2002-03-06 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED
Wednesday, March 6, 2002
The meeting convened at 5:35 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding.
Present: Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda, Chair
Albert DeWitt, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Beverly Johnson, Boardmember, City of Alameda
3-A. Presentation by the APAC regarding its comments on the draft Housing Element.
There public hearing was opened.
Alice Garvin, APAC Boardmember stated that a limited amount of effort was put into the
Housing Element regarding Alameda Point. More emphasis should be placed on Alameda Point,
for total inclusion into the rest of the City. APAC would like the sites to be identified early so
there is good planning and neighborhoods setup properly so citizens can gather, and not just
building large number of homes, but quality homes. The quality of life is more important and
developing the sites early will enable this to happen.
Chair Appezzato asked if APAC is going to work the Master Developer to ensure that their input
is received?
Ms. Garvin stated they will work with the Master Developer.
Joan Conrad, APAC Boardmember stated there are two goals they have regarding the Housing
Element. The first is to provide housing to meet the City's needs. The second is to maintain and
enhance the quality of life, which is not covered in the Housing Element. It needs to define the
quality of life and the crucial elements that are involved. Ms. Conrad further stated that it should
develop the policies which may define those elements that will ensure those goals are achieved.
The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion.
No action to be taken. APAC's comments regarding the Housing Element were received
and will be filed.
3 -B. Presentation on Alameda Point Golf Links course design and public access
(information item only).
Staff and consultant presentations.
Ed Levine, Leasing and Property Manager stated that during the last several months staff has been
working closely with BCDC, East Bay Regional Parks, Alamedans for Parks and Trails, APAC
and other groups, to get a consensus on the final plan for the golf course, including the design of
the access trails and Point Park. Considerable progress has been made to get to this final plan,
although more things need to be addressed. The latest version of the plan was unanimously
endorsed by APAC. Staff would like the final plan, which will be taken to EIR and BCDC, be
acceptable to them, especially with the access trail designs. There have also been workshop
sessions with all of the groups with Kyle Phillips, golf course designer and Terry Bottomly,
landscape architect. Mr. Levine fi rther stated that this presentation will focus on the plan design,
as staff continues to work on the financing, project feasibility and overall development strategy.
The goal is to design a first class championship golf course that provides a trail access and park
that is envisioned in the Community Reuse Plan and compatible with BCDC standards.
Chair Appezzato asked if staff is working with the Water Coalition, Bay Trail and Sierra Clubs
and others who may have input?
Mr. Levine responded that he believed staff has had meetings with everyone who have had
representatives from the groups mentioned and other representatives.
Jim Flint, City Manager stated that staff will attempt to engender support across the board, not
only from the respective staff s of BCDC and East Bay Regional Park District, but from other
community groups. This may not be a perfect plan, as some may insist upon a trail across the
entire perimeter of the golf course, but staff will make every effort to address as many concerns as
it can, but it may not satisfy everyone.
Member Kerr stated she lilted the plan that was first presented to the Board that had the road
going out to the Observation Park and what may be an Interpreter Center at the Wildlife Refuge.
The new plan has a longer hike from the 7 -acre park to the central park next to the Wildlife
Refuge, which makes the Interpreter Center for the refuge somewhat inaccessible.
Mr. Levine stated their was a trade-off to get to the current plan and Kyle Phillips will discuss that
issue along with the other trade -offs during his presentation.
Member Daysog asked what is the issue with the parks group that prevents fiill acceptance of the
current plan and what is the timetable?
Mr. Levine stated the outstanding issue with the parks is the access to the Bay or the portion of
the golf course that nuns along the edge and staff is trying to work the plan to provide for more
access, as it is not easy trade -off. Golf holes need to be maintained along the water to create the
kind of signature holes and spectacular costs that is essential to the financial viability of the
project. There has to be a championship golf course in order to get a four -star hotel with a
conference center and spa that will generate the business to make the golf course successfi 1.
Kyle Phillips, Kyle Phillips Golf Course Design, did a formal presentation of various golf courses
designed throughout the world by his company, including Scotland, London, Austria and Holland
and specifically, Kingsbarn Golf Links in Europe,. Mr. Phillips also expressed that they have
done remodeling, which includes the Robert Trench Golf Club. With regards to Alameda Point,
the park's issue is that they had several parks spread throughout the site and they wanted to
combine the parks. With the concerns of BCDC and parks, this has resulted into the current plan
which has a seven acre park which leads out to the point and BCDC seemed to accept this.
