TUESDAY- - JANUARY 26, 2010- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the joint meeting at 7:10 p.m. Councilmember /
Commissioner Tam led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers / Board Members / Commissioners
deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor /Chair
Johnson —5.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote — 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph
( *10 -029 CC / *10 -01 CIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Community
Improvement Commission (CIC) meeting held on December 15, 2009, and the Regular City
Council Meeting held on January 19, 2010. Approved.
( *10- 030 CC) Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $60,280 to AZCO
Supply and Authorize a Ten Percent Contingency to Purchase Twenty -five Streetlight
Poles as Part of the Woodstock to Webster Street Neighborhood Improvement Project,
and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute the Contract and Related Documents.
(10 -031 CC /ARRA) Recommendation to Accept Transmittal of the: 1) Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2009; 2) Auditor's Agreed
Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with Vehicle Code Section 40200.3 Parking
Citation Processing; 3) Agreed Upon Procedures Report on Compliance with the
Proposition 111 21005 -06 Appropriations Limit Increment; 4) Police and Fire Retirement
System Pension Plans 1079 and 1092 Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009;
5) Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Programs Financial Statements for Year
Ended June 30, 2009; and 6) Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Basic
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010
Component Unit Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2009.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director and City Auditor gave brief
Councilmember /Board Member Tam stated the City's net assets saw an increase of $6.9
million as a result of revenue exceeding expenses; additional progress has been made on
capital asset improvements; refinancing was done; inquired how much of the net increase
is from revenue exceeding expenses.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded asset increases do not
necessarily mean cash revenue increased because debt might have been paid off or a
capital project may have finished; stated overall revenues stayed the same; the increase in
all funds was only $3 million; a $6 million increase in the context of $205 million is not
Councilmember /Board Member Tam stated there was a savings of $3.1 million in the
Police Department fund; $2.6 million was because of debt retirement; inquired whether
said amount contributes to the $6.9 million, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim
Executive Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember /Board Member Matarrese inquired whether the amount does not represent
a $6.9 million increase in cash, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive
Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember /Board Member Matarrese inquired whether the workers compensation
fund is still negative, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember /Board Member Matarrese inquired whether the amount is assets, not
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded in the affirmative; stated
government financial assets include cash, bonds, capital improvement projects, etc.
Councilmember /Board Member Gilmore inquired whether the net cash available is just
under $10 million, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded
in the affirmative; stated there are still a couple of liabilities.
Councilmember /Board Member Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor /Board Member deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 2
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010
voice vote — 5.
(10 -032 CC /ARRA/10 -02 CIC) Recommendation to Accept the Financial Report for the
Fourth Fiscal Quarter Ending June 2009.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director gave a presentation.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the Community Development Department fund went down
significantly; inquired the amount, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive
Director responded $800,000 was drawn down from the fund balance.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the department is now operating in balance.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded in the affirmative; stated
some of the fund balance would be used during the current fiscal year; continued the
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese inquired why the urban runoff
fund balance is so large.
The Public Works Director stated the Storm Drain Master Plan is currently being
completed, which will result in a 10 or 20 -year capital improvement program to spend down
the money.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated that he receives
complaints about the pond near the Tube entrance behind Marina Village Loop; inquired
whether the project could be completed since the fund has $7.5 million.
The Pubic Works Director responded the project would probably be identified as one of the
priorities in the Plan; stated other areas might be of higher priority, such as homes that
would be inundated by a 100 -year flood; that he would check whether the Alameda
Landing project might be contributing funds and ensure the project is reviewed as part of
the Master Plan.
In response to Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese's inquiry about
when the Plan would be completed, the Public Works Director stated the Plan should be
done in 12 months; the Sewer Plan would be finished first.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese inquired whether the [urban
runoff] funds could be used for sewers, to which the Public Works Director responded in
the negative; stated 10% of sewer funds can be used for urban runoff.
