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2009-12-02 Packet
AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda City Hall Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Council Chamber, Room 390 Meeting will begin at 7 :00 p.m. 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94591 1 r ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board or a member of the public. 2 -A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 4, 2009. 2 -B Authorize the Executive Director to Execute .an Amendment to an Agreement with Russell Resources for Environmental Consulting Services for Alameda Point Extending the Term for 12 Months and Adding $124,900 to the Budget. None. 4 -A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative Highlights of November 5 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is .not on the agenda.) 6 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY ARRA Agenda December 2, 2009 Page 2 This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. Dotes Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary at 747 -4800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. n ���i M 4 5 CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA 111 1A SPECIAL JOINT MEE'T'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA) AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 2 009 7:01 P.M. Location Cii ty Council Ch-ambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council /B oard /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Board /Commission may speak for a maximum. of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council/Board /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip if you wish to speak on an agenda item 1 ROLL CALL City Council, ARRA, CIC 2. MINUTES 2 Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting held on Nov ember 17 2009 [City Council, CIC (City Clerk) 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3 Update on Alameda Landing [CIC] 4. COUNCIL REFERRAL 4--A Discussion of Policies for Leases at the ARRA and 'T'i delands Leases under the City's Jurisdiction. [City Council, ARRA,, CIC (Councilmember /Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese) 5. ADJOURNMENT City Council, ARRA, CIC UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesda November 4, 2009 The meetin convened at 7:03 p.m. with Chair Johnson presidin 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Beverl Johnson Boardmember Lena Tam Boardmember Frank Matarrese Boardmember Marie Gilmore Vice Chair Dou deHaan 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2-A. Approve the minutes of the Re Meetin of October 7, 2009. The Consent Calendar was motioned for approval b Member Tam, seconded b Vice Chair deHaan and passed b the followin voice votes: A 5, Noes: 0, 0 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None. I.WoUt 4-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisor Board (RAB} representative Hi of October 1 Alameda Point.RAB Meetin Member Matarrese did not.at.tend the Oct. 1 meetin but received a comprehensive listin (Alameda Point SitelArea Description) of Alameda Point I R .Sit .b -name, b number, -historic use, current contamination status and future, reuse. He asked that this list be distributed to other boardmembers. The next RAB meetin is tomorrow, 11/5. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no speakers. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. M �M_ W re- I I I no] 011 kh I A 11 1A Meetin was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. b Chair Johnson. Respectfull submitted, 6:':� 44� Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Executive Director Date: December 2, 2009 Re: Authorize the Executive Director to Execute an Amendment to an Agreement with Russell Resources for Environmental Consulting_ Services for_ Alameda Point Extending the Term for 12 Months and Adding $124;900 to :the Budget BACKGROUND For the past nine years, Russell Resources has provided the environmental. consulting services of reviewing, analyzing, and preparing comments. on Navy. environmental documents for the remed.iation of the Alameda Naval Air Station (Alameda 'oir f) on behalf of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. (ARRA). In addition, Russell Resources attends and represents the ARRA at meetings with .8tafe and Federal environmental. regulators and .the Navy and provides professional expertise to. ARIA staff to allow full participation in the rernediation decisions made..oy tie Nav y Russell Resources also assists the ARRA in. discussions with SCC .Alameda Point; LLC (SunCal), the selected master developer for Alameda Point, on issues .related to conveyance and.. environmental.. rernediation. Fussell Resources contract was approved on .January 2, 2008 for $1.1.7,500 and amended on November. 