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2010-05-18 Packet
CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA 7 Zi SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY MAY 181 2010 6:00 P.M. Location- Cit Council Chambers Conference Room, Cit Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street A 1. Roll Call Cit Council 2. Public Comment on A Items Onl An wishin to address the Council on a items onl ma speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3-A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Aqenc ne Joe Wile Emplo organization. Charter Officers 3-B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Si exposure to liti pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 Number of cases- One 3-C, CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Age negotiators- Interim Cit Mana Emplo or Executive Mana 3-D. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title- Interim Cit Mana 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if an 5. Adjournment Cit Council Be rl J0 r �1 t ,yam= i r� fy ?5_ CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item Z. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY Ma 18 7:00 P.M. [Note. Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:00 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak Street] The order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Consent Calendar 5. City Manager Communications 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 8. Council Referrals 9. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 10. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL MEETIN OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 5: P.M. AUTHORITY, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA 7 :01 P.M. REUSE AND R EDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION, CITY COUNCIL CHAM 1 ROLL CALL City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -A. Proclamation Declaring May 2010 as Older Americans Month. (Recreation and Park) 3 -B. Proclamation declaring May 22 as Harvey Milk Day 3 -C. One -Year Follow Up on Fiscal Sustainability Committee Report. (City Auditor and Treasurer) 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 4--A. Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council meetings held on May 4, 2010. (City Clerk) 4 -B. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 4 -C. Recommendation to Accept the Quarterly Treasury Report. (Finance) 4 -D. Recommendation to Approve Letter of Support of 100 Best Cities for Young People Application. (Economic Development) 4 -E. Recommendation to Set a Public Hearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Administrative Citation Fees via the Property Tax Bills for June 1, 2010. (Community Development) 4 -F. Recommendation to Seta Public Hearing for Delinquent Integrated Waste Management Charges for June 15, 2010. (Public Works) 4 -G. Recommendation to Accept the Work of NorCal Pipeline Inspection for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals video Inspection, Phase 2, No. P.W. 07- 08 -19. (Public Works) 4 -H. Adoption of Resolution Declaring the City's Intention to Revise the Sewer Service Charge and Establishing Procedures for Accepting Protests Pursuant to Article XI I I D, Section 0(a) of the California Constitution Regarding Property Related Fees and Charges. (Public Works) 4 -I. Adoption of Resolution Approving a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement with the California State Coastal Conservancy to Implement Spartina Eradication and Mitigation Measures and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute All Necessary and Required Documents. (Public Works) 4 -J. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit a Request to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Allocation of $121 ,000 in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Transportation Development Act, Article 3 Funding, for Upgrades to the Bicycle Facility Signage and Sidewalk Improvements, and to Execute All Necessary Documents. (Public Works) 4 -K. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Interim City Manager to Submit an Application for Measure B Paratransit Funding for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011, and to Execute All Necessary Documents. (Public Works) 4--L. Adoption of Resolution Ratifying the Public Utility Board's Approval of the Termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement and Authorizing the General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power to Execute the Termination of the Agreement. (Alameda Municipal Power) 4 -M. Adoption of Resolution of Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 and Set a Public Hearing for June 1, 2010. (Economic Development) 4 -N. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Access Federal Level Summary Technicians Certification. (Fire) the City of Alameda Fire Department to Criminal History for Emergency Medical 4--0. Final Passage of ordinance Adding Subsection 30-5.15 to the Alameda Municipal Code to Prohibit the operation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in the City of Alameda. (Community Development) 5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 5 -A. Correspondence from Alameda Hospital Regarding City Hospital Subcommittee 5 -B. Request that AC Transit Not Alter Line 51A Prior to Conducting Appropriate Public Hearings 5 -C. Urban, Farm, and Garden Plan 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6 -A. Recommendation to Accept the Third Quarter Financial Report. (Continued from May 4, 2010) (Finance) 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda 8. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 9. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilrrembers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 9 -A. consideration of Mayor's Nominations for Appointment to the Commission on Disability Issues and Youth Advisory Commission. 10. ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office, city Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the city clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either p rior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available 0 Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the city Clerk at 7474800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting t Gsf 4G �x! CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TUESDAY MAY 18 2010 -5:55 P.M. Location Council Chambers, city Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak Street. Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Authority on agenda items or business introduced by Authority may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Authority. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City clerk if you wish to speak on an agenda item. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 ROLL CALL Industrial Development Authority 2. MINUTES 2 -A. Minutes of the Annual Industrial Development Authority Meeting of May 19, 2009. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Public Comment) 4. AUTHORITY COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Authority) 5. ADJOURNMENT Industrial Development Authority •;r` rte. y ASK C h d �.•ti`. 7 CITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETIN OF THE CITY COUNCIL ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LARR61 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION CIC TUESDAY MAY 18 2010 7.01 P.M. Location City council chambers, city Hall, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak street P ublic Part Anyone wishing to address the Council /Board /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Board /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the council /Boardlcommission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant city Clerk if you wish to speak. 1 ROLL CALL city council, ARRA, CIC 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the council or a member of the public 2 -A. Minutes of the special Joint city council, ARRA and CIC Meeting Held on May 4, 2010. [City Council, ARRA, CIC] (City clerk) 2 -B. Recommendation to Accept the Third Quarter Financial Report. (Continued from May 4, 2010) [ARRA, CIC] (Finance) 3. CITY MANAGER /EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION 3 -A. Semimonthly Update on SunCal Negotiations [City Council, ARRA, CIC] 4. AGENDA ITEMS 4 -A. Recommendation to Review and Accept Presentation on SunCal Modified Optional Entitlement Application. [City Council, ARRA, CIC] (City Manager) 5. ADJOURNMENT city council, ARRA, CIC A a4 lr%verl h n, ayor Ch air i UNAPPROVED MINUTES O F THE ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING TUESDAY MA 19, 2009 7 :25 P.M. Chair Johnson convened the Annual Meeting at 7.45 p.m. Board Member Matarrese led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Board Members deHaan Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Chair Johnson 5. Absent: None. Minutes of the Annual Industrial Development Authority Meeting of May 20, 2008. Board Member Gilmore moved approval of the minutes. Board Member Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. AUTHORITY COMMUNICATIONS None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Johnson adjourned the Annual. Meeting at 7:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lana Stoker Acting Secretary The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown. Act. Annual Meeting Industrial Development Authority May 19, 2009 �llHEREi4$, Alameda is a community in which 12,500 residents age 60 or older make their home; and WHEREAS, older adults in Alameda are among our most "treasured resources," united by historical experiences, strengthened by diversity, and interpreting events through varied perspectives and backgrounds to bring wisdom and insight to our community; and WHEREAS, increasing umbers of adults are reachi retirement a d. g g e an g remaining strong and active for longer than ever before; and WHEREAS, the older adults in Alameda deserve re cognition and re spect g p unproved quality of life, and increased opportunities to remain active and engaged in community life; and WHEREAS, older adults need in d ivi dualized services and sup port systems to pp maintain their dignity, independence, and self-determination as they age, and WHEREAS, Alameda can help combat ageist attitudes by honoring their past, present, and future obligations. NOW, 7WEREFORE BE Ir IZESOLVED., that I, Beverly j. Johnson, Mayor of the City of Alameda, do hereby proclaim May 2010 as in the City of Alameda and encourage everyone to take time this month to honor older adults and the professionals, family members, and volunteers who care for them. Recognition and involvement of older Americans can enrich the entire community's quality of life. ve 1 J. jJ son Mayor City Counc Agenda Item ##3 -A► 05 -18 -10 WYEREAS, Harvey Milk was born on May 22, 1930, in Woodmere, New York; and WHEREAS, Milk moved to San Francisco in 1969, opened his own business, and organized the first Castro Street Fair in 1974 to attract customers to the area; and WHEREAS, Milk proclaimed himself "The Mayor of Castro Street," and focused his career on making government responsive to individuals, gay liberation, and the importance of neighborhoods to the city; and WHEREAS, Milk became the first openly gay man to be elected to p ublic office in California when the voters in San Francisco's District 5, which includes the Castro, elected him to the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, Milk served 11 months in office and was responsible for passing a landmark gay rights ordinance for San Francisco that outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 1978, Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were murdered by former Supervisor Dan White, who had recently resigned from the Board; and W9EXEAS in August 2009, Milk was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution to the gay civil rights movement; and WHEREAS. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger inducted Milk into the California Hall of Fame in 2009. NOW. 7WEREFORE., BE Ir RESO LVED., that I, Beverly J. Johnson, Mayor of the City of Alameda, do hereby proclaim May 22 as Mimi in the City of Alameda and call on all residents to join me in recognizing the courage, conviction, and accomplishments he showed in making a positive change in civil rights for the gay community, but also in society as a whole. k'- ve J J. J nson City Council ayor Agenda item #3 -13 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL ME ETING TUESDAY- -MAY 4 2010- -6:00 P.M, Mayor Johnson convened the meeting at 6: 10 p.m. Roll Call Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, lMatarrese, Tarp and Mayor Johnson 6. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (1Q -185) Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9; Number of Cases: One. (10 -186) Conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency Negotiators: Interim City Manager; Employee organization: Executive Management. Following the Closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that regarding Anticipated Liti ation, the Council received a briefing and provided direction regarding the litigation; and regarding Labor, the Council received a briefing on Executive Management employee terms and provided direction to the Interim City Manager. There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council May 4, 2010 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ME ETING TUESDAY- -MAY 4 -7:00 P.M, Mayor Johnson convened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tangy and Mayor Johnson 6. Absent: Done. AGENDA CHANGES 10- Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to approve First Amendment to Interim City Manager Contract [paragraph no. 10- would be continued to a later date. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS (1 0- Proclamation Declaring May 7 16 2010 as Affordable Housing week. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Arthur Kurash, Housing Commission, and Gary Struthers; Mr. Struthers provided handouts. Mr. Kurash thanked Council for the proclamation and support; encouraged Council to continue the work for affordable housing. 10- Proclamation Declaring May 9 15, 2010 as National Police Week. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to the Police Chief, The Police Chief thanked Council for the proclamation. 10- Proclamation Declaring May 13 as Alameda Bike to Work Day, 2010. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Jeff Cambra and Joyce Mercado, Bike Alameda. Mr. Cambra thanked Council for the proclamation; stated Bike Alameda has created a series of events to encourage cycling as means of every day transportation; on May 8 th Alameda Town Centre is teaming with Alameda Bicycle to gear up for Bike to work Day; on May 1 3 there will be six energizer stations for checking in and receiving gifts; 0 the right lanes of the Miller- Sweeny [Fruitvale] Bridge will be closed from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in order to create designated bike lanes for traveling to the Fruitvale BART Station; outlined various events throughout the month. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council May 4, 2010 (1 0- Proclamation Declaring May 16 22, 2010 as Hepatitis B Awareness Week. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Matthew Wang, Piedmont High School class of 2012. Mr. Wang thanked Council for the proclamation. Mayor Johnson announced that a Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority meeting will be held at the Mastick senior Center on Thursday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. 1 0- Presentation by the Alameda county Congestion Management Agency on a Proposed New Alameda county Transportation Commission Joint Powers Agreement, and Update on the Development of the Countywide Transportation Plan, Funding Strategies, and opportunities. Tess Lengyel, Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority, and Beth Walucas, Alameda county Congestions Management Agency, provided a handout and gave a Power Point presentation. Councilmember Gilmore inquired ghat would be the anticipated cost savings by merging agencies and ghat would be the anticipated start up costs, to which Ms. Lengyel responded approximately half a million per year [anticipated cost savings]. Councilmember Matarrese stated the money would not be saved but would be put in the ground [in projects]. Ms. Walucas stated the money would go to transportation investments. Councilmember Matarrese stated an added benefit would be establishing efficiencies for getting projects done more rapidly. Ms. Walucas stated two managers would not need to work on project delivery; there would be efficiencies in moving projects forward in terms of staffing and resources. Ms. Lengyel stated start-up costs are anticipated to be approximately $680,000 to $820,000 over three years. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether there would be short -terra funding before the merger. Mr. Lengyel responded in the affirmative; stated SB 83 is in the State legislative process but is separate from the merger. Councilmember Tara inquired whether the short -terra funding opportunity and $11 million expected to be generated through the $10 DMV fee is based on the number of cars in Alameda County; further inquired how the fund would be protected if Regular Meeting Alameda City council 2 May 4, 2010 administered by the state. Ms. Walucas responded the State would collect the fee and would be paid a small administration fee to write a check. In response to Councilmember Tam's inquiry, Ms. Walucas responded a fee would require a majority vote. Councilmember Tam stated the Council has had some experience with the Measure WW Park bond; having a clear understanding of the criteria is important at the outset; bus shelter funding and opportunities to partner with non profit groups on different programs are not clear. Ms. Walucas stated the key is that any project or program would need to benefit people paying the fee. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to Authorize Call for Bids for Legal Advertising [paragraph no. 10_ 1, the Resolution Supporting the Alameda Unified School District's Measure E [paragraph no. 10- and the Resolution Supporting HR 5061 [paragraph no. 10_ 1 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Tangy seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. *10 Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on April 20, 2010. Approved. *10- Ratified bills in the amount of $3,002,704.x`0. Recommendation to set June 1, 2010, for a Dearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Business License Fees via the Property Tax Bills. Accepted. (1 0- Recommendation to Authorize Call for Bids for Legal Advertising. Councilmember Tam inquired how the City determines whether newspapers or other media vehicles are eligible to bid. The City Clerk responded the City Charter requires that a newspaper be adjudicated in the City; stated proof is provided at the time the bid is submitted. Councilmember Tarn inquired whether a specific readership or subscribership is needed, to which the City Clerk responded no percentage is outlined in the Charter. Mayor Johnson stated the staff report notes the newspaper has to be one of general Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 May 4, 2010 circulation within the City. The Assistant City Attorney stated a third party verifies circulation of the paper and readership or subscribership; the process is fairly formal. Councilmember Tam inquired ghat is the process for adjudication, to which the Assistant City Attorney responded that she would look into the matter. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether costs would be considered when adjudicated newspapers compete. The City Clerk responded in the affirmative; stated the lowest bidder is awarded the Contract; in the past, the Alameda Times Star and the Journal competed; the Journal has been the only newspaper to submit a bid over the past fear years. Councilmember Tarn moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. (1 Recommendation to Approve First Amendment to Interim City Manager Contract. Continued to May 18, 2010. Not heard. *10- Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a .Call for Bids for Furnishings for the Neighborhood Library Improvement Project, No. P.W. 10- 99-29. Accepted. *10- Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize Call for Bids for the Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 29, No. P.W. 02- 09 -00. Accepted. *10 Recommendation to Award a First Amendment to the Contract with Harris Associates in the Amount of $100,000, Including Contingencies, for Engineering g g Construction Management Services for the Webster Street/Wilver "Willie" Stargell Avenue Intersection Project, No. P.W. 10- 08 -20. Accepted. (*10 Recommendation to Accept the Work of 11,11DF Pipelines for the Central Avenue Seger Rehabilitation, Pacific Avenue to Third Street, No. P.W. 05- 09 -13. Accepted. (*10- Resolution No. 14437 "Approving the Joint Pourers Agreement Creating the Alameda County Transportation Commission and Approving an Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement for the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency, and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute All Necessary Agreements." Adopted. 10- Resolution No. 14438 "Supporting the Alameda Unified School District's Measure B Parcel Tax." Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 May 4, 2010 The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Alameda has ever had an all mail in ballot, to which the City Clerk responded that she is not award of any and if so, it would have been prior to 1997. Councilmember Matarrese requested a comparison between Measure E and the existing measures; stated that he understands Measure E would be a replacement tax. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services responded Measure E is a replacement measure for Measure A and H; stated that she does not have the figures for the two existing parcels taxes; businesses are paying $0.15 per square foot of lot but would be paying $0.13 per square foot of lot under Measure E. Councilmember Matarrese stated residential property owners would pay more and business property owners would pay less; Inquired whether the $120 Measure A tax would go away, to which the Deputy City Manager Administrative Services responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese requested that figures be confirmed. Pro onents n Favor of Resolution Patricia Sanders, Alameda Education Association; Mark Irons, Alameda; Susan Davis, Alameda; David Teeters, Alameda; Doug Biggs, Alameda; David Hart, Alameda; and John Knox White, APLUS. Opponents Not in Favor of Resolution Edward Hirshberg, Committee Against Measure E; David Howard, Alameda; Kathy Moehring, vilest Alameda Business Association; Regina Beck, Alameda. The following speakers did not wish to speak, but want to go on record opposed to the resolution: Michelle Kelly, Alameda; Michael Kelley, Alameda; and Pauline Kelley, Alameda. Ms. Sanders clarified that the Measure A tax is $189 and would be replaced; stated Measure H is a flat $120 per parcel rate; the total residential rate is $309. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired why the School District is placing an all mail in ballot on the June primary election and what the cost would be. Mr. Knox White responded the School Board wants to have enough time to have multiple community meetings; stated no additional costs will be incurred for having an all mail ballot. Vice Mayor deHaan stated costs for the Measure B election was approximately $50,000 [if consolidated] versus a special election costing approximately $280,000; putting the Measure on a regular ballot would be approximately $50,000; an all mail ballot would be Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 4, 2010 more than $280,000. The City Clerk stated an all mail ballot would cost less because poll workers would not be needed. In response to Vice Mayor deHaan's Inquiry, the City Clerk stated in the past, cost estimates have been $1.50 for an all snail ballot; a consolidated election Can run anywhere in the gamete of $0.75 to $1.50 per voter. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Mr. Knox White's understanding is that an all mail ballot is less expensive than a special election, to which Mr. Knox White responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired when Measure A .sunsets, to which Mr. Knox White responded in two years. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired when Measure H sunsets, to which Mr. Knox white responded in two years. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what would be the immediate shortfall [to the School District], to which Mr. Knox White responded $7 million. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the community is concerned- that the City has a ballot measure every three to four years; inquired whether Measure E would be a cure all. Mr. Knox White responded the School District went through great lengths to put something on the ballot that would cover needs for the next eight years. Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he feels erosion will occur quicker. Mr. Knox white stated the economy could recover and some past historical problems could be offset. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the flatness in the budget might last another three to five years. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the $120 tax would go away, to which Mr. Knox white responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated the new [commercial] tax would be $0.13 per square foot; all commercial property tax would be reduced; there is no cure all; people running the State are devastating local government, school districts, and County government; the School District is not at fault; consolidating schools would not be enough to balance the budget. Councilmernber Gilmore moved adoption of the resolution, with the realization that the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 0 May 4, 2010 parcel tax will be difficult for everyone; stated California children received the benefit of a better school system than what children might receive in the future if steps are not taken to support the system. Councilmember Tara seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated the city depends on a good school system for property values; Measure E will not solve the problem but will buy time; League of California cities activities should be placed on an agenda; cities have to ensure that the State follows up on the promise that every child in California gets an equal shot at education; cities that have the ability to raise taxes are surviving, others are not; time is needed. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the consequences of losing good quality schools is immense; that he has a vested interest because two family members are school teachers; Measure F will tie over the School District for a short tine; that he concurs with Councilmember Matarrese regarding needing a permanent fix; the.State is juggling books; everyone is getting hit; that he will support Measure E. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Mayor Johnson requested staff to explain whether redevelopment takes money from schools. The Interim city Manager stated staff would come back to council the first meeting in June to explain how pass through agreements work. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether or not redevelopment takes money from schools. The Interim city Manager stated an agency is required to negotiate a pass through agreement when redevelopment agencies and project areas are established and formed; depending on the project area and age, individual pass through. agreements might not be negotiated; State legislation has changed and requires that school districts be made whole; the fundamental premise in redevelopment law is to have each agency empower itself to negotiate a pass through agreement with whornever is impacted; post 1990, school districts were made whole; that she would provide a customized view of project areas. Councilmember Gilmore requested that a School District or School Board representative be present. The Interim City Manager stated the School District can use money from the City for certain type of things; that she will have someone from the School District explain the process. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 May 4. 2010 Councilmember Gilmore stated money received from the City affects money that the School District receives from the State. Councilmember Tarn inquired whether funds generated by redevelopment areas for schools would not be available if redevelopment areas were not there. The Interim City Manager responded in the negative; stated many pass through agreements make the School District whole. Councilmember Tara inquired whether the Housing Fund developed for Island Nigh School would not have occurred had there not been tax revenue generated from a redevelopment area. The Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the agreement is unique; a certain percentage was set aside for a specific purpose; the money would not be available to the School District under the old formula; information would be provided to Council as soon as possible. Vice Mayor del -laan stated California is scheduled to lose 22,000 teachers; Illinois will lose 1 5,000 teachers; New York will lose 1 7,000 teachers; the crises is national. (1 0- Resolution No. 14439 "Supporting NR 5061, the "San Francisco Bay Improvement Act of 2010." Adopted. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson Inquired when the process would be complete. The Deputy City Manager Administrative services responded Congress has a very full agenda; stated the legislation would probably not be completed with this Congress. Mayor Johnson inquired whether it is early enough in the process to make suggestions regarding use of funds. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services responded funding categories are being developed; funding would be done through grants. Mayor Johnson stated the issue should be reconsidered; funding for the purchase of cargo salt flats in Redwood City should be considered; purchase of salt flat lands should be a priority; preventing more bay fill is important. The Deputy City Manager Administrative services stated that she would send a letter to Representative Speier. Councilmember Matarrese stated the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the lead agency for Alameda Point cleanup; thinking big is important because Site 1 and 2 Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 May 4, 2010 are the least characterized, most contaminated sites residing on federal land and are not encumbered by transfer and conveyance; other closed bases, such as Hamilton Air Force Base, are returning runways to wetlands; enough money has been allocated to clean up Sites 1 and 2; returning runways to wetlands would put a lot of people back to work, would put a buffer on the western edge of the former Base, and would clean up a hazardous waste site; a case needs to be made; two acres should have to be purchased for every acre that redwood City fills, if building is done on salt flats; trade credits could be done. Councilrnember Gilmore inquired whether a comprehensive study has been done in terms of what type of federal funding is potentially available for Alameda Point for clean up, infrastructure, or historic preservation. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services responded Holland and Knight is the City's lobbying firm and is constantly reviewing the matter, stated that she is not sure whether a comprehensive study has been done. Councilmember Gilmore stated the issue Should be placed on a future agenda; that She does not want Alameda to miss out on available federal funding; a list is needed in order to think creatively on how to use funds. Councilrrember Tam stated opportunities needs to be identified and the city needs to work in concert with the Navy sooner rather than later. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Alameda Point fish and wildlife refuge is contaminated, has a price tag of $1 million, and is not an active remediation site; the site has an immediate requirement to become wetlands. Councilmen ber Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution with direction to follow up with specifics regarding ghat can happen in Alameda after Thursday night's meeting with the EPA and bring the matter back to direct lobbyists what to lobby for to get whatever City is needed to get potential money; that he wants to see something meaningful; Sites 1 and 2 are a case of where big federal dollars could be Spent. Mayor Johnson stated the intent of the legislation is to make money available and then jurisdictions can apply for the money for projects; that she suggests that the legislation should specifically list purchasing the cargo salt flats in redwood city for restoration to wetlands. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services stated a letter could be sent to Representative Speier giving examples of worthy projects in Alameda and Redwood City. Mayor Johnson stated the issue is regional; filling the Bay should not be happening any more. Regular Meeting Alameda city council 9 May 4, 2010 The Deputy City Manager Administrative services stated the letter could serve many masters. CouncilrremberGilmore seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Johnson inquired whether the letter should be included in the motion. Councilmember Tam responded the Deputy City Manager Administrative Services is very capable of correlating legislation; stated senator Feinstein has been very engaged and active in the cargo acquisition issue and federal funding in the past; that she would defer to senator Feinstein on the matter. The Deputy City Manager Administrative Services stated Senator Feinstein was able to get a lot of money for the Milpitas /San Jose salt flats. Mayor Johnson requested that the Deputy city Manager Administrative Services draft a letter. Councilrnember Gilmore stated review of other federal funds for the Base needs to come back. