2010-01-26 Special Joint Packeti _:s. CITY OF ALAM EDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY JANUARY 26,2010 6-00 P.M. Location- City Council Chambers Conference Room, Cit Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street FA I nTe rw] ILS r A 1 Roll Call Cit Council 2. Public Comment on A Items Onl An wishin to address the Council on a items onl ma speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3-A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Aqenc ne Joe Wile and Human Resources Director Emplovee organizations: Alameda Police Officers Association 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if an 5. Adjournment Cit Council rl Joh ri' CITY OF ALAMEDA *CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT R4FFT1Njr-. OF THE CITY rnHKIP11 ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY- (ARRA) AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) TUESDAY Januar 26, 2010 7-00 P.M. Location- Cit Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street Public Participation An wishin to address the Council /Board /Commission on a items or business introduced b the Council /Board /Commission ma speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per a item when the subject is before the Council/Board/Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant Cit Clerk if y ou wish to speak. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL -Cit Council, ARRA, CIC 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted b one motion unless a re for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 2-A. Minutes of the Special Joint Cit Council and Communit Improvement Commission (CIC) meetin held on December 15, 2009, and the Re Cit Council Meetin held on Januar 19, 2010. (Cit Clerk) [Cit Council, CIC] 2-B. Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $60,280 to AZCO Suppl and Authorize a Ten Percent Contin to Purchase Twent Streetli Poles as Part of the Woodstock to Webster Street Nei Improvement Pro and Authorize the Interim Cit Mana to Execute the Contract and Related Documents. (Economic Development [Continued from Januar 19, 2010 cit y Council 6 110 Ams I I a LVAR 3-A. Recommendation to accept transmittal of the: 1 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report {CAFR) for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2009; 2) Auditor's A Upon Procedures Report on compliance with Vehicle Code Section 40200.3 P Citation Processin 3 A Upon Procedures Report on compliance with the Proposition 111 21005-06 Appropriations Limit Increment; 4) Police and Fire Retirement S Pension Plans 1079 and 1092 Audit Report for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2009 5 Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Pro Financial Statements for Year ended June 30, 2009 and 6) Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit Basic Component Unit Financial Statements for the Year ended June 30, 2009. (Finance) [City Council /ARRA] 3 -B. Recommendation to Accept the Financial Report for the Fourth Fiscal Quarter Ending June 2009. (Finance) [City Council /CIC /ARRA] 4. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS 4 -A. Supplemental Education Revenue and Augmentation Fund (SERAF) Proposed Payment Plan [City Council] 4 -13. ARRA Revenue and Expense -Ten Year History [ARRA] 4 -C. Golf Enterprise Fund Revenue and Expense -Ten Year History [City Council] 5. COUNCIL REFERRALS 5 -A. Discussion of Athletic Field Improvement. (Councilmember Matarrese) [City Council] 6. ADJOURNMENT City Council, ARRA, CIC Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City clerk's Office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters Will be available. on request. Tease contact the City Clerk at 747 --4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available. for public use. For assistance, please contact the city clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print 9 Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the City clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting L N.AP PROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION C C MEETING TUESDAY- DECEMBER 15, 2009- -7 :31 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Joint Meeting at 7:35 p.m. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese Zed the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Counci lmember s /Commi s s ioner,s deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor/Chair Johnson Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar Councilmember /Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote S. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] 09- CC/09- CIC Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on December 2, 2009. Approved. *09- CIC Recommendation to Authorize the Transmittal of the Community Improvement Commission Basic Component Unit Financial Statement for the Year Ended June 30, 2009. Accepted. *09- CC/09- CIC Recommendation to Authorize Transmittal of the Community Improvement Commission's Annual Report to the State Controller's office and the City Council; Authorize Transmittal of the Redevelopment Agency Annual Housing Activity Report to the State Department of Housing and Community Development and the State Controller's Office; and Accept the Annual Report; and *09- A CIC Resolution No. 09 -164 "Approving and Adopting the operating Budget and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures Provided in Fiscal Year 2009 2010." Adopted. AGENDA ITEMS None. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission December 15. 2009 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 7:36 p m Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clergy. Secretary, CIC The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission Dece--nber 15, 2009 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE R CTS COUNCIL MEETING TU ES DAY- -JAN UAR'Y 19 2010- -7 :00 P. M. Acting Mayor deHaan convened the meeting at 7:02 p.m. Councilrnernber Gilmore led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese, Tara and Acting Mayor deHaan 4. Absent: Mayor Johnson 1. [Note: Mayor Johnson was attending the Mayor's Conference in Washington D.C.] AGENDA CHANGES (10- Acting Mayor deHaan announced that the recommendation to appoint members of the sunshine task force [paragraph no. 10- was removed from the agenda. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAB' ANNOUNCEMENTS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Acting Mayor deHaan announced that adoption of the resolution [paragraph no. 14- 1 was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilrnernber Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the consent calendar. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson —1.] *10- Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and School Board Meeting held on January a, 2010 and Special City Council Meetings held on January 0, 2010. Approved. *10- )Ratified bills in the amount of $4,670,055.34. *10- )Recommendation to Solicit Bids and Sell Surplus Electrical Equipment. Accepted. 10- Resolution No. 14413, "Ratifying the Public Utility Board's Approval of the Confirmation to the Single Member Services Agreement Between Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) and the Northern California Power Agency Regarding the Graeagle Hydroelectric Facility Power Purchase Agreement and Authorize the General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power to Execute the Confirmation to the Single Member Regular Meeting Alameda City Council January 19, 2010 Services Agreement." Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese inquired who is Henwood Associates. The AMP General Manager responded Mark Henwood has been an electric utility consultant for decades; stated the Federal Deregulation Act allowed individuals to become independent power producers; Mr. Henwood is an independent power producer and develops power projects; he developed the project over 20 years ago and sold the output to Turlock Irrigation District and Alameda; the recommendation is to renew the Agreement. Councilmember Matarrese stated the staff report states AMP will pay Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) for energy, capacity and environmental attributes at the same rate that NCPA is obligated to pay Henwood Associates under the Agreement; inquired whether the PUB reviewed the Agreement to ensure there is some control over rates. The AMP General Manager responded a flat price was negotiated; stated the price for renewable power today is higher than said price; the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) determines the Market Price Referent (MPR) for renewable power, which allows investor owned utilities to buy power at the set price or lower; the negotiated price in the contract is lower than the MPR. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the price will last for the 20 year term of the Contract, to which the AMP General Manager responded in the affirmative. In response to Councilmember Matarrese's inquiry regarding whether administrative costs are subject to escalation, the AMP General Manager stated administrative costs are subject to escalation and NCPA's cost allocation; NCPA completed a three -year process to establish an updated cost allocation scheme; NCPA's current plans are to expand membership to lower costs; administrative costs for the project are very low compared to the open market. Councilmember Tam stated the AMP General Manager indicated that the cost of $88 per megawatt hour is low; inquired what are comparable costs. The AMP General Manager responded during negotiations, the MPR was $117; stated the CPUC has reduced the MPR due to natural gas prices coming down; that he believes the current MPR is $98 or $99. Councilmember Tam stated not every small hydropower qualifies for the green energy label; the project has to be under 30 megawatts to qualify. Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 January 19, 2010 vote 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson 1.] CITY MANAGER. COMMUNICATIONS (10- State Budget The Interim city Manager gave a brief report on the State budget; announced a Special Meeting dedicated to budget matters would be held next Tuesday, January 26. In response to Acting Mayor del- laan's inquiry regarding the gas tax, the Interim city Manager stated the city receives $1.2 million on an annual basis; the impact of the State taking the gas tax would be analyzed; the State would do the same thing that has been done with sales tax and property tax. Acting Mayor deHaan inquired whether the State has determined its shortfall amount, to which the Interim City manger responded in the negative; stated the amount is a moving target. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 10- Recommendation to Award a contract in the Amount of $80,280 to AZCO Supply and Authorize a Ten Percent contingency to Purchase Twenty -five Streetlight Poles as Part of the Woodstock to Webster Street Neighborhood Improvement Project, and Authorize the Interim city Manager to Execute the contract and Related Documents. The Economic Development Department Division Manager gave a Power Point presentation. Councilrnember Matarrese inquired whether the poles would be fiberglass, to which the Division Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmernber Matarrese inquired ghat is the life expectancy relative to steel or aluminum. The Project Manager responded that she does not know the difference in life expectancy; stated AMP would only allow fiberglass poles to be installed. In response to Councilmember Matarrese's inquiry regarding why AMP requires fiberglass, the Project Manager stated AMP finds fiberglass easier to install, lighter for crews and easier to switch out. Councilmernber Matarrese stated that he is concerned fiberglass does not hold up; the life expectancy of steel or aluminum is a lot longer; poles might need to be replaced in four or five years. Regular Meeting Alameda City council 3 January 19, 2010 Acting Mayor deHaan stated that he is impressed with the design of the lights; fiberglass poles were not installed on Park and Webster Streets; the existing [steel or aluminum poles have been in place for over 76 years and are bullet proof; the fiberglass poles installed on Otis Drive are showing wear. The Interim City Manager suggested the matter be continued to the January 26 meeting. Councilrnember Tarn left the dais at 7:16 p.m. and returned at 7:1 p.m. Councillmember Gilmore stated the poles on Park and Webster Streets were not installed too long ago; when the matter returns, she would like to know why the change has been made. Michael John Torrey, Alameda, stated the project should move forward as soon as possible. (10- )Recommendation to Appoint Members of the Sunshine Issue Spotting Task Force. Not heard. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS None. ADJOURNMENT 4� There being no further business, Acting Mayor deHaan adjourned the meeting in memory of Haiti earthquake victims at 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 January 19, 2010 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: January 20, 2010 Re: Recommendation to Award a contract in the .Amount of $00,280 to AZCc Supply and Authorize a Ten Percent Contingency to Purchase Twenty -five Streetlight Pales as part of the Woodstock to Webster street Neighborhood Improvement Project, and Authorize the Interim city Manager to Execute the contract and Related Documents mm On January 19, 2010, the city council considered a recommendation to approve a contract to purchase twenty -five light standards. These. light standards. are to. be installed as part of the Woodstock to Webster street [m pra.vement Phan. The council continued the item and requested that staff return with additional information pertaining to the materials used to fabricate the lights. DISCUSSION The city has used fiberglass streetlight poles since the 970s. The use of composite (fiberglass and resin materials) light .poles. is preferred by Alarneda Municipal Power (AMP) because meta.! poles deteriorate and. require frequent maintenance and replacement. Fiberglass composite poles hold up better than steel poles in the. city's saltwater environment. Compos.ite. light poles. are lightweight and therefore can. be installed more efficiently with smaller crews and no additional equipment such as cranes. The composite material is non corrosive, non conductive, and does not deteriorate. There is no need .for ongoing mainternance such. as painting. In .addition, the poles are coated with polyurethane containing UV inhibitors to prevent. fading. The poles will not warp or twist over time. AMP has replaced many of the older. deteriorated metal poles with composite poles. Furthermore, when the poles are physically. damaged they are recyclable. In addition to these benefits, the fiberglass composite poles. are. loss expensive than aluminum or cast iron poles.. Fiberglass poles cost approximately $2,300 each compared to $7,400 each for cast iron poles. The manufacturer, Shakespeare composite Products, guarantees that the product will be defect -free for three years from the date of purchase when used under normal conditions. In addition, the company guarantees that the below -grade portion of the CC /A CIC Agenda Item #2_B t Honorable Mayor and January 26, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 light standard, when buried and backfilled properly, will not weather or deteriorate for a period of 20 years. FINANCIAL IMPACT This project is funded with CDBO monies and does not impact the City's General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT GROSS REFERENCE The project's specifications and the Cali for Bids were prepared in accordance with AMP standards and Federal CDBG rules and regulations. The Call. for Bids encouraged businesses owned by women or minorities to. bid, and all. contractors. and other businesses providing services to the City to hire Alameda residents, pursuant to City Resolution No. 12278. This