18, 2008. for an additional $147,500. This second amendment. extends :f he terra of the a g reement for 12 months and adds $124,900 to.. the.budget for a total. contract amount of. $389,900. The original contract and amendments are on file with the City Clerk. DISCUSSION In 2004, a limited Request for Proposals was issued for environmental consulting services at Alameda .Point to. determine if an additional environmental firm should be retained to augment Russell Resources, or .if a new firm should be retained to replace Russell Resources. Three firms. were interviewed as part of that process. An evaluation team .rnet .with Levine Fricke, Environmental Resources lvlanagerent West, and CH2M Hill. Following those intervie .ws.and a review of the proposals received, the evaluation team. determined that. no additional services were necessary and that the ARRA should continue to engage Russell Resources. In addition, as part of evaluating environmental services for 2007, staff. conducted an informal solicitation from two environmental. consulting firms, Frler Kalinowski and GeoMatrix, to determine if Russell Resources' expertise and cost were comparable to that of other firms. Given Russell Resources' familiarity with Alameda Point, long- Honorable Chair and December 2, 2009 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 of 2 standing relationships with the Navy personnel and environmental regulators assigned to Alameda Point, and competitive billing rate, the ARRA Board approved an agreement to retain Russell Resources. Also, Russell Resources" billing rates and expertise were comparable to all firms interviewed. Russell Resources has the additional advantage of familiarity with Alameda Point's environmental challenges. This knowledge is an important asset to SunCal and its environmental consultant who are working to gain knowledge on very complex environmental issues. It is important that ARRA's consultant have full knowledge and history of issues at Alameda Point to interact effectively with the Navy, Restoration Advisory Board, and environmental regulators, SunCal, and the ARRA Board and staff on key environmental concerns. It is recommended that the Russell Resources contract be amended to extend the terra for 12 months, adding $124,900 to the budget for a total of $339,900. The amended agreement would expire on December 3i 2010. The proposed amendment provides that, over the next 12 months, Russell Resources will support discussions with the Navy related to the conveyance of Alameda Point and will provide technical support to staff regarding current and future environmental remediation. In addition, Russell Resources will continue to attend all Base Closure Team and RAB meetings, attend meetings in furtherance of conveyance between and among ARRA, the Navy, and SunCal Companies, and attend other technical meetings that may be necessary to support conveyance of Alameda Point. Russell Resources will also review, and prepare draft comments on, technical environmental documents published by the Navy, along with reports and work plans, in support of the successful transfer and redevelopment of Alameda Point. Finally, Russell Resources will prepare a summary /analysis of actions taken at monthly RAB meetings for the ARRA's review and information. FINANCIAL IMPACT Funds for Alameda Point environmental services are provided as part of the cost recovery provisions included in the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with SunCal. Approval of this agreement does not impact the City's General Fund. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Executive Director to execute an amendment to the agreement with Russell Resources for environmental consulting services for Alameda Point extending the terra for 12 months and adding $124,900 to the budget. Respectfully submitted, V, st e Economic Development Director JO: ig Russell Resources, inc. environmental management Alameda Point RAB Meeting on November 5, 2009 Highlights and Analysis Item 4 -A RAB members resent: Dale Smith (Community Co- chair), Fred Hoffman, George Humphreys, Jeff Knoth, Joan Konrad, Jinn Leach, Jean Sweeney, Jinn Sweeney, and Michael John Torrey; Marsha Pendergrass facilitated the meeting, but did not act as chair. Mr. Derek Robinson has been formally appointed the Navy's Base .Environmental Coordinator (BEC) for Alameda Point and is now the Navy Co -Chair of the Alameda Point RAB. The Navy has yet to select a successor for Mr. Robinson former position of Navy Lead Remediation Project !Manager (RPM) for Alameda Point. Rernediation and other field work in ro press o The Navy is continuing to remove and replace radioactively contaminated storm drain lines arising at Buildings 5 and 400 and discharging into the Seaplane Lagoon. This work must be completed before cleanup of contaminated sediment in the Seaplane Lagoon. begins. Cleanup of Seaplane Lagoon sediment is scheduled to begin in March 2010. o The debris pile removal along the northern bulkhead of the Seaplane _Lagoon is nearing completion. On December 9, a Navy diver is to investigate the large concrete block that is submerged