2010-05-04 Councilmember Gilmore ABAG SubmittalA s sOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS Representin Cit and Count Governments of the San Francisco Ba Area G E N D A GENERAL ASSEMBLY BUSINESS MEETING 12:15 P.M., Thursda April 22,2010 Oakland Marriott Cit Center 1001 Broadwa Oakland, California 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY MINUTES** April 23, 2009, General Assembl Business Meetin 5. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 6. PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET AND WORK PLAN** Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Includin Member Dues 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS S. ADJOURNMENT Status Action Action Henr k.Gard er, Secretar "Attachment included. lb 1 0,41 ABAS Mailin Address: P.O. Box 2050 Oakland, California 94604-2050 (5110) 464-7900 Fax: (510) 464-7085 info@aba Location, Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 101 Ei Street Oakland, California 94607-4756 I. 2. SUMMARY MINUTES. F ABAG General. Assembly Business Meeting; April 23, 2009 Palace hotel San Francisco, CA CALL To ORDER The meeting was called to order by President rose Jacobs Gibson .at 12:15 p.m. CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM Ken Moy, Legal Counsel. and Fred Castro, Clerk of the Board, rep rt d fihat quorum was present. County Delegates and Alternates Present Jurisdiction Supervisor Scot Haggerty County of AJarrleC' a Supervisor John Gioia County of .Contra`'Costa Supervisor Marls Luce County of papa Supervisor John Ayalas County of Sari Frar cisoo Supervisor Carole Groom County of San1lateo Supervisor Dave Coetese County of Santa Clara Supervisor Barbara Kondylis County of Solano Supervisor Mark Xerns County of Sonoma::. City/Town Delegates and. Alternates Present :Jurisdiction Councilmember Marie Gilmore City of Al amecla Councilmernber Farid Javandel City. of Albany Vice Mayor bon Callison City of America Canyon Mayor Pro Terms. Mary Rocha City of Antioch Mayor Elizabeth Patterson City of Benicia Councilmember Laurie Capitelli City of .Berkeley Mayor Sepi Richardson City of .Brisbane Mayor Jack C.ingles....... City of Calistoga Councilmember Daniel Furtado City of ll:: Councilrnernber Julie.Pierce City of Slayton Councilrnembe. Helen Allen City of Concord Councilmember Gilbert Wong City.of Cupertino Councilmember Jack .Batchelor, Jr. City of Dixon Mayor Pro Term Janet Abelson City of El `territo Counci l mere ber Muth Atkin City. of Errs er ll le Mayor John Kirarnls City of Foster city Councilmemb.er Peter Arellono City of dray Councilmember Marina Fraser City of Haif M oon Bay Mayor Joanne W.drd City of Hercules Mayor Christine Krolik city of Hillsborough:::......... Vice Mayor .Brandt Andersson City of:.: Lafayette Councilmernber Larry. Chu. City .of .Larkspur Councilmember David' Caws City. of Las Altos Counclimemoer. Joe Pirzynski City bf Los Gatos Councilrnemoer Lora DeLarey City of Martine Draft Summary Minutes, April 23, 2004 2 Mayor Heyward. Robinson Vice Mayor Paul Seto Councilmernber Carole Dillon Knutson Councilrnerrsber. ..my Worth Councilm ember Pat Burt Mayor Para Torllatt Councilmernber Peter Murray City Manager June Catalano Vice Mayor Jerry Thorne Councilm ern ber Barbara Pierce Councilrnernber Maria Viramonfes Mayor Jan Vick Councilmember Parr Stafford lntergov. Dir, fancy Kirshner Rodriguez Councilrnember Ash Kalra Councilrnember Michael Gregory Councilmernber Fred Hansson Mayor H. Abram Wilson Councilrnern ber .Susan Lorin Councilm ern ber. S .usie.. Nagpal Counci I m ern ber August Sebastian i Councilrnern.ber Richard Ga.rbarino, Sr, Councilrnember Manuel Fernandez Council m ern ber ur is .Hunt Councilmem Bob .Si mmons Councilrnember Elizabeth Lewis Council m ern ber.Joanne del Rosario Councilmernber Candace. Andersen City Manager earl. ahiil Mayor: Deborah. Fudge. Vice Mayor John Dunbar.. County 3elegates.A sent Supervisor Susan. Adams City/Town Deleg Cites Absent Mayor David. Braunstein Council m em.be r. Barbara Morrison Mayor Bob Taylor. Counclim ern ber Cathy Baylock Vice [Mayor Gus olter. Council rn ern ber Janet. orc.hard Vice Mayor Carol Klatt Vice Mayor Kasie. Hildenbrand Mayor David Woods Mayor Harry Price Vice Mayor. Anc Natarajan. �Councilrnember .Francisco Ze rmeno Vice Mayor Jim Wood Council member (Mari Le.ider Council m ern ber a Lion Mayor Jose Esteves City of Menlo Park City of (Millbrae City of Novato City of Crinda City of Palo Alto City of Petaluma City of Pinole City of Pleasant Hill City of Pleasanton City of redwood City City of Rich City of Rio Vista City o f R ohnert P ark City of San Francisco City of San Jose City of San Leandro