TUESDAY- - SEPTEMBER 15, 2009- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the regular meeting at 7:52 p.m.
Councilmember Gilmore led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(09 -343) Mayor Johnson announced that the Resolutions of
Appointment [paragraph no. 09 -344] would be addressed first.
(09 -344) Resolution No. 14384, "Appointing Robert McKean as a
Member of the Economic Development Commission." Adopted.
(09 -344 A) Resolution No. 14385, "Appointing Bruce C. Reeves as a
Member of the Economic Development Commission." Adopted; and
(09 -344 B) Resolution No. 14386, "Appointing Mathew D. Hoffman as a
Member of the Historic Advisory Board." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented
certificates of appointment to Mr. McKean, Mr. Reeves, and Mr.
(09 -345) Presentation on the fiscal year 2008 -2009 Facade
Assistance Program.
The Economic Development Director gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired what percentage of funding comes from
private sources, to which the Economic Development Director
responded the percentage varies and depends upon the situation.
(09 -345) Presentation by East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD)
on Measure WW.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Doug Siden, EBRPD Board of Directors; Dave Collins, EBRPD Assistant
General Manager Finance and Administration; and Jeff Rasmussen,
EBRPD Grants Manager, gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether or not Mr. Collins could say whether
the Boys & Girls Club would be eligible [for Measure WW funding].
Mr. Collins responded the City using a non - profit for a project
would not violate the terms of Measure WW funding.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether or not Mr. Collins could say whether
the project would be approved.
Mr. Collins responded that he cannot say because a full application
has not been submitted and California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) requirements have not been addressed; stated EBRPD is not in
a position to accept applications at this point; applications are
accepted in February and March of each year; $29 million of the $33
million in applications received this year were accepted.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether Mr. Collins would know [whether or
not the project would be approved] by the end of May, to which Mr.
Collins responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether an application for a joint
project with the City would fall within the universe of approved
Mr. Rasmussen responded in the affirmative; stated EBRPD would not
have a relationship with the City's agent.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the project would not be
automatically excluded if the City contracts with a non - profit, to
which Mr. Rasmussen responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Tam stated the City would submit an application on
behalf of the Boys & Girls Club; inquired whether the application
would not be in violation of Measure WW terms; further inquired
whether the application would have no guarantee of approval next
year but would be eligible for submittal.
Mr. Rasmussen responded the project needs to be consistent with
Measure WW; stated a formal decision has not been made on the Boys
& Girls Club project but it seems to be consistent with the
Mr. Collins stated the proposal, as heard, appears to be consistent
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
with Measure WW; a legally binding contract could not be provided
until completion of a full review next year.
Mr. Rasmussen stated the number one question asked right now from
other cities is whether projects are consistent with Measure WW.
Mayor Johnson stated knowing what can and cannot be done is
important; that she has heard that there is more certainty about
the project funding.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the City would have to control
and manage the project.
Mr. Rasmussen responded control and management would be the City's
fiduciary responsibility.
Mr. Collins stated EBRPD would enter into a contract with the City
and would look to the City to provide assurances that the project
would be properly constructed.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether EBRPD would require the City to
manage the project.
Mr. Collins responded EBRPD would require the City to be the
project administrator; stated EBRPD would be satisfied if the City
elected to retain an agent to fulfill the requirements.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the City would be required to
comply with requirements imposed on projects that received public
money, to which Mr. Collins responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the facility would have operating
Mr. Rasmussen responded the facility would need to be available for
public use; stated school use after school hours would not be
Mayor Johnson requested an explanation of school use.
Mr. Rasmussen stated the facility would need to be available to the
public after 3:30 p.m. on week days and all day on Saturdays.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City would have on -going
Mr. Rasmussen responded that he assumes operation would be turned
over to the Boys & Girls Club; stated EBRPD would have to review
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
operation details.
Mr. Collins stated the bond is for a twenty -five year period; the
City would be obligated to ensure public use during the twenty -five
year period; the City would have to have an agreement with the Boys
& Girls Club for continued oversight.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether EBRPD has had any
applications or projects where money was provided to a private
entity through EBRPD, a City, or special park district; further
inquired whether $2 million in Measure WW funds would require $2
million in public equity.