near the northern bulkhead of the Seaplane Lagoon. o Subsurface groundwater treatment is underway at IR Sites 14 and 27, along the Oakland Inner Harbor in Northwest Territories and just north of Pier 1, respectively. o The air spargelvapor extraction system to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and naphthalene at Alameda Point OU -5 and FISCA IR Site 2 is operating. o Petroleum contaminated groundwater treatment operations near the .Atlantic Avenue entrance and near the south end of the western Hangar zone are continuing. o Contaminated soil associated with the former incinerator that was located .where Building 459 is now (the Davy Exchange Service Station at the corner of Main Street and west Tower Avenue) is being excavated for off -site disposal. The southern wing of Building 459 has been removed for access. o An in -situ treatability study for groundwater contamination associated with the oil -water separator outside Building 163, which is on. Orion Street, south of Atlantic Avenue, is in progress. 1R. Site 1 (1943 -1956 Disposal Area) AMMC, the Navy's contractor for remediation of IR Site 1, the former landfill at the northwest corner of Alameda Point, delivered a presentation about the field investigation it plans to conduct in support of its remedial design effort. The primary tasks are: (a) trenching and boring into Area la, the main disposal area, to better define the boundaries of the area and to gather geotechnical data; RRI, 440 !Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, Son Rafael, Coliforni'a 94903 415,902.3123 fax 815.572.8600 Page 2 of 2 Alameda Point RAB Meeting, November 5, 2009 December 2, 2000 Highlights and Analysis b) trenching and boring into Area 1b, the burn area, to better estimate the amount of waste that is to be excavated and disposed offsite, and to gather analytical data for selection of the recipient disposal faci.li ty; c) in -situ investigation of the groundwater plume source area using two different types of probes to identify the area(s) having the highest contamination and to better characterize the nature of the contamination; and (d) boring into the beach area to identify areas from which contaminated soil. is to be excavated before the beach is covered with riprap. Many RAB members expressed considerable interest in the remediation of IR Site I and asked in -depth questions about this investigation. III. Site 27 (Dock Zone} As promised at the October RAB meeting, the Navy presented an update on its groundwater remediation activities at IR Site 27. The treatment process is in -situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), a method that has been used successfully at other Alameda Point sites. Briefly, ISCO works as follows: (a) shallow groundwater is pumped from a network of wells in the plu me of contamination; (b) the extracted groundwater is mixed in aboveground tanks with chemicals (oxidants) that destroy the contaminants; (c) the extracted groundwater, with an excess oxidant, is pumped back into the plume of contaminated groundwater through another network of wells that is interspersed with the extraction wells; (d) the chemical oxidants thusly injected into the plume continue to destroy groundwater contaminants underground (in situ). The Navy plans to treat the entire IR Site 27 plume in this way. Buildin 5 Reuse Feasibility Stud Ms. Anna- Marie fool, the US EPA project manager for Alameda Point, reported on the progress of work under an EPA Headquarters grant to study the feasibility of reusing Building 5. The effort is to study several scenarios, such as, building renovation, building replacement, complete demolition, and demolition of the building with preservation of its concrete slab. The grant is related to EPA's "Green Remediati on" initiatives. 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, Son Rafael, California 94903 415.902.3123 fox 815.572.8600 UNAPPROVED MINUTES of THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COU11CIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMI S S I oN (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- -NOVEMBER 17, 2009- 7:31 P.M. Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Joint Meeting at 12:27 a.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Commissioner deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese Tara and Mayor /Chair Johnson 5. Absent: None. '►I T N7 IrP T7 Q 09- CC/ 0 9 CIC Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and CIC Meeting held on November 3, 2009 and the Special CIC Meeting held on November 4, 2009. Vice Mayor/Commissioner deHaan moved approval of the minutes. Councilmember/Commissi.on.er Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 09- CC Public Hearing to Consider Introduction of ordinance Amending Municipal Code by Adding Subsection 30 -17 (Density Bonus Regulations) to Article I (Zoning Districts and Regulations) of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations) to Allow Density