2010-06-01 PacketCITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION CIC TUESDAY JUNE 1 2010 -0:00 P.M. Location City Council chambers conference Room, city Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak street A genda: 1. Roll Call city Council, C I C 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items only Anyone wishing to address the Council /Commission on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to closed session to consider: City Council 3 -A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 Number of cases one City Council 3 -B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL —ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 Number of cases One City counci CC 3 -C. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property Encinal Industries (dba Grand Marina), 2099 Grand Street, Alameda; Fortrnann Marina, 1535 Buena vista Avenue Negotiating Parties city of Alameda, Community Improvement Commission, Enci nal Industries and Fortrnann Marina Under Negotiations Price and terms 4. Announcement of Action Taken in closed session, if any 5. Adjournment city council, CIC Beverl Chair, Cl y5-1f 1Vr f y tr CL�-`� CITY OF ALAMEDA •CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your nary e; speakers are limited to three (3) minutes per item 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Council meetings AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY JUNE'I 2010 -7:00 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7.00 pm, City Hall, Council Chambers, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and oak Street] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Consent Calendar 5. City Manager Communications 6. Regular Agenda Items 7. Oral Communications, Non Agenda (Public Comment) 8. Council Referrals 9. Council Communications (Communications from Council) 10. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmernbers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND 0:00 P.M. COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda (Closed Session) SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA 7:01 P.M. REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION, CITY COUNCIL CH AMBERS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1 ROLL CALL City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 4 -A. Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on May 18, 2010. (City Clerk) 4 -13. Bills for Ratification. (Finance) 4 -C. Recommendation to Adopt Plans and Specifications and Authorize a Call for Bids for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals video Inspection, Phase 3, No. P.W. 02- 10 -08. (Public Works) 4 -D. Recommendation to Allocate $161,000 from the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Long -Term Reserve Account for the Bay Breeze Propulsion System Maintenance and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute all Necessary Documents. (Public Works) 5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from City Manager) 0. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 8 -A. Adoption of Resolutions Appointing Kelly Harp as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues and Jeanette Mei as a Member of the Youth Advisory Commission. 6 -B. Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Resolution Confirming the Business Improvement Area Report for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 and Levying an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011. (Economic Development) 8 -C. Public Hearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Administrative Citation Fees Via the Property Tax Bills for Subject Properties. (Community Development) 6 -D. Public Hearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Business License Fees Via the Property Tax Bills. (Finance) 6 -E. Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 2 -71 (Election Campaign Contributions) to Article VI (Elections) of Chapter II (Administration) to Create Enforceable Limits on Election Contributions to Facilitate Local Campaign Finance Reform and Promote Broader and More Open Citizen Participation in the Electoral Process. (City Attorney) 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON AGENDA (Public Comment) Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda 8. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 9. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) Councilmernbers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 10. ADJOURNMENT City Council Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available 0 Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request Please contact the City Clerk at 747 -4800 or TDD number 522 -7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting CITY OF ALAMEDA is CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCI ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA), AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION CIC) TUESDAY -JUNE 11 2010 -7:01 P.M. Location: Cit Council Chambers, Cit Hall, corner of Santa Clara Ave and Oak Street Public Participation An wishin to address the Council /Board /Commission on a items or business introduced by the Council /Board /Commission ma speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per a item when the subject is before the Council /Board /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant Cit Clerk if y ou wish to speak, 1. ROLL CALL Cit Council, ARRA, CIC 2. CONSENT CALENDAR. Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted b one motion unless a re for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 2-A. Minutes of the Special ARRA Meetin on Ma 6, 2010 and the Special Joint Cit Council, ARRA and CIC Meetin Held on Ma 18, 2010. [Cit Council, ARRA, CIC] (Cit Clerk) 2-B. Recommendation to Award a Five-Year Contract for Professional Audit Services for the Communit Improvement Commission and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit for Fiscal Years Endin June 30, 2010 throu June 30 2014 to Caporicci Larson. [ARRA, CIC Finance 2-C. Recommendation to Authorize Ne and Execution of a Sublease for Dre Capital Partners, Buildin 29, at Alameda Point. [ARRA (Economic Development) 2-D. Recommendation to Authorize Approval of a Sublease for Point Source Power, Buildin 7, at Alameda Point. ARRA (Economic Development 3, CITY MANAGE R/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION 3-A. Semimonthl Update on SunCal Ne Cit y Council, ARRA, CIC] 4. AGENDA ITEMS 4-A. Public Hearin to Consider Adoption of Resolution Approvin and Adoptin the Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Business and Waterfront and West End Communit Improvement Pro for Fiscal Year 2009 throu 2010 and Fiscal Year 2013 throu 2014, [CIC] (Economic Development 4-B. Recommendation to- (1) Direct Plannin Board to Provide Advisor Recommendation on SunCal Modified Optional Entitlement Application at June 211 2010 Meetin and (2) Set Public Hearin for Decision on SunCal Modified Optional Entitlement Application and/or Extension of the Exclusive Ne A from Governin Bodies of Alameda b Jul 20, 2010. [Cit Council, ARRA, CIC (Cit Mana 5-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisor Board RAB representative Hi of Ma 6 Alameda Point RAB Meetin [ARRA 6. ADJOURNMENT Cit Council, ARRA, CIC UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCI ME ETING TUESDAY- -MAY 18 2010- -6 :00 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the meeting at 6 :20 p.m. Roll call Present: Councilmernbers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tara and Mayor Johnson 5. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: o- Conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency negotiator: Joe Wiley; Employee organization: charter officers Following the closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that regarding Charter officers no action was taken. Mayor Johnson stated an issue was raised regarding noticing; the City Attorney provided the council with her opinion that the matter was properly noticed under the Brown Act. Mayor Johnson called a recess at 7:20 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12:25 a.m. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: 10- conference with Legal counsel Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9; Number of cases: one. o-- conference with Labor Negotiators; Agency negotiators: Interim city Manager; Employee organization: Executive Management. 0- Public Employment Title: Interim city Manager. Following the closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that regarding Anticipated Litigation Council received a briefing from Legal Council on a matter of anticipated litigation and provided direction to Legal counsel; regarding Executive Management, council received a briefing from the Interim city Manager on the structure of an agreement with Executive Management; and regarding Public Em to ment the Interim city Manager discussed a provision of her contract which will be further discussed in open session for action. Special Meeting Alameda city Council May 18, 2010 Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 1 :'l 7 a. m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act, Special Meeting Alameda City Council Z May 18, 2010 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ME ETING TUESDAY- -MAY 18 -7:00 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the meeting at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilrrembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tara and Mayor Johnson 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES (10- Mayor Johnson announced the Special Council meeting schedule for 7:02 p.m. would be held at 8:45 p.m. PROCLAMATIONS SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 10- Proclamation Declaring May 2010 as Older Americans Month. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Nancy Gormley. Ms. Gormley thanked Council for the proclamation. Mayor Johnson requested a brief description of how people can sign up for the senior shuttle. Ms. Gormley stated registration needs to be done either on line or at the Mastick Senior Center. Mayor Johnson inquired ghat is the age requirement. Ms. Gormley responded sixty two, stated seniors are able to ride the shuttle for free; the shuttle can accommodate two wheelchairs; two different schedules run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 10- Proclamation declaring May 22 as Harvey Milk Day. Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Brian Harris and Ryan Kelley Cahill from Alameda Community Learning Center (ACLC). Mr. Harris and Mr. Kelley- Cahill thanked Council for the proclamation. (10- One -Year Follow Upon Fiscal Sustainability Committee Report. The City Treasurer and City Auditor gave a Power Point presentation, Regular Meeting Alameda City Council May 18, 2010 In response to Mayor Johnson's inquiry, the City Treasurer stated some local governments could have a 40% increase for local safety; new rates will reflect investment losses and actuarial changes that PERS is making. The City Treasurer continued the presentation. Mayor Johnson inquired whether deferred maintenance includes facilities, to which the City Treasurer responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor deHaan thanked the City Treasurer and City Auditor for the presentation; stated the gain in reserves over the last two years has not been obligated. The City Treasurer stated reserves have gotten better, but the City is still far behind; the problem is that maintenance and retiree medical costs are not discretionary and do not go away; costs are growing exponentially. Vice Mayor deHaan stated Oakland's roads are deteriorating rapidly; the City has to ensure that steps are taken to continue on the right track; the City's property values have not dropped; inquired ghat was the percentage of growth in property taxes last year, to which the Interim City Manager responded 0.5 Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what was the growth in good years, to which the Interim City Manager responded 8.5 The City Treasurer stated Alameda is not the first city to deal with the issue; other cities have found solutions; the City can learn from San Francisco and San Jose. Mayor Johnson inquired whether anyone from PERS is scheduled to address the matter. The Interim City Manager responded John Bartel is scheduled to be at the June JS'` Council Meeting to discuss the PERS' actuarial; stated that she is trying to get a PERS representative to attend the June 15 th Council Meeting to confirm the growth before budget adoption. Mayor Johnson stated any news from PERS seems to be bad and gets worse as time goes by; stated PERS has not written the multi billion dollar Mountain House investment loss into its portfolio; money for the Mountain House investment will never be regained. The Interim City Manager stated the assumed rate of return for PERS is 7.34 however, PERS is talking about reducing the rate of return to 6 The City Treasurer, stated the defined benefit plan, not PERS, is the problem; when anything goes wrong it is the City's problem; PERS started a smoothing process in which payments were spread out over thirty years; inquired whether the City has received anything formal [from PERS]. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 May 18, 2010 The Interim city Manager responded in the negative; stated Mr. Bartel would be discussing the issue at the next council Meeting. The city Treasurer stated the Fiscal Sustainable committee Report assumes that the City will continue with current policies. Councilmember Gilmore stated everyone realizes there is a need for change; changes will not be in one area but more broad based; a government's function is to provide services to citizens; community discussions need to address service level changes, what is valued, and what cuts people are willing to have made; Councilmembers have to lead the way. The City Treasurer stated government's job is to provide services at a level commensurate with revenue received, not commensurate with demands; Next 10 has a program called the California Budget Challenge; the program is an interactive exercise which allows an individual to try and balance California's budget; that he is hoping to bring a similar program to Alameda. Councilmember Tam stated revenue and expenses are linked; seventy -five percent of the budget goes for personnel; personnel is needed for deferred maintenance; last time, the Fiscal Sustainability Committee discussed what type of development would be needed to generate revenue for the types of services the community wants; the City has sought Measure B funding for pothole repairs, the Paratransit program, street resurfacing, and signage, and funding for Fire safety but said funding not factor into the burden; the future burden is all on the city; inquired whether a future presentation would address how to grow the pie. The city Treasurer responded the Fiscal Sustainability Committee did not take grants into consideration; stated that he does not know whether grants will continue at the State level; the City should go after grants whenever possible. Councilmember Tam stated addressing the need for more retail to generate revenue is a difficult discussion. Councilmember Gilmore stated retail causes traffic. The City Treasurer stated input needs to be solicited. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he appreciates the presentation; he has requested to have the budget easily available on the website; urged the public to attend budget sessions; stated bargaining units have foregone pay increases; the management team has been contracted; a budget session will be held on June 19th; the reserve level still needs to be discussed. The city Treasurer stated the rule of thumb is to have three to six months of cash; his approximation is that the city has a twenty -two day reserve. Regular Meeting Alameda city council 3 May 18, 2010 Councilmen ber Matarrese stated the City is in the "pay -as- you -go" mode and cannot address unfunded liabilities such as deferred maintenance. The City Treasurer stated the City is not starting at zero [in the budget] but is starting at negative $8 million. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the upcoming budget will be dealing with the negative $8 miliion. The Interim City Manager responded the City is still trying to recover some negative cash; stated the City can only afford to put $100,000 into the deferred maintenance budget this year; staff has not started to touch the deferred maintenance negative; staff is trying to recover the negative cash; there has been a 10% staff reduction; focus needs to be on risk management and workers compensation; joint power authorities expect the City to have a funded reserve; joint power authorities have not required cities to show an earmarked reserve if there is a healthy cash reserves in the General Fund; now, cities are using cash reserves; some cash needs to be put away for mandated reserves. In response to Vice Mayor deHaan's inquiry, the Interim City Manager stated the California Chief Legislative Analyst indicated that growth will be difficult until 2014; the new forecast is that a household will not have discretionary income until 2018. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the City is not able to take care of what is necessary and is not getting a higher rate of return; inquired why the other Post Employment Benefit (OPED) deficit is higher, to which the City Treasurer responded everything is based on assumptions. The Interim City Manager stated medical insurance has dropped by several percentage points. Vice Mayor deHaan stated there has been some stabilization. The City Treasurer stated medical costs will not remain the same. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Johnson announced that the Resolution Authorizing the City of Alameda Fire Department to Access Federal Level Summary Criminal History [paragraph no. 10- was withdrawn from the agenda. Councilmember Tam moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilrrember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. [items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 May 18, 2010 para number.] *10- Minutes of the Special and Re Cit Council Meetin held on Ma 4, 2010. Approved. (*10- Ratified bills in the amount of $6,907,995.69. L10- Recommendation to Accept the Quarterl Treasur Report. Accepted. *10- Recommendation to Approve Letter of Support of 100 Best Cities for Youn People Application. Accepted. (*10- Recommendation to Set a Public Hearin to Consider Collection of Delin Administrative Citation Fees Via the Propert Tax Bills for June 1 1 2010. Accepted. (*10- Recommendation to Set a Public Hearin for Delin Inte Waste Mana Char for June 15, 2010. Accepted. (*10- Recommendation to Accept the Work of NorCal Pipeline Inspection- for Cit Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Inspection, Phase 2, No. P.W. 07-08-19. Accepted. (*10 Resolution No. 14440, "Declarin the Cit Intention to Revise the Sewer I. I --,I Service Char and Establishin Procedures for Acceptin Protests Pursuan to A[ Licle XIIID, Section 6(a) of the California Constitution Re Propert Fees and Char Adopted. (*10- Resolution No. 14441, "Approvin a Fifth Amendment to the A with the California State Coastal Conservanc to Implement Spartina Eradication and Miti Measures and Authorize the Interim Cit Mana to Execute All Necessar and Re Documents." Adopted. (*10- Resolution No. 14442, "Authorizin the Interim Cit Mana to Submit a Re to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Allocation of $121 ,000 in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Transportation Development Act, Article 3 Fundin for Up to the Bic Facilit Si and Sidewalk Improvements, and to Execute All Necessar Documents." Adopted. (*10 Resolution No. 14443, "Authorizin the Interim Cit Mana to Submit an Application for Measure B Paratransit Fundin for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, and to Execute All Necessar Documents." Adopted. *10- Resolution No. 14444, "Ratif the Public Utilit Board's Approval of the Termination of the Natural Gas Procurement Pro Third Phase A and Authorizin the General Mana of Alameda Municipal Power to Execute the Termination of the A Adopted. Re Meetin Alameda Cit Council 5 Ma 18, 2010 *10- Resolution No. 1 4445 "Resolution of Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for Fiscal Year 201 0 -201 1 and Set a Public Hearing for June 1, 2010." Adopted. (1 0- Resolution Authorizing the City of Alameda Fire Department to Access Federal Level Summary Criminal History for Emergency Medical Technicians Certification. Not adopted. *10- ordinance No. 3017 "Adding Subsection 30 -5.15 to the Alameda Municipal Code to Prohibit the operation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in the City of Alameda. Finally passed. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS 10- lCorrespondence from Alameda Hospital Regarding City Hospital Subcommittee The Interims City Manager gave a brief presentation. Councilrnernber Matarrese stated the subcommittee idea was not favorably received; a joint presentation would be beneficial for the public; that he would be very interested in hearing details of plans to keep the Hospital open. The Interim City Manager stated the Hospital is working on a business plan. Councilmernber Tam stated that she supports the idea of having a presentation on a regular basis; when she was on the Hospital Board, meetings were not well attended and not televised. 10- Request that AC Transit Not Alter Line 51A Prior to Conducting Appropriate Public Hearings The Supervising Civil Engineer gave a brief presentation. Councilrr ember Gilmore stated that she assumes AC Transit staff wants to combine lines due to budget constraints. The Supervising Civil Engineer stated the matter is not related to budget issues; buses had to run on Keith Avenue in Oakland near the Rockridge BART station when the line split; residents were concerned with having busses run in front of their homes; residents complained to [Oakland] Councilmembers and AC Transit staff; a decision was made at staff level without going through a public process; a Board decision should be made. Speakers John Knox White, Alameda, submitted letter; Michael Krueger, Transportation Commission. Councilmember Tam inquired hoer many members are on the Transportation Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 0 May 18, 2010 Commission. The supervising Civil Engineer responded currently, four members; stated two members will term out in June; only two members would remain after June 30 1h Councilmember Tarn stated the matter should be vetted through the Transportation Commission. Mayor Johnson disagreed; stated the matter is urgent. Councilmember Tarn stated that she understands that an endorsement letter should be sent; the letter [submitted by Mr. Knox White requests a public hearing urging AC Transit to reconsider the matter; that she is suggesting the best process for Alameda is to have the matter vetted before the Transportation Commission; a fully seated Commission would be needed. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he concurs with Councilmember Tarn regarding the need to fill Transportation Commission vacancies; AC Transit staff intends to make cuts in June; a staff" level decision was made because of low mileage for the length of the line; he thinks the letter should be sent to the AC Transit Director as well as the Board Members. The supervising Civil Engineer stated the Transportation Commission endorsed the letter. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the letter addresses the AC Transit process that allowed the situation to occur, to which Councilmember Tam responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Tana moved approval of sending the letter to AC Transit. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Vice Mayor deHaan stated staff should modify the letter for clarity. Mayor Johnson called a recess at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:52 p.m. (10- Councilmember Tam moved approval of continuing the meeting past 12:00 a.m. midnight. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote --5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 7 May 18, 2010 Mayor Johnson called a recess at 11:53 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12.01 a.m. 10- Urban Farm and Garden Plan The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson and Councilmember Matarrese stated the Plan is good. Councilrnernber Gilmore inquired whether the Plan would include the school community gardens, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated the soil in Alameda is better than other areas of the region. Councilmernber Tara stated Bay Farm Island used to be a farm; overlaying existing parks is a great idea; that she would caution using Alameda Point because there is so much clean up. Mayor Johnson stated raised gardens are being used. The Interim City Manager stated the Plan would be easier for natural flora and fauna. Vice Mayor deHaan stated Alameda had many fauns; the triangle area near Washington Park has been discussed [as a possible site]. Mayor Johnson stated the area is called Portola Triangle. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS Recommendation to Accept the Third Quarter Financial Report. The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation. Councilrnember Matarrese inquired about the state Board of Equalization liability. The Interim City Manager stated the City will exhaust the administrative appeal process; staff is having discussions with Livermore; a lot of cities are trying to resolve issues. Councilmernber Matarrese stated money needs to be set aside. The Interim City Manager stated that she is not as negative about losing the full $1.1 million as she was eighteen months ago; continued the presentation. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 8 May 18, 2010 In response to Vice Mayor deHaan's inquiry, the Interim City Manager stated in the last two and a half years, the total cash has gone from $223 million to $180 million. Councilmember Tam stated the 3rd Quarter Treasury Report ending March 31 shows a cash asset of $1 29,800,000; the Interim city Manager stated that the City has less than 90 -days working capital; inquired hove much is spent per month. The Interim City Manager responded approximately $8 million per month; $20 million would be needed for a 90 -day working capital. Councilmember Tam requested an explanation of the $129 million. The Interim City Manager stated the city had $129 million available at the end of March; Alameda County receives redevelopment property taxes in May; the second installment [of property taxes] is received in April; cash will go up this quarter; the City is quarters behind in receiving gas tax receipts; Measure B is down 18 continued the presentation. Vice Mayor deHaan stated the city needs to be self sufficient. The Interim city Manager stated being cash rich in a depression is important. Councilmember Gilmore stated being cash rich is the fiscal equivalent of needing a certain amount on hand for earthquake preparedness. The Interim city Manager stated having cash puts the city in an excellent position to hedge off delays in receipts of checks; continued the presentation. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NON AGENDA None. COUNCIL REFERRALS ive MW COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 10- vice Mayor deHaan stated the trees at the Golf Course are coming back; Alameda and Monarch Bay in San Leandro use recycled water; Metropolitan Links uses well water; East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) does not check the salt content [of recycled water]; the cost for recycled water is 70% to 80% of the amount for potable Regular Meeting Alameda City council May 18, 2010 water. (10- consideration of Mayor's Nominations for Appointment to the commission on Disability Issues and Youth Advisory commission. Mayor Johnson nominated Kelly Harp for appointment to the Commission on Disability Issues and Jeanette Mei for appointment to the Youth Advisory Committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 12:31 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda city council 10 May 18, 2010 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -MAY 18 -7:02 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Roll Call Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tara and Mayor Johnson 5. Absent: None. A genda Item 10- Recommendation to Approve Accepting $1.7 Million "Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response" Grant Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Fire Chief gave a brief presentation. Councilrnember Gilmore stated the staff report notes that a certain amount of overtime would be saved each of the two years by accepting the grant and hiring six fire fighters; inquired whether $500,000 in overtime per year would equal $1 million in overtime over the two years. The Fire Chief responded the amount is an estimate; stated overtime is very volatile and depends upon situations in the department. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether accepting the grant would be worth $2.7 million to Alameda, to which the Fire Chief responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the six fire fighters would be hired temporarily, to which the Fire Chief responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired ghat is the amount of overtime this year. The Fire Chief responded the department will slightly exceed overtime this year; stated the salary side Will have a savings because of vacancies; the budget includes $800,000 for overtime; approximately $900,000 would be spent by the end of the year. The Interim City Manager stated overtime would be over by approximately $100,000. Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how much overtime would be reduced [if the grant is accepted], to which the Fire Chief responded approximately $500,000 per year. In response to vice Mayor del -laan's inquiry, the Fire Chief stated overtime was approximately $2 million a few years ago. Special Meeting Alameda City Council May 18, 2010 Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the application was submitted by the Fire Department. The Interim City Manager responded policy requires the City to pursue as many grants as possible and requires staff to come to Council for approval if the grant is operational; the grant would be a two -year, temporary commitment. Councilmember Matarrese inquired ghat is the due date and when money would be available. The Fire Chief responded June 4 th stated the grant would be funded by the end of June; the Fire Department would have ninety days to hire the fire fighters. The Interim City Manager stated funds would be available by October 1 S Mayor Johnson inquired whether it is fairly definite that the City would get the grant. The Fire Chief responded in the affirmative; stated the Fire Department has never been turned down after receiving a letter requesting information. Mayor Johnson stated the grant seems like a good idea for Alameda. Councilmember Gilmore stated the letter requests bank account information, which is a good sign. Speakers Domenick Weaver, Alameda Firefighters IAFF 889; Nischit Hedge, Local 2850; Rob Bonta, Alameda Health Care District; Andrew Slivka, Alameda County Carpenters Union; Mike Henneberry, Alameda; Andreas Cluver, Alameda County Building Trades Council; and Josie Carnacho, Alameda Labor Council. Councilmember Tans moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk. The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 2 May 18, 2010 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Ma and Members of the Cit Council From: Lisa Goldman Deput Cit Mana Date: Ma 27, 2010 Re: List of Warrants for Ratification This is to certif that the claims listed on the attached check re and shown below have been approved b the proper officials and, in m opinion, represent fair and just char a the Cit in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 228712 229078 $1,976,074.10 EFT 852 $91-80 EFT 863 $242592-67 EFT 864 $117953,50 EFT 855 $1,879,914.00 EFT 856 $53,891-61 Void Checks: GRAND TOTAL Respectfull submitted, Deput Cit Mana Council Warrants 06101.110 $3,946,517.68 BILLS #4-B 6/1/2010 0 E-1 o N rYa r di di o Ln m o co o O zil N o �o o oo Ln (Y) m di al r7 r- (Y) r- N %D o Ln N r �10 o rn N o H Q E o H 00 0) to N rn di k-D N m 0o O to (y) co so 0o Ln a) Ln Ln o 0 rn r-♦ N oo t 1n H o o H r-i m o rq t 0 0 H 0 Ln O M6 ko Lno r rnrnr•m i0or -r- �o Lr) N r- di 0a;o �,o Ln di koO 0o Ln rn Ln r- N �,o co oo di m Ln ko M Ln Ln di to N w w 0 o r-j N M OD N Ln rn m r- H (Y) N O di Ln di N W (n r-j W w Ln w r- r? 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W.02-10-08 Mr, 10 The City of Alameda, as a Sanitary Sewer Collection System Agency, is required to prepare a Sewer System Management Plan .(SS111P) pursuant to Section 13267 of the California Water Code. The SSM P will include, in general, the follo in 9 elements: condition assessment, preventive maintenance program, fats, oil, grease (FOG) control program, capacity management, and up -to -date sewer system infrastructure maps. DISCUSSION The first step in developing the SSMP is a condition assessment, which will be conducted through a video inspection of the. senita sewer collection system.. The results from the video inspection will be incorporated into the City Serer Master Pian. to develop a comprehensive capital improvement program and maintenance plan for.the sanitary sewer collection system. The inspection will also identify areas of. concern related to FOG. This will enable the City to identify dischargers and work with the East Bay Municipal Utility District to reduce the amount of FOG discharged into the collection system. This year's proposed project will be the third phase of the condition assessment and will clean and video inspect approximately 30,000 linear feet of suer main. A copy of the plans and specifications is on file in the City Clerk's office. FINANCIAL IMPACT The project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program (Project No. 90 -84), with monies allocated from the Seger Enterprise Funds. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. City Council Agenda Item ##4 -C Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW June 1, 2010 Page 2 of 2 In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15306, Information Collection. RECOMMENDATION Adopt plans and specifications and authorize a call for bids for citywide sewer mains and laterals video inspection, phase 8, No. P.W. 02- 10 -08. Respectfully submitted, 0; 1-17 Matthew T. Naclerioc_ Public Works Directo Approved as to funds and account, Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant Hmgm Exhibit: 1. Plans and Specifications (on file in the City Clerk's office) CITY OF ALA VEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Allocate $161,000 from the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry Long -Term Reserve Account for the Bay Breeze Propulsion System Maintenance and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute all Necessary Documents BACKGROUND On May 19, 2009, the City Council adopted the operating budgets and associated agreements for the Alameda ferry services. Included in the budget approval was a capital improvement project for d rydocking the Harbor Bay ferry vessel, M.V. Bay Breeze, and replacing the existing generator engines and main engines with cleaner burning, Tier 2, diesel engines. DISCUSSION While preparing the vessel for drydocking, Harbor Bay Maritime (H13M) and City staff identified propulsion system maintenance work that should be performed while at the shipyard. This work includes removing and inspecting the water jets, modifying the electrical system to improve computer interfacing, and epoxy recoating of the jet tunnels. The Public works Department requests that the City Council allocate $161,000 from the Long -Terri Reserve Account (LTRA) for the propulsion work and related engineering. The LTRA is an account used by the City to accumulate funds over time for use on major vessel capital improvement projects such as equipment overhaul, replacement, or dry- docking. The work will be performed at Bay Ship Yacht, which is already under contract with HBM. FINANCIAL IMPACT Funding for the Bay Breeze drydock, engine replacement, and propulsion system work is provided by Measure B funds, the Transportation Improvement Fund, Carl Moyer grants, and Regional Measure 1 -2% grants. There is no impact to the General Fund associated with these projects. City Council Agenda Item ##4a® Honorable Ma and June 1, 2010 Members of the Cit Council Pa 2 of 2 MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The Cit Ferr Service is consistent with the General Plan Transportation Element Guidin Polic 4.3.f, and the Transportation and Land Use Initiative of the Local Action Plan for Climate Protection. RECOMMENDATION Allocate $161,000 from the Alameda Harbor Ba Ferr LTRA for the Ba Breeze propulsion s maintenance and authorize the Interim Cit Mana to execute all necessar documents. Respectfull submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio(,p� Public Works Director Approved as to funds and account, Evel Leun Interim Supervisin Accountant ES: cc: Watchdo Committee Ferry CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. APPOINTING KELLY HARP AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES g BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the city of Alameda that pursuant to Section 2 -17.2 of the Alameda Municipal Code and ordinance No. 2031, and upon nomination of the Mayor, KELLY HARP is hereby appointed to the office of member of the commission on Disability ssues of the City of Alameda to fill th y y e unexpired term of John Robinson for a terra commencing on June 1, 2010, and expiring on June 30, 2011. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of June, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, VVH EREOF, I have hereunto set na hand and affixed the seal of said City this 2nd day of June, 2010. Lara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda Resolutions #G -A o6 -01 -10 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. E N LL 12 APPOINTING JEANETTE MEI AS A MEMBER OF THE ALAMEDA YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED b the Council of the Cit of Alameda that pursuant to Section 2-19 of the Alameda Municipal Code, and upon nomination of the Ma JEANETTE MEI is hereb appointed to the office of member of the Alameda Youth Advisor Commission of the Cit of Alameda, for a term commencin June 1, 2010, and expirin Au 31, 2012. 1, the undersi hereb certif that the fore Resolution was dul and re adopted and passed b the Council of the Cit of Alameda in a re meetin assembled on the 1st da of June, 2010, b the followin vote to Wit.- AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand and affixed the seal of said Cit this 2nd da of June, 2010. Lara Weisi Cit Clerk Cit of Alameda CITY of ALAMEDA Memorandum To Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Hold a Public Dearing and Adopt a Resolution confirming the Business Improvement Area Report for FY10 -11 and Levying an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the city of Alameda for FY10 -11 BACKGROUND The Business Improvement Area (BIA) was established in 1989. Fees, based on sales volume, are collected within two Benefits Areas, "A" and "B," with "A" businesses paying slightly higher rates because of their proximity to the retail core. Fee generated revenues are later expended to directly benefit the business owners in the specified geographic and benefit zones of the BIA Areas. While the basic rate structure for retail and service businesses in both Benefit Areas has remained the same since inception, some fees do increase annually based on increases in the consumer Price Index (CPI) for the San Francisco area. CPI increased fees include the: 0 flat fee assessed on non retail, fee assessed on financial institutions, and maximum fee assessed in the retail service /goods category. The city's Finance Department projects no significant BIA revenue increase in FY10 -11 after applying the CPI increase of 2.4 percent. On May 18, 2010, the City Council received information on the proposed FY10 -11 Business Improvement Area (BIA) assessments and activities (Exhibits 1, 2, and 3) and adopted a Resolution of Intention (Exhibit 4) to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area for FY10 -11. DISCUSSION In developing and adopting their proposed activities and budgets, the Park Street Business Association (PSBR) and the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) held meetings with affected businesses. The meetings were announced through business association invitations, newsletters, and /or personal contact. These efforts led City Council Public Hearing gendla Item #6 -113 06-01-10 Honorable Mayor and June 1, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 approval of the P•SBA and wABA BIA budgets by the members in attendance at these meetings. A Notice of Public Hearing was advertised in a newspaper of general circulation seven days prior to the hearing. The public hearing will give affected businesses a final opportunity to comment on the proposed assessment. During or following the public hearing, the city Council may order changes in the report, including changes in the proposed activities, boundaries or Benefit Areas. After the hearing, the city council may adopt the Resolution confirming the report as originally filed or as changed. Adoption of the Resolution will constitute the levy of the assessment for FY10 -11. FINANCIAL IMPACT BIA collection is completed concurrently with the collection and renewal process for the City's Business License fee. Revenues from the BIA directly benefit business owners in specified geographic and benefit zones through the promotion of business and similar eligible activities. The impact on the General Fund will be in the form of Finance Department staff costs to process BIA billings and expenditures. The funds for this activity are budgeted in the Finance Department/Accounts Receivable Cash Management Division staff salaries account, line item number 2440 41100. MUNICIPAL CODE/POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The renewal of the BIA for another year supports both the goals of the Economic Development strategic Plan and the Downtown vision through continued operation of the two business associations consistent with A.M.C. Sec. 0 -7 et seq. RECOMMENDATION Hold a public hearing and adopt a Resolution confirming the Business Improvement Area Report for FY10 -11, and levying an annual assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the city of Alameda for FY10 -11. Approved as to funds and account, t,e,-,�kr Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant Honorable Ma and June 1, 2010 Members of the Cit Council Pa 3 of 3 DES/SGR:ry Exhibits: 1. PSBR letter and report 2. WABA report 3. Assessments 4. Resolution of Intention, adopted Ma 18, 2010 cc: Economic Development Commission Park Street Business Association West Alameda Business Association V rark Street Business Associati April 19, 2010 Sue G. Russell Economic Development Coordinator Economic Development Department 2263 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, CA 94501 Dear Ms. Russell: As President of the Park Street Business Association, I am pleased to submit the attached BIA Report and accompanying 2010/2011 budget for our Association. We do not anticipate any changes in the BIA. for 201012011. We have provided a description of the activities PSBA is proposing for the upcoming year and the associated line item budget. This proposed budget Was approved by the PSBA Board of Directors in a phone poll conducted this Week and Will. be confirmed at the May 26, 2010 meeting. Based on revenue received to date, we anticipate 10111 BIA revenue of $85,000 and a carryover of $5,000 resulting from significantly increased 09110 revenue, reduced maintenance costs, and cost containment by PSBR. This brings our Toll l BIA budget to $90,000. We Would be glad to answer any questions you have regarding the attached material. Sincerely, Debbie George President Part{ Street Business Association 2447 Santa Clara Ave., #302, Alameda C Phone: S1.0- 523 -1392 Fax: 51 3- 523 -2372 email: parkstreetl @comew City Council Exhibit I to Public Hearing Agenda Item ##6 -B 06-01-10 PARK STREET BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2447 Santa Clara Ave., #302, Alameda, CA 94501 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FISCAL YEAR 2010120/1 INTRODUCTION The Park Street Business Association (PSBA) is recommending a BIA budget of $90,000 for the Park Street Business District for fiscal year 2010/2011. This recommendation is based on the estimate of the income derived from the BIA assessment in fiscal 09110 as well as a carryover from the 09110 budget. The