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS 10- Housing Authority Reorganization The Dousing Authority Executive Director gave a Poorer Point presentation. Mayor Johnson stated that she prefers the current structure of the council sitting as the Dousing Authority Board; Alameda has a good Dousing Authority because of the close relationship between the city and the Dousing Authority. Mice Mayor deDaan stated the only new thing is moving some work from the redevelopment side; that he is not sure about streamlining. The Housing Authority Executive Director stated a division manager retired last year and the position has not been filled; duties and responsibilities have been shifted to administration and operations. Vice Mayor deDaan stated that he grants to see consolidating and streamlining; he needs to see more. The Interim city Manager stated the reorganization is the beginning of centralization; staff has a clear understanding of streamlining; unit consolidation mould result through Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 10 May 4, 2010 succession planning; other alternatives are available to make things more efficient. Councilmember Matarrese stated consolidating the housing effort in a single department is good because duplication is avoided and a leaner organization provides efficiency; having the elected body closely answerable to the performance of the-group puts him in favor of keeping the current structure or the Housing Authority could become a department of the City as long as Council has the oversight role; the Housing Authority is an excellent product. The Interim City Manager stated other models are available in terms of delegated responsibilities versus Council's oversight of money; the public and developers would go to one place for all financing options. (10- Park Master Plan Request for Proposals Scope of Services The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Park Master Plan would include joint use of facilities such as pools, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated a detailed scope of work should be highlighted for potential parks such as the land acquired by the City next to Towata. Park, the Estuary Park by the Fox/Collins /Dutra property, and Beltline property. Councilmember Gilmore stated the Grand Street Fire Station is not serviceable; council allocated $400,000 for a study for a new fire house; the feasibility of building a Fire Station and Emergency operation Center on the Beltline property. should be. studied; having classrooms at the new fire station should be reviewed; classrooms could be shared with the Police Department and could be opened up to the public; not havinci to purchase land for a new fire station would be a huge savings. Vice Mayor deHaan stated considering the Beltline property as a potential site. for a fi re station should be addressed separately; Council has requested the City Attorney and Interim City Manager to advise what has been gained by winning the lawsuit; opportunities should be scoped out for passive parks. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would like to have the $400,000 spent on evaluating a new for the fire station; a vacant building near Alameda Municipal Power is big enough for a fire station; Mount Trashrnore [the former waste disposal site] should be considered as a future park. Councilrnernber Gilmore stated that she does not mean that she wants to spend money allocated for the Park Master Plan on a fire station study; she does not want to .get so far down in scoping the Beltline property that a fire station would not be considered it other parcels do not work out. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council May 4, 2010 Mayor Johnson stated fire service master planning services should be separate. Councilmember Gilmore stated master planning the park could plan away the land [for the fire station]. The Interim City Manager stated the fire station is an easy cut out. Councilmember Matarrese stated people voted to do something with the Belt ine property through a ballot initiative; the Beltline property is not just the yard; the total acreage is quite large. Councilmember Tam stated reviewing the inventory of open park space publicly accessible per resident is important; the proposed East Bay Regional Park District .Bay Trail should be included in the whole visioning and planning process in order to understand the best use of various lands; asset management should .be reviewed also. The Interim City Manager stated asset management policy and implementation. would be discussed thoroughly; every possible asset will be reviewed. Mayor Johnson stated existing Bay trails should be included. The Park and Recreation Director stated adjacent amenities would be included, such as College and School District amenities. Mayor Johnson inquired whether current Bay Trails would be assessed, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated Bay Trail accessibility should be reviewed in addition to finding a way to make getting to the trails more accessible to the public. The Interim City Manager stated accessibility to the shoreline needs to be reviewed. Mayor Johnson stated the shoreline has public access points which are not very accessible; ensuring that access points are publicly available is important. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Mount Trashmore site would be available in the next couple of years; that he wants trees planted on the right side going west on Appezzato Parkway. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (1 0- Public Hearing to Consider Adding subsection 30 -5.15 to the Alameda Municipal Code to Prohibit the operation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in the City of Alameda. Introduced. The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 12 May 4, 2010 Councilmember Matarrese requested an explanation of the Planning Board's consideration of having limited locations; inquired whether extending the moratorium is an option. The Planning services Manager stated the Planning Board thought that potential locations would be worth exploring; specific locations were not identified; under State law, cities can adopt moratoriums for a maximum of two years; the current moratorium ends in June; Council could extend the moratorium to November. Councilmember Gilmore inquired how much staff time would be needed, what.the cost would be, and ghat would not get done if Council gave direction to have staff review the matter. The Planning services Manager responded drafting the ordinance would. not .take a lot of time; stated staff would look at other ordinances as models; immediate, negative responses would be received once potential locations were made public; four to six Planning Board hearings. would be needed; Community Development has four. and a quarter employees; everything is backed up; high priorities would .be slowed. dawn; nobody wants locations next door; Oakland's dispensary across the Park. .Bridge is a major operation; parking is tremendous. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether money is budgeted for the operation. The Planning services Manager responded the effort is completely unfunded; stated staff would need to come back with a budget amendment. Councilmember Tam inquired where is the Oakland dispensary, to which the Planning Services Manager responded across the Park Street Bridge off the 1 fi Street exit b g p g y Motel 6. Councilmember Tarn inquired whether Alarnedans go to the Oakland dispensary. The Planning services Manager responded that he does not know; stated .that he. would recommend the dispensary if someone is qualified and has the appropriate. doctor's recommendation; the dispensary is very professional. Councilmember Tangy stated Alameda Hospital's pain management center. is the ideal location in Alameda; however, Alameda Hospital would Medicare payments because marijuana is a federally banned substance, inquired who, within the City, should be in charge of a dispensary. The Planning services Manager responded staff has been asked why a medical marijuana dispensary could not be located at a pharmacy or hospital; stated there is an issue between state and federal law; the City would not regulate how a hospital dispenses legal drugs. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 13 May 4, 2010 Councilrnernber Tam a November measure would control, regulate, and allow cities to tax cannabis facilities to generate revenue; the context of having the ban in place should be reviewed after there is a better understanding of what the law would afford the City to do. The Planning Services Manager stated that he does not think the current definition of a medical marijuana facility includes Alameda hospita,federal and State law changes make it feasible for Alameda hospital to provide medical marijuana; an adjustment to the definition would be simple. Vice Mayor dehaan stated having cannabis clubs developing into the cultivation process is a good point; traffic would be impacted; putting a placeholder on the matter is the right direction. The Police Chief stated that he strongly supports the ordinance as written; the ordinance is the best that he has seen in the area; the California Chiefs have taken a strong stance on the proliferation of marijuana dispensaries; decisions. should. be .made on the basis of science and anecdotal evidence of other cities and associated, ancillary issues; dispensaries are prohibited by law; studies have indicated .that those who. ha.v e the need for the drug under the Compassionate Use Act are less than 5 in the late 1970's through early 1990's, Alaska saw significant decline in a person's ability to learn, process information, and motor coordination; in 2007, approximately 1 10,000 people sought treatment for marijuana dependence; Chiefs throughout the state have noted that crime increases in areas impacted by dispensaries; driving under the influence is .a major incident; 8,000 fatal accidents were reported in 2008, burglaries and. robberies increase; street dealers sell to juveniles; loitering and nuisance complaints. increase; trading for other drugs or sex occurs; the potential for taxation would not cover the costs associated to society; the tobacco industry brings in approximately in revenue; health costs associated with the tobacco industry are approximately $200 billion; a 1cohol brings in approximately $9 billion in revenue; the cost to society is approximately $185 billion; the black market associated with elicit drug trade would not be reduced from the proliferation of dispensaries. Mayor Johnson opening the public portion of the hearing. Proponents In Favor of ordinance Robb Ratto, Park street Business Association. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson stated generally, dispensaries do not operate in compliance with the law; inquired whether the intent of the initiative is to allow co -ops to grow marijuana for exchange. The Assistant City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated state law does not use Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 14 May 4, 2010 terms such as "over the counter sales" or "medical marijuana dispensaries"; stated the intent is give people in possession of marijuana defense by having a medical marijuana card; having money change hands for profit is not the intent; over the counter sales has very little connection between the person growing marijuana and the person accepting the marijuana; the situation does not include a primary care giver and most likely would be profitable; the dispensary across the bridge is set up to be a holistic approach to avoid prosecution. Mayor Johnson inquired how much revenue was generated in Alameda. The Assistant city Attorney responded the Finance Department has records required for business license purposes; stated information is confidential and cannot be released without an owner's authorization. Mayor Johnson inquired what type of reporting is required, to which the Assistant City Attorney stated the State Board of Equalization receives revenue figures. The Planning services Manager stated the Oakland dispensary brings in millions of dollars. The Assistant city Attorney stated that the Oakland dispensary has one customer every five minutes. Mayor Johnson stated dispensaries are not co -ops but are big business. Councilmember Matarrese stated changes will be seen at some point; the ordinance should be adopted for three reasons: 1) the city should not establish businesses that are illegal under federal law or cannot comply with State law; the appropriate place to dispense the drug is in a hospital or pharmacy; 2) locations is an issue; nobody wants a dispensary next door; and 3) the cost of crafting something at this juncture is not appropriate; the city has more important things to address. Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance. Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion. Under discussion, Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Webster street business falsely represented itself to the City. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote 5. 10- Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of the Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Year 2010 Five Year strategic Plan and the Fiscal Year 201 0 201 1 Action Plan, and Authorize the Interim city Manager to Negotiate and Execute Related Documents, Agreements, and Modifications. Regular Meeting Alameda City council 5 May 4, 2010 The Community Development Program Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Proponents LIn Favor of Staff Recommendation Doug Biggs, Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB); Reginald James, SSHRB; Franklin Hysten, Alternatives in Action, provided a handout; Virginia McBride, Alternatives in Action /HOME Project; Liz Varela, Building Futures with Women and Children; Marjorie Rocha, ECHO Housing; Paul Russell, Alameda Food Bank; and Erin Scott, Family Violence Law Center. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson thanked the organizations, SSHRB, and staff for all the hard work. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese thanked everyone for doing such a good job; stated the allocation is bigger this year but the need far exceeds the allocation. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON- AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (1 0- 1 Councilmember Gilmore stated that she attended the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) general meeting on April 22 the meeting addressed environmental land use, stopping urban sprawl, and developing communities in environmentally sensitive ways; provided packet to the City Clerk. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 16 May 4, 2010 The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 17 May 4. 2010 CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council From: Lisa Goldman Deputy City Manager Date: May 13, 2010 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. r.hprk- Niimhpr.q Amry in+ 228217 228711 $5,779 V20432 V20585 $111,512.53 EFT 844 $29,985.85 EFT 845 $11 EFT 846 $83.50 EFT 847 $619,750.06 EFT 848 $4,857.81 EFT 849 $259 EFT 850 $11,953.56 EFT 851 $80,000.00 Void Checks: 228123 ($393.75) 227962 ($141.58) GRAND TOTAL Respectfully submitted, Deputy City Manager Council Warrants 0511 8110 $6,907,995-69 BILLS #4 -B 5/1812010 O 0 r-I E' ri rl H o 0 0 q U 0 0 0 o 0 I n 1 f) L n Q W W m m N 04 U] I r W C7 H a Cn I 1 pq z W s H I 14 U 0 Q I �zU U �WU Hx I I z I 0 I z H p U H ..J CO U CO CO W Q E-1 U i I E-1 z 0 U 0 E' Cl U rn U K4 P4 Q W U] I H a Cn I 1 W I I Q I U I Hx I U I z U 1 0 a 0 Q x 0 W h I 'A I I 0 I a r- rn z H i LO E-+ W o �D U o U H IC� H Lr) W o 1n GI Q o a U H z W U H z U W F� z C7 0 o x H I CJ] O E H Q: 0 .--1 U 0 Q 0 O +d] O p-I W H d{ 0 1:4 cr) I PQ Worn a a U C) Q 0 1 N U W W W ao C!} Q H 0 H rA H r-f coo m0N 0000000 m m 000000 a m 0 H Ln rA Q rn Noce o r-I r-I 0000000 m o NNNNNO m m 0 N or- m mmr d{ b+r�yaro H o N cn o M O0o N lH�+ N k� �D�� W r I N rn o o Lr7 I' n00 mQr-m m "W 0 0)OC31 rr)>a mHLoC C di L didM Vii di diM m N Ln dr m 0 md' L�wLONL r- I I01QCI} Tzl LI1 0) Ln di r-4 l0 co M m 00 rn dm r r-i r1 rl r-I M [Y} a 00 o tiH M 00 �10 00 H P 1 1 1 b. 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O o U) xu Hco M W 0 E1 9x 0w U ow H E� W� h0 0U Pa U H A, H EHW o QH Up W N F:4 9 CO o0 x Lr) Ln U Ei U o o 44 W 0x a U W N a 0 O N W r-I F+ [rl U co U) H -.7p W 0 0 0� W H r-I P4 U Q1� 0 0 E N H W� �A H H Ei CO W Hw a w H CO H G4 H m 0 �Hx �4w 0 H 4 P4 U �4 A+ U Pq W W H U �04 �w �-1 0a 0A u A fx AU fn w w W W W H H EH [H GM, A W cry Ua o E-1 a u] M W H H rx 0 E w as P4 P4 H 0 0�4 o P4 P4 04 P� uQ R ko ww ww :S4 P. U E4 f4 x r+ r4 0rn Ha I CQ on PQ 02 u r-I r-A H W FH r- QI r Ix 1:4 9Y P4 H Ei X m OD U W 00 00 f)4p� WHm U ►i A alpgq PQPq 00 04 D 04 04 1n 0H 0 U WW A0H F-+Ei x P4 a u H as as as L) w w w0 A a H f�54 g 4A� Ei F4 H 4 W n N �o Q 00 P 0 0 HE-i 00 CO A H CO rr~ w U o H H H H H H c z H H 0 U A w U H 0 H E1 H W R4 A x O1 04 0 H H h 0 H m H Ln 0 E� Q CITY OF i Mem To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann (Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Accept the Quarterly Treasury Report for the Period Ended March 31, 20 BACKGROUND Each fiscal quarter an Investment Summary Deport is provided to. the City Council for review, per City policy. The report includes all cash available at q uarter -end summarized in five major categories: 1) cash on hand includes funds in petty cash, change boxes, and vault; 2} cash on deposit funds in checking and payroll..bank accounts; 3) working capital funds on deposit with the Local Agency Investment Fund y (LAIF); 4) idle cash funds under management by registered investment advisors (RIAs); and 5} bond proceeds funds on deposit with trustees or fiscal agents.. Exhibit 2 to this report is the Treasury Report for the fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2010. DISCUSSION As of March 31, 2010, the City's cash assets were as follows: March 31, 2010 Cash -on -hand 8 Cash -on- deposit 3 working capital 23,388 Idle cash 79,587 Bond proceeds 23,386,367 Total $129,866 The cash management portfolio summary also identifies the City's invested idle cash, as well as funds invested for various assessment district and bond funds. Detail as to rate, yield, maturity date, par, and market value are also included. City Council Agenda Item ##4 ..0 ®5 -118 -10 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council Ma 18, 2010 Pa 2 of 2 All investments have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Cit approved Investment Polic The Cit of Alameda's expenditure re for the next 180 da are more than sufficientl covered b anticipated revenues from Cit operations and li from cash on hand, workin capital, or maturin investments. FINANCIAL IMPACT As of March 31, 2010, the Cit had received 48% of the bud interest income for FY09-1 0. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterl Treasur Report for the period endin March 31 7 2010. Respectfull submitted, Lisa Goldman Deput Cit Mana LGAI Exhibits: 1. Review Letter from Kevin Kenned Cit Treasurer 2. Investment Portfolio Summar Report cc: Kevin Kenned Cit Treasurer City of Alameda California May 18, 2010 Honorable Mayor and city council: I have reviewed the .City of Alarr eda's Treasury Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2010, and find that it complies with the Investment Policy established by nay office. The interest of the council is arrays appreciated. Sincemly, Z Kevin Kennedy City Treasurer KK /d l Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer Office of the City 'Treasurer 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room. 220 Alameda, California 94501-4477 51 0.747.4881 office a Fax 5 .0.747.4890 a TDD 5 10.522.7538 City Council Exhibit I t® Agenda Item #4 -C ®5 -18 -1® C> r Cpl M U rK Q U 0 W a LIJ LU Q Q H W C] T- 50 J 0 LL ry Lij z CO z Exhibit 2 t® Agenda It #4 -C 05 -18 -1® v o -t CD Ca C\ C\l Ln rn C3 LO o CO i d" CO mot t o Cn N CO 1` C") CO LO 'd' C3) 0 M M (0 0). r W W 00 [C] 0 M "t LO M 00 C0 7 _0 M M LO (0 O0 r` CO (D Q Lf7 Ctrl C\1 04 C\1 r W CL) M. Cg o. mot' LO 0 C7 C7 N (N LO CY) F Q) C o� 00 Nt N cp w 0 0') C) C) Co rte- CO M 2 C] J d C37 r 0 o C) C) C) C) (0 M p LO CD OQ cI7 Q 00 V�) Q0 CD 0 M (N M 1` If) 0Q CY] r- 00 00 CC7 CY) U7 Q r- d' i CY) CY) t17 sM. Z CZ Q LO N 04 N C11 (1) Q 0 b3 C13 E I E 1 J W a Q° o ti. C) N N o CL J o p Cpl CU o (Z] LO r`. 00 (D.. o o F- W o r 0) M (D Z W o C): C) CV (N r C) 0 W Cf3 W r r M r` 00 r r r W C� z CY) r` Cxa Nt- cfl Z Q Z Q W W W LL Q J v CY)... W N LO LO r` tr] cfl 00 o to ti LO r` r` ca LL a J C C3 Q M r 1` t r CY) C`') o C7 Lf7 z a) (N Ln C) 0 CYO CY) o CY) Q C7 t--- N CY] D N r o Z ti 00 14 C) (0 Z- W a C) N (D c C r Cad r p 00 r C7 0 rwL 'd" r LL W J U LIJ U3 CL W d' C Y- C5� N N L[ 3 CO LO a o p o o a r7 LU Z o U') a C) cD et- 00 d CD Z a CO o CD c� 00 t--- (0 w 0 Csi o r` 0) r` Cfl CO CYO 0 R CO LL W d" CY) o CC] o (7) r CD U) J Oz) .Zt r- LO C37 00 CY) Zr LU t r: r CO CY) CYO M CO ll F a LO N N N N Q U) m w- w z; w 1 2f LL z v a w U z Z z Ll1 0 Q 11.1 j U Q U Z Z W U) cn F- Q W 1J LLJ Q a U Q z a LLJ CL z Cn W LL z a W C13. LL.1 U Q W L J a C� U LLJ ti3 W LL W W a z LL LL1 U w U W C/) 0 J LU u W f LIJ C`7 LLJ L7 W >M U 0. W a W J W 1 L Q Q W U7 U) Z U3 U Z I U7 cC [1' Z U] W P 0 W E— Z W' W W W U? J J CL LL a z Z W 1---� W Z W m Q Q Q W o z w Q z Z Z a- W CI? U f- W .n W w F Z Q W Z Z W LLI LU: 1— Z Z U Lij Z W J a s LL. F J CY C7 w W W u_ a U U3 C� LLI U3 W J W U ao C37 Q C] W W (D Q Q Q W W W Z a o p o W W 1— L1 U3 U U U LL LL J CL C Cou r N ;I- LO Exhibit 2 t® Agenda It #4 -C 05 -18 -1® v 0 N U z Z W w w U LL n U LL_ D LL D CL w w z lam: ry lY z c� W Z a z z w Z Z m; w U' IL Q Q CD W; W UT] w 1wu [s1 -r Q J J FZ W Q J J Q Q LL Q Q Cr3 Q W 111 U U Cn Z m U 0 ❑Q��¢�Jo Q; z z Q Q J a Z f-- W I- U W 1L W W Z H Q Q; Q W Q M. Q Z Z .J a C/3 W U Z C/3 U W W W W W. W W W E"r W 0 W OC W U a Z d I1 U 1.J..1 _oJ w oc�2�¢�¢�¢�¢ Q zz LL U) m C/) v w w E m;7) Q a F Q QQ c�a �Q z� z �I€ �.I.L �LLIL��.�LL z QQ Z 0 0 Q oU¢ U) C!3 _l J Q U) z;= J Q U m z o U) F- Q C13 V] W U Z Z Z` Z z z Z Z. Z U U J Q Z Z Q Q w_ Q a Q< Q Q Q Q Q Q Q a Q a U 0 U U C.� m m m CO Co Co m CO m M. r H m U N a� m C- 0 0 0 Q oo a r` LD J J Q w w (N o o co O U Q Q CD C) o o 00 C) N o t` M o r` 0o l co Lo o 00 rn CD U Q O C) 0 C) C7 C) (7) 't r C0 Nr rt Qc) C)7 CD N O C 7 CY] Liz C7 C]0 CD O �t CY7 N OQ d' r DQ M OD d7 00 M C57 0 0 N CC) W W r 'd' CD Liz o U') 00 (D t` 00 M CS) Li 3 C) N Cr3 N LO N C]0 M CQ Lf") ti M d' 4 O Cx] C6 co Q CY) LC) LO I N Q G 0 U CC) Co. N t` m 00. C3 r` 0 C1) C- 0.3 C7) r d' *.t O co (Y) co 00 CYD M Eft C7 N C7 CJ o CSC) o n 't a7 t` N o c o C) C) CD 0 O CSC) CD N o I' M to ti (D OZ) CY] Ley Cfl 00 00 O (D C) o CD C Ca co ro r C Y) d' r �f' C t3 ni o tY7 Co co 'd' o Co LO o M LO 6 (N co r` co 00 co tt M if} CO 07 M d' 00 r� C) r- 00 co r o LO a O C� o O C7 0 C) W LO N C]o Cy7 CD LO r- C'r] 'tt Q co CD as [si Lf] Lf7 o LS'j C7) 64 LO UY (D CC] N r- 64- (3) 00 CY) 00 r M c o n 69 N 69 r r r L.f) Li 3 N z Q m o LO 0 z Q LLJ LL w [r z 1L p cn a7 Q0 (.0 m M M C-0 co w w w w Q W Q Q LO LL Q E E C O O O Cr7 C= M Lli c c s s! 00 co Q m m C) CD o a o M 00 C`\j o 0 1z p D C O [7 Q D D C D O O 0 p Q J C� O: o r Q: o; o; CO r o l C7; Q O; C3 CY). d" W o 0 o C) C) o o o 0 o LO 0 1'-- o N o o 0 0 00 0 C) C) C D CD C) o o C) CD C) C3 o C3 C) ra N o (D r o 0 o M LO LO a CD CD C) r o w 0 0 0 o o o Q o o Ca C) o In o o o 0 r 0 o Ln o rl- C\r Ln LIB O r� 00 C) C] C� T C) C) O C) C) 00 C� t` �r M ti r E` mot d~ C\] o a o LO C) C) o Cl 00 C) N o r` (Y) o I` Co 00 M LO o 00 ao a o© N LL J C3 C7 C7 O C) r- C7) C £7 C77 C37 N M o o co cc) (D C) 'Ct' M N r` ca r C O M C)0 M OO M C77 O C� W dt LO C) CN LO o C76 LO 00 Q0 �o LC] r` I`- co C i co mot= a I 't o ti ao (6 oa LO m C) LO o co LO o C\t 0') ka o Ln co (N s` o a) a r- m o) a) rn CD cY) M co 00 M co m lam: ry lY z c� W Z a z z w Z Z m; w U' IL Q Q CD W; W UT] w 1wu [s1 -r Q J J FZ W Q J J Q Q LL Q Q Cr3 Q W 111 U U Cn Z m U 0 ❑Q��¢�Jo Q; z z Q Q J a Z f-- W I- U W 1L W W Z H Q Q; Q W Q M. Q Z Z .J a C/3 W U Z C/3 U W W W W W. W W W E"r W 0 W OC W U a Z d I1 U 1.J..1 _oJ w oc�2�¢�¢�¢�¢ Q zz LL U) m C/) v w w E m;7) Q a F Q QQ c�a �Q z� z �I€ �.I.L �LLIL��.�LL z QQ Z 0 0 Q oU¢ U) C!3 _l J Q U) z;= J Q U m z o U) F- Q C13 V] W U Z Z Z` Z z z Z Z. Z U U J Q Z Z Q Q w_ Q a Q< Q Q Q Q Q Q Q a Q a U 0 U U C.� m m m CO Co Co m CO m M. r H m U N a� m C- 0 Q Q Q LD J J Q w w U Q Q Q W 0 0" W CL a a U) C7 W Z.., 1-- z z z z z r rn U U) Q U Q Q Q Q Q o o o z LLI z z a w W z c� W Z a z z w Z Z m; w U' IL Q Q CD W; W UT] w 1wu [s1 -r Q J J FZ W Q J J Q Q LL Q Q Cr3 Q W 111 U U Cn Z m U 0 ❑Q��¢�Jo Q; z z Q Q J a Z f-- W I- U W 1L W W Z H Q Q; Q W Q M. Q Z Z .J a C/3 W U Z C/3 U W W W W W. W W W E"r W 0 W OC W U a Z d I1 U 1.J..1 _oJ w oc�2�¢�¢�¢�¢ Q zz LL U) m C/) v w w E m;7) Q a F Q QQ c�a �Q z� z �I€ �.I.L �LLIL��.�LL z QQ Z 0 0 Q oU¢ U) C!3 _l J Q U) z;= J Q U m z o U) F- Q C13 V] W U Z Z Z` Z z z Z Z. Z U U J Q Z Z Q Q w_ Q a Q< Q Q Q Q Q Q Q a Q a U 0 U U C.� m m m CO Co Co m CO m M. r H m U N a� m C- N a� m C- Cv Z U Q Z 0 z w w W z Q J 0 LL W o� 0 LL 0 0 LL h 0 z W w z C� C) Q. [_t..f E- CYO U') a C� N Coo co LO o c� N cD o o Ln Ln n n to r� o 00 C) m c� o r� o ICY) M z LO N C7 a M 0') '[;1- n CYO r� o M C) (7) CY) LO N Ln rn cc CY) n C) �o 00 CD (D C0 r CO r L CY) co LO L(') 0) r C- Q0 (N 0) c 0 t CO (0 00 N r` LO N r 00 r� LO LO C) LO CD n Ln o Cfl n C77 CY) CY) N C) N r� CY) co 00 CD Q "t LO U) N r n N CO n C7 N CCU C37 t O r" m 00 C) LO LO Cc C-0 It (0 00 C) C) u w w n 0) (D oa M (.0 n CO n N Li y n CC) o Cx t d mot M LO 00 o C7 CD C\I 0) co o CO 00 CO CO LO CO Lf7 00 Ln C O N M LO C 7 Cif o t� Ln ro co t` a7 LC7 0o D7 CY3 0 o C77 Lf7 ti 0C) CY7 L m Lr) M N "It C O o Z.Z. td- CO CD CSI CV n n r CQ C�] n Z G) n (M I� LO m r- m C7 n r C> CN Q Q (0 [!1 N Cfl CO CO 00 CD o 00 d' Co 00 CO r M to (7) C) N n 00 t-- N 00 r r` n C) CD N n Q Q Z r N r o U r N N Z W W Q LL' N r- N m W r r r Ca o Ca Co 0 0 o C) o C) o o C) o C) o o C) o n C) C) C) o C� Ca CD n Ca n a C) C) C) CD C) o Z C) C) C) C) o CD a. o o Ca C) o o C) a o 0 o C) C o o io C) C7 cD o C) a o o a o cr3 w o CD (D CD 0 C7 cZ 0 0 Ca 0 0 C (D C) 0 0 CD CD C� Co C) C7 Ca ri 0 Cri C 0 C) CD o C) 0 C 0 0© o o a a o o CD C7 o o a 0 o o Ca o o© m n o o a o C) Ca 0 a o C) o CD o a C) o C) o (Z) C) o;o C) o ma.�Q 0 0 0 C) o a o o a 0 CD o o C) o C 0 0 0 :C) 0 a o 0 Lw o C) LO o CN o C) C) C) o o Lo C) o CD C) o o Liz C) LO I t Cl 0 0 0 o LO o Ln LO o LO CD C) 0 0 Z co Cn r- o C114 a CD mot- co LO CD Ca n n n N ❑0 0 N U Lo Q -t 0) Coo a r- r% rte. n LO o o M W ...a C7 CD Ln N o M co N CY] M r z n CD C3 C70 tt CD 00 CX� 00 CD 0) O N co r N n r n rte- C7 C7 r n i� ❑Qm N Q m- Qm N N mmm LL Q U LL Z CN7 Z Cn U7 r Rt Z LL J Z CO J Z U) .J U) U) U7 Z J ZU� _i Z U3 co �`Z Q Z Q ,J J Z _.I Z .J Z LL LL L L LL D LL LL L.L L. LL U- L L C7 CO o LO o "t LO Ln U') C) o (o Wit C'r) n Kt 0) n rn rn CF) C) O CD N r Lid C o n n n N (N (N Z Q N' t-- N CO d' CO qt a) CY) M M 0') CO CI) ['7 r d" r 'zt cy") It r` "tt 00 `mot" 00 Itil t LO n LO 0) LO C) CD o Co C7 CD r Co r CC] r CD 3- CD Ln C0 n (D C) r` r n CY) n n CO n 0 CO C) CO C) 00 co 00 Y- 00 Q LL W J U') N Ln N N Liz r [Y3 0.7: CD r LO C77 n r CD C.O. o CO Nt co N 1` (D N C�'] C) C3) Cr7 C�'3 Ct] C�1 n CD CY) n n N CD n N mot LO CY) LO CY) mot 0) CO U t- N C7 C] N r N r d C) CY) d Lo cD n N o r CC) Q C7 CZ! C) n Lo d Lo Lo Lo mot d r r` r•. Lo Lo r` d r• r r n CJ n n Ln C) t� c3 CO CSI r r r p o t^ e-- t^^ r` r• r r r r r r r t- r r^ t- r r" r r r X-- r W LL p% Q Q r t- r- r r r r r- r- r- r�^ r r r r r• r^ r r N N N N N N N .....C\j N C\j CV r r- r- r- r c--• r~ r-^ t-- t- r r r r r- r s- r r r r• T r T r r- co W 7 C7 �U C) L 7 LO Q CO r- r C r 0 a 0 0 LO C r CO C t 7 LO LO 0 C) C) W N CO CY) CY) r r- r r" N CY] N C r CO C CY7 a o C7 C) T CY3 C) T- CY3 N r r r- N N N OQ r RI CY] CO d' LO LO CD n n f� CA r r rw- (1[ (y [v r- rw r CY) (Y) Y) Lf] Lr) C-0 (D CD (.C7 (C) o o a o 0 0 0 0 o C] cn o C) o a: r r r- o o a a o o 0 o o` o 0 Q w CO n n co Co m r` Cq CD r` n r` 00 cr) Q) o o n n CO C D CO CC) M 0) C) C) r` C]7 C) 00 0a 0:) 0) 07 C)) CD Q7 Q Lu C) (D C� o C) 0 o CD C) o a o C 0 r o 0 C (D C) o C) r" t" C) o T- C7 o C] o C7 C] o 0 Z CD LO Ln CY3 CD LO mot- N Nt CO LO r o o 'r- Liz Cl co o r o) 00 CY) o Lo r• "fit o rn o mot- C)) C7 CY) C] RI CV C7 C7 T-- C7 r" C] M CO r r C] CV C\1 r LY3 r r M C0 r Cti1 C] Q Cti1 �t C7 (N (Y) CO Co Co n r` C N N r N N CY) r Ctii N CY) CY] co a) N CY) Liz (0 (0 CD a r- C) C) r r r o 0 C) 0 0 0 C) o C7 r- Q r r r r- Q` Q Q? r o o r C' 0 o' o C, a a a a o a a a a a c o a a o a a a a' a C a a o 0 J CO CD CD M C7 :zt N (D N C] LO mot CD n 00 tt N CO Ct' n N LC] o It Cm ,t d Ln 6) CD co Cf) W d' a r M Co d' 0 CD C7 00 C q t" C) CD n n CO Ln mot' 't CD N N mot' CD C) LO LO r n C) C'7 Liz It CO r e-- LO 00 (Y) N LO (D LO CO ct C CV t` e- CY3 L)7 r CZt n CY7 C70 C37 CV C l co W t C) r 00 CV rte. D7 LO It N LO r l- C) C) qt LC] LO CY) r- r Q 0 Liz N C) M CY) r V r- a CY) CV r- CY) CY) N N r CV r r a a a a n a a o 8 0 0 0 00- 8- ol 0 0 8 80- 6 8 Ln o U c.) U LO Ln C) o o LO L() o (0 o LO C a LO C) U') o LO o C) o LO o LO Ln C) LO LO LO Q a n Ln N C3 r` r- n C] C7 LO r� N C) r- o rte- o a LO cv Lo n o o n Ln Lo o n m N N Ln n n p! [X] co Cv Cfl n 00 co 00 C) C.) N cy") Q CD N 0 CO LO Ln r'-- N CD C) 00 n N CD 00 r- r r n 00 00 00 n t CY) LC ct CD o CD Co Lr7 LO C) r d' d' 'd' C) M cy) N C4 C) d" C'4 Y- mot' (D M Cam[ v C) CY) C) �t 4d M C] C) C7 C) CO C) r N C) CD C) Cy I` C) C) C) C7 r C7 CD 00 CC) 0 C> C) C) N C7 CD o Cn N CD lqt (D LO 'l�l 00 0 d' CO OD LO N LO (D CY) N CO CD r- It C) 00 .00 CN LO LO n 0 LO CY] W N CD N C7 r tY} Q) N rte- 00 N 00 U') N CD N n N LC] co D7 r r- iC3 r 0) r m 1�- i CD o {\1 t OQ a r` CD r Liz r` n r cD C 7 M CO r� M cD mot- oo mot- LO oa oo r a' U LO n rn r` N co mot- cn co CO N CN a N Nt (D n N 00 00 co 0) C) N co 00 It (0 CY) CO r CO LO 0) (3) CO n r- a o Q V) LO C77 r "t (Z) L (7) (y) LO P- OZ) �r CF) r- (Y) CO Lo o n (D mot- n mot- -i C '-t- (D M CY) 0) Lo cD CY? o to Lo ''t CY CD CO M r- n Co r 00 CY) CY) n LO r- 0) LO C' CO (N n r' CD 0) n 0) CY) rn o CD Lt7 N CS] co 00 N CY) CY] r CO CO Q0 C) 00 5t' LC] CO 00 S"" 00 CO C3? C) N r- 00 r Cif CO n n C3] M h N r r- N C\r r r r N r N m C� C) Q. [_t..f E- w p z z z cf) J Q Z Q JW Q H J 4 m o m Cp U w C17 CO m 0 o Z L.L i F- U) w U7 0 J cn 0 l H C� J Q z N o w C� U J Z o Z.Z. C] m Q Z Z L U W U C) tL J U❑ d co W U LL Z' Z W r W J Q Q Z o U t] W Z W W Q LL' Z Q m W co Q'W U) Ln U7 Q UJ CO U3 to U W U3 co U) u i Z Z. U W U) W U) CO U) Q Z❑ LL LL1 J J~ LLI WUU H Z Z 1I i- o W f z Lll:.W i-- W. i- L1l i- Q J W F�'- LL^ Lu U W F- U z U o i 0 C) LLw u) Q 000Wis, cr3 w J 0 0 0 0 Cn w LL w Q U z Z 0 z 0 z 0 Z .t U Z z z m m z m z Z z Q J Z. z< z J LL z m s J m m o© mzam��rz�QQ z ❑zC,�LLJL C/) U<: ma.�Q W a c J W mm o o m�� o m�,,�o Q 0 co co cc CL w U) CO w U, J J CL Q n W i-- p U) Z co Cn rn CO. ua CO: U3 Q o 0 �n Q J C7 U Q o -J Z LL Q LL J U o J o J U Z w 6 C� C7 L W ...a C7 W W W❑ Q❑ L7 w U z Lip o❑ o o 0 J 0 L) _mm U J Q F- Q`Q J cr i� ❑Qm Q m- Qm J mmm LL Q U LL Z ..I Z Z Cn U7 CO Z Z LL J Z CO J Z U) .J U) U) U7 Z J ZU� _i Z U3 co �`Z Q Z Q ,J J Z _.I Z .J Z LL LL L L LL D LL LL L.L L. LL U- L L D. Z) U LL LL LL B LL E— tZ LL LL LL LL C� C) Q. row a. e Z cl Z W Q 0� W W Q J L W F- U rL LL. IL f- 0 w W z C3] C� a C) tD �n n n p o0 o O a n r� in mot- (Y) o 00 o a a c 0 CD Lo CF) 0) Lo LO LO CD CY) co 00 cn LO r 00 r` Li'? C7 [Y) (Y] t17 I%- CV Ltd Imo- r N LO Q0 C]7 CU OD LO lam- C4 (n co N N Liz C33 co r- N CY7 l� 00 N ti Lo zt cy) C) C3] CY) 00 o LO co 00 m r•. C) C3] 0) (D (Y] d' 00 C37 07 CY) L0 (D d' r N r` Nt N T t N OC) (N C) CD CY) (D 04 N t t` CD M N rte- r- �c-•- CY) 00 QD N N CQ Li7 a OD o r CV W w CY) d d' co C3) C7 N CD d" LO f` r o0 C7 CO C37 CD CD h- C37 CD d' d' N L0 d r d' C3Z LO C3) 0') Itt LO o T- 00 mot CD LO 00 co u (7) 00 t-- esi d o L O N CO Lfj Liz (o C\I LO m C\1 m C\i cr- Y- C) CO C) CO Lo {n LO C) 00 o M .C-- G) o 0') 04 N 00 00 n (D CD CD M a CO I- CO Q LO (D 00 co CD r` N t� Co 00 r� C\I Lo C37 m CD 00 r r N C37 N C-0 I r` CD N 1` LO co CD r- co C) C) a C) 0 0 0 CD CD a a o a o©© a a a a (D CD a o 0 0 C) CD 0 0 o C) o 0 0 CD 0 Co CD a a 0 0 0 CD CD CD CD a 0 o C) C) a 0 0• p c; a o 0 0; p 0 0 0 0 0 p a CD 0 CD 0 C) 0 0 C) 0 C) 0 0 0©© C) o c3 C) 0 0 0 C) o 0; 0 0 C) CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 o© o a o Ca a;a 0 o a ;p a o 0;0 p ©;a;o 0 x 0 0 0 ©;o n ©;a;0 0 C) 0 a CD 0 0 C) C) o o 0 p a 0 0;C) C) a 0 C) 0 0 0 O a n a 0 a W o CD Ln CD C) CD Co o C) CD C3 U 0 0 o C) Co C) i o o C� CD C) Lo C) Lo Lo C) C) Ln C) LO LO C7 0 0 00 r- LO CO LO a LO LO 0') 1-- C) I%- in cv o r a O CY) o ry cn N r` n cv a N P.- 0) t- Lf7 CD r� r� CD r` N CO r`- r` r r L{7 00 00 C3] r a N 07 N Co 'i r` r� (s7 N CC) LO m (D C) CN Q r r r r r r r r r CL co Nr I;f N CY) tD LO m It r LO CD of 00 CD Ct CD r r N LO r [37 N 0y Lf7 r� r 00 tD rte 00 (N 00 Lf] 00 CD 00 r` CD C) U7 r CS? M C3) CO C37 P- C3] M 0 a r N C] N L7 M mot' 0 r` 0 00 a C37 0) r CO LO r` M C) U M Lf3 r- 00 O M r r r r r r N N N N CY) CY) CY7 d' It Q LL W J QC Lf7 d' d" CD r` r` CY7 N CY) N LD CC] C37 C3] L[] r•. 0) Lf] 00 CO 0) C7 im a m CYO LC] 00 CC3 r CD c''3 C] o N N r r� C37 (N C) N t` CO (N 0) Cy) CD d' 00 0) 0) C7 d' 0 r-- N CY7 C) 00 r-- O C7 �t CD r� LO �t CY) CD p 00 LO 0 Ir-•- 00 1` 0 ti C\t M 0 M. C) C� r C0 r r r r t• r` r` r` N r•. r` ti t` `t t- r• r^ e-- r^ r- r- r r•- t-°^ r r r r r r t r r r r^ t T- r r r T- t--T r r r W r.L J Q N N N N N N N N N N CY] CO Cr] CO Cr} CO co co m m [Y7 M m (Y) co M d r CN! N C) r C) CN LC] C) f� rte- Cl r co 00 LC] LCj 00 r r- Liz CD t LO LO C9 C37 N U r (C] 00 r L[3 LO U N N m M r N N CO r r- Cr? N N 0 r r C\l r r: r N C'7 r r- �W- Q CD CD CD r` CO CO 37 87 0 O r (N CN r r r r N CY) co M co mt 'Ct LO LO CD r� 00 CT) C3 N N C7 C] C7 CJ o C7 C3 C0 t~ r r r r C7 C7 C7 a 0 C) C) a C7 0 C7 0 ©i r r L7 o Q W U3 CJ) 0) r- 00 C) (3) 0) r- r` 00 00 (3) m O 0 co O 0 C7 00 0 0 0 C) CD 00 00 00 00 C7 00 C] M (3) p C37 (3) Q W a O CR C) .0 a: a C) CD CD C) 0 r r i 0 r O r- r- r r. r C3 C7 C) (D r C) a a 0 ti-- C7 0 r C\l M tom- N N CO LO CD CD "et ti LC? N LO 1' CO (N 0) r� r� (N co r C3] (D C) C) C) Lr) Nt gzr (0 r U Q cl C) r C) -r- N r C7 r r C7 N 0 C) N C) C7 C) N C7 r L7 C7 C7 C7 N N C37 C37 r` d- 00 r` C3] O N CY) CO CD d' r Cr] CD r N M C3) CO r CY) N t-- CO r CO N CO M r Lo Lo Cl a© r� C] r r 0© C7 0 o a o Ca a Cl 0 0 C) .0 o CC) r a r 0.. 0 0 a 0 CD CL p G p C] D 0- 0 C] p p L3 O C p r- d D O C7 p p t7 p p CS O p Q. C p O O p W 00.00 r` et M CD LO CY7 C7 C37 N. ti ti LO ct r- to CD r•- p M p r 00 r CO 00 LO r! CO C) LC] r 00 `t r N r� N r CO Ci7 N T) C37 r� C3] N a N N [D CY7 CY) d' C37 C7 Cr] O d" co r` r` Lf3 C5] Cr] N CD m a C) cr) ti C3 C] CY) CD 00 M r` Ct7 CO 00 r r N z- pct [D r` CfJ C37 ti d' M. CY) Co C37 r` L(7 co �t r` m 00 CU r r L[7 N CO r- N fit CO CY) N N N C4 t M N r N CO N r r r r-- d M M. r M N N. N N M M Q 0 0 LO LO o o p a a In t.0 to 0 0 O LO Ca C) a 0 CD CD LO a LO L(7 Lf] 0 0 Ca Lry Ln 0 a o (Y) o C''3 E` co N (C) o U LO t• a' LO LO N U') C) LO 1` m N` r N r- 0 00 p LO 0 LO n C7 o C) n 0 o© a O a LO LO N N co CD r N tD r� 00 r` CO c- LC] LO r` O C7 N CC] 1• 00 C) Lt7 a O o Lf] CD LO N C\! "t c?" M t- d" d" �t m N N N -t Nt N N C\7 (.0 (N N :t' r N m 4n m t d d' CY) N N d' ^d -t 0 0 0. Kt a CD o (-0 n. G) c: o c) n Lo C) C) LO 0 n n N o LO LO n o 00 n m LO o 0 C) a CO (Y) U o LO mot- LO m LO LO 00 (0 CD o a 0 C) o a r` n r` Ln LO LO uo C r` o W LO r� CO r` C LO 0 C\! 