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Cal Land Venture LLC 461
Major Donor and MAJOR DONOR AND INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE STATEMENT Independent Expenditure Committee Type or print in ink. Campaign Statement (Government Code sections 84200- 84216.5) 4 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers period from 07 through 12/31/2009 1 Name and Address of Fifer NAME of FILER (Include name(s) of all affiliated entities whose contributions are included in this statement.) Cal Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Paint RESIDENTIAL OR MAILING ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP CODE Irvine, CA 92514 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE (If filer is otherthan an individual) Bruce Cook (949) 777 -4032 2.. Nature and Interests of Fifer (Complete each applicable section.) A FILER WHC IS AN INDIVIDUAL MUST LIST THE NAME, ADDRESS, AND BUSINESS INTERESTS OF EMPLOYER OR, IF SELF-EMPLOYED, THE NAME, ADDRESS, AND NATURE OF THE BUSINESS NAME OF EMPLOYER /BUSINESS I BUSINESS INTERESTS ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER /BUSINESS A FILER THAT IS A BUSINESS ENTITY MUST DESCRIBE THE BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN WHICH IT IS ENGAGED Real Estate Development and Planning A FILER THAT IS AN ASSOCIATION MJST PROVIDE A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF ITS INTERESTS A FILER THAT IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL, BUSINESS ENTITY, OR ASSCCIATION MUST DESCRIBE THE COMMON ECONOMIC INTEREST OF THE GROUP OR ENTITY Date of election if applicabi A (Month, Day, Year) of p CITY ALAMEDA For Official Use Only 02102 /gala 11 *Y w ::nw OFFICE 3. Summary (Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars.) 1. Expenditures and contributions (including loans) of $100 or more made th is period. (Part 5-) 702,788.03 2. Uniternized expenditures and contributions (including loans) under $100 made this period.... 0.00 3. Total expenditures and contributions made this period. (Add Lines 1 2.)............ SUBTOTAL 702,788 .03 4. Total expenditures and contributions made from prior statement. (Enter amount from Line 5 of last statement filed. If this is the first statement for the calendar year, enter zero.) 552, 488.61 5. Total expenditures and contributions (including loans) made since January 1 of the current calendar year. (Add Lines 3 4.) TOTAL 1, 2.5.5, 276. 4. Verif ieation I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on a g DATE SIdNATURE OF INDIVIDUAL DONOR OR RESPONSIBLE OFFICER IF OTHER THAN AN INDIVIDUAL El Amendment Explain FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll-Free Help line: 866/ASK-FPPC 5661275 -3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement SEE INST RUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Type or print in ink. Statement coders period Amounts may be rounded I 4 to whole dollars. f ro m 07/01/2009 through 12/31/2009 Page 2 of S NAME OF FILER Cad. Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po: 5. Contributions (including Loans, Forgiveness of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (if more space is needed, use additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772 DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (1F OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Monetary CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) employee Rev italize Alameda Point 60,670.41 OR COMMITTEE 1, 104, 096.85 07/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding from SCC Alameda Point. LLC and Cal Land Ventures Contribution c ompensat i on (FPPC Yes ©n Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure B #1316157 Reg 18423) F1 Loan Non-Monetary Contribution City of Alameda A l ameda, CA 94501 independent Expenditure Support Oppose 0 Revi tali ze Alameda Point with major funding Monetary Revitalize Alameda Point 32,000.00 1, 104, 096-85 from SCC Alameda Point. LLC and Cal Land ventures Contribution Yes on Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure B (41316167) Loan Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 independent x❑ Support Oppose Expenditure vi.. ir�r.exrf;edia�- Fig °w American Ti r :1� Co. 07/30/2009 Alameda Reuse Redevelopment Authority (A.R.RA) Monetary Office Rent Revitalize Alameda Point. 