project is subject to .compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The activities proposed are categorically excluded from NEPA. RECOMMENDATION Award a contract in the amount of $60,280 to AZCO supply, and authorize a ten percent contingency, to purchase 25..streetlight poles as part of the Woodstock to Webster Neighborhood Improvement Project, and authorize the Interim City Manager.fo execute the contract and related documents. Resp ctf y submitted, Leslie Little Economic Development Director CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager /Executive Director Date: January 20, 2010 Re: Accept Transmittal of: 1) City of Alameda Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 2) Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with vehicle Code Section 40200.3 Parking Citation Processing 3) Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with the Proposition 111 2008 -09 Appropriations Limit Increment 4) Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Plans 1079 and 1082 Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June. 30, 2009 5} Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Pro gram Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 0} Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority of the Cit y of Alameda, Component Unit Basic Financial statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 BACKGROUND The Alameda City Charter Article Iv, section 4 -2, various financing covenants, and rules associated with restricted funding sources, require the City of Alameda to publish a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), presented in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. The publication of these statements must be completed within six months of the close of the fiscal year. Transmitted herewith is the City of Alameda CAFR for the year ended June 30, 2009. The report provides detailed financial information by which the City Council and the public, including market analysts and investors, may assess the attractiveness of investing in Alameda as a viable, financially stable municipal entity in which to live, work and conduct business. CIAO CC Agenda Item #3 -A 1,2640 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council January 26, 2010 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA Page 2 of 3 Also transmitted are the auditor's reports on Agreed Upon Procedures for Compliance with certain vehicle code provisions; the report on compliance with the Proposition 111 calculation procedures; the Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Plans 1079 and 1 082; and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Program for year ending June 30, 2009. A blended component unit reports for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority is also included. The CAFR report has three sections: Introductory Section: This section contains the transmittal letter from the Interim city Manager, which highlights accomplishments and discusses economic conditions and outlook. This section also contains awards to the City for excellence in financial reporting from the Governmental Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada and from the California Society of Municipal Finance officers. Financial Section: This section includes the auditor's opinion letter, the Management Discussion and Analysis, and the general purpose financial and supplemental combining statements. Budget to actual comparisons by fund can be found within these statements. bear -to -year comparisons are also presented. Statistical Section: A Governmental Account Standards Board (GASB) requirement beginning with the year ending June 30, 2006, added new items to this section. It includes a number of. tables concerning city operations, demographics and miscellaneous information. The CAFR and the other five reports and financial statements are on file with the City Clerk, and can also be reviewed at the Alameda Free Library and its branches. After acceptance, the CAFR will be added to the Finance section of the City's website. DISCUSSION The city of Alameda had net assets of $334,629,989 as of June 30, 2009. This represents an increase of $6,918,632 from the prior fiscal year. Total debt decreased by $3,887,958 during the year. The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City of Alameda. At June 30, 2009, the City's General Fund had a fund balance of $21,514,121, which included u n restricted, u n rese rved avai fable cash of $11,704,977; $6 due f rom other f ands; $440,000 as a designated reserve for fire station improvements; a designated increase in fair value of investment of $198,185, and $3,058,907 as a reserve for equipment replacement. The financial statements, supporting schedules, statistical tables and narrative explanations are included to ensure that all financial data is presented in order to provide members of the public with all necessary information pertaining to City finances. The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council January 20, 2010 Honorable Chair and Members of the ARRA Page 3 of 3 interested public includes not only the City Council, but also boards, commissions, committees, oversight bodies, investors and creditors, grant or resource providers, taxpayers, employees, and third parties that may have a particular interest in the financial position of the City. FINANCIAL IMPACT Acceptance of this report does not affect the City's budget or financial condition. The report reflects an audit of the City's financial records for all funds at June 30, 2009. RECOMMENDATION Accept transmittal of the City of Alameda Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and associated reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. Respectfully submitted, Exhibits: 1. City of Alameda Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 on file with the City Clerk's Office 2. Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with Vehicle Code section 40200.3 Parking Citation Processing on file with the City Clerk's Office 3. Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with the Proposition 111 2008 -09 Appropriations Limit Increment on file with the City Clerk's Office 4. Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Plans 1079 and 1082 Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 on file with the City Clerk's Office 5. Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Program Financial statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 on file with the City Clerk's Office 0. Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Alameda, Component Unit Basic Financial statements for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009 on file with the City Clerk's Office cc: City Auditor City Treasurer Maze Associates CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: January 28, 2010 Re: Accept the Financial Report for the Fourth Fiscal Quarter April, M and June, 2009 BACKGROUND The projected, audited yearend financial report for FY08 -09 for all City funds has been completed The audited revenues, expenditures and fund balances have been reconciled to this report. Maze and Associates has completed its audit of the City's financial records. The final audit report for FY08 -09 for all City funds, including the component units, is scheduled to be presented to the City Council at the January 28 special meeting of the City Council, the Community Improvement Commission, and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA). DISCUSSION In FY08 -09, combined revenues for all City funds, excluding Alameda Municipal .Power and Alameda Housing Authority, totaled $208,7'82,098. The combined expenditures for all funds in FY08 -09 totaled $210,592,454. Fund balances and bond proceeds may have been utilized as revenues in certain funds in order to balance operating /capital expenditures. The available fund balance for all funds at June 30, 2009, was $208,334,148. It is important to note that this aggregate fund balance includes available cash (unreserved, undesignated fund balance accounts receivable, loans/notes/obligations due; designated reserves; and other reportable assets included within the definition of fund balance as required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). several exhibits of financial detail have been prepared as tools to review FY08 -09 results, specifically: Exhibit I outlines by fund the revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for all City funds at June 30, 2009. Exhibit 2 summarizes by major category the actual General Fund revenues and expenditures at June 30, 2009 with projected to actual. CCIARRA/C C Agenda Item #3 -B 1-26-10 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council January 26, 2010 Page 2of6 0 Exhibit 3 details General Fund revenues by source, budget and actual, at June 30, 2009. 0 Exhibit 4 details General Fund expenditures by program, budget and actual at June 30, 2009. Exhibit 5 charts General Fund actual revenues to projected and budgeted by major category. Exhibit 5 charts General Fund actual expenditures to projected and budgeted by major category. Exhibit 7 summarizes by fund, revenues and expenditures, budget and actual for all remaining, non General Fund City funds, at June 30, 2009. General Fund The FY08 -09 annual budget was adopted in June 2008 with total appropriations of $76,894,897. however, throughout the fiscal year, the downturn in both the national and the state economy forced cities, counties, school districts, and special districts to contend with significant revenue shortfalls due to declines in retail sales, home sales, and State budget subventions. In the City of Alameda, management noted early in the first quarter of the fiscal year that revenues would be approximately $4 million less than that projected at the time the City Council adopted the FY08 -09 budget on June 19, 2008. Management staff took immediate action, freezing vacant positions; reducing expenditures at midyear in all departments; and ultimately implementing a reduction in force (RIF) in May 2009. The actual General Fund revenues in FY08 -09 totaled $73,788,797; transfers from other funds were $7,671 ,426 of this amount. The actual General Fund expenditures in FY08 -09 were $70,379,784; of this amount, transfers to other funds totaled $3,619,997. There were transfers from the General Fund to establish new funds in the amount of $1 FY08 -09 closed at a net increase of $1 ,466,916, increasing the fund balance to $18,267,031, with the available balance at $11,704,979, (Exhibit 1), exclusive of outstanding negative balances still remaining in the Internal Service Funds (ISF). True net available cash, after ISF offsets, totals $9,981,420. The $18.2 million FY08 -09 year -end fund balance remains at 26% of General Fund expenditures budgeted for FY09 -10, consistent with City Council adopted policy. The mortgage crisis, "spillover" effects in the credit markets, high oil prices, and inflationary increases in food, gasoline, and sundries affected economic growth, and impacted revenues significantly by FY08 -09 close, with budgeted revenues at $76,380,239 compared to actual revenue of $73,788,797, a $2.6 million difference compared to that which was projected at the time of budget adoption. General Fund Revenues General Fund major revenue categories are summarized in Exhibit 2, with details on revenues by source in Exhibit 3. The actual General Fund Honorable Mayor and January 26, 2010 Members of the city council Page 3 of 6 revenues decreased $2,017,823, or 2.6% in FY08 -09, as compared to the prior fiscal year. Given the continued economic downturn since FY07 -08 year end, a similar decrease in actual revenues received by FY09 -10 year -end is projected to be approximately $6.0 million less, with the adopted budget for revenue at $68,766,640. Property tax revenues increased 3.1 or approximately $689,640 from FY07 -08, primarily due to the 2% annual increase permitted under law (Prop. 13). Other Local Taxes increased by $2.7 million, or 11.4 as a result of moving the $2,800,000 of revenue from AMP to Local Taxes rather than from revenue from other Agencies. Licenses and Permits declined 44.1°0, or $1,636,946, due to the transfer of Planning and Building permits to a new fund in FY08 -09. Fines and Forfeitures declined 33.9%, or $339,967, due to the transfer of these revenues to a new fund in FY08 -09. Use of Money and Property declined $270,098, or 19.2 primarily resulting from lower average balances of invested cash and the decline of interest rates. The General Fund's share of investment income for FY08 -09 was $1,006,166 which includes $161,170 for the increase in Fair Market value of the investments, compared to the $1.6 million budgeted. Budget projections in this category remain conservative, but may still be overstated with the continued decline in interest rates, as a hedge against market volatility and, as a result, have precluded detrimental reliance on interest as a recurrent, major revenue source. Revenue from other Agencies declined 26% or $2,420,337 due to re- categorizing $2.8 million from this category to other Local Taxes. The city derives a significant portion of its General Fund revenues from economically sensitive sources such as property tax, sales tax, utility user's tax, and construction related permits and fees. When one or more of these key revenues decline significantly below projections, program and service operational levels are placed in jeopardy. The national economy and the recurrent state budget crisis have created, and will continue to create, a volatile revenue base for local government and the city of Alameda's budget in the near future. General Fund Ex enditures: The actual General Fund expenditures for FY08 -09 reflect an 11.4 or $9.1 million decrease from the prior fiscal year, reflecting the decrease in General Fund tax revenues, and the creation of new funds for Police grants, Library and Planning and Building Special Revenue Funds. Transfers to Other Funds includes the General Fund contribution to the Library Fund for operations in the amount of $1.7 million, in order to supplement property taxes, and a transfer of $827,338 to the city Hall Debt Service Fund. S Revenue Funds: The Special Revenue Fund group includes such individual funds as redevelopment, gas tax, library fund, various assessment districts, and the athletic fund. The FY08 -09 actual year end fund balance for this fund group totaled $49,191,247. This is an aggregate decrease of $708,264, or 1.4 from FY07 -08. (Exhibit 1) The vast majority of these special revenue funds operate within budget Honorable Mayor and January 26, 2010 Members of the city council Page 4 of 6 projections, utilizing available fund balances only strategically. Sufficient reserves in each fund are always maintained to ensure completion of projects or programs. The Alameda Point Improvement Project FY 08 -09 actual year end fund balance (not cash) was approximately $1.3 million negative. The city's redevelopment agency operates this fund at negative cash to fulfill the requirement for the project area to demonstrate "debt" as required by State law. Capital Project wads The capital Project Fund Group, which includes such individual funds as general capital projects, construction funds, assessment districts, and urban runoff, had an aggregate fund balance of $24,629,844 at FY08 -09 year end. This is an increase of $1 ,787,546, or 7.8% since FY07 -08 year end. No individual fund operated in the negative. All assessment districts are fully funded, with sufficient reserves. Debt Sel v ce Funds The Debt service Fund Group includes individual funds established to account for the long terra debt of the city and its redevelopment agency. At fiscal year end, the aggregate fund balance of all debt service funds was $11,075,829, a decrease of $6,481 or .06% from the prior fiscal year, a minor change in fund balance. Enterprise Funds: The Enterprise Funds Group, comprised of city business -like operations such as the golf course, ferry services, and the sanitary serer