formulas, budgets, and proposed activities are the result of monthly Board of Director and committee meetings between December, 2009, and April, 2010. I�STEM The BIA is one of four sources of funding for the activities proposed in this report.. The other three sources are funds raised by the Park Street Business Association through our special events, reimbursement from the Landscape and Lighting Budget for maintenance services provided, and reimbursement by the City of Alameda for promotions, advertising, and selected fixed costs such as rent. PSBR will continue its current activities, as well as implement new ones, that are in line with. the National Main Street Four Point plan for revitalizing Main Street Cities. BOUNDARIES We are not proposing any changes this year. ACTIVITIES: Attached is a summary of the proposed activities for the fiscal year 201012011. These. activities are designed to improve the pedestrian friendly look of the Park. Street District, improve the vitality of the District in order to increase sales and sales tax revenues, promote members' businesses, attract new businesses to the District and increase the overall business atmosphere in the Park Street District. Several projects are continuations from the 200912010 fiscal year. 2010/11 Membership Work 1. Conduct Meetin s a. Mixers b. Special election Meeting (October) c. Informational presentations at most of the meetings d. Holiday Party 2. Awards a. Continue current awards program (recognizing PSBA members and city staff 3. Welcome New Members a. Update New Member Packet b. Recruit "greeters" from the Board and Committees to greet new members c. Greet new members to the District with packets as they move into their business 4. Newsletter a. Continue mailing newsletter every month. b. Continue to email newsletter every month to everyone on email distribution list c. Update mailing list 2010/11 Design Committee Work Plan Outline 1. Design Guidelines a. Determine acceptable and not acceptable design criteria b. write Guidelines c. Submit to PSBA Board for Approval d. work with City Staff to have new ordinances presented to City Council 2. Streetscape Phase 11 a. work with City staff to ensure the implementation of Phase II b. Implement Phase II in the summer of 2010 3. Sign Ordinance a. work with City Staff to ensure enforcement 4. Promote Fa Cade Grant Program a. Newsletter articles b. outreach by Committee 2010/11 Econ -Revi Committee Work Plan Outline I. Assist with Business Recruitment a. Identify empty storefronts b. work with City Staff and contract staff to promote the District as a positive business destination 2. ordinances a. vacant Buildings begin discussions with City Staff to beef up ordinance b. Parking overlay to exempt developers in the District from in lieu parking fees. 3. Maintenance Continue current level of service 7 days a weer 1. Continue Special Events a. Spring Festival (mother's day weekend) b. Art &Wine Faire (last weekend of July) c. Classic Car Show (2 Saturday in October) 2. Promotions a. Shopping guide produced once a year b. Continue to upgrade and update our web Site 3. Print A.dvertisin a. Continue Best of Alameda PSBA pages b. Continue Holiday campaign c. Continue Alameda/Oakland Magazines campaign d. Place ads in Book of Savings for events and holiday ads 4. Cade Advertising a. Continue ads for special events b. Continue ads for Holiday Program c. work with Comcast to establish a sponsorship agreement 5. Holiday Promotions a. Cable ads two weeks prior to Christmas b. Free parking all Saturdays after Th anks gi vin g c. Continue print ads in Chronicle, Journal, Sun, Alameda and Oakland Magazines METHOD AND BASIS OF LEVYING ASSESSMENT Budget: See Attachment A CONCLUSION PSBR. would like to thank the Alameda Cit Council, City Attorney, Economic Development, Public works and Finance Departments for their assistance in irnplementin� the BIA. The increased participation from the business community and the continued duality of projects has shown the BIA is a valuable tool in our continuing efforts to revitalize the Park Street Historic Business District. Attachment A Park Street Business Association 2010/2011 BIA Budget Submission INCOME: BIA Projection $85 Accumulated Carryover $5,000 Total Income: $90,000 EXPENSES: $1,900 Personnel Services $4,500 Office Staff Salary $37,400 Worker's Comp Office Staff Benefits $14,000 Payroll Taxes $10500 Sub Total $63,250 Mernhershin Services Committees $1,900 Maintenance Salaries $4,500 Maintenance Supplies $16,350 Sub Total $22,750 Ind.irectl0verhead Insurance $4.000 Sub Total $4,000 Total Expenses $90,000 WEST ALAMEDA BUSINESS ASSOCIATION PO Box 215, Alameda, CA 94501 (510) 523 -5955 west alamedagvahoo.com www.WestAlamedaBusiness.com PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE WEST ALAMEDA BUSINESS MPROVEMENT AREA FISCAL YEAR JULY 1 2009 JUNE 30 2010 INTRODUCTION The West Alameda Business Association (WABA) is recommending the following assessment for the Webster Street Business District for fiscal year (FY) 2010 -2011. The formulas, budgets and proposed activities are the result of various Board and Committee meetings. The Business Improvement Area (BIA) Budget was presented for adoption at the Executive Board meeting April 12, 2010. PROPOSED CHANGES WABA is not recommending any changes to the Business Improvement Area, ACTIVITIES The following is a summary of proposed activities for the fiscal year 2010 -2011. These activities have been discussed at various Board and committee meetings. WA.BA's mission is to use these activities to increase the vitality of Webster Street and west Alameda and preserve Webster Street's historic character. We seek to generate more foot traffic, increase sales and sales tax, promote members' businesses and increase the public goodwill and atmosphere in west Alameda. The BIA,. is the source of funding for these activities. WABA will continue its current activities and implement others that follow the Main Street Four -Point Approach established by the rational Trust for Historic Preservation. It is estimated that there will be no carry forward from the 2009 -20010 budget. The estimated BIA revenue for 2414 -2011 is $36,400. The following are activities proposed for 2010 -2011. Several projects are continuations from previous fiscal years. City council Exhibit 2 to Public Hearing Agenda Item ##6 -13 06-01-10 ECONOMIC REST RUCTURING Facilitate development of high potential properties work with the City to attract appropriate businesses Monitor the impact of new and reuse projects in west Alameda Determine the potential for eco- tourism as a Vest Alameda business opportunity Investigate sources of entertainment as a business opportunity for west Alameda Work with the City and others to implement the Strategic Economic Development Plan, including parking plan, catalyst project and business attraction strategies Continue business retention activities DESIGN Identify projects for facade improvements Develop beautification program. Continue helping members with the Fagade Grant Program Build broad -based conununity support for ongoing projects work with City to implement recent changes to sign ordinance Fulfill public art requirements work with the City in accomplishing Phase II of the Webster Renaissance Project SPECIAL. EVENTS 0 Participate in July 4 event Produce advertising for the Association and businesses Produce year -round Farmers' Markets on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Produce 12�' Annual Concerts at the Cove on the second Fridays of May, June July and August. Produce Webster Street wine and Dine Nights (dependent on restaurant interest) Produce annual Halloween event Produce 9 annual Jam Festival Produce holiday bazaar and visit from Santa PUBLIC RELATIONS Generate increased favorable publicity about west Alameda Maintain contacts with key media representatives Update and distribute marketing literature promoting west Alameda businesses Continue implementing strategic marketing plan, including branding strategy, website, weekly columns and calendar of events, cooperative advertising prograrn and business attraction strategy 2 Manage the administrative activities of the organization Expand community and business participation with wABA Organize and host business and community events for members Conduct annual self-evaluation of Board members and staff Produce and distribute wABA newsletter Recruit members from outside the BIA and among residents Distribute information door -to -door Involve important neighbors e. g. College of Alameda, Marina Village, Alameda Point in wABA's activities Implement enhanced volunteer program, including recruitment, volunteer appreciation activities and training Continue implementing enhanced maintenance program, including clean -up events, keeping up appearances awards and collaboration with City maintenance staff to resolve issues such as illegal dumping, littering and public health hazards METHOD BASIS OF LEVYING ASSESSMENT Budget, see Attachment A Assessment, see Exhibit C CONCLUSION wABA would like to thank the Alameda City Council, City Attorney, Development Services, Public works, Planning and Finance Departments for their assistance in implementing the BIA. Please visit the wABA website, www.westalamedabusiness.com. to see the many ways wABA promotes the west End. The BIA is a valuable tool in our continuing efforts to revitalize west Alameda's historic business district. 3 Attachment A WA BA Income Grant BIA L&L Other /Non -BIA Dues Cove Concerts sponsorships JAM sponsorships Wine Dine Webster Walk Total Expenses Salaries Benefits Payroll Taxes Maintenance Rent Utilities Insurance Office Member Services Accounting Sub Tota I Marketing Website Allan Mann Christine Buck AstroPitch Marketing General Island Blog Sub Tota i Event Expenses Concerts JAM Wine Dine Halloween Webster Walk Holiday Sub Tota i 2010/2011 Budget $81,676 $36,000 $30,800 $5,000 $8,000 $19,000 $37,000 $15,000 $5,000 $1,000 $238,476 $90,000 $2,500 $4,300 $30,000 $4,800 $3,080 $4,560 $6,000 $600 $3,000 148,840 $2,500 $7,100 $5,000 $x.,250 $9,935 $600 $27,385 $19,000 $40,000 $750 $500 $500 $1,500 $62,250 Income City Grant Expenses Marketing $81,676 $27,385 Events $62,250 $89,635 Total Expenses 238,47'5 ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ON- RETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 Professionals and independent contractors who primarily go out into the public to sell to clients and/or do not operate retail stores. Accountant Advertising Ambulance AREA A 131.00 Answering service Architect AREA B 55.00 Attorney Building maintenance Business services Construction Consultants Contractors Counselor a Credit Unions with restricted membership Decorator PRO -DATED PEES Electrician Employment A B Engineer Gardener $131.00 85.00 Graphic arts Handyman JULY 131.00 85.00 Health/Medical professions Importers AUG 120.00 7 8.00 Insurance Landscape SEPT 110.00 71.00 Mail order Manufacturer OCT 98.00 64.00 Manufacturer's/sales reps Mortuary NOWT 88-00 57.00 Newspaper publishing pursing facilit DEC 76.00 50.00 Painters Pest control JAIL 66.00 43.00 Plumber Property management FEB 55.00 35.00 Real estate School /Instruction. MAR 44.00 28.00 Security Stock APR 3 3.00 25.00 Tax consultants Travel MAY 25.00 25.00 Veterinary Wholesalers JUNE 2 5.00 25.00 Cit Council Misc. professional/office .....Exhibit 3 to Hearing Agenda Item #6 -I3 BIA10- 11.doc 1 06-01-1.0 ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RETAIL SERVICE FISCAL YEAR 2010 -11 Businesses that operate a store where people go to purchase a service. Alarm and fire extinguisher service Appliance service Athletic /Health Club .Auto glass AREA A =,40/1 GR. Auto upholstery MINIMUM 13 1.00 Auto wash/parking MAKIZWUM $1,727.00 .Auto repair Barber AREA B .2011 GR Beauty ME\ IMUM 85.00 Cleaners MAX =.