2010-02-16 Joint 3-A CorrespondenceXTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE
On 02-16-2010,
received the attached
corres ondence reqard'ing
p %wo
Agenda Ite #3mA on. the
02=16=2010 Joint CCIARRA/CIC Agenda
-Ilk C
OA CA 94612
MAI 510 2 5 1 071 1
FAx 5 1 0 25 1 0744
February 12, 2010
Alameda City Counci
rT nq C:0
City of Alameda
rT1 nq
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
ti enue
Alameda, CA 94501 -4477
Fie; withdrawal of Agenda Item 3 -A 2 for February 16,
2010 Special Join t t
Meeting of the City Council (Cit Alamed Reuse and Redevelopment
Authority (AF -IAA.) and Community Improvement
Commission (CIC)
"Alameda "Special Meetin
Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers:
Upon further consideration, SunCal is withdrawing .Agenda Item 3 -A(2) fog the
Special Meeting on Tuesday February 16 2010.
SunCal believes that it is Important to have further discussions with .Alameda to
build understanding and consensus with respect to the Alameda Point development plan.
While we are confident that we can work together to resolve this matter, if necessary we
will discuss with you an appropriate date that works for all parties on which we can bring
this before Alameda prior to the cure period expiration. In the meantime, we would
appreciate the opportunity to discuss the issues raised in the Noll at your earliest
S incerely,
ww..:.w/ww �y
Pat Kel iher
cc: Ann Marie Gallant, Interim City Manager
Teresa Highsmith, City Attorney
pp- 4a uornpanbes
C A KIL- AIN D CA 94611 2
MAIN S10251 071 1
FAX 510 251 0744
Februar 12, 201
Alameda Cit Council
C-- CD
M 7-
Cit of Alameda
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda. CA 94501-4477
C:) :1 K
Re: Withdrawal of A Item 3-A 2 for Februar
16, 2010 Special
Meetin of the Cit Council (Cit Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment
Authorit (ARRA) and Communit Improvement
(C C)
("Alameda") ("Special Meetin
Dear Ma and Cit Councilmembers:
Upon further consideration, SunCal is withdrawin A Item 3-A(2) for the
Special Meetin on Tuesda Februar 16, 201
Before this matter is formall addressed, we would appreciate the opportunit to
discuss the issues raised in the Notice of Default with y ou and to see if we can build
understandin and consensus with respect to Alameda Point, We are confident that if we
are provided the opportunit to do so, we can work with Alameda to resolve this matter.
If necessar we will discuss a mutuall a date where this can be brou before
Alameda prior to the expiration of the cure period.
Pat Keliher
c c: Ann Marie Gallant, Interim Cit Mana
Teresa Hi Cit Attorney
Case Number:
Gordon, Nanc
external customer
1021 Union
Alameda CA 94501
Facilit N/A
Preferred Contact Method: Email
Submitted B Gordon, Nanc Primar Owner: Acord, Liz
Topic: Cit Clerk's Office>Council Date/Time Created: 02/14/2010 09:56
Meetin and Agendas Cit y
C lerk Date/Time Closed:
Ori Re
To Interim City Mana Mayor and Council Members:
Please do NOT g rant SunCal an extensions. We citizens defeated their initiative for g ood reasons and with 85%
votin a it—and this also constitutes a stron vote a an SunCal for the future!
We don't trust their business practices, are aware of their histor of bankruptcies 30+ and the local Oak Kno
Thank y ou for y our work in this direction and please continue to move in the direction of the voters' wishes,
endin the relationship with SunCal.
Sincerely, Nancy J. Gordon
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-1--- 11-1--l-
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Status: New
Re T Su
Location of Re
I Of 1 2/16/2010 8:51 AM
ty v1 r 11CA11MA-L i.. 1 J_L IVIA IM111V
Case Details
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Case Number 1 8593 Status New
Tags: Request Type Suggestion
Customer: howard, david Location of Request:
external customer
928 toylor ave
Alameda CA 94501 Facility: N/A
510673 -0998
Preferred Contact Method Email
Submitted By: howard, david Primary Owner: Baines, Christina
Topic City Manager's Date /Time Created:
02 /12I2 0 10 11 :46
Office>E mail the Mayor and
Councilmembers (City Date/Time Closed:
Original Request
For Tuesday Feb 16th Joint ARRA/City Council/CIC meeting, re: Item 3 -a
I urge City Council to accept the Interim City Manager's recommendations and Deny both of SunCal's requests for
an extension to the ENA and a retraction of the notice of default letter. SunCal has had their chance for over 2
years now. 85% of voters rejected their plan voters don't want 4,800 homes at alameda point, they don't trust
suncal because of the bankruptcies, and they don't like suncal's ballot -box planning. Send SunCal back to Irvine.