Mr. Collins responded Measure WW is very similar to Measure AA;
stated if $4 million comes from one source and $2 million comes
from Measure WW, one third of the use would have to be public use;
funds would have a private business use restriction; EBRPD has not
provided funds to private entities because of potentially violating
the tax exempt nature of the bonds.
Councilmember Matarrese questioned whether anything similar to what
is being proposed was ever done in all the years of Measure AA.
Mr. Collins noted non - profits are not private entities.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether EBRPD has any experience
with having an entity other than a public entity listed on the
deed, to which Mr. Collins responded that he would need to check.
The Interim City Manager stated everyone is struggling with whether
or not the project meets the IRS rule for private activity bonds;
the test is two fold: 1) who owns the asset, and 2) the amount of
use; bond counsel's opinion is vital.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether a Joint Use Agreement would meet
the criteria.
Mr. Collins responded in the affirmative; stated EBRPD is modeled
after the State Grant Program.
Mayor Johnson inquired how the final determination [for approval]
is made, to which Mr. Collins responded the [EBRPD] Board
appropriates funding based on confirmation of completed
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether Measure WW requires that a
project be completed.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Mr. Rasmussen responded scoping the project has some flexibility;
stated a project needs to build something of a capital nature.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired when bond counsel's opinion would be
received, to which Mr. Collins responded a few days to a week.
Mayor Johnson called the public speakers.
Proponents (In support of using funds for Boys & Girls Club): Karen
Bay, Alameda.
Opponents (Not in support of using funds for Boys & Girls Club):
Mike Cooper, Recreation and Park Commission; Jean Sweeney, Alameda
(submitted document); former Councilmember Barbara Kerr, Alameda;
Helena Lankel, Alameda; Rebecca Redfield, Alameda; Gretchen Lipow,
Alameda; Debra Arbuckel, Alameda; Red Wetherill, Alameda; and
Rosemary McNally, Alameda.
Vice Mayor deHaan requested clarification on private versus non-
profit organizations.
The Interim City Manager responded the IRS code has specific
definitions; stated IRS regulations for private activity bonds are
very grey.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether other [non - profit] organizations
have asked for funding, to which the Interim City Manager responded
the Miracle League has raised the issue.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the Beltline property, Estuary
Park, and northern waterfront were discussed.
The Recreation and Park Director responded Estuary Park and the
Beltline property are on the Recreation and Park Commission
November 2008 list.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether other non - profits were considered,
to which the Recreation and Park Director responded none were
considered at that time.
Mayor Johnson announced that the Quarterly Sales Tax Report
[paragraph no. 09 -349] was removed from the Consent Calendar for
Vice Mayor deHaan moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5. [An asterisk preceding the paragraph
number indicates Items so enacted or adopted.]
( *09 -347) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on
September 1, 2009. Approved.
( *09 -348) Ratified bills in the amount of $9,772,654.72.
(09 -349) Recommendation to Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report
for the Period Ending March 31, 2009.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated Alameda and Albany are the only two
Alameda County cities that have positive sales tax growth; sales
tax increased for the business -to- business segment; the automobile
segment has lost major sales tax revenue; other areas have
Vice Mayor deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Tam stated every area, with the
exception of Harbor Bay Business Park, lost sales tax revenue; the
north of Lincoln Avenue area had a -62.2 because of the
auto dealership loss; Alameda is ranked next to last [in sales tax
revenue] in Alameda County cities.
Mayor Johnson stated there is a lot of room for improvement.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
( *09 -350) Recommendation to Accept the Alameda Fleet Industrial
Supply Center /East Housing Residential Phase II Infrastructure
Improvements for Interim Emergency and Vehicle Access to the Storm
Water Treatment Pump Station and for the Storm Drain Outfall
Project and Authorize the City Clerk to Record Notices of
Completion for the Improvements. Accepted.