Bonus Units and Incentives or Concessions to Developers that Voluntarily Provide for Affordable Housing Units as an Element of Their Residential Development Project. Amended and introduced.; and 09-- CIC Resolution No. 09-163 "Amending Resolution No. 04-127 to Reduce the Inclusi.onary Unit Requirement Policy for Residential Developments in the Business and waterfront and west End Community Improvement Project Areas from at Least 25- to at Least 15%. Adopted. The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation. Councilmember /Commissioner Tam inquired whether reducing the inclusionary unit requirement from 25% to 15% would provide longer term housing The Planning Services Manager responded the reduction would not provide Longer term housing but would make the inclusionary housing requirement within the City consistent; stated applying the 25 Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 1 Community Improvement Commission November 17. 2009 inclusionary requirement would automatically entitle applicants to the density bonus requirements plus concessions, incentives, and waivers; staff did not want density bonus concessions and waivers to be automatically triggered; by rolling the percentage back to 15 the applicant would have to make more affordable units within the development. In response to Councilmember /Commissioner Tam's inquiry, the Supervising Planner responded any inclusionary housing units count towards the density bonus units; staff does not want to create a situation where someone would automatically be entitled to a density bonus plus concessions and wa ivers. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that she likes the idea of caps; perhaps the Planning Board should be requested to look at particular items. Vice Mayor /Commissioner deHaan stated one item would be open space; visuals should be provided in order to show what projects would actually entail. The Planning Services Manager stated visuals could be provided. Mayor /Chair Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Proponents In favor of ordinance) Robb Ratto Park. Street Business Association PSB.A) Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society; Jamie Keating, Trai /head Ventures LLC There being no further speakers, Mayor /Chair Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese stated that he would like to send the ordinance back to the Planning Board]; the two most important points are: 13 separating pure residential from other projects; 2 setback and height caps cannot be arbitrary or non- technical; Fire Department pictures show the hazard that could be used as the rationale for setting a cap; if the ordinance is sent back to the Planning Board, it should be time critical so that the process can be finished. The Planning Services Manager stated the ordinance would return to the Council no later than the first meeting in February; the desire seems to be to apply caps and limits on concessions and incentives to residential properties and not mixed used commercial properties; questioned whether the Council /Commission would move forward on an ordinance tonight with language added to Section 30 -17.9 that Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 2 Community Improvement Commission November 17, 2009 states: "for commercially zoned or mixed use properties;" stated the Planning Board would review residential properties and staff would come back with an amendment to the density bonus regulations. Councilmember /Ccmmission.er Tam stated the northern waterfront project included height limits; inquired hoer height limits would be reconciled if the density bonus ordinance includes height limits. The Planning Services Manager responded specific plan or planned development amendments would be required for modifications to projects with adopted regulations for specific sites. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated requirements for fire access should be reviewed if backyards are developed; that she is not sure if a fire truck could access the backyard of the monster house on Briggs Avenue. The Interim city Manager /Executive Director stated staff has some thoughts regarding the issue. Cou.ncilmember /Commissioner Gilmore inquired whether any new buildings are required to have sprinklers, to which the Planning Services Manager responded in the affirmative. Council.member/commissioner Matarrese stated residential caps should be technical, not arbitrary. Councilmember /commissioner Tam moved introduction of the ordinance with the suggested modification on page 13. Counci.lmember/Commissioner Gilmore seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor /Chair Johnson clarified that the residential portion would go back to the Planning Board. on the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Joint Meeting at 12:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Zara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, CIC Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 3 Community Improvement Commission November 17, 2009 The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 4 Community Improvement Commission November 17. 