2010-05-04 3-E Power Point PresentationEfficiency Effectiveness I Cost !)avo rpr -I A New Presentation Overview Direction -.41 Countywide Transportation Agencies in Alameda County Why Merge the Agencies cow., Approval of Joint Powers Agreements WMW Short and Long -Term Funding Opportunities Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings Two Countywide Transportation Agencies 5 First authorized by voters in 1986 Reauthorized in 2000 by 81.5% of voters Half -cent sales tax for transportation in Alameda County Generates roughly $100M per year One of the first Self -Help Counties in state Funds countywide projects, programs, and local operations maintenance and services Created in 1991 by a joint-powers agreement between Alameda County and all its cities Prop 111 (1990) requires urban counties to designate a Congestion Management Agency Prop 111 added $.09 /gallon to the state fuel tax Funds local, regional and state transportation projects and services r rpr -I A New Why Merge Two Agencies Direction L -.41 Save tax dollars Eliminate redundancies Streamline planning and project delivery Streamline legistat*legislative, policy and funding strategies Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings A Brief History January 2009: ACTIA /ACCMA Boards authorize a study to determine if there would be cost savings in a merge May 2009: A draft report identified potential savings that were substantial enough to move forward with a merger July 2009: ACTIA /ACCMA Boards authorize development of a merger implementation plan January 2010: ACTIA /ACCMA Boards accept merger implementation plan February 2010: ACTIA /ACCMA Boards adopt draft Joint Powers Agreement and direct staff to present for approv to: Board of Supervisors Cities throughout the county AC Transit am� Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings rpr -I New Joint Powers Agreement Direction L -.41 Authorizes creation of the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) ACTC will assume the duties of ACTIA and ACCMA ACTC Board composition (22 members) includes: Five County Board of Supervisors (six votes total) Two Oakland representatives (four votes total) One from each: Cities of Fremont and Hayward (two votes each) One from each of other 11 cities (one vote each) AC Transit (one vote) BART (one vote) Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings Implementation Approval of JPA by all cities, the Board of Supervisors, AC Transit, and BART Rom Final Adoption of Joint Powers Agreement by ACTIA and ACCMA Boards after jurisdiction approvals Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) begins work Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings Short -Term Fun n d ig Opportunity: $11 million /year Vehicle Registration Fee 1. State legislation signed by the Governor in October 2009 (SB 83) 2. Allows up to $10 annual fee for each registered vehicle: local funds that cannot be taken by the State. 3. May be used for transportation congestion and pollution mitigation. 4. In Alameda County, the fee could produce up to $11 million per year. Expenditure Plan ACCMA is in process of developing an expenditure A majority vote is required for the fee: Plan 1.Seeking public feedback on what should be in the plan. 2.Pubtic Workshops in March and April 2010. 3.Finat Plan approval in June 2010. 4.Placement on ballot by August 2010. 1.0n November 2010 ballot. 2.Requires 50% voter approval. 3. Expenditures will be on projects /programs identified in the VRF Expenditure Plan. rpr -1 A New VRF Fee Use and Possible Direction Projects and Programs Transportation related programs that benefit the persons paying the fee Fees can be used for programs that: Match funds for State general obligation bonds Create or sustain congestion mitigation Create or sustain pollution mitigation Potential projects and programs could include: Repairing and rehabilitating local streets and roads, including, complete streets Transit improvements such as transit priority, bus rapid transit corridors, and clean vehicles Express bus in congested corridors and other transit enhancements Smart transportation technology Eco Pass Other? Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings VRF Next Steps ■VRF Public Workshops: —March 18: San Leandro, Bay Fair Center Mall —March 31: Fremont Library —April 8: Dublin Library —April 15: Oakland City Hall All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and all information is at www.alamedacountvvrf.orq or call ACCMA at (510) 836- IL WO&I ■May 2010: Publish Draft Expenditure Plan and Nexus Analysis —will be available for comment at www.alamedacountvvrf.orq ■June 2010: Steering Committee and ACCMA Board apps Expenditure Plan and Nexus Analysis Efficiency Cost Savings Long -Term Funding Opportunity: $100 million /year Half -Cent Sales Tax 1. Alameda County has an existing half -cent sales tax that collects almost $100 million /year. 2. A 20 -year plan was approved by 81.%5 of voters in 2000. 3. Expenditures from 2002 -2022 for projects and programs. 4. Almost all projects to construction by mid -point of measure. 5. Any new funding would be from an extension of the sales tax. Planning 1. Every four years, Alameda County updates its 20 -year Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP) for federal and state funds 2. ACTIA and ACCMA are working together to: a. Update the CWTP, and b. Develop a new sales tax Expenditure Plan Vote 1. Anew sales tax measure could be placed on the November 2012 ballot. 2. Requires 67% voter approval. 3. ACTIA /ACCMA seeking significant involvement to develop the new Expenditure plan. 4. Will come back for additional involvement. A New T Direction Merger Action Item a. Adopt a resolution approving Joint Powers Agreement, creating the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), and b. Amend the existing ACCMA JPA c. Authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute necessary agreements Funding Opportunities Feedback Provide comments on short and long -term funding opportunities More opportunities for comments in the futurl Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings A New Contact Information Direction Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority Christine Monsen Executive Director, ACTA/ACTIA crnonsen@'D,actia2022.corn 510 893 -3347 www.actia2022.com l�)1 Alameda County Congestion Management Agency Dennis Fay Executive Director, ACCMA dfav(@-accma.ca.gov 510- 836 -2560 www.accma.ca.aov VRF website: www.alamedacountyvrf.or 9 Efficiency I Effectiveness Cost Savings Staff Suggested Potential Projects., for Consideration Measure B Sales Tax Expenditure Plan 1. Continued funding for streets, bike and pedestrian facilities, and Alameda ferries 2. Frui*tvale Bridge expansion to include dedicated transit lanes, bike and pedestrian paths, and lifeline status 3. Mariner Square Drive Extension (east side Posey Tube) and Park and Ride Lot 4. Construction of ferry terminal at Seaplane Lagoon 5. Bus Rapid Transit across Alameda 6. I880 /Broadway /Jackson interchange improvements additional funding requirements