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January 26, 2010
In response to Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Gilmore's inquiries about the
negative fund balance in the risk management and workers compensation funds and about
incurred liabilities, the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated negatives
are real money paid out for claims; incurred liabilities are the amount that an actuarial
believes should be reserved for future risks, which the City does not have; the City is trying
to get out of the $1.7 million negative and, then, will have to start putting money away to
cover the liability as required by joint powers agreements.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam stated in Fiscal Year 2008 -09,
revenues ended up being $3.4 million more than expenditures; the City was able to put
$1.7 million in the undesignated fund balance; inquired how much of the savings came
from the reduction in force; further stated the appearance is cuts were made and the
savings went into internal service funds.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded the budget was approved
at $76 million in revenue and $81 million in expenditures; stated Attachments B and C
focus on the general fund; $6.5 million was absorbed.
In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan's inquiry whether the
City is still in a dispute with Alameda County over Emergency Medical Service charges, the
Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated the matter is potential litigation and
is not included [as a liability].
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese inquired whether the potential
liability should be included; to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director
responded the numbers were not included based on Closed Session discussions.
In response to Mayor /Chair Johnson's inquiry regarding the amount, the Interim City
Manager /Interim Executive Director stated the amount is $840,000; continued the
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam inquired which department has the
highest workers compensation allocation, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim
Executive Director responded the three highest departments are Police, Fire and Public
Works; departments are charged back the following year.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether workers compensation claims are consistent with
other cities, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded that
she did not know.
In response to Mayor /Chair Johnson's inquiry about whether worker safety programs would
help, the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded Risk Management
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 4
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January 26, 2010
has an aggressive program.
The Public Works Director stated Public Works holds meetings every week.
The City Attorney stated a citywide safety program is being started.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director continued the presentation.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the [general fund] fund balance would be cut in half
if the suggested amount for workers compensation was set aside, to which the Interim City
Manager /Interim Executive Director responded $6.5 million would be taken from the $8.4
million [fund balance].
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whetherfunding is included for
Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB), to which the Interim City Manager /Interim
Executive Director responded in the negative.
In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan's inquiry regarding the
present value of OPEB, the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated the
amount is $74.7 million.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the claims reduce the City's ability to provide service to the
public and need to be managed as best as possible.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated staff worked to have the
[workers compensation and risk management] funds break even over an 18 -month period
[ending June 2010]; next, staff will work to make the balances positive over the following
18 -month period.
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the City is working to meet
obligations and has not made additional money.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated staff is working to break down
the funds.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Gilmore stated the cash in the general fund
seems like an illusion when there are other funds that should have reserves.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated Council might want to revisit
the fund balance policy; the fund balance also includes loans.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated maintenance was being deferred to build the fund balance;
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Alameda City Council, Alameda
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January 26, 2010
deferred maintenance ends up costing more.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated new internal service funds,
such as the facilities maintenance fund, have been created to start having disciple and put
money aside.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated people did not know about the internal service fund negatives
because there were not separate accounts; having a clear budget is very important to
understand the real fund balance.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated not having workers
compensation and risk management funds is very risky.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the City is also developing a systematic way for dealing with
large maintenance projects.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated "why" should be
addressed in the discussion about the appropriate [general fund] fund balance.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam stated that she understand the City is
trying to have a balance between providing services and increasing the bond rating by
having a reserve; $9.9 million of the $18.2 million fund balance is cash.
In response to Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam's inquiry regarding cash
on hand, the Interim City Manager Interim /Executive Director stated bond rating agencies
review all cash reserves, such as the $3 million cash in equipment replacement; going
forward rating agencies will start to look at issues like OPEB.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam inquired how many positions were
eliminated, the Human Resources Director responded the number of positions went from
650 to 575; stated many positions that were cut were not filled.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the positions remain in the budget, to which the
Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam stated times are tough; the City had to
make cuts; carefully characterizing the [general fund] fund balance is important,
particularly if there might be about another five years of tough times.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated the State Chief Legislative
Analyst is forecasting no growth until 2014; the decision was to make the cuts all at one
time; a plan was created to recover negatives in 24 months; the City was not prepared for
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 6
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010
the latest surprise of the State wanting to take the gas tax.