system, requires, per GAAP and GASB, fund balance reporting that includes cash, reserves, and asset valuation of the enterprise such as buildings, equipment, etc. Exhibit 1 includes fund balance detail in cash, reserves, and assets for each of these individual funds. The aggregate fund balance, as reportable, for all enterprise funds is $61 ,951 ,446 at June 30, 2009. The Golf course Fund (Fund 601) operated at an annual negative of $487,374 compared to the FY07 -08 negative of $1 ,120,095. In FY08 -09, the cash fund balance was $1,230,046 compared to $1,552,254 at June 30, 2008. Negative cash flog has decreased due to contracting with Kemper Management for the operation of the Golf Course, and should decrease further in FY09 -10 due to the staff reductions as of December 2009. The Sewer Service Fund (Fund 602) loaned $3,000,000 to the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (13WIP) Fund to assist with the funding of Stargell Avenue improvements in order to ensure award of State Transportation Improvement Project (STIP) funds for this capital project. This loan as well as expenditures for other capital projects decreased the FY08 -09 cash balance from $18,427,807 to $12,563,034. lateral Service Funds The Internal Services Fund Group includes those funds created for programs and/or services provided citywide to all departments. Revenues to these funds are the result of administrative (cost recovery) charges; direct charges; and/or transfers from other funds. The aggregate fund balance at FY08 -09 year end reflects a Honorable Mayor and January 28, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 5 of 8 combined cash, asset and future liability of $3,972,298 ($1,723,559 in cash) compared to the $5,1 87,047 in FY07 -08. The Equipment Replacement Fund, with a beginning fund balance of $2.9 million, was transferred from the General Fund fund balance to an Internal Service Fund. The FY09 -10 budget began to address the outstanding cash negatives in these funds, per City Council policy direction. The Risk Management and Workers' Compensation Funds will maintain a negative fund balance as the City is not funding the liabilities for incurred, but not reported liability amounts. Five funds operated in the negative for FY08 -09: Fund 703: The Central Garage Fund expended $25,058 more than revenue received, but still has a positive cash balance of $181 ,870. Fund 704: The Technology Service Fund decreased by $135,920, bringing the fund balance to $348,808 with negative cash of $1 2,842. Fund 711: The Workers' Compensation Self Insurance Fund decreased by $775,793, increasing the deficit balance to $8,872,922 with negative cash of $1 ,579,583. Fund 712: The Fisk Management Flund declined by $919 ,n73 hringing the fund balance into a deficit of $707,129, but cash remains positive at $578,412. Fund 715: The Unemployment Insurance Fund operated at a negative of $7,815 for a cumulative negative cash of $31,154. Trust Agency Funds The Trust and Agency Fund Croup includes bond reserve funds for the various City long -terra debt obligations, as well as various funds established for the payment of the City's pension and retirement obligations. The aggregate fund balance at FY08 -09 was $45,201,049, a decrease of $3,198,731 or 7% from the prior fiscal year. No fund closed year end with a negative fund balance. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT The FY08 -09 year end report includes several exhibits that detail the variances between budget, projected and actual for revenues, expenditure and changes in fund balance. Exhibits were developed to facilitate review of this detailed financial information, and to create a fully disclosed and transparent presentation of FY08 -09 year end results. Additional comparative data from the prior fiscal year is included in this report narrative for the City's General Fund its primary and most impacted operating fund, as a frame of reference and to indicate some trend data. Economic factors referenced within this report, which affected revenues and expenditures in FY08 -09, are presently being evaluated for potential financial impact on the FY09 -10 budget. In addition, several Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council January 26, 2010 Page 6of6 potential liabilities, such as the outstanding sales tax re- apportionment of $1.1 million to the city of Livermore, must be addressed in FY09 -10, and will impact the available General Fund cash balance by June 30, 2010. RECOMMENDATION Accept the quarterly financial report for the period ending June 30, 2009. Respectfully submitted, Ann Mai Gallant Interim 'y Manager Exhibits Exhibit 1 FY08 -09 Fund Balance Report All Funds Exhibit 2 FY08 -09 General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Summary Exhibit 3 FY08 -09 General Fund Revenue by source, Projected to Actual Exhibit 4 FY08 -09 General Fund Expenditures by Program, Projected to Actual Exhibit 5 FY08 -09 General Fund Revenue by Major category Actual to Projected and Budgeted Graph Exhibit 6 FY08 -09 General Fund Expenditures by Major Category Actual to Projected and Budgeted Graph Exhibit 7 FY08 -09 summary by Fund of Revenue and Expenditures, Budget and Projected to Actual for Non General Fund City Funds Fi re Station Capital Reserve Subtotal Total Note: Available Balance Internal Service Funds Net Available Balance Special Revenue Funds City Funds 16,791,115 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED FY08 -09 a FY 08 -09 97,96 l AUDITED AUDITED AUDITED NET R EVENU E EXPENSE CHANGE 6/30/09 6!30109 6130109 BALANCE 0 m 6130109 6/30/09 xa 642,055 (140,415) 2 i a 1,387,300 i (1 32,3 W CD o C) o to o 0 (122 1,300,389 19,102 1,141,104 General Fund 001 General Due From Other Funds Fi re Station Capital Reserve Subtotal Total Note: Available Balance Internal Service Funds Net Available Balance Special Revenue Funds City Funds 16,791,115 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY 08 -09 97,96 l AUDITED AUDITED AUDITED NET R EVENU E EXPENSE CHANGE 6/30/09 6!30109 6130109 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 97,96 l AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE 6130109 6/30/09 6/30109 (1,795,586) 731788797 _13,659 1 1 73,788,797 1 70 3 (161,170) 70,379,784 1 3,409,013 11, 704, 979 6,152,052 400,000 (161,170) 18,257 1 .1 0 46 46,148 (9) 148 229 326,510 (97,289) (662) 0 1,317,069 3 1 4 (799,487) (9,071 44,841 3 3,240,360 139,424 (1, 931 0 338,557 26 28,912 (2,153) (4 0 33 22,454 7,538 14 (589) 4482766 m 1_ _1 1 1 29 1 497 1 32 (5,873) 1, 276,195 (1,229,765) 565, 974 J 311 354 (2,780) 3 180,021 169 _10,024 (242) 32,598 155,360 (132,762)1 _(7,5 1,428,112 1 225 (24,948) 8 187,552 200,450 (12,898) (2,559) 5 805 927,_983 (122 (9,749) 149,119 1 79,104 (29, 985) (1 ,445) y 0 9 (9) 0 -r- (3,161) 4 T 1 369,011 3_42,572 25 (7,337) j 1,229,765 1 1,29 0,409 (74,548) (14,113) i I 0 82,260 821260 161 Police /Fire Construction Impact 164 Construction Improvement Tax 209 Building Services_ 210 Alameda Free Library 21 Library Memorial 210.2 Adult Literacy 2'11 Gas Tax 212 XIXB Transportation Improvement 213 Traffic Safety L 215 County Measure B 782147 215.1 Measure B Local Streets Roads_ 1 215.2 Measure B Bicycle Ped Imp X54,4 215.3 Measure B Transbay Ferry 1,51_9,68 21 5.4 Measure B Paratransit T 175,024 215.6 Measure B Transp_ €or Sr. D I 9 215.7 Measure B Countywide Discre 3,161 S u btota I 216 Tidelands_ 217 Prop 1B Streets Roads 218.08 State COPS Program 07 -08 5/30/2008 FY08 97,96 l FUND FUND 182,334 BALANCE BALANCE AUDITED TRANSFERS 10, 252 722 6,138,393_ 400 1 000 I 16.791.115 11,704,979 (1,723,559) 9,981,420 0 0 50 97,96 l 508,511 508 182,334 137 332 332 47 47,687 475 26 398 (877,571) 13,015 642,055 (140,415) 2 200 239,021 (15,457) 1,387,300 i (1 32,3 143,593 (31,431) o (9 0 (3,161) 4 (122 1,300,389 19,102 1,141,104 1,141,104 0 0 1 of 7 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED 61 3012008 I FY08 -0 9 FY08 -09 FYOB -09 FUND FUND BALANCE BALANCE AUDITED TRANSFERS 218.50 OTS Step Grant {DUI} 218.52 GTS Avoid the 21 (DUI) 218,602 JAG Prog 07 -08 218.701 jAbandoned Vehicle Abatement 218.702 Boat Enhancement 218.703 State Sit Belt Program 08 218.704 APD Boat Safe /Enforce Equipment 218.705 Maddie's Fund Subtotal Y 0 219 Narcotics Asset Seizure (30,869) 221 Dwelling Unit 216 223 Parking In -Lieu 148,709 224 Parking Meter 1,596,121 224.1 Civic Center Garage 225,615 Subtotal 1, 821, 736 225 TSMITDM 93,283 226 Citywide Pavement Restoration 0 227 Commercial Revitalization 1 227.1 'Theatre /Parking Structure Project 359 Subtotal 1 228 Housing_ In -Lieu 0 235 Home 0 236 CDBG o 248 Home Repayment 6,558 249 Rehab CDBG Housing Loan Program 465 256 FISC Lease Revenue (872,857 256.1 FIS C ate lius 1,681,797 256.2 FISC /Catellus Phase 11 (902,566) 256.3 FISC /Catellus -Pro Alameda Landing (125,322) Subtotal (218, 948) 259 Vehicle Registration AB434 42 92,851 2 of 7 AUDITED AUDITED REVENUE EXPENSE 6/30109 6130109 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE BALANCE BALANCE 6130/09 6130/09 6130/09 FY08 -09 NET CHANGE 27,761 27,761 0 0 0 16,842 16,842 0 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 87 89 V (2,171) X867) 8%813 v 89,813 25 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 0 917 0 917 (496) 421 421 90 90 39 0 39 8 39 8 153 (144,742) (841) 71 (145, 583) 6 3,768 2,682 (1,797) 149 885 912,571 548 363 (23, 315) 1,936,510 340 475,393 488 (12,978) (1,348) 211 (14,326) 211 47,799 326,063 27 1,120 26,135 (1,417) 118 2 51 0 51 (620) 50 50,395 558,574 597 {38,599} (13,381) 1 (51,980) 1 1 (28,740) (4,062) 326,457 (32,802) 1,571,781 (84, 782) 2 942 1 0 394,781 (16,428) 1 1,378,353 11 11 0 0 0 1 1, 326, 676 0 0 0 11221 A 7 (5,948) 610 (5,948) 256 232 24 489 24 2,190,454 2 (296 (9,723) (1,178,641) (305,784) 3,398,762 _2,510,773 887,989 (31,431) 2,538 856,558 85,975 (816, 591) 902,566 0 902 433,331 171 ,862 261 F 469 (1,708) 1 34,439 _259,761 1 1,713,101 1 o 1 1,866 (528) 43 1,338 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED 6/30/2008 FY 08 -09 _FY08 -09 FY08 0 9 FY08 -09 FY08_ FY08 -09 FY0 AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET FUND FUND AUDITED AUDITED NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE BALANCE BALANC REVENUE EXPENSE CHANGE BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE AUDITED TRANSFERS 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 SEEM- 265 Hou Development -HA Reimb 3 0 0 0 3 0 265.1 HA Section 8 Pro 125,325 7,817 0 7 {1, 131,562 8 Subtotal 128 134,878 6, 266 Affordable Housing_ 554 310 64,5 246,965 (182,436 (4,416) 367,458 {1 267 Human Serv 37,94 3 66 57 8 (5 5_ _2) 45 7 268 Lead 36,287) 113 63 5 0 1 290 14,003 5 0 1 290 270 Solid Waste Surcharg 813 fi 212,702 100 112,600 {10,838} 915,501 101 273 Curbside Recycling 173 7 0 7,527 (2, 179,326 5,470 274 Waste Reduction Surcharge 1 365 729 i (363, 562) (19 313) 1, 553, 504 38 2, 875) 274.1 Cit Waste Management Pro 3,265 497,988 1,081,036 (583,0 31 442 2 650 691 {614 Subtotal 5 t 560 4 (997 275 Island City Maint 84 -2 7 107 {1,107} 0 i �A 0 (1, 107 275.1 Island Cit Maint 84 -2 Z1 22 5 3,817 1 (193) 23 1 ,655 _275.2 Island City Maint 84 Z 41,671 20 24 (4,411) (507 36 (4,918 275.3 Island Ci Maint 84 -2 Z3 32 17 22 (4,723) (380) 27 (5,103) 275.4 Island Ci Maint 84 -2 Z4 7,35 60 56,432 (5,379) 978 (6,379) 2 75,5 Island Cit Maint 84 -2 Z5 361 746,838 685 61,241 (5,802) 417 55 T 275.6 Island City M aint 84 -2 Z6 3 64 1 80 6 343,565 293,715 49,850 (5,226) 409,430 44,62 275. Island City Maint 84 -2 Z7 69,137 {2,454 21 (2,475} (785 65877 T {3,260 Subtotal 900 981 80 1 951 276 Mar Cove Maint Dist 01-1 222 (24,496) 94 84,452 14 (2,761) 209 {13,071 276.1 Reserve Marina Cove 01-01 124 24 5,381 0 5,381 (1,5 38) 152 28 Subtotal 346 TT_ 362 15 278 Bayp Muni cipal Svc Di 03 -1 760 558 1 64 394,895 (13,716) 1,141,539 381 280 Athletic 1,007, 992 1,938,628 1,820,768 117 (14, 973 1 102 285 Public Art 73 574 6 7 (7158) (865) 71,941 (1,633) 286 Historical Advisory Board 688 1,314 0 1 (24 1 1,290 620 Senior Citizen Transportation 26,022 189,122 189,122 0 (540) 25 (540) 814 Adam Stree House 31 6 1 294 13,856 0 13,856 3,922 326,228 9,934 858 Alameda R euse Redevelop 9 3 730,624 Reserve J 63 7,000 0 Subtotal 10 17,353,755 18,740,833 (1,387 (137,505) 8,843,041 (1,52 4,583) 876 Dike Maintenance M61 329,099 0 329,099 I (4,013) 326,247 325,086 3of7 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED 6/30/2 4 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FUND FUND I AUDITED B ALANC E BALANCE REVENUE AUDITED TRANSFERS 6130109 CIC Funds. 20'1 CIC WECIP 2 4 FY08 -09 AUDITED EXPENSE r 6/30109 FY08 -09 FY0 -09 FYOB -09 FY0 -09 AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE CHANGE BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE 6130109 6/30109 6130109 6130109 4 (532,394 (28,748) 1,848,717 (561, 42) 250 (248,296 48,383 (248,296) 1,356,651 (1,235,031) 4,359,983 100 {_98,1_42} 131,338 (98 ,142) 5,388,421 1 (3,069) 491,331 (289,24 8 ,030 1 968 298,789 (77,847) 1 220,9 775 1 3 1 487 (483,792) 3 (483,792 2,266,921 (2,266,921) 0 (2,266,921 0 127 (36,232 3,013,349 91 6,220,992 (1 259 (42,506) (1,321,102) (42, 506) 0 64 2,766 (3,972 329 (1 05) 20'1.11 2 003 CIC Tax Allo 2003AI 295 5,595,014 2 201.13 2603 CIC Tax A llo 2003A2 T 121 201.13 2003 CIC Tax A llo 2003B Subtotal 229,480 2 8 CIC -WEC1 P Housing 202 780 1 203 CIC -BWIP 1 8,329,757 204 CIC -BWIP Housing 1,912 487,579 2 204.4 CIC -BWIP Hsg 2002 Bond Proceed 3 204.5 CIC Housing In -Lieu Fee 2,266,921 0 204.6 CIC -AUSD Housin 1 2,921,966 127 S ubtotal 7 205 CIC -API P {1,278, 596} 216 206 CIC -APIP Housing 212 1 92 Reserve 118,252 Subtotal 330,444 Total 49,899,500 67,3 8 '1,781,927 65,917,462 67,754,744 (1,837,282) (652,898) 49.191 ,247 (708,253) 9,778 (535) 44,234 9,243 624 (66 699) 6 557 31 4 (980,638) (5,434) 461 (986,072) 7,013,022 {428 ,759} 13,680 (1 2 (14,857 (275 (48 967,883 (275,883 (56,140) (1, 146 {5 (20 ,282 (12,551) 1 (32,843) (5,494) L (274) 330 5,768_) Capital Project 302 Funds Wastewat Capital Reser 34 9 0 7,357 ,401 3'10 I Ca pital Im provement Pr oject FISC Catellus Traffic Fe 5 7,981,4 310.1 1,447,870 I 29,043 1 Subtot 7 1 2 31 2 Marina Villag A.D. 89 -1 47,860 6 1,540 319,885 313 H.B.I. 92 -1 Assessmt Dist 1 44,050 317 ..Open Library Construction 204 816 7 579 6 3,719 66,810 318 S pace Improvement 1,079,828 46,528 328 2003 AP Rev Bond Project 336,278 3,412 r 8 340.'11 1 125 f14, 977} 1,242,199 110,111 CDF WE Traffic Safety 1 1,132,.088 1 306,916T 18 1 7 828 4of7 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED 6/30/2008 340.12 CDF -WE Parks Recreation 340.13 CDF -WE Public Facilities 340.14 340.21 CDF -WE Public Sa fety I CDF-NW Traffic Safety_ 340.22 CDF -NW Parks Recreation 340.23 CDF -NW Public Facilities i 340.24 340.31 CDF -NW Public Safet CDF -CEE Traffic Safet 344.32 1 CDF-C E E CDF -CEE Parks Recreation 340.33 Public Fac ilities CDF -CEE Public Safet 340.3 340.41 340.42 1 CDF -BF Traffic Safet CDF -BF Parks Recreation 340.43 CDF -BF Publi Facilit 340.44 CD -BF Public Safety Subtotal 350 Transportation Improvement 351 Urban Runoff 360 CFD #1 Harbo Ba y 4 9,498 38,884 30 341 147,0 32, 16,572 640, 19, 984 25 21 4 61 15,745 51,373 9,777 4,675 FUND BALANCE AUDITED 2 ,577,768 1,487,060 5,596,455 239 7,190 22,842,298 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY -09 FY 08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -0 9 F -I FUND AUDITED BALANC REVENUE TRANSFERS 6130109 21,22 12 8 50,085 6,451 2,693 1,492 33,913 4, 169 1,807 837 591 2,253 429 10 361 CFD #2 Parag Gateway Total Debt Service Funds L ty Funds: 543 68,352 AUDITED 419 Debt Svc Library /G olf Pro (23,739 1 938,420 451,36 AUDITED AVAILABLE NET AUDITED NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE EXPENSE CHANCE_ BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE 6130109 6130109 6130109 6/30109 6130109 0 21 (847) 69,871 20 0 12 (20,854) 50, 085 6,451 2 (13,884) (612) (113) (4 ,655) (1,824) (416) (30) 50,575 9,867 386 151 34 2,758 11 1 691 (20,977) 45 ,430 4 2,2 77_ (13 29,616 0 0 �0 15 0 33 4,169 8,007) (288) 665,971 23,865 25 3,881 0 0 1 (19,539) 691 (330) 17) (195) 27 1,905 16,241 1,477 (19,556 49 6 20,376 0 0 2 429 (4,366 i (637) (121) (4) 52,989 10 305 2 1 308 (4,370 1 69 1 376 0 4 J.