( *09 -351) Recommendation to Adopt Specifications and Provisions for
Tow Contract for Vehicles Identified as Abandoned by the Police
Department. Accepted.
( *09 -352) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and
Authorize Call for Bids After Receipt of the State Water Resources
Control Board Approval Letter for the Installation of Mechanical
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Trash Racks at Storm water Pump Stations, No. P.W. 08- 09 -23.
( *09 -353) Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and
Authorize Call for Bids After Receipt of the State Water Resources
Control Board Approval Letter for the Rehabilitation of the
Structural Stability of Approximately 3,000 Linear Feet of the
Southshore Lagoon Seawalls Adjacent to City Streets, No. P.W. 08-
09-24. Accepted.
( *09 -354) Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of
$221,136, to J.J. R Construction, Inc. for Repair of Portland
Cement Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter, Driveway, and Minor Street
Patching, Fiscal Year 2009 -2010, Phase 10, No. P.W. 06- 09 -15.
( *09 -355) Recommendation to Accept the Work of Golden Bay
Construction, Inc. for Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk,
Curb, Gutter, Driveway, and Minor Street Patching, Fiscal Year
2008 -2009, Phase 9, No. P.W. 05- 08 -13. Accepted.
( *09 -356) Recommendation to Adopt a Revised Proposition 1B Local
Streets and Roads Funding Proposal for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 to
the State Department of Finance, and Appropriate $425,000 in
Proposition 1B and $54,000 in Sewer Funds for Additional Work
Under the Pavement Management Program, Phase 29, and Authorize the
Interim City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents. Accepted.
( *09 -357) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Adding Section 59 at Article IV to Chapter II Pertaining to
Contracts in Writing. Introduced.
( *09 -358) Ordinance No. 3000, "Amending Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. to
Rezone Approximately .23 Acres Located at 3236 and 3238 Briggs
Avenue, APN 069 007604601, From R -4, Neighborhood Residential
Zoning District, to R -4, PD Neighborhood Residential Planning
Development District Zoning Designation." Finally passed.
(09 -359) Telephone Contract Update. Continued.
(09 -360) Council Referral Policy. Addressed under Boy's & Girls
Club. The Interim City Manager addressed the Council Referral
Policy as part of the Boys & Girls Club Request for Funding
discussion. [paragraph no. 09 -3611
(09 -361) Boys & Girls Club Request for Funding.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
The Interim City Manager provided a handout and gave a brief
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether firm bids have been received.
Rich Sherrat, Boys & Girls Club, responded Nibby Construction
submitted a firm bid.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how $700,000 in annual operating funds
is generated.
Mr. Sherrat responded funds are generated through fundraising,
grants, general sponsorships, the annual auction, and a variety of
other means.
In response to Vice Mayor deHaan further inquiry, Mr. Sherrat
stated California State University East Bay has dedicated interns
to work at the facility; in -kind work significantly reduces
operation costs.
Mayor Johnson inquired how much is raised for operations annually,
to which Mr. Sherrat responded approximately $500,000.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether $8,198,867 is the construction cost,
to which Mr. Sherrat responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired how the facility would be available to the
Mr. Sherrat responded the Boys & Girls Club has always participated
in joint programs; stated the School District would have the option
to use the facility; the facility would be a community facility.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether adult leagues would have access to
the facility, to which Mr. Sherrat responded absolutely.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the public would not have any
restrictions after 3:30 p.m.
Mr. Sherrat responded adults could not just walk in and start
playing; stated everyone has to be screened by the Police
Department; adult basketball would be available in the evenings
when children are not at the facility; the facility would provide a
health clinic; structured programs would be available to the
general public; no child would be turned away.
George Phillips, Boys & Girls Club, stated all programs, including
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
the Recreation and Park programs, are age restricted; the facility
would not be like a park that someone could walk through.
Councilmember Tam stated there could be some duplication between
the Boys & Girls Club and Recreation and Park Department; inquired
whether the facility would be an expansion of capacity for the City
and would fill a gap.