In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan's inquiry about full time
equivalent employees, the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated the audit
amounts are simply the numbers that were included in the budget, not the actual number of
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired when the actual numbers
would be provided, to which the Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director responded
the actual numbers for the current fiscal year could be provided with the mid year report.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the public expects the Council to put the City into as sound a
financial position as soon as possible; there are still a lot of negative funds; the City dose
not have any extra money and still has a lot of liabilities that need to be paid, as well as
deferred maintenance.
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated staff will be recommending
certain funds be designated as part of the mid year report, which will bring the fund
balance down to $8.1 million; further stated the general fund budget went down from
around $87 million to $63 million.
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan noted revenue projections are not very
The Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director stated Alameda and Piedmont are the
only two cities in the County that have not had property tax losses.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the City has done a good job managing the cuts with minimal
impacts on public service levels.
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the sewer fund is down from
$18.4 million to $12.4 million; $3 million was loaned to a project; inquired whether $3
million was spent on sewer projects.
The Public Works Director responded the affirmative; stated projects were completed on
both Central Avenue and Fernside Boulevard.
In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan's inquiry regarding
spending projections for the current year, the Public Works Director stated staff is planning
$2 million in capital improvement projects per year and will review new requirements as a
result of the wet weather facility issue.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
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January 26, 2010
Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired how much revenue is
generated each year, to which the Public Works Director responded $6.5 million, which is
close to what is spent for operations.
In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan's further inquiry
regarding the sewer fund, the Public Works Director responded the audited revenue is
$6.5 million; the $6.4 million in expenses does not include capital projects; further stated a
presentation would be given in spring or summer.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote — 5.
(10 -033 CC) Supplemental Education Revenue and Augmentation Fund (SERAF) -
Proposed Payment Plan
The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson stated no one knows what the State will do to balance its budget this year.
The Interim City Manager stated the State had a $24 billion shortfall in June 2009; the
deficit was $14 to $15 billion in January, 2010; the deficit will continue to accelerate since
the State has not made significant cuts; the biggest concern is whether the State will
securitize more property tax borrowing from cities; that she does not know what the State
will do with the gas tax.
Councilmember Matarrese stated redevelopment tax increment is no longer sheltered but
is being taken away; any thought of selling redevelopment bonds will be seriously
Mayor Johnson inquired whether a job loss analysis has been performed, to which the
Economic Development Director responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the State has taken money away [from cities] for years.
The Interim City Manager stated Alameda has given $54 million to the State over the
Councilmember Matarrese stated over $5 million has been taken from redevelopment.
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January 26, 2010
Mayor Johnson stated State representatives will be coming to the Mayor's Conference in
The Interim City Manager continued the presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired what will happen to cities that have made tax increment
The Interim City Manager responded cities have to meet obligations; stated trying to get a
developer to forego repayment of tax increment commitments is very optimistic.
Mayor Johnson stated some amounts are so large that some cities would not be able to
find a cash fund from which to borrow; inquired whether other cities would need to cover
cities within the County that cannot pay, to which the Interim City Manager responded in
the negative.
The Interim City Manager continued the presentation.
Mayor Johnson stated redevelopment would be impacted tremendously; cities are no
longer going to be able to commit tax increment to development projects.
The Interim City Manager stated the legislature and Department of Finance have had very
little communication in the past; the Department of Finance tried to explain that old base
numbers cannot be used for calculations; some cities have already made pledges; no bond
proceeds are left for tax allocation bonds; the West End Capital Improvement Projects' net
cash available has gone down from $11.4 million to $6 million in one year.