- 361 CFD #2 Parag Gateway Total Debt Service Funds L ty Funds: 543 68,352 475 419 Debt Svc Library /G olf Pro (23,739 1 938,420 451,36 423 Debt Svc 2008 Refii Pr oject COP 4,5'14,629 2 2 465 Debt Svc 2003 Tax Allo Refd BWiP 7,577,453 1 468 0 239 (2 39} 0 239) 0 7, 19D (7,190) 0 (7,190) 0 13,68'1,765 u 11,558,135 2,023,630 (236,084) 24,52 9 1 844 1 361 CFD #2 Parag Gateway Total Debt Service Funds L ty Funds: __413 Debt Svc 1990 Police Bldg 419 Debt Svc Library /G olf Pro 421 De bt Svc Library B and 2003 422 Debt Svc HUD 10 423 Debt Svc 2008 Refii Pr oject COP 464 Debt Svc Refin C ity Hull 2002 CIC Funds: 462 Debt Svc CIC Sub Bond 465 Debt Svc 2003 Tax Allo Refd BWiP 466 Debt Svc 2003 C Tax Alloc Bd 468 Debt Svc 2003 AP Re Bond 829,317 Total 262 1,290 3,190,308 590 756 1,552, 875 (262,090) 0 (2_62, 09_0) (714,741 0 (714,741 (86, 92'1 (2,868) 267 (8 789) 442 (1,557) 465 440,718 29D,297 (3,4 285 286,855 70,739 11,507) 1 59,232 714 3 677,043 314 357 25 614,354 0 5 4,860,156 1 1 74 8,481 900 829,317 595,760 1 756 832 1,34 7,834 2 817,595 1 15 1 (4 606 10 81,350 (5,189) 1 76 167, 874 (10, 730) 5,021 157 42,901 (13,400) 889,714 29 4,864,5 2 860 614,354 57'1,453 11,082, 310 11 0 I 17, 593,593 1 '17,546,840 46,753 1 (53,234) 11, 075, 829 (6,481) 5 of 7 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED Enterprise Funds 601 Golf Course 1 Capital Assets 717501134 Accumulat Depreciation (3,756,975) Due From ARRA Fund 300 Accts Receivable Prepaid 12 Liabilities (1,080 Subt otal 602 Sewer Service T 18 Accounts Receivable 309,618 Du from CI Fund (Loan) 0 Capital Assets 61 Accumulated Depreciation (22 ,911,83 §)j Unamortized Bon Discounts 405,235 Liabilities (8,432, Subtotal 621 Ferry S ervice 30 Ca pital Assets 13 Acc umulated Depreci (4,318,1 L Liabilities (9 0,17g} Subtotal 6 21.1 jHarbor Bay Ferry (East) 35,120 621.2 Al ameda /Oakland Ferr (West 119 Subtotal Total Internal Service Funds 119 Equipment Replacement 702 Central Store 703 Central Garaae 6/30/200 FYOB -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FYOB FY08 -0 9 FY88 -09 F -09 AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET FUND FUND AUDITED AUDITED NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE BALANCE BALANCE REVENUE EXPENSE CHAN BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE AUDITED TRANSFERS 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 (322,208) (11 ,389) 1,218,657 333,59 7} (52,884)' 7,697,250 (216,659) (3,973,634) (21 6,659) 0 300 0 {2,473} 9,861 (2,473) 106,850 (973,192) 1 06,850 4,77 7,705 4 253, 045 4 (487, 37 4) 1 (11, 3 89) 4 (4 763) (5,864,777} (148, 12,417,912 6,012,848 (6, 598) 303,020 3,0 00,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 31322,353 64,493,350 3 ,322,353 (954,216 (23,876,055) (964,21 42,658) 362,577 (4 2,658} 653 (7,778,824) _6 53,455 48 492 6 6 97, 559 (148, 071) 48,921 980 (5 512) {30,139} 25 (30,13 0_ 13 0 (488,68 (4,806,849) (488,689) 90 (25) 90 8 60 488,689 (42 8,500,809 (42 8,674) 751 751,321 51, 321 0 (406) 34 (406 2 2,576,861 96 (1,126) 215,001 95,7 1 54,328 (1 249 9 5,387 62 0 14,278,473 15,000,044 (721,570) (160,992) 61,951 (882,562) 2 1 902,999 456, 034 263,112 192 (37, 014) 3,058,907 1 55 7 908 50 813,260 813,250 10 (918) 49 (908) 209 N 364,03 3 89 7 092 (25,0 (2,733 181,670 (27 6 of 7 FUND BALANCE REPORT ALL FUNDS FY08 -09 AUDITED 6/30/2008 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FUND FUND AUDITED BA BALANCE REVENUE AUDITED TRANSFERS 6130109 704 ITechnolog Service 222 Ca pital Assets 1 ,097,588 :Accumulated De preciation (416,549) Receivabl Prepaid 19 Liabilities (435,66 Sub total 486 1,844,37 7 11 Workers' Comp Self Insur (7 04 560) 1 r Receivables 167 Liabilities (5, 559,805 1 Subtotal (6, 097 !129) 1 1, 398 71 2 Risk Manag 1 637, 007 Receiv 25 Liabilities (1,432 ,088} S u btota1 204 1, 275, 549 w 7 15 Une Insurance 0 83 Total (2,265,059 )11 0 5,235,440 tl Trust Agencv Funds 720 Post Employ 2 1 95417/ 80 Police /Fire Pe nsion 1079 0 2 802 Police /Fire Pension 1082 p 4.2 832 Svc Marina Cove 89 -1 7 4 833 Debt Svc Harbor Ba 92 -1 356 0 83 5_ 1998 Revenue Bond Debt (H Ba y) 17 3 836 1 1999 Revenue Bond Debt (M arina Cv) 19 3 860 jAssessment District CFD #1 3781, 988 1, 861 Assessment District CFD #2 834,499 263,861 Total 48 0 17 GRAND TO TAL 209,580 0 208,782 Exhibit A FY08 -09 FYOB -0 FY08 -0 FYOB -09 FY08 -09 AUDITED AUDITED AVAILABLE NET AUDITED NET DESIGNATED FUND CHANGE EXPENSE C HANGE BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 6130109 (2 34,194 (843) (12,842) 1 0 (120 566 (537,115) (120 -566) (19,003) 0 (19,003 23 6,837 (198,823) 23 1 (136, 926) (843 348,808 (137, 7 69) (975,003) (1,679,563) (975,003) (3,966 163,270 (3,966 203 (5,356,629) 203 2 1 174,090 (775,793} (6,872,922) (775,7 (1,058,5 578,412 (1,058 (25) 0 2 5 146 (1,285,541) 146 2,187,623 (912,0 (707,129) (912,07 91 (7,815) (31,154) (7 1 815) 7,900,172 (1,664,731)1 (41 ,508) (3,972,298) (1,70fi,239) t 1,956,72 (2,011) 0 2,011) 2 1 464 1 114 0 0 p" 42 1 0 0 p 3,246,739 1 (56 8,212,434 356 (356 0 (356) 4, 837,512 (1,714,048) 38,797) 15,545,716 (1,752,845) 6 022, 583 16, 540, 964 (2,790,356) 1,604,456 274,919 (26,672) 4,030,235 248 177 8 5,892 (8,691) 911,700 77 20,352,735 (3,066,169) (130,552) 45,201,049 (3,196,731 210,592,454 (1,810,356) (1,436,448 206,334 (3,246,805) 7of7 GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FYOB -09 AUDITED FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY -09 FY08 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACT AUDI TED 9130108 1 2131108 3131109 613012009 REVENUE �D 0) m X ;i Cr W 0 Property Taxe Ot her Local Taxes Licenses an Permits Fines and Forfe Use of Money and Property Reven f rom Ot her Agencies Fees for Services Transfers from Other Funds Total EXPENDITURES General Gove rnment Police Fire Public Works Recreation Services Capital Outla Depreciation Debt Service Non Departmental S u btota I TRANSFERS Transfer to Debt Service Tranfer to Library Transfer to 107 Pension Trans to OPEB Transf to Other Funds Subtota 2 9 3 6 462,546 26 1 86,471 187 8 1 72 3,448 23,633 1 1 6 5 6 1 116 7 670 4,680.684 c 1 1 1 509,984 1 1 1 06 0,671 782 X839 744} 5 2 1 090,263 524 11 3,003,902 971,940 1 1 2 8 1 72 3,448 23,633 1 1 6 5 6 1 116 7 670 4,680.684 c 1 1 1 509,984 1 1 1 06 0,671 782 5 2 2,110,118 552,155 1 22,442 1 22 0 0 260,935 399 17 1 112,271 I 14,5 02,791 X61,654 280,1 43 5,965 807,972 646,844 210,244 646 464 521 61 7,395 2,513,073 1 2 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 YEAR TO DATE P ROJECT E D TOTAL AS OF 3131109 0 11,196, 3 7,501,27 8,933,402 801 1 048 784,206 158 1 30 13,708,278 1 27,723,892 1 1 594,591 0 380 (178,060 1 3 1 527,019 2,110,118 552,155 3 13,708,278 1 27,723,892 1 1 6 7 217 ,503 0 7 5 1 6,032 7 1,753,4'11 2,195,533 897 603 1 1 4 93, 244 (356, 381 0 132,029 1 55 7 4 1 686 1 6,032 19, 212,164 403 (11 8,832) 256 2 1 (1 1 915,817) 1 7 0 18 1 063 (2,129, 040) 1,658,746 4 71,641,3 (1 (5 Total Expenditures Transfers 19,625,344 %88 3 1 445 20,427,768 1 3,443,227 NET ($10,901,896) $6 ($6 $14,280 22., 853,222 2 2, 810, 9 50_ 26, 595, 559 25 1 87 2 1 ,725, 540 662,205 502 1 1 93 6 5 449 6 5 7 7 803, 609 73,788 71,641,3 5 5 25, 593, 71 _24, 3 19,126 23, 025, 519 21, 320, 363 7 533 6 3 835, 986 3 105 20 3 000 133,388 300,00 132,029 119 889,909 f 1 1 035,003 66,859,787 63 827,338 1 1,500,000 0 2 0 2 992 r 2,069,628 3,619,997 8 5 198 ,668 70,379,784 71,502,540 $31409,013 $138,827 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE FY 08 -09 AUDITED SUB TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES OTHER LOCAL TAXES Sales Tax Sales Tax (Prop 172) Property T ransfer Tax Utility Users Tax Transie Occupancy Tax PG &E Franchise Fee Garbage Franchise Infrastructure Mitigation Cit Park Fee Cable Franchise Fee AMP Fra nchise Fee Taxi Franchise Fee 32100 32110 32200 32300 32400 32500 325'10 32511 32512 32520 32530 32550 FY 08 -09 PROPERTY TAXES 31100 32560 AMP Telecom Franchise Fee 31200 Unsecured 31400 32600 Housing Authority In Lieu Prior Unsecured 31700 Homeowner's Exemp 32610 Paym in Lieu of Taxes (Go1 1 100.0% 32611 A_M P PILOT 1 32612 AMP RO I 32613 Golf PIL 3 5 32614 Golf ROI 0 m 326 Sewer PILOT X 1 1,020 ,000 i Cr 215,270 0 SUB TOTAL OTHER TAXES Vi 220,260 220 0 0 0 947,764 32100 32110 32200 32300 32400 32500 325'10 32511 32512 32520 32530 32550 FY 08 -09 PROPERTY TAXES 31100 Secured 31200 Unsecured 31400 Prior Secured 31500 Prior Unsecured 31700 Homeowner's Exemp 31901 Property Tax -Triple Flip 32100 32110 32200 32300 32400 32500 325'10 32511 32512 32520 32530 32550 FY 08 -09 FYOB -09 f 9130108 ACTUAL $1,351,007 1 1,807 2 0 0 FY08 -09 12/31 ACTUAL $9,746,693 1,061 2,375 42,457 0 804,432 FY08 -09 3131109 ACTUAL 9,745,693_ 1,061,884 2 42 0 804,432 FY08 -09 5130109 AUDITED $19,459,155 1 4 55,202 220 1,608,864 FY08 -0 PROJECTED AS OF 3131109 $19,491,380 1 10,200 45,00 240,340 1 PERCENT OF BUDG PROJECTED 99.8% 106.3% 4 $19,2 1 2, 637 31,192 240,341 122.7 91.7% 1 100.0% 22 $2,42'1,434 $11,656 $'1 '1,656,8 41 $22,853 $22 100.2% 99.3% 87.7% 117.9% 101.1% 115.6% 100.0% 100,4% 101.2% 150.0% 189.4% 100.0 76.0% 76.5% 1 00.0 0.0% 99.8% 100.0% 99.1% 100.0 /a 100.0% 1 V%7,V IQ 1 of 5 $5,14 $994,033 $2,148 $3 $4,938,918 4,976 1 170 539,270 133,.870 263,454 3 90,290 473,542 540 4 538,494 1 1 3 2 9,1 '10 1 3 5 9 8,950, 000 1,046,714 179,310 476,555 755,052 1 1,020 ,000 215,270 0 0 0 220,260 220 1,400,000 117,522 490 947,764 1,405,829 1,400,000 675,000 768 226,411 453 678,325 670 53,000 0 17,667 35,333 53 35,340 375,000 0 124,413 293 710,296 375 2 280,000 1 1,960 2 2 10,000 5 6 7 7 10,000 122,000 0 72 707 72 72 95 210,000_ 0 105 210 210 21_ 0,000 AMP) 1 224 638,598 0 0 0 0 0 0 206,270 412,541 413,367 0 0 0 177 363,362 363, 362 0 0 0 20 0,000 198 200, 011 0 0 0 97,302 99,080 99,08 0 0 0 5 99,597 599,597 599 27,46 3,531,907 $10,060,884 $17 $26,595 $25 I 99.3% 87.7% 117.9% 101.1% 115.6% 100.0% 100,4% 101.2% 150.0% 189.4% 100.0 76.0% 76.5% 1 00.0 0.0% 99.8% 100.0% 99.1% 100.0 /a 100.0% 1 V%7,V IQ 1 of 5 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE FY 08-09 AUDITED PERMITS LICENSES _33100 Business Licenses 33150 Taxi Permit 33200 Bicycle Licenses 33410 Permit Fee Encroachment 33900 Mis Permits SUB TOTAL LICENSES PERMITS FINES AND FORFEITURES 34100 Ordin Violations 34410 Permit Penalties 34911 Enforcement Appeal 34950 Traffic School Fee 2,250 3 3,729 SUB TOTAL FINES FORFEITURES USE OF MONEY PROPERTY 35100 Interest Income 3520 Increas Decrease) Fa ir Value Investments 35300 Rental Income 0 SUB TOTAL USE OF MONEY �E REVENUE FRO OTHER AGENCIES 36 110 Federal Grant Public Service 36210 St ate Grant Pu blic Service 36220 'State Highway Maintenance State Correctional Reimbursement 36228 State Reimbursement Fire 362 27 Booking Fees Reimbursement 362 90 State Gr Other Government Services County Reimb ursement ALS 36310 36390 County Grant Other Government Services FY D8 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 r PERCENT OF BUDGET 9130108 12131108 3131109 6130109 PROJECTED PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AUDITED AS OF 3131109; 1,710,543 $1,277,629 $2,046,687 $1 $457 $480,828 119.7% 1 2,250 3 3,729 13 4 1 8 10 2 72.1 200 0 0 0 0 0_ 0.0% 0 2,047 3,913 7 13,316 9 143.2% 500 495 675 810 1 1056 930 113.5% 1 $462,546 $488_,895 $1,289 $2 $1,725,540 120 $450 $172,663 $347,958 $492,667 $608,843 $550 110.6% 0 0 0 2 2 2 99.6% 0 100 100 0 0 0 0.0% 60,000 13,708 25 37 51,151 50,000 102.3 510,500 $186,471 $373,848 $532 $662,206 $602,720 109.9% $187,393 I $657,185 $844,986 $_1,647,030 ($872,603) $1,100,000 76.8% 0 0 0 0 161,170 0 0.0% 80 32,859 63 97,925 12 9 1 483 97,930 1 32.2% $755,110 $1,135,639 $1,197,930 94.8 1127,230 {$839 $250,519 $58,898 $58,898 $45,677 $6 0,000 0 $55,845 76.'1 0 129,779 160 0 0 0 0.0 44 0 22,100 22,100 66,300 44, 150.0/0 50,000 0 923 923 5 1,000 521.5% 417,500 0 0 0 461,547 417,500 110.6% 20 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 23,58 32 0 12,767 0 5 4,103 1 2,308 18,458 18,458 18 _0 99.8% 0 3 3 3 3 3 1 960 99.8% 2 of 5 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 BUDGET 9130108 1 2/31108 ACTUAL I ACTUAL FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 PERCENT O 3131109 8!30109 PRO PROJECTED ACTUAL AUDITED AS OF 313x1109 36480 "Abandoned Vehicle Abatement 0 0 5,525 t 0 89 0 22,823 25 0 95,208 2 p 0 34 0 139,640 2,868,649 0 0 3 199,627 0 67 0 257,658 5737 0 0 6 1 94,085 0 34,750 0 327,580 5 1 737 1 300 0 0 3,650 22 5,000 1 35490 'POST Reimbursement 30,000 36520 Mandate Cost Reimbursements State 36800 Motor Vehicle in L ieu 36801 Property Tax MVLF In -Lieu 127,893 88.4 87.6% _376 5,577,000 36890 Other State Taxes 0 0 0 36910 Donation from Private Individuals. 0 0! 869 0 36930 Park Fun Contribution Other Contriburions /Donation 85 179 2 222 36990 211 0.0% lag no/ U. L) 70 7Q 70/ IUU.0 0 0.0% 0.0% 1 72.4% 86.3% 6 100.1% $850,000 120.5 625,000 8 5.0% SUB TOTA REV FROM OT AGE NCIES 6 5 24 3 138 3 3 3 3 49,980 6 14,000 115.3% 8 FEES FOR SERVICE 75 1 000 105 88.4 87.6% 43 6 45 124.8% 175.8% 103.3% 100 37080 Engineer's Service Fees 0.0% $1,539,000 $297,386 $532,239 $752,460 1,024,661 3708216 Engineer's Service Fees Measure B 116.6% 110.5% 0 81 289,560 426 531,511 37120 Sale of M aps /Publications 250 170 195 325 420 37160 Pl Che cking Fees 92 649 18,330 57 151,596 37170 Animal Shelter Fees 55,000 22 39,063 55 74,011 37175 Spay /N Fees 14 5 10 13 16 3719x Engineering Street/SidewalklCurb 2 2,962 4 7 14 37260 jFire Plan Check Fees 129,000 21,245 40 51 66,336 37261 1 Fire Inspection-Apartments 93,000 21,174 53,440 71 92,010 37262 Fire Inspection Commercial 43,_000 10,858 29,111 39 53,649 37263 Hazard Material High P ile 0 0 3 6 11,851 37340 Fi ngerprinting Fees 4 6 7 000 12 22 32,634 46,504 37350 Laboratory Fees 500 0 0 100 320 T 37360 Civil court 5 0 0 0 150 37361 Polic Contract Overtime 60,000 6,916 33,257 39,809 75 374 30 Recreati Program Fees 25,000 0 0 0 32,808 37440 Legal Fees 190 4,348 52,047 99,7 203,702 37 465 Ambula Fees 2 366 921 1,640,003 2,448,288 37 510 Golf Surcharge 171,960 47 7 304 76,822 98 ,200 130 37513 CDF Admin Surcharge Fee 4,958 527 52 7 620 8 37580 Admin Tow Fee e 0 30,358 57,731 82 108 0.0% lag no/ U. L) 70 7Q 70/ IUU.0 0 0.0% 0.0% 1 72.4% 86.3% 6 100.1% $850,000 120.5 625,000 8 5.0% 370 113 81,000 187.2% 65,000 113.9 14,000 115.3% 8 1612% 75 1 000 105 88.4 87.6% 43 6 45 124.8% 175.8% 103.3% 100 320.0 150 0.0% 65,000 115.7% 0 0.0% 10D 2 03.7% 2, 100,000 116.6% 110.5% 118 1 1 000 879.1% 115,000 94.1% me GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08-09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 PERCENT OF BUDGET 9/30/08 2/31/08 3/31109 6!30109 PROJECTED PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AUDITED AS OF 3/31/09 37900 Other Revenue from Current Services 379001 37910 Current Service West Lagoon Alarm Service Fees 37930 Joint Trench MSC 1896 37990 ISwim Pool Fees AUSD 60 39110 Property Damage Settlement 39135 Auction Proceeds 39160 Charges to Other Departments 39220 Sale of City awned Property 39900 Other Miscellaneous Revenues SUB TOTAL FEES FOR SERVICE TRANASFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS_ 38119 Equipment Replacement 38164 Construction Improvement Tax 38201 CIC -WECIP 38202 CIC -WECIP Housing 38203 CIC -BWIP 38204 CIC -BWIP Housing 38205 Tfr from C I C- Alameda Point 38206 CIC --AP1P Housing 38209 Planning Building 3821 Gas Tax _38213 Traffic Safety 382151 Measure B 38216 Tidelands Parking Meters Commercial Revitalization CDBC Home Repayment FISC Revenue 38224 38227 38236 38248 38256 38270 Garbage Surcharge 38274 Waste Reduction 8 5 11,33 24 33 25,00 134.4% 30 0 27567 55 55,461 55,500 99.9 25,000 (16,333) (7 29,919 80 35,000 23 0 0 1 1 1,400 1 10 42 28,593 28,593 73,411 73 42 174.8/0 2 4 8 8,118 1 3,572 9 '147 5 2 1 000 (407) (407) 1 2 2 132.2°/0 575,493 11,864 162 192 592 366 161.7% 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 118 5,803 9 45,283 75 45,300 1 66,7 5 $971,940 $2 $3,909 $6,019 $5,000 120.4x/0 52 $68,848 $191,314 $0 $52,855 $0 0.0% 3 70 1 000 0 114 120,858 159,706 125,000 127.8% 189,046 46,595 93,'190 185,380 186,380 189,050 98.6% 16,187 4 8,094 16,187 16,187 16 100.0% 321,346 80 160,712 321 321,423 32 1 1 430 100.0% 19 4 9 19,108 19,108 19,110 100.0% 61,212 0 0 0 0 61,210 0.0 2 716 1 2 2,866 2,870 99.9% 105,877 0 0 105 1 05 105 100.0% 946,173 213,750 427,500 855,000_ 859,611 946 90.9% 150,000 37,500 75,000 150 169,997 150,000 113.3 1 0 414 495,692 598,514 580,000 120.4% 169 11 22 57,935 65,883 57,940 113.7% 238,007 35,189 72,442 143 157 238 66,1 1 386 773 1 1,545 1,550 99.7% 10 2 5 10 10,000 10 c 1 100.0% 0 0 0 0 5 0 0.0% 153,836 38 76,918 153,836 153 153,840 100.0% 110,000 O 33,198 65,212 100,103 110,000 91.0% 92 23,098 46,195 92 92,390 92 100.0% 4of5 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE FY 08 -09 AUDITED TOTAL GENERAL FUND 76 $8 $32,356,621 1 $46,064,905 $73,788,797 $71,641,367 103.0% 5 of 5 FY 08 -09 BUDG FY08 -09 9!30108 FY08 -09 12/31108 FY08 -09 3131109 FY08 -09 6130/09 FY08 -09 'PERCENT PROJ ECTED OF PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL AUDITED AS OF 313'1!09 382751 Island M aint ena nce AD Z -1 382752 Island Maintenance AD Z -2 382753 Island Maintenance AD Z -3 2 2,000 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 47298 4 2,000 27000 2 157.7 214.9% 214.9% 382754 Island Main tenance AD Z -4 38276 Marina Cove 16,010 1_41 D 0 0 40,923 D D 0 56,847 D 35,230 75,0 88,693 65 2,100 75,439 163,873 125,193 61,504 16,010 141,500 188 125 65,46- 13.1% 5 3.3_% 8 100.0 /0 94.0 38278 Bayport SD 03 -01 188 38280 Athletic Trust CW Development Fees 125 38340xx 58,076 38351 Urban Runoff Golf Course 748,323 58,311 61 65,392 186,044 148 145,811 0 350,329 272,1 D6 298,141 242 394,464 274,105 330 242,'176 480,000 274,180 4 242,1 :T 82.2% 1 -Q o 82.7 0 /0 1 0 0. 