Mr. Sherrat responded the Boys & Girls Club is the only program
available for children in the evening; stated very few programs are
offered to teenagers or middle school aged children; many programs
are outsourced, such as tumbling and karate; a Tiny Tot program
could be done at the facility.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the Recreation and Park Department has
wonderful programs that require fees; inquired whether the Boys &
Girls Club programs are fee based.
Mr. Sherrat responded 99 the programs are part covered under
operational expenses; stated scholarship opportunities are
available for those who cannot afford to pay a fee; the membership
fee is $20 per year.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether Chipman Middle School has a gym,
to which Mr. Sherrat responded the school has a multi - purpose room.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the Boys & Girls Club has
satellite facilities.
Mr. Sherrat responded in the affirmative; stated field trips are
also provided.
Mayor Johnson called the public speakers.
Proponents (In support of using funds for Boys & Girls Club) :
George Phillips, Boys & Girls Club; Duke Campbell, Alameda; and
Judge Robert McGuiness, Alameda.
Opponents (Not in support of using funds for Boys & Girls Club): Jo
Kahuanui, Recreation and Park Commission; Dorothy Freeman, Alameda;
Joseph Woodard, Alameda; Jean Sweeney, Alameda; Rebecca Redfield,
Estuary Park Action Committee; former Councilmember Barbara Kerr,
Alameda; Helena Lenkel, Alameda; Roberta Rockwell, Alameda; Debra
Arbuckle, Alameda.
Neutral: Michael John Torrey, Alameda.
Following Mr. Phillips comments, Vice Mayor deHaan inquired about
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
the funding timeline.
Mr. Sherrat responded the funding requires that the shovel be in
the ground by the end of the year; that he does not want to go back
and ask for an extension again; the designated building fund is
restricted; the Boys & Girls Club has interim financing to bridge
the gap; Measure WW funds would not need to be drawn upon until
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what would happen if funding does not
Mr. Sherrat responded the project would not go forward unless
Council commits to supporting the application.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the Boys & Girls Club has a fall
back position.
Mr. Sherrat responded the Boys & Girls Club would only move forward
with a commitment from the City.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what would happen if less than a $2
million commitment is made.
Mr. Sherrat responded most likely, the Boys & Girls Club would not
be able to move forward.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether money could be taken from the [Boys
& Girls Club] endowment.
Mr. Sherrat responded having funds available for on -going
operations is critical.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated losing 65 [Measure WW] funding in one
shot is concerning; projects would have to be funded by a different
source such as the General Fund, which is in a weak position.
Mr. Sherrat questioned whether resurfacing the Washington Park
tennis courts would cost $350,000; stated the Harbor Bay tennis
courts were resurfaced for $17,000 and $20,000; the Woodstock Park
Recreation Center renovation project would not need to be done if
the new [Bays & Girls Club] facility is available.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the list needs to be revisited; the model
in place for the past fifteen years has been fee -type recreation.
Mr. Sherrat stated Little League, the soccer program, and Alameda
Youth Basketball are run by non - profits on City facilities.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Following Mr. Woodward's comments, the Interim City Manager stated
the City would have no obligation to float the cash; the Boys &
Girls Club would bear the risk if the $2 million were not approved;
the application has a good chance of success.
After the public comment, the Interim City Manager stated with
respect to the Council Referral policy, standard operation has been
that a vote of three Councilmembers refers the item to staff;
however, the original policy included that Council has an
opportunity to take an action on a Council Referral; unfortunately,
the Boys & Girls Club item went through the referral process under
the old process, so staff will come forward with an action item to
amend the priority list on October 6 as long as EBRPD bond
counsel's opinion about eligibility under the tax exempt status is
Mayor Johnson inquired who would own the property, to which the
Interim City Manager responded the non - profit.
Councilmember Matarrese stated programs are not the issue; the
policy question is how to use money generated by a tax assessment;
the exact wording of the ballot measure should be included as an
attachment [on October 6]; taking money away from one of the
projects recommended by the Recreation and Park Commission would
result in projects not getting done; $500,000 allocated for the
Woodstock Recreation Center renovation could be used for the Boys &
Girls Club project if the City would have the same access in
perpetuity; the Alameda Point gym belongs to the Navy and project
funds should be generated from lease revenues; the IRS tax issue
may make the proposed project moot.
