2009-10-20 Joint 3-A Power PointALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 20, 2009 DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE & INCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENT a DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE AMM. •Incentive program to encourage developers to construct affordable units Applies to Charter Cities -Mir Ar-, The State's legislation can be used if a City does not have a Density Bonus Ordinance w MP-_ alp, Different from Inclusionary Housing a looppw DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE FUNDAMENTALS Project site must be sufficient to accommodate 5 (five) residential units and meet zoning requirements lffi— In exchange for including affordable units in a project, developer gets additional market rate units Developer can request concession(s) or waiver(s) of code requirements Number of bonus units increase with an increase in the Ar-, number of affordable units, up to a 35% Densi*ty Bonus 16:4 Concessions or Incentives increase with an increase in the EP—_ 401. number of affordable units -mop Waivers, no limit to the number that can be requested a DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE DENSITY BONUS PROJECTS i Very Low Income, 5% Low Income, 10% EP- Moderate Income i Common Interest Development, 10% Senior Housing Development or Mobile Home Park for Seniors Land Donation for Construction of Affordable Units Aom -gal 7;0 Provide Child Care Facilities Convert Apartments to Condominiums (33% of units for moderate income households) DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE CONCESSIONS /INCENTIVES Lot size or dimension reduction Setback reduction Height limit increase Open space requirement reduction Lot coverage increase Parking reduction %r- DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE CONCESSIONS /INCENTIVES Lot size or dimension reduction Setback reduction Height limit increase Open space requirement reduction Lot coverage increase Parking reduction DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE Aw, ,"F WAIVERS No limit on the number of waivers that can be requested Alp Waiver must be for a development standard that would preclude construction of the project Do not reduce the number of concessions MP-_ or incentives an applicant is entitled to. 9 AM AFRI WINI JI dw DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE AN EXAMPLE 100 UNIT PROJECT Applicant proposes to make 5 units (5 affordable to very low income households Developer is enti''led to a 20% de nsity bonus, or an additional 20 market rate units 120 Housing units can be built, with 5 dwelling units for very low income households Developer is entitled to one concession or incentive in this scenario and can request waivers. Iff 9 t da- imp 1 AlPh.. EP— Ids- %r- DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE INCLUSIONARY REQUIREMENTS Affordable Housing Units are required for all Developments i Alameda Redevelopment Areas 25% A11 Other Areas 151/0 ISSUE SHOULD INC USIONARY UNIZ COUNT TOWARD A DENSITY BONUS TWO QUESTIONS "74 S� Should Inclusionary Units Count towards Density Bonus np— Should the Inclusionary Requirement in Redevelopment Areas bc Reduced from 25% to 15% Staff has recommended that it should because: Ar-, -00 Provides the same inclusionary requirement across city If units are counted, does not result in automatic density bonus Is an incentive to provide more affordable units 9 AM AFRI WIMFI- Ask- i mp DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE Recommendation The City Council approve the Density Bonus Ordinance. The Community Improvement Commission Change the Inclusionary requirement for Redevelopment Areas from 25% to 15 —Adopt the Negative Declaration for the ordinance.