0% 38601 274 3 180 38602 Se Servic 38704 Tech nology Se rvices 641,375 242 0 38720 Post Employme 0 0 0 2 0 c 0.0% 2 38858 ARRA 670,986 1 2 2,7 07,623 2,683,950 100.9% SUB TOT TRA NSFERS $'1,464,756 $3,57'1,904 $6,909,321 $7,571,426 $7 1 97.0% 10,028 1 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 76 $8 $32,356,621 1 $46,064,905 $73,788,797 $71,641,367 103.0% 5 of 5 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY08 -09 BUDGET r General Government 1200 T City Council 2100 Ci _Nana er 2200 City Clerk 2300 City A tto rney 2400 Finance 2500 Human Resources Subtotal Public Safety 7 Police Se_ rvices 3110 Bureau of Services 3120 Bureau of Operations 3130 Animal Shelter 3140 Police Contract Overtime 315 Police Grants and Pro rams 3190 Crossina Guards 137,808 1,509,656 524,78 915,407 2,0 X 043 1,139,773 6,313,467 _6,286,082 18,953,214 608 65,340 248,460 158,377 26,320,009 FY08 09 FY08 -09 FY 08 -09 9130108 12/31/08 0 31:11109 J ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 5,921 5 37,246 55,628 111,885 278 _509,386 800,090 108,749 195,515 352 251 438 661 5491770 1, 151 1,651,521 315 5591888 8681087 1,541,012 2 1 4 12 659 106 1 3 4,834,115 12, 766, 609 4,545,327 8,369,801 132 246 381,475 5,921 5 52,627_ 75,476 29,429 43,944 22 75 57 6,495 11,950 18,167, 701 9,654,304 524,481 _5 233 118 1 (4,903) 98.9% 1 3,743,670 187,357 6 3381797 1 2,100, 588 1 3 85 149,872 0 111 6,116,670 10,797,354 16,019,808 12,611,8113 22 34,187 12 FY08 -09 AVAILABLE !PERCENT OF FY08 -09 6130/09 BALANCE ,PROJECTED PROJECTED AUDITED i AS OF 3/31/09 134,008 3 89,8% 149 1 379,439 105.9% 1,066, 786 457,027 671753 97.2% 470 853,125 62,282 96.7 882 2 (186,853) 103.2 2 1 (4,903) 98.9% 1 25,593,711 5,99'1 ,959 321 101.1% 5 94 6 5,292 91.4 °Io 6,445,487 18,646, 903 306 109.5% 17, 022,144 488,677 119,859 96.1% 508 70,873 (5,533) 1 59 .0 /0 65,000 0 248,460 0 .0% T 120,000 107 50,909 68.1 157 25,593,711 726,298 105.2% 24,319,126 14 94 115.4% 12 659 106 94.4% 699 7 47,631 97.2% 7 278,205 22,310 89.5% 310 123 (123,275) 104.3% 118 23 147,821 108.0% 21 48 874,119 10fi.5 °/a 45 Fire Services 3210 Emergency Services 14,944,390 3220 Fire Prevention 766,602 3230 Advanced Life Support 7,161,933 3240 D sr aster Preparedness 390,515 3250 Fire Grants and Programs 0 23 Subtotal 49,493,449 387,543 109,288 2 596 147,497 1 830 15 144 246 386 746 3,202,589 238,397_ 1, 667, 733 1,297, 037 23 209 367,259 1 4 Public Works 81,287 373,587 272 22 8,119 24 1,900,225 2 j 96.3% 100.2% 108.9% 116.9 121.7% 108.9% 118.7°/_ 108.2% 317,863 2 1 31 279,659 _489,579 4 1,536,649 t 6 4205 FAdministration 58 a 348 4210 Engineering 105,885 175 1,509,984 4230 Maintenance Services 4245 Cable Television Administration CL �'3 4290 Street Lighti g. 0 m 4295 General City Services 3• 3: 4300 PW Annual Maintenance i S u btota l I W 04 o 6 m 0 0 387,543 109,288 2 596 147,497 1 830 15 144 246 386 746 3,202,589 238,397_ 1, 667, 733 1,297, 037 23 209 367,259 1 4 306,256 2 1,884,103 36,374 340 533,266 1,823,855 7,151,533 81,287 373,587 272 22 8,119 24 1,900,225 2 j 96.3% 100.2% 108.9% 116.9 121.7% 108.9% 118.7°/_ 108.2% 317,863 2 1 31 279,659 _489,579 4 1,536,649 t 6 2,156 454 58 7 348 61 558 105,885 3 175 1,509,984 9 834 1 of 3 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FY 08 -09 AUDITED Recreation Services FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 FY08 -09 BUDGE 9/30108 12/31108 3131/09 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 5110 Recreation 1 400 625 5120 Parks 2,063,313 513 953,351 5150 Mastick Senior C enter 534,062 141 250,884 5000 ARPD Annual Maintenance 55 4,910 13 665 Subtotal 4 1 1,842,913 214 0 49'100_ I Strategic Ali nment Ini 597343 221,549 67701 68120 Alameda County -Tax Collection 140,348 0 OPERATING SUBTOTAL 6%678 16,7'23,480 30,702 41,544 16,746 26,421 39 73010 Conti ngeri y/O ther Cultural Arts 113,800 11 32 73020 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUBTOTAL 105 5,414 7 73110 815 611 TRANSFERS OUT 325 39,846 85454 Debt Svc- Refin City Hall 899 FY08 -09 AVAILABLE PERCENT OF FY08 -09 6130109 BALAN PROJECTED PROJECTED AUDITED AS OF 3/31/09 903,500 1,258,259 126,419 1,431,181 104.4% 1,204,667 1 07.6 1 517,900 96.1 110.2% 23,213 R i 105.0% I 3,554 903,500 1,258,259 126,419 1,431,181 2 9 388,425 497,936 36 17,410 25,570 29,430 2,740,5'16 3 201 46 fib 65,598,808 4 1 2 105,653 344 87300 Depreciation (Trfr to E_ ui Re tac ement fi1 0 98 122,442 244,885 489,769 81100 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTAL 132,029 119,170 0 0 0 81300 536,702 60 80.6% 665 193 493,704 642 ,Non -De artmental 214 0 49'100_ I Strategic Ali nment Ini 597343 221,549 67701 68120 Alameda County -Tax Collection 140,348 0 107 107 99.7% Historical Museum 41,544 16,746 26,421 39 68120 Conti ngeri y/O ther Cultural Arts 113,800 11 32 25,160 .i r Subtotal 893,035 249 660,065 815 611 TRANSFERS OUT 325 39,846 85454 Debt Svc- Refin City Hall 899 261,654 542,564 946,170 85101 General 0� 68,848 68,848 0 8510143 PWAnnual Maintenance 611,638 0 122 194,784 85161 Police /Fire Construction 0 0 0 0 85205 CIC -APIP 0 0 0 0 85210 Library 2_ 435 1,243,937 500 1,500,000 1 85266 Affordable Housing 1,900 250 85267 ]SSHRB 44,200 11,050 22 44 852757 Island City Maintenance Zone 7 3 7 000 0 0 0 85310 Capital Improvements (PW) 4_73,473 0 `19,411 60,81 85351 Urban Runoff 66 16 33,153 66,307 85712 Risk Management 808,880 436,342 872,683 1,745,366 106.1 61 528.3% 1 20 133,388 483,610 44.5% 300 ,000 132,029 0 110.8 119,170 536,702 60 80.6% 665 193 (53,032) 90.3% 214 46 (4,850) 111.7% 41 ,544 113 367 99.7% 113,800 889,909 3 86.0% 1,035,003 827 72 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% 0. 0 611 0.0% 325 39,846 (39,846) 0.0 0 2 (2,594) 0.0% 0 1,700,000 312,804 113.3% 1,500,000 1 1 000 0 100.0% 1 000 44,200 0 100.0% 44 3,000 150,274 0 323 0.0% 200.4% 4 75 ,000 66 0 100.0% 66,307 0 808 0.0% 872,683 2 of 3 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FY 08 -09 AUDITED 85801 107911082 Police f Fire Pension 85802 85720 OPEB 85704 Technology Fund Z u btota l y TOTAL GENERAL FUND FY08 -09 BUDGET 2 646,844 857,088 1,968,000 1 646 1 977 585,438 0 0 10,423,290 2,524 4 81,849.595 19.625,344 36.508.789 FY06 -09 FY08 -09 9/30/08 12131108 ACTUAL ACTUAL FY0 -09 FY88 -09 AVAILABLE 3131109 6/34109 BALANCE ACTUAL AUDITED 1,915,817 0 2,849,000 2 0 1 585,438 685 0 PERCENT OF PROJECTED_ 0.0% FY08 -09 PROJECTED AS OF 3131109 2,500,000 2,129,040 0.0% 100.0% 685 8,'198,668 71 3 of 3 tw ,0 m 0 LO M r a m E Q N r Q S x W !Q a v a) C;) D 1 U Q 03 o c 0 13 0 L LL m c .0 o� U N 0 CDP U- N v Q Z C CD WON- L L 0 1 0 7► v CL Q .Q CD Co IM CU ::3 CO _C `C LL lL LL C M CL a) C CD 0 0 M N v [1} a? cu >1 a] Q v L v a v v a a vi v v o v v v a 0 p v n 0 6 v 0 L6 I tw ,0 m 0 LO M r a m E Q N r Q S x W !Q a Q� a .m QILm 000 v 0 L► N 0 6 L v ra m G3 C C U LL O �a a� o w C V 3 W Q 0 C i F a� c m E m CL m C O z c 0 CL m 0 c� z m n a ru v m N U_ 11. C] O C U7 C C 4 N PC x W 0 C3 Z t3 0 cri a O Q Q Q p O a Q Q a d 0 a Q Q Q M N N T- a GS W b9b to 64 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 F Y 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 BUDGET 9130108 12/31/08 3131109 6/30109 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL A CTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131109 Special Revenue Funds City Funds. 161 Poli /Fire Impact Fees -X Revenue 90 2,672 3, 625 5,465 46,148 7 1 2 50 i Expe nditure Net 46,168 43 11,537 23,074 4 6,148 46,148 46,15 {8,8 65} (19,449) 40,683) 0 (38,9 164 Constructi Improvement v J Revenue 900,00 l 79 136,717 184,555 229,221 235,000 Expenditure 1, 651 990 0 268 287 326,510 298,000 Net (751,9 79,946 (131 (103 (97,289) (63,000) 20 9 Planning Bu ilding Service Revenue 5,5760 1 1 2,5 01,502 3,256,890 3,250,931 Ex penditure 4,53 1,286 1 ,126,947 1 ,938,383 3,144,814 4,056 4 Net 1 (100,531) 163,558) (643,312 (799,487) (9 5 4 ,09 6) 210 _Alameda Free Library T Revenue 3 695 1 2 ,442,033 3,379,784 3,287,824 Expenditure 3,306 890,231 1 2 3,240,360 3 v Net 705 {194,247 115,157 y {58,098} 139,424 {18 ,845} 210.1 Library Memorial Revenue 19,767 8,585 26,759 8, .Expenditure 0 0 6,222 28,256 28,912 40 ,000 ]Net 0 0 13,545 (19,671) {2,153) {31,200} 210 .2 Adult Literacy Revenue 0 12 20,744 22,454 25 i Expe nditure 161 2, 7,638 3,500 Net 0 F 0 12,389 18,570 14,826 21,50 211 Gas Tax Revenue 925,000 (442,425) 518,247 601 1,129,497 925 Expe nditure 1,766 -464 213,750 707,50 1,135,000 1,097,372 1,373, Net (841,4 (656,175) (189,253) (533,306) 32,125 (448,000) 212 XIX Transportation Imp rovement Revenue 0 0 185,169 326,506 665,974 385 Y Expenditure 599,409 0 1,210,409 1,2 10,409 311,000 1 ,210,_410 Ne (599,409) 0 (1,025,240) (883,803) 354 (825,41 213 Traffic Safet Rev 150, 000 39,658 82,685 124,978 180 150,0 Expenditure 150,000 37,500 75,000 150,000 169 150 ,000 a Net 0 2,158 7,685 10 0 CL 0 0 m �7 �Xa j Cr rh y 0 1 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 21 Meas ure B Revenue F Y 08 -09 _BUDGET 0 207,338 (207,338) 1,263,500 3,630,679 (2,367,1 171,57 208, (36,980) 850,000 1 (380,922) 131,100 130,832 268 0 0 D 0 100 (100,000) 200 382,255 (182,255) 0 0 0 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 9130108 12131108 ACTUAL ACTUAL 0 20 0 1,608 0 (1,5 0 514,119 0 550,684 0 (36,565} 0 68,565 0 87,956 0 (19,391) 0 291 0 845,2631 0 (553,806) 0 54,599 0 0 54,599 0 0 0 0 0 0 (17,417) d (32,900 0 (17,417) (32,900) 17,053 42,785 2 5,04 8 74, (7,995) 01 0 0 0 0 FY 08 -a9 3131109 ACTUAL 47 23,950 (23,903) 738,391 777,027 (38,636} 98,475 2 00,450 101,975 418,597 846 78,416 92,912 (14,496) 0 0 0 (3 2,900) 0 (32,900 127,926 140,181 (12,255) 0 0 0 FY 08 -49 6130109 UNAUDITED 32,598 165,360 (132 1,428,112 1,202,834 225,278 187,552 200,450 +112,898} 805,346 927,983 (122,636) 149,119 179,104 (29,985) 0 9 (9) (3,161) 0 (3,161) 369,011 342,572 26,440 1,135,861 1,210,409 (74,548; FY 08 -89 PROJECTED AS OF 3131109 100 50,000 (49,900) 1,263 1,0 19 9,500 171,5 250,000 (78, 430} 675,0 8 (1 131 ,100 13 1_,100 0 0 0 0 _1 0 0 200, 000 155 ,00 0 35, 000 0 0 0 Expenditure Ne Measure B Local Street R oad 215.1 Revenue Expenditure Net 2 15.2 Measure B Bic ycle Pedestrian Imp Revenue Expenditure Net 2_'15.3 Measure B u e Transhay Ferry Revenue Expend Net L 215.4 Measure B Paratransit R evenue Expenditure Net 215.6 Measure B Gap Funding Revenue Expenddure Net 2 15.7 Measure B New County Prog Revenue Expenditure 216 Tidelands Net Revenue Expenditure Net 21 7 'Prop 1B Local Street Roads R evenue Expenditure Net 2 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08 -08 FY 08-09 FY 08 -09 BUDGET 9130108 12131/08 ACTUAL ACTUAL 218.48 State COPS Program 07 -08 Revenue 0 p Expenditure 144,7_07 Net (144,707_) 0 218.09 State COPS Program 08 -09 Revenue 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 N et 0 218.50 OTS Step Grant (DUQ Revenue 40,000 0 Expenditure 0 0 Net 40,000 o _218.52 OTS Avaid the 21 (DUQ Revenue 21 0 Expenditure 21,860 0 NNet o 0 218.601 JAG Program 06 -07 ,Revenue ue 0 0_ Expenditure 29 Net (29,729) 0 218.602 JAG Program 07 -08 Revenue 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 Net 0 2'18.609 JAG Program 08 -09 Revenue 174,435 Expenditure 0 0 Net 174,436 0 218.701 Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Revenue 95 ,000 0 Expenditure 103 0 Net (8,753) o 218.702 Boat Enhancement Revenue 25 00 o Expenditure 25 Net 0 0 FY 08 -0 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 3/31/09 6130/09 PROJECTED ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 319 1109 0 131,551 70,09 0 61 ,459 60,570 0 60,57❑ o o 0 60,57❑ 31 ,529 o 0 0 27,761 �0 3,768 eT o o 12,716 (1 2,716) 0 o (12,716) 0 I 0 o 0 0 0 0 1,733 (1,733) o. o 1,735 o o (1,735) 0 0 0 66,677 69,768 0 0 (3,091) 95,000 89,874 6 9,770 0 12,752 0 (12,752) 82 131,555 82 70,095 0 61,460 60,570 0 so,57o 27,761 3 1 5 5 30 27,761 27,765 o 3,765 16,842 0 16,842 12,716 0 (12,716) 0 0 0 0 0 14, 667 14,667 1,735 0 (1,735) 0 0 o 0 0 87 95,000 89,874 6 9,770 (2,171) 25,230 25,000 0 25 12 0 12,755) 3 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 4 FY 08 -09 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 150,000 820 5 314 (670,314) 0 0 0 A 490,000 566,768 (76,768) 250,000 250 0 5 0 6 FY 08 -09 9130/08 ACTUAL 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 231 1,155 0 0 203,097 303,523 (100,526) 301,170 44 255,890 0 0 0 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 12/31/08 3131109 ACTUAL ACTU r 0 9, 00 0 p 0 9 0 72 0 0 72 0 40,000 0 0 4 0,000 0 0 _0 0 0 1 2 180,469 184,111 (179,083} (181,299) 0 0 0 2 0 (2,394, 364,348 651 361,277 446 1 953 3,071 204,435 355,287 392,877 88,582 161,719 266,705 231,158 11,270 21,520 0 1,000 11,270 20,520 FY 08 -09 6130109 UNAUDITED 0 p 0 0 0 917 0 917 39,726 39,726 8,369 153,111 (144,742) 6 3,768 2,683 912,571 548 363,704 475 488,371 (12,978) 27,255 1,120 25,135 FY 08 -09 PROJECTED A5 OF 3131109 9,00 p 9 3 0 00 75 a 75 40,000 0 4 0,000 0 0 0 3 215,000 (2 11,500) 0 2,394 (2, 394) 855,000 565,000 290,00 450 247165 202 21,520 1,000 20,520 218703 State Seat Belt Pro 08 Revenue Expenditure Net 2'18.704 APD Boat Safe /Enforce EQ Revenue Expenditure 218.705 rvet Madd ie's Fund Animal State Grant Revenue Expenditure Net 219 Asset Seizure Revenue Expenditure Net 221 Dwelling Unit Tax Revenue Expenditure 223 224_ Net Parking In -Lieu Revenue E xpenditure Net Parking Meter Revenue Expenditure 224.1 Net Civic Center Garage Revenue Expenditure Net 225 TSMITDM R evenue Expendltu re Net 4 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 226 Citywide Pavement Restoration Revenue .Expenditure Net 227 Commercial Revitalization Revenue Expenditure Net 227.1 Theatre /Parking Structure Project Revenue Expenditure Net 228 Housing In -Lieu Revenue Expenditure Net 235 Home Revenue Expenditure Net 236 Community Development (CDBG) Revenue Expenditure Net 248 Home Repayment Revenue (Expenditure I Net 249 Rehab Repayment Revenue Expenditure Net 256 FISC Lease Revenue Revenue Expenditure Net FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -08 3131109 6130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL UNAUDITED A OF 3131109 BUDGET 9/30108 A CTUA L 12137108 ACTUAL 0 4 281,319 97,686 Y 91,586 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 4 281,319 97,686 Y 91,586 281,320 184,750 40,815 42 0,345 287,611 (235,595) 6,100 (246,796) 426,693 0 453,924 0 I (27,231) 43 0,652 7 09 (279, 015) 2,266,921 897,140_ 270,584 0 0 1 ,796,496 867,094 (1,796,496) 