0 LC] C7 cl I L O 0 qt CD C) 0 0 0 CYi 0 Nt d' 0 00 0 C7 0 0 (D ri 0) o 00 00 Y- N 'qt' (D C) r`. a Ln N CY] (0 LO M O CD 0 a r c0 CO .(o r r` CD (0 r` CD (D r 1� Lo cY) [v J r` LO N LO M CF) o er M 00 C) CD a M N d' C3) O Cn C3 1`- 0 O (D LO 00 cD r r W r �t It N Y-- Q r- C) o 0 00 oo o r C7 cv 00 OCi ca a C7 0 o CN Cai Cv t-- Cr7 CY] o C\i LO d (11 CD LO C37 (D r` 1` r CO CZi CD d' r� N C0 t� N 00 00:00 r-. r- Cf7 r r� r C3� -�t O CD CD 00 CD CD C) C3) N CY) N M 00 N 00 CD a mot O 1~ Nt P- (Y) Cif 00 N r rte. Liz Lf] 00 r (.0 N 1` C7 d" C7 M r r r r N r r r• r 0 m 0 Z Cn W W ui W t17 W 0 0 o m C/) Z .Z Z W Z W W Q W U" 0 J W W W U7 Q m 0o m J r1 Z D m Z W t- W J a Q -�.�mo o Z Q Q m o Z Z C7 CD J ....t W W U :U U LL W Z W. ll W U Z U p p CL U W J 111 J Q W Q 0. LL LL �,,0 C) W w 0 Z U3 U3 W U3 Z� W U a_ Cif tL C W W �-Q Z' 0. W l.i W J :J J ❑o ��n Z. U3 W 0 0 0 o U co 0 o U U� Cn Q U JQ Q U Z Z o W cr- ZZ o o W lr W z o z; W 0 Z m W w U U Z Z U Z Z Z U Q U J W J vim: U` w J Z o CO m❑ m m Z J Q 1- W W Q U3 Cl m Q ❑-1 ""1 J Q z J""1 .J Q U.;� o 0 Z Z -�U] U�� J�•-J �3W Cr3iW7] J u) W Q Q ¢m J Q Q m Z a s CO C.LI W U3 Z Z U) 11-1 Z Q W o .�.1 O W N m o I o co co o J` co C3 ca o J U J <0�Qo W .J J< c�Zo .J Z���Jc�oJJJo o 0 m:❑❑ z z LL W ua fY Z W m m W U` U z U U W Q o. CD C7 J L� U� U W f- tY v W m m m m W p W Q v m m Q m m Q U W W W J J U� LIMI Z W J J .J Q J Q J .J :.J J C� ^7 J J J N N_ Z Z C1] C l) Z LL, !L U) W Z Z Z Z Z Z U3 Z T Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Lr LL LL EL U� LL r L 7 L LL :D C� L U.. [L tL LL >s. r. m LL >L t.r.. ti t r� r a 0- a_ C3] C� a 0 N CY] U Q Z Z W Q Of LU W Q Q LL 0� U 0 0 0 LL �C 0 IL F- W F- U) W z CY) (N CY) CO Il CO C) CD LO N Kt LO CD P I CY) r CD LO N I` CO CD N 0 LO CO LO LO C) o O CD CY) Q] 1` co 00 CO CO CY) LO N []7 0) LO CD C\l W elf d' I` M r CO Q) CY) LO 1` LO CD I- LO CO m r CD C) r- et LO N 00 00 0 a O N r CF) CY) L mot s CD Cfl (.0 CY? t:l- 00 Cfl N CY) (D C3) CO 1 N CO to CD I` C\1 U CO LO N Liz `C1 o O LO V M N CD (Y) M t-- Y (N r- CY) C) r CD CD CO N CD C7 O Imo- N ce (3) CIO LO (N 0) CY) C7 C7 Ct" CO CO Lr) i11 (D CO r I` C\t C) C) CO M T C) C) o LO CD O r C' 0'] C> LC] 00 (Y) ti7 I` C37 (N 0 LO co d' c\i CF) co CYO t�3 W w w CO z W W z: C CD 0 o 0 a 0 o© 0 0 n 0 CD 0 CD 0 Q© 0 CD n© CD o o C) 0 o 0 o` C) o C D C) o 0 C) o o n C) o o N LO I N. m Lo co N 0 0 o 0 0 C7 C) C o o a 0 a 0 o 0 C) 0 0 C) 0 o o C) o 0 o°© C) 0 o 0 o CD .o C) C) 0 0 C) o 0 o C) 0 o C C, o (D Cl o C) o o N a W a_ W J o N o 1� r o CY) LO Il CO LO r- CY) 0 C37 "et o CD LO LD N LO (0 N LO N LC] Ca LO Ir CD 1'- CN LO C) r o 0 (D Lfy LO CY) LO CD CO LO r-- CY3 o CD LC) I` CN (Y) r o M CY7 LO C D LO m ct L O O r u CO N 0 N CY] U Q Z Z W Q Of LU W Q Q LL 0� U 0 0 0 LL �C 0 IL F- W F- U) W z C'3 CO. r] cy) N N CD Co.. D Co tD "t o 0. Cy7 CD to CD CD (.0. 00 Oo CYO (M m o 0 0 o O o CN N 00 00 N CO CY] LO LO (Y) 00 C37 Q d" d' d" d" LO Lf? L! 3 LO LC] tC7 Liz LC] C!7 EI7 (S] co to 1`- 1` r- 43 00 (N r r r r T- T- r r r r T- Q LLI LL W J C/) Imo- N C) t-- CD I Imo qt LO CD CO CO co co CY] CY) CO N 't M L(] O to N 0') 00 I� C7 d' CY) CO r C) d" l [Y) CO CY) LO LO CD CD 00 N 00 C3) CT) d' d` Q CD CD U') I` I� L[7 LC) I� CD LO LO 00 Co r I� Imo- r t 00 C\l CY) 00 N W f J Q d' d' n r 1 LO LO LO LO p p R1 r^• t r•' r^^' r- r r' r r r r r r' r^' r r r r r" r- r r r 'r'^ C-) C- C-) r (r) ce) Liz Lo Lo U') CN N 00 00 L[ N CN C7 C37 r I r I W o; o 0 0 o r r o o N' CN N N N N o CL CL Q C!} Q CY) CY) m LC) U') U LO L[] LO LO CO CC] 1` C5] ❑7 C57 r r N N E C) C) 0 C) 0 C) C) C) C7 O (D C) o o o C) O C) C] N CD o C7 (.D W r r O U) 0- o C) rn o m m 0 0) CD CD CD 0) rn o rn m a C) o o CD t- t- CD CD 0 r C) o r r O C) 0 C7 r r r CL Q W C[5 t Z h- 0 N N N o CD o LC) N I� u7 cY7 CD tt �r oY LO (Y) 00 Q U Q ti r N r d •r- t N CO r- r- r C7 �r-- CN C7 C7 C\] N Q cr 1` N N r N 00 C0 M CO 00 r• C'') CO CO r r N N CY7 C") CY} N o O C) CD 0 0 CD CD 0 C) C) o r o C7 0 t--- C) r Q C) C) O Q O CS p Q Q p O Q O 0 C] O C] 8 -J (N C) to to o M N I` 00 Is I' LO I� CO LO I` CD N LO C) CO Q o w O 00 0) C D C CD "It CY) It I` co LO LC) 00 (D M r r r r CY) r 00 0 O (D d' O L[] Lf) 0 td- CD oa o (D 0) ct- CO CYO It LO 00. N r 1 C LO Lo [Y) N N CY) C �r -r CN N N N CN N N N C N N CO CO M (y) r N O O or) a o 0 0 o 0 a o 0 0 0 ca o o a o 0 C) LO o 0 o O O CD C) C) o o C) 0 o ca o ct o` 0 C) CN Q LO LO LO C\j C) o o 0 o o LO Ln 0© o 0 o o C) LO CD cY7 0 0 0 [77 O C9 C]7 C3) C7 CY) LO LO I` I` 0 O N O 0 I` I` N a [D CD M CO C j Cp d LC) LO •tzt= "tt CV C\l "zt CY) Crj LO Crj C'rj CYI) C Ij (Y) N CN o C) LO CY) 0 C) 0 0 Lfa C) O to Lo co CD o LO o I� o O n cZ C) Ln r` LO C\1 G) CD 00 O 0) N t N mot• 00 -t- o I` (Y) zr N 00 CD to to o C\l 00 to 1� CF) LO N W Cf] OD LC] (c 0) (D CY7 0 0 C77 o CD CY) CY) I` C� Cti7- et r a� 00 00 00 rn CO o r o o to LO CO r 0) Co .qr CN Lo 00 CD co -j 0) to to N CN CD I` d" .00 N r (Y) CD CY) CY) N I` d' It C) LO d" CD r r- Q M CD CO LC) G) CY) 00 CO fO N CN CY) 0 CO rte- d" M LO d' CY7 LC} .00 1` CY) r C7 r (D CD r LO CD r o CD 0) N 1� CY) C) C) LO tt7 00 N �t d' LO N Lf) CN CD CY) (Y) CO L["] N r- mot t!7 a] C33 r N (Y) f}} r j G D Q LL U) C Cl) W w w CO z W W z: C!J W W W W f C Z Z Z CO C Cl) W C W CO W Of 0 0 W W W Z Z Z Z J Uj C C/) [13 w U) Z W C C7 0 0 C W 0 w w w w w w W W o W W L L 1 w w C Q C,) C C.3 Z Z Z Z f f 0 o Q 0 0 Q Q z z Q Q a a a a a o o z Q Q Q Z z z z 0 Z z z o C C� U U Z Z L LIJ C C� o .J .J C CL C CL C W W Cl) o Cl) Z CL C I C C Q W W Q Q n Q CL C CL C CL J J C CL' C C� W I I L Q C Cn W W W W W W m m m m m o U Q Q Q W 0 0 0 w C C] Q F F C 0 0 0 0 0 v v-- UU W. W W w z z z z Z Z v v� Q Q Q Q Q z z u] p Q Z Z Z Q [1j L LI.j0 Q Q Z Q IL: a a_ c cL �w,, p a z Q Q Q Z J o o m Q Q Q mss z Q 0 z W W Q 0 Z W Q Z o o o cr U Q w W W U U U U Q Q U U t t3 U U o Q W o z W z m m o o 0 U UVUCn C J J J J C WWwW��oo C/7 W CI) Q Q Q Q C Cp 0 00 u Z u) u u, t Zz t7 u Lt 1 J u t try Un Z Z Z Z Z: Z Z C C� J J .J I Z Z Z J I- E E- H J .J W H- f f--- Q Q Q Q Q Q Z Z W. J J W W A L Q Q W W LLLL`oo o ❑o o o 0 0 0 0 oo� W W 0 0 0 0 Z Z Z Z W W L LU U U U U c cn Z Z Z Z C C� C C� L LL a a: Z Z t� W W L LU Q Q Q Q J J 0 C J J m m m m: 0 0 0 Y Y E E J 2 W W W W U J:.JJ J U U U W W Q [L� Z Z Q U Q Q Q Z Z Z Z W W w w t to LL L LL W W o o m m z z Z Z U U U U U C CD z z C CD C7 m m m m L LU L LL m L LL m m m m L LL L LL -a m m m m C C) m m m m CO. r] cy) N N CD Co.. D Co tD "t o 0. Cy7 CD to CD CD (.0. 00 Oo CYO (M m o 0 0 o O o CN N 00 00 N CO CY] LO LO (Y) 00 C37 Q d" d' d" d" LO Lf? L! 3 LO LC] tC7 Liz LC] C!7 EI7 (S] co to 1`- 1` r- 43 00 (N r r r r T- T- r r r r T- Q LLI LL W J C/) Imo- N C) t-- CD I Imo qt LO CD CO CO co co CY] CY) CO N 't M L(] O to N 0') 00 I� C7 d' CY) CO r C) d" l [Y) CO CY) LO LO CD CD 00 N 00 C3) CT) d' d` Q CD CD U') I` I� L[7 LC) I� CD LO LO 00 Co r I� Imo- r t 00 C\l CY) 00 N W f J Q d' d' n r 1 LO LO LO LO p p R1 r^• t r•' r^^' r- r r' r r r r r r' r^' r r r r r" r- r r r 'r'^ C-) C- C-) r (r) ce) Liz Lo Lo U') CN N 00 00 L[ N CN C7 C37 r I r I W o; o 0 0 o r r o o N' CN N N N N o CL CL Q C!} Q CY) CY) m LC) U') U LO L[] LO LO CO CC] 1` C5] ❑7 C57 r r N N E C) C) 0 C) 0 C) C) C) C7 O (D C) o o o C) O C) C] N CD o C7 (.D W r r O U) 0- o C) rn o m m 0 0) CD CD CD 0) rn o rn m a C) o o CD t- t- CD CD 0 r C) o r r O C) 0 C7 r r r CL Q W C[5 t Z h- 0 N N N o CD o LC) N I� u7 cY7 CD tt �r oY LO (Y) 00 Q U Q ti r N r d •r- t N CO r- r- r C7 �r-- CN C7 C7 C\] N Q cr 1` N N r N 00 C0 M CO 00 r• C'') CO CO r r N N CY7 C") CY} N o O C) CD 0 0 CD CD 0 C) C) o r o C7 0 t--- C) r Q C) C) O Q O CS p Q Q p O Q O 0 C] O C] 8 -J (N C) to to o M N I` 00 Is I' LO I� CO LO I` CD N LO C) CO Q o w O 00 0) C D C CD "It CY) It I` co LO LC) 00 (D M r r r r CY) r 00 0 O (D d' O L[] Lf) 0 td- CD oa o (D 0) ct- CO CYO It LO 00. N r 1 C LO Lo [Y) N N CY) C �r -r CN N N N CN N N N C N N CO CO M (y) r N O O or) a o 0 0 o 0 a o 0 0 0 ca o o a o 0 C) LO o 0 o O O CD C) C) o o C) 0 o ca o ct o` 0 C) CN Q LO LO LO C\j C) o o 0 o o LO Ln 0© o 0 o o C) LO CD cY7 0 0 0 [77 O C9 C]7 C3) C7 CY) LO LO I` I` 0 O N O 0 I` I` N a [D CD M CO C j Cp d LC) LO •tzt= "tt CV C\l "zt CY) Crj LO Crj C'rj CYI) C Ij (Y) N CN o C) LO CY) 0 C) 0 0 Lfa C) O to Lo co CD o LO o I� o O n cZ C) Ln r` LO C\1 G) CD 00 O 0) N t N mot• 00 -t- o I` (Y) zr N 00 CD to to o C\l 00 to 1� CF) LO N W Cf] OD LC] (c 0) (D CY7 0 0 C77 o CD CY) CY) I` C� Cti7- et r a� 00 00 00 rn CO o r o o to LO CO r 0) Co .qr CN Lo 00 CD co -j 0) to to N CN CD I` d" .00 N r (Y) CD CY) CY) N I` d' It C) LO d" CD r r- Q M CD CO LC) G) CY) 00 CO fO N CN CY) 0 CO rte- d" M LO d' CY7 LC} .00 1` CY) r C7 r (D CD r LO CD r o CD 0) N 1� CY) C) C) LO tt7 00 N �t d' LO N Lf) CN CD CY) (Y) CO L["] N r- mot t!7 a] C33 r N (Y) f}} r j G D Q Q c� C� N IZ U Q Z W Q fy W W rr Q LL Ld Q o F.... U 0 0 J 0 LL 0 H w F- W Z W co Cr3 LO r 1� 0) Liz CIS H. Ct C d' crJ 0 N CQ N (D 00 c o N C) 0 CL M C 00 r CL. Q u j 00 L�J a 0o �t N CC7 CV r a C] p C) Q m co 0) m cY) 0) LC) 0 o L-0 C) C) r o C) CV C) LO W J C] tt7 N CD oo Q0 CF) ct N Liz Cif LO N Ica N C7 CY) ctii f- rj C) r r cry r U) c C3 Q W co m Q Q N r M c (D CJ Q o C) r c m r r b4 Eg co co n 0 LO C7 a d co CY) N CO N C0 0 C7 CO Cf) N C) C] tt qt C) CY) p 00 CY) C� o LO m CC] CY) r �-[3 0o C14 00 N r o Q C7 Q Q C D CY] CF) C+'3 Q C) 0 LO a Ll] p C) r Q Q Q LO N N L C) La r' W o o 00 txj Cn ti cy N CC) N U W ti. CO r co Lo Oo N. 69- N UDI C7 CD CY7 (a i` r-- p co o Q a 0 [Y3 c c3i 1` c�i Lo C) r LO 'd" CX3 o W C\F. cr o C U) m U) U) Z) U3 CO. 0 C) CD C) N J c: o J C C) J o o Ca J Co Co r r CCf 0) C r Q C7 CJ C7. Co Cl U] o 0 Q Ca CO r- LO C) CD o o C) 0 Q LIJ LL CC O C N Cr) 00 0) 0') W LY „J Ca C7 ry N M c''] Lf7 t r ::D p Cy C m CY) Cl) 0) o ov Cn Co �r C) 0 Co CD LO 0 CD o 0) rtii Co 0) Co 0) 0 Cn cr C7 0 Cn o 0) 0 a) CY) t U) Q U) W 04 CI) 0 0 W r r Q w> ri o Q p Q Q o Q Q U) W W: U W Q W Q w W Q 111 W Q U) W L F-- L a- c� C� N IZ U Q Z W Q fy W W rr Q LL Ld Q o F.... U 0 0 J 0 LL 0 H w F- W Z W C) H. o 0 CL. CL CL CL. Q 0 o Cr o C) C) C) Q 0 0 C] C): •r- C) r 0: r C7 C) LO o C7 111 r r U) c C3 Q W co m C r c (D CJ Q o C) r c m cz o v o a o a J C) C) CD W C7 0 Q (Y) (fl 0 C7 0 C) p 0 CD N- qt C) Q 0 0 D C� o LO m 0 O W 1 1 cs v o 0- o 1 C7 C]: C) Q Co CD co Co C) 0 C7 0 Co I C� o r: 0 C7 0 0 a C) La r' C o 0 cY' LO i� r` o) LO o cy c Co W ti. CO r co Lo Oo CO N a C) C7 CD J N Q CD C) o Q a 0 cs; CSI co Cfl c3i 1` c�i Lo c•.i LO C) r LO 'd" CX3 o W C\F. cr o C U) m U) C) o 0 CL. CL CL CL. C) C) C) o C): •r- C) r 0: r o C7 r s r r c r c (D co m cz r- Z a C) 0 o CD D D Q G O D d G o C) a Co N CD a 0 CD 0 0 0 00 o Co n 0. CD o C) r C CD C) o 0 a 0 a 0 CD C7 C) C) Ca W Ca 0 C U) U) U) Z) U3 CO. 0 C) CD C) N J c: o J C C) J o o Ca J Co Co a J 0 C r Q C7 CD CJ C7. Co Cl U] o 0 0 U7 Ca o U) C) CD o o C) 0 CC O C N Cr) 00 0) 0') cY7 C7 Ca C7 ry N M c''] Lf7 t r ::D p Cy C m CY) C7 Q C) Q LO LO ni rtii r N cr C7 W t U) CY) t U) CO U) W U) CI) 0 0 W r r Q w> ri o Q p Q Q o Q Q U) W W: C LL: J: r- Z Z Cn W W 00 W W U) U) U) Z) U3 CO. U) J W U J U) J J J J a. U] a. U7 a- U) z LU ::D U fl] F- F- U) W Q U) W U) W U) CO U) W U) CI) U) W Q w> ri o Q p Q Q o Q Q U) W W: U W Q W Q w W Q 111 W Q U) W L F-- L a- U) U) [r 0 fr Q W F- Z tL1 Z W F Cl) o Q Q 0 Q W o Q o o F— o o Q (D J 0 CD J 0 W Q h- o Q Q Q Q Z Q z o L o Cl) LL o L LL L 0 U- U L o o z W U3 U) U) U) J ,J F- W iL W Z U W W Z W w Z LLI W Q LL LL W tf? LO W Q Q Z❑ W Z Z Z Z Z Z G U CSC] c(] r M U Ln Cr] U In C CV m C� Z 0 z W Q D� w w� Q .i d LL W 0 T- U 0 LL 0 ....J LL ry 0 cL W 1- U) W Z ti 0 C) �s tZ D C) Ctrl CO. C) a C.0 d' d' N Liz C7 0 C7 C7 Q CYO o Liz D LO Lt CS] C5} 0) N N C3 C7 r` CY) fl- d LC) ter` C'7 r N CY) C) a LO C}7 co LO r- W W C37 h- N co Liz d" CY7 N t-•- (N i C1[ CL7 r r- 0) CD r Q M N r N Cr7 Ctrl CV r r co r. Q ea E��} C) a C) o CY7 N co a o cfl Cfl �t t- mot c� N CY) CD LO LO a a a o C) r- C) CD LC] LO Lf'3 Cn CD t C Y) r� t- Cv C] o r� 'r C�7 r� �t LO m fl a Ci7 o r (N CY) CD C) Lt 3 LO V)- m 0) co rte. LO cry t-- W Ln cn LO r` N N N 00 00 C'7 CO 04 r CY] Q N Ci 7 N C�7 C9 r C O C'') C' 7 C D J N CO r W Q r- r r- t- CD Z CS7 Z N Q LL Ll[ J ry a C3 o C l a; a: o C) C� C) a s r a: 00 C3] m: CD CD CD CD CD CF) m m m C) 0) CD M LL7 Q N LL J IW-- Q a a s C7 p o' a ry LLJ Q CD C) 0 a a a CY a CD a a a a a (D 0 o re) a Lli CI) C n C C C C C' C C C C 0 C Q W m (o m [CS co m m N m oo r o C7 Q Q C) a CD C) (D C) v fl a o a c o v o v o... a. 0- CD C) C) a a a a C) C) C) a C) a s N w a: a o a. a s a a a C) a Q© a a C) Q r~ io C7 C7 (D C] C) C) C) o C) 0 Q LO a a C) a o a o C) n Co 0 f 0 0 cl- 0Q�. 0 0 0 0 0 0-. 0-. CD a C) a a a a o a CD C) C) Q a a N I a C7 C) C) C) C) r C) r 0 r C) r C7 t a r C) r C) r C7 C? CZ 0 C) CD a a C) 0 a C) a a a C7 C) LC] C3 (Z) a C) C7 C7 C): C]; a a c (D C] d'` Q C7 a C C I O a d' N Cpl 0 d r` W C7 0 a C) Li C� •r- t- C7 1 CO d' It c� C7 Ln (7 C� cr) 00 LC] J (CZ a CD a c r N N r- C) LC? C F) r- co( c Y N 69} CN 6g N Co r bg 00 0 m co Q U (Y). CO W C7 CD o m: a] N.. N: W CI) CZ) L r.f C)• LL` W C) N C!) W: Cl] W U) U Q Z Z Z. Z Lu' Z Z: Z Q Z C!? J t!7 C1] C!3 Z D D U) LU Z LL LL LL L i Z Lt. u J C�1 1 L [1 J Q LL LL V3 LL W LL Cl) C a L7 m C� W Q W C!3 C13 U3 Q W co CI] N U7 Q U CI3 U3 Z Cn Q o� �z_zz: z z o= zz_z Cl) U Q J-- F-• W W Q Z Z z' Q U z Z Q Q W W LU W; X W ]C W W Z W m Z J.: Z J Z Q Z Q:' Z. LU o J x o o: o J x o J m o J m o o Q o o Q C7 w a.: a. a a 0 o 1 I o W m J U z z` z U` z U Z U z z Z LL Q W Q Q Q` Q Q rt Q Q Q Q Q Z Q co: M. 00 fl W Z Z Z W Z! W Z W Z` Z Ll_; Z o00 000 W Cn Z Z J Z Z: Z J Z; J; Z .J; Z: Z CD:. Z: CO: m Q Q Q Q U ti 0 C) �s tZ O a N U fy z z w Q LU w W Q Q LL. 0 U 0 0 LL.. IL W LU Z N CD rte. It N r` 0) CO 0') N n N o CD C� LO r• CD n o o cD o a o CD 60- LD d n N (D. 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L� c�� �z= 0 o C) o o; C) n o Q sn: W kc r: r: r r Z C7 Q r r U3 Q W= Q C/] Q LLB C m m c m' c co C co c (D cv c m N ry m m .01 IL C) 0 r r r r r r r r o a o 0 0 r o 0 0 CL C-)< C-,-O- o 8-- a 0 o 0- 0 a.. W 0© o 0 C> C) o o C) o (D CY) (D 0 i© o o o C) C) o 0 o CD C) a o a a CD C) o C) CJ n© r r C) r CD r o r o C) o C7 0 0 oa C) 00 0:0 C); C7 o C7 o C C] CD C7 C) CD C) 0 C) 0 C) 0 uw 0 o a op, CC- Q C) C) 0 C7: C) o C) C� C) C) C] o o© o CD a C) o CD o 0 C) n o (D o o 00 C) 00 C7 0 o CD C) o C) C): C) 0 C): (D C7 r r•. C): 0 C) rn n 't N -t r (7) Cr7 (7) Ctrl n N (D CD o LO (.0 r� C� Q o C Q W C7 Erg} CD d fl- N CY7 (0 (.fl C] CY] CT) r•. C0 r W 00 LC] L O 00 N {9} N 69- o 00 0.0 CD 0 'fit Q cY7 C0 t` C''] 00 LO 00 o Co CY) co 00 o et V) C7 L{ C I C7 00 CD CS] �r- n CY) CT) CD LO LO 69- bF} b CV N. CD (29- D m N Q r-- Q CY) a Z N CO U) Q Z Z Z; Z Z' Z:: LL Z Z). Z) D. D. z) Z U] CO C() LL.: LL LL U- LL LL W d W W w W M C.7 U CI] CI3 U7 [I3 CI3 (n Q Z Z Z Z Z Z CJ U W CO LL W t.? Z Z W Q Z;Z`Z Z Z Z Q W QG Q U LL;? Q Q W W W W LLI W W LL a o Q D Q Q m 0.0. 00 0 J Z Q Z' W: W Q Q Q Q CO. a a_ n.. (L m Q W C� 0 U) Z U r r r r r r U..: Z J: Q Z W U Z Z Z Z Z Z Q Z G3 J Q [1 Q Q Q Q Q Q J W Q Z Q' m m m CD; m m; m m LL Z W U W Q W Z Z Z Z Z Z J 0.000. L� c�� �z= Q o Z: o Q v� sn: co W J Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Q C] -1 U3 Q W= Q Q Z) D D Z) D D cv m m ry m Q .01 IL C) 0 N CL W W J 00 00 C0 CY) Ln Cr? C0 C0 C0 N V- N oa co 6j r` co Ln U C37 ti d= CO I C 7 r r as CY] co r co CJ d" CD r r- d' r d' CD d• CO Cn 4 C\] r� 0C] CD C'7 CD co of 00 00 t[ 3 C6 CS] CD Cr) C7 C) CD Lf7 CY) C0 CD O C7 LS7 C37 C0 a Ca a a 0) r GO- LS'] N (D rn CD r LO C3 o Li Chi Q0 LC] LO C\l C7 a LO r` 00 OD N (D 00 Cr] M C�7 Co t17 CD c q CV 0) r CY) C37 r` 00 'ct• (D 00 o Lid Tt N (C] rte. N to r` L77 co Co co CY] M r r` co Li rl C*7 �f CY) CO o C7 .0 L(] r` C0 [Zi r 00 I� LO Cv r- CV W J Co 00 C) co Ln Cy C3) C]7 o C) o r` N N co c0 N t 0 CY) r-. (D LO Ln r` r- d� 00 r� r` 1% CO r OD tS7 r r (0 to et CY) mot= CD r rte. r d cD t 00 a7 ct= Ctii r CEO (D CY] o Ci7 (Y] m 00 0o Ct Liz a) 0') CIO 0'7 d• o C) C) C0 Ln o� 64 o C) 0 U') o Co a o CY) r C) CD C) C) LO o CD 0 C7 C] LO N N C0 C0 C) C7 C) C C) (D 0 C c C N CD M a C) CD o C0 CD d' 00 a C) C) o 0 C) It N C) C) C) C7 a o 00 CYO C7 C) 0 C7 a 0 LO CO C] o a C) a 0 C) r C0 a 0 a a o 0 C0 C7 CD o C7 U') r` r LL. Z 0 LL N LO 0) CY] 'Ct" CY) LO M (3) Cr] Nt CY] LO cy) LO CO Cif CY] C) ct o d CD fit` Q W LL W Z C-0 W W Cr J W V) uj 00 r- Lo (7) o C) o Ln Ln CO (Y LC? LO LO .J: W NL O LC] (N Lf7 N N L!) r CO CO C(5 Q r- r (,D CY) CD CY) co CY) CY] C CSI rte c) rte. N Lo CD d• h Lo r Lo N Ln �f .4 Lf] 4 C'r3 J J- Z Z Z W Q E C W N CY] CY] d• Tt Nt C C C� r cY' Z L a G c z LL a LL LU Q LL o� O U LL. Q c LL 0 LL z W C) W z F LLl LL U m J J F rte Q Q 0) [a CL U m 0 W V1 Cl) W J r--. Q rte Q W Z C-0 W Q Z W W V) uj 00 r- Lo (7) o C) o Ln Ln CO (Y Z -f: ui .J: W n Q: a W m 0.� F� i s a a CLS C(5 r- r r 04 CO CY] M r r r r Q Z J J- Z Z Z W Q E C W N CY] CY] d• Tt Nt "zi LO CD l` o❑'�� a a. o W W p. a p a p a Z cD o. F. Z a a C) o o a C) C> CD C) o Z Z Z LU Q Q Q F- cn Q tl] W C) Z Z U Q J: LL U a W W W ..r Q p tL J Q EL U Q Q U3 Q J o W.. W Q U Co. U U) Q' J Q J Q J o w Z W Z o CD o J m �n c�Cn;z Z W Z >Y [1' Q W Q C� Q LL Q LL Q Q Q Q Q Q Q LL- p Q Q L`� Q,.. W pC m W LL W Q W 111 W t J Z U Z :m Z W U Q CL U W W W Lu W W: W W Li.[ Z c3 W W L I I r� C: Q d o Z ti 00 (D C) r� 0 rn rl r r` 00 Q W Q Q Q Q W QzQ�-- Z v m r� CD a; a o CD C) C) o a a o J Q J Q Q; .J d J Q .J Q Q U U Q Z U U] co J; W� F- v3 o m 0 r m U U) a LD LL N I 00 Ln U Q LL a LL o LL Q LL o LL p J W 7 D U z z cfl n U n M o N C o n Z o Z o Z: Y Z Z. Z Z W U Q z C7 Co. U m Q LY] U W W W Q m Q CO Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q o LL LL LL Z LL Z` LL U3 U3 U3 Z LL Z= LL LL LL LL o t� c o a v v v o n o to v o ........a.......o......�....... J r o o o n C3 C7 CO r o f C) o cn a 0) C0 et N cv LO LLl C7 C7 C7 o Liz a r C7 N C7 C0 C7 r CY7 CD `Tt 0 CD o CO d• Cr] C7 C7 C7 C) C7 C7 C7 N a C7 CD Ln 00 CY) N L O Co L O CO r r I` C33 N L(7 CD �t LO Li 3 CY) W o d a a q a.... v o Q C) o LO o L a Ln LO to 0 CD o Un tY C) o C3 o r` 00 LO C\i N C0 r` rte. a0 r. a0 tl- 00 o C) C7 ►n N tl Cr) r` CY) LC] c# 0 C7 QO CD LO L6 r a 0 CO o d- M; I%- r r'Itt P' (D qt o a' C) C) CYO a N t It CD c 0 o 0 cy") W CO C0 0 N r (D 6 r` et• cY7 r CD CD r` qt CD CO (D CO CD LO C3) C0 C0 C) C0 fl C) CD (3) N N a to r M M N 00 00 o N mot 00 m N r- CO r C70 cY7 00 7 C7 t` LC3 I` P r (0 CY) CY) r J Q LO cY] 00 Q0 CD LO rte. ti 00. CY) CY) CY) d' d' C7 r` 00 r (C7 Cl Ln a LO (C) L i j co [�7 N N r CO C7 N LO et C7 (D LO r` r= N r� r C3 7 C37 Liz {D N C33 m (3). C C) Co a CD LC] CY) CD C M r C]7 r GO-U') N (0 CY) 00 N (Y] Cr) CY) 00 N r m 0) [a CL U m 0 W V1 Cl) W J r--. Q rte Q Z C-0 W Q Z W W V) uj Z -f: ui .J: W n Q: a W m 0.� F� i s a a L) z f—-- Z Z J J- Z Z Z W Q C W U W U) W Y U o❑'�� U a a. o W W p. a p a p a Z F. Z o0 W❑ Z U-D Z Z Z LU Q Q Q F- cn Q tl] W W Z Z U Q J: LL U a W W W ..r Q p tL J Q EL U Q Q U3 Q J o W.. W Q U Co. U U) Q' J Q J Q J o w Z W Z o W Of J m �n c�Cn;z Z W Z >Y [1' Q Q Q C� Q LL Q LL Q Q Q Q Q Q Q LL- p Q Q L`� Q,.. W pC m W LL W Q W 111 W t J Z U Z :m Z W U Q CL U W W W Lu W W: W W Li.[ Z c3 W W L I I C13 J Q d o Z 0 Z 0 Z LU Co. LU m W p Q m oo c��������� C7 L'� W Q Q Q Q Q Q W QzQ�-- Z m CO r� [Y Q Q Z< o z OC Q Q Q J Q: J Q J Q Q; .J d J Q .J Q Q U U Q Z U U] co J; W� F- v3 o m 0 m U m U U) a LL LL (1) LL o LL p LL o LL. 0 LL p LL a LL o LL Q LL o LL p J W 7 D U z z W w U U c� Q J Z Z. Z Z Z: Y Z Z. Z Z W U Q z C7 Co. U m Q LY] U W W W Q m Q CO Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q m Q o LL LL LL Z LL Z` LL U3 U3 U3 Z LL Z= LL LL LL LL 0) [a CL IS M Z 0 w lr w W Q J cy Q LL. W 0 T- o U lL 0 J 0 U- 0 CL F... z w l- W W Z 0 tU ('3 M N �t tD C� o L') Li C� CY] o Cn co 0 0o M Cr] U') Ln a CO o n O CY] C7 C7 00 0 o o CY) 0 LO r O a) CD LO N LO m C7 (0 co O CD t-- M L') CY) r c oo t o M 1 Cy'3 LO r- N Lo (D a Q) 00 r- LO f� 00 CD 00 (N n Liz N r� LO a LO 0 tD r- LO r•. C3) M co 0o N LO M C) 07 CY] 0o CD r` r`. 0 0') 0') CY3 r� 00 N 1� N 00 r`. C) N r- C37 CO O LO (D CD 00 C) CD Ln t-- r` N 00 N LC] a M r` a) CYO N rte- r f` a 0.7: CD W W M Ln r� tD CD 00 7 Wit 00 o 0 o C37 CY7 o cD co Ln tD r �t tD M o N CD m 0 00 1 r` 07 CD (C) 0') CD pct LO �o 00 00 LO 00 ca 6i LO ao mi c�i mot= oo 0') CF) LO r-= CO d= M LO 0) CO Y= 0) -r LO (D U 00 `CYO �t I` d- C37 r` Ln CV) rn a N C) M C) LO v Ln Ln n 00 r o rn cv o N as c0 0) C O 00 d' CD 00 00 r C7 N r- 00 N 00 v o o N rte- CO 00 N 00 00 ti 07 CD 00 r- N 07 CD r r•. C) o o O o C) a o o o 0 o a o 0 o C0 C) C) C) CD C� C) C) o C) c) C) o n C) C) Cn C) n a O a o o;o.o O© o:a o a a o 0 0© o© o Ca o O O O o 0 0 o a a o C) C) C) CD 0 C) C) C) CD o CD 0 C) C) Co C) C) 0 o o o o C) C) C) C) Co C� Co ri Co C7 0 0 C) O a o 0 C0 O O O O 0 a o;0 0 0 o O C) O a O O O O a a C) o a o C) O o C7 C) o C� o O a x 0 0 0 0© C) C� a O a a o o x 0 0 0 o O o o a o W CD Co C) C) Co LO Co C) C) C) C) LO LO C) C) C) LO C) Co C) C) CD CD ©i C) 0 C� C) Co LO Co r` :1` N 00 .o o N LO mot- 0) 00 O N r� r- .0 m LO LO C) 0 LO LO LO a o cN a r- a a) N LO tD CO `d` CD 00 CO r N 00 N r• r C0 O r rte- I` r� r` N 1'- C30 r- r` CD C3] r a N 0) CD r` r- Q r N N r N CO M r` d' CF) r� Cn m m m N r LO CD N N (N C \l co LO 0) xt r r LO 00 CD a 'RZT CO U) c Z Q 00 mot- w d" Lo r•. In m Lo C7 o O CD C7 zn Nr tD LO o 1' co 0 r- CY) r� r- ti 00 r` 0 0Q 0o r- 00 r 00 N co Liz 0o r` 00 o O CD M C37 M M r` CD N a M 0. 'tzY c r•. a M o M o M C0 r- Li 3 I� z r-- r- Q LL W J U] (0 r LO m r to CD l CY) N N CY) C3 CY7 tD N r� qzt CD r`. M N CY) C\i CD LO rte- 0') LO CO CO 0) 0) LO M LO CY] d' 0). M LO r N r (N Rt C7 d' LO N o r' 00 r r- N 0. N CO N 00 Q3 M: o 4ZI CY] 00 r` Q r•. r•. LI7 LC) r` mot It r- O I ti LO I` d' M r r r CO LO CO I` C0 r` (.0 C) r [D r Y- r I- r- W lL 1- Q CN N C N N N N N N N N N N N N Cdr CN N CB C f) CY) M M M M M CY] co CY) r r r r r r r r r r r r r 'r r r t- c^•- t~ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r- t- r- t^ r~ W 1` CD r CO C] C] CD C33 CV r U) r 00 M LCD C D C7 C D C) r N Liz C) r- r� C7 to 00 r r LC] C3] Lf7 C77 NT N co N CY} r CY3 CO cy') C) CY) O CY) r N r N N N {Y3 (Y) N N CY] t M- CY7 r N r r r N m N Q r� r` CD C7 (Y] CO LC? LO O {o CD CD CD r- CO 03 0) O O s- r N CO CY) CO M d" LO to CZ o CD o C: O O a O O a o C, o CD Co r C) 0 C) C0 0 O o o O O W U) CD Cn o o r` r` 00 0) :M o o rte. o CO 00 M Cn rn rn r` CO rn rn r• 1' 00 00 00 o C) C) 00 O O O 00 00 Q w C7 a r r C3 C] C7 r r a r a C7 C7 C3 C7 o C7 C] C] C7 O O C� C] r r r CD r• r- r- o 0 r o O r-- LO C) t qf r o') 00 C C) LO v M o C) M r N 00 LO C) C) C) LO ti 00 N M 1` t CY) Im CD U Q o CY) CY] r r r r CO r CO L7 tN r C N r Cl r r- r C7 N C) C> C) C] C) C] CD r` r- ['7 CY) N N r N c7 r N CV (Y) CD C37 LC] tD C0 CD r� d r` 03 N CY) (r) M M cy') r r- co C7 a O C) 0. t- O r 0 C) C7 r C] o o C7 o C7 0 C) O r r C) C) C] o o o 0 o C) o C) 0 o o o a ra o G Q v v Q o` q C7 C a o G Q c� v o o a a W r Cfl r� co N 00 C7 C37 'Cf• LO r 'd- O CD CO C37 f� tD Ln CY] C7 M N r`. CD CC] O r C) CO r r cy') cy") CT) CD N 1"- r1 C7 00 LO M 00 N 1 Nr CY) C co 0 CD. LO C) 00 r mot LO 00 l N% 00 P- M: r C7 cy) Co CF) ti (7) N C7 C\i N o) CYJ CO et mot LO CD M N Co. M C7 M.. r` CD C7 M (D r- CD r N r- r 0 C7 LC? CY) N C) O M CY3 CY7 r N r r- L o N N 'Ct" CY) CY] N M N r N CY? N LLJ Q Q Q Q Q o G Q Q O O G 11 C C G Q Q o d C} Q L o o cD o Ln o O ca o cD Ln o o LO O o LO LO LO LO to C) a o o o Ln C- LO c� O a Ln LO u� cv c o C) r- N O O r` 00 O LO O LO Ln rte- o C) a ',t r` 00 LO 1` C) r- 00 a7 r' U-) r` r- 00 r` CO r` 00 r� 00 N o Ln r` Ln LO CV o L O O LO r` M O Ln r CY3 o O 0 O 0 O 0 O o LO N co ry o r` 00 "'t C) N r C) t r- CD T- Y- T- :t !Zfm Y �t I t "t C•7 "t N N N to N (N Y--- CO C'7 CD r Ctrl C) CD CD N 1• C0 C7 s C� 00 CO C7 Cl C� C13 Ca C] N t Q C] CD C7 C7 C37 U7 C3 C] C] C) C7 LO C] Ctrl C7 00 r 00 LO N LO r tD CD r 00 N LO 0 LO Q CY7 00 CY3 CD O LO "qt LO CY) CD O C) C7 o C 0) 0 1� C0 W 6 N to N 11, N u CO co �t rYi c) (N Nr no CO r• LO c3 co N a LO �t ca a c) a o cYi Ir` 'r C) Z) ".t CD I r m CD CO 00 07 LO r� C3] ti CD 't "dt C D r N CD C 1 r 0 LO N cy') CD C) C) 0 0 r cy') r rte. J 00 00 00:077 C3) C7 N CO CYO M O r L[7 C]7 CT] h r- N L(7 037 �t CYZ 00 Ctrl d' M C) 0] 1� C7 LO CD L! 3 I CO 00 'I tr M d7 M t^ IL n LO LC) C7 L7 CD rte c7 Ct] 077 C'7 a7 C] C7 CQ C7 r C (D `r"" CD (D C7 0 CD (N G) 07 r f` CO tD O r 00 Nt LO 00 CO r C] CY) N 00 r. N 00 N C3 00 077 Cn 0) 037 07 037 O r` r Co d- r`- r N C7 r- N 00 OD r` 00 r- CD 00 C� CD CD M Ctrl r 037 O r N N M CO CD o P et r` r N N r N N 0 m W W U) LU W D; o m Z Q z Q W W J Z U Z W LU U w W W L� Q Cf3 W J m LC] J J m U7 U3 Q U] Cf Cl3 V3 Cl7 ,J �0 l.Ll W CI3 [I7 U? c W Q m Q �t J W U) co V? U.[ 0 W W Ll�[ W W W W W U W W Z' 1 t.i W l t. ".I co 111 0 0 1- Z} 1-� J W Z Z Z Z F� D H- W Q J Q❑ Q Z Z o Q o o❑❑ o o W z o 0 0 m❑ U Q U z z 0 0 Z Z m Z Z Z Z Z J Z m J CO CO m Z Z Z Z Z i J U D J Z m Z co ]M J J Q J Q J J J CL tl3 a] Q V3 J U} fY W t' Q C� CL' Q �y m Q m Q Q Q U C� CI} n' CO. W U7 W J m C� W¢ Q w 1--- m C7] uw 0 m CC CO m D� W CL D❑❑ D D F- W Q D m m U }oU Q U7 U�U�o�- U�JU�a❑ D D D �n�n- W �zz�n- �o�om��,o D;C] o Q z Q J Q Q Q o Q L� �L J z C J .J .J Q Q o �t o o z o z o io z J J W w U W W W W C7 z w: D U:LJ U L7 W UJ z cr) W Ca m:W U:U z U -r W U t7 0 U V3 m Q m �t L� tiC] m' OC] C3Cl m co t[] Q 0 co m u t U7 W U] t17 U7 Z J U7 .J U) Z 7 U3 CO. Z T. U7 U LL U7 _J: -J. Z -j U? D H D rL. D D Z) lwl >L D. LL >L tL. LL LL D D >L LL D LL >L D LL.. U- rte. t.I. >L D W LL [.L 0 tU ('3 C C Cr: a L C Z Lj.. Q LL LL W Q Q Q LL W o T- U C LL lL l-- W 7- l- (n W z M M LO LO LO o M cy') LO o (D C> 0 co CO o M r` rte- �o 00 o r- C) (D Ur) r• LO Q Wit• a (o C 7 (0 C37 m Cr3 N Co N Cfl Li y ..a) r CY) N t- LO N LO CD 0 LO 0 O zo Z r CY) C7 lt7 LO CD CX7 M r r`. r` (o LO C) r (C] LO CY) r L(7 r` r` CO N C7 LO LO I` CD .(0 00 d' 'd N N CO U') CD 00 C) LC] CY) r r` N o j N co N CD CY) LO LC] qt Co d N r co N r-- r (7) L1.! W mtz3 �t C\j (D "zi 0') LD C'7 00 r` Wit W F o N m r` mot CY7 L[7 N M 00 CY) tt :t LO r` 00 ti r- L co M L U') (Y) r` c\i C C\j C) 00 C� C] Q m 14zt N LO a) CY) o r` M LO z; LO LO r- 00 00 o Ctrl -j Q0 Ch 04 LO r CJ t CO o o CD 00 N r r` m D7 f` r r CF) 00 0 C] t- C37 CO O Q Cfl N t` LC) CX] co ti LO d CD co CY] LS7 L C) M CO CD 0 CD m r r LO CD CD N r LO 07 N z7' a QUn� c U om o w z o o lZ �Q LO bg LLJ Q w �t U) W� cn W jsa o Co o C) Ca o 0 0`o'o C) o v 0 CD C) C) o o.o w 0 0 C) CD o Q CD C) 0 o CD C) o C) o C) C) Co C) C) CD C CD C CD CD C C) C) 0 Z LLJ C) o o 0 a o o C) o 0 C) CD C) Co o o O C] o C) o a o o o C> CD C) Ca 0 C) a C) CD C) C) C) C) C) C) O O o m 0 o 0 0 C) C) C) CD O C) 0 0 o C� CD O o W CD Ln C) LC} C) o C� C) LO o C) 0 LO 0 LO 0 C) ©;C� C) LO C) LO n C) J' Q N r CD LO C) CD C) LO 0;0 lq4 C) C) LO 0 Co 0 LO CD Ca C) o 0 C) 0 LO 0 0 o C) C) C) D N r LO C7 N C] N N Liz 0 LO r CC] m J o000o CD r` r LO r CD 1` Lt 3 C) 0 00 [Y Cn t- r- 0 C] Z J (fl N C.0 U 00 CD r` L-O Nt CD CY) CY) U-) (Y) 00 C0 00 co CD r r` r` LO C0 CC7 r r Liz CO N :t ❑`¢o U fn Q J C[ m J [r7 J Q J Q Q Ri J m` U Ln U Q r� o= Z J U Q❑ Q M Z .J LL" U lL U W Z W Z U Q_ l 1„[ H J U w z= Z= z z Cf} j j. o o Q o, C/) Q W z z w u w z U C5 N C3 7 L o r` ti- CO (D CD C D C7 C 0 co LL 1` LC] N O O O CO CO r` r` 't �t (.0 (0 t-- �t Z C37 O r L(7 LC] r` OQ CO CY7 CY] I` LO C57 d' r r r r- O p r r CD C33 r N r CO r (N N N N CY) CY) LO L(7 LO L{7 CD CD 00 r- C0 Cc Q0 r` 00 00 00 CO CO a) o C] C7 r r LLJ r r r•- r- r r- r r r r r r r r r- r r LL W J U) LCD 00 co r CD C C) m t LO 00 OZ) CIO C'7 r` "Ct" (N ef' C) C0 (Y) (0 CY) CO LO I` CD CD 0 C) 0 o C7 0 -'t C d°' ti m t l r r Lo LO N ct cz co o C). N C73 (fl r`• N N CI) m co 0) 'Tr C\l C37 d r f` N r` r` ti r` C70 r•- ti r` CY3 CC) cn o r Ca C\I ,r-- C) 0 CD N co o C) r- r r- r r r r r r r^ r- r r r r r r• 'r•~ r r r r r t-- r r r r LU lL ry J Q (Y) CY] CO M CY) Ct Ct 'Ct d' o r... r N N N N N N N C\l CO CO CY7 CY) r r r r r r r r r r r r: r' r-^ r^- r• r r r r r^•' r r r r r- r r• r N Liz r Ci0 OQ r- r` Li} Liz 00 CO C\l CN L(7 r CC) r"" t 0) CY] LO LC] CN N [Y) r CD C0 LO Lf7 CD W r-- CD C) r r (D r N N CN N N 0 C7 C) CD r- r r N N r N N Q r` ti 00 CT) o N r LO LO r• r� 037 0') LO ti 00 N N N CCs (C) CD CD (c 00 (N N Ln o C) 0 o© o 0 0 0 o n C) o o C) C) O 0 o C 0 Q W U) 00 OD CD CO 0) C3] M CD CD CD CD CY) 0'3 co 00 r� 00 00 C37 C37 00 (3) m 0) 0) 0 0 o O O Q' W a o r 0 0 0 o C) C) C) n CD (Z) C3 0 0© C) O 0 o c o C) r r C7 C7 d' o U') d" It LO N LO (Y) It 'd• CD C) m co co (t) C+7 Ct 0 (N C\l tt r- LO N C\l t--- t- C) C-D C) C) C7 T- CD r CD C) r N C\j C\j N CD r• r- CY] r N M CO r CO r N N 0O (N (3 r N CY] N CY7 C77 C37 OJ C.0 d' r [Y7 C'7 N r- r C) 0 C7 C) 0 r- r r r O C) C7 r r- r C) 0 C) c C) 0 C) 0 0 0 C7 o v v v a' o e' r c 0 v v v o G o o fl 0. v" oi J 00 U F- 00 o Lo r` r` co ct Pl- 0 N CY] 'V' M r� N IX) lzt CO 't CO 00 CY) f• 1 LC] 'Zj 0 07 W 't r` C37 "tt CY) ti ti 00 CO c0 r LO CO CD 'rd C0 N U[7 0 (r] N N N 0') M qr r� OZ) 00 CD Cfl fl m 00 N:t LC] co M CD "t CYa M ti Cfl M r- r•- CV C) (N C) r ti f� LO O O 00 1` OD 00 M: M r: C'7 (N N. N N N N C\l N N M N LC] CO CY) r- N (N N r rw CY) N N N N v v o o a c a v o v o a n OZ v fl (ON n a o a v v LO CD LO LO n o 0 0 0 ao C) L[7 O LO o Liz C� U') LO O C) o Lf] LO C7 C7 CD Q r` o LO 0 N rl o C) C) CD C) CD o n LO N o N LO I-- Li 3 C\j N o Ca N N C7 o Liz 0 00 LO 11- CD CD 00 L(7 L[3 LO 0 C) 0 CC) 00 r N CO N r M CY) LO r r-- ,00 LO N r Ci7 t It CY) C\j C\l C\j C\j CY) CY] M M 0 d` ti CY7 M N C\j CY) N CV N cY3 N (V N •zf" C\j N LO LO CD C) 00 C) (Y) 00 0 o j� 0 C) CD LC7 C7 C) �t Cl C) 0 Cl Ca c) o n o 0 W r` 00 ti 0 LO cy") U) C) Un 0 co QD M q�t o C) CC:] "tt t t N CY) CD mot CD ai CO N QO C\j 0) of N 00 .qt a C33 LO r-= r� (fl 0 U cz r` LO o Liz ca LC] N o Li j 00 Ca 0 o CD 't _.1� o C) co CO r` r o r~ cc (D r� r-- I%- "It N CD r CY7 a� CY] r` d• CO 00 r C\l CD r OD in Nt OD to LO OD CN C) 00 00 r•. 00 LO R:lm 0) (Y) r :t• CD co 0 LO M (0 O c0 Co r d C'r3 r• C'r3 L7 C\l Cfl C\j CY7 C\l (D CD CY3 Co M r Ct 00 l r 0 OD r 00 CC) 0 Ct N M CO C7 LC7 N t LO C) CD N r` r (3) C7) Lo L 3 r cr) r` f` 0 a N CY) t 07 o co CD Y co N r` Lt') 00 CD r- LO qt CD M C'') LO CY) 00 co co Ct] C37 r P- ti LC] i CO CC] C) Ctrl �t cei Lo r C\l r o m C C Cr: a L C Z Lj.. Q LL LL W Q Q Q LL W o T- U C LL lL l-- W 7- l- (n W z s Q] o� Q W L11 z r o Z O zo Z U3 Q W LLl W J U) j co Z j W ....J CO 0000j� l~- Q i- W CO c Z a m m o z W F o Z Z Z J o W c-�zo Z a F w W CO W m o w m J o J Q Q C� C] Q m Q N rt m o z CY o Z z; o o z o o U m 0. Y a U3 Z J Q L C) J o cn: o. U z y a QUn� c U om o w z o o lZ �Q LLJ Q w �t U) W� cn W jsa p c.� 0 0 0��� U Q ca a l�.oQc�Q a v C) U Lli LL C/) C w LIJ LU LLI LLI a C� z Q U U o p 11 M U Z LLJ w w z z .0 o z 0 o Q Cn z w a U k' U [Y 0: rj; U Q U Ll! w zn U) m J o m m Z J J J W t� o Z Q J �i r F .J c W z 0 Q m m' p J' Q Q r Q m m D co W co W Co D Cn D w u] r� `t W J�-;Q m U Q z ll W 2 z z J w J w U w J U Cn o Z F (L .0 J --1 m 0JJ m o m J o000o F- j J o o Z CL o I--- �t z r n Z� jZ 0 C] Q LI Cr L Z Z J J z Q uW .J Q a E- bb CL �o Q U¢o` c� Q o zo L ❑❑���lz QQc�Q ❑`¢o U fn Q J C[ m J [r7 J Q J Q Q 1 J m` U Ln U Q r� o= Z J U Q❑ Q M Z .J LL" U lL U W Z W Z U W Z l 1„[ H J U w z= Z= z z LL j j. o o Q o, C/) Q W z z w u w z Q LL LL LL 1L LL L l_ U LL LL LL L L LL C.] U D cn a- L (D s Q] o� Q r C� N r [Y7 U Q Z z w Q ly w W D LU Q TZ TZ o LL f� -i 0 Of IL w U) w z U) M 00 00 CY) CY] r., C) LO 'Tr CO r P- W Lid C) r` OD CO a o Q a y Liz (D t� N N CID M C] N LO r` CF) M CY) 0 4 M 0 tD r (D CD r Q W Q¢ W _.J r- Cn N o N r` CD o M t� C\! h• CY) r 00 N (Y) LO r- r r U CD r- LO CO M r to C] LO N 00 CO C D M a N c r) M zt .(o r a CD CO CO d' 00 CD CtiN M D CJ) 00 r` C) C Liz r N T-- CD M CY) r r a r- C\1 CY) Cn MN N (D (0 r ti 0 00 Ca cY) r C) LO C) Q M CA C) 0 LO N r^ r ^r 'c"•- r• t^ t^^' t- r r r r r r- r^- 's"'"' r r r N r' N a o o o C) C> Q r o CD (D o o Co o CD (Z) C> 0 C) o CD o C) C) CD a C= a co a CD a C) o C D 0 C D C) o CD a o a o Liz Q a o CO G co Q C> C) CD o C) a C c) Ca o CD Q 0 C) a C7 C Q C) o Q C) Co o C) o C) Co Q C) Ca a Ca C a Co 0 o a Ca o C) C) C) 0 0 C C) Co (D Co 0 C) C) It t` LLJ LO ti C) Ca) o ql 0 r. CD r- 0 CY) LO ti LO r~ C) CD n to LO Li LO CC~] r- LO o LO (D o r o co cD C17 En Q Q C7 fl J Q (Y) N LO N 0. C.. CO CY) C7 C\] N CV r CO N r m Liz r r b t- U z> U7 Q Q0 M M r r» r Ct r' K t r- M M It r• M M d" r co M I t N CD I:* r C\l Cn d• r- d~ o LO r- Nt a Liz tom^ co a LO t-•- co a Liz r NI N LO r 'Tr N LO r 0) N to r••- CS] LO r-- CO LO rr r^ CD r` r` t•-- Ca r• r� r u 00 �t r^ Ci:3 Q C) (D C) CO a CD Q Q C) o C m C57 of C\[ CD Ln 0) cr) m Cn 0) 037 CY) M ni Z tz CL` JZ C] w w F CO U) N f' mot' d• �t �t d• mot' t eiµ U) C) c-- Y- r- N a r CD r` a t r� cy) 00 cY) 00 N Itt t�} a o (Y) Q a y Liz t` r M C3) oo r- M d cY) c e) r a M C) C5] Co. (D 00 N r• CD Q t ti r+ o 't- mss• Q0 Ln r` r- LO Lf) LO LO (0 ti r` rs CO C). M 0 r^ r ^r 'c"•- r• t^ t^^' t- r r r r r r- r^- 's"'"' r r r N r' N a o o o C) C> Q r o LO CY) o (Y) CJ7 M Li 0 LO C) Q M CU o Q Q) 0 Ln rr r• 00 C") 00 N Q a 07 W Liz Q o CO G C7 LC) 0) N (N {f} r CY) N; rR CY) fl LC) C) 00 00 N co LO LL o; s a CD It t` r j rr LO CD 0 r o r N C) r r C) C) a. r Q C). C7 CJ C) LO C) LO o 0. C.. a a C7 r r CD r- to t• r r r r t- T C a oo 00 7'-: L(] C7 Liz a C Q (\I C) 0): LO 00 CY); Q Q CSI o: o: u Ci:3 Q C) (D C) CO a CD Q Q C) o C m C57 of C\[ CD Ln 0) cr) m Cn 0) 037 CY) M ni Z tz CL` JZ C] w w F CO U) N f' mot' d• �t �t d• mot' t eiµ W d' V` "t �t LO LO LO Li") Cl7 tl3 r r r r r r r r r r- r• wr r r r r Y-^ r- r- Li•) Lo Lo Cy') co c) r r CY) m Lc] LO N CN LO 0 C k a) t [.1J -r: a: CL Z Q t-r r� na N NC)r C� o C. 0 C\l C\l (Y) (Y) CY) LO LO LO Li") Liz LC) CD (D 0) r N (\1 n C) 0 0 0 C) a o C) a s CD C) o C) o a© CL C) W W Q 1- Q W W Q Q Q Q Q 0 -J W W W CL -J OC C� W W W W W W w W W W LLI U) Q Cry m 0) C) (7) Q rn Cr) C) o C) C) a s C) o C) U C) C) C] a C7 r r r r c- r- W Cfl p p N N N Q Q CD Q CD (D Cn LO CY) 00 LLB C\j r (\j Q Q; N r CD e r- C\J cY) r r N r CV 01 C) cD C l) tY Cr Lf7 I N N C/) N 7 c 3 7 m m r (y) CO C) N CD C) C) C) o C) r C) C) C) o© a n 0 Q a o a oZi Jz W U7 LU Jz Q' z W W 1 Q`Q Q Q Q Q Z Q C7 [Y D' 0 U W a a fl d o o t G G a o a C o LL d LL J 00 t C\l C) CD CD C) CY) C\1 t• 00 Liz r-- L!