City of San Mateo. C ity o f S Ra mp: n City of Santa Rosa City of Saratoga City of Sonoma City of South S F rancisco City of. Union City City of Vacavil City of Walnut Creek Town of Atherton Town of Colrna Town of. banville Town of Los Altos Hills T own of Windsor Town of Yountville Jurisdiction. County of Merin Jurisdiction City.of Belmont City. of Belvedere .City of Brentwood City of Burlingame City of Cloverdale City.. of C tati City of Daly City. City of Dublin Qlty of East Palo .Alto City of Faiffie. City of Fremont City o f H a y r d City of rg ...'City of Livery ore City of M Ill :Valley City of M i lpitas Draft Summary Minutes, April 23, 2009 3 Councilmember Erin Garner City of Monte Se eno Mayor Steve Fate City of Morgan Hill Dice Mayor Ronit Bryant City of Mountain View Mayor Jill Techel City of Napa Councilmernber Ana Apodaca City of Newark Councilmernber Jean Quan City of Oakland Mayor Bruce Conelley City of Oakley Councilmernber Jim Vreeland City of Pacifica Councilmember Nancy McEnroe City. Piedmont Mayor Will Casey City of Pittsburgh Councilmernber Irene O'Connell City of San Bruno.. Dice Mayor Brad Lewis City of .San Carlos Vice Mayor Leonard McNeil City of.San Pablo Councilmernber Barbara Heller City of San Rafael Mayor Patricia Mahan City of Santa. C.1ara Mayor Paul Albritton C.lty: of Sausalito Mayor C raig Litwin C of Sebastopol Vacant City of St.l- Selena Mayor Peter Sanchez City of Suisun City Vice Mayor Anthony Spitaleri City of Sunnyvale Councilmernber Erin Hannigan City of Vallejo Vice Mayor M ichael Lappe Town of Corte. :Madera Vice Mayor David Weinsoff Town of Fairfax Councilmember Howard Harpham Town of Moraga Councilmernber Ed Davis Town of Portola Vall Vacant Town of loss Mayer Wayne Cooper Tow of San .Anselmo Councilmember Paul Smith Town of Tiburon Councilmember David Tanner Town of Woodside 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 4. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY MINUTES, April 2a4, 2008, General Asseml� lY. President Jacobs Gibson recognized a motion and a second to appro ye.. the. minutes of the honer al Assembly of April 24, 2008. The motion passed unanimously, S. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Jacobs Gibson reported on the following: ABAG .has been busy impl menting the strategic plan, including looking for ways to secure .a consistent s o urce of revenue. ABAG has worked with State Senator Mark DeSaulnier, County.of Contra. Costa, to i SB 406 which, if adopted, will provide a source of income to the regions and to cities and counties fo.r. planning and implementation ofSB 375. ABAG appointed the members of the newly authorized San Francisco Bay restoration Authority, whose purpose is to raise and allocate resources for the restoration and Craft Summary Minutes, April 23, 2009 4 enhancement, protection, and enjoyment of wetlands.and wildlife. habitat in..the San Francisco Bay and along its shoreline, The first meeting of the Authority was April 22. Staff will distribute an ABAG..lapeI pin to members. 6. PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET: AND WORK PLAN Fiscal ea 2009 -201 0 President Jacobs Gibson recognized Executive Direct Henry ar dne.r.who presented a summary of the. Annual Budget and. Work Program. for fiscal year.2oQ9- 2010, which includes a proposed six percent increase in mere ber. dues,` President Jacobs Gibson. recognized a motion, and a .s econ d, to approve the. budget and work program by count The county, gate orb he motion .was e ight (8) ayes, zero (0) nays; acid the motion passed unanimously, President Jacobs Gibson recognized a motion, and a second; to approve. the budget and work program by cities. The city vote o n the m otion .fifty -six .(5b) ayes, zero (o) nays, and the not ion passed unanimously. 7. PROPOSE] BYLAW AMENDMENT President JacobS.Gibson recognized 'Legal counsel. Ken lv oy p resen ted a proposed change in. the .Bylaws to accommodate flexibility in .scheduling th Spring General Assembly. President Jacobs Gibson reco gnized a motion, and a second to approve. the proposed Bylaw amendment counties, The county uo t e.. on the motion was eight (8) ayes, zero (0) nays, a the motion passed unanimously. President Jacobs Gibson recognized a motion, and a second, to approve the proposed Bylaw amendment by cities. The city vote on the motion fifty -six (56) ayes, zero (0) nays, and the motion passed unanimously, 8. ANNOUNCEMENT There were no ether: announcements. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at about 1 2:38 PIVI. F�.�'S�.� 'c�,..r�3 Y ��r �..✓wr i E ����,r�f.� y t .P or Bay, 28 30. Of Bay ArE',,�,i u i.ta.b.te: D.:ev,elop:me.n anni n