0 1,399,827 1,399 1,394,781 1,399.830 981,445 0 960,980 20,466 0 0 0 0 0 719,321 3,235,889 128,761 443,645 3,235,889 279 529,420 0 (15 0,597) (85,775) 1,221 0 611 0 0 0 0 0 611 0 0 (611) 232,245 205 20,083 220,000 73 123,021 622,871 83,447 101 (402, 87'1) (9,996) 21,237 (295,061) 344 896,976 557,423 619,288 63 199,097 277,688 280,433 358 0 T O 51,015 0 0 0 0 51,015 0 4 281,319 558,574 281,320 324,727 597,173 324,730 (43,408) (38,599) (43,410) 1,167,722 1,055,760 1,167,725 897 1,084,500 897,140_ 270,584 (28,740) 270 2,26_6 2,336 2 867,094 942,094 867 1,399 1,394,781 1,399.830 0 11,716 0 11,716 0 0 0 0 719,321 1 1,909,350 795 1 1, 345 350 (76,496) 0 564,000 611 1,221 0 611 7,169 0 0 (5,948) 183,704 256 220,000 163,621 232,245 205 20,083 24,565 15 767,737 2,190,454 896,975 303,582 2,485,515 619 454,155 (295,061) 277,975 5 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 48 -09 AUDITED 256.1 IFISC Catellus /Bayport Revenue Expenditure Net 255.2 FISC Catellus Ph 111Stargell Revenue Expenditure Net 255.3 FISG Catellus /Prologis Ala Landing Revenue Expenditure_ Net 259 Vehicle Registration AB434 Revenue Expenditure Net 255 Housing Development Revenue Expenditure Net 255.1 HA Section 8 Projects Revenue Expenditure Net 256 Affordable Housing R Expenditure Net 267 lHuman Services Revenue Expenditure Net 268 i Lead Revenue Expenditure Net FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08-09 BUDGET 9/30/08 12131108 ACTUAL ACTUAL 11,340,000 26 1,526,169 11, 842, 956 (502,956) 276 (250,590) (1, 355, 300) 85,975 4,000 450,000 0 85,975 0 (816,592) 0 902,567 3 1 550 3 000 0 76,120 129,857 244,606 190 4,428,000 0 4,428 41,592 0 (154) (41,592) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 942 1, 507 0 0 0 1 0 0 25, 581 0 0 237,565 (200,507) (191 50 0 377 0 0 377 55,370 111,070 51,000 24,431 (5,335) 361,051 108 (310, 051) (81, 989) 64,960 95,261 11,050 13,787 (30, 301) (2,737) 138,712 55 98,01 1 19,30❑ 40701 36,070 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 3131109 6130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131109 892,968 J 897,428 1,526,169 2,252,728 (633, 201) (1, 355, 300) 85,975 85,975 0 85,975 0 (816,592) 0 902,567 320,726 320,726 76,120 129,857 244,606 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,529 51,000 942 1, 507 0 0 942 1 57,900 58,550 25, 581 46,305 226,088 237,565 (200,507) (191 50 25,860 63,415 30,953 43 (5,093) 20 55,370 111,070 60,705 60,705 (5,335) 50,365 3,398,762 897,430 2,510,773 2.252730 887,989 (1,355,300) 85,975 85,975 (816,592) (816,590) 902,566 902,565 433,331 320,730 171 ,862 129,860 261,468 190,870 1,866 0 0 0 1,886 0 J 0" 0 0 0 0 7,817 1,507 o a 7,817 1 64,529 51,000 246 285 (182,437) (234,560) 66,217 54,960 57,900 58,550 8,317 6,410 113,945 111 63,655 60,705 50 50,365 6 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 7 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08-09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 3/31109 5130109 PROJECTED ACTU UNAUDITED AS OF 313110 116,667 212,702 116 65 100,102 94, 000 51 ,455 112,599 22,667 0 7,627 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 187,448 365,571 374,25 557 729,133 1,072, (370,396) (353,552) 234 497,988 409,235 15,77 1,081,036 1 218, (583,048) (679 824) 0 (1,107) 0 0 0 p 0 (1,107) 0 2,360 5,555 4,800 572 3,817 1 1, 1,848 3 9,155 20,138 18, 00 8 24,549 18,5 1,007 (4,411) 1 8,243 17,864 15,750 _8_, 22,587 16,750` (9) (4,723) 0_ 29,419 60,053 61 ,350 49 66,432 69,150 (19,729) (6,379) 47,790 _270 BUDGET 9/30/08 12/31/08 ACTUAL ACTUAL Solid Waste e Surcharge Revenue 110,0 0 58,333 Expenditu 94 0 16,000 0 33,1 I Net 25,135 273 Curbside Recycling Fee Revenue 3,000 0 0 Expenditure 100,000 (97,000) 0 0 Net 0 274 Solid Waste Reduction Surcharge Revenue 374,251 20,500 27,410 Expenditure 1,072,138 (597,887) 197,375 (176,875) 360,340 (332,930) 274.1 Net City Waste Management Program Revenue 409 (12,397) 115 Expenditure 73,600 3,036 7,531 I Net 335 635 0 15,433) 0 107,757 275 Island City Maint 84 -2 Revenue 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 0 0 Net 0 275.1 I sland City Maint 84 -2 Z1 Revenue 4,800 241 2,360 448 1 5,800 (2 152 89 _Expenditure Net 275.2 275.3 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z2 Revenue 18,600 931 9,155 Expenditure Net 27 ,350 2,441 7 (8,750) (1,510) 1,375 Island City Maint 84 -2 Z3 Revenue 8,243 16,750 819 Expendit 24,350 (7,600) 2,454 7,869 (1,635} 374 Net 275.4 .I sland Cit Maint 84 -2 Z4 Revenue 61,36 2,791 29,419 y Expenditure 89,627 2,556 21,823 Net 28,267)1 225 7,596 7 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08 -09 BUDGE FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 12/31/08 31311 6/30109 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 313 359 363,130 746,838 776,940 332 433,333 685,597 675,000 27 (70,203) 61 101,940 g 166,452 16 6,462 343,555 329,440 136,889 193 293,715 289,450 29,563 (26,711) 49,850 39 5,876 5,876 (2,454) 8,850 5 10 21 1 000 5,871 5,866 (2,475) 7.850 42,204 42,204 94 85,840 4,058 39 80,452 84,230 38,146 2 14,186 1,610 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,381 266,631 266 558,938 375,000 170 75,249 164,043 155 266 191,382 394,895 219,450 778,792 1,235,349 11938 1,557,585 952, 029 1,363,544 1,820,768 1,904060 (173,237) (128,195) 117,860 (346,4 1,859 3,882 6,964 3 7,672 7,732 7,732 7,732 (5,813) (3,850) (768) (3,8 50) 500 I 500 1 500 0 0 -a 500 500 1,314 500 9130/08 ACTUAL 275.5 11sland City Maint 84 -2 Z5 776 Revenue 35,530 118 Expenditure 830 000 Net (53,061) (82,574) 275.6 Island Ci Maint 84 -2 Z6 16,472 58,374 Revenue Expenditure _329,440 674 275.7 Net I (345,124) Island City Maint 84 -2 Z7 Revenue 8, 850 Expenditure 38 ,300 Net (29,450) (41,902) -y_ 3,683 5 3 276 Marina Cove Maint DT 01 -1 Revenue 85 4,176 2,966 Expen ditur e 191,596 (105,754) Net 1,210 276.1 Reserve Marina Cove 01 -01 r Revenue 24,496 0 Expenditure 0 0 Net 24 0 278 Bayport AD 03 -1 z W Revenue 375,000 4 Expenditure Net 413 170 (38,500) 4 280 Athletic Trust Revenue 2 473,874 581 Expenditure 2,102, 311 285 Public Arts Net 2,103 (107,147) Revenue 0 1,859 5,644 (3,785) Expenditure 0 1 Net 286 Historical Advisory Board Revenue Expendit Net 0 0 250 0 0 0 250 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -49 AUDITED 620 (Senior Citizens Transportation Revenue Expenditure Net 814 Adam Street House Revenue Expenditure Net 858 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Revenue Expenditure Net 876 JDike Maintenance Revenue Expenditure Net CIC Funds: 207 'West End Comm. Imp Proj. Revenue Expenditure Net 201.11 2003 CIC Tax Alloc 2003A1 Revenue Expenditure Net 201.13 2003 CIC Tax Alloc 2003A2 Revenue Expenditure Net 201.15 1 2003 CIC Tax Alloc 2003B Revenue Expenditure Net 202 CI C WECIP Housing Revenue Expenditure Net 203 Business Waterfront CIC Proj. Revenue ExpendAu re T Net 204 CIC -BWIP Housing Revenue Expenditure Net 204.4 CIC BWIP Hsg 2402 Bond Project FY 08 -09 BUDGET FY 08 -09 FY 08A9 9 /30 /08 12131/08 ACTUAL ACTUAL r 297 2,676 99,845 297,715 9,653 (939, 018) 0 (6,977) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 2,545,588 2 0 12,100,774 14,763 0 (2,662,791)1 326,049 1,853 1 694 348,516 1,505,160 5,000 0 1 1 350,301 0 0 112 5,000 0 142,976 3,919,000 1 ,872 99,845 940 _4,727,396 (808, 396) (939, 018) 2,226 0 0 0 0 0 1 ,492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 1 00,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,853 1 694 348,516 1,505,160 (497,160)1 (347, 822) 1 1 350,301 (876,958) _3,509 112 3,366 684 142,976 (684,876) 521,000 0 2,424 1 149 101 (1,903,149) (101,099) FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 3131!09 6130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131109 4 I 99,845 75,922 99,845 (71, 886) 2,226 0 0 2,172 0 0 1 ,492 0 112,781 0 5,350,190 t 10,1'13,294 7,529 13,115,119 (2179,522) (3,001,825) 0 D 0I 0 2,622 2,110,590 1,889,263 4,622,287 (1,886,641) (2,411,697) 2,226 3,500 1,740 2,172 248 474 1 ,492 1,698 1,356,651 112,781 859 348,863 617,051 (236, 082) 242 1 00,000 (98,142) 1,900 96,707 271 94,854 1,629 1,853 (692,000) 8,329,757 1,713 529,662 87 1 1 350,301 (876,958) (820,639) 1,8 775,776 112 3 1,364,273 3,033,845 (1,364,161) 248,233 906,329 55 0,457 712,484 (550,457)1 193 1 89, 1 22 1 66,885 189,122 161 0 5,085 1 3,856 0 0� 0 1 3,856 o 17,353,755 11,972,774 1 8,740, 833 16, 349,311 (1,387,078) (4,376,537) 329,099 0 0 0 329,099 0 4 4 4,899,546 4,727,396 (532,394) (507,396) 2,226 3,500 250, 522 1, 0❑0 (248,296) 2,500 121,620 859,150 1,356,651 617,055 (1,235,031) 242,095 2,420 100 1 00,562 1 00,000 (98,142) 0 1,079,193 1,058,000 1,365,407 1,750,000 (286,215) (692,000) 8,329,757 3, 509, 000 8 3 298 142,916 2,106,050 1,8 775,776 1,100,000 1,330,274 712,000 9 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 10 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 12131/08 3131109 8130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS O F 3131109 0 0 3,786 0 487,578 487 487 975 (487,578) (48 7,578) (483,792) (97 5,000) 0 0 0 0 2,266,92 2,266, 921 2,266,921 2 (2,266,921) I (2,266,921) (2,266,921) (2,2 0_ 0 127,615 0 0 0 0 3,150,0 0 0 127 (3,150,000) _0 101 216,498 203 13,153 163,187 259,004 195 (13, (61,654) (42,506) 8,065 0 25 67,308 50,7 30,854 49,117 64 ,542 61,700 (30,854) (23,734) 2,755 (10,93 120,858 7 16,423 11,815,480 7,830,552 13,298,099 19,857,477 18,310 (7,709,684) (5,384,501) (3,433,854) (6,494,676) 1801,274 36,764,936 65,917,421 48 29,973,209 46,167,314 67,754,742 60,895,769 B_ UDGET 9/30108 ACTUAL R evenue 0 0 dExpenditure ?Net 535,550 35,579 (535,550) 0 (35,579) 0 204.5 CIC Hous In -Lied Fee Revenue Expendit 0 0 Net 0 0 204.6 aUSD Housing Revenue 0 3 (3,150,000) 0 0 0 Expenditure Net 205 CIC Alameda Point i Revenue 223 0 Expenditure 145,510 6,945 Net 77,799 (6,945) 20_6 CIC APIP Housing Revenue 55 80, 5_35 (24,708) 0 17,197 Expenditure Net (17,197) Subtotal Revenues CIC Funds Subtotal Expenditures CIC Funds 9,236,136 2,678. 15 2 ,135,214 (6,698,248) (2,132,536) Net Total Reve Special Revenue Funds Funds 6,200,131 Total Expenditures Special Revenue 9,421,978 10 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -99 AUDITED I Capital Project Funds 302 i Wastewater Capital Reserve Revenue Expenditure Net 310 Capital Improvement Revenue Expenditure Net 310.1 IFISC Catellus Traffic Fee Revenue Expenditure Net 312 Marina Village AD# 89 -1 Revenue Expenditure Net 313 Harbor Bay AD 92 -1 'Revenue Ex Net 317 Library Construction Revenue Expenditure Net 318 Open Space Improvement Revenue Expenditure Net 328 2003 AP Revenue Bond Project: Revenue Expenditure Net 340.11 CDF- WE Traffic Safety Revenue Expenditure Net 0 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 9130/08 FY 08 -09 12/31/08 FY 08-09 FY 08.09 FY 08.08 3131109 6/30109 PROJECTED ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131/ Q BUDGET 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,778 Q 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 9,778 0 35,060 208,491) 2,381,065 3,757,856 7,981,414 6 000 ,000 _36X3,749 1,861,764 4,381,535 5 7,357 7,000,000 (1,143,321) (2,070,255) (2,000,470) (1,975,597) 524,013 (1,000,000) 0 0 0 29,043 Q 420,000 0 860 997,272 1,009,681 1,000,000 (420,000) Q 060,522} (997,272) (980,638) (1 ,000,000) 0 11,708 28 37,327 47,860 Y 57,550 0 0 61 61,540 61,540 122,540 0 11 (33,154) (24,213) (13,680) (64,990) 0 5,303 12.921 17 44,050 25,845 0 0 0 319,885 0 0 5,303 12,921 17,063 (275,835) 25,845 0 231 231 231 7,579 231 705 14,972 16,109 35,118 63,719 45 (705) (14,741) (15,878) (34,887) (56,140) (44,769) T Q 0 0, 0 46,528 0 0 0 0 0 6 6A10 0 0 0 0 0 (20,282) 0 0 999 2,084 2 3,412 2 0 999 2,084 2,335 8,906 2,335 0 0 0 0 (5,494) 0 200 ,000 0 0 19 305,915 T 25 1 000 420,000 0 0 1 69,420 181,828 175 (220,000 )1 0 0 j (149,821) 125,088 (150,000) NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 3131/09 8!30/09 PROJECTE ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3/31109 0 21,220 0 21 1 220 0 12,303 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 8,752 0 16,365 29,516 16,365 (16,365 (20,864) 16,3 5 5 16.284 50,085 16,285 0 16 50, 085 16,285 0 5,451 0 0 6,451 592 2,693 595 0 0 0 592 2,693 595 520 1,492 520 16 15,376 16,355 (15,845) (13,884) (15,845) 4,347 33,913 4 0 0 0 4 347 33,913 4,500 1,717 4,169 1 ,750 0 0 0 1 4,169 1,7 54 BUDGET 9130108 12/31/08 ACTUAL ACTUAL 340.12 CDF- WE Parks Recreation Revenue 15,000 0 0 Expenditure 0 Net CDF WE Public Facilities 15,000 0 0 340.13 Revenue 5,000 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 0 Net CDF WE Public Safety 5,000 0 0 340.14 5,000 27 (22,387) 0 0 0 Revenue 0 0 0 Expenditure Net 340.21 CDF- NW Traffic Safety Revenue i Expenditure Net 30,000 16,284 15,284 0 30,000 16 15,284 340.22 CDF- NW Parks Recreation Revenue 1,000 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 0 Net 1,000 0 0 340.23 CDF NW Public Facilities Revenue 1,000 592 592 Expenditure 0 1 „000 0 592 0 Net 592 340.24 CDF- NW Public Safety 6 Revenue 1 520 520 340.3 340.32 Expenditure Net 26,387 0 0 (25,387) 520 CDF- CEE Traffic Safety Revenue Expenditure Net CDF- GEE Parks Recreation 5,000 2,851 0 2,851 2,851 0 2,851 0 5 1,000 0 0 Revenue Expenditure 0 0 Net L 1,000 0 0 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 340,33 CDF- GEE Public Facilities Revenue Expenditure FY 88 -09 1 FY 08 -09 BUDGET 9130108 ACTUAL 1,807 1,000 144 0 0 Net r 340.34 CDF- CEE Public Safety Revenue Expenditure Net 1,000 104 (16,150) 91 1,000 20,387 (19,387) 0 91 _91 0 340.41 CDF- BF Traffic Safety Revenue Expenditure Net 340.42 CDF- BF Parks Recreation 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,253 0 429 Revenue 0 0 429 i Expenditure f Net 0 0 4,376 0 340.43 CDF- BF Public Facilities 66,450 68,352 1,000 Revenue 0 0 Expenditure 0 0 1,148,585 Net u 0 0 340.44 CDF- BF Public Safety_ 0 Revenue 0 1 8,387 0 0 Expenditure Net 350 Transportation Improvement (18 0 i 5,062 180 4,882 Revenue 0 478,735 (478,736) Expenditure Net 351 Urban Runoff Revenue 4,109,057 322,097 Expenditure 4 519,277 Net (768,722) (197,180 360 C_FD #1 Harbor Bay .Revenue 0 0 Expenditure 0 p Net 0 0 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08-0 12131/08 3131109 6130/09 PROJECTE ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131/09 104 395 0 0 104 395 91 214 0 16,365 91 (16,151) 0 0 _0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 23,201 360 22,841 2, 1,407,851 1,295,212 0 0 0 0 0 16,365 45,098 721 44, 377 2,987,000 2,057,701 929,299 0 0 0 1 ,807 500 0 0 1,807 500 837 215 20,376 16,365 (19,539) (16,150) 691 0 0 0 691 0 2,253 0 0 0 2,253 0 429 0 0 0 429 0 10 0 4,376 16 (4,366) (16,365) 543,451 66,450 68,352 1,000 475,099 65,450 4,514,629 4,109,065 2,442 2,960,480 2,071,789 1,148,585 0 0 239 0 0 13 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 361 CFD# 2 Paragon Gateway Revenue Expenditure Net Total Revenue Capital Project Funds Total Expenditures Capital Project Funds [debt Service Funds City Debt_ 413 Debt Service Jail Facility Revenue Expenditure Net 419 Debt Service Library /Golf Project Revenue Expenditure Net 421 Debt Service Library Bond Revenue Expenditure +Net 422 Debt Svc HUD 108 Parkng/Theatre Revenue Expenditure Net 423 Debt Svc 2008 Refin. Project COP Revenue Expenditure Net 464 Debt Service Refinance City Hall Revenue i Expenditure Net FY 08.09 FY 08 -09 BUDGET 9/30108 ACTUAL 0. 