Terry Bottomly, Bottomly Associates Landscape Architect, stated the original plans changed and
are now concentrated on the northwest point of the golf course. Staff from East Bay Regional
Park District and Bay Trail just had a working session about the programming for this park. The
issues discussed and what BCDC was in support of, were some of the amenities that would
encourage people to come out and take advantage of the view. This program would have some
educational exhibits with binoculars to provide view to the Port facilities. There was also
discussion with all of the other groups about a possible water taxi connection that would lead to
Middle Harbor Park in Oakland and could be a tour route down the estuary.
Staff presentation was concluded for Authority discussion.
Chair Appezzato asked is it possible to have some viewpoints along the Wildlife Refi ge?
Mr. Bottomly responded that the Fish & Wildlife Services is concerned about the intrusion into
the wildlife area. They want to have a cap around the perimeter of that area.
Chair Appezzato stated that the view point does not take up that much area and requested that
they contact them to see if they could work something out. Chair Appezzato asked how do you
prevent people from getting hit with golf balls?
Mr. Phillips responded that they have arranged the revised the plan with BCDC and created holes
with full view areas that have the smallest potential of injuring anyone.
Member Kerr asked if the Interpreter Center connected to the Wildlife Refiige still might happen
or not?
Mr. Phillips responded that they have been in discussion with Wildlife services, but the reality is
that they are not to keen on too many people coming to that particular area and using their
property. However, this could happen if the Wildlife changes their view in the future.
Member Daysog asked if the seven -acres is going to be a permanent park site or temporarily
sometimes used for golf courses, as there may be a hole in the park?
Mr. Phillips responded that the area with the hole which is 30 x 30 feet, could be used as a small
golf course area.
Dana Banke, Golf Course Manager stated that particular tee would be used at the most only four
days out of the year for major tournaments like the U.S. Open.
Member Johnson asked if the short course was a par three course?
Mr. Phillips responded yes, it is for people who may stay at the hotel or citizens of Alameda who
do not play golf often and just wanted to practice or try it out.
Member Johnson stated that it would be a good idea to have a bench between the entrance and
south side, which does not necessarily have to be a full view point, as it would be a good resting
Mr. Phillips responded they have benches every quarter of a mile and to have a special bench
overlooking the wildlife activity would be good idea.
Member DeWitt asked if the consultants would be involved in the constriction or costs, since
they are design engineers and architects and how many years will it take to get the dredge
Mr. Phillips responded that he would be involved with a big part of the constriction, as his firm
would do all of the design work for the constriction, including the contract and bid negotiation.
It could take as long as three years for full completion.
Member Johnson asked for an update on the dredging materials.
Doug Yount, Development Services Director responded that staff is currently in the pre -
development phase work, which is to analyze what the dredge sources are, negotiate and look
into all of the implications involved. The quality, cost and the shrinkage factor also have to be
accounted for. Within two to three months, staff s goal is to come back with detailed information
regarding the financial viability, the details of constriction and time frame of the dredging
process. It may take up to two years just to get the dredging material, due to the physical
limitation of delivering the dredging material and handling costs are very expensive. The total
amount of time could take four to five years.
There public hearing was opened.
William J. Smith, Alamedans for Parks and Trails, expressed his support in favor of the golf
course project. The Parks and Trails committee stated the Point Park should be a regional park
or destination park like the Marina Green in San Francisco and the current plan for the park is too
small. The golf course is considerably larger than it was in the Community Reuse Plan and the
parks are smaller, as there was originally eleven acres dedicated. More shoreline should be added
to the parks on the western edge of the course. BCDC and East Bay Regional Park District
staff s major concern, is that they have never seen such a large linear segment of trail moved
inland from the Bay. This particularly effects bicycle users.
Irene Dieter stated that Point Park should moved to where the 14th & 17th hole are located, next
to the Observation Park. It makes more sense to have the seven acre or eleven acre plan to be
moved closer to the Observation, as it will be easier access for everyone, especially for people in
wheelchairs. The golf course could then have the corner waterfront available.
4 -A. Oral report from the Executive Director (non - discussion items).
(Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the
governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.)
Property: Alameda Naval Air Station
Negotiating parties: ARRA, Navy and Alameda Point Community Partners
Under negotiation: Price and Terms
The Mayor announced no action was taken.
Chair Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
Lucretia Akil
ARRA Secretary