Councilmember Tam stated the Recreation and Park Commission
discussed eleven projects; that she would like to have a matrix
noting whether projects are shovel ready and whether money would be
taken from a project; the City has funding to acquire the Beltline
Property; questioned whether the project is shovel ready; stated
that she is trying to understand how Measure WW funds are applied
to projects.
Mayor Johnson inquired what is the life of Measure WW, to which Mr.
Rasmussen responded spending the money, would need to be spent in
ten years.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how much money the City has provided for
the Boys & Girls Club, to which the Interim City Manager responded
approximately $220,000 for design.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
The Economic Development Director stated approximately $230,000 for
construction would come from the Community Development Block Grant
program this fall.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether EBRPD would provide information
about whether similar projects have been done in the past, to which
Mr. Collins responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired the question about the life of the
agreement and reverting back to the Boys & Girls Club after thirty
years needed to be addressed on October 6.
Councilmember Gilmore responded that she asked about public access
being required for twenty -five years; stated that her question is
whether programs with age restrictions are still constituted as
Mayor Johnson stated that she would like more information on the
operating budget; perhaps the agreement could be structured to have
a portion of the gym belong to the City; the Alameda Point gym is
an asset that the City should keep.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she
been defined as to who could apply for
profits were informed and whether
Commission meetings were publicized;
established; that she does not want to
[for requesting funds].
does not feel a process has
funds; inquired whether non -
the Recreation and Park
stated a process needs to be
punish the Boys & Girls Club
The Recreation and Park Director responded staff keeps a list of
projects; input is received from the community and sports leagues;
the Recreation and Park Commission reviews and ranks the list which
is then forwarded to Council for final approval; non - profits were
not specifically recruited.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the same process was followed for
years under Measure AA.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired when was the last Measure AA draw, to
which the Recreation and Park Director responded four to five years
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Alameda Point gym is unique; having
improvements paid by the developer would be nice.
The Recreation and Park Director stated money generated from fees
has been put into improvements.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether or not the indoor pool would be
opened again, to which the Recreation and Park Director responded
rehabilitation costs would be more than the cost of a new facility.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the City has made a commitment to the
Miracle League; that he would like to have the Miracle League
included in the discussion.
Mayor Johnson stated the list needs to be reviewed; a price needs
to be placed on the projects; parks cannot be let go; the Boys &
Girls Club project is not the type of project that voters had in
mind when voting on Measure WW; a long -term impact could be that
future EBRPD bond measures might be a hard sell.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the Measure AA process needs to be
evaluated because Measure AA delivered what was expected.
Mayor Johnson recessed the meeting at 10:50 p.m. and reconvened
the regular meeting at 11:20 p.m.
(09 -362) Public Hearing to Consider Introduction of Ordinance
Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 30 -5.14
(Barriers and Fences) of Article I (Zoning Districts and
Regulations) of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations) by Adding
Subsection 30 -5.14 (e) to Require Administrative Use Permits in
Non - Residential Districts for Temporary or Permanent Barriers or
Fences Within a Required Setback or Along a Property Line that
Faces a Public Street or a Public Access Easement. Applicant: City
of Alameda. Continued.