Mayor Johnson stated the State is putting in policies that will kill jobs.
The Interim City Manager stated 80% of tax increment is the most flexible and is used to
subsidize commercial and industrial development and job creation.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she is infuriated with the State; the State was $24
billion in debt; the State did not cut their budget but took property tax money from cities;
the State is also taking redevelopment money; the current deficit is $14 billion and will
probably go back up to the previous deficit.
Councilmember Tam stated the State deficit was up to $21.6 billion last week.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the State has taken property taxes and redevelopment
money and is threatening to take gas tax; the State is not acting to cut its budget; at some
point, the State will not be able to squeeze any more money out of local jurisdictions.
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January 26, 2010
The Interim City Manager stated the Governor's proposal is to eliminate furloughs, require
State employees to pay part of PERS, and cut school administration costs; that she is still
uncertain how the State will use ERAF to pay the traffic court; Alameda's gas tax of
approximately $1.3 million is used for pothole repair.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the State will have to act to cut their budget sooner or later.
The Interim City Manager stated one -third of the Assembly will be termed out and 17 %will
be up for re- election; the proposed payment plan is very conservative and ensures that all
obligations are covered; no action is needed tonight; the matter will come back to Council
for approval.
Councilmember Gilmore suggested a cover letter be included when the check is sent to
the State.
Mayor Johnson stated the State should be made aware of how the City has been
The Interim City Manager stated the City has yet to receive securitization money, but
money has been taken out [of property taxes]; the State is making the City absorb the
negative cash.
Councilmember Matarrese stated reserves act as a buffer; redevelopment has changed;
development will have to be done differently.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the LCC is trying to stop the raids; hopefully, the League's
ballot initiative will be on the November ballot.
Mayor Johnson stated California government needs significant restructuring to save the
Councilmember Tam stated the LCC has collected 273,000 signatures; one million
signatures are needed.
(ARRA) ARRA Revenue and Expense - Ten -Year History
Authority Member Matarrese inquired why ARRA has a fund balance, why the balance is
so large, and what is the use of the fund balance; stated the fund balance is approximately
$9 million; buildings cannot be secured; more money will need to be put in the buildings if
secured; questioned whether the fund balance is being spent appropriately.
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Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 10
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January 26, 2010
The Interim Executive Director responded fund balance issues cannot be discussed at this
time because of the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement; stated staff will review better
strategic planning for long -term leases; fund balance uses will be discussed as part of the
mid year report.
Authority Member deHaan inquired how much funding the Alameda Collaborative brings to
the table, to which the Economic Development Director responded none.
(10 -034 CC) Golf Enterprise Fund Revenue and Expense - Ten Year History
The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired how the negative interest is derived.
The Interim City Manager responded a negative interest indicates a reversal or credit from
a prior year.
The Interim City Manager continued the presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired why supply costs are so different; stated supply costs were
consistent between 2001 and 2009; now costs are down to almost nothing.
The Interim City Manager responded that she would look into the matter; continued the
Councilmember Tam stated the unrestricted fund balance was $8.35 million in Fiscal Year
2000 -2001 and went down to $1 million in Fiscal Year 2008 -2009; the South Course needs
a new sprinkler system which would cost approximately $1 million; inquired whether the $1
million would come from the unrestricted fund balance.
The Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative; continued the presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the net income loss would be the same as an operating
loss, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated the Golf Course has been operating at a loss for a number of years.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the general downward trend of the unrestricted fund
balance does not match up with capital outlay and capital improvement numbers; some of
the delta from year to year in the unrestricted fund balance is assumed to go into
operations; the actual net income is the cash balance; June to December shows a positive;
the missing piece of data is what the unrestricted fund balance total will be for Fiscal Year
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Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 11
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January 26, 2010
2009 -2010; all deltas need to be known prior to operating contract discussions; Fiscal Year
2001 -2002 to Fiscal Year 2002 -2003 had a $4 million loss; details are needed.