2009 C OFALA EDA Memorandum To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Honorable Chair and i Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager /Executive Director Date: December 2, 2009 Re. Update on Alameda Landina ��4��� On December 4, 2000, the. City Council and community Improvement Commission CIC) approved a Disposition and Development Agreernent with Palrntree Acquisition Corporation (PAC) for redevelopment of .a portion of the forrner Fleet Industrial Supply Center (FISC). The project, called Alameda La n di ng, rlclud es. a maximum of 400 square.. feet of office. uses; 300,000 square feet of retail development; 300 residential units; parks and .open space, including a publicraterfrdnt park. The DDA was amended in December 2007 to provide a re- designed waterfront promenade. Revisions to .the waterfront park .were necessary. due to the condition of the existing wharf and the cost to seismically retrofit and stabilize the piers. on. June 3, 2008, a second Amendment to the. DDA w appro to provide. for reimbursement of expenses associated with the.. early expenditure of funds. for acquisition of the Stargell and Union Pacific. (UP) rights -way as. Drell as certain stargell construction activities; modifications to project phrasing in order to permit an early office phase to secure Clif Bar as a tenant; and extended timelines for certain required. activities. Staff: provided its last update to the Community Improvement provement Cornmission on this project in .March 2009. The CIC .has requested a second update at the December 2 2009 joint .CIC/Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) meeting. rtirnr•r rnr�rr-,r r The requested update of the project included conformance with timelines or milestones in the DDA; the status of stargell Avenue Extension Project; construction bud g and improvements; the planned reimbursement of match dollars required for stargell Agenda Item #3 -A C CIA R R A/C C 12-02-2009 Honorable chair and December 2, 2009 Mernbers .of the Community improvement commission Page 2 of 5 Honorable chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Avenue State Transportation Improvement Fund (STIP) program; the status of the FISC hospital clean -up, including proposed reimbursement/cost recovery; and, a marketing /lease report. DDA conformance Timelines /Milestones On August 5, 2008, PAC funded a four -way transaction to acquire the necessary rights of way for the Stargell Avenue Extension Project between PAC, the City, the CIC, .and the Peralta Community college District. To facilitate this transaction, the CIC .approved the Second Amend rnent to the DDA. The. Second Amendment. acknowledged that the acquisition of the Stargell and UP rights -of -way, and construction of.the Stargell Avenue Extension Project, are early expenditures. of. funds. The.S.econd Amendment allowed PAC to be reimbursed for. certain Stargell expend itu res in the event PAC :did not proceed with the Alameda Landing project, or d not go forward after.. completing certain components of the. project. PAC requested time. extensions for certain performance milestones as additional consideration.. for. its a.greernent to make an .early expenditure of nearly $8 million in funds to secure .the Stargell right -of -way. Time extensions granted were as follows: A three -year time extension to commence activity on an Alternative First Phase. The existing deadline was. December 2009. The new. deadline is December 2012. A tiro -year time extension to commence construction. on. the: re tail development north of Mitchell, and a one -year time extension to complet construction. The prior requirement was commencement of construction within 12 months.: of conveyance and complete construction within 00 months of conveyance. The new requirement allowed 36 months to commence construction following conveyance and 72 months to complete construction following conveyance. PAC requested these changes because a su ccessfu 1. wate rfront retail project is dependent upon a strong retail development south of Mitchell, and therefore, requires additional tirre.to construct and the retail south of Mitchell, in order to rnaximize.success and increase tenant quality at the waterfront. As a result, the following milestones were adjusted: A one -year extension to satisfy conditions precedent to the First Phase Demolition .and Backbone Infrastructure. The .prior deadi.ine was December 2013. The revised deadline .is Decerber 2014. Honorable Chair and December 2, 2009 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 3 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority A one -year extension to satisfy conditions precedent to the Second. Demolition and Backbone Infrastructure Phase. The prior deadline was December. 