2003-07-22 Joint ARRA APAC MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND 2—E ALAMEDA POINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday, July 22, 2003 The meeting convened at 6:55 p.m. with Mayor Beverly Johnson and APAC Chair Lee Perez presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Beverly Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda Lee Perez, APAC Chair Diane Lichtenstein, APAC Vice Chair Andrine Smith, APAC member Ardella Dailey, APAC member Joan Konrad, APAC member Alice Garvin, APAC member Nancy Heastings, APAC member Jay Ingram, APAC member Doug deHaan, APAC member Jim Flint, Executive Director /City Manager Paul Benoit, Deputy Executive Director Debbie Potter, Base Reuse and Redevelopment Manager 2. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS – WORK SESSION 2 -A. Discussion regarding the future role and responsibilities of the APAC. Lee Perez provided a brief history of the APAC from its creation in 1993 as an entity to provide maximum input from the community in the development of the reuse plan. The APAC continues to serve the ARRA as liaison with the community, and has been actively involved in decisions concerning the General Plan Amendment, the Housing Element, golf course and resort hotel complex, and the Collaborative, among others. The APAC has sponsored several "town hall" meetings and open houses to introduce the community to Alameda Point businesses and activities. Future issues will involve the seamless integration of both the FISC and Alameda Point properties into the City of Alameda. Mr. Perez referred to the staff report recommendation of sunsetting the APAC when the DDA is approved, and requested instead that APAC's role be re- evaluated upon approval of the DDA. L ConxlevABase Reuse& Redevp \.ARRd MINUTES 2003 JuIN22 R orLSessic)itARRe1 .APAC.doc Mayor Johnson stated that she is in agreement with the staff recommendation except for the timing issue, which may require further consideration. Member Kerr expressed concern that the APAC is not a rotating committee, that it has limited membership, and that it does not represent a complete cross - section of Alameda neighborhoods. She is also not in favor of granting another "open- ended" extension but would prefer a definite sunset date. APAC Vice Chair Lichtenstein responded that it is not possible to represent the entire City with only 11 or 12 members and perhaps more members should be added. However, she feels that the history and experience of the present members have an advantage over rotating members. Member Matarrese also voiced concern about the open -ended sunset provision. He feels it would be very beneficial for APAC to lend its expertise to the Boards and Commissions that will eventually assume the development oversight responsibilities. At the time of the DDA approval, historical guidance will not be applicable. Member Daysog inquired whether a citizens' advisory group is mandated by law as long as there is a Local Redevelopment Agency (LRA) in place. Jim Flint indicated that, while the LRA is a legal requirement, the citizen committee is not. Community involvement is necessary, but not a formal committee per se. Member Daysog emphasized the value of a central liaison between City staff and the community so that all of the development pieces fit together. Mr. Flint pointed out that, although the APAC is advisory only to the ARRA and not other Boards and Commissions, Chair Lee Perez could meet with Board or Commission chairs one -on -one to facilitate transition issues. Member Matarrese agreed to work with the APAC to re- evaluate its fiiture role and develop an exit strategy to transition its responsibilities to the appropriate Boards and Commissions. The transition may occur at the time of DDA approval or it may have to be re- evaluated at that point. Mayor Johnson said that it is valuable to have the APAC intact at least through the master planning process. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Johnson adjourned the joint meeting at 7:30 p.m. Respectfiilly submitted, Lucretia Akil ARRA Secretary 2 L ConxlevABase Reuse& Redevp \.ARRd MINUTES 2003 JWN22 R orLSessic)itARRe1 .APAC.doc