2010-05-04 4-K CorrespondenceEXTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE
On 05 -03 -2010, the City Clerk's Office
received the attached external
correspondence regarding
Agenda Item #4 -K on the
05 -04 -2010 Regular City Council Agenda
N f _HU
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`The Conumttee a *nnsit.Mieasure E, re the -It Counsel oppose Mea
9M sure because the
$169,200,000.010parcel tax over the next 8: y ears is sill and Alami eda Un'
fflied..Schoo.l D� strict
has 'I comments ftm eon erred citizens about .man provisi visions i th sed later.
o in. e..
Given that AUSD reLlses to provide answers, we re the cit Counsel .oppose Measure E
atid- re AU SD answer the q uestlons of fl,Le Alameca oftiz ens and pro ert
p v�
VV%at Is The True Burden On Commercial L ro Owmers? The cl im
ai. under Measure
E is that com propert owners will onl be pa .16% of the $14, 1.. 1"li It
mza on do ar armual
Lax. In.repeated and meetin zomnu fh6 business commun' have a k d it gr oups S e taffs. Usin th..., SD to pr ovide thfm ca lculat io n de+. satne d th D cohtinualll�,
refers to on their �website the "Cit of AlarlIP1,11da Parcel Demo h:cs" numl ers n add add up
�p r
We Bala late that the co p will be p g k qn at .16% of the new paric�el.tax and.
could increase Was mnoh as 35 -4 depenain on how man s
9. ernors k i)pl y for the exertnptlon..
2. Wh st Seniors A) l for the Exe on "Ll the i s �r 4 Mu. El and W1 1CO li p Irk
Claim the Ex�n
I ption.. Measure E re samorsto claim the exec pLion:ftom the P a
'reel tax
wmwul at AUSD.`:8 offices, AUISD hrrkcil never Tc8pondedt uest' alp o. io s out Alit 4� are fo i
seniors to apply a f or Will they. commit to mein the exem ion process eas
suspect the exemption Process will be difficult and Est ratin W�,A als fear those sm a l 1 numbers
of seniors that properl file for an exemption N,-011 be ised ire SUCCessive y ears whenAUSD
imposes the tax.-
3. Rationale on the �pLi Roll Tax. Given th
at measure H is �n tht, mi'ddle f I it 4
..0 i that
App AUJ S D ec dided to impo se a new trax. the
s headed to the ellate CoiiAs, wh would.
sp lit roll concept? If the idea behind the tax iv(,�-re to. help school an e
P d th kids, wh wo uld
tU Tf t h
AUSD propose a new tax that has the s q uestionable split roll strue re A�pellate
Courts decide a split roll is ille for care el taxes -w't] be forced to re a
AU SD. fund U the tax
mone collected. under Wastlr H and a refund SUA foT Me, s W k1 W
-sure. E W1 urel come, q le Y j
Measure E passes. AU.SD should be q uestioned On wh the chose this i
a and risk
route when a flr, parcel tax Nvould have had no fifi rfisk and would hav generat the.
necessar revenn�c.
4. Will Charter Schools Receive Vi Under 'Nfeasur F. In Lie text. of Measure E, it
cle&rl states That the funds A1111 be used to support "Alwed a swdents in A' ameda's exist"
L In
P ublic e�jarter schools." Superintendent Vital hoNve,,ii-er has said publicl that next y ear, 111 -le
Charter Schools would not -be "the financial re-sponsibil of AUSD."' So, which is it'? Wifi the
Committee A Measure, t_t.
FPPC 112"7100"
Re: Resolution #4-K CC
Charter Schools.receive some of the bendfits Of Measure E or are the on their o)wii finx-neiall
startin next
Mernbers of our comniffitee will be present at the Cit Cctmsel meetin on Ma 4, 2010 to
publicl voice these con We ur the Cit Counsel oppose Measure E.
"Committee A Measure E, FPPC 1327100""
On 05-04-2010, the City Clerk's Office
received the attached external
correspondence reqard'in
%Mod 9
05=04=2010 Regular City Council Agenda
(51412UI U) L.ara vve Measure E page 1
From: Office of WABA Exec Director <west alameda@yahoo.com>
To: Bev Mike Johnson <bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us>, Ann Marie Gallant <AGall...
CC: Lara Weiseger <Iweisige @ci.alameda.ca.us>, Betty Dittmer <bettybarks03 @y...
Date: 51412010 10:51 AM
Subject: Measure E
Attachments: May 3 Tina #3.pdf
Dear Mayor Johnson and members of the City Council:
I have been directed by the WABA board of directors to submit the attached statement regarding Measure E to the City and local
media. I have also been directed to submit this statement at tonight's Council meeting.
Thank you for your consideration,
Kathy Moehri ng
Kathy Moehring
Executive Director
West Alameda Business Association
1509 112 Webster street
Alameda, CA 94501
Office (510) 523 -5955
E -mail West-Alameda@yahoo.com
May 3, 2010
This letter is from the west Alameda Business Association representing the
perspective of our membership on the upcoming "Measure E" initiative.
At this time, given the impact of the ongoing general economic downturn
and the continued assessment of the Measure H parcel tax that resulted in
unfairly burdening the business community with over 45% o f the total tax
burden from 2008 to date, we believe that the proposed Measure E parcel
Will continue to severely impact individual business and property
owners of the District
Would impair the District's ability to fill current vacancies on the
Directly affects the ability of the District to afford to maintain the
Does very little to reduce the unfair burden that Measure H parcel
tax currently imposes on the District's membership.
The proposed assessment structure (13cents/sq. ft.) and cap ($9,500.00) does
not significantly reduce the negative impact of the measure H parcel tax on
business (1.5 cents /sq. ft. and $9,500.00 cap).
Consequently, while the business and property owners of the west Alameda
Business Association recognize the importance of providing quality
education and will continue to support schools in meaningful ways, we
cannot support the proposed Measure E parcel tax in its current form.
The west Alameda Business Association.
Board of Directors
1509 I/z Webster street, Alameda, CA 94501 Tel: 510- 523 -5955 Fax: 510 -337 -1352
west_alamedagyahoo.com westalamedabuslness.com