1,460.00 2 920-00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 1:1 Loan E] Non Monetary City of Alameda Contribution A lameda, CA 94501. Independent Expenditure El Support Oppose M.xvfllt?.rir... °'ria Fi.rs AM-�x i c.an Co. 07 2009 Reuse Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) Mo Office Rent Revitalize Alameda Point 1,46 0.00 2,920.00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 0 Non Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure x❑ Support Oppose T11:1 Co. SUBTOTAL 95, 590.41 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772 Ma Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campai Statement SEE: INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR .COMMITTEE STATEMENT T or print in ink. Statement covers period Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. from 07/01/2009 through 12/31/2009 Pa 3 of 8 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po' 5. Contributions (includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees and Expenditures Made (If m ore space is n e ede d, us e a dditional copies of this pa for con tin ua tion sh DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, 0f` COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Monetar CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN emplo OR COMMITTEE Revitalize Alameda Point 60,67 0 .41 1,104,096.85 08/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with ma funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures Contribution compensation (FPPC Yes on Measure 2 S LLC, Yes on Measure B (#1316167) Re 18423) Loan El Non-Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support Oppose 08/18/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures Monetary Revitalize Alameda Point 38, 500 .00 1, 104, 096.85 LLC, Yes on Measure S (#1316167) Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 8.51 W Midway Nan Monetar Contri b uti on Cit of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support Oppose Paynit_mt vi�t Pi,:st Amei:icai� Title Co. 0,8/29/2 0()9 Fadem Associates E] Monetary Legal Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 8,792-66 8, 792.66 Contribution Yes Measure B B El Loan 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd, NO. 192 El Non-Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Lafa CA 94549 El Independent Expenditure El Support El oppose PaVlftht. via I lit AiiipLlcan Tltle Co 09/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures Monetary emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 58,713.30 1, 104, 096.85 LLC, Yes on Measure B (#1316167) Contribution compensation (FPPC Yes on Measure B B 851 W Midwa r_1 Loan Re 18423) El Non-Monetary Contribution Cit of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 E] Independent Expenditure Support oppose SUBTOTAL 166,676.371 1 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REV ERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR .COMMITTEE STATEMENT Type or print in ink. Statement covers period Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. 07/01/2009 FOR from of through 12/31/2009 Paae 4 8 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Ala meda Po: 5. Contributions (including Loans, Forgiveness of Leans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures blade (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) SUBTOTAL 14 3 74 6 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772 DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, €F COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER i.a. NUMBER) Monetary CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) employee Revitalize Alameda Point OR COMMITTEE 60, 670 .41. 1,104, 096.85 10/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures Contribution compensat (FPPC Yes on Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure B #1315167 Reg 18423) 851. W Midway E] Loan Non Monetary Contribution City of Alameda A lameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure x❑ Support Oppose 10/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding Monetary Revitalize Alameda Pont 42,000.00 1, 104, 096. 85 from SCC Alameda P oint LLC and Cal Land Ventures Co ntribut io n Ye on Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure B #1315167 Loan S 51 W Nridwav 1 Non Monetary Contribution City of Alameda A lameda, CA 94501 Independent x❑ Support Oppose Expenditure l'yrtr;rft v zrxr.tl�iax r F'ia:� ?�i Sri an T t.1� Cr" 10 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding 0 Monetary Revitalize Alameda Point 29,000-00 1,104,096.85 from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures Contribution Yes an Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure 8 (#�.31515'� Loan 851. W Midway Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure El Support El oppose Via T riy v l t t ,�fv� fy+ Y.,{, CR .11L[. -p-y, [tt "�L�.L C"SL P.11, �'C.. ="S FIl.''