Ordinance 3004CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE No. 3004 New Series AMENDING ORDINANCE NO., 1277, N.S. TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 4.14 ACRES LOCATED AT 2015/2025 GRAND STREET, APN 072- 0381- 002 -00 AND 072 -0381- 001 -00, FROM M -2, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (MANUFACTURING) DISTRICT TO R -4 -PD, NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BE IT ORDAINED by the City council of the City of Alameda that: Section 1 Section 11 -116 of ordinance No. 1277, N.S. is hereby amended by reclassifying all the real ro ert situated within the City of p Y Y Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, consisting of 4.14 acres and located at 2015/2025 Grand Street, APN 072- 0381 002 -00 and 072- 0381 -001- 00, as shown on the attached Exhibit A from M -2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District, to R -4 -PD Neighborhood Residential District Planned Development District. Section 2 The above amendment shall be known as and referenced to as Rezoning Amendment No. 208 to ordinance No. 1277, N.S. Section 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Attest: Lara Weisiger, city Clerk City of Alameda