment... Grid street system ® Quality streetscape design ® Animated public space A Unix of an uses... Housing Offices ■ Retail Alameda Point Trip Generation Additional trips through Tubes • 22% of total tube traffic AM Peak Phase I/Full Buildout • 296/498 trips to Oakland • 1161572 trips from Oakland PM Peak Phase I/Full Buildout • 227/694 trips to Oakland • 3771658 trips from Oakland Greatest growth seen in future trips coming to jobs in Alameda, entering the city in the morning and leaving in the evening. 2 Alameda Work Trips Initial Phase Transportation Plan • EcoPass • Shuttle to BART • Enhanced Ferry service • Car Share program • Bike Station • Shared parking • Parking requirements • Bike parking and support • Promote car/vanpools • Transportation coordinator 3 4 5 tle to. BART - Dedicated Service CarShare Pods 7 Long Term Options Busway 1 Rapid Bus Streetcar 1 Light Rail Aerial Tramway Grade - Separated Rail Amphibious Vehicles Highway Crossing S Amphibious Vehicles 9 New Roadway Connection Alignments Alignment Downtown Oakland Auto Grossing Aerial Tram Shuttle -BRT Streetcar -LRT BART -PRT 10 Downtown/Jack London A 11 12 13 14 15 Fruitvale Station a t ......... ................ ............................... . ............................. ....................... . .............................. ............................... .......................... Views from top of BART parking garage 16 17 18 West Oakland & San Francisco Alameda Point Transit Feasibility Study Engineering Fe Evaluation Resu 19 West Oakland Alignment Downtown Fruitvale Oakland BART Auto Crossing Aerial Tram Shuttle -B RT Streetcar -LRT BART -P RT 20