2010-04-06 Joint 3-A Interim City Manager LetterCit of Alameda California
April 6,.20-110
Mr. Frank FI-Ir
Chief Operatin Officer
SAC Alameda Point, LL-C."'
C/o Sun\Cfal Companies
2392 Morse, Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614
R Disclosure of SunCal Pre Development Documents
Dear Mr. Fa
I write a to re clarification on SunCal's position with resoect to disclosure of
Alameda 1-:1oint pre- development and ne documents. As y ou arc-, aware, the
%f-"*-^4H( both itr-%, Council and Staff has, on several occasions, su that to
facilitate a more transparent public process, SunCal shall make public all of its pre-
development aind ne docume with the Cit of Alameda for the potential
development of Alameda Point.
Most recentl at the K t r
Ctich '16, 2010 Joint Cit Council/CommUnit Improvement
il/or,Mssion,/Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit meetin y ou personall
stated that as of March -17, 2010, SunCal would "officiall commit" to lift the
confidentialit provisions in the ENA, wilth the exception of 4� certain business terms
between SunCal and D.E. Shaw which are proprietar and Sunkaw"s "underwritin
Modem!," which y ou also deer ned to be proprietar The Cit is pleased that SunCal
has now officiall committed to a transparent process, includin disclosure of most of
its pre development and ne documents; however for the plUrpose o
avoidin an Unintentional rn istj ride rstandi n re which SunCal documents
are and which documents are not disclosable, I reiterate m previous March 11, 201
Wlftten re to SunCal: please identif an and ail specific docurneits SunCal will
not disclose. In reliance on Y OUr statements at the Joint Meetin on March 16tt', I
trust that producin this list will not be burdensome.
In thle interest of further tral r,'� I S parenc SunCal should also immediatel disclose all
doc%urnentation identif its, lobb and third-part consullant expenses. This
disClosure, whi,,.,.h is of g t'aat interest to the %cornmunit <-.;h0LJ,1d ir.,-.]Ude �clentfficafion of
Office of the Cit Mana
2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 320
Alameda, California 94501-4477
510.747.4700 Office -m Fax 510-747.4704,o TDD 510.522.75 )38
Provided b the Interim Cit
Re: A Item #3-A
04-06-10 Jnt CC, ARRA, CIC
Mr. Frank Faye
Re- Disclosure of SunCal Pre Development Documents
April 0, 2010
Page 2
any and all persons, business entities or community non profits that have received
payments or other compensation, including "in-kind services" from SunCal and its
financial partner, D. E. Shag, and any of its affiliates, including the amounts received
by each in connection with Leasure B or any other aspect of SunCal's efforts to
develop Alameda Point. To the extent that any of these payments constitute
consideration for third -party consultant work performed, the city requests that SunCal
disclose copies of the relevant contract, specifying the scope of work performed.
Ann Ma i allant
Interim ty Manager
City of meda
cc: City Council