..,y, L. wi.ti LC. F-��:. 10/01/200 9 Tramutola Monetary ry Consultant Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 12,071.15 24,193.00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 191 Ridgeway Ave. Loan Non Monetary Contribution C ity of Alameda Oakland, CA 94611 Independent Expenditure Q Support El Oppose 'i3"i�t i`1 3. 1. i� c 3; f31 t.1 7.:c 3.",� 'i 2: M= r riz�: i 1 c i i T 1 f: I 0 4D SUBTOTAL 14 3 74 6 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772 Major Donor and INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Independent Expenditure Committee T or print in ink. Statement covers period A Amounts ma be rounded Campai Statement to whole dollars. from 07/01/2009 Islimp 12/31/2009 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu Pa 5 of 8 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC to compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to master Plan Alameda Po., 5. Contributions (includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this pa for continuation sheets, DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE AMOUNT RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) OR COMMITTEE 11/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point with major funding Monetary emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 58, 713-30 1, 104, 095.85 from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Venture Contribution compensation (FPPC Yes on Measure B B LLC, Yes on Measure B (#1316167) Re 1842-3) 851 W Midwa El Loan ElNon-Monetar Contribution Cit of Alameda Al ameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure F0 Support F] oppose 11/18/2009 The Next Generation Monetar Consultant Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 15 25, 837.97 Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 1904 Franklin street #609 Non-Monetar Contribution Cit of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 Independent Expenditure E] Support E:] Oppose F11:;5t Auierican Titi.e. Co. 11/18/200 9 The Next. Generation Monetar Consultant Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 80.97 25,837.97 Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 1.904 Franklin Street #609 El Non Monetary Contribution Cit of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 E] Independent Expenditure E] Support oppose 11/18/2009 ""utola Monetar Consultant Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 20-35 24,193-00 Contribution Yes on Measure 8 B 191 Rid Ave El Loan M Non- Monetar Contribution Cit of Alamecla Oakland, CA 94611 Independent Expenditure Support El Oppose First SUBTOTAL 73,924 .62 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded C ampaign Statement to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Statement covers period y from 07 /01/2009 r- o through 12/31/2009 Page 5 of 8 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po: 5. Contributions (Including Loans, Forgiveness of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures blade (if more space is needed, use additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE AMOUNT RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE [IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1. NUMBER) (IF (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR LOAN) OR COMMITTEE 11/18/2009 Tramutola Monetary Consultant Fees Revitalize A lameda Point 12,101.50 24, 193.00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 191 Ridgeway Ave. L oan Non-Monetary Contribution city of Alameda Oakland, CA 94611 E] Independent Expenditure El Support El Oppose First AE €Et:I. L C �.I_F t. i_`.o 11/20/2009 R evita l ize Alameda Point with major funding from SCC Alameda P aint LLC and Cal Land Ventures Moneta X Re v italize Alameda Point 50, ❑00.00 1, 104, 095.85 LLC, Yes on Measure B #1.316167) Contribution Yes o Measure B S Loan 851 W Midwav Non Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Q Support C] Oppose �'�c'n3�:I7C VIA 1.i�fi�i'f1]�t`�1rZI FI;:'3C A31IF�1L.�ti"S `I`1C:ie: CC:. 12 EMC Research Monetary Consultant Fees Revitalize Alameda Point 11,110.00 50,330-00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 436 14th Street, Suite 820 M Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 independent Expenditure Support Oppose �ytrt�:t�r. zria iti�.�z�r���L�x�a>:yT First- �tn�zi.�.m��a� T�C:I� Co- 12/01/2009 Revi to 1 i z e Alameda Point. with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Gal Land Ventures Monetary employee Revitalize Alameda Pant 50, 570.41. 