Alternate ideas from the community have been presented and well received by the community they need to be
explored further and costed -out, a business plan developed and given wider consideration among the public. One
such high -level concept exists at www.SaveOurCityA[ameda.org
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IILLPS: c1ICllLS. comca e.cornireps/casei -mai qnp
Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status
Case Contacts
R Nam e
Primary Owner Baines, Christina
Secondary Own Baines, Christina
Em ail
c ba ines ci. a la m ed a .ca us
.1 cba in c i. a la m ed a ca us
510- 747 -4701
510-747 -4701
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1 of I. 2/16/2010 9:20 AM
rage 1 of 1
Lara Weisiger Fwd: Tonight's meeting g about 30 day default letter
From: Beverly Johnson
To: Ann Marie Gallant; Lara Weisiger
Date: 2/16/2010 12 :39 PM
Subject: Fwd: Tonight's meeting about 30 day default letter
"Robbie Di leo Damsel D 2010" <damsel_d@ pacbell. net> 2/16/2010 9:19 AM
Dear Mayor and City Council members.
I am all for fair play and giving people "second chances" in my philosophical approach to fife and
decisions. however, when somebody lies or cheats, that's it. No more second chances. People and companies
are what they are, and it's irrational to think that an apology can really "make it all better Like an abusive
family member, promises to end it, usually don't work out. Alameda cannot afford to take the risk that maybe,
just maybe, this time it'll be different. we aren't their therapist. Track records don't lie.
SunCal over- stepped their reach with the Initiative AND how they got the signatures in the first place. As I
wrote in my Op Ed piece just before the election, in short, SunCal did NOT listen to anybody concerned about
lower density housing, traffic concerns, greater reuse of existing buildings or job creation over homes. SunCal
showed their true colors by ignoring pleas for a secondary "Plan B" (give us choices!). At every public meeting,
it was a bigger plan each time. I believe Alarnedans put in their best efforts on that original plan, years ago. In
today's changing economy, there could be changes needed and I do understand density bonuses and think
that's fine. A Measure A exemption, project by project could work, other than a global "exempt the point
Alamedans with different ideas about Alameda Point, rallied to defeat Measure B. There was a reason the NO
vote was so high. Nobody trusts them. Period. The mandate was clear and the City Manager responded to the
voters with her letter of default. It was an amazing, BRILLIANT, letter. I had wondered, what was "next" and it
was a surprise that brought joy to many I've talked with. To hit SunCal with a Measure A hammer was surreal.
Please send SunCal packing as soon as possible. They do not belong in our town. I don't see us ever getting
the plan we'd like with them as developers. Their track record speaks for itself. Please do not rescind the 30
day notice of default. It's time for hard ball. The ONLY way I could except a reversal and continue the process
with SunCal, is if legal action will be worse (more costly) than pretending to play ball through the end of their
negotiation term. But why waste time pretending? we must have an EIR before moving forward with any plan
other than improving and increasing leases at the Point. So long SunCal. Let's get rolling with Plan B for the
Point, while everybody is motivated.
Robbie Dileo
510- 865 -1767
file. /IC :`0octiinents and Settingslcc_user\Local Settings lTemp\XPgrpwise14B7A9214A1a... 2/16/2010
rage i of
From: Beverly Johnson
To. Ann Marie Gallant; Lara Weisiger
Hate: 2/16/2010 12:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: don't want to give away alameda point
Douglas Sniffen <djsniffen @gmail.com> 2/16/2010 7:51 AM
Don't want to have lose control of Alameda Point to Suncal or anotherone else. We need to control how much
we can build. was the closure of the Posey tube not a clue of the traffic we will have with 5000 more homes
with more than 5000+ more cars trying to get out of Alameda during morning commute? It already a slow
backup trying to go to work. You all should try driving out through the Posey Tube at morning rush hour for a
Do you not hear the Alameda voters. Do we have to vote you out. You were ready to sell out MIF golf course.
Who's paying your salary, Alameda resident or greedy big business.
Doug S.
file: /fCADocuments and Settingslcc user\Local Settings\ Tci np1XPgipwise14B7A921EA1a... 2/16/2014