The Interim City Manager stated the matter will come to Council at the second meeting in
February; staff will provide some generic negotiating criteria as to what direction Council
wants to take.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether different accounting practices have been applied.
The Interim City Manager responded the audit was closed by a person with no history or
knowledge of the Golf Course; stated ten years of data was gathered.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he is not comfortable with some of the numbers or
explanations; he has concerns with the extreme draw down.
The Interim City Manager stated the numbers are real; the balance sheet would be
discussed; General Fund transfers have declined from $8 million to $830,000 over the last
ten years.
Councilmember Matarrese stated knowing what kind of policy is needed is important going
forward in order to protect the asset.
The Interim City Manager stated everyone thought that the fund balance was cash, which
is not true.
Councilmember Matarrese stated Council was given a presentation regarding building a
Club House with the fund balance.
Mayor Johnson stated Council had a joint meeting with the Golf Commission on the matter;
the idea was shut down because Council had serious concerns with the numbers; building
a Golf Course at the former Naval Base was another crazy idea presented.
The Interim City Manager continued the presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated in Fiscal Year 2004 -05 the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)
was used bail out the General Fund; the PILOT grew around $215,000; subsequently, the
PILOT went down because of less play.
Speaker: Jane Sullwold, Golf Commission.
In response to Ms.Sullwold's inquiry, the Interim City Manager responded the Return on
Investment (ROI) is blended in with the PILOT.
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Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 12
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January 26, 2010
In response to Ms. Sullwold's inquiry, the Interim City Manager responded the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires the City to inventory
everything at the Golf Course and create a present value of the asset.
Councilmember Gilmore stated Council and the Golf Commission were told that there was
a fund balance of over $5 million at a previous meeting.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether Council could rely on the numbers presented tonight.
The Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated a National Golf Federation
(NGF) number should not be used as an actual.
Mayor Johnson stated that she is confident the current numbers are good.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he has a hard time characterizing net income as a
profit because capital outlay shows mostly zeros.
Ms. Sullwold stated the only way to get capital improvements is to infuse cash into the
property; seeing funds dwindle over the last five years has been frustrating; Council needs
to allow the maximum amount of time to ensure that the right choice is made regarding an
outside manager.
Mayor Johnson stated many golfers do not acknowledge how much money is needed to
maintain a golf course; the Golf Course has not been taken care of for at least ten years;
the asset is wasting away.
Ms. Sullwold stated the driving range was the last major capital improvement.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the greens have been redone and a new irrigation system was
installed on the North Course, which is not enough.
(10 -035 CC) Discussion of Athletic Field Improvement.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the Council /School District Subcommittee discussed the
desire to have artificial turfs for Thompson and Willie Stargell Fields; tonight's referral is to
request Council to consider giving direction to the Interim City Manager to research how
the City might be able to work with the School District to pull funds or have the City finance
the artificial turf fields with a joint use agreement to allow City use; saving water would be
one thing to consider; a joint use agreement would allow the City to gain field space and
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Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 13
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January 26, 2010
allow the School District to get maximum use of the fields.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether other fields are jointly used with the School District.
The Park and Recreation Director responded the School District uses City fields; stated
there are formal agreements for the use of the pools and Peralta College hardball fields.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the City uses the School District's fields, to which the
Park and Recreation Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember Matarrese stated a joint use agreement could allow City use when the
School District is not using a field.
Councilmember Gilmore stated having artificial turf would increase the School District's
usage and may not give the City an opportunity to use the fields; the School District would
want the fields at the same time as the City.
Councilmember Matarrese stated a joint use agreement would guarantee commensurate
Mayor Johnson stated the City's sports programs jointly use many School District facilities,
such as the gyms.
The Park and Recreation Director stated non - profits also use School District facilities.
Councilmember Matarrese stated a joint use agreement would provide an opportunity to
make an improvement; Richmond High School has artificial turf.