1, 104, 096,85 LLC. Yes cn Measure S 4131167 Contribution compensation (FPPC Yes on Measure B B 851 W Midway L Reg 18423) El Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support Oppose SUBTOTAL 133 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772 Ma Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded Campai Statement to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Statement covers period from 07/01/2009 throu 12/31/2009 Pa 7 of 8 NAME OF FILER I Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po 5. Contributions (Includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this pa for continuation sheets.) NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFI AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE OF PAYEE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, RELATED TO THIS I F OTHER T HAN M ON ETAR Y OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN OR COMMITTEE 12/23/2009 barDarosa Social Club, Inc, E] Monetar Television and Ad Revitalize Alameda Point 12, 50O.00 12, 50C.00 i I Contrbution services Yes on Measure B B 1142 N. L)a Clene Blvd. Loan El Non-Monetary Contribution Cit of Alameda L ©s An CA 90069 vl�i Fii:-qr Titl��,, El Independent Expenditure E] Support oppose 12/23/2009 EMC Research Monetar Voter Surve Revitalize Alameda Point 8,000.00 50,330.00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 436 14th Street, Suite 820 Loan Non-Monetar Contribution cit of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 Independent vJ A Pl-rst: Atn.�i',�an 'Fir-le Cc,. Expenditure [j] Support E] Oppose 12/23/2009 EMC Rozearch E] Monetar Voter Surve Revitalize Alameda Point 22,220-00 50,330-00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 436 14th Street, Suite 820 Loan Non-Monetary Contribution Citv of Alameda 4 Oakland, CA 94612 Payrw--ilu vii ii-iteinied.iarlll' Firsu AuIi�-ican TItI,? Co, Independent Expenditure Q Support Oppose 12/23/2009 EMC Research Monetar Voter Surve Revitalize Alameda Point 9, 000.00 SO, 330-00 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 436 14th Street, Suite 820 El Loan El Non-Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 P�tYM�Alr V1.7; First, Aweican Tv-i'a CC, Independent Expenditure E] Support E] Oppose SUBTOTAL 51,720-00 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVER INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Type or print in ink. Statement ceders period Amounts may be rounded J to whole dollars. from 07/01/2009 through 12 Page 8 of a NAME OF FILER Ca Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contr of SGG Al ameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with C of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po' 5. Contributions (including Loans, Forgiveness of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this page forcontinuation sheets.) DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS TYPE OF PAYMENT OF PAYEE PAYMENT MEASURE. AND JURISDICTION, PERIOD (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMI CANDIDATE, MEASURE, (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0- NUMBER) CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) OR COMMIT 12/23/2009 Megellan Data and Mapping Strategies Monetary Automated Voter ID Revitalize Alameda Point 13,000.00 13,000-00 Contribution service Yes on Measure B B 1685 Boxelder St. Suite 300 L oan ED Nan Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Louisville, Co 800 independent �s Expenditure E] Support E] Oppose m -.ray. via in>~.ez m,,,.di ai:v Fi z-s r Amex i.cati °I" i r..1 e Co. Z2/23/20 Momentum Southwest LLC Monetary Public Relations Revitalize Alameda Paint 13,606.16 13,606.16 Contribution Consultant Services Yes on Measure B B Loan 400 Co Ave. SW 12th Floor Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Albuquerque, NM 87102 independent Expenditure Q Support Oppose I�c1� via lI1i:GI"�(lF'dliI.�r First AC[lel�Mc�33"1 TiCz� Co. 12 The Next. Generation Monetary Consultant Services Revitalize Alameda Paint 4,000-00 25, 837.97 Contribution Yes on Measure B B Loan 19014 Franklin Street #6039 Non- Monetary Contribution City of Alameda Oakland, CA 94612 independent Expenditure x] Support F oppose p rl,.�-iit Pi rs 12/23/2 009 The Next Generation Monetary Consultant Services Revitalize Alameda Point 6,647.00 25 837.97 Contribution Yes on Measure B B 1904 Frankl Street #609 Loan Non Monetary Contributi City of Alameda Oakland, GA 94612 Independent Expenditure �':x° IY1eIlC via �.F�C':'.3,E €1N��I.:�I:�Y' �'�.ISt: a[IP:;'I�:�iit Ti C IS E.��i. Q Support E] Oppose SUBTOTAL 3 FPPC Form 461 FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275 -3772