$848.00 Electronics service Furniture repair Hotel /motel Keys/Locksmith PRO -RATED MINIMUM PEES Laundromat/laundry A B Marine service $131..00 $85.00 Pet services Photography studio JULY 131.00 85.00 Printing Shoe service AUG 120.00 78.00 Storage Tailor SEPT 110.00 71.00 Tattoo Upholstery OCT 98.00. 64.00 NOV 8 8.00 57.00 DEC 76.00 50.00 JAS 66.00 43.00 FEB 55-00 3 5.00 MAR 44.00 28.00 APR 33.00 25.00 MAY 25.00 25.00 JUNE 25.00 25.00 BSA. 1 0 -11. doc ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RETAIL GOODS FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Businesses that operate a store where people go to purchase a product. Alcoholic Amusement Antiques Appliances sales AREA A =.40/1,000 GR Art MINIMUM 259.00 Auto dealer MAXIMUM $1,727.00 Auto stereo Auto supply AREA B .20/1,00O. GR Bakery MINIMUM 13 1. 0 0 Bar MAXWUM 868.00 Bicycles Books Clothing coin Computer sales Drug /variety BIRO -DATED MINIMUM FEES Electronics sales A B Fishing $259.00 $131.00 Floor coverings Florist JULY 259.00 131.00 Food Furnishings AUG 237.00 120.00 Furniture Gasoline stations SEPT 216.00 110.00 Gift Hardware OCT 194.00 98.00 Hobby Jewelry NOV 173.00 88.00 Magazinesln.ewspaper sales Marine sales DEC 151.00 76.00 Market Medical supplies JAN 130.00 66.00 Music Nursery FEB 108.00 55.00 Office supplies /equipment Optical supplies MAR 86.00 44.00 Pet supply Product rentals APR 65.00 33.00 Restaurant Shoe sales MAY 43.00 25.00 Sporting goods Thrift /used merchandise JUKE 25.00 25.00 Theater /club BIA.10 -11. doc 3 Video Other retail g oods ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS[UTILITIES FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 Banks Savin and Loans Credit Unions operatin to the g eneral public Utilities AREA A B 868.00 BIA10-11. doc CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NCB. CONFIRMING THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA REPORT FOR FYI 0- 11 AND LEVYING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT ON THE ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR FYI 0- 11 WHEREAS, Section 6 -7 of Article II of Chapter VI of the Alameda Municipal Code establishes the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda (hereinafter Area); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda desires to continue said Area in FY10- 11 for the purpose set forth in Section 6 -7.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a report has been filed with the City Clerk describing the surplus or deficit revenues to be carried over from FY09 -10 and describing the improvements. and activities, estimated costs and methods and basis for levying the assessment for FY 10 -11; and WHEREAS, the City Council .at its regular meeting of May 18112 0 10 adopted a Resolution of Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for FY10- 11 and to set a public hearing for such action; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing regarding each action was held by the City Council on June 1, 2010. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that the BIA report for FYI 0 -11 with any modifications as directed by the Council following closure of the Public Hearing, is hereby confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that an assessment for the Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for FY10 -11 is hereby levied. City Council Exhibit 4 to Public Hearing Agenda item ##6 -13 06 -01 -10 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. CONFIRMING THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA REPORT FOR FY10 -11 AND LEVYING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT ON THE ALAMEDA BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR FY10 -11 WHEREAS, Section 6 -7 of Article I I of Chapter VI of the Alameda Municipal Y Code establishes the Alameda Business Improvement p t Area of the City of Alameda hereinafter Area and a WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda desires to continue said Area in F`(10 -11 for the purpose set forth in Section 6 -7.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a report has been filed with the City Clerk describing the surplus or deficit revenues to be carried over from FY09 -10 and describing the improvements and activities, estimated costs and methods and basis for levying the assessment for FY10 -11; and WHEREAS, the City Council at its regular meeting of May 16, 2010 adopted a Resolution of Intention to Levy an Annual Assessment on the Alameda Business Improvement Area of the City of Alameda for FY10 -11 and to seta public hearing for such action; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing regarding each action was held by the City Council on June 1, 2010. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that the B IA report for FY10 -11 with any modifications as directed by the Council following closure of the Public Hearing, is hereby confirmed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that an assess ment for the Business I rn p rove me nt Area of the C ity of Al amed a for FYI 0-11 is hereby levied. Resolution #0 -13 0G -01.10 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 1 st day of June, 241 O by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 2nd day of June, 2010. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Hold a Public Hearing to consider collection of Delinquent Administrative Citation Fees Via the Property Tax Bills for Subject Pro erties UO2 a City of Alameda Municipal code Section (AMC) 1 -7.12, entitled "Recovery.. of Administrative Costs," allows for the collection of any past d citation fines or late payment charges by means of a judgment lien against real property on which the violation(s) occurred. DISCUSSION The Code Enforcement section of the Community Developrne..nt .Department issues administrative citations for violations of the Alameda Municipal Code. W'hen..a prope rty owner fails to respond or to comply with repeated notices sent by Code Enforcement staff, an administrative citation may be issued. In cases where the ro ert owner p p y refuses to pay or to appeal the fine, additional citations may be issued. Property owners are notified of the outstanding fees at the property address where tie violation(s) occur by certified U.S. mail, and, if different than the property address, at th mailing address on file. Owners are given ample time to respond before bode Enforcement sends a final notice. Staff recommends that those parcels fo.r whi.c h administrative citation fees are due and unpaid as of June 30, 2410 will have a judgment lien recorded against the property on July 1, 2010. The following provides a discussion of each of the properties on which a lien will be recorded: 2527 San Jose Avenue This residential property has been issued a total of 20 administrative citations for the owner's illegal basement conversion to habitable space complete. with Utilities and sewage ejector, in violation of Alameda Municipal code, sub section 13- 1.2(c) (Permits Required). The total amount due, as of April 17, 2010, is $12,000.00. Although the property owner has allowed a voluntary inspection and attended. compliance meetings, he has not appealed or responded to our subsequent letters or administrative citations. Cit Council Public Heaving Agenda Item #6 -c 06 -01 -10 Honorable Mayor and J une 1, 2010 Members of the City Council Page 2 o f 3 1710 Jay street This residential property has been issued a total of 11 administrative citations for an addition with electrical connections, and windows installed within the side yard setback, in violation of Alameda Municipal Code, sub sections 13 -1.2 {c} (Permits Required), and 30 -37.3 (Desig n Review) The total amou nt d ue from these citations, as of May 8, 2010, is $9,750.00. Although the property owner has allowed a voluntary inspection and attended compliance meetings he has not appealed or responded to our subsequent letters or administrative citations. 225 Santa Clara Avenue This residential property has been issued a total of 14 administrative citations for a illegally constructed patio structure, three illegally constructed detached structures with electrical connections, and windows installed in violation of Alameda Munici al Code, j sub sections 13 -1.2 (c) (Permits Required), and 30 -37.3 (Design Review). The total amount due for these citations, as of May 8, 2010, is $12,750.00. Although the. property p y owners have allowed a voluntary inspection and attended compliance meetings, they have not appealed or responded to our subsequent letters or administrative citations. 2418 Rooseve It D rive This residential property has been issued a total of 12 administrative citations for violations of the Alameda Municipal Code. The house. has been in bli g hted and dilapidated condition for many years, in violation of Alameda Municipal.: Code, sub sections 13 -11, 13 -12, 13 -10.3 (Vacant Parcel /Boarded Buildin and Maintaining a g g Substandard Building). The total due for these citations, as of April 1, 201 0, is $19,000.00. The property owner has undertaken hazardous work includin g electrical and structural alterations to the building in violation of Alameda Municipal Code sub p sections 13 -1.2 (c) (Permits Required) and .30 -37.3 (Design Review), Debris has been dumped in the front yard and the vegetation is overgrown. Due to the hazardous nature of the violations, the property been declared a .public nuisance and has been secured. Although the property owner, through his property manager has. alloyed a voluntar Inspection and attended compliance meetings, a response or an appeal to our subsequent letters and administrative citations has not been received. Additionally, abatement costs for the securing of the premises, re- securing after the owner broke in, and a changing of the locks amount to $1,230.50. The total amount due for the above mentioned costs is 20,230.50. FINANCIAL IMPACT Delinquent administrative citation fees will be determined at the close of business on June 30, 2010. This is the final day of the acceptance of late p a y ments. Should the fees remain unpaid, a lien shall be recorded against the real property for the administrative penalties due. The total fees due to the Special Revenue Fund, should the liens be approved, is $54,730.50. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION June 1, 2010 Page 3 of 3 Authorize collection of delinquent administrative citation fees via the property tax bills for subject properties. Approved as to funds and account, Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant CT's( of ALAMEDA Memorandum To: honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Hold a Public Hearing to Consider Collection of Delinquent Business License Fees Via the Property Tax Bills BACKGROUND City of Alameda ordinance No. 2655 added Section 5 -7.2, entitled "License a Debt," and enacted several amendments and additions to the business license provisions of the Alameda Municipal code. specifically, the ordinance provided for the collection of delinquent business license fees and charges via the property tax bill. In order for this assessment to be valid, it must satisfy the basic requirements of due process. The owners must be given fair and adequate notice regarding the assessment and an opportunity fora hearing. DISCUSSION The Finance Department continually pursues collection of business license tax from owners and managers of commercial and multi family residential rental properties with no current business license. Although the Business License ordinance states that a notice or bill is not required, property owners are notified by mail using the last mailing address shown in the county tax records and are given approximately two months to respond prior to sending the final notices. This year, final notices were mailed on April 16, 2010. Included with the notice was contact information written in the six languages most commonly spoken within Alameda. There were 60 rental properties identified as not having current licenses as of March 17, 2010. In the interim, fees in the amount of $12,491.90 on 30 parcels have been paid; fees on 30 parcels remain unpaid. As in past years, payments will be accepted through June 30, 2010, the date of filing with the county Tax collector. Those parcels for which licenses and fees are paid will not be placed on the tax roll. FINANCIAL IMPACT Business license fees are due and payable on July 1 of each year and are deemed delinquent if not paid by July 31 of each year. collection efforts ensued from August 2009 through April 2010. The total uncollected license fees are $12,365.55. A ten percent City council Public Heari ng Agenda Item ##6-D Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council June 1, 2010 Page 2 of 2 penalty is imposed for every month the fee is delinquent, up to a maximum of 60% of the annual fee. The total late charge included in the amount due as shown in the attached list is $6,791.13. RECOMMENDATION Authorize collection of delinquent business license fees via the property tax bills. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Goldman Deputy City Manager Exhibit 1 2010 Business License Attachment E Cn 0 C: U) CD S 'Oit Council Exhibit .tea dic Hearin a Item #6-D .06-01-10 0 CD 0 CD 0 0 0 C> 0 0 CD o 0 0 CD 0 0 0 CD 0 CD CD 0 0 r,- CD 00 zM 0 M 0 C) 0 CD C 0 "9t C> 0 (0 00 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 (D 0 0 CD 0 0 U-) 0 to U L.. M 06 r--: 0 N CO 6 'rt CD C-0 N 00 CO 00 r-- C:) CNJ CD 00 N C\J C\J CO 00 00 1qT* CO 0 0 CO (D to N r,--IQD r M Cq M C",J r• M M M M CD (0 (D 0 M LO M M N N CO N C-0 N 0 LO to N 0 CO CO U") N C\j N a) 00 CO r N CO r CO r r r-- 00 N a� a) .j 1 —j I I I I CU 0 M 0 CD 0 C) 0 CD 0 C) CD 0 0 CD CD 0 CD CD 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 Itt 0 M as CD 0 CD 0 CD 0 CD -It 0 0 (D CO 0 CD 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 01 00 CO C) C\i co C:) .4 CD C-0 N M CO 00 00 CO N C) 00 N N C111j CO CO CO -;1- 00 6 C) (D CO M C\J d- CN t•. CO CD CD M CO Nzj- (D ;I- r CO r•. 0 N Nt q;T :4- (D r— r-- M M U, Cfi I F I C7 C\1 0 0 C) 0 CD CD CD CD CD C) CD CD CD CD 0 C� CD CD CD C:� 0 0 C) C C: M 0 LO U c CD 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 q CD CD CD 0 CD C) 0 N 0 LO M 6 6 6 66 66 6 6 66 6 r-- cD 6 c p c cD 6 u-) 6 6 6 6 6 r-, 6 Ui 00 rl-- (D CO 00 0 N vt N M M N "t w 00 -K- CD r-- N t-- r` 0 CD N N N CO 0 M It M C) LO N (0 w M 0 Cq 0 n :3 C C) C 0) (J) (n (1) (1) 0 (2) (1) Q) (1) 2 (1) a) (D a) (D (b (1) a) U- C/) (1) CO 1 CO U W v U�> C) (3) C) 0 4-1 U 0 L- to 0 (1) 4-j :3 -4-j -1 C 0 Cz 4- 0 0 0 cf L Li.- C) 0 S— M FO 2 4-j C L) 6 0 0 C: 1 Cll ju Ca uj u s.... I co o con T- M co co 0 0 Cn 0 M M C/) M a_ M U) M CL EZ -j fn 0 :2 D- 0 4-j CO CO N "'T CO (0 "It "t QD CO N Itt M C\1 (0 (0 111�r CO o 00 (.0 1:T T- (D M I- r- CO CD CO M N N -T- CO 00 NU CD U-) NZ -,t N It M QO cc N ql- f%- -'T QD U-) QD IN CO IN M M C) 5 0 0 1�-- U-) N o CNN N U") N CO CO T CO M 00 T- I V-- V-- M Cw') 04 N LO 0 U) M 0 C: U) U) 0) -+--8 U) 4-j (f) 0 CU D 4� CU C: CU U) 0 0 U) C) >1 C) v 0 0 (D C: LL 0- 00 OZ5 06 0 4-j 10 0 U) (n M 06 06 0 G 06 T C) Ca (U C 6 (3) (D M C 7 CU M C M Cr UJ (10 0 -0 L- 06 0 0 0 :3 0 0 N U) >1 E >1 C- C-6 w E cc z M 4— CU C) I-- 0 0 06 06 E CM C: 4-1 1 :3 0 0 L— 0 T) 4 j E: E: n >1 c 0 J:� E CO -0 -C �-7 a-maa 0 M v U) CU -E CO U) r a) cr 0 0 0 0 L- M n E E 0 (0 E cu Z 3 ___r 0 :1 0 _0 a) C 0 1 0 1< co I fn Cl) LL C/) (D I (D Iz 01 M a). 1 z z z a- 7 0 7 b U) 4 N 0? N 6 N LO 1 W 1 CO (D M P-- I 0') N M M 0 C� CO 6 M 17 1-0 C\1 M q T N "t lqt N N CD C\1 CY) N CO CD t-- N N I C O LO U� L O I M I r•- 00 CO L I '-,t 1 C-0 v 1 1 C\1 0) C\1 1 C:) CO CO N LO (.0 M a) 04 LO C\1 M r%- V) LO It M M D M 0 N (0 "7t 0 00 M T- U) a) 0 N M CD CY) (0 N oo It M "'t CY) CY) r CY) CD --,t M It C\j It CD It N NIM OIN N r-_ r-- 11�- r-- r` ca t-- r-_ rl-- CO Co r- t-- r-- cc r-- 11 i~ 1�- t- rte- I'-- r.- rte. I' LO M CD N Cfl (D 00 LO LO 00 I• (D a) CY) cc M 0 CO LO CO CO Iq 00 a) -j d- N CO LO V- 0') qt C-0 CO 00 rl�- P-- N C\1 N N 11�- CD cy) (0 N CD LD M C) CO CY) qT N N r 0 CY) r-_ N N d 00 I ce) 00 M CD 7f Pul 0 L) "t 0 N CO "tt U') CO r*-- CO M 0 -r- N CO "t U") (0 11�- CIO CT) 0 Agend 17 M I LO 1 (0 r�- I CO a) qr- 1 ,T- I T- I N- I I INI I I N I N I N I N C""J 1 N N CY') CD S 'Oit Council Exhibit .tea dic Hearin a Item #6-D .06-01-10 CITY of ALA EDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim City Manager Teresa L. Highsmith City Attorney Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Introduce an Ordinance Creating Enforceable Limits on Election Contributions to Facilitate Local Campaign Finance Reform and .Promote Broader and More Open Citizen Participation in the Electoral Process BACKGROUND On February 16, 2010, the City Council appointed members to the Sunshine Issue Spotting Task Force "Task Force and directed the Task Force to compile a Mist of community issues pertaining to access to open government, including the Council's list of five issues. The Council's five priority issues are campaign finance reform, lobbying registry regulations, minimum radius noticing requirements for public. h.earings, casts and turnaround time for Public Record Act requests, and noticing requirements. for public meetings beyond 72 hours. On April 20, 2010, the City Council provided direction to the City Attorney to bring back for City Council consideration an ordinance regarding campaign finance reform, as well as an ordinance on local lobbying registration and restrictions. The attached ordinance regarding Enforceable Limits on Election Contributions to Facilitate Local Campa i n g. Finance Reform and Promote Broader and More open Citizen Participation in the Electoral Process "Ordinance is the first of the desired new regulations to be brought back for City Council consideration. The City Attorney's office will be providing an Ordinance regarding lobbying registration and restrictions at a later Council meeting. DISCUSSION The proposed ordinance regarding election campaign contributions. is modeled on existing ordinances from the cities of Livermore and Fremont. The ordinance provides: Restrictions on contributions of any kind which exceed the aggregate amount of $250 from any person during an election period; Prohibition on any contributions to elected positions (Mayor, Counci members, Auditor, Treasurer) from any person contracting with or proposing to contract with the City, ARRA, or CIC for the furnishing of any services, materials, supplies, City Council Report Re: Agenda Item #6 -E 06-01-10 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council June 1, 2010 Page 2of2 equipment, or the buying or selling of land, when such contract would require approval by the applicable governing body, for the negotiation period and 180 days after the contract has been approved; Oral disclosure by a member of the City Council /ARRA /CIC of receipt of a contribution and its amount from a person seeking a discretionary decision from that legislative body. (Note that acceptance of campaign contributions does not require recusal of the legislative body member). Filing of campaign statements for donations of $50.00 or more; Penalties for violation of this Ordinance, including criminal enforcement as a misdemeanor (with a fine up to the greater of $1,000 or three times the amount the person failed to report, unlawfully contributed or unlawfully received), and civil enforcement, with a potential civil penalty of $1,000. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact from the adoption of this Ordinance. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This Ordinance will add a new Section 2 -71 (Election Campaign Contributions) to Article VI (Elections) of Chapter II (Administration). RECOMMENDATION Introduce an Ordinance creating enforceable limits on election contributions to facilitate local campaign finance reform and promote broader and more open citizen participation in the electoral process. Ann rie Gallant Interi City Manager CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO. New Series E 0 AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING U. 0 SECTION 2 -71 (ELECTION CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS UA) g a ARTICLE VI. (ELECTIONS) OF CHAPTER II (ADMINISTRATION) TO CREATE ENFORCEABLE LIMITS ON ELECTION W CONTRIBUTIONS TO FACILITATE LOCAL CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM AND PROMOTE BROADER AND MORE OPEN CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE ELECTORAL PROCESS BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that: Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by adding Section 2- 71 (Election Campaign Contributions) to Article VI, (Elections) of Chapter II (Administration), which shall read as follows: 2 -71 ELECTION CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS 2 -71.1 Purpose. Pursuant to the authority granted to the City Council in Government Code Section 81013 permitting the imposition of additional local requirements to the Political. Reform Act of 1974, the City council hereby finds that it is in the public interest to place realistic and enforceable limits on the amounts which may be contributed to political campaigns in municipal elections, and that candidates and treasurers of committees aiding such candidates make a .full and fair declaration containing a disclosure of the persons making contributions, the amounts of such contributions, the persons to whom expenditures are made, and the amounts of such expenditures. In seeking to establish such limitations on campaign .contributions, it is the intent of the City Council to promote a broader. and more open participation by all citizens in the electoral process. It is not intended that such limitations should act to deprive or restrict any citizen of his rights guaranteed under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. 