0 387,660 0 387,650) 0 157,351 2,397,'192 0 0 0 0 0 670 670,325 0 231,517 231,517 0 187,341 167,341 0 827,338 827,338 0 0 0 0 0 0 66,083 4 29,050 (362, 967) 161,708 108 53,450 41,836 0 41,838 205,834 206,834 14 FY 08-09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 12131/08 3131/09 6130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131109 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 7,190 (7,190) 13,681,765 11 ,6 58,'13 4 0 0 0 10,310,841 11,371,815 0 0 3,190X8 5,171,403 6J30,011 3,905 1,282,790 1,290,785 1,552,875 (252,090) 1,552, 875 (270,085) (262,090) 3,190, 308 3,190X8 3,631,616 (441,308) 3,905,049 (714,741) 3,905 301,123 301,123 429 670,325 (359, 202) (127, 927) 200,046 450,088 314 108,258 91,788 135,013 450,090 314, 075 4,777,444 5,137,783 4,749 4 380 28,087 4,860,156 4,757,355 432,939 859,051 218,144 218,149 214,795 i 640,902 1,290,785 1 ,290 1 1,552,875 (262,090) (252,090) 3 3,190,308 3,905,049 3,905 (714, 741) (714,741) 590,122 570,000 677,043 570 (86,921) (100 755,350 450,090 314, 075 314,075 442,275 135,015 5,150,453 5 4,860,156 4,757,355 29 0 380,430 900,056 0 829,317 218,150 70,739 4218,150 }j NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 1 C1C Debt: FY 08 -09 BUDGET FY 08 -09 FY 08 -08 FY 08-09 FY 08-09 FY 08-08 9130108 12131108 3/31/09 6130/09 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED AS OF 3131109 462 Debt Service CIC Sub Bond Revenue Expenditure i Net 465 2003 Tax AIIoc Ref SWIP Revenue Expenditure Net 466 Tax AIIoc Bonds Merged Projects Revenue Expenditure Net 468 2003 AP Revenue Bond Debt Revenue Expenditure Net Total Revenue Debt Service Funds Total Expenditures Debt Service Funds 601 Golf Course Revenue Expenditure Net 602 Sewer Service Revenue Expenditure Net 621 °Ferry Service Revenue Expenditure Net 621.1 Harbor Bay Ferry East Revenue Expenditure Net 814 882 203,720 814,882 109,941 0 93, 779 1,263,768 346 1263,769 406,906 (1) (60,096) 1,325,322 1,266 58 0 2,746,914 686 2 1,238,715 i 0 (551, 986) 196,211 800,000 200 800 23,936 0 176,931 17,044,101 12,746,246 '[,9'14,587 2,316,806 4,382,779 4,911,043 (528,264) 9,970X3 363 12,814,241 (2,843,87 433,748 4 56,636 (22,888) 1,114,136 1,1'14,136 0 1,356,237 1,235,753 120,484 288,344 1,746,442 (1,458,098) 0 86,659 (86,659) 1,882 159,390 (157,508) 15 409,157 817,029 110,'185 815,356 298,972 1,673 5,826,659 8,744,923 662,859 406,925 255p934 1,325,322 1,266 58 0 0 1 2,870,737 1,343,625 2 148,813 239 401 ,769 801,875 196,211 537,745 205,558 264,130 571,453 537 13,150,873 17,044,101 12,746,246 16,668 2, 276,030 2,344,027 (67,997) 3,036,324 3,493,780 (457,456) 817,030 817,595 3,009,579 3 5,826,659 8,744,923 2817,080} (5,683,628) 0 0 228,318 455,636 (228,318) 412,282 (456,636) 524,782 354,905 57 484,494 40,288 832 3,845,850 817,030 817,595 815,355 15,069 1,675 1,347,834 1,325,325 1 1,266,345 81,350 58,980 2,920 2,870,740 2,752,793 2,631,260 167,874 239,480 614X4 801,875 571,453 537 42,901 264,130 17,593,594 '16,453 17,545,841 16,668,534 4,253,045 3,845,850 4,740,420 4,590,750 (487,375) (744,900) 6,540 5,596,70 6,442,753 9,200,000 97,559 (3,603,300) 60,015 0 488,689 456,636 (428,674) (456,536) 751,321 824 751,321 709,810 0 114,755 NON GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED 621.2 Alameda /Oakland Ferry -West Revenue Expenditure Net Total Revenue Enterprise Funds Total Expenditures Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds 119 Equipm Re placement J. Revenue Expenditure Net 702 Central Stores Revenue Expenditure Net 703 Central Garage Revenue Expenditure Net 704 Technology Service Revenue Expenditure Net 711 Workers' Compensation Self Insur Revenue Expenditure Net 712 Risk Management Revenue Expenditure 1 Net FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 9130108 12131108 ACTUAL ACTUAL fi 43,840 1,326,667 750,477 1,286,375 (706,637) 39,592 1,690 7 3,978,721 10,040,284 FY 08 -09 3131109 ACTUAL 1,6 41,932 1,458, 001 183,931 8,264, 14,637,834 FY 08 -09 5130109 UNAUDITED 2 2 96,918 14,278,473 15,000,044 FY 0 -09 PROJECTED AS OF 3 2,652,135 2,572,750 79 12,919,250 17,529,945 BUDGET 901 55 89 2615,552 2,615 0 100 765,838 '155,789 319 630,723 113 517 615 594,530 20 I 242 263,979 {21,356} 1,886,842 1,614,989 271,8 1,393,972 1,727, 827 (333,855) 2,029,500 1 172 456,034 263,112 192,922 813,260 813,250 10 364,036 389,092 (25,056) 1,844,374 1 (136,926) 1,398,297 2,174, 090 (775,793) 1,275,549 2,187,623 (912,073) 300,000 150,000 150,000 86 827,925 36,600 367.955 363,735 4,220 1,886 2,240,310 (353,468) 1139 3,990 2,745 (1,351,81 8 1, 856,522 (983,839) 901 55 89 (135,30 100 229807 977 213,519 1 432,263 205 413 977 8 18,302 0 77,353 97,166 183,977 189 0 0 (19,813) 2,108 1 586,957 518550 755,029 1,029,921 2,240,310 (384,048) 68 (274,892) 344 ,676 695 1,396,629 3,147,080 951,031 1,372,899 (1,750,451) (606,355) (677,246) 462,4 1 936,173 1,971,174 2,245,231 (274,057) 1,096,794 1,4 (563,373) a (634,334} 16 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08 -09 AUDITED Attachment G 17 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 -09 FY 08 09 BUDGET 9130108 12/31108 3131109 6130109 PROJECTED ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL UNAUDITED A S OF 3131109 715 Unemployme Insur ance R evenue 60,000 15 30 51 83,890 61,545 Expenditure 60 10,208 29 57,185 91,705 57,185 Net I 0 5,178 975 4 (7,815) 4 Total Revenue Internal Service Funds 1 6,235,440 5 3,353 6 Total Expenditures- Internal Service Funds 2,934 4,617,330 6 7,900,17'2 8,241,477 Lrust Agency Funds 72v aPEB Revenue 2,129, 040 72,394 1,112,418 2,133 1,954711 2 Expenditure 2 438,519 941,171 1,445,471 1,956,722 2,133,060 Net 0 (356,125) 171,247 687 (2,011) 0 801 Police Fire Plan 1079 Revenue 2,808 63 6,273 842,993 1,884 2,464,114 2,500,000 Expenditure 1 2,.808,000 636,273 1,884,083 2,464,114 2,504,000 Net 0 0 1,256,709 (413 0 0 0 802 Police Fire Plan 1 Revenue 41,000 10 14,095 31 ,734 42,284 41 000 Expenditure 41 0 000 10,571 _21,142 31 ,734 42,284 41 1 000 Net 0 0 (_7,047) 0 0 0 832 Debt Service 89 -1 Revenue 2 321,777 2,282,853 2,379,223 4,326,530 2 Expenditure 3,226 1 953 2 2,789,664 3,22 3 3,226,953 Net (259,876) (2,467,887) (506,811) (847,730) 1,079,790 (259, 876) 833 Debt Service 92 -1 Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 p Expenditure 0 0 0 0 356 0 Net 0 0 0 0 (356) 0 835 1998 Revenue Bond Debt Revenue 2,765,515 143 1 1,619 3,123,454 1, 619,533 Expenditure 2,765,515 2,493,403 1 4,525,403 4,892 4,837,512 4,8 92,530 Net 0 2,350,001) (3,025,409) (3,272 (1,714,048) (3,272,9 836 1999 Revenue Bond Debt Revenue 3,226,953 2 2,789,669 _3 3,232,227 3 Expenditure 3,226,953 2,847994 4 6,022 6 6,022,590 Net 0 58,330) (2,795,628) (2,790,355) (2,795,630) Attachment G 17 NON- GENERAL FUND FUNDS Attachment G REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY FY 08-09 AUDITED AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF ACTUAL 6130109; PROJECTED 6130/10 PROJECTED TOTAL NET NET AUDITED LESS CASH FY 2009 -10 CASH BUDGET CASH CASH OBLIGATIONS AVAILABLE SOURCES USES AVAILABLE AVAILABLE r 0 a� c X ■.i !D r i 0 ML FUND i CIC PROJECT AREAS 6130109 6130109 711109 i REVENUE EXPENDITURES 6130110 Redevelopment APIP (149,458) 2,241 4,709,200 (3,9051387) 3,044,883 Low Mod Housin Set Aside 205 Redevelopment 0 (34,736) (34,736) 195 (129,949)1 31 206 Low /Mo Hous ing Set Aside 334,169 (4,932) 329,237 51,540 (127,023) 253,754 13,351,889 APIP Total 334,169 (39 294,501 247,690 (256 1 285,219 BWIP 203 BWIP Redevelopment Original (1,606,798) 4,846 7 (10,699 2 256.1 FISC Redevelopme Bayport 2 (70 2 2 (3,239,694) 1, 941,91 4 BWIP Re development 9,042,051 (1 7 10 3 204 Low /Mod Housing S et Aside 3,250 (44,966) 3 1 "1,088,005 4,4241432 BWIP Total 12,292,474 (1 10 I 12,46 7.403 (1,088 8 201 202 WECIP I Redevelopment 2 (149,458) 2,241 4,709,200 (3,9051387) 3,044,883 Low Mod Housin Set Aside 249 (3 245 990 (1,157,774); 78 WECIP Total 2 (153 2 5,700,004 I (5 3,123 CIC Totals 1 15,266,651 (1 13,351,889 18,415 (6 11,4191655 0 II I Ii Page 1 of 2 AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF ACTUAL 6130109; PROJECTED 6130/10 FUND CIC PROJECT AREAS APIP 205 Redevelopment 206 Low /Mod Housing Set Aside APIP Total BWIP 203 BWIP R edevelopment Original 256.1 FISC Redevelopment Bayport BWIP Redevelopment 204 Low /Mod Housing Set Aside BWIP Total 201 202 i i WECIP 3 (2 (419 585 0 78 78,677 0 3 1 1 23,560 (2 (419 664,536 I 0 1 0 0 1 0 11,419 (4 )1 (912,356)1 6 1 4551258 353,523 848,781 1 100% (4,4315444) (5,343,800) ;TOTAL SERAF OBLIGATION 4,024 (808978 3 2I5 651 1 I Note: This pr ojected Gash avai lable for operati will be $3, 215,651 after SERAF payments and the BWIP Low /Mod Hous in ;QT. Loans are recorded. Page 2 of 2 PROJECTED PROJECTED CASH NET AVAILABLE TOTAL LASH SERAF SERAF FOR I BWIP AVAILABLE DUE DUE OPE T LOAN LOAN HOUSING 6130110 5110110 5110111 6130110 5110110 5110111 LOAN A 31,465 (486 (100,207} (555,465) 455,258 100 555,465 I� 253 253 0 285 (486 (100,207 (301,711 455,258 100,207 555,465 69% T 2 (1,905,531 (392,315)1 (253,316) 253,316 253,316 1 I 1 0 3 (1,905,531) (392 1 01 253,316 253,316 41 4 0 8,010 876 (1 905,531} (392,315) 5,713,0 0 0 253,316 253,316 31 3 (2 (419 585 0 78 78,677 0 3 1 1 23,560 (2 (419 664,536 I 0 1 0 0 1 0 11,419 (4 )1 (912,356)1 6 1 4551258 353,523 848,781 1 100% (4,4315444) (5,343,800) ;TOTAL SERAF OBLIGATION 4,024 (808978 3 2I5 651 1 I Note: This pr ojected Gash avai lable for operati will be $3, 215,651 after SERAF payments and the BWIP Low /Mod Hous in ;QT. Loans are recorded. Page 2 of 2 FY 09 -10 APIP PROJECTED CASH BASIS Community Improvement Commission a 256,972 1 00% 66,201 MIDYEAR BUDGET PROJECTION Tax Inc rement Pass Through Obligation Tax Incre CASH BASIS 100 49, 95% 245 Fund 205 Fund 206 County Tax Increme Ad ministra tio n Fee Alam Point Improvement Project APIP APIP Total 1% Redevelop 20% Set Aside CIC Fiscal Year 09 -10 P roiects a nd Low/Moderate APIP Description Administration Housing FY 09 -10 0 Total Contributions fro Other Funds SOURCES 127,023 100% 256,972 1 00% 66,201 (75,483) Tax Inc rement Pass Through Obligation 0 Tax Incre 196,150 100 49, 95% 245 99% Interest Income County Tax Increme Ad ministra tio n Fee 0.0% 2,500 5% 2 1 500 1% T Revenue '19 5,'150 1 00% 51,540 100% 247,690 100% C onstruct Ba Shinsei Gar (Operation Dignity) SERA FY 09 -10 Budget 0 Total Contributions fro Other Funds 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 Total Sources 19650 ,'1 100% d 51,540 100% 247 1 00% USES 127,023 100% 256,972 1 00% 66,201 (75,483) Tax Inc rement Pass Through Obligation 0 T otal Project Ar Obligation 0 0 Pass Through 41 1 000 32% 41 16 County Tax Increme Ad ministra tio n Fee 500 0% 500 0oQ 1 0% Total Tax Increment Pass Through Obligation 41,500 32% Soo y 0% 42,000 16% ERAF and SERAF Obligation: C onstruct Ba Shinsei Gar (Operation Dignity) SERA FY 09 -10 Budget 0 1SERAF Assessed and Due in FY 10--11 0 0% 0 79 SERAF Obligation 0 0% 0 0 0% ERAF per State Controller 12 9 12 5% ERAF and SERAF Obligation Debt Service Obligation: Princi General Fund Advance Interest General Fund Advance Project Area Obligation: 26,720 21 0 0% 26,720 1 0% Total Uses USES (OVER) SOURCES BEFORE SERAF TOTAL AUDITED CASH 6130109 Less Obligations Paid After 6130109 Less GASB 31 FMV Cash AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF Data Source: Crty of Alameda 129,949 100 127,023 100% 256,972 1 00% 66,201 (75,483) 0 0 T otal Project Ar Obligation 0 0 0 0% 0 0 Project Area Development: 253,754 285,219 Funds to Operation Dignity Housing 100 79% 100 39 C onstruct Ba Shinsei Gar (Operation Dignity) 0 T otal P Area Development 0 0% 100,000 79 100 39 Total Project Area Obligation and D evelopment 0 0% 100,000 7 9% 100,000 39% City F ixed Char and Project Administra Obligatifo City Cost Alloca 22 18% 6 5% 29 12% Cit Fix Charges 1 1 300 1 2,080 2% 3,380 1 APIP Administration 25,159 19% 17,553 14% 42 1 17% Total City Overhead and Administration 49 38 26,523 21% 75,952 30 Total Uses USES (OVER) SOURCES BEFORE SERAF TOTAL AUDITED CASH 6130109 Less Obligations Paid After 6130109 Less GASB 31 FMV Cash AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF Data Source: Crty of Alameda 129,949 100 127,023 100% 256,972 1 00% 66,201 (75,483) (9,282) 0 334,169 334,169 (34 ,736) (960 (35,696 0 (3,972) (3,972) 31,465 253,754 285,219 12 9% 0 0% 12,300 5% 0 26,720 21 26,720 10 Total Debt Service Obligation Page I of I FY 09 -10 BWIP PROJECTED CASH BASIS Community Improvement Commission MID YEAR BUDGET PROJECTION Fund 203 Fund Zo CASH BASIS BW1 4 BWI Total B and Waterfront Improvement Project Re development 20% Set Aside CIC Fiscal Year 9 -10 Pro and Low/Moderate BWIP Description Administration Housin-2 FY 09 -10 SOURCES' Tax Increment 7,584 040 96% 1 99% 9 97 Caltrans Grant for Prior Year Park Streetsca e CIP Cost 121 2% 0 121,217 1 Interest I ncome 2 7,540 0% 1 5,500 1% 46 ,000 0% Miscellaneous Income 150 0 19 0% 150 0% Total Revenue 7 98% 1_ 140% 9 98% Fundin from Theater/Parking P roject Fund 227.1 164,414 2 164,414 2 °/Q Total Contrib from Other Funds 164 2 0 0% 164 2% To tal So 7 100% 1,906,984 104% 9 1 00% USES 'Tax Increment Pass Through Obligation: P ass Through 2,16 4,500 20% 21 164,500 18% County Tax Increment Administration Fee 21,000 0 19 2% 40,990 0% Total Tax Increment Pass Through Obli gation 2 20% 19 2% 2 19% ERAF and SERAF Obligation: SERAF FY 09-10 Budget 0 SERAF Asse and Du in FY 10 11 a 0 SERAF Oblig 0 0% 0 0 0 ERAF FY 09 -10 Bud 200900 2 200 2 and SERAF Obli gation 240 2 0 0% 200 2% ERAF D ebt Se O bligation: Principal and Interst ERAF Loan 47, 770 4 %0 47, 0% Principal and Interest 2002 CIC Subordinate Bond 848770 8% 848,770 7% Principal and Inter 2003 TA Refunding Bond 198,24 206,400 19 °/4 404,240 3% Fi scal A gent F ees 3,300 3,300 0% Total Debt Service Obligation 1 F 10% 206,400 19% 1 11% Project Area Oblig Bridgeside Shopp Center Agreement 121 1% 121,000 1% Rede Policy Amendment 25,000 0% 25,004 0 Gran to PSBR 111 1% 111,450 1% Grant to W ABA 101,150 1 101,150 1 Transfer Net Tax Incre ment to Baypo FI Catellus 2 21% 21 20% Total Proj ct Area Obligation 2 25% 0 0% 2,656, 00 23% Project Area Development: AEA Th Project 100,000 I 100 1 Park a nd Buena Vista Electrical Upgrade 292,090 3% 292,09 2% Match CIP Tinker Extension Project fr Sewer Loan 2,948,753 28% 2 25 H ousing Project Developme 745 68% 745,400 6% Total Project Area Development 3 31% 745,400 68% 4,08 5,843 35% City Overhead and Project Administration Obliga C ity Cost Allo 247,470 2% 24_,340 2% 271,810 2% C ity Fi xed Charges 37 °ro 28, 3 65 b/o 1 B P .Administratio WI 933,592 9 64,545 6 998,137 Total Administration 1 1 1 117 11% 1 _8% 11% Total Uses 14,699,495 100% 1,088 100 11 100% USES (OVER) UNDER SOURCES (2,802,174) 818,975 (1 T AU CASH 6134 49 6 3.250.423 9,703,9 Less Obli Paid Af 6130 (1 (5,9 (1,534 Less GASB 31 FMV Cash (77,847) (39,002} (116,549} AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF 2.044.534 4.024.432 6 ,,06 &262 Data Source: City o(Alanieda Page I of 1 FY 49 -10 PROJECTED FISC BAYPORT CASH BASIS Community Imp Commission Fleet Industrial Service Center FISC MID YEAR BUDGET PROJECTION Fund 256. CASH BASIS Ba yport Catellu Phase 1 Residential Develop Redevelopment Fiscal Year 09 -10 Projects and Description Administration SOURCES Tax Increment Catellus Bayport Reimbursement 345,102 13% Interest Income 2000 1% Total Revenue 365 9 102 14% Net Tax Incr ement from BWIP 2.29800 86 Total Contributions from Other Funds 2 86% Total Sources r 2 IOU% USES Tax Increment Pass Through Obligation: Pass Through County Administration Fee Total Tax Increment Pass Th Obligation 0 0% ER AF an SER Ob ERAF per State Controller SERAF ERAF and SERAF Obligation 0 0 Debt Service Obligation: Principal and Interest 2003 TA Refunding B onds 854,090 26% Principal and I Ca tellu s Pr e dev e l opment Loan 325,252 10% Total Debt Servfee Obli Lation 1 36% Project Area Obli Total Project Area Obli gation 0 0% Project Area Development: Bay port Park Construction 2,055,4 Total Project Area Development 2,055 63 Cit Fixed Charges and Project Ad min i stration Obligati Cit Cost Allocation City Fixed Charg 7 F ISC Administrati (2 Total City Fixed Char and Administration 4 0% Total Uses 3 100% USES (OVER) SOURCES (576,592) TOTAL AUDITED CASH 613410 2,588 Less Obligations Paid After 6/3 0109 (38 5 61 3 1 Less GASB 31 FMV Gash (31,430) AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF 1,941 Catellus Pre development Loan Balance 12/31/09 S 7 9 336 5 282.41 Interest com pounded monthly at 8.75% data Source: Ciiy of Alatneda Page I of 1 FY 09 -10 WECIP PROJECTED CASH BASIS Community Improvement Commission 47,770 1,855 2,250 1% 46 0% 47,770 1 2_38,060 21% 238,060 2 0% 4 500 1% 36% 5% 0% Tota Debt Service_ Ob ligatio n 1 MID YEAR BUDGET PROJECTION Fund 201 41 Fund 202 X7 Less GASB 31 FMV CASH (28,748) CASH BASIS WECIP 50,000 WECIP 50 Total Economic Development Strateg Plan West En Com munity Improveme Proj R edevelo p ment 30,000 20% Set Aside GABA Grant CIC 0% Fiscal Ye 09 -10 Projects and K OKA O PAIMaster Lease Low/Moderate 2% WECIP 2 Descri tion Administration Housin` FY 09 -10 2% 100 000 2% Total Pr ojec t Area Obligation 304 ,000 8 0 0% 304 SOURCES Tax. I ncrement 3 84% 988 100% 4,944 87% Int erest Income 12,000 0% 2,000 0% 1400 0% Total Revenue 3 84% 990 100% 4 87% 03 Bon Merged T ax Allocation Marina Village OPA Es crow 742,000 742,000 Total Contr ibutions from O ther Funds 742,000 16% 0 0% 742 Total Sources 4 100% 990 100% 5 USES ITax Increment Pass Through Obli gation: 502.870 12 Pass Through T 1,008,998 25% 1,008, 19% County Tax In A dmini strat ion Fee 31 ,000 1 7,744 1% r 38,700 1 Total Tax Increment Pass Thres Obli gation 1,039,998 26% 7,700 1% 1 20 ERAF and S ERAF O SERAF n SERAF Obligation 0 0 0 0% 0 0 ERAF per State Controller 12,300 0% 12 300 0% ERAF and SERAF Obligation 12 0% 0 0% 12 0 Debt Service Oblig ation: Principal and Interest Wells Fargo ERAF Loan Principal and Int erest Pa yment to 20 03 CIC TA Bonds j Princi pal and Interest Payment to 2002 CIC S ubordinate Bonds Fiscal A gent Fees 47,770 1,855 2,250 1% 46 0% 47,770 1 2_38,060 21% 238,060 2 0% 4 500 1% 36% 5% 0% Tota Debt Service_ Ob ligatio n 1 47% 240 21 2,146 41 Project Area Obli X7 Less GASB 31 FMV CASH (28,748) (3,069) Alameda Chamber o Commerce M arketin g gra nt 50,000 1% 50 1 Economic Development Strateg Plan 30, 000 1 °/0 30,000 1% GABA Grant 1800 0% 18 000 0% K OKA O PAIMaster Lease 100,000 2% 100,000 2 S pecial Ev 6,000 0% 6 000 0% Strategi Pl an Other Professional Services 100,000 2% 100 000 2% Total Pr ojec t Area Obligation 304 ,000 8 0 0% 304 6% 'Project Area De 0 Housing Projec Deve fl merit 12 5..,.00 0.