2016. The revised deadline is December 2017. A one -year time extension to the outside date. in order to. acquire the office parcels and commence Third Demolition and Backbone. Infrastructure Phase activity. The prior deadline was December 2016. The revised deadline is December 2017. With uncertainties in the market in 2008, these timelines not only recognized the $8 million early expenditure of funds, but.also mirrored trends. in financing and the condition of the economy. Since. the DDA deadlines .for conveyance .and construction are. tied to satisfaction of the Demolition and. Backbone Infrastructure conditions precedent, conveyance and construction deadlines were extended ny, one year as Drell.: (A summary of these milestones is attached as Exhi.bit A.to this report.) Pu rs u a nt to the. DDA, PAC had an obligation to make a good faith effort to. acquire the. necessary right- of -way and construct the Stargell Avenue. Extension Project as a condition. precedent to. commencing the second phase of the Alameda Landing project. under the DDA, PAC had until 2013 to determine the feasibility of the Stargell A Project.. While PAC worked diligently to obtain the exchange. of property necessary to acquire the Stargell right -of -way to permit the construction of: the. Stargell Avenue Extension Project, the DDA does not obligate PAC. to purchase the right -of -way. or construct the Stargell Avenue Extension Project until the second phase of. the Alameda Landing Project in 2017. Therefore, while the $8 million dollar acquisition by PAC of the. exchange parcel paved the way for the construction of Stargell.Av.e.nu.e, PAC was not obligated to construct the Stargell Avenue Extension Project until. 2017. The long -term funding strategy. for Stargell Avenue included a grant of $4 million .in STIP funds.from the.State of California. To preserve these funds PAC and/or the CIC was required to provide a local snatch by late 2008. PAC was unable to provide the match to the STI P grant due to. economic adjustments in the industry and tinning of the snatch without benefit.of deve.lopment..As..a result, the CIC borrowed the "snatch" from the City's .sewer. fund, and is scheduled to repay the loan in five equal installments beginning in FY09 -10. The Stargell "match" is a Project Expenditureto be reimbursed by PAC pursuant to the DDA, reimbursed on a pro -rata acreage oasis. Star ell Avenue Construction Status The Stargell Avenue Extension Project will provide four lanes for vehicle traffic as well as bicycle lanes from Webster Street to Fifth Street. The project will modify the Webster Street Tube exit as it transitions to the new Stargell Avenue intersection, provide for Honorable Chair and December 2, 2009 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 4 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority installation of signals, sidewalks, landscaping, irrigation, lighting, and a "queue jump lane" for Oakland -bound buses on Webster Street. Construction started in May 2009 and is approximately 45% Complete. The project is anticipated to be completed in .April 2010. As of October 3.0, 2009, the construction cost expended to date is $2,687,495, which is 40% of the co.nstructio.n.budget of $6.,923,86 .9. An additional $300,600 has been expended on "soft costs. The project is cu rrentl y within budget and on schedule. The major improvements constructed to date include: street widening, curb and gutter; storm drain pipes and inlets; utilities; and. the street pavement section, less the final lift of asphalt pavement. The contractor is currently constructing the northbound queue jump lane and the associated sidewalk, .curb and gutter, and street lighting on .the .east side of Webster Street. Further improvements include: installation of sidewalks, street lights, traffic signals, signing, and striping; the final lift of asphalt pavement; reconstruction of the intersection of Mariner Square Loop and Stargell Avenue; and modification to .the center. island of Webster Street. The temporary closure of Stargell. Avenue is expected through. mid- December. Plans and specifications for the landscaping improvements along Stargell Avenue, Webster Street and .a portion of Neptune Park are currently being completed by Public Works staff with construction to begin in 2..010.. Until that ti.me, .portions of Neptune. Park that have been. disturbed as a result of construction will be hydro- seeded to. control erosion and to maintain a green .entry into the. city. FISC Fire Clean-up and Demolition Clean -up and disposal of debris from the fire that destroyed the former FISC hospital. is nearing completion. Shoring. and abatement. work began in. raid October. That work continues now with the. abatement po.rtlo.n almost complete. Removal of. all hazardous materials was scheduled for. completion during the week of Thanksgiving. Subsequently, the. structures .will be demolished ..a.nd tile. concrete .disposed of at an approved disposal site. Full .removal is