2 -71.2 Definitions. For the purpose of this section, definitions codified in the Political Reform Act, beginning at Section 82009 et seq. shall apply, with the Introduction of ordinance #6.E D6 -D1 -10 additions of subsection (c) of this section and the following additional requirements to subsections (a) and (b) of this section: (a) "campaign statement" means an itemized statement prepared in duplicate by a candidate and by the treasurer of each committee, showing, in addition to matters required by law, the following information: 1. The name, complete mailing address, occupation and place of employment, and business address if self employed, of any person who paid, loaned, contributed or otherwise furnished $50.00 or more, or its equivalent, to the candidate or treasurer for the candidate, or to each committee as defined in subsection (b) of this section, for the use of such candidate or such treasurer, directly or indirectly, in aid of the candidate's election, or for qualification, passage or defeat .of any measure, and the amount, in detail, of such money or its equivalent each such person paid, loaned, contributed or otherwise furnished; 2. The purchase of any tickets cumulatively totaling $50.00 or more, for any fundraising event, regardless of number purchased, value of each ticket, or frequency of purchase, is subject to the provisions of subsection (a)(1) of this section; 3. The donation of $50.00 or more to any "kitty" at the campaign event is subject to the provisions of subsection (a)(1) of this section; 4. All expenditures of $50.00 or more shall be itemized in detail, with the amount and names of persons and /or concerns where the moneys were expended; 5. This definition also modifies "contents of a campaign Statement, 11 codified at Government code section 84210 with regard to additional city requirements. (b) "Committee" means: 1. A committee, person or group of persons organized for the purpose or charged with the duty of conducting or aiding the election campaign, including fundraising events, or any candidate for municipal office of the city, or for the support or defeat of a measure under consideration in the city; 2. Any committee, person or group of persons aiding, directly or indirectly, any candidate, measure or committee, as defined in subsection (b )(1) of this section, whether or not originally organized for election purposes. (c) "Election period" means: 1. For each general municipal election held in November every two years to elect, as the case may be, a mayor, councilrnember, auditor or treasurer, the election period means the period beginning on January first after the previous general municipal election for the affected office and ending on December thirty -first after the next following (and current) general municipal election for the affected office. 2. For each special municipal election, held to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor or councilmember, the election period means the period beginning on the day the vacancy began and ending on the sixtieth day following the special municipal election. Forever, for any candidate in the special election who has established, prior to the vacancy, a committee for the election to the affected office of mayor or councilrnernber, the election period begins on January first after the previous general municipal election for the affected office. 2 -71.3 Contributions Restrictions generally. (a) No contribution shall be accepted by any candidate or committee except during an election period. (b) No person or committee shall make or accept any contribution or contributions (including loans and non monetary) which exceed the aggregate amount of $250.00 during any election period. (c) Return of Excess Contributions. If the contribution limitation S et forth in subsection (b) of this section is exceeded, the candidate must, within 15 days after receipt, return to the contributor the excess amount in monetary value form. (d) Limits Applied Separately. The candidate contribution limit of subsection (b) of this section applies to each person. Therefore, a husband and wife may each make contributions up to the specified limit, including contributions made from shared or community property. When a husband or wife makes a contribution to a candidate or committee, using a joint checking account or other instrument, the contribution will apply to the spouse signing the check. (e) Nothing in this section shall limit the amount which a candidate may contribute to his or her campaign for an elected City office. (f) The prohibitions stated in subsection (b) of this section shall not apply to contributions made or received in support of, or in opposition to, a ballot measure. 2 -71.4 Anonymous contributions. (a) Any committee, person or group of persons other than the official election organization of a candidate who expends funds on behalf of a candidate shall, prior to the expenditure, receive authorization in writing from the treasurer of the candidate's election organization. All contributions or expenditures by such committees, persons or groups of persons shall be deemed to be on behalf of the candidate for purposes of this section. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of AMC 2- 71.2(a), a candidate shall be permitted to accept and retain anonymous contributions up to an aggregate limit of $50.00 per reporting period. The total amount of such contributions shall be stated on the campaign statement. If the total of anonymous contributions exceeds $100.00 in any one reporting period, the excess shall be paid to the Finance Director of the City or his or her designee within one business day after the next reporting date. 2-71.5 Filing of verified campaign expenditures statement. (a) To ensure full disclosure, each committee or its treasurer shall disclose all expenditures on behalf of the candidate to the candidate or his or her treasurer not later than one business day after the expenditure. (b) Cumulative preliminary campaign statements shall be filed by the following dates by the candidate and each committee: I No later than 40 days prior to the election; this report closes 45 days prior to the election; 2. No later than 12 days prior to the election; this report closes 17 days prior to the election; 3. An additional final contributions Recipient Committee Campaign statement shall be filed with the City Clerk during regular business hours on the Friday preceding the election; this report closes at 2:00 p. rn on .the date of filing. This report is in addition to the reports required to be filed under state lam in Government Code Section 84200; 4. The final post election campaign statement will be filed not later than January 31' of the year. following the election in accordance with the provisions of the Political Reform Act. In the event that the date of the City election changes, the final post election report shall be filed on a semi- annual basis in accordance with the provisions of the Poliical .Reform Act; 6. Filing must be received by the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m., and is not accomplished by depositing in the mail; 6. Each committee supporting or opposing a measure shall file its expend ure reports in accordance with the provisions of the Political Reform Act. (c) Publication of contributions prior to elections. The City shall publish on its website at least once in the seven days before each municipal election a list of all persons contributing $50-00 or more to any candidate or committee in that election and the amounts of the contributions reported through the filing deadline for the third pre election statement. 2 -71.5 oral Disclosure of Contributions by Legislative Body Members In addition to the reporting requirements imposed hereby, prior to his or her participation in the deliberative process, a member of the City Council, CIC or ARRA shall orally disclose whether he or she has received a contribution, and its amount, from any person who is seeking a discretionary decision of a matter over which the Legislative Body has subject matter jurisdiction, including an appeal, within the election period during which said decision or appeal is before him or her. 2 -71.7 Contractors doing business with the City of Alameda (City), the Community Improvement Commission (Q.1C) and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) prohibited from making contributions. (a) No person who contracts or proposes to contract with the City, CIC or ARRA, who amends or proposes to amend such a contract with the City, CIC or ARRA, for the rendition of services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies, commodities or equipment to the City, CIC or ARRA or for the selling of any land .or building to the City, CIC or ARRA or for the purchasing of any land or building from the City, CIC or ARRA, whenever the value of such transaction would require approval by the City Council, CIC or ARRA shall make any contribution to the Mayor, a .candidate. for Mayor, a City Councilmember, a candidate for City Council, the City Auditor, a candidate for City Auditor, City Treasurer, a candidate for City Treasurer, or committee controlled by such officeholder or candidate at any time between commencement of negotiations and either one hundred eighty (180) days after the completion of, or the termination of, negotiations for such contract. (b) "Services" means and includes labor, professional services, consulting services, or a combination of services and materials, supplies, commodities and equipment which shall include public works projects. (c) For contributions to City officers, transactions that require approval by the City Council, CIC or ARRA include but are not limited to. 1. Contracts, or amendments thereto, for the procurement of services that are professional or consulting services exceeding seventy -five thousand dollars ($75,000.00). 2. Contracts, or amendments thereto, for the procurement of services exceeding seventy -five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), other than contracts for professional or consulting services. 3. Contracts, or amendments thereto, for the furnishing of any materials, supplies, commodities or equipment exceeding twenty -five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). 4. Contracts for the sale of any building or land to or from the City or the CIC or ARRA. (d) "Commencement of negotiations" for City, CIC or ARRA contracts occurs when a contractor or contractor's agent formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment to any elected or appointed City officer or employee or when any elected or appointed City office or employee formally proposes submission of a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment from a contractor or contractor's agent. (e) "Commencement of negotiations" does not include unsolicited receipt of proposal or contract information or documents related to them, requests to be placed on mailing lists or routine inquiries for information about a particular contract, request for proposal or any information or documents relating to them or attendance at an informational meeting. (f) "Completion of negotiations" occurs when the City, CIC or ARRA executes the contract or amendment. (g) "Termination of negotiations" occurs when the contract or amendment is not awarded to the contractor or when the contractor files a written withdrawal from the negotiations, which is accepted by an appointed or elected City, CIC or ARRA officer orernployee. (h