- 1 1% 1 Q Subsidy for Independence P laza Senior Housing 714,000 62 714 400 To tal Pro Area Develo pment 0 0% 839,000 72% 839,000 Total Pr oject Ar ea Obligation and Devel 304, 000 8% 839,000 72% 1,143,400 City Fixed Cha a nd Pro ject Administration Obligation: City Cost Allocation 22 7,13 0 6% City Fixed W ECIP Adminis Total City Charges and Administration Total Uses 764,100 19 74 6% 834 16% 4 100% 1 10 0% 5 100% USES (OVER) UNDER SOURCES 653,103 (166 516 ,TOTAL AUDITED CA SH 6130.'09 2,390,528 249,480 2,640,008 Le ss Obligations Paid A fte r 6130109 (760) X7 Less GASB 31 FMV CASH (28,748) (3,069) (31,817) AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR SERAF 3 78 677 3 123 560 Data Source; Cin' ol'Alameda 34,100 0.9/0 1 3 100% 2% 14% 16% 22% 267,890 5% 46,290 1% 520 10% 40,760 4 12,190 1% 17, 2% Page 1 of 1 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Income Statements 10 -Year History For the Fiscal Year Ending .June 30, 2001 to December 31, 2009 FY09 -10 as of 12 /31/09) FY 08 -09 FY 07 -08 FY06 -07 FY05 -06 FY04 -05 FY03 -04 FY02 -03 FY01 -02 FY00 -01 Sources Revenues Residential lease revenue 679,436 1,644,042 1,570,398 1,565,392 1,546,137 1,508,352 1,459,188 1,661,088 1,644,950 1,991,01 Commercial lease revenue 4,855,556 11,997,911 10,355,883 9,449,082 8,857,988 9,039,297 9,343,140 7,595,378 6,549,156 6,644,264 US Department of Commerce grant 0 0 0 1,500,000 893,431 169,242 166,088 2,247,040 US Department of Defense grant 0 0 0 0 18,424 5,591 Misc. grants and contributions 248,340 272,803 41,994 284,221 1, 026,433 86,204 952,948 2,034,921 *6 1,060,807 646,316 Charges for current services 107,346 *3 1,656,461 *3 44,834 0 0 0 0 0 Interest 341,616 605,919 390,680 196,868 76,297 37 142,757 94,690 230,632 Other 92,844 2,970,387 *2 500,862 141, 000 81,029 85,593 0 0 0 Subtotal 5,876,175 17,334,105 14,731,517 11,875,209 11,618,455 12,295,743 12,648,744 11,603,346 9,534,115 11,764,853 Transfers In From General Fund 0 3,585 0 39,622 0 From CIC BWIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,307 0 From CIC Alameda Point 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,307 0 From FISC Lease Revenue 461,831 *7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 From Waste Reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,654 From Alameda Landing 14,649 52,503 28,345 0 0 0 0 From Urban Runoff 0 0 0 4,661 0 From Alameda Point Bond Project 0 0 7,184 302,142 From Sewer Services 0 0 0 0 0 4,661 0 From Capital Proj. 2003 AP Bond 5,000 80,564 182,702 649,665 1,764,758 1,303,728 0 0 Subtotal 461,831 19,649 133,067 211,047 653,250 1,764,758 1,310,912 302,142 107,214 Total 6 17,353,754 14,864,584 12,086,256 12,271,705 14,060,501 13,959,656 11,905,488 9,641 1 0 CL 0 C) PIL X >rt erne 0 C7 IM y 0 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Income Statements 10 -Year History For the Fiscal Year Fading June 30, 2001 to December 31, 2009 Note: *1 Emergency expenditures due to the fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center. *2 ARRA Dredging Project and the reimbursements from the tenant. *3 Predevelopment cost reimbursement from SunCal. *4 ARRA predevelopment cost and Pier 3 electrical upgrade. *5 Pier 3 electrical upgrade and buildings upgrade to code *6 Payment from APCP for reimbursement for a predevelopment cost *7 Transfer to FISC to cover the emergency expenditures due to the fire. Also see transfer back from FISC in FYO8109. *8 Transfer to FISC to pay for General Fund loan payment *9 Transfer to pay for 20 03 Alameda Point revenue bond *1 Transfer to CIC to cover the one time only cost allocation obligation *11 Transfer to FISC to reimburse cost allocation charges for Municipal Service for FYO5 -06 FYO9 -10 Jas of 12131109) FY 08 -09 FY 07 -08 FY06 -07 FY05 -06 FYO4 -05 FYO3 -04 FY02 -03 FY01 -02 FY00 -01 Uses FxpenditUres Salaries and benefits 567,516 1,113,330 1,064,924 633,730 839,267 1,076,599 1,172,286 1,034,403 1,835,839 3,568,278 Professional and administrative services 954,673 6,116,639 •1 4,501,398 3,294,434 3,825,505 6,261 ,124 *4 5,916,597 *5 4,368,958 4,414,767 6,487,125 Building /equipment repairs maintenance 2,174,792 a•z 5,798,949 .1 *2 2,050,380 2,650,025 2,556,948 1,794,550 1,776,240 2,000,242 790,448 599,005 Utilities 430,728 608,667 1,440,988 1,303,253 906,225 829,157 822,851 888,837 753,241 879,243 Supplies /insurance 5,435 18,939 11,863 11,848 10,226 22,149 15,196 340,719 65,786 103,552 Travel 1,957 6,635 7,771 1,974 10,268 4,907 4,216 3,596 8,707 3,851 Debt Service Interest 45,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 4,180,102 13,678,159 9,077,324 7,895,264 8,148,439 9,988,486 9,707,386 8,636,714 7,868,788 11,641,052 Transfers Out To General Fund 1,512,798 2,707,623 2,881,473 2,108,872 2,612,747 712,744 2,295,029 1,324,157 558,358 315,205 To Internal Service Fund 76,674 0 6,000 0 60,670 194,330 171,299 170,942 6,600 To Community Development 2 0,217 83,216 0 0 0 0 0 0 To CIC -WECIP 235,000 *to 0 0 0 0 To CIC BWIP 0 369,566 *10 0 0 0 To CIC BWIP Catellus 0 0 288,690 To FISC lease revenue 461,831 =7 472,949 *11 0 0 0 To FISC for loan repayment 480,000 •a 0 0 0 0 To FISCICatellus 0 0 0 2,693,114 0 To Human Services 0 0 79,571 86,965 To Capital Projects 0 760,000 0 0 0 10,095 150,000 6,667 10,000 0 To Urban Runoff 382,674 0 0 0 0 To Citywide Westend Traffic Safety 151,866 0 0 0 0 To Debt Service 0 570,000 "9 0 0 1,293,600 1,293,6 00 107,800 To Sewer Services 56,834 0 0 Subtotal 2,144,229 5,062,671 3,958,988 2,114,872 2,669,582 3,476,623 3,932,959 2,795,723 1,215,361 408,770 Total 6,324,331 18,740,834 13,036,312 90,010,136 10 13,465,109 13,640,345 11,432,437 9,084,149 12,049,822 Net Change 13,675 (1,387,076) 1,828,272 2,076,120 1,453,684 595,392 319,311 473,051 557,180 (284,969) Beginning Fund Balance 8,980,546 10,367,622 8,539,350 6,463,230 5,009,546 4,414,154 4,094,843 3,621,792 3,064,612 3,349,581 Ending Fund Balance 8,994,222 8,980,546 10,367,622 8,539,3503 6,463,230 5,009,546 4,414,154 4,094 3,621,792 3 Designated Fund Balance Increased in Investment (137,505) Available Fund Balance 8,843,041 Note: *1 Emergency expenditures due to the fire at the Fleet Industrial Supply Center. *2 ARRA Dredging Project and the reimbursements from the tenant. *3 Predevelopment cost reimbursement from SunCal. *4 ARRA predevelopment cost and Pier 3 electrical upgrade. *5 Pier 3 electrical upgrade and buildings upgrade to code *6 Payment from APCP for reimbursement for a predevelopment cost *7 Transfer to FISC to cover the emergency expenditures due to the fire. Also see transfer back from FISC in FYO8109. *8 Transfer to FISC to pay for General Fund loan payment *9 Transfer to pay for 20 03 Alameda Point revenue bond *1 Transfer to CIC to cover the one time only cost allocation obligation *11 Transfer to FISC to reimburse cost allocation charges for Municipal Service for FYO5 -06 Enterprise Fund Goff Course Income Statements For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001 to December 31, 2449 xpenditures Goff Ooerations Wages benefits FY 09 -10 1,817,702 2,182,176 2,375,795 2,315,558 2,226,482 2,141,067 2,026,703 1,813,539 1,845,069 Supplies (as of 12131/09) FY 08 -09 FY 07 -08 FY 06 -07 FY 05 -06 FY 04 -05 FY 03 -04 FY 02 -03 FY 01 -02 FY 00 -01 Revenues 1,032,122 1,439,814 1,490,745 958,996 813,078 840,107 998,614 995,763 986,022 925,616 Golf Operations 11,067 23,803 32,666 16,614 16,836 22,165 10,835 28,272 37,520 23,598 Par 3 gaff fees 56,820 75,716 121,188 130,923 130,908 186,943 226,933 201,565 259,604 26 0,926 Regular golf fees Fry Clark 1,191,554 2,315,269 2,251,185 2,384,758 2,178,153 2,365,042 2,588,656 2,696,767 2,644,969 2,768,156 Driving range fees 182,303 363,416 396,107 4 05,328 431,574 442,042 542,590 641,361 663,406 669,155 Monthly passes 132,225 308,987 289,550 28 0,725 222,329 301,583 336,570 367,322 362,901 348,305 Concessions restaurant 42,459 93,462 89,240 74,712 47,935 52,021 74,639 70,181 73,003 92,198 Golfer meal package 682 128 1,958 0 0 0 0 Golf shop sales 137,124 360,252 396,085 379,302 352,713 384,466 367,483 389,844 407,190 413,258 Golf shop sales nontaxable 171 0 0 0 Golf lessons 60,590 117,700 130,774 169,154 1 84,265 194,156 225,294 237,424 279,730 326,009 Golf cart rentals 295,919 5 01,966 519,642 508,400 412,881 460,983 517,152 537,976 582,162 632,879 Other- misc. rent, gift certificates 15,493 24,567 (8,024) 47,195 33,030 28,661 53,813 78,516 70,946 49,891 Subtotal 2,115,179 4,161 ,463 4,187,705 4,380,495 3,993,959 4,415,896 4,933,128 5,220,955 5,343,911 5,560,775 Other Interest (2,388) 46,334 102,965 117,491 46,453 60,360 (6,538) 91,913 84,158 215,505 Rental income 20,703 45,038 48,914 40,895 37,540 39,292 37,451 32,659 29, 036 32,807 Other contri but ionsldonations 150 210 166,608 476 410 897 581 739 1,132 21,568 Transferfrom General Fund 0 0 0 32,516 0 0 0 0 Transfer from Urban Runoff 0 0 739 0 0 Transfer from Equipment Replacement 0 0 0 0 510,393 Sales of City owned property 0 0 0 48,010 0 86,250 Equipment Sales 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,136 Property damage settlement 0 0 0 43,317 0 0 Subtotal 18,466 91,582 318,487 234,695 84,403 101,287 114,640 125,311 624,719 356,130 Total 2,133,645 4,253,045 4 4,615,190 4,078,362 4,517,183 5,047,768 5,346,266 5,968,629 5,916,905 xpenditures Goff Ooerations Wages benefits 500,591 1,817,702 2,182,176 2,375,795 2,315,558 2,226,482 2,141,067 2,026,703 1,813,539 1,845,069 Supplies 2,410 411,564 628,739 559,814 575,210 601,638 663,715 605,409 6 09,549 563,599 Services 1,032,122 1,439,814 1,490,745 958,996 813,078 840,107 998,614 995,763 986,022 925,616 Interest expense 11,067 23,803 32,666 16,614 16,836 22,165 10,835 28,272 37,520 23,598 Subtotal 1,546,190 3,692,883 4,334,326 3,911,218 3,72 0,681 3,69 0,392 3,814,231 3,656,147 3,446,629 3,357,883 Net income (foss) 587,455 560,162 171,866 7 03,972 357,681 826,791 1,233,537 1,69 0,119 2,522,000 2,559,022 Capital expenditures Capital outlay capital improvement 0 1,358 18,998 867 0 8,547 0 Subtotal 0 0 1,358 18,998 867 0 8 0 0 Net income (loss) CC /ARRA/C I C 587,455 560,162 170,508 684,974 356,814 826,791 1,233,537 1,681,572 2,522,000 2,559,022 CM Communications Agenda item #4 -C si .9a.ii n Enterprise Fund Gal#' Course Income Statements For the Fiscal Year Ending dune 3n, 2447 to December 37, 2009 FY 09 -10 (as of 12131109) FY 08 -09 FY 07 -08 FY 06 -07 FY 05 -06 Transfers to Other Funds Cost allocation Transfer to Planning Building Transfer to Equipment Replacement Non Resident surcharge Loss investment Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) Internal service charges: fleet, computer, phone worKers comp risk management Transfer to Public Works for annual maintenance Debt service Loss from theft Subtotal Net income (loss) Unrestricted Fund Balance FY 04 -05 FY 03 -04 FY 02 -03 FY 00 -0 135,684 247,106 282,639 274,407 335,271 342,321 331,861 318,557 301, 007 314,675 0 3,262 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 86,372 86,372 115,630 130,352 142,491 154,075 134,850 156,825 203,688 230,084 240,130 265,869 0 0 0 0 32,956 0 0 99,138 297,302 293,986 288,231 405,550 401,138 185,576 187,719 202,842 188,696 38,268 34,350 2,D79 2,018 565 548 592 563 537 456 34,026 47,876 171,209 87,338 94,004 88,046 78,433 67,775 64,548 53,203 6,558 27,000 38,198 10,617 16 0 0 67,400 26,803 43,630 1 141,897 134,199 135,117 134,050 135,020 135,020 135,309 135,461 0 23,000 0 0 0 0 456,107 830,878 1,072,499 973,884 1,121,777 1,122,928 968,136 939,718 1, 098,145 1,044,732 (27 0,716) [288,91 295,'137 265,40'1 741,854 1,423,855 131,348 (901 �754,9fi3) 1,514,290 1,027,721 2,611,238 3,613,884 3,929,527 3,887 7,950,796 1,426,044 2,153,106 8,350,074 *1: Interest expense decease due to Library Golf CUP refinancing %f.'O*HUCK CORICA GOLF COMPLEX FISCAL YEARS 2008109 2007148 2006107 2005106 2004105 2003104 2002103 if Albright Earl Fry North Jack Clark South Rounds Revenue Rounds Revenue Rounds Rev 13,691 19,161 18,83 18569 27,444 79,763 378?4 $75,716 $121,188 $130,923 $134,908 $186,943 $226 1 $204,565 6�3 63,D4'I 71,694 66,969 67 79,763 870 $1 $1,310,643 $1,372,218 $1,257,772 $1,315,399 $1,439,996 $1,446,605 46,029 51,089, 544 48,5 6 57 64 72,169 1 $947 $940,542 $858,465 $785 $892,818 $944,972 "1,024,078 Annual Revenue North- south Mif Albright $1.1600 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1.8000 $800. $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $o o P Q� A o° p 4i 'L 'LO �h 'LO pa 'LO �3 'LO �'L North Course South Course Mif Albright Annual Rounds North- south-Mif Albright 90,000 80,000 70,000 60.0000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 North Course South Course Mif Albright o� o o� to poo X00 �oov COUNCIL REFERRAL FORM (To be submitted to the City Clerk) Name of Council member requesting Referral: Frank Matarrese Date of submission to City Clerk (must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on the Monday before the wee o the Council meeting requested): �lanuar� 7 20 09 q g 6 Requested Council Meeting date to consider Council Referral Manua 20 10 Brief description of the subject to be printed on the agenda, sufficient to inform the City Council and public of the nature of the Council Referral: A thletic Field Improvement This referral requests that the Council consider the following. There is a need for the City and Alameda Unified School District (A USD) to work together to maximize the use of our limited funds The Council has been supportive of joint use agreements between the City and the A USD, such as Library Programs There is a need to upgrade both Thompson (Alameda HS) and Encinal (Encinal HS) fields because of over use There is a need for fields across the City and artificial surface applied to these two fields will benefit both the City and A USD use City participation in the upgrades could increase available field time for City programs and allow the A USD to redirect at least a portion of limited school district dollars from field expenses to classroomslacademic programs I propose that the City Council, following discussion, direct the City Manager to work with the Superintendant of the A USD to draft a plan for re-surfacing these fields, including, but not limited to, city financing of the synthetic turf fields with a joint use agreement between the City and the A USD, negotiated to pay for a proportionate use via rent, in kind contributions, andlor other appropriate terms and conditions. 'especial City Council Meeting of January 26, 2010 Council Referral #5 -A 01 -26 2010