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2010-02-16 6-C Powerpoint
2/12/2010 Meeting Agenda i) Public process z) MSTP format 3) Methods and findings of the street tree inventory 4) Highlights of the MSTP planting recommendations 5) Tree matrix demonstration 6) Planning board recommendations 7) New &modified appendices 2/12/2010 Public Process Regular City Staff Meetings Seven (7) Community Meetings Friends of Alameda Forests Planning Board Review City Council 2277 y BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE IN ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA. .M k� 7f, tl f 4 r rA r I k` m n ou O Plannin 2 2/12/2010 Tree Inventory: D I I i ata Co ect n o Tree ID Measurements Tree Condition Conflicts Other Unique tree ID number Diameter at breast height (DBH) Unbalanced crown'' Overhead wires Plantable spots Inventory date Percent of crown over hard surface Reduced height Structures Genus Number of stems Weak or yellow foliage* Sidewalks Species Height class Defoliation* Other trees Cultivar Planting strip width Dead or broken branches* Traffic signs Poor branch attachment* Lean' Trunk scars* Branch or pruning scars* Conks* indicates characteristics that Rot /cavity trunk* were analyzed only in Priority trees. Rot /cavity branch* Crack* Confined space* Girdling roots* Root trenching* 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 E 2000 1500 1000 Soo a q q q q q q q et 0 kD f-4 Celt -.I Diameter lass (inches) Distribution of 12,000 Trees b Hei Class /VVV 6000 5000 0 4000 E z 2 3000 2000 1000 0 r—I OD \A 1 1 1 I �.D Hei Class (feet) Distri of 12,,000 Trees b Diameter Class ICI% 54% 27% q r—I OD \A 1 1 1 I �.D Hei Class (feet) Distri of 12,,000 Trees b Diameter Class A Comparison of the 10 Most Common Species, 2008 and 1989 3000 2500 2000 1-5oc E z :1 1000 500 0 U M Species That Represent More Than 5% of the Communit 3000 2500 E 2000 1500 1000 500 0 P lata n us a cerifol i a P ca 11 er an a Gink biloba E E E 2 E 0 m E U Condition Rating f Priority Tr Poor, 542 Fair, 751 G ood, 86 Distribution of Tree Conditions for the 10 Most Common Species 900 goo 7 00 m 600 GU 500 a .0 E Z 400 300 200 100 aw- h f6 f6 re Ln f43 N N PD 0 LO C .Q 'in C Q C O fl7 f© da 7 U C r- C pg T C y d O. L o M v rya O M CL U V; ro W, M a ro C E C C H C 0 D i Y n N U 0 LL E U CO C J CJ Very Poor Poor Fair Good E Excellent 2/12/2010 Entire City East End and Northside East Broadway, High Street and Encinal Avenue Mecartney Road Eliminate Liquidambar Eliminate Camphor Eliminate Fraxinus Eliminate Ginko in Selected Locations Discontinue Planting Modesto Ash High maintenance cost High risk of limb failure Aggressive root system Deposits large seed pods. Disease risks. Reduce risk associated with monocultures Destroys pavement, driveways, and sidewalk Where planter strip less than 5 feet Beetle borer threat. Conflict with overhead power lines. Planting strip too narrow to accommodate large street tree. 2/12/2010 Liq uidambar styraciflua American Sweetgum 337 Sweetgum trees surveyed Throughout city, esp. in Gibbons area High root damage potential �619 2/12/2010 PPP R Cinnamomum c Camphor Tree INt 290 Camphor trees surveyed Throughout city. Concentrated on Santa Clara High root damage potential 9 2/12/2010 EMPPIPP11, 11 Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo Tree r I 'i i 7 Ginkgo trees surveyed Throughout city, with large concentration in east -end Future plantings restricted to reduce monoculture Restricted to 5 foot wide planter strips Platanus x hispanica London Plane Tree 2841 Sycamores /Plane trees surveyed Concentrated on Central &Bay Farm Island Planted in 3 foot planters ONLY where there is sufficient clearance depth to bay mud 10 2/12/2010 PP I �wl Ulmus americano American Elm Tolerant of most urban stress factors Exceptionally strong due to the cross grained wood 11 2/12/2010 Quercus falco to Southern Red Oak Seasonal color. Food source for various birds and mammals. Tolerant of sandy soils. E] Quercus shumordii Schurnard Oak Excellent shade tree. Food source for various birds and mammals. Tolerant of wide ranges of pH levels in soil. Drought- resistant. r u "A&,h'A Copynght @S pert O'BnEn 12 2/12/2010 Planning Board 8 Recommendations Tree planting should EQUAL or EXCEED tree removals as funding allows; however, tree removals for health and safety reasons will not be deferred if this goal cannot be met. As funding becomes available, add an arborist position in Public Works. Direct private developers to consider the MSTP as a guideline on private streets. 13 2/12/2010 Planning Board 8 Recommendations Update the tree matrix as the experimental trees are evaluated, then present to the Planning Board every three to five years. In Volume i, the "Preferred Distances between City Infrastructure and Trees" table, is not a recommendation to remove existing trees to comply with the distances, but are to be applied when trees are replaced (see Exhibit a). Posting should be required for major construction where a whole row of trees is to be removed. Planning Board 8 Recommendations 7 As funding becomes available, fund a pruning study. As funding becomes available fund staff in Public Works to coordinate a volunteer outreach, tree care and planting program. 14 2/12/2010 Qu @stions �i ip Carnrnents? tanaka desi 15