(09 -363) Public Hearing to Consider Introduction of Ordinances
Amending Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. to Rezone Approximately: 4.7
Acres Located at 1 Singleton Avenue, APN 074 - 0905 - 010 -01, from M -2-
PD, General Industrial (Manufacturing) Planned Development
District, to R -4 -PD, Neighborhood Residential Planned Development
District Zoning Designation; 5 Acres Located at 2189 and 2201
Clement Avenue, APNs 071- 0289 - 007 -03 and 074 - 0289 - 004 -00, from M -2,
General Development Residence District, to R -2 -PD, Two - Family
Planned Development District Zoning Designation; 4.14 Acres Located
at 2015/2025 Grand Street, APN 072 -0381- 002 -00 and 072 - 0381 - 001 -00,
from M -2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District to R -4 -PD,
Neighborhood Residential Planned Development District; 2.78 Acres
Located at 2100 Clement Avenue /1924 Willow Street, APN 071 -0228-
001-02 from M -1, Intermediate Industrial (Manufacturing) District
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
to R -2 -PD, Two Family Residence Planned Development District Zoning
Regulation; 1.9 Acres Located at 1913 Sherman Street, APN 074 -0906-
031-08, from M -1 -PD, Intermediate Industrial (Manufacturing)
Planned Development District to R -2 -PD, Two Family Residence
Planned Development District Zoning Designation; 2.1 Acres
1590/1616 Fortmann Way, APN 072 - 0381 - 018 -00, from M -2, General
Industrial (Manufacturing) District to R -4 -PD, Neighborhood
Residential Planned Development District Zoning Designation to
Bring Zoning Designations for Six Properties into Conformance with
the General Plan and Housing Element. Applicant: City of Alameda.
The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Speakers: Tom Dailey, owner of 1913 Sherman Street; former
Councilmember Barbara Kerr, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Following Mr. Dailey's comments, the Planning Services Manager
stated the self storage use at 1913 Sherman Street would be
considered a legal, non - conforming use as long as the property is
not vacant for more than a year and not more than 75 destroyed
in the event of a fire or act of nature.
In response to Mr. Dailey's inquiry, the City Attorney stated the
Planning Services Manager's explanation is correct.
Following former Councilmember Kerr's comments, Mayor Johnson
inquired whether staff is in agreement that the Beltline Property
outline is incorrect and that the Sherman Street entrance was
decided by the Northern Waterfront Specific Plan Committee.
The Planning Services Manager responded in the affirmative; stated
the map would be corrected for the second reading of the ordinance.
Vice Mayor deHaan moved introduction of the ordinances.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(09 -364) Recommendation to Accept the Report of the Economic
Development Commission's Business Retention Subcommittee.
(09 -365) Recommendation to Accept the Estuary Crossing Feasibility
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
The Public Works Director gave a brief presentation.
John Eddy, Arup Americas Inc., gave a Power Point presentation.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether any thought has been given to
re- working the ferry system with the Water Emergency Transit
Authority (WETA) rather than building a whole new system, to which
the Public Works Director responded WETA was not interested.
Mr. Eddy stated re- working the system would not be cheap; WETA
boats and facilities move people on and off the ferry differently;
facilities would need to be modified in order to use a water taxi
Councilmember Tam stated a fifteen minute headway would have a
cost; the ferry system increased frequency and reduced headway to
almost half an hour when BART was on strike and the Bay Bridge was
closed; inquired whether costs were significant.
Mr. Eddy responded some boats were redeployed or borrowed; stated
Alameda and Oakland would bear the incremental costs of adding a
stop while maintaining the same level of service at other
locations; costs would be significant.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the Posey Tube modification
option would have a good funding stream.
Mr. Eddy responded possibly; stated there is a process for
modifying a CalTrans facility.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Posey tube modification would need to
be done regardless.
The Public Works Director stated CalTrans sat on the policy
advisory committee; the first step would be to get concurrence from
CalTrans that the project is important; the next step would be to
pursue funding.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether staff considered having one -way
pedestrian and bike access in the Webster Street Tube.
The Supervising Civil Engineer responded there would be issues with
the Oakland end connectivity.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the alternative is one of the cheapest.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009
The Supervising Civil Engineer stated the public did not support
the idea.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the study's value is in seeing what
items cost; that he is impressed with the graphics of the removable
bridge; more people are utilizing bike racks on buses; additional
bike racks could be a cheap solution and would be less expensive
than a water taxi; the issue is a reality check more than anything
else and forces everyone to look at something more practical.
Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(09 -366) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the
Housing Commission.
Mayor Johnson nominated Cullen Jones for appointment to the Housing
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
meeting at 11:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 15, 2009