anticipated by raid- December..Because PAC has not taken possession of any. of the FISC property, funding .for clean -up of the fire, security, and environmental monitoring was paid for from the following sources: FISC Lease Revenue $46Q,QO❑ CD.BC 97,000 ARRA Loan to CIC 1 000 Total: $2,147;000 Honorable Chair and December 2, 2009 Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 5 of 5 Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Pursuant to the DDA, the CIC may elect to demolish the former FISC. hospital, and when PAC commences the first phase of the Alameda Landing project, PAC is required to reimburse the CIC for the cost incurred by the CIC in connection with the demolition work. If market conditions do not change significantly, it is expected that repayment may need to be structured consistent with phasing activity. Marketinq and Leasin PAC had been working for many months to attract Clif Bar to build its corporate headquarters in one of the rehabilitated warehouses along the waterfront .in Alameda Landing's planned commercial area. Negotiations with Clif Bar terminated .during the fall of 2008. Since that time, PAC has shifted focus from securing an anchor for the office portion of Alameda Landing to securing a top -tier national retailer for the retail portion of. the project. On September 30, 2009, PAC signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Target for the .sale of approximately ten acres, on which Target intends to. build a prototypical 13.9 square-foot store. The LOI carries a variety of requirements and milestones fo.r PAC and is the beginning of an intricate development process. In addition to Target, the developer has commenced negotiations with a second national tenant to co- anchor the. retail portion of the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact. RECOMMENDATION This report is submitted for information only. No action is required. LAL: ry Attachment: Exhibit A. Summary of Milestones ©••a© CSC re). o Cv oc CL a) a) N co c r CD Q 4) CL Q C3 0 -v c� a) C� V tll N fl CN C 0 cu CO C) C C cc 0 �0 cu w. E d3 'y o .C� 2 m y U (u N 7- c -0 cu m Cfl q m C) C C 0 Q 0 E o v p p w =�0 N Cri M C c� C x C3 0 C3 E r6 L 0 a. ��42 v W 0 m 0 Co C U th Co C3 0 C C� �r .m v 1 0 L d a Tr C� EIE yr :x CY) L C� CN 4) D a C) CL r- C 1 4 CN QD Cc £O i -u Tom-- >1 C i` d E Q) 0 z CD C) 00 N t m m CO Lo cz o t U) co m C� N C GC) L 7- CSC CD N U) >1 W CD Q3 CU N (1) co C\t LO M CN 00 �c7 4` 0 C o 0 CL LO C 0 cu a mom C C C C C) C C r Q) Q3 L] 1 C. M 0 oz C) C E ,3 Q3 E E 4-a L U C CI3 4� Cll C) E 0 I LL cn ©••a© CSC re). o Cv oc CL a) a) N co c r CD Q 4) CL Q C3 0 -v c� a) C� V tll N fl CN C 0 cu CO C) C C cc 0 �0 cu w. E d3 'y o .C� 2 m y U (u N 7- c -0 cu m Cfl q m C) C C 0 Q 0 E o v p p w =�0 N Cri M C c� C x C3 0 C3 E r6 L 0 a. ��42 v W 0 m 0 Co C U th Co C3 0 C C� �r .m v 1 0 L d a Tr N 0 v U) M QD C r r� C V L L L7 >1 e C C\i N N CD d W v N �00 P-- (c NN co (o co co (D co (D N NCB C (U LO co U m T3 c v M 4 v tC3 r T.3 CL C� CN cat c U) V) co 0 �r� a >1 a� U) U) en cn c 'X NN c� Lli r r r w r 0 00 00 w� 0 N L v r r V) 00 c o QJ v v tn c S p Q) v E v v p c�f� I c a) L I Q Q CD L) U) E (D 0 U .0 4 c r_ r a- cL C r r CL 0- 0 C Q,7 Q. C p� C; ....r CL D3 43 a_ a� c M E E l C: i 0 rr' v a) v v v C.3 0 CL uu0 v r v 4) u n� v C�3 COUNCIL REFERRAL FORM (To be submitted to the City Clerk) Marne of Councilmember requesting Referral: Frank Matarrese Date of submission to City clerk (must be submitted before 5 :00 p.m. on the Monday before the week of the meeting requested): [November ,1,8 Requested Meet date to consider council Referral: T ecember 2009, Brief description of the subject to be printed on the agenda, sufficient to inform the City council and public of the nature of the Council Referral: This referral re nests that the ARRA discuss providing the Interim City Manager/ ARRA Director to brin to the ARRAICICICouncil revised ol i c i es for leases at the ARRA and Tide Lands Leases under the City's 'urisdiction. It is re guested that the following goals be discussed for consideration and incor oration into the p olicies: Establish criteria for consideration of long term leases such as MARAD to establish a viable const that could p rovide the "market Jor future commercial develop at Alameda Point Work with the Navy for consideration of lon term tenants in order to build the commercial market for future commercial develo p rnent at Alameda Point To promote a financi health mar i time business sector for Alameda 's waterfront To invest in and rotect the physical stability of Alameda's shoreline To attract businesses from a number of sectors to reduce the ri s k of downturn on a single sector base. These sectors should build on current and future opportunities such as: G reen businesses (Green corridor Environmental clean u Maritime industries and suppliers Specialty foods Wine/Spirit- p roduction and supp ort industr Entertainment Production Agenda Item #4 -A CCIARRA/CIC 12-02-2009