Mayor Johnson stated that she attended an Alameda /Encinal football game and the field
was extremely muddy.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the City has a joint use agreement for Ruby
Bridges, to which the Park and Recreation Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated a more comprehensive joint venture for athletic facilities has been
discussed along with joint maintenance; a meeting is needed with Nino Borsoni (Alameda
Soccer Club); a higher level of maintenance is needed; athletic facilities maintenance
differs from the other parks.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired how much time staff would need and what would be put
aside if Council votes to give the Interim City Manager direction to research the issue.
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January 26, 2010
The Park and Recreation Director responded not much time would be needed for the
research; stated figuring out financing might take some time.
The Interim City Manager stated a lot of things have been done with the School District on
a handshake; a huge clean up is being done; artificial turf can be used in the rain and
could cover its own maintenance costs.
Mayor Johnson stated the City needs to make up for what it does not have; other cities
have beautiful athletic facilities.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what would be the cost of an all weather field.
The Park and Recreation Director responded the cost depends upon infrastructure but
could be approximately $1 million.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the lifespan is a concerning factor; the Interim City Manager is
on the right track; understanding which fields have joint use agreements is important.
The Park and Recreation Director stated centralized scheduling would become more
The Interim City Manager stated the matter could come back to Council in May and could
be put into the budget.
Mayor Johnson stated Alameda High School does not have a track; Alameda College has
a beautiful track that is locked; requested that the Interim City Manager discuss the
possibility of having the City and School District work with the College to use the track.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired why Alameda College would not let the City use the
The Park and Recreation Director responded the College wants to keep the track pristine;
the College would charge a fee for having a custodian open the restrooms.
Mayor Johnson stated many colleges have nice facilities open to the public.
(10 -036 CC) Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he and Councilmember Gilmore had the
opportunity to meet with the Secretary of the Department of Transportation on the SS
Petersburg; the ship discharges petroleum offshore; piers are not adequate to bring a
tanker in for fueling in Haiti.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the ship will take sixteen days to get to Haiti and has the
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Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 15
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010
capability to pump fuel as faraway as four miles from shore; the first cargo will be jet fuel;
the jet fuel on the island is not close to the airport; the distribution system was destroyed
by the earthquake; other countries aiding Haiti do not have the capability to pump fuel.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Secretary of the Department of Transportation emphasized
that infrastructure will be built, not repaired; Haiti is very underdeveloped.
(10 -037 CC) Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he attended a kickoff of the 2010 census; the
census is a ten minute questionnaire which will go out in March; allocation of federal funds
is predicated on the census.
(10 -038 CC) Councilmember Tam stated that she attended the League of California Cities
Policy Committee Meeting last Thursday as well as the East Bay Division Meeting; the
State is looking at a $21.6 billion deficit over the next 18 months which is expected to
persist over the next five years; the Governor is proposing to use State transit monies to
pay off State bonds which will adversely affect AC Transit; the Governorwants to lower the
tax on gas; the approach is not transit friendly; the legislature is trying to be optimistic, not
shut down during the budget crisis and hoping to get some policy changes despite the fact
that this is an election year; Assembly Member Wesley Chesbro is helping to get some
funding to improve the recycling rate; the priority for cities is job creation and economic
stimulus; the League is trying to get Councilmembers help to gather signatures; the
League is expecting approximately fifty different measures which could be distilled down to
eighteen; pension reform is not part of the League's goals this year; the ballot initiative
signature allocation is 24,000 for the thirty -three cities in Alameda and Contra Costa
counties; Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor Mary Piepho focused on the delta
water issues and her opposition to the $11 billion water bond that will be coming in
November; Supervisor Piepho stated the State cannot afford more dept and is very
opposed to any effort to build a different version of the peripheral canal which is causing
major divides in the Legislation between northern and southern California.
There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the joint meeting at
10:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, CIC
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 16
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority and 17
Community Improvement Commission
January 26, 2010