2010-05-04 6-A CorrespondenceXTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE IV1e55a Pa I of I From: "Melod Marr" <melody@a1amedachamber.com> To: <1we1si Date: 5/4/2010 4:30 PM Subject: Statement for Toni meetin CC: "Beverl Johnson" <bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us>, <ddehaan@c1.a1ameda.ca.us>, <1tam Ca)ci.alam.eda.ca.us>, <m <fmataffese@ci.alameda.ca.us> I apolo for the lateness of this but sadl I am not able to attend the Cit Council Meetin this evenin The Chamber is movin this week, and there is much to be accomplished with ver little time. I would appreciate if y ou would share this email with the Mayor and Cit Council with re to Item 6-A Medical Mari "The Alameda Chamber opposes medical mari facilities in Alameda at this time" Thank y ou, Melod Melod Marr, CEO Alameda Chamber of Commerce 1416 Park Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 510.522.0414 www.alamedachamber.com Alease consider the environment before decidin to print this email. ThanR y ou. file: HC:\Docurn ents and Settin Settings\Telnp\XP 5/412010