•) N LC) a 00 W N Lll W Ce) r CO a 00 0') a C) CD d M ":T Lf) LO CO t-•- M r CO J Z ef" co N C) ::31: U') LO co N (3) 0) CD CD q r LC) 00 C\] J co m LL C\J M M M C\t N CO N C\J N C\l N tY3 (Y) CY) cY) CY) W Z W W W W W W C\ W 1 -do- 1 -0-0- 8 8� 0 -0 -0-0- Q fl C7 d C7 0 L7 d O G L f o o Q Q o o 0 U) C) a a Q 0 C) C) C (Z) LO Q a CD CD LO LO LO C) N Q o C o LO Ln C) Q o LO a Z W cn Z Q (D Liz Lo C5) 0) C3) 0 co CD CD M CY) U Z Z Z Z. t` C\1 Z CL W J2 mot Kt M M CY) CD qt LO LO "zt "rt 'd• d' Lf°) cY) cY) mot• cY) U m L7] U U m Jz7 ©o m m CD m cY) LO t o CD o C) 00 a a Q 0) C) o LO N o o N LO *44 LO 00 Ca r` LO M a CO Q (o C) C) o N LO co co CY) CD C) C) 0 LO o CO CF C-0 C) cy) 00 (D (Y) C7 ti a LO CY) N D7 00 00 co 0) co C7 r- CD LO co co N LO co CO J d" N r~ C33 Li CD N N co d" 00 (Y) CU N C) r- LO Q U) C\1 C) CY) LC7 CO Li J CY) M M 00 CV C') 1` CO r LO t CO C) �J- 00 r` M r a cD (D r C5) r Cn r� CY) C) o �S' M N r r L() C\l N N CO N r LC) 00 07 N G C[] r` CF) M r• N 00 C): M 00 a t (o M Lo M r- 0) r M D7 cY) LO Q LC] Q a o CY) N Q a o© C) LC) t` r co M co N Q C7 CD Q C) LO o a Lid mot= a LO Cr; ::4 N r r• tYi Ln CD CO 00. d"' C\1 CO3 LO LC) 00 r c N C]. 0 C\j C\l co C) o C). r 0 C) Eta Liz C) o a o C) 'd N 00 M N a o o o C) C> Q r o LO CY) o (Y) CJ7 M Li 0 LO C) Q M CU o Q Q) 0 Ln rr r• 00 C") 00 N Q a 07 Q Liz Q o CO G C7 LC) 0) N (N {f} r CY) N; rR CY) fl LC) C) 00 00 N co LO Q C) o; s a CD It t` r j rr LO CD 0 r o r N C) r r C) C) a. r Q C). C7 CJ C) LO C) LO o 0. C.. a a C7 r r CD r- to t• r r r r t- T C a oo 00 7'-: L(] C7 Liz a C Q (\I C) 0): LO 00 CY); CD r Q CSI o: o: u Ci:3 Q C) (D C) CO a CD Q Q C) o C m C57 of C\[ CD Ln 0) cr) m Cn 0) 037 CY) M ni Z tz CL` JZ C] w w F CO U) N (Y) Z 0- CL [n 0.. CD C) C\1 a Tt 0 o o o C7 C> Q- CL. U) i i A Y�ri� Q. CL CL S,. 7� L: CL o© o a C) C) 0 C o CD CD Q o© G (D o Liz C) a a a Q o a r 1 r a r- p r- c C: c s= c C]. 0 0 C) o C). Ca 0 C) Q a© C) C) C) CD o a o C) Co Q a o a; Ca Q Co o o o C) C> Q r` Ca LO r- 0 C) C) o o C) n C) C7 LO C) LO C) C7 o a a Q C) G d 0- G fl d Q C) (D C a; C) Q 0 C) CD o; Q C) Q a o; s o Q; a CD s C t` C) tD r.: a Q 0 r o Q C) r r C) C) a. a Q C). C7 CJ C) LO C) LO o 0. C.. a a C7 Ln J~ ti cD rn LC) CO CO r. Cn It (Y) co M N Q M o co cY) 0 a T C a d r` 00 T" DO o o L(] C7 Liz a C Q (\I C) 0): LO r: CY); N Q CSI o: o: u Ci:3 Lo CD:' Cam 00 Li? N:: rn CQ CV LO u 7 y T M; Cv r-: CY7 r W LO o). 69- of C\[ r N Liz CY) 00 U) :D�. Cl) U) f 69- LVI 0 rn M CL G LL LL W W E- U Z Z Z U) 0 0 W W W LU W W FW-- W U) W Cl) DAD U) U) U) :D�. Cl) U) Q N Z tz CL` JZ C] w w F CO U) Z Z 0- CL [n 0.. W ...�t t1 CL. CL M DL G- 1 6 Cl7 tl3 f17 W W o W W W W F h W W CL Z Q Q U C� o C. 0 0¢ ��QQ❑ Z Z oz Z Of U 5 C W n U Z Z Z I- f- ....1 J CL CL W W Cl) tl 1- Q W W Q Q Q Q Q 0 -J W W W CL -J OC C� W W W W W W W W W W LLI U U Z W W W a ..a U U U .Z W LLB F- Q Q Q; 0 0 0 Cu m CD G cD C l) Cr C/) c o U Q o �o�oc�❑� W W 12 a- o- U] Q Y Q Q Q oZi Jz W U7 LU Jz Q' z W W 1 Q`Q Q Q Q Q Z Q C7 [Y D' 0 U W V w U U C3 U' U Q H z z Z C LL LL LL LL LL LL o Z:Z:❑ U C] U U U Cl) Z LL! W u.w LL[ Q CL Q W Z Z C�' W Q Lll c� U) Z U) co U) j U) U) U) H z. z; Z Z Z z. J J Z Z Q Q Q Z F- W ..J J J ._a J J J m LL LL LL W Z W W W W W W LU Ljj IV N W W J Y' Q LL N W Q Li Li Z C) Z W Z W Z Q Z Q W Lll W W� -J W C� W H. Z Q Z Z Q❑ U Z Z Z Z. Z Z Z CL W J2 U U U C7 Z L7 L7 m m m LO U m L7] U U m Jz7 ©o m m CD m LVI 0 rn M CL C) T C) N U 0 z w Q Ckf w W F- C3! Q z� d U- W T- 5 0 LL 0 .I U LL h w CI1 W z CY) U C37 C3 CZ 0 d" N T.: CY3 CO 0) It LO C D d' d` C3) m I` CD LO (D C7 N N N LO LO C) Q co C) LO d» Lf7 r p� N N Q C] 1` Nr CY] i` d' r- C) N CD 1- l= C O C N CD r C'7 r 00 I` N Q N Cho C6 co cl7 d' CY) M m C) r... N p C7 bc)- m 00 Lo ca. d` N CD C] a) LO ep} to CY) 0) a] L.1 W C7 C LO CD f�- M r CO CY] LO C) OZ) LO LO CD C{7 d Lf] Q7 (.0 r co 1` CC) co CD C) 0 0 a] CY) CO OZ) CO N CO r CO CO CO CO zt r- V r CC] r-_ 1� Z Z Q}-" Z. r Ef} Z Z; Z r Z Z Cho t cc U ti Q? LO M co CY} CIO D� Z D D n D. D. N J CL LL LL LL LL LL CY) LL. U3 LL LL LL LL LL LL LL W W (D C17 W Q W CfJ W N N LU Q CO N C C) C) r C''] (Y) C77 d• LO C37 fit" d' C] a7 C) U CD C7 N Irr N N L O Lt 3 C7 Q Lf 3 V- C:7 N 'T"- N C) C7 CY) n t Q N CD t` t` m Cr3 N CU r C �7 C7 r r C O tom- N C7 N OZ) CY} CC3 co c1' CYO CY) 0 Z 0 Z CY] CO Z N C C7 V)- a3 00 LO Hg d" N CO C3 0 ff} Lf] 69 U3 CD (3) r W co LL. LO r" Z C7 CD t` C.0 M r r cn 00 r Cf) 00 LO co 0 (D Co Q F-- U') a') LC] G CC?_ a0 co co h----- F- GG- N N CD r CC) CY] (D CD d` r t Z: CD Z` Z CY 1` I` C C) OZ) Z; Z Z` W u.. Z Q U3; Q OC) r C,0 LO W r- C) W LO W Z W CY) CY) Cr7 co Q Q W LL r Z W H N N Q CY7 N C'7 CL U F> Z Z Z 5 bg N Cti! Q Q Z Q C7 Q L7 Q G r r r: r r r r r CD r r r r r r r r d`:. r• r^~ r r r- rµ r Q Q CL Cl. CL CL CL CL CL CL M a a_ CC7 CL Q W Z F W U m r 0 G. U] Y N Y Z: Y co r� Q L W Z.. Z: Z Z Z: Z Z Z: Z Z Z: Z: Z Z; Q: U (D F- J: w Q Q Q Q Q' Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ...1 W W J CL Ca CO Cc C1 m m: Co. Z m m. Co. M. CO m. m LL CY W Z rill Z:. Z: Z. Z. Z. Z Z. Z. 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Z: Z Z Z: Z Z Z: Z Z Z: Z: Z Z; Q: U (D F- J: w Q Q Q Q Q' Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ...1 W Q CL Ca CO Cc C1 m m: Co. Z m m. Co. M. CO m. m LL CY W Z Z:. Z: Z. Z. Z. Z Z. Z. Z: U 0 o 0 0 Q LL o Z: Z. o Z: Z. Z o m: U 0 rn U Z Q U) W Z Z: Z Z Z Z Z Z❑ Z Z Z: Z: Z Z Z Z Q J U).. M. D D. D. D U D z) D Co. C� CO Q CC7 CY) U C37 C3 CZ ❑a L r J M U. 0 CL F- Iqol m r U U E v v� L v LL F9 El 0 ❑a L r J M U. 0 CL F- Iqol m r CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Cit Mana Date: Ma 18, 2010 Re: Authorize a Letter Supportin the Alameda Collab for Child Youth, and Families 100 Best Communities for Youn People Application I Each y ear, America's Promise Alliance (Alliance) and the ING Found partner to present the 100 Best Communities for Youn People Awards 0 which reco and celebrate extraordinar communit efforts to improv th w e ll-bein g of y outh and end the nation's dropout crisis. The 100 Best ran lar cities to suburbs, counties and rural towns. Successful efforts are varied. depending on local needs, ima and willin to work to The awardees rec National reco and media exposure; Financial and l o g istic support to celebrate selection at a local event; Commemorative awards to be di in the communit and Exposure to Alliance partner resources and the insi of other win.n.in communities throu an innovative online space to exchan ide DISCUSSION The Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth, and their Families (AC.CYF) believes that Alameda is a cit deservin of the100 Best Communities for Yo.un g People Award, and is leadin the efforts to g ather data and complete the gr ant applicati Ala is reco as one of the 100 Best, th ACCYF will receive monetary support a technical assistance from Alliance par and all Collaborative pa rtners..include.d in the g rant will be able to include the 100 Best award on their list of p In short, if Alameda is counted amon the 100 Best, it w increase. ACCYF members' potential for g rants and foundation awards, and help bring in needed funds for pro The Alameda Unified School District Board has issued a, Proclamation in support of the application, and the Social Service Human Relation Board is providin a letter supportin the ACCYF's application. The ACCYF is re that the Cit Council also provide a letter of support for Alameda's 100 Best Communities for Youn People Application. Cit Council A Item ##4 05-18-10 Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund. Ma 18, 2010 Pa 2 of 2 Authorize a letter supportin the ACCYF's 100 Best Communities for Youn People Application. Respectfull submitte Leslie A. Little Economic Development Director J F: ry To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Set June 1, 2010, for a Hearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Administrative citation Fees via the Pro ert Tax Bibs 5 W AANJ City of Alameda Municipal Code Section (AMC) 1 -7.12, entitled "Recovery of Administrative Costs," allows for the collection of any delinquent administrative citation fines or late payment charges by means of a judgment lien against real property on which the violation (s) occurred. DISCUSSION The Code Enforcement section of the Community Development Department issues administrative citations for violations of the Alameda Municipal Cade. When a ro ert p p y owner fails to respond and voluntarily comply with repeated notices sent by Cede Enforcement staff, an administrative citation may be issued. Those p arsels for which administrative citation fees are unpaid as of June 30, 2010, gill have a judgment lien recorded against the property on J u ly 1, 2010. FINANCIAL IMPACT Delinquent administrative citation fees will be determined at the close of business on June 30, 2010. This is the final day of the acceptance of late payments. RECOMMENDATION Set June 1 2010, for a public hearing to consider collection of delinquent administrative citation fees via the property tax bills. City Council Agenda Item ##4 -E CITY of ALAN EDA Memorandum To; honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Set a Public Hearing for Delinquent Integrated Waste Management Charges for June 15, 2010 In accordance with Chapter XXI, Solid waste and Recycling, of the Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) and the Franchise Agreement between the City of Alameda and Alameda County Industries (ACI), ACI may assign delinquent integrated waste management (IWM) accounts to the City for collection through the property tax. Prior to assigning their rights to the City, ACI is obligated to make at least four attempts to collect the delinquent accounts. The City Council is required to hold a public hearing prior to collecting delinquent accounts through the property tax bills. DISCUSSION On April 2, 2010, ACI assigned a list of 62 delinquent IwM accounts to the City for collection. The total unpaid balance of these accounts is $26,147.90, excluding penalties, interest, and City fees. As part of the Franchise Agreement, the City is obligated to pay ACI for all delinquent accounts through the rate structure. In accordance with the AMC, the City may send a letter to each account's property owner requesting payment, and stating that if payment is not promptly received, the City may consider collecting delinquent accounts by means of the property tax bills at a noticed public hearing. Letters will be sent to all property owners. The list of the delinquent accounts is attached. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City receives a ten percent franchise fee from ACI, which is revenue for the General Fund. Unpaid IW`M charges, therefore, result in a loss in General Fund revenues. city Council Agenda Item #4- 054 8-10 Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REF ERENCE The City's IWM Program is consistent with the General Plan Health safety Element Guiding Policy 8.4.k and is consistent with the waste and Recycling Initiative of the Local Action Plan for Climate Protection. RECOMMENDATION Set a public hearing for delinquent IWM charges for June 10, 2009. Approved as to funds and account, Vim_ Eve elyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant MM:MDF:gc Exhibit: Lien List cc. Louie Pellegrini, ACI SEA �.a 200.20 071- 0200 -002 2302 BUENA VISTA AVE ESPI N OZA YVON N E 279.92 074 -1336 -155 108 PARFAIT LN WILLIAMS DONNALUCI 1,594.25 070 0166- 015 -01 1815 BROADWAY KELLEY- CAHILL TRUST 331.27 072- 0344 -014 1415 BENTON ST RIVERA PIEDAD C 178.44 074 -1038 -006 205 BAYWOOD RD .CHUNG SHINAE 184.26 074 0442 -025 14385TH. ST HAUS NICHOLAS R 426-11 073 -0392 -003 1417 SAINT CHARLES ST #B AUGUSTINE CONNIE 241.27 073- 0392 -003 1417 SAINT CHARLES ST #A AUGUSTINE CONNIE 351.27 071 -0252 -005 2021 PACIFIC AVE NAJDEK SAMUEL 240.08 074 -1265 -183 308 SUNSET RD TRAM RICHARD 406.11 073 -0414 -022 742 PACIFIC AVE #RR CANTRELL ROBERT A 508.57 APC 300 CORPUS.CHRISTI RD ALAMEDA POINT COLLABORATIVE 627.75 074 -1355 -044 2128 CORAL SEA ST TORMA VAN A 343.97 074 -1039 -162 218 LAGUNARIA LN DEVRIES MARILYN S 462.62 073 0403 -011 1351 BU RBAN K ST BATTAGLIA SUSAN 728.57 070- 0185 -017 2415 MARTI RAE CT CHAN KAMAN 493.97 07170279 -001 .1538 UNION ST SWICK NORMA M HEIRS O1- EST/C /O DEBORAH L SWICK 1,018.90 073 0388 -018 1045 SANTA CLARA AVE 1 045 .SANTA CLARA AVE 476.93 074- 1255 -104 1810 CLINTON AVE CAVANAUGH JEFFREY D CARA R 526.93 .074 1080 -034 ..849 CEDAR ST. SILVER CHARLOTTE A 446.62 072 0313 1625.SAN JOSE AVE GALLI WILLIAM D 300.08 072 -0315 -003 1215. GRAND ST GALLI WILLIAM D 263.40 071 -0214 -040 2250 SAN ANTONIO :AVE GALLI WILLIAM D 263.40 071-- 0214 -041 2254 SAN ANTONIO AVE GALLI WILLIAI'►+il D 371.27 069 -0136 -012 1004 VERSAILLES AVE SWAIN MICHAEL W JR RAINBOW A 794.92 071 --0214 01.2 2245 SAN JOSE AVE 2245 SAN JOSE AVE 331.27. 072 1702 PAR U ST B:. KOKA MOTI 508.60 074 -13.16 -055 1302 CROWN DR CC)PPOCK PAUL 620.24 074 1033 -005 11.36 HOLLY ST SONG POM 1 JEOM S 331.27 074- 1320 -009 29 CAPTAINS DR KADEVARI RAVINDER R 426.90 074 0471 -007 1621 3RD ST MAN E RS :DAVID E 407.75 069 -0133 --043 1236 COLLEGE AVE NEWELL DANIEL BRIDGETTE 506.93 073 0383017 1808 CHAPIN ST KASO. JOHN 164.03. 074 1035- 029 -13 812.I5LAND DR #A FALCHE ROBERT A 506.93 074 -1033 -049 3422 SOLOMON LN HINES ROBERT 443.11 074 044.1 -010 1505 6TH ST. RODRIGU EZ ERIC .J DANA R 369.69 074 -1275 -044 1 101*. SHERMAN ST RIVERA PIEDAD C 526.93 074 -1326 -112 6 SHANNON CIR SARASPI LISA :D MARCIANO 372.84 071- 0282 --008 1715 SCHILLER ST GREER ANl• M 283.59 072 0313 --008 1625 SAN .JOSE AVE 12 GALLI WILLIAM D 607.75 069 0060 --010 1214 PEACH ST ROURICK .DONALD P:& BRIAN J 262.35 074 -1036 -005 1 14.MAITLAND DR KHALAJI HOSSEIN 1,485.54. 071- 0254 -004 2052 EAGLE AVE RAFF, ERIC !vl 405.55 073 0426 -021 759 EAGLE :AVE TRAN Tl OMAS Q 506.93 069 --0095 -045 3261 CENTRAL AVE LEVERTON PATRICIA J 1,516.65 072 0316- 003 -01 1610 CENTRAL AVE #A WINSLOW HUG 1 -I .S /WINSLOW SHIRELL T 343.48 071 0251 -020 2058 BUENA VISTA AVE #BACK ORTIZ GILBERTO 506.93 072 0297 --003 1730 BUENA VISTA AVE JONES PAMELA 391.46 072 1105. BUENA VISTA AVE MOOR E C .W J ESSI E P 710.55 070 0169 -018 1521 BROADWAY WENCESLAO. ELEANOR E 1,042.62 072 0369 -024 .1406 BAY ST WAGAR JILL 506.93 071 0248 -015 2029 CENTRAL AVE ONEILL MICHAEL ROSALIE A 26,'147.94 City Coun Exhibit to 2010 Lien workbook LIEN 2010 A I tem #4-F 05 -18 -10 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: honorable Mayor and Members of the City council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Accept the Work of NorCal Pipeline Inspection for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Inspection, Phase 2, No. P. W.07-08-19 BACKGROUND On August 19, 2008, the city council adopted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids for citywide sewer mains and laterals video inspection, phase 2, No. P.W. 07- 08 -19. On November 8, 2008, the city council awarded a contract in the amount of $1 40,803, including contingencies, to Norcal Pipeline Inspection to video inspect and clean approximately 40,000 linear feet of sewer mains and laterals. DISCUSSION The project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications, and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $138,505. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project is budgeted in the capital Improvement Program (Project No. 90 -01), with monies allocated from the Sewer Enterprise Funds. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15308, Information Collection. Cit Counci A Item #4wlr- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION May 18, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Accept the wort of NorCal Pipeline Inspection for citywide sever mains and laterals video inspection, phase 2, No. P. W. 07- 08 -19. Approved as to funds and account, Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant BH:PSJ:gc CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: honorable Mayor and Members of the city council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Adopt a Resolution Declaring the City's Intention to Revise the Sewer Service Charge and Establishing Procedures for Accepting Protests Pursuant to Article x111D, Section 0(a) of the California constitution Reqardinq Property- Related Fees and Charaes The city's sewer facilities collects sewage generated by Alameda residents and businesses and conveys it via a network of pipes, pump stations, and lift stations, to East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) for treatment. The existing sewer system, which is approximately 100 years old in some areas, has loose pipe joints, small cracks, and sections of deteriorated pipes. During heavy storm events, these deficiencies enable the stor water to seep into the pipes, further damaging the pipes and significantly increasing the amount of flow in the pipes. This is known as infiltration. In addition, storrwater may enter the sanitary sewer system at points of direct connection to the .systems through foundation drains, downspouts, and basement sump pumps being improperly or illegally connected to sewer systems. This is known as inflow. The conveyance of sewer flows is subject to both State and federal regulations. Alameda is one of seven satellite agencies that rely on EBMUD to accept and treat its sewage. During periods of heavy rain, inflow and infiltration (111) of stormwater into the sewer pipes increase the flow volume, and the EBMUD interceptor system and .treatment facility cannot convey and process all the wet weather flows. In the 1990s, EBMUD's wet weather facilities (WWF's) were constructed as temporary detention facilities for the increase in volume, with discharges permitted during large storm events. However, in 2007, EBMUD's discharge permit for its WWF's was remanded by the State Water Resources control Board (SWRCB) based on the Environmental Protection. Agency's (EPA's) ruling that the discharges did not meet secondary treatment standards and, therefore, were in violation of the Clean water Act (CWA). In January 2009, the EPA issued a cease Desist Order (CDO) to EBMUD, prohibiting discharges from the WWF's. The basis of the CDO was due to sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's) from EBMUD's WWF's entering the Bay and affecting water quality. In July 2009, EBMUD entered into an agreement with EPA and the SWRCB (Stipulated order), requiring it to develop programs, in conjunction with the satellite agencies, to address the regional wet weather problem. City Council Report Fie Agenda !tern ##4 05-18-10 Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 5 Based on the results from initial studies conducted by EBMUD and its subsequent negotiations and pre -CDO discussions with EPA, EBMUD determined that rehabilitation of the local collection systems would be more cost effective than upgrading its WWF's to provide secondary treatment. This decision effectively placed the responsibility for reducing wet weather flows on the satellite agencies. In October 2009, EPA issued administration compliance orders to each of the satellite agencies identifying the initial steps required to reduce wet weather flogs. This included mandating certain improvements to the infrastructure and modifying existing operations and maintenance practices. DISCUSSION The City is required by State law and City policy to collect revenues sufficient to cover the costs of operating the sewer facilities. These revenues allow the City to safely and reliably convey sewage generated by residents and businesses, and protect human health. Costs recovered through the rate revenue include salaries and benefits for sewer facilities staff, contractual services, materials, equipment, supplies, and utilities. In addition, revenues generated from the sewer rates are used to pay off debt incurred in the process of building the mandated capital improvements. In accordance with EPA legion Ix, "Docket No. CWA 309(x) -10 -005, Findings of Violation and order for Compliance" (AO), the City is required to complete. certain minimum improvements to its sewer facilities within the next 20 years. The findings area result of the EPA's recent reinterpretation of the CWA, which no longer allows EBMUD to discharge partially treated wastewater into the Bay. To comply with this AO, the City ust improve y P the sewer facilities operations and maintenance protocol; upgrade all 42 existing pump and lift stations; and increase -the sewer facilities pipe's capacity and reliability. This, in turn, will require a significant increase in operations and maintenance service levels. In addition, the City is moving forward with the proposed implementation of its Sewer Management Plan, which consists of repairs to the sewer facilities on a long -term basis. ultimately, it is expected that significant sewer facilities rehabilitation will be required to comply with future mandated limits on peak flow discharges to the EBMUD system. The City has investigated a number of options for financing the required improvements, including varying methods of low interest debt financing. All feasible options, however, involve varying degrees of sewer service charge increases to ensure that these mandated improvements are adequately funded. To adjust the existing sewer service charge, a spending plan must be thoroughly developed and justified. In addition, Proposition 218 provides guidelines prior to the City Council's approval of a sewer service charge increase. A four /fifths vote by the City Council is required for this surer service charge increase to pass. Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 3 of b Time is of the essence, and the sooner the City takes steps to address this issue, the more effectively it will demonstrate to the EPA that the City is being proactive to comply with the AO requirements. This good faith gesture may encourage EPA to show leniency towards the City and may help reduce the possibility of fines for uncontrolled SSO's. Proposition 218 and Protest Procedures: Proposition 218, also known as the "Right to Vote on Taxes Act", was approved by California voters in 1996. The Act, which added Article XIIIC and xIIID to the California Constitution, provides a methodology for voters to repeal or reduce taxes, assessments, fees, and charges though the initiative process; reiterates the requirements for voter approval for local "special" and "general" taxes; and imposes restrictions and requirements on real property assessments and certain types of fees. In accordance with Proposition 218, when increasing surer service charges the City y must first provide written notice by mail to alI property owners and conduct a public hearing. The City's public hearing is scheduled for July 8, 2010, 45 days after mailing the notice. In addition, the City Council must adopt a resolution setting proper protest procedures. In accordance with the Proposition 218 requirements for surer service charge increases, the City Council has the authority to approve the sewer service charge unless the City receives written protests opposing the proposed surer service charge by a majority of the affected property owners. If the City receives a sufficient number of written protests, the City Council cannot approve the surer service charge. This petition must be submitted in writing by July 8, 2010, the date of the public hearing, or representatives must appear and present the petition at the July 0, 2010, City Council meeting. Copies of the protest procedures are available in the City Clerk's office or may be viewed on the City's website www.ci.alameda.ca.us under public notices, per the City Council's adoption of Article xIIID of the California Constitution and Protest Procedures in accordance with Proposition 218 (see Exhibit 1 Guidelines for the Submission and Tabulation of Protests). Financial Study: To fully understand and estimate the financial impacts associated with AO compliance, the City hired an outside consultant, Red oak Consulting, to conduct a cost analysis. Red oak's scope of work included developing a detailed forecast of the costs to construct the improvements required by the AO and to maintain the City's current sewer facilities; the preparation of a financial analysis identifying the sewer service charges necessary to support the future budgets; and procedural support to guide the City regarding the proper steps needed to comply with the requirements of Proposition 218. Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the city Council Page 4 of 5 The surer Rate Study (see Exhibit Z) by Red oak concluded that the existing sewer service charges are insufficient to fund ongoing operations and maintenance costs, meet the 20 --year capital improvements necessary to maintain the city's Seger Management Plan, comply with the AO mandates, and provide the required bond covenant debt service coverage ratio. Failure to meet AO mandates may result in strict penalties and possible litigation from the EPA. In addition, at the current sewer service charge structure, the surer services will drop below recommended reserve levels by FY11 -12 and the suer enterprise fund will be totally exhausted by FY19 -20. Moreover, in accordance with prudent management practices, Red oak does not recommend completely exhausting the existing city's cash reserves. Maintaining a reasonable cash reserve for project funds is critical when addressing emergency situations, and is a general financial principle previously endorsed by the city council. A certain level of cash reserve must be maintained in the event of a devastating natural disaster or the crippling failure of a very expensive facility or piece of infrastructure such as a major sanitary suer pump station. The city's sewer service charges are structured to ensure the cost of providing sewer service is fair and equitably recovered from all customer groups. Residential customers are billed on the annual property tax rolls, and non residential customers are billed annually based on water usage. All information related to parcel taxes must be sent to the county of Alameda by August 10 2010, for this information to be posted on the November and February property tax bills. If the county is not in receipt of any instructions regarding sewer service charge increases before the deadline, the surer service charges will be assessed in the following year. FINANCIAL IMPACT Based on Red oak's assessment, the existing surer service charges are insufficient to fund existing ongoing operations and maintenance costs, provide adequate cash reserves, and comply with the AO mandates. To avoid strict penalties and possible litigation from the EPA for not meeting the AO mandates, the city could be required to use General Fund reserves to cover the additional costs should the surer service charges not be increased. Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council RECOMMENDATION May 18, 2010 Page 5 of 5 Adopt a resolution declaring the city's intention to revise the sewer service charge and establishing procedures for accepting protests pursuant to Article XIIID, section 8(a) of the California Constitution regarding property related fees and charges. Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Nacleno Public Works Director Approved as to funds and account, Ue Lq& fj LA)O� Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant BF:PS:gc Exhibit(s): 1. Guidelines for the Submission and Tabulation of Protests (on file in the City Clerk's office and at www.ci.alameda.ca.us under Public Notices). 2. Sewer Rate Study (on file in the City Clerk's office). GUIDELINES FOR THE SUBMISSION AND TABULATION OF PROTESTS Submission of Protests Any property owner may submit a written protest to the city clerk, either by delivery to the office of the city clerk or by submitting the protest at the public hearing. Protests must be received by the end of the public hearing. No postmarks will be accepted. 2. Each protest must identify the affected property (by assessor's parcel number or street address) and include the signature of the record property owner. Email protests cannot be accepted. Although oral comments at the public hearing will not qualify as a formal protest unless accompanied by a written protest, the city Council welcomes input from the community during the public hearing on the proposed fees. 3. If a parcel served by the City is owned by more than a single record owner, each owner may submit a protest, but only one protest will be counted per parcel and any one protest submitted in accordance with these rules will be sufficient to count as a protest for that property. 4. In order to be valid a protest must bear the original signature of the record owner with respect to the property identified on the protest. Protests not bearing the original signature of a record owner shall not be counted. 6. Any person who submits a protest may withdraw it by submitting to the City clerk a writing request that the protest be withdrawn. The withdrawal of a protest shall contain sufficient information to identify the affected parcel and the name of the record owner or record customer who submitted both the protest and the request that it be withdrawn. 6. A fee protest proceeding is not an election. 7. To ensure transparency and accountability in the fee protest tabulation, protests shall constitute disclosable public records from and after the time they are received. Tabulation of Protests. The city clerk shall determine the validity of all protests. The city Clerk shall not accept as valid any protest if the city Clerk determines that any of the following conditions exist. a. The protest does not identify a property served by the city. b. The protest does not bear an original signature of a record owner of the parcel identified on the protest. City council Exhibit 2 to Report Re: Agenda Item #4 -H 05 -18 -10 C. The protest does not state its opposition to the proposed fees. d. The protest was not received by the City Clerk before the close of the public hearing on the proposed fees. e. A request to withdraw the protest is received prior to the close of the public hearing on the proposed fees. 3. The City Clerk's decision that a protest is not valid or does not apply to a specific fee shall constitute a final action of the City and shall not be subject to any internal appeal. 4. A majority protest exists if written protests are timely submitted and not withdrawn by the record owners of a majority of the properties subject to the proposed fee. 5. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Clerk shall complete the tabulation of all protests received, including those received during the public hearing and shall report the results of the tabulation to the City Council upon completion. If review of the protests received demonstrates that the number received is manifestly less than one -half of the parcels served by the City with respect to the fee which is the subject of the protest, then the Clerk may advise the City Council of the absence of a majority protest without determining the validity of all protests. CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. DECLARING THE CITY'S INTENTION TO REVISE THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGE AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR ACCEPTING PROTESTS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XIIID, SECTION 0(a) OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION REGARDING PROPERTY- RELATED FEES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, the united States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mandated that the City undertake an extensive capital improvement program to repair its surer facilities, including upgrading all of its existing pump and lift stations and increasing its sewer facility pipe capacity and reliability, pursuant to EPA Region IX, "Docket No. CWA 300(a) -10 -005, Findings of Violation and order for Compliance" (AO); and WHEREAS, the City's share of the cost of the capital program is estimated to be $113, 310 over 20 years (from 2011 through 2030); and WHEREAS, it is not possible to absorb this cost into the City's existing sewer budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to impose a new sewer service charge to fund these necessary expenses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA THAT: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are all true and correct. Section 2. The City Council proposes a revision to the surer service charge at the annual rate or, according to the schedule] described in Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, which is incorporated herein by reference. It is proposed that the sewer service charge be collected annually in July on the property tax rolls. Section 3. On .duly 0, 2010, at 7:00 PM or as soon thereafter as may be practicable in the City Council Chambers located at 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, California, the City Council will hold a public hearing pursuant to Article XI II D of the California Constitution and the rules adopted pursuant to Resolution with respect to the proposed revised charge. At this hearing, all interested persons will be permitted to present oral and written testimony with respect to the proposed revised charge. Section 4. The City Council further directs staff to give notice of the hearing in the manner required by law. Resolution 4 -H CC 05 -18 -10 Section 5. The City will accept and tabulate protests against the proposed charge pursuant to the procedures set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Resolution, which is incorporated herein by reference. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of May, 2010 by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, VVHEREOI i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 19th day of May, 2010. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAI E DA Memorandum To: honorable. Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: May 1 8, 201 0 Re: Adopt a resolution Approving a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement with the California State Coastal Conservancy to I rnplernent Sari a bradication.and M itigaticn IvleasureS and Authorize the I nterim City Tana er to Execute all g Re uired Documents BACKGROUND In 2003, the. California State Coastal Conservancy ado ted a Final Y) p Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement/Envlronrnental Impact •Report (EISIEIR) to allow for the treatment and control of non native Sp artina. in the. Sa.n Francisco Bay Estuary. This document required the. preparation of site specific control p fans. The Conservancy has prepared an Invasive Spa Ill. Pro ect SP} Control Program for calendar years 2008 through 2010 for 24 sites th roughout the San F rancisco Bay Estuary, rY Including four sub -sites along the City' shoreline. On July 19 :2005. e thfit Council Y adopted Resolution No. 13875, adopted the find fbr.the.:non _native SPattina eradication program contained in the. final programmatic EIS /EI re aced the p p Y Conservancy, and also adopted a mitigation monitoring reporting program and statement of overriding considerations. DISCUSSION The city of Alameda has partnered successful) .frith the Conservancy on the. ISP control Y Y Program efforts since 2005, and has received grant funding totaling $159, measures and related public. outreach activities. For 201 0, the. City and the.:Conservancy will continue their. partnership to irrplernent the control project and treat the rerrainin g acreage of non native .i Sparti along the City's shoreline. To initiate this phsse of work, the Conservancy requires a fifth program amendment to provide the Cit Y up to $50,000 in grant funds. Unlike previous years, the source of funding is.federal grant funds provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and Coastal and Marine Restoration Grants Program, rather than state -based funding as in past years. The Conservancy has requested the City continue City Council Report Re: Agenda Item ##44 ®5W1 8 =1 0 Honorable Mayor and May 1 2010 Members of the city council Page 2 of 3 implementation of invasive Spartina treatment and eradication projects consistent with the terms and requirements of .these. federal .grant funds. In addition, the.Cit y g is r e q uired to prepare and submit all ARRA- related reports. The City expects tote allocated funding still y p g be sufficient to cover the additional necessary to i mplement and ensure compliance with the ARRA funding requirements. Based on the current economic climate and as required. 'last ear, the Conservanc q y y requested the City.includea revised termination clause in the construction contract stating that the project may be terminated if funds are not available. The Conservandvi take Y the responsibi I ity of paying for aII approved costs up to th e po i nt of the termin:aticn notice. If the City chooses to continue the work, the remainin costs wiII be the res onsibiiit of the g p y City. Four areas are identified for eradication his. y ear: Alameda Island :South, Alameda an Bast, Bay Farris Island, and. anriede .island North. The City rill be adrninisteri �g:three of the identif work .areas. as part of. the. proposed grant. The fourth work area, aloe the g. northern Alameda shoreline, is part of the Oakland I nner l- [arbor ro =ect site and wild be p. J managed by the Conservancy. To date, several of the infestations along the Alameda shoreline have roved relative Y resilient to treatment effo es peci ally at the Elsie Raerrer Bird Sanctuary:and alor the g eastern shoreline.. The. E lsie Ro emer site was identified. as.. one of.the snore established non native invasive Spartina infestation sites in the Ba Area. l n order to rrtinirnize sin y g. season impacts to the: endange red California clapper rai phased control perk and limited herbicide application were initially. implemented at the Elsie Roemer site With the lirr�ited application, eradication efforts are more diffi to actieye. The :ISP less observed that, due .to improved. treatment efficiency in 2088 and 2009 Spattiha. infestations have be g un to diminish. Invasive Spartina is much Te ss evident along the Bay Farm: Island arnd Elsie Roemer shorelines in particular. As the bulk of: the plants is reduced additional treatment coverage will improve, increasing the overall effectiveness o. the eradication efforts. The City wiII continue to provide the public with up to -date. information re ardin ro osed g gp p actions to control invasive Spartina.. A copy of the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement is on file in the City clerk's office. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FINANCIAL IMPACT May 18, 2010 Page 3of3 Based on the current encumbered balance of approximately $50,000. available.to the City under this Agreerr.ent, there are sufficient funds to proceed with the Spar ina treatment and eradication activities to be undertaken by the City during 2010. The City as b.ud eted.an Y g in -kind staff tune contribution of $30,000, with funds available from the. Urban Runoff fund. There is no impact to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The proposed Resolution is consistent with several implemented Open policies of the Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving a fifth amendment to the agreement with the Conservanc y to i mplement Spar ina eradication and mitigation measures and authorize the Interim fit Manager to execute all required documents. Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio� Public Works Director Approved as to funds and account, GkL4 Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant Exhibit: 1. Fifth Amendment to Agreement (on file in the City Clerk's office) cc: California State Coastal Conservancy CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING A FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY TO IMPLEMENT SPARTINA ERADICATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES AND AUTHORIZE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER NN, TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS t WHEREAS, the California State Coastal Conservancy (Conservancy) r and the City of Alameda (City) executed a Partnership Agreement (Agreement) on August 22, 2005, to undertake invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities and public outreach related to these activities along the shorelines of Alameda in the amount of $38,093; and WHEREAS, the City and the Conservancy executed an amendment to this Agreement on June 22, 2005, for an additional disbursement to the City not to exceed $39,080 for invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities in 2005; and WHEREAS, the City and the Conservancy executed a second amendment to this Agreement on May 15, 2007, for an additional disbursement to the City not to exceed $58,500 for invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities in 2007; and WHEREAS, the City and the Conservancy executed a third amendment to this Agreement on June 13, 2008, for an additional disbursement to fife City not to exceed $57,000 for invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities in 2008; and WHEREAS, the City and the Conservancy executed a fourth amendment to this Agreement on July 9, 2009, for invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities in 2009; and WHEREAS, the Conservancy has authorized the additional disbursement of an amount not to exceed $50,000 to the City_ to continue implementation of invasive Spartina treatment and eradication activities in 2010 under the Invasive Spartina Project (ISP) Spartina Control Program; and WHEREAS, the Conservancy has requested the City to continue implementation of invasive Spartina treatment and eradication projects consistent with the terms and requirements of the federal grant funds provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAH), American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and Coastal and Marine Restoration Grants Program; and Resolution 4 -I CC D5 -18 -10 WHEREAS, the conservancy has requested the city include an updated termination clause that informs the contractor that the conservancy may terminate or suspend the Agreement before the project is complete and that the Conservancy shall be responsible for any reasonable and non cancelable obligations incurred by the city up to the date of the notice to terminate or suspend; and WHEREAS, the 1SP and implementation of the Spartina control Program remain consistent with Public Resources code Sections 31150. 31154; and WHEREAS, on June 28, 2005, July 25, 2005, August 17, 2005, July 19, 2005, June 21, 2007, June 28, 2007, July 12, 2007, August 15, 2007, and July 9 1 2008, public meetings were held to inform the public about the proposed Spartina control efforts. Attendees were supportive of the proposed. project but did express concerns about herbicide usage and the residual habitat effects. Overall, attendees were in favor of the proposed action plans. Staff will continue to provide the public with up -to -date information regarding proposed actions to control invasive Spartina along the Alameda shoreline; and WHEREAS, the city shall carry out the project in accordance with the Agreement, site specific plans and treatment, and outreach work programs to be approved by the Executive officer of the conservancy pursuant to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the city shall provide any funds, subject to appropriation by the City council of Alameda, beyond those granted under the Agreement which are needed to complete the project; and WHEREAS, the conditions Precedent to Commencement of Project and Disbursement and Additional Grant conditions shall be met before the city shall commence the project and the conservancy shall be obligated to disburse any funds under the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City approves a fifth amendment to the Agreement from the conservancy to implement Spartina Eradication and Mitigation Measures and authorizes the Interim city Manager to execute all required documents. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18 day of May, 2010 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENTIONS: IN tIVITN ESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 1 9 th day of May, 2010. Sara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda CITY of ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Interim city Manager to Submit a Request to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Allocation of $121 000 in FY10-11 Transportation Develo went Act, article 3 .Fundin to p g. Upgrade Bicycle Facility Signage and Construct Sidewalk Improvements, and to Execute All N ecessa ry Documents BACKGROUND The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has allocated funds for.. Transportation Development Act JDA), Article 3, Pedestrian /Bicycle. Projects, for FY1 o- 1 1 All cities and counties in the nine- county IVITC region n ay apply for TDA .Article 3 funds for pedestrian /bicycle purposes. Alameda county funds are allocated and apportioned by the planning area population. This City of Alarneda'.s planning area also includes the cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Emeryville, Piedmont, and Albany. DISCUSSION Two projects are anticipated with the. subject resolution. Based on feedback from the bicycle community and. consistent with the adopted Bicycle Master Plan, the. first project will upgrade and supplement existing signage along existing Class [I (bike. Ian es) ..and Class I I I (bike routes) bicycle facilities and is anticipated .to improve the. ease.of bicycling in Alameda. The second project .gill reconstruct. sections .of raised sidewalk. based on an established list of locations. These.. locations are throughout the City. and will improve pedestrian access citywide. For the city to receive these funds, MTC requires the city council to adopt a resolution indicating support for the proposed project. FINANCIAL_ IMPACT Based on reduced revenues from Measure B, which is typically used to fund sidewalk repairs, this project will ensure that the City is able to perform repairs at a level similar to prior years. This project will not impact the General Fund. City Council Report Fie: Agenda Item ##44 05-18-010 Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the city Council Page 2 of 2 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda M unicipal code. The project directly supports General Plan objective 4.3.2, "Enhance opportunities for pedestrian access and movement by developing, promoting, and maintaining pedestrian networks and environments," as well as General Plan Policy 4.3.3.a, "Maintain and implement the Bicycle Master Plan with regard to physical system improvements (especially: the identified priority projects), as well as programs and policies relating to encouragement, education and enforcement ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c), Existing Facilities. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution authorizing the Interim City Manager to submit a request to the MTC for the allocation of $121 ,000 in FYI 0 -11 TDA, Article 3 funding to upgrade bicycle facility signage and construct sidewalk improvements, and execute all necessary documents. Approved as to funds and account, W kx 6 V* Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO, AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A REQUEST TO THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR THE ALLOCATION OF $121,000 IN FY10 -11 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT, ARTICLE 3 FUNDING, FOR UPGRADES TO THE BICYCLE FACILITY SIGNAGE AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, Article 3 of the Transportation Development Act (TDA), Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 99200 et seq., authorizes the submission of claims to a regions( transportation planning agency for the funding of projects exclusively for the benefit and /or use of pedestrians and bicyclists; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), as the regional transportation planning agency for the San Francisco Bay region, has adopted MTC Resolution No. 875, Revised, entitled "TDA, Article 3, Pedestrian /B.icycle Projects," which delineates procedures and criteria for submission of requests for the allocation of "TDA Article 3" funding; and WH EREAS, MTC Resolution No. 875, Revised requires that. requests for the allocation of TDA Article 3 funding be submitted as part of a single, countywide coordinated claim from each county in the San Francisco Bay region; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda desires to submit a request to MTC for the allocation of TDA Article 3 funds to support the projects described in Attachment B to this resolution, which are for the exclusive benefit and/or use of pedestrians and /or bicyclists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Alameda City Council that the Interim City Manager is authorized to submit a request to the 111'ITC for the allocation of $121,000 in FY10 -11 TDA, Article 3 funding, for upgrades to the bicycle facility signage and sidewalk improvements, and execute all necessary documents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Alameda declares it is eligible to request an allocation of TDA Article 3 funds pursuant to Section 99234 of the Public Utilities Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is no pending or threatened litigation that might adversely affect the project or projects described in Attachment B to this resolution, or that might impair the ability of the City of Alameda to carry out the project. Resolution 4 J CC 05 -18 -1d BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city of Alameda attests to the accuracy of and approves the statements in Attachment A to this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution and its attachments, and any accompanying supporting materials shall be forwarded to the congestion management agency, countywide transportation planning agency, or county association of governments, as the case may be, of Alameda county for submission to MTC as part of the countywide coordinated TDA Article 3 claim. Resolution No. INSERT NUMBER A Ar.hmPnt A AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A REQUEST TO THE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR THE ALLOCATION OF $121,000 IN FISCAL YEAR 2010/20/1 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT, ARTICLE 3 FUNDING, FOR UPGRADES TO THE BICYCLE FACILITY SIGNAGE AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, AND TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS Findings Page 1 of 2 1, That the city of Alameda is not legally impeded from submitting a request to the Metropolitan Transportation commission for the allocation of .Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds, nor is the city of Alameda legally impeded from undertaking the project(s) described in "Attachment B" of this resolution. 2. That the City of Alameda has committed adequate staffing resources to complete the project(s) described in Attachment B. 3. A review of the project(s) described in Attachment B has resulted in the consideration of all pertinent matters, including those related to environmental and right -of -way permits and clearances, attendant to the successful completion of the project(s). 4. Issues attendant to securing environmental and right -of -way permits and clearances for the projects described in Attachment B have been reviewed and will be concluded in a manner and on a schedule that will not jeopardize the deadline for the use of the TDA funds being requested. 5. That the project(s) described in Attachment B comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.). 6. That as portrayed in the budgetary description(s) of the project(s) in Attachment B, the sources of funding other than TDA are assured and adequate for completion of the project(s). 7. That the project(s) described in Attachment B are for capital construction and/or design engineering; and /or for the maintenance of a class I bikeway which is closed to motorized traffic; and /or for the purposes of restriping class 11 bicycle lanes; and/or for the development or support of a bicycle safety education program; and /or for the development of a comprehensive bicycle and/or pedestrian facilities plan, and an allocation of TDA Article 3 funding for such a plan has not been received by the city of Alameda within the prior five fiscal years. 8. That the project(s) described in Attachment B which are bicycle projects have been included in a detailed bicycle circulation element included in an adopted general plan, or included in an adopted comprehensive bikeway plan (such as outlined in Section 2377 of the California Bikeways Act, Streets and Highways Code section 2370 et g. That any project described in Attachment B that is a "Mass I Bikeway," meets the mandatory minimum safety design criteria published in chapter 1000 of the California Highway Design Manual. 10. That the project(s) described in Attachment B are ready to commence implementation during the fiscal year of the requested allocation. 11. That the city of Alameda agrees to maintain, or provide for the maintenance of, the project(s) and facilities described in Attachment B, for the benefit of and use by the public. RESOLUTION NO. INSERT NUMBER ATTACHMENT B PAGE 1 OF 2 TDA ARTICLE 3 PROJECT APPLICATION FORM Fiscal Year of this Claim: 201012011 Applicant: City of Alameda Contact person: Barry Bergman Mailing Address: 950 West Mall Square, Room 100, Alameda ,CA 94501 E -Mail Address: bbergman@ ci.alameda.ca.us Telephone: (510) 749 -5916 Secondary Contact (in event primary not available) Obaid Khan, (510) 749 -5926 E -Mail Address: okhan(cDci.alameda.ca,us Telephone: (510) 749 -5926 Short Title Descri tion of Project: sidewalk Repairs and Bikewa Imn lementation and Enhancement Amount of claim: 121 000 Functional Description of Project: The groiect will implement sidewalk re airs as well as adopted Mass III bike routes and will install enhanced sl na e on existinq Class 11 and Class III bikeways. Financial Plan: List the project elements for which TDA funding is being requested (e.g. planning,, environmental, engineering, right -of -way, construction, inspection, contingency, audit). Use the table below to show the project budget. Include prior and proposed future funding of the project. If the project is a segment of a larger project, include prior and proposed funding sources for the other segments. Project Elements: Plannin All Prior FYs Application FY Next FY Following FYs Totals TDA Article 3 $121 $121 list all other sources: Totals $121,000 $121,000 Project Eligibility: YES /SIG A. Has the project been approved by the claimant's governing body? (if "No YES provide the approximate date approval is anticipated). p pp pp B. Has this project previously received TDA Article 3 funding? If "YES," provide an No ex explanation on a separate page. p p p 0 C. For "bikeways," does the project meet Caltrans minimum safety design criteria pursuant to Chapter 1000 of the California Highway Design Manual? (Available on the YES internet via: http://www.dot.c ov D. Has the project been reviewed by a Bicycle Advisory Committee? (If "No," provide an explanation). p YES E. Has the public availability of the environmental compliance documentation for the project (pursuant to CEQA) been evidenced by the dated stamping of the document by clerk or count recorder`? (required onl for r the count y y y projects that include ude NlA construction). F. Will the project be completed before the allocation expires? Enter the anticipated YES rn letion date of project (month and ear June 2011 co p p year G. Have provisions been made by the claimant to maintain the project or facility, or has the claimant arranged for such maintenance by another agency? (If an agency YES other than the Claimant is to maintain the fa provide its name: I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18 day of May, 2010, by the following vote to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 10 day of May 2010. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Cit Mana Date: Ma 18, 201 Re: Adopt. a Resolution Authorizin the Interim Cit Mana to Submit .an Application for Measure .B Paratransit Fundin for FY1 0-11, and to Execute all Necessa Documents BACKGROUND The Americans with Disabilities A ct (ADA) re trans..it..a to. offer. e paratransit service for persons certified as unable to.drive ortake p blict it. �Pa t it u ransi ra rans services must be made available to eli users within 314 mile ofthe xistin fixed transit routes durin the normal opera hours. of the fixed routes. In.Al.ameda, the mandated paratransit service is provided b East.Ba Paratransit. While most.of Alameda is within 3/4 mile. of AC Transit routes, some.service g aps.exist includin locations without bus service on weekends, or durin cert times of t da Measure B, the half-cent sales tax for transportation, provides a ded icated. fu nd in g sou roe for non-mandated, locall based paratransit services for people with:disabilities and no n- disabled seniors in Alameda Count The Cit of Ala meda y .ha used these funds to rovide p supplemental paratransit services to address.the service g aps, as well. as to p rovid e additional non-mandated services. To receive these funds, the Al ameda C..O.unty Transportation Improvement Aut (ACTIA), wh.ich administers Measure B funds, re that each jurisdiction submit a resolution authorizin the .City to appl for these funds with its annual application. DISCUSSION The Cit paratran-sit fundin application. for FY10-1 1 continues. to implement the paratransit pro approved b the Cit Council on November 3, 2009. In preparin the pro proposal, staff sou input from the. Commission on Disab ilit Issues, the Recreation and Parks Commission, the Transportation Commission, the Social Services Human Relations Board, and numerous communit g roups. The FY10-1 1 ACTIA paratransit fundin application consists of a pro bud of $196,000, which includes the followin services: Cit Council Report Re: A Item #4=K 05=1 84 1 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council May 18, 2010 Page 2 of 4 1. Alameda Paratransit Shuttle ($70,000 The Alameda Paratransit.Shuttle, a pilot program which began operations on April 6, 2010, provides a fixed route service, three days a week, for six hours per day. The service is available to all BBP -eligible Alameda residents, as well as residents age 62 and older, regardless of disability status. There currently is no charge for this service. The shuttle provides enhanced access for residents to key destinations in Alameda, including the Alameda Towne Centre, the Park and Webster Street business districts, the Alameda Hospital, the Alameda Theatre and Cineplex, and the Alameda Free Library. Early reports. of ridership are positive, with 47 riders during th week of service. Based on start -up shuttles in other communities, this ridership data. is indicative of a successful new service. Staff will continue to collect ridershi p data and monitor the performance of the shuttle. 2. Medical Return Trip l m rovement Program NRTi P 46 000: The M RTl P provides BBP- certified residents with a free taxi return tri p home from medical appointments. Since LBP requires reservations a day in advance, rn�edical appointments are not always well served by BBP, and the City 's pr g reatl y g g y increases the convenience for FBP- certified residents. 3. Su Taxi Service 000: The Supplementary Taxi Service provides service for. EBP- certified Alameda residents who .need service at times when BBP does not operate. BBP operations are tied to the hours of AC Transit routes. 4. Premium Taxi Service 000: ThO .P.remIum Taxi .Service. program serves certified BBP users; residents 75 years. and. older, reg ardless of disabilit ;and g y residents 70 years and older who do not possess a drive r'.s .license. The Premium Tani Service provides a 50 discount .for taxi rides with the Cit y of :Alarnede's transportation provider. The service is not limited to medical trip and eii ible riders p g are required to purchase the discount coupons in advance. This ro ram has been p g reduced in scope due to the introduction of the Alameda Paratransit Shuttle. ons (worth p Additionally, residents are now limited to ten cou $50) er as p quarter opposed to the previous fiscal year when.there was no limit. 5. Group Trip e ps This p rogram provides a range of trip types, including monthly trips for seniors through the Mastick .Senio.r Center, a shopper shuttle, subscription group trips from convalescent homes, Alameda Recreation Park Department cultural event class trips, and the Annual Nursing orne .Picnic Group p Trip. 6. Scholarship Pro ram 000: This program for "very low income" disabled households, as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, provides certified BBP users with up to two free BBP ticket books each year with the purchase of two ticket books at the regular price. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council May 18, 2010 Page 3 of 4 7. East Bay-Paratransit Coupons f$5 The City currently has a surplus of East Bay Paratransit coupons that were purchased in FY09 -10 for distribution to Alameda residents free of charge. East Bay Paratransit has recentl Y approved roved an increase in their fares, so this funding is required to upgrade the coupons so that they may be used under the new fare structure. 8. Program Management ($30, This amount funds Public works staff time to complete ACTIA application and reporting requirement, review program. data and invoices, participate in ACTIA 's paratransit committees, renew or. establish new contracts, conduct public outreach meetings, and coordinate with the transportation providers and Mastick staff. 9. Customer Service and Outreach 25,000 This amount funds implementation of the marketing program, including printingprograrr brochures, running print and gp r producing promotional mailings. Postage and staff time associated with conducting basic program outreach are also included. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Paratransit Program, as outlined above, totals $196,000. The program will be funded from an ACTIA Measure B funding allocation ($126,123), fares from taxi cou on and rou p group trip ticket revenues. ($8,750), fund balance interest. ($849), and fund balance ($60,278). An available Paratransit fund balance of $60,825 will remain. There is no ins p act to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. The City's Paratransit Program is consistent with the General Plan Transportation Element Objective 4.1.5, consider the transportation needs of the community, including hose with limited mobility o tions. 9 Y p Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council RECOMMENDATION Ma 18, 2010 Pa 4 of 4 Adopt a resolution authorizin the Interim Cit Mana to submit an application for Measure B Paratransit fundin for FY1 0-11, and to execute all necessar documents. Approved as to funds and account, R. 114t Evel Leun Interim Supervisin Accountant cc: Measure B Watchdo Committee CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER To SUBMIT AN g APPLICATION FOR MEASURE B PARATRANSIT FUNDING FOR FY10 -11 AND TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS A WHEREAS, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) req uires that equivalent paratransit service be provided within 3/4 mile and during h q p p g t e regular operating hours of fixed route transit services for those who are determined to be eligible for such services; and WHEREAS Alameda residents who are seniors or w t ho have disabilit have transportation needs that are not always met by the existing fixed route transit services; and WHEREAS, the city of Alameda receives an allocation from Measure B sales tax revenue, administered by the Alameda county Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA), to provide paratransit services for seniors and people with disabilities to supplement ADA- mandated services; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda's paratransit program budget for FY10 -11 requires $190,000 in Measure B Paratransit funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Alameda plans to submit a grant application to ACTIA for funds from the Measure B Paratransit funding for the following project: The Alameda Paratransit Shuttle provides fixed route service for eligible users, free of charge, to destinations in Alameda three days a week. The Medical Return Trip Improve me nt Program provides free taxi service to East Bay Paratrasit (EBP)- certified residents to return home from medical appointments. The Premium Taxi Service provides taxi services, not limited to medical trips, at 50% discount for eligible residents. Free EBP coupons, scholarships, group trips, and supplemental paratransit service before or after EBP hours also are offered. NOVA, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Alameda city council that the Interim city Manager is authorized to submit an application for Measure B Paratransit funds for FY10 -11 in the amount of $195,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Interim city Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents to implement the project. Resolution 4 -K CC 05 -18 0 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18 th day of fray, 2010 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 19 day of May 2010. Lara Weisiger, City clerk City of Alameda CITY of ALAI E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Ratify the Public Utility Board's Approval of the Termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement and Authorize the General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power to Execute the Termination of the Agreement i I I I i On November 5, 1991, the Alameda City Council approved the Natural Gas Procurement Program (NGPP) Third Phase Agreement authorizing the Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) to procure natural gas as fuel for Combustion Turbine Project 1 (CT1). The NGPP Third Phase Agreement (NGPP Agreement), e. xecut.ed by each of the participants in CT1 (consisting of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc, Palo Alto and the Turlock Irrigation District), was intended to be. a ,comprehensive program under which all NCPA natural gas and pipeline rights were to be procured. In 1993, the participants in CT1 transferred their obligations and entitlements under the NGPP Agreement to the participants in Combustion Turbine Project 2 (CT2). Over the years, several limitations associated with the terms of the NGPP Agreement have been identified, such as: Forward purchases of gas by individual members to fix fuel costs are not permitted; The NCPA Commission must approve purchases above $15,000, which reflects gas prices from 1991 and is too low a threshold in today's market; Turlock Irrigation District, an original signatory, wishes to terminate its involvement in the NGPP Agreement; Palo Alto, an original signatory, was permitted to terminate its participation in the NGPP Agreement in 1993 by adoption of a resolution without formal amendment to the NGPP. To remedy these limitations and to update its gas procurement practices, NCPA is seeking to terminate the NGPP Agreement (Exhibit 1) and instead procure natural gas through two new Facilities Agreement schedules, one for each combustion turbine project. On May 17, 2010, the Public utilities Board approved. the termination of the NGPP Agreement and authorized the General Manager to execute said termination, City Council Report Re: Agenda Item 4 -L. Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the city council Page 2 of 3 subject to City Council ratification. The Facilities Agreement Schedules fall under the Facilities Agreement and thus only require the NCPA Commission's approval. DISCUSSION The NCPA Facilities Agreement (FA), signed in 1993, is a comprehensive agreement that enumerates the terms of operation project shares, metering, billing, legal issues, etc. of the NCPA generation projects. The Facilities Agreement includes several schedules that address cost determination, capability, and operating procedures for each NCPA facility. NCPA is proposing new Schedules FA 9.01 and FA 9.05 that set forth the terms under which NCPA will procure natural gas for CT1 and CT2, respectively. According to the proposed schedules, the primary method of fuel procurement for both combustion turbine projects will be daily purchases of gas under a primary fuel management agreement. One significant difference between the two fuel procurement schedules is that the schedule for CT1 does not permit forward purchases natural gas fuel. CT1 consists of peaking generators with high heat fates, and as such they only operate intermittently. Any forward purchases of fuel for CT1, absent emergency reliability factors, would necessarily be speculative and therefore are not authorized. conversely, CT2 is run under protocols of economic dispatch. As such, forward fuel procurement for CT2 has occurred from time to time throughout the project's history and will continue to be authorized under the new FA Schedule. In addition, the ability of CT2 participants to purchase fuel in advance of consumption. has been expanded by removing the restriction that all participants must unanimously agree to the tinning and amount of each such forward transaction. Individual project participants contemplating longer terra forward. fuel purchases may request assistance from NAPA, provided that the requesting participant and NCPA have executed an enabling agreement for such purposes. The schedules do not specify a dollar amount above which purchases of natural gas must be approved by the NCPA Commission. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no new direct cost associated with the termination of the NGPP Agreement. Facilities Agreement Schedules 9.01 and 9.05 do not fundamentally alter the process for NCPA to procure natural gas. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Municipal code. RECOMMENDATION 1. Ratify the Public Utility Board's approval of the termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement; and Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council May 18, 2010 Page 3 of 3 2. Authorize the General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power to execute the termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Girish Balachandran Alameda Municipal Power Exhibits: 1. NCPA Termination of Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement cc: Public Utilities Board TERMINATION of NATURAL GAS PROCUREMEN T PROGRAM THIRD PHASE AGREEMENT This Termination of Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement ("this Termination is made and entered into as of this day of 2010 by and between the Northern California Power Agency, a California joint powers agency, and the Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc, Palo Alto, and Roseville and the Turlock Irrigation District (collectively, the "Parties (the Parties other than NCPA. are referred to herein as "the Participants and WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on March 28, 1991, the Commission of the Northern California Power Agency "the Commission adopted its resolution no. 91 -09, approving the Natural Gas Procurement Program Service Schedule ("the Service Schedule authorizing NCPA to procure contract and other rights for the transportation, storage and supply of natural gas as fuel to the NCPA Combustion Turbine (CTI) Project, the Combined Cycle (STIG -CT2) Project (Unit one -Lodi and Unit Two- Ceres also known as Turlock), and for the needs of those NCPA members executing the Service Schedule; and WHEREAS, the Service Schedule contemplated that it would be superseded by a "third phase agreement and WHEREAS, on or about November 6, 1991 NCPA and the Participants entered into the Natural Gas Procurement Program. Third Phase Agreement the Third Phase Agreement as contemplated by the Service Schedule and which by its terms superseded the Service Schedule; and WHEREAS, on or about September 15, 1993 the Commission adopted its resolution no. 93- 16 which transferred the Natural Gas Procurement Program to the STIG -CT2 Project and additionally attached Gas Service Schedule A ("Schedule A. which is a service schedule related solely to the Turlock Irrigation District. Said resolution, copies of which were executed by NCPA and the Turlock Irrigation District, appears to have been intended as a contract. In addition, said resolution also appears to attempt to terminate the obligations of the City of Palo Alto under the Third Phase Agreement, and although an amendment to the Third Phase Agreement to that effect has not been approved, the Parties have since treated Palo Alto as not being a participant under the Third Phase Agreement; and WHEREAS, NCPA. is, concurrently with the approval of this Termination, approving new Schedules as attachments to its Facilities Agreement by which NCPA intends to procure contract and other rights for the transportation, storage and supply of natural gas as fuel to the CT I and Unit One of STIG -CT2. The intention is that each NCPA Project requiring natural gas will have its own independent Facilities Agreement Schedule defining the terms by which the participants in the respective projects have determined to acquire natural gas; and City Council Exhibit t® Report Re: Agenda Item #4.L. 05 -18 -10 WHEREAS, the Facilities Agreement Schedules upon adoption will supersede the Third Phase Agreement and the Parties desire to formally terminate the Third Phase; and WHEREAS, section 25 of the Third Phase Agreement provides that it may not be terminated without the consent of all Participants and NCPA and unless the means have been established to timely pay, extinguish, or discharge, without liability to NCPA or any Participant, all obligations entered into and liabilities incurred under the Third Phase Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Termination includes the obligation of the Participants to pay for those net costs and liabilities incurred under the terms of the Third Phase Agreement, whether known or unknown, and the obligation of NCPA to pay Participants any funds owing under the terms of the Third Phase Agreement; and WHEREAS, the new Schedules, to which the Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc and Roseville (but not the City of Palo Alto or the Turlock Irrigation District) will be subject as signatories to the Facilities Agreement, include ratification of pre existing term gas pipeline agreements the term of which extends beyond the Effective date of this Termination and entered into by NCPA. under the terms of the Third Phase Agreement. The Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc, and Roseville will be responsible for the on -going costs and obligations of those pipeline agreements under the terms of the Facilities Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. when this -Termination takes effect in accordance with Section 6, NCPA shall immediately cease purchasing natural gas under the Third Phase Agreement or incurring new obligations under it, and shall immediately begin procurement of natural gas for the CT No. 1 Project and unit One of the STILT -CT No. 2 Project utilizing the new Facilities Agreement Schedules. 2. within sixty (60) days NCPA. shall provide a closing statement to all Participants for all known costs or liabilities incurred pursuant to the Third Phase Agreement separately setting forth all credits and debits (which statement may be included in the monthly NCPA. "All Resources Bill and which shall be paid by the Participants in accordance with the terms of the Third Phase Agreement. Should any Participant be entitled to payment of funds by N CPA, NCPA shall pay such funds within the same time period during which Participants would be required to pay NCPA. If and when any unknown costs or liabilities incurred pursuant to the Third Phase Agreement or pursuant to Resolution no. 93-16 arise, NCPA shall present such net costs to the Participants who shall pay such costs in accordance with the terms of the Third Phase Agreement or said resolution, respectively, and if any Participant is entitled to payment of any funds, NCPA shall pay such funds to such Participant at the same time as the Participant would be obligated to pay funds to NCPA.. The Parties agree that, in accordance with the intent expressed in Resolution no. 93 -16, none of such costs or liabilities shall be allocated to Palo Alto, which shall be treated for purposes of this Termination as if the Third Phase Agreement had been amended to exclude that Participant in 1993. The Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc and Roseville acknowledge that, upon approval of the new Facilities Agreement Schedules as contemplated by this Termination, existing gas pipeline agreements the term of which extends beyond the Effective Date of this Termination, shall be deemed to be ratified by the Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc, and Roseville and authorized by those new Facilities Agreement Schedules authorizing the NCPA Commission to periodically authorize contracts with third persons for transportation and storage services. The Cities of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc and Roseville agree to pay costs arising out of the preexisting pipeline agreements under the terms of the Facilities Agreement. 3. The Third Phase Agreement is hereby terminated, and except for the obligations to pay outstanding costs and liabilities, net of any credit or debit adjustments, pursuant to section. 2 of this Termination as well as any unknown net costs that arise subsequent to the closing statement, and the indemnity obligations of section 30 of the Third Phase Agreement which shall survive this Termination, all rights, obligations, and liabilities of the Parties to each other with respect to the Third Phase Agreement are extinguished and released. 4. This Termination may be executed in any number of counterparts and each executed counterpart shall have the same force and effect as an original instrument and as if all signatories to all of the counterparts had signed the same instrument. 5. Each Participant executing this Termination warrants and represents that it has agreed to be bound by the terms of this Termination and that it has been executed after authorization and approval by its governing body. d. This Termination shall take effect upon the later of: (a) the adoption and effective date of the Facilities Agreement Schedules for gas purchases for the CT 1 and Unit One of the STIG- CT2 project; (b) the effective date of such agreement or agreements by which TID makes alternative gas purchase, management and transportation arrangements replacing such services which it may have received directly or indirectly under the Third Phase Agreement or under Resolution no. 93 -16; (c) the effective date of the permanent assignment to TID of its share of all pipeline eline rights which NCPA holds and to which TID is entitled to a 50% share on the pipeline systems of NOVA. Gas Transmission Limited, Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd., Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation and Pacific Gas and Electric Co.; and (d) execution of this Termination by all Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties by the signatures of their duly authorized representatives below have executed and delivered this Termination. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POWER AGENCY Approved as to form: By: Its: General Manager General Counsel Date: CITY OF ALAMEDA Approved as to form.: By: Its: City Attorney Date: CITY OF LODI B Approved as to form: Its: City Attorney Date: CITY OF LOMPOC By: Approved as to form: Its: City Attorney Date: CITY OF PALO ALTO By Approved as to form: Its: City Attorney Date: CITY OF ROSEVILLE By Approved as to form: Its: City Attorney Date: TURLOCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT B Approved as to form: Its: General Counsel Date: 1381743.3 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. RATIFYING THE PUBLIC UTILITY BOARD'S APPROVAL OF THE TERMINATION OF THE NATURAL OAS PROCUREMENT PROGRAM THIRD PHASE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER OF ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL POWER k TO EXECUTE THE TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT CFO p� �i WHEREAS, on or about November 0, 1991 the Northern California m Power Agency (NCPA) and certain NCPA members consisting of Alameda, Lodi, Lompoc, Palo Alto and the Turlock Irrigation ation District entered into the p g Natural Gas Procurement Program (NGPP) Third Phase Agreement authorizing CL NCPA to contract for the transportation, storage and supply of natural a n p g pp y gas as fuel to the NCPA Combustion Turbine Project No. 1 (CT1) and for the needs of NCPA members; and WHEREAS, on or about September 15, 1993 the entitlements and obligations of participants in CT1 under the Natural -Gas Procurement Program were transferred to the participants in CT2; and WHEREAS, under the NGPP Third Phase Agreement forward purchases of gas by individual members to fix fuel costs are not permitted; and WHEREAS, under the NGPP Third Phase Agreement the NCPA Commission must approve natural gas purchases above $15,000, which reflects gas prices from 1991 and is too low of a threshold in today's market; and WH EREAS, the Turlock irrigation District, an original signatory, wishes to terminate its involvement in the NGPP Third Phase Agreement; and WHEREAS, Palo Alto, an original signatory, was permitted to terminate its participation in the NGPP Third Phase Agreement in 1993 by adoption of a resolution without amendment to the NGPP; and W HEREAS, given these restrictions and in recognition of the fact that the NGPP Third Phase Agreement does not reflect current gas procurement practices, NCPA desires to formally terminate the NGPP Third Phase Agreement; and WHEREAS, concurrent with the termination of the NGPP Third Phase Ag reement, NCPA seeks to establish new Schedules as attachments to the Facilities Agreement by which NCPA intends to contract for the transportation, storage and supply of natural gas as fuel to CT1 and CT2, as well as such other NCPA Projects which may hereafter require natural gas; and Resolution 4 -1. CC 05 -18 -10 WHEREAS, upon the termination of the NGPP Third Phase Agreement by all the participants and formal approval by the NCPA Commission, Facilities Agreement Schedules 9.01 and 9.05 will become effective to allow N C PA to secure needed fuel and transportation rights; and WHEREAS, at its May 17, 2010 meeting, the Public Utilities Board approved the termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement and recommended that the City Council authorize the General Manager of AMP to execute the termination of the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that: 1. The Council ratifies the Public Utilities Board's approval of the termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Program Third Phase Agreement. 2. The General Manager of Alameda Municipal Power is authorized to execute the termination without material change. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of May, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the seal of said City this 19th day of May, 2010. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY O F ALAM E ❑A Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Adopt a Resolution of Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for FYI 0-11 and Set a Public Hearing for dune 1, 2010 BACKGROUND On May 17, 1989, the City council established a .Parking and Business Improvement Area (BIA) for the Park and Webster Street business districts. The City contracts with the Park Street and vilest Alameda Business Associations (PSBR and WABA) to administer BIA funds collected from businesses in their respective areas. DISCUSSION The Parking and Business I nprovement .Area. Law of 1989 requires the City Council to q y appoint an advisory board to make an annual report and recommendstions to the. t Y Council on the proposed expenditure of BIA .revenues. The appointmen of the adviso .ry board is accomplished through annual adoption of a Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment in which PSBA and WABA are. appointed as FY10 -1 1 advisory bodies for their respective geographic zones of the BIA. PSBA and WABA have prepared this year's reports pursuant to. their. existin g BIA agreements with the City. The reports include itemized activities, revenue, and estimated costs for FYI 0-11 (Exhibits 1 and 2). Exhibit 3 provides information that will enable business owners to determine the amount they will be assessed. After report approval, the City Council must adopt a Resolution of Intention. to levy an annual assessment for FYI 0-11. FINANCIAL IMPACT BIA billing is done concurrently with Business License billing. Revenues from .the BIA directly benefit business owners in specified geographic and benefit zones through the promotion of business and similar eligible activities. The impact on the General Fund will be in the form of Finance Department staff costs to process BIA billings and City Council Report Fie Agenda Item ##4 -wM 05- X18 -1® Honorable Mayor and May 18, 2010 Members of the city Council Page 2 of 2 expenditures. The funds far this activity are budgeted in the Finance Department /Business License, account number 2460- 41100. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The renewal of the BIA for another year supports both the goals of the Economic Development Strategic Plan and the Downtown Vision through continued operation of the two business associations consistent with A.M.C. sec. 6 -7 et seq. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for F'Y10 -11 and set a public hearing for June 1, 2010. Approved as to funds and account, I AA Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant DESISOR: ry Exhibits: 1. PSBR letter and report 2. WABA report 3. Assessments cc: Economic Development Commission Park Street Business Association West Alameda Business Association Park Street Business Association 1 Sue Russell. Economic Development Coordinato. Economic Development Division 2263 Santa Clara Ave. Alarneda, CA 94501 1 As President of the Park Street Business Association,, I arn pleased to submit the BIA Report and accompan 2010/2011 bud for our Association. We do not anticipate an chan in the BIA for 2010/2011. We have provided a description of the activities PSBA is P roposin g for the upcomin y ear and the associated line item bud This proposed bud was approved b the PSBA Board of Directors in a phone poll conducte, this week i atid will be confmned at the Ma 26, 2010 meetin Based on revenue received t date,, we antic,* ate 10/11 BIA revenue of $85 000 and a carr of $5,000 resulfin fro IP I si increased 09/10 revenue, reduced maintenance costs, and cost contaimnent b PSBA. This brin our 10/11 BIA bud to $90,000. We would be g lad to answer an q uestions y ou have re the attached material. Debbie Geor President Park Street Business Association 2447 Santa Clara Ave., #302,.Alameda C Phone: 5510-1523-1-392 4#o Fax: 51.0-523-2372 emaik parkstreetlCdcomcal Cit Council Exhibit 1 to Report Re: A Item #4-M 05-18-10 PARK STREET BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2447 Santa Clara Ave., 4302, Alameda, CA 94501 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 INTRODUCTION The Park. Street Business Association (PSBA) is recommending a BIA budget of $90,000 for the Park Street Business District for fiscal year 201012011. This recommendation is based on the estimate of the income derived from the BIA assessment in fiscal 09110 as well as a carryover from the 09/10 budget. The formulas, budgets, and proposed activities are the result of monthly Board of Director and committee meetings between December, 2009, and April, 2010. Rt TDC`TF.T The BIA is one of four sources of funding for the activities proposed in this report. The other three sources are funds raised by the Park Street Business Association through our special events, reimbursement from the Landscape and Lighting Budget for maintenance services provided, and reimbursement by the City of Alameda for promotions, advertising, and selected fixed costs such as rent. PSBR. will continue its current activities, as well as implement new ones, that are in line with the National Main Street Four -Point plan for revitalizing Main Street Cities. BOUNDARIES We are not proposing any changes this year. ACw'TTVTT /FS Attached is a summary of the proposed activities for the fiscal year 201 012011. These activities are designed to improve the pedestrian friendly look of the Park Street District, improve the vitality of the District in order to increase sales and sales tax revenues, promote members' businesses, attract new businesses to the District and increase the overall business atmosphere in the Park Street District. Several projects are continuations from the 2009/2010 fiscal year. 2010/11 Membership Committee Work Plan Outline 1. Conduct Meetings a. Mixers b. Special Election Meeting (October) c. Informational presentations at most of the meetings d. Holiday Party 2. Awards a. Continue current awards program (recognizing PSBA members and city staff 3. welcome New Members a. Update New Member Packet b. Recruit "greeters" from the Board and Committees to greet new members c. Greet new members to the District with packets as they move into their business 4. Newsletter a. Continue mailing newsletter every month b. Continue to email newsletter every month to everyone on email distribution list c. Update mailing list 2010/11 Design Committee Work Plan Outline 1. Design Guidelines a. Determine acceptable and not acceptable design criteria b. write Guidelines c. Submit to PSBA Board for Approval d. work with City Staff to have new ordinances presented to City Council 2. Streetsea a Phase II a. work with City staff to ensure the implementation of Phase II b. Implement Phase II in the summer of 20 10 3, Sign ordinance a. work with City Staff to ensure enforcement 4. Promote Facade Grant Prolzram a. Newsletter articles b. outreach by Committee CA N N d 2010/11 Econ -Revi Committee Work Plan Outline I Assist with Business Recruitment a. Identify empty storefronts b. Work with City Staff and contract staff to promote the District as a positive business destination 2. ordinances a. vacant Buildings begin discussions with City Staff to beef up ordinance b. Parking overlay to exempt developers in the District from in lieu parking fees. 3. Maintenance Continue current level of service 7 days a week 2010/11 Promotions Committee Work Plan Outline 1. Continue Special Events a. Spring Festival (mother's day weekend) b. Art &Wine Faire (last weekend of July) c. Classic Car Show (2 Saturday in October) 2. Promotions a. Shopping Guide produced once a year b. Continue to upgrade and update our Web Site 3. Print Advertising a. Continue Best of Alameda PSBR pages b. Continue Holiday campaign c. Continue Alameda/Oakland Magazines campaign d. Place ads in Book of Savings for events and holiday ads 4. Cable Advertisin a. Continue ads for special events b. Continue ads for Holiday Program c. Work with Comcast to establish a sponsorship agreement 5. Holidav ]Promotions a. Cable ads two weeks prior to Christmas b. Free parking all Saturdays after Thanksgiving c. Continue print ads in Chronicle, Journal, Sun, Alameda and Oakland Magazines METHOD AND BASIS of LEVYING ASSESSMENT Budget: See Exhibit A CONCLUSION PSBA would like to thank the Alameda City Council, City Attorney, Economic Development, Public works and Finance Departments for their assistance in implementing the BIA. The increased participation from the business community and the continued quality of projects has shown the BIA is a valuable tool in our continuing efforts to revitalize the Park Street Historic Business District. Exhibit A Park Street Business Association 2010/2011 BIA Budget Submission INCOME: BIA Projection $5500 Accumulated Carryover $5,000 Total Income: $90000 EXPENSES: $1,900 Personnel Services $4 Office Staff Salary $37400 Worker's Comp $1 Office Staff Benefits $1 4,000 Payroll Taxes $10 Sub Total $63 Membershln Services Committees $1,900 Maintenance Salaries $4 Maintenance Supplies $16,350 Sub Total $22,750 Indirect /Overhead Insurance $400 Sub Total $400 Total Expenses $90,000 WEST ALAMEDA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION PO Box 215, Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 523 -5955 west alameda&vahoo.com www.WestAlamedaBusiness.com PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE WEST ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FISCAL YEAR JULY 1 2010 JUNE 3Q, 201'1 INTRODUCTION The West Alameda Business Association (WABA) is recommending the following assessment for the Webster Street Business District for fiscal year (FY) 2010 -11. The formulas, budgets and proposed activities are the result of various Board and Committee meetings. The Business Improvement Area (BIA) Budget was presented for adoption at the Executive Board meeting April 12, 2010. PROPOSED CHANGES WABA is not recommending any changes to the Business Improvement Area at this tune, ACTIVITIES The following is a summary of proposed activities for the fiscal year 201 0 -2011. These activities have been discussed at various Board and con ur. meetings. WABA's mission is to use these activities to increase the vitality of Webster Street and West Alameda and preserve Webster Street's historic character. We seek to generate more foot traffic, increase sales and sales tax, promote members' businesses and increase the public goodwill and atmosphere in West Alameda. The BIA is the source of funding for these activities. WABA. will continue its current activities and implement others that follow the Main Street Pour -Point Approach established by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It is estimated that there will be no carry forward from the 2010 -2011 budget. The estimated BIA revenue for 2010 -2011 is $36,000. The following are activities proposed for 2010 -2011. Several projects are continuations from previous fiscal years. City Council Exhibit 2 t® Report Re: Agenda Item #4 -M 05 -18 -10 ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING Facilitate development of high potential properties work with the City to attract appropriate businesses Monitor the impact of new and re -use housing projects Determine the potential for eco- tourism as a west Alameda business opportunity Investigate sources of entertainment as a business opportunity for west Alameda work with the City and others to implement the Strategic Economic Development Plan, including parking plan, catalyst project and business attraction strategies Continue business retention activities DESIGN Identify projects for facade improvements i Develop beautification program 0 Continue helping members with the Facade Assistance Program 0 Build broad -based community support for ongoing projects 0 work with City to implement recent changes to sign ordinance 0 Fulfill public art requirements 0 work with the City in accomplishing Phase II of the Webster Renaissance Project SPECIAL EVENTS Participate in July 4 event Produce advertising for the Association and businesses Produce year -round Farmers' Markets, the elimination of year -round Tuesday and Saturday markets located in the Northern half of City Lot W and Eastern section of Haight Street, up to Lot W. Produce Concerts at the Cove on the 2nd Fridays in May, June, July and August. Produce Webster Street wine and Dine Nights 0 Produce annual Halloween event Produce 9 annual Webster Street Jana Festival 0 Produce Holiday Day of Giving and visit from Santa PUBLIC RELATIONS Generate increased favorable publicity about west Alameda Maintain contacts with key media representatives Update and distribute marketing literature promoting west Alameda businesses Continue implementing strategic marketing plan, including branding strategy, website, weekly columns and calendar of events, cooperative advertising program and business attraction strategy K ORGANIZATION Manage the administrative activities of the organization 0 Expand community and business participation with wABA 0 organize and host business and community events for members Conduct annual self-evaluation of Board members and staff 0 Produce and distribute wABA newsletter 0 Recruit members from outside the BIA and among residents 0 Distribute information door -to -door 0 Involve important neighbors e. g. College of Alameda, Marina village, Alameda Point in WABA's activities 0 Implement enhanced volunteer program, including recruitment, volunteer appreciation activities and training Continue implementing enhanced maintenance program, including clean -up events, keeping up appearances awards and collaboration with City maintenance staff to resolve issues such as illegal dumping, littering and public health hazards METHOD BASIS OF LEVYING ASSESSMENT Budget, see Attachment A. Assessment, see Exhibit C CONCLUSION wABA would like to thank the Alameda City Council, City Attorney, Economic Developrnent, Public works, Planning and Finance Departments for their assistance in implementing the BIA. Please visit the wABA website, www.westalamedabusincss.com to see the many ways wABA promotes west Alameda. The BIA is a valuable tool in our continuing efforts to revitalize west Alameda's historic business district. 3 WABA 2010/2011 Income Budget Grant $81,676 BIA $36,000 L &L $30,800 Other/Non-BI/ $5,000 Cove Concerts $8,000 sponsorships $19,000 JAM $37,000 sponsorships $15,000 Wine Dine $5,000 Webster Walk $1,000 Total 238,476 Expenses Salaries $90,000 Benefits $2,500 Payroll Taxes $4,300 Maintenance $30,000 Rent $4,800 Utilities $3,080 Insurance $4,560 Office $6,000 Member Servi( $600 Accounting $3,000 Sub Total $145,840 Marketing Website $2,500 Allan Mann $7, loo Christine Buck $5,000 AstroPitch $2,250 Marketing Ger $9,935 Island Blog $600 Sub Total $27,385 Event Expenses Concerts $19,000 JAM $40,000 Aline Dine $750 Halloween $500 Webster Walk $500 Holiday $1,500 Sub Total $52,250 Tnemmn City Grant $81,675 Expenses Marketing $27,385 Events $62,250 $89,635 Total Expens $238,475 ALA VIEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA NON RETAIL. FY10 -11 Professionals and independent contractors who primarily go out into the public to sell to clients and/or do not operate retail stores. Accountant Advertising Ambulance AREA A S 128.00 Answering service Architect AREA 13 S 83.00 Attorney Building maintenance Business services Construction Consultants Contractors Counselor Credit Unions with restricted membership Decorator PRO RATER FEES Electrician Employment A B Engineer Gardener $128.00 $83 Graphic arts Handyman JULY 1 28.00 83.00 Health/Medical professions Importers AUG 117.00 76.00 Insurance Landscape SEPT 107.00 69.00 Mail order Manufacturer 00 96.00 62.00 Manufacturer's /sales reps Mortuary Nov 8 6.00 5 5.00 Newspaper publishing Nursing facility DEC 75.00 48.00 Painters Pest control JAN 65.00 42.00 Plumber Property management FEB 5 3.00 3 5.00 Real estate School /Instruction MAR 43.00 28.00 Security Stockbrokers APR 32.00 25,00 Tax consultants Travel MAY 25.00 25 ,00 Veterinary Wholesalers JUNE 25.00 25.00 Misc. professional /office City Council Exhibit 3 to Report Re: 1 Agenda Item ##4 -M 05-18-10 ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RETAIL SERVICE FY10 --11 Businesses that operate a store where people go to purchase a service. Alarm and fire extinguisher service Appliance service Athletic /Health Club Auto glass AREA A =.40/1,000 GR .Auto upholstery MINIMUM 128.00 Auto wash/parking MAXIMUM $107.00 8 7.00 Auto repair Barber AREA B .2011,000 GR Beauty MINIMUM 53.00 Cleaners MAXIMUM $528.00 Electronics service Furniture repair Hotel /motel Keys /Locksmith PRO -RATED MINIMUM FEES Laundromat/laundry A B Marine service $128.00 $83.00 Pet services Photography studio JULY 128.00 83.00 Printing Shoe service AUG 117.00 76.00 Storage Tailor SEPT 107.00 69.00 Tattoo Upholstery OCT 96.00 62.00 NOV 86.00 5 5.00 DEC 75.00 48.00 JAN 65.00 42.00 FEB 53.00 35.00 MAR 43.00 2 8.00 APR 32.00 25.00 MAY 25.00 25.00 JUNE 25.00 25.00 0 ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RETAIL GOODS FY10 -I 1 Businesses that operate a store where people go to purchase a product. Alcoholic Amusement Antiques Appliances sales AREA A =.40/1,000 GR Art MINIMUM 253 .0 0 Auto dealer MAXIMUM $1 Auto stereo Auto supply AREA B =.20/1,000 GR. Bakery MINIMUM 128.00 Bar MAXIMUM 848.00 Bicycles Books Clothing Coin Computer sales Drug /variety PRO-RATED MINIMUM FEES Electronics sales A B Fishing $253.00 $128.00 Floor coverings Florist JULY 253.00 125.00 Food Furnishings AUG 232.00 117.00 Furniture Gasoline stations SEPT 211.00 107.00 Gift Hardware OCT 190.00 96.00 Hobby Jewelry NOV 169.00 86.00 Magazine slnewspaper sales Marine sales DEC 148.00 75.00 Market Medical supplies JAN 127.00 65.00 Music Nursery FEB 105.00 53.00 Office supplies /equipment Optical supplies MAR 84.00 43.00 Pet supply Product rentals APR 63.00 32.00 Restaurant Shoe sales MAY 42.00 25.00 Sporting goods Thrift /used merchandise JUNE 25.00 25.00 Theater /club 3 Video Other retail goods ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS[UTILITIES FV1D -11 Banks Savings and Loans AREA A B S 848.00 Credit unions operating to the general public Utilities F. CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO WHEREAS, the improvements and activities authorized by the ordinance include the general promotion of business activities in the Area, the promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places in the Area, the decoration of any public place in the Area, the furnishing of music in any public place in the Area, and the acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities forthe be nefit ofthe Area; and WHEREAS, agreer�nQr�ts between the City of Alarner a (hPreinafter "r:itx/ and the 1 Park Street Business Association (hereinafter "PSBR and the West Alameda Business Association (hereinafter "WABA designated PSBA and WABA to administer Business Improvement Area (hereinafter "BIA) funds for their respective geographic zones of the BIA; and WHEREAS, PSBA and WABA have filed reports with the city clerk describing the surplus or deficit revenues to be carried over from FY09 -10 and describing the improvements and activities, estimated costs and methods and basis for levying the assessment for FY1 0 -1 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Alameda that PSBR and WABA are hereby designated as the BIA Advisory Body for FY10 -11. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city Council hereby sets a public hearing to consider the annual assessment for the Area and to consider any modification of benefit areas or change in boundary for June 1, 2010, at which time written or oral protests may be made. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city clerk is hereby directed to advertise said public hearing by causing this Resolution of Intention to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than seven days before the public hearings Resolution 4 -M CC 05 -18 -1a RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO LEVY AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT ON THE ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR FY10 -11 AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 1, 2010 U WHEREAS Section 6 -7 of Article II of Chapter VI of the Alameda Municipal Code P p E 1 ,..1 establishes the Alameda Business Improvement of the City of A p y a eda (hereinafter CUP "Area and SU WH EREAS, the Area comprises all of the Park Street Business Area, included by reference on the reap and list of inclusive addresses included in this Resolution as Exhibit A and C, respectively; and all of the Webster Street Business Area included by reference on the map and list of inclusive addresses included in this Resolution as Exhibit B and C, respectively; and WHEREAS, the improvements and activities authorized by the ordinance include the general promotion of business activities in the Area, the promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places in the Area, the decoration of any public place in the Area, the furnishing of music in any public place in the Area, and the acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities forthe be nefit ofthe Area; and WHEREAS, agreer�nQr�ts between the City of Alarner a (hPreinafter "r:itx/ and the 1 Park Street Business Association (hereinafter "PSBR and the West Alameda Business Association (hereinafter "WABA designated PSBA and WABA to administer Business Improvement Area (hereinafter "BIA) funds for their respective geographic zones of the BIA; and WHEREAS, PSBA and WABA have filed reports with the city clerk describing the surplus or deficit revenues to be carried over from FY09 -10 and describing the improvements and activities, estimated costs and methods and basis for levying the assessment for FY1 0 -1 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of Alameda that PSBR and WABA are hereby designated as the BIA Advisory Body for FY10 -11. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city Council hereby sets a public hearing to consider the annual assessment for the Area and to consider any modification of benefit areas or change in boundary for June 1, 2010, at which time written or oral protests may be made. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city clerk is hereby directed to advertise said public hearing by causing this Resolution of Intention to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than seven days before the public hearings Resolution 4 -M CC 05 -18 -1a ►JI dl 11-a -1i 7,71 71777TT-D 't E vA..'"J I B A: Park Street Geo zonE! I Cb w PAR% STRFK, T COMM�ERC_AL AREA A Benefit ALea A B Benefit Aga B t �I J 7 w �•al 1 m i i a..s •a EXHI S IT E [6•�y` Welter Street f f geographic zone F E s WEBSTER S 11'a 11 C4dER AP EA A* Benefit Area. A b: Benef Area, B EXHIBIT C LIST OF ADDRESSES WITHIN BIA BOUNDARIES Combined List of Benefit Area "A" and "B" Zones: Alameda Ave 23 00 -23 99 odd/even Broadway 1400 -1590 odd only Buena vista Ave. 616 -750 odd/even Central Ave. 63 0 --760 odd /even Parr St. 2300 -2499 odd/even 13 00 15 99 even only 2501, 2521 Eagle L 1vi�. 6-3 3 --707 odd /even Encinal Ave. 2300 -2499 odd/even Everett St. 1400 1519 odd/even Geographic Area: Park St. P ark St. Webster St. Webster St. Park. St. Park St. Webster St. Park St. Park St. Haight St. 629 -725 odd /even Webster St. Lincoln Ave. 627 -726 odd/even Webster St. 2267 2499 odd/even Parr St. Oak St. 13 00 15 99 even only Parr St. Pacific Ave. 626 odd/even Webster St. Park Ave. 13 00 -13 99 odd only Park St. 1400 -1499 oddleven Park St. Parr St. 1125 1198 1200 -1999 Park St. odd/even San Antonio Ave. 2312 -2399 odd/even Parr St. Santa Clara Ave. 700 -720 odd/even Webster St. 2300 -2599 odd/even Park St. Taylor Ave. 634 -725 odd/even Webster St. Times Wy. 2300 -2399 odd/even Parr St. Webb Ave. 2400 -2499 odd/even Parr. St. Page 1 of 2 Webster St. 1345 -1999 odd/even Webster St. Memo: Benefit Area "B" Zane Only Broadway 1400 -1.509 odd. only Park St. Everett St. 1.400 -1519 odd /even Park St. Park St. 1125, 1195, 1200 -1 251 Park St. odd /even, 1600 -1999 Santa Clara Ave. 2500 -2599 odd /even Park. St. Lincoln Ave. 2267 -2499 odd/even Park St. Central Ave. 2431, 2433, 2440, 2501, 2521 Park St. Page 2 o f 2 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the city of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of flay, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set nay hand and affixed the seal of said city this 19th day of May, 2010. Lara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda CITY O F ALAMEDA Memorandum I To: Honorable Ma and.. Members of the Cit Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Cit Mana Date: Ma 18, 2010 Re: Adopt a Resolution t Allow the Cit of.Al F D epa r tment. to Ac Federal.. Level Su Cri History f Emer g enc y Medical Technicians Certification BACKGROUND Assembl Bill 2917, .as shown in Exhibit .1 attached, re. starting July 1, 20101 all Emer Medical Technicians (EMT :have -.a..Califo.r.nia Department o f. Justice (DOJ) and a Federal Bureau of ]nvesti (FBI) criminal back. d ro u.n.. e Asse Bill 2917 als that bot.h]o.cal and. Med.i Services departments receive subse arrest notifications from the D0J. DISCUSSION In order for the Alameda Fire Department to continue certif EMTs -after. July 1 2010.3 a Cit Co u n c il r e so lu. t io. n needs. to be subrnitted..to ..the DOJ that authorizes. the department to o t in criminal histor information and subsequent. notifications of arrests from :the 'FBI. f EMT::. certification: purposes. T Fire Q curre ntl obtains crimina I... hstot information onew members of the department :but does not receive subs a notifications.. FINANCIAL IMPACT The funds for this project, which are approximatel $7,500, are included in the FY.1 0-11 proposed bud in the Fire Departme account for profess services and fin (3210-61500 and 3210-6.19 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action will not affect the Municipal Code. Cit Council Report Re: A Item #4-N 05-18-10 Assembly. Bill Nfl. 2917 CHAPTER 274 An act to amend Sections 1797.1.01, 1797.170, 17.97..172; 1797.216, and 1798.200 of, to add Sections 1797.61, 1797.117; 1797.118 1.797.21.1,1797.217; and 1797.219 to, and to repeal and add Section 17.97.62 of, the Health and Safety Code, .relating to emergency medical services. [Approved by. Governor September Z5; 2008. Filed with secretary of State September 25, 2008.] LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 2917, Torr.ico. Emergen medical .s.ervices pers Under existing law, the Emergency Medical Services System and the Prehospital Emergency Medical Care Personnel Act; the Emergency Medical Services Authority is respo for. establishing minimum standards and promulgating regulations for t he training and scope ofpraCtice for emergency medical technicians paramedic. .(EMT:P). Violation of:. the act is a misdemeanor. Under existing :Iaw, these standards .and. regulations would be applicable. to local govermnents, agencies, .:and other. organizations lhat. provide. this. training. The act also provides for the certification of emergency. medical technicians through the issuance of certificates; including EMT: I and EMT: II Certificates, by local. entities.. known as local EMS agencies; which are designated by counties. Existing. law also permits :public :safety agencies; for public safety personnel., and the Slate Board of Fire Services a for fire safety personnel, to. issue. EMT -I certificates. Existing .lair. provides that. the medical director of a local.. EMS :agency. or the. Emer Medical .Services Authority may deny, s uspend; or revoke cortlf.cates. issued. under :these provisions, or play place.. a certificate holder on probation; upon the occurrence .of any of specified. events: This bill would, among other things, require the authority to establish and maintain .a centralized system for monitoring and tracing EMT -I and, EMT-11.. certification status. and EMT: P li.censure status to be: used by: certifying entities.. as defined; and would require specified fees to. be collected and expended, upon appropriation; for related purposes. The bill would require the authority to adopt regulations regarding the submissio l of fingerprint images and related inforination to the Department of Justice. This bill would require the. authority to .establish EMT -I and ENT 1 certification and disciplinary guidelines. This bill would authorize an EMT-1 or EMT-11 employer to investigate .and discipline .those E11 T I and EMT II employees who commit mit specified acts. This bill yvould require the medical director to investigate and discipline specified EMT-Is and EMT IIs. By 91 Ch. 274 2— imposing new duties upon local officials, this bill would create a state mandated local program. By changing the ..definition of a crime, this bill would impose: a state mandated local program.. The California.Constitution requires the state to .reimburse local agencies and school districts for :.certain :costs. mandated by the state. :Statutor provisions establish procedures forllaking that reimbursement: This bill w ould provide that with regard: to certain mandates no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. With regard to any other mandates; this bill would provide that; if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs so mandated by the state, feirnbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions. noted .above. This bill would make the operation of its provisions contingent upon the enactment of SB 997 of the 2007 -08 Regular Session. The people of the State of California. do enact as follows. SECTION. 1. The Legislature finds. and declares all of the following: (a) The health and safety of !Californians often depends on the tiniel response and competent care of ernergency medical service (EMS) personnel. (b) Whether it is an automobile accident; hear attack; near. drowning.. unscheduled childbirth, gunshot wound; or other life critical: incident, emergency medical technicians (EMTs) provide.vital lifesaving; prehospital attention to .the public: and assist in transporting the sick or: injured to an appropriate medical facility. (c) Maintaining .consistent and accountable supervision of EMT. certificate holders requires that pertinent inforl7lation about certification be available to all EMS providers. prior to the employment of an :EMT: (d) Ensuring the safety.of the. public, as VV'ell as that of: first responders; requires that any.: entity that employs EMTs have access to pertinent information concerning any *liqant and :cri -urinal history as a condition of his or her employment. (e) Local EMS agencies have .a role to play ill maintalning the consistency of department policies and in conforming to the legal requirements necessary to provide. appropriate medical oversight and protect the. public safety: SEC. 2.. Section 1797.61 is added to the Health and .Safety Code, to read: 1797.61. (a) ."Certificate" or ``license" means. a Specific document issued to an individual denoting competence. in the. named area of prehospital service. (b) "Certificate status" or "license status" means the active, expired, denied, suspended, revoked, or placed on probation:designation applied to a certificate or license. issued pursuant to. this division. SEC. 3. Section 1797.:62.ofthe Health and Safety Code is repealed. SEC. 4. Section 1797.62 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:. 91 3— Ch. 274 1797.62. "Certifying entity means a public safety agency.or the office.. of the State Fire Marshal if the agency. has. a training program for EMIT I personnel.that is approved pursuant to the standards developed pursuant to Section 1797.109, or the medical director of a. local. EMS agency. SEC. 5. Section 1.797.. 101 of the Health and Safety. Code is amended to read: 1797.101. The Emergency Medical Services. Authority shall be headed by the Director of the Emergency Medical Services Authority who. shall be appointed by the Govemor upon nomination by the. Secretary of California Health and Human Services. The `director shall be a physician andsurgeon licensed.in California pursuant to the provisions.of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 2000) .of Division 2 of the Business and Professions .Code, and who has substantial experience in the practice. of.emergency medicine. SEC. 6. Section 1797.117 is added to .the Health and. Safety Code, to read: 1797.11.7. (a) The authority shall .establish. and .maintain a centralized registry system for the monitoring and tracking of each EN. T -I and AN T: II certificate. status and each EMT P license. status. This centralized registry system shall be used by. the. certifying entities as part .of the certification process for an EMT: l and. EMT. I and by the authority as part of the licensure process for an ElMT. P license. The .authority shall, by regulation; specify the data elements. to be. included in. the centralized registry. system, the requirements for certifying entities to report the data elements for inclusion in the registry, including reporting deadlines, the penalties for failure. of a. certifying entity to. report certification status changes tivithin these deadlines, and requirements for submission to. the Department of Justice fingerprint images and related information required by the Department of Justice of, except as otherwise provided in this division, EMT I and EMT-11 certificate. candidates or holders and EMT P .license candidates or holders for the purposes described in subdivision (c). The. data elements to be included in the centralized registry system shall include; but 9 are not limited to, data elements that are to be made publicly available pursuant. to subdivision. (b (b) The information made available to the public through.the. centralized registry system .shall include all of the following data elements: the full name of every. individual who has been issued an EMT- I: or EMT II certificate or EM'I- P.license, the name ofthe entity.that issued the certificate or license, the certificate.. or .license number, the date of issuance of the license or certificate, and the license or certificate status. (c) (1) As part of the centralized registry. system, the authority: shall electronically submit to the .Department. of Justice fingerprint images and related information required by. the Department of Justice of all EMT-1 and EMT-11 certificate. candidates or holders, and of. all. EMT-P. license applicants, for the purposes of obtaining information as. to the existence and content of a record of state or federal convictions and state or federal arrests and also information as to the existence and content of a record of state or 91 Ch. 274 —4— federal arrests for which the Department of Justice. establishes that the person is free on bail or on his or her recognizance pending trial or appeal.. when received, the Department of Justice shall forward to the Federal Bureau of Investigation .requests for federal suminary criminal history information received pursuant this subdivision. The 3epartment of Justice shall review the information returned from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and .compile and electronically disseminate a primary response to the authority and electronically disseminate a dual response to. one government agency certifying entity. (3) The Department of Justice shall electronically provide the primary response to the authority and also. electronically, the dual response to. one certifying entity that is a government agency, pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 1.1105 of the Penal Code. (d) The authority shall request .the Department of Justice to provide subsequent arrest notification service, as. provided pursuant to Section 11105.2 of the Penal Code, for persons described in :subdivision (c). All subsequent arrest notifications provided. to. the. authority.for persons described in subdivision (C) shall be electronically submitted to one government agency certifying entity, as a dual response by the Department .of Justice. (e) The Department of Justice shall charge a fee sufficient to cover the cost of processing the request described in this section. SEC. 7. Section 1797.118 is added to the Health and Safety .Code, to read: 1797.118. (a) Dn and after July 1, 2010, and except a.s provided in subdivision (b), every EMT-1 and EMT_ II certificate candidate or holder shall have their fingerprint images. and related information submitted to the authority for submission to the Department of Justice pursuant to:.. the regulations adopted pursuant to Section 1797.117 for .a. state .and federal. level criminal offender record information search, including subsequent arrest information. (b) If a state level criminal offender .record. information search, including subsequent arrest information, has been conducted on a currently.:certified EMT-I or EMT II, who was certified prior to July .1, 2010, for the. purposes of employment or EMT-1 or EMT-11 certification, then the certifying entity or employer as identified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 1798.200 shall verify in writing to the authority pursuant to regulations adopted pursuant to Section 1797.117 that a state level criminal offender record information search, including subsequent arrest information, has been conducted and that nothing in the criminal offender record. information search precluded the individual from obtaining EDIT -I or EMT I1 certification. SEC. 8. Section 1797.170 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 1797.170. (a) The authority shall develop and, after approval by the commission pursuant to Section 1799.50, adopt regulations for the training and scope of practice for EMT -1 certification. 91 5— Ch. 274 (b) Any individual certified as an EMT I pursuant to this division shall be recognized as an EMT-1 on a statewide basis, and recertification .shall be based on statewide standards. Effective July 1, 199.0, any individual certified as an EMT-1 pursuant to this act shall complete a course. of training on the nature of sudden infant death syndrome which is developed by the California SIDS program in the State Department of Public. Health in consultation with experts in the field of sudden infant death syndrome. SEC. 9. Section 1797.172 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 1797.172. (a) The authority shall develop and, after approval by the commission pursuant to Section 1799.50, adopt minimum standards for the training and scope of practice for EMT-P. (b) The approval of the. director, in consultation with a committee of local EMS medical directors named by the EMS. Medical Directors Association of California, is required prior to implementation of any addition to a local optional scope of practice for EMT-Ps proposed by the medical director of a local EMS agency. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the authority. shall be the agency solely responsible for licensure and licensure renewal of EMT-Ps who meet the standards and are not precluded from licensure :because of any of the reasons listed in subdivision (d) of Section 1798.200.. Each application for licensure or licensure renewal shall require the applicant's social security number in order to establish the identity of the applicant. The information obtained as a result of a state and federal level criminal offender record information search shall be used in accordance with Section 11105 of the Penal Code, and to determine whether the applicant is subject to denial of licensure or licensure renewal pursuant to this division. Submission of fingerprint images to the Department of .Justice may not be required for licensure renewal upon. determination by the authority that fingerprint images have .previously been submitted to the Department of Justice during initial licensure, or a previous licensure renewal, provided that the license has not lapsed. and the applicant has resided continuously in the state since the initial licensure.. (d) The authority shall charge. fees for the licensure and licensure renewal of EMT Ps in an. amount sufficient to support the authority's licensure program at a level that ensures the qualifications .of the individuals .licensed to provide quality. care The basic fee for licensure or licensure renewal. of an EMT P shall not exceed one. hundred twenty -fiv dollars ($12 until the adoption of regulations that specify a different .amount that .does not exceed the authority's EMT P licensure, `license renewal, and enforcement programs. The authority shall annually evaluate fees to determine if the. fee is sufficient: to fund the actual costs of the authority's licensure, licensure renewal, and enforcement programs. If the evaluation shows that the fees are excessive or are insufficient to fund the actual costs of the authority's EMT P licensure, licensure renewal, and enforcement programs, then the fees shall be adjusted accordingly through the rulemaking process described in the Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 91 Ch. 274 —6— 11340) of Part I of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code). Separate additional. fees may be charged, at the option of the authority, for services that are not shared .by all applicants for licensure and .licensure renewal, including, but not limited to, any of the following services: (1) Initial application for licensure as an EMT. P. (2) Competency testing, the fee .for which shall not exceed thirty. dollars ($30), except that an additional fee may be charged for the cost of any services that provide enhanced availability of the exam for the convenience of the EMT-P, such as. on- demand. electronic testing. (3) Fingerprint and criminal record check. The. applicant shall, if applicable according to subdivision (c), submit fingerprint images and related information for criminal offender record information searches with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (4) Out-of-state training equivalency determination. (5) verification of.continuing education fora lapse in licensure. (6) Replacement of a lost icensure card. The fees charged for .in.dividual services shall be set so .that the total fees charged to.. EMIT Ps shall not exceed the authority's actual total cost for the EMT licensure program. (e) The authority may provide nonconfidential, nonpersonal infort nation relating to EMS programs to interested persons. upon request, and may establish and assess fees for the provision of this information. These fees shall not exceed the costs of providing the information. (f) At the option of the .authority, `fees may be collected far the authority by an entity that contracts. with the authority to provide any of the. services associated with the EMT P program. All fccs collected for the authority in a calendar month by any entity designated by the authority pursuant to this section to collect fees for the authority shall. be transmitted the authority for deposit into the Emergency Medical Services Personnel Fund within 30 calendar days following the last day of the calendar month in which the fees were received by the designated entity, unless the contract between the entity and the authority specifies a different timeframe: SEC. 10. Section 1797484 is added .to the Health and Safety Code, to read: 1797.184. The authority.. shall develop and, after approval by the commission pursuant to Section 1799.50 adopt all of the. following: (a) Guidelines for disciplinary orders, temporary suspensions, and conditions of probation for EMT- and EMT-11 certificate holders. that protects the public health and safety. (b) Regulations .for the issuance o f EMT-1 and. EM'S II certificates by a certifying entity that protects the public health and safety. (c) Regulations for the recertification of EMT 1 and EMT-11 certificate holders that protect the public .health and safety (d) Regulations for disciplinary processes for EMT 1 and EMT-11 applicants and certificate holders that protect the public health and safety. These disciplinary processes shall. be in accordance with Chapter. 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part I of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. 91 7— Ch. 274 SEC. 11. Section 1797.211 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read: 1797.211. Each local EMS agency shall submit certificate status updates to the authority within three working days after a final determination is made regarding a certification disciplinary action. taken by the medical director that results in a change to an EMT -I or EMT -1I certificate .status. SEC. 12. Section 1797.216 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 1797.216. Public safety agencies that are certifying entities may certify and recertify public safety personnel as EMT I.. The state fire marshal, subject to policy guidance and advice from the State Board Hof Fire Services, may certify and recertify fire safety personnel as EMT All persons certified shall have completed a program of training approved by the local EMS agency or the authority and have passed a competency -based examination. SEC. 13. Section 1797.217 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read: 1797.217. (a) Every certifying entity shall submit to the. authority certification data required by Section 1797.117. (b) The authority .shall collect fees from each .certifying entity for the certification and certification renewal of each EMT -1 and EMT II in an amount sufficient to support the authority's central registry program and the local EMS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. Separate additional fees may be charged, at the option .of the authority, for services that are not shared by all applicants. (c) The authority's fees shall be established in regulations, and fees charged for individual services shall be set so that. the total fees charged shall not exceed the authority's actual total cost for the authority's central registry program, state. and federal criminal offender record information. search response program, and the local EMS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. (d) In addition to any fees. collected by EMT or EMIT II certifying entities to support their certification, recertification, or. enforcement programs, EMT I or EMT11 certifying entities shall collect fees to support the authority's central registry program, and the local EMS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. In lieu of collecting fees from an individual, pursuant to an employer choice, a collective bargaining agreement, or other employment contract, the certifying entity shall provide the appropriate fees. to the authority .pursuant .to this subdivision. (e) All lees collected for or provided 10 the authority in a calendar month by an EMT I or EMT-11 certifying entity pursuant to. this section shall be transmitted to the authority for deposit into the. Emergency Medical Technician Certification Fund within 30 calendar days following the last day of the calendar month in which the fees were received by the certifying entity, unless a contract between the certifying entity and the authority specifies a different timeframe. (f) At the option of the authority, fees may be collected for the authority by an entity that contracts with the authority to provide any of the services Ch. 274 -8— associated with the registry program, or the state and federal criminal offender record information.. search response program, or, the local .EMS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. All fees collected for the authority in a calendar month by any entity ..designated by the authority. pursuant to. this section to collect fees for the authority shall be transmitted to the authority for deposit into the Emergency Medical Technician Certification f `und within 30 calendar days following the last day of the calendar month in which the fees were received by. the designated entity, unless the contract between the entity and the authority. specifies a different timeframe. (g) The authority shall annually evaluate fees to determine if the fee is sufficient to fund the actual costs of the authority's central registry program, state and federal criminal offender record information search. response prog and local ELVIS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. If the evaluation shows that the fees are excessive or are imu.fficient to fund. the actual costs of these programs, then the fees wild be adjusted accordingly through the rulemaking process as outlined in the Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section. 1 340) o f Part I of Division 3 of Title 2 of.the government Code (h) The Emergency Medical.. Technician Certification Fund is hereby created in the State Treas- .uy..All moneys deposited in the fund shall be made available, upon appropriation,. to. the. authority for purposes of the central registry program, slate and federal criminal offender record information search response program, and the. local EMS .agency administrative law judge reimbursement program. The local EMS agency administrative law judge reimbursement program is solely for the. purpose of making reimbursements to local emergency medical service agencies for actual administrative lave judge costs regarding EMT I or EMT 11 disciplinary action appeals. Reimbursement to the local emergency medical service agencies shall only :be made if adequate funds are available from fees collected for the authority's local EMS agency administrative.law judge reimbursement program. (i) The authority. lay. transfer unused portions of the Emergency Medical Technician Certification Fund.to the Surplus Money Investment Fund. Funds transferred to the Surplus Money Investment Fund shall be placed..in a separate trust account, and shall be available .for transfer to the Emergency Medical Technician Certification Fund, together with interest earned, when requested by the authority. 0) The authority shall maintain a reserve balance in the Emergency Medical Technician .Certification Fund of 5 percent of .annual revenues. Any increase in the. fees deposited in the Emergency Medical Technician Certification Fund shall be effective upon a determination by the authority that additional moneys are required to fund expenditures of this section. SEC. 14. Section 1797.219 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read: 1797.219. All investigatory and disciplinary processes for EMT I and EMT-11 certificate holders shall be, subject to Chapter 9.6 (commencing 91 9— Ch. 274 with Section 3250) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, with respect to certificate holders who are firefighters otherwise subject to these provisions, and Chapter 9.7 (commencing with Section 3300) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, with respect to certificate holders who are peace officers otherwise subject to these provisions. SEC. 15. Section 1798.200 of the Health and Safety Code is amended to read: 1798.200. (a) (1) (A) Except as provided in paragraph (2), an employer of an EMT 1 or EMT-TT may conduct investigations, as necessary, and take disciplinary action against an EMT-1 or EMT-IT who is employed by that employer for conduct in violation of subdivision. (c). The employer shall notify the medical director of the local EMS agency that has jurisdiction .in the county in which the alleged violation occurred. within three days when an allegation has been validated as a potential violation of subdivision (c (B) Each employer of an EMT I or EMT-11 employee shall notify the medical director of the local EMS agency that has jurisdiction in the county in which a violation related to subdivision (c) occurred within three days after the EMT 1 or EMT II is terminated or suspended for a disciplinary cause, the EMIT I or EMT II resigns following notification of an impending investigation based upon evidence that would indicate the existence of a disciplinary cause, or the EMT-1 or EMT-11 is removed from EMT-related duties for a disciplinary cause after the completion of the employer's investigation. (C) At the conclusion of an investigation, the employer of an EMT-1 or EMT-11 may develop and implement, in accordance with the guidelines for disciplinary orders, temporary suspensions, and conditions of probation adopted pursuant to. Section 1797.184, a disciplinary plan for the. EMT I or EMT 1I. Upon adoption of the disciplinary plan, the employer shall ..submit that plan to the local EMS agency within three working days. The employer's disciplinary plan may include a recommendation that the medical director of the local EMS agency consider taking action against the holder's certificate pursuant to paragraph (3) (2) If an EMT I or EMT-11 is not employed by an ambulance service licensed by the Department of the California Highway Patrol or a public safety agency or if that ambulance service or public safety agency chooses not to conduct an investigation pursuant to paragraph I for conduct in violation of subdivision (c), the medical director of a. local EMS. agency shall conduct the investigations, and, upon a determination of disciplinary cause, take disciplinary action as necessary against this EMT I or EMIT I1. At the conclusion of these investigations, the medical director shall develop and implement, in accordance with the recommended. guidelines for disciplinary orders, temporary orders, and conditions of probation adopted pursuant to Section 1797.184, a disciplinary plan for the EMT-1 or EMT-1L The medical director's disciplinary plan may include action against the holder's certificate pursuant to paragraph (3). (3) The medical director of the local EIS agency may, upon a determination of disciplinary cause and in. accordance with regulations for IN Ch. 274 —10 disciplinary processes adopted pursuant to Section 1797.184, deny, suspend, or revoke any EMT I or EMT II certificate issued under this division, or may place any EMT. I or .EMT II certificate holder on probation, upon the finding by that medical director of the occurrence of any of the actions listed in subdivision (c) and the occurrence of one of the following: (A) The EMT I or EMT 1I employer, after conducting an investigation, failed to impose discipline for the conduct under investigation, or the medical director makes a determination that the discipline imposed was.not.according to the guidelines for disciplinary orders and conditions of probation and the conduct of the EMT or EMT 11 certificate holder constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against .the cert ificate. (B) Either the employer of an EMT-1. or EMT: II further determines, after an investigation conducted under paragraph (1), or the. medical director determines after an investigation conducted .under paragraph (2), that the conduct requires disciplinary. action against the. certificate. (4) The medical director of the local EMS agency, after consultation with the employer of an EMT I or EMT II; they temporarily suspend; prior to a hearing, any EMT -1 or EMT I1 certificate or both EMT -1 and EMS' II certificates upon a determination that both of the following conditions have been meet: (A) The certificate holder has engaged. in acts or omissions that constitute grounds .for revocation of the EMT I or EMT H certificate. (B) Permitting the certificate holder to continue to engage in the certified activity without restriction would pose an imminent threat to. the public health or safety. (5) If the medical director of the local EMS agency temporarily. suspends a certificate, the local EMS. agency shall notify the certificate holder that his or her EMT I or EMT 1I certificate. is suspended and shall identify. the reasons therefor. within three working days of the initiation of the suspension by the local EMS agency, the agency and employer shall j ointly investigate the allegation in order. for. the. agency. to make a determination of the. continuation of the. temporary suspension. All investigatory information not otherwise protectedby law held by the agency and employer shall be. shared between the parties via facsimile transmission or overnight mail relative to the decision to temporarily suspend. The. local EMS agency shall decide within 15.calendar days, whether to serve the. certificate holder. with an accusation pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11.500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the .Governm.ent Code. If the certificate holder files a notice of defense, the hearing shall be held within 3.0 days of the local EMS agency's :receipt of the notice. of defense. The temporary suspension order shall.be deemed vacated if the local E1'r!.lS agency.fails to make a final determination on the merits within 15 days after the ach law judge renders the proposed decision. (o) The medical director of the Local ENDS agency shall refer, for investigation and discipline, any complaint received. on an EMT -I or EMT-11 to the relevant employer within three. days of receipt of the complaint, pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a). 91 -11 Ch. 274 (b) The authority may deny, suspend, or revoke any EMT-P license issued under this division, or may place any EMT P license. issued under this division, or may place any EMT -P. licenseholder on probation upon the finding by the director of the occurrence. of any of the. actions listed .in subdivision (c). Proceedings against any EMT P license .or licenseholder shall be. held in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title.2 of.the.Goverment Code. (c) Any of the following actions shall be considered. evidence of a threat to the public health .and safety and may result in the deniaal, suspension, or revocation of a certificate or license issued under this division, or in the placement on probation of a certificate or licenseholder under this division: (1) Fraud in the procurement of any certificate or license under. this division. (2) Gross negligence. (3) Repeated negligent acts. (4) Incompetence. (5) The commission of any fraudulent, dishonest, or corrupt act that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of prehospital personnel. (6) Conviction of any crime which is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of prehospital personnel. The record of conviction or a certified copy of the record shall be conclusive evidence of the conviction. (7) violating or attempting to violate directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of this division or the regulations adopted by the authority pertaining to prehospital personnel. (S) Violating or. attempting to violate any federal or state statute or regulation that regulates narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances. (9) Addiction to, the excessive use of, or the misuse of, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances. (10) Functioning outside the supervision of medical control in the field care system operating at the local level, except as authorized by any other license or certification. (11) Demonstration of irrational behavior or occurrence of a physical disability to the extent that a reasonable and prudent person would have reasonable cause to believe that the ability to perform the duties normally expected may be impaired. (12) Unprofessional conduct exhibited by any of the following: (A) The mistreatment or physical abuse of any patient resulting from force in excess of what a reasonable and prudent person trained and acting in a similar capacity while engaged in the performance of his or her duties would use if confronted with a similar circumstance. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit an EMT 1, EMT-11,, or EMT P from assisting a peace officer, or a peace officer who is acting in the dual capacity of peace officer and EMT 1, EMT-11, or EMT-P, from using that force that is reasonably necessary to effect a lawful arrest or detention. 91 Ch. 274 -12 (B) The failure to maintain confidentiality of patient medical information, except as disclosure is otherwise permitted or required bylaw in Sections 56 to 56.6, inclusive, of the Civil Code. (C) The commission of any sexually related offense specified under Section 290 of the Penal Code. (d) The information shared among EMT-1, EMT-11, and EMT- -P employers, medical directors of. local EMS. agencies, 'the authority, and EMT I .and EMT .II certifying entities shall be deemed to be an investigative communication that. is..exempt.from public disclosure. as a public. record pursuant to subdivision .(f) of Section .654 of the Government Code. A formal disciplinary action against an EMT-1, EMT-11, or EMT -P shall be considered a public record available to the public, unless otherwise protected from disclosure pursuant to. state or federal lave (e) For purposes of.this section ".disciplinary. cause" means an act that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of an EMT I, EMT 1I, or EMT P and is evidence of a threat to the public health .and safety described in subdivision (c)... SEC. 16. This act shall become operative only if Senate Bill 997 of the 2007 --08 .Regular Session .is enacted and becomes effective on or before January 1, 2009. SEC. 17. This act shall not be construed to limit or. otherwise impair the medical. control of the medical. director of a local EMS agency granted pursuant to Section. 1798 .of the. Health and Safety Code. SEC. .1. 8. The Legislature finds .and declares that Section 15 of this act, which amends Section 1798.2000 the Health and .Safety Code, imposes a limitation on the public's right of access to the meetings of public.. bodies or the writings of public officials and agencies -within meaning of Section 3 of Article I of the .+California Constitution. Pursuant to that constitutional provision, the Legislature makes the following findings to demonstrate the interest protected this. limitation and the. need for protecting that interest: emergency rnedical.technicians serve a critical role in the state's .emergency response network. Tie.public safety is best protected when appropriate and consistent disciplinary standards are applied. When accusations have been made against a certified EMT I or EMT 11, the. individual. must be.. given the investigatory and due process protection that is offered to other licensed and certified professionals such as paramedics; physicians; nurses, and other health care providers. The public. shall: have certification, licensure, disciplinary and other information readily available with the implementation of the EM7=I, EMT II, and .EMT P registry as created by Section 1797.117 of the Health and. Safety .Code. SEC. 19. No re ii nbursement. is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution for certain .costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district because, in that regard, this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or. infraction, or changes the penalty for a cringe or infraction., within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crhne within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. 91 13— Ch. 274 However, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains other costs mandated by the state, reim arsement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code. x 91 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FIRE DEPARTMENT To ACCESS FEDERAL LEVEL SUMMARY CRIMINAL HISTORY FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS WHEREAS, Penal Code Sections 11105(b)(11) and 13300(b)(11) to authorize cities, counties and districts to access state and local summary i criminal history information for certification purposes; and R WHEREAS, Penal Code Section 11105(b)(1 1) authorizes cities, counties and districts to access federal level criminal history information by transmitting Department of Justice to be fingerprint ima es and related information to the De g p transmitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and WHEREAS, Penal Code Sections 11105(b)(11) and 13300(b)(11) require that there be a requirement or exclusion from certification based on specific criminal conduct on the part of the subject of the record; and WHEREAS, Penal Code Sections 11105(b)(11) and 13300(b)(11) require the city council, board of supervisors, or governing body of a city, county or district to specifically authorize access to summary criminal history information for certification purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Alameda Fire Department is hereby authorized to access state and federal level. summary criminal history information for certification for Emergency Medical Technicians, and may not disseminate the information to a private entity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Alameda Fire Department shall not consider a person who has been convicted of a violent or serious felony or misdemeanor or eligible for certification except that such conviction may be disregarded if it is determined that mitigating circumstances exist, or that the conviction is not related to the certification in question. Resolution 4 -N CC 05-18-10 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1 8th day of Inlay, 2010 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said City this 1 9th day of May, 2010. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE No. New series ADDING A NEVV SECTION 30 -5.15 TO THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT THE OPERATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA L. g DISPENSARIES IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda: Y section 1 section 30 -5.15 is hereby dded to the Alameda Municipal y p a Code to read as follows: j Section 30-5.15. Medical Marijuana Dispensaries a. Findings. In enacting this section, the City Council finds as follows: 1. In 1970, Congress enacted the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) which, among other things, makes it illegal to import, manufacture, distribute, possess or use marijuana in the United states. 2. In 1996, the voters of the state of California approved Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (the Act), codified at Cal. Health Safety Code (H&S) sec. 11362.5 et seq. 3. The Act creates a limited exception from criminal liability for seriously ill persons who are in need of medical marijuana for specified medical purposes and who obtain and use medical marijuana under limited, specified circumstances. 4. On January 1, 2004, S.B. 420 went into effect. S.B. 420, known as the "Medical Marijuana Program" (MMP) (codified at Cal. H &S Code Secs. 11362.7 11362.83) was enacted by the state Legislature to clarify the scope of the Act and to allow cities and other governing bodies to adopt and enforce rules and regulations consistent with S. B. 420. 5. The Act expressly anticipates the enactment of additional local legislation. It provides: "Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of marijuana for non medical purposes." Cal. H &S Code Sec. 11362.5. Final Passage of ordinance 4 -0 CC 05 -18 -10 6. The City Council takes legislative notice of the fact that several California cities and counties which have permitted the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries have experienced serious adverse impacts associated with and resulting from such dispensaries. According to these communities, and according to news stories widely reported, medical marijuana dispensaries have resulted in and /or caused an increase in crime, including burglaries, robberies, violence, illegal sales of marijuana to, and use of marijuana by, minors and other persons without medical need in the areas immediately surrounding such medical marijuana dispensaries. The City of Alameda reasonably could anticipate experiencing similar adverse impacts and effects. 7. The City Council further takes legislative notice of a California Police Chiefs Association compilation of police reports, news stories and statistical research setting forth the adverse secondary impacts associated with medical marijuana dispensaries. http /www. ca l ifo rn is p o l i cech iefs. o rg /n av_f i les /ma ri j u a n a files /Rese arch.html. 8. The City Council further takes legislative notice that as of July 2009, at least 29 cities and two counties in California have adopted moratoria or interim ordinances prohibiting medical marijuana dispensaries. The City Council further takes legislative notice that as of July 2009, at least 111 cities and seven counties in California have adopted permanent prohibitions against medical marijuana dispensaries. 9. The City Council further takes legislative notice that the use, possession, distribution and sale of marijuana remain illegal under the CSA; that the federal courts have recognized that despite California's Act and MMP, marijuana is deemed to have no accepted medical use (Gonzales v. Raich, (2005) 545 U.S. 1; United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, (2001) 532 U.S. 483); that medical necessity has been ruled not to be a defense to prosecution under the CSA (United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Cooperative, (2001) 532 U.S. 483); and that the federal government properly may enforce the CSA despite the Act and MMP. (Gonzales v. Raich, (2005) 545 U.S. 1). 10. While the City Council in no manner intends or undertakes by the adoption of this ordinance to enforce federal law, the City Council is concerned about interfering with federal law enforcement efforts. 11. The city council further takes legislative notice that concerns about non medical marijuana use arising in connection with the Act and the 111111 P also have been recognized by state and federal courts. See, e.g., Bearman v. California Medical Bd. (2009) 175 Cal.App.4th 1588; People ex rel. Lungren v. Peron, (1997) 59 Cal.AppAth 1383, 1388 -1387, Gonzales v. Raich, (2005) 545 U.S. 1 32 n. 43. 12. Allowing medical marijuana dispensaries, and issuing permits, business licenses or other applicable licenses or entitlements providing for the establishment and/or operation of medical marijuana dispensaries poses a threat to the public health, safety and welfare. 13. An ordinance prohibiting medical marijuana dispensaries, and prohibiting the issuance of any permits, licenses and entitlements for medical marijuana dispensaries, is necessary and appropriate to maintain and protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Alameda. 14. The city Council further takes legislative notice that the California Attorney General has adopted guidelines for the interpretation and implementation of the state's medical marijuana laws, entitled "GUIDELINES FOR THE SECURITY AND NON DIVERSION OF MARIJUANA GROWN FOR MEDICAL USE (August 2008)." (http: /ag.ca.gov /cros attachments /press /pdfs /n1001_medicalmariju anaguidelines.pdf.) The Attorney General has stated in the guidelines that "[a]lthough medical marijuana "dispensaries" have been operating in California for years, dispensaries, as such, are not recognized under the lair." 15.The City Council further takes legislative notice that in City of Claremont v. Kruse (2009) 177 Cal.App.4th 1153, the Court held that neither the Act nor the MMP preempts cities from adopting land use regulations for medical marijuana dispensaries. 15. The City Council further takes legislative notice that the Act anticipates local regulations at Gal. H &s Code sec. 11382.5(b )(2): "Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of marijuana for nonmedical purposes." "3. Definitions. As used in this ordinance, the following terms shall be ascribed the following meanings: 1 a "Medical Marijuana" means "marijuana" as that terra is defined and used in the Act and the MMP, to wit, Cal. H &S Code Secs. 11382.5 11362.83. 2. "Medical marijuana dispensary" means any facility or location, whether fixed or mobile, where medical marijuana is provided, sold, made available, or otherwise distributed to one or more of the following: a primary caregiver, a qualified patient or a person with an identification card. 3. A Medical Marijuana Dispensary shall not include the following uses, so long as such uses comply with this code, Cal. H &S Code Secs. 11362.5 11382.7 et seq., as amended, and other applicable laws: a) A clinic licensed pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Sec. 1200) of Division 2 of the Cal. H &S Code, as amended. b) A health care facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 2 (commencing with Sec. 1250) of Division 2 of the Cal. H &S Code, as amended. c) A residential care facility for persons with chronic life- threatening illness licensed pursuant to Chapter 3.01 (commencing with Sec. 1568.01) of Division 2 of the Cal. H &S Code, as amended. d) A residential care facility for the elderly licensed pursuant to Chapter 3.2 (commencing with Sec. 1569) of Division 2 of the Cal. H &S Code, as amended. e) A hospice or a home health agency, licensed pursuant to Chapter 8 (commencing with Sec. 1725) of Division 2 of the Cal. H &S Code, as amended. 4. "Person with an Identification Card" shall have the meaning given that terra by Cal. H &S Code Sec. 11362.7, as amended. 5. "Primary Caregiver" shall have the meaning given that terra by Cal. H &S Code Sec. 11362.7, as amended. 6, "Qualified Patient" shall have the meaning given that term by Cal. H &S Code Sec. 11382.7, as amended. e. operation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Prohibited. Medical marijuana dispensaries are prohibited in the City of Alameda. No person or entity shall operate or permit to be operated a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in or upon any premises in the city. The City shall not issue, approve or grant any permit, license or other entitlement for the establishment or operation of a medical marijuana dispensary Section 2 Severability Clause. It is the declared intent of the City Council of Alameda that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or unconstitutional the remaining provision of this ordinance. Section 3, This ordinance and the rules, regulations, provisions, requirements, orders, and matters established and adopted hereby shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Section 4. CEQA. This ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act "CEQA pursuant to Secs.15060 (c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060 (c)(3) the activity is not a project as defined in Sec. 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations) because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; it prevents changes in the environment pending the completion of the contemplated studies. This ordinance also is exempt from CEQA pursuant to the "common sense" exemption under Sec.15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, because the City Council hereby determines and finds that there is no possibility that the ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment. Presiding officer of the City Council Attest: Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 200, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this day of 201 O. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CATY OF ALAMEDA I-1EA1-4T1-1 CARE DISTRICT Ann Marie Gallant Inter n'i Cit Mana 2263 Santa Clara Ave, Room 320 Alameda, CA 94501 Dear Ann Marie., First I want to apolo for not g ettin g back to y ou sooner about the recent Cit Council resolution to establish a j oint committee between the Cit Council and Hospital District. Alaineda Hospital underwent a surve b the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals this month. These surve are conducted once ever three y ears and without advance notice, so the Board, mana g ement team and inedical staff was -focused on this activity, I am. happ to report that the Hospital received full accreditation. for three y ears. While we have a handful of issues identified for improvement, the surve were q uite Complimentar with re to man Of Our s and services. The District Board diSCLISsed the resolution passed b the Cit to establish a j oint committee to diSCUSS issues Of COMMOn. interest and to provide opportunities for us to understand the challen and strate beIn cy addressed b each party at their last Board meetin The District Itn' Board wholl endorses the value Of Openin up more formal.. consistent comi-n-unication. between the Cit and the Hospital. leadership. The Board had some reservations about the formation of another committee in addition to our four standin committees of the Board.- Quality Improvement Committee, Finance and Operations, and CO1111-flu Relations. In. addition, the Board meets monthl as a committee of the whole to discuss Stratecy'c Plannin issues. Given this., t1-1 the Board has asked me to su an alternative approach-, namel that the Hospital Board and mana 11-lake q uarterly presentations to the Cit Council as a part of one Of the Council's re scheduled meetin The Hospital has a tremendous amount of strate and proorram plannin activit underwa includin plans to address our seismic retrofit re about which we WOUld like to Update the Cit leadership. We are aware that the recent expiration of the Kaiser contract ma have raised concern.s on the Cit s part about the financial stabilit of the Hospital. A comprehensive plan to respond to the loss of volume and revenue has been implemented, which also in the development of new services and pro DO-17C) 01irliton Aven-tie to Alannieda, CA o,1 -ol '-!.'E L '510) 52,2 0 C Cit Council CM Communications A Item #5=A In keepin with the Board's commitment to maximum transparenc and accountabilit to the conlinunit we serve, we feel the update presented to the Cit Council, appropriately should OCCUr in a public session. The District Board also welcomes a reciprocal presentation by the Cit leadership at the Hospital Board meetin if this is of interest to the Cit Council. I will contact VOLI soon to discuss next steps, includinoa identiNin a date for the Hospital's first report to the Cit Sincerel Deborah E. Stebbins Chief Exec'utive Officer CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community improvement Commission Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager /Interim Executive Director Date: May 18, 2010 Re: Accept the Financial Report for the Third Fiscal Quarter January, Februaa and March 2010 BACKGROUND The third quarter financial report on all City funds has been completed, based upon actual revenues and expenditures through March 31, 2010. Quarterly reports include financial information for all City funds presented as follows: Exhibit I outlines by fund the revenues, expenditures, changes in, and projected net fund balance for all City funds at June 30, 2010. Exhibit 2 summarizes by major category actual revenues and actual .expenditures for the General Fund, as of March 31, 2010, and projected General Fund revenues and expenditures at June 30, 2010. Exhibit 3 details General Fund actual revenues by source at March 31, 2010, and projected revenues by source at June 30, 2010. Exhibit 4 details General Fund actual expenditures by program at March 31, 2010, and projected expenditures by program, at June 30, 2010. Exhibit 5 graphs FY09 -10 budgeted General Fund revenues by major category, including actuals as of March 31, 2010. Exhibit 6 graphs FY09 -10 budgeted General Fund expenditures by major category, including actuals, as of March 31, 2010. Exhibit 7 summarizes by fund actual revenues and expenditures at Larch 31, CCIARRA/CIC City Council Agenda Item #2 -B Agenda Item #6 -A 05-18-10 05-18=10 Honorable Mayor and Mernbers of the City..Council Honorable Chair and Members of the. CIC Honorable Clair and. lvleMbers of the ARRA 20 1 0, and projected reven and expend itures Fund .City funds, at .J ne 30, 20.1 0, May 18 X010 Page 2 for all remaining, non General Quarterly reports provide the city. Council. with timely. u p dates on the financial status of the City funds, comparing bud projections in. revenue and expenditures to actual receipts. and expenses each 90. days, I n ..addition, each quarterly, report includes a projection of revenues and expenditures at. fiscal year. end, based upon actual experience, changes i.n revenue forecasts, or other variables such as chang in state subventions. or reimbu rsements, which can .effect the approved budget i each fund. It is .Important to note, however, that projections. are based upon the information, data, and assessment of market co nditi ons at time the projection is rr�ade. l n this volatile economic environ cann be guaranteed to reflect final results at ear- y end. However, including such information. in the city's. qu arterly reports eeeh 9a Ay' s is y a critical tool in gaugi fund performance, and .thereby anticipa any rriajor revenue or expend iture impacts :that would affect the: City }s annual financial position at fiscal year -end. General Fund The FY09 -1 o. annual budget was balanced at ..the time of adoption in Aug ust 2009 with total appropriations of $68i7 million.. However, the downturn in both the national and the state. economies, which affected the..City's bud. get so drarr�ati in FY07_ and in FY08 --09, coritinues to shadow its. FY09 -10 budget. The. General Fund, and related fu nds, will continue to contend Frith. limited to non existent revenue rov due to g declines in retail sales, .home sales, present.and future :impacts of the state bud et. As. g of March 31, 2010, revenue in the General Fund is projected to be $68.6 million at fiscal year end. Lesser. revenues.. reflect lower than anticipated receipts in interest earnings, which are directly affected by the investment market. As a result of cost controls, including. a .freeze on vacancies, reduced. overtime usage, and a careful reallocation of certain capital expenditures to other f a nds, eneral Fund expenditures at fiscal year -end are projecte to. be $07.7 mil ion. However, this is merely a projection, and this pro jected expend iture savings may dissi pate with revised revenue and expenditure p roje ctions. at year -end due.. to escalating health care costs. Any excess revenues over expenditures, which maybe be realized at fiscal. year end must be applied to negative cash. fund balances.. in th.e ..General F Internal services funds, which.have accumulated cash deficits in providing services for wh ich the General Fund was not charged, but for which it is responsible in its operating budgets.. Based upon activity at the close of the third quarter,.the General Fund fund. balance, projected at June 30, 2010, is $18.3 million, of which $12.5 million is unrestricted .cash. General Fund actual revenues as of March 31 31, 2010, were $41.5 million, or 50% of Honorable Mayor and. Members of the City.Council .May 18, 2010 Honorable chair and .lvlembers .of the..c.lc. Page 3 of .6 Honorable Chair and Members.o.f the ARRA FY09 -10 budget; actual. expenditures were $60.8 million or 74 %.of.FY09 -10 budget. General Fund major revenue. categories are su arized In Exhibit. 2with. details. on revenues by source. in Exhibit .3.. The. city. derives significant portion of its General Fund. revenues from econornic.a ly sensitive sources such as property tax, sales tax, utility users' tax, and construction- .re.lated .permits and. fees... When one. or rnore.of these key revenues: decl ine. significantly below projections, program. and service operational levels are. placed in jeopardy. General Fund expenditures. by major. department. are summarized in Exhibit 4, which. includes actual expenditures at. March. 31, 2010, .including General Fund transfers .to other funds such. as Police /Fire Pension in the amount of .$1,882,083; Library Fund. transfer. of $1,276,003, and other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB Jr.nsfer. of $1,59.3 Special Revenue Funds The Special. Revenue Fund group. includes such individual funds as rede1elopment, gas tax, library fund, vario .us .assessment districts, and the. athletic fund. The. FY09 -10. actual receipts at March 81, 2010, for this fund group totaled $32,482,114; actual expenses totaled .$35,804 Projections at June .30 2010. are 6,118,449 and $66,47.7,463.,. respectively. The vast majority of these special revenue funds operate with in budget projections, utilizing available fund balances only :strategically. A number.of these:. funds. are. grant funds or capital project driven funds, which generate revenues and expenditures in patterns different than that of the city's. 0e.n.era1 Fund or other operating funds, such. as.. Enterprise. Funds. or Internal Service Funds... Sufficient reserves in each fund .:are.: always maintained to :ensure. completion of projects or programs. At June..38, 2010, the projected net fund balance for the special Revenue.Fund Group is. $3'9,83 74070 Capital Project Fund The Capital.Project Fund Group, which includes such individual funds as general .capital projects, construction funds, assessment districts, impact fee funds and urban .runoff, had aggregate actual revenues of $and expenditures of $48.. 49, 1 95 at March. 31, 2010. Projections at June 301 2010 are $14,779,405. a.nd. respectively. This major decrease in year -end projections compared.to budget is a direct reflection of revised estimates in those development- driven funds, such as impact fees, which have been affected by the economic climate in California. No individual. fund is. operating in negative cash. All assessment districts are fully funded, with. sufficient cash fund balances. The fund balance in this fund group is projected to be $22,869,818. Honorable Mayor and. ale fibers of the City Council May 18, 2014 Honorable Chair and Members of the. CIC Pa g e 4 of 6 Honorable Chair and Members of the A RA Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Fund. croup includes individual funds established to account for the long -term debt of the City and .its redevelopment a enc y ear-end ear end fund balance of g y all debt. service funds is projected .to be $1 0,372 1 24. at June. 30, 2010, a :decrease of $703,70.5 or 6% fron .the prior fiscal. y ear. This decrease can be attributed to the use of fund balance for the police building .debt and the Library band in order to reduce the transfers in (revenues) to these d funds from the ce.neral Fu nd. Enterprise Finds The Enterprise Fu nds. Grou comprised of city business -like o P erations such as the golf course, ferry services, and the sanitary sewer system, requires fund balance reporting that. includes cash, reserves, and asset valuation of the enterprise such as buildings, equipment, and:infrastructu Exhibit 1 includes detail in cash, reserves, and assets for each of these .individual f unds. The aggregate fund balance at Juste 30, 2010 for all enterprise funds is. projected to be $60, Internal Service Funds The .Internal. Services Fund. croup includes those funds created for ro r�arns and/or p g services provided. city ride to all departments. Optimally, revenues to: these funds are the result of administrative (cost recovery} charges to the gather funds principal/ the y General Fund The projected fund balance at FYo9 -10 year -end reflects negative cash of approximately $0.9 million from such funds as Information Technolo 1 locker gy Compensation, :and Unemployment Insurance. T his. negative pash amount is one third of that w hich existed at thi rd .q uarter i n FY08�09 ($2.3..miil ion A ressive O cost Co ro Is budget reductions, and. full cost recovery forrnulas applied to departments in FY09 -1 o have significantly reduced the prior negative. cash balances. Trust and Agency Funds The Trust and .Agency Fund Group includes bond reserve funds. for the various City long -terra debt obligations, as well as various funds established for the payment of the City's pension and retirement obligations, such as .the .1 079 and 1 082 Pension Plans, and Other Post- Employment Benefits .(OPEB). Fund balance in this fund rou is g p projected to be $43,477,029. FINANCIAL IMPACT The FY09 -10 third quarter report includes several exhibits that detail. the variances between budget and actual for revenues, expenditures, and changes in :fund balance budget at /March 31, 20 1 0. Exhibits were developed to facilitate review of this detailed financial information, and to create a fully disclosed and clear presentat.io.n of the Cit y 's Honorable Mayor and .Members of.the City council Ma 13, 2010 Honorable chair and .Members of .the CIC Page 5 of 6 Honorable Chair and .Members of the ARRA budget and cash position for each City fund at the. close ...of. the. third. fiscal. q uarter. Projections for year end can be affected by numerous variables; forever, continued revenue. monitoring due to market conditions and maintained diligence in etc enditure p cost controls. through .dune 30, 2410, gill ensure that FY09 -10 does not require any utilization of General Fund fund balance. The FY10 -11 budget. adoption schedule has been. accelerated.. Staff began: re aration g p p in mid January, continuing to incorporate changes. in bud et structure that were ado tad 0 p in FY00 -10, and acknowledging the fiscal. realities facing IocaI government in the irr mediate future, due. to the State budget crisis. City .rnana 0 ement has initiated several major studies and analyses, corrpieted by .both staff: and independent experts which target the. more significant revenue and expenditure factors that must be evaluated in preparing the City's annual:: financial plan. These include a multi year ro art tax Y p p Y analysis; a multi -year sales tax analysis; a multi -year analysis of property transfer tax projections; revised 1070 and: 1082 actuarials, including updates on annual re q aired fixed contributions; revised OPEB actuarials, as required by Governmental :Acc untin 0 Standards Board (GAS B). ruling 45,.: including.. updates on annual re aired fixed q contributions; a refunding and debt .analysis of all long term ob.iigations of the City, including calculation of .potential cash sayings; and, a revised .cost allocation plan, which will calculate requisite levels for charges to departments .for. internal and administrative services provided. to operating funds. RECOM Accept the quarterly financial report for the:period ending March 31, 2010. AMG /dI Exhibits: 1 Projected Fund Balance (Unaudited) of All Funds at June 30, 2010 2 General Fund Projected Revenues and Expenditures at June. 30, .2010 3 General Fund Projected Revenues by Source at June 30, 2010 4 General Fund Expenditures by Program at June 30, 2010 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council May 18, 2010 Honorable Chair and Members of the C1C Page 6 of 6 Honorable chair and Members of the ARRA 5 Budget to Actual General Fund Revenues by Major category as of [Larch 31, 2010 6 Budget to Actual General Fund Expenditures by Major Category as of March 31, 2010 7 Projected Revenues and Expenditures for Non- General Fund city Funds at June 30, 2010 a."C C! 122 .i� •••j Ivy-- K P. I I A x L�j A X. X, P X, X X IX 4 X. X 4 I N Xe I A N "X I 4 Xe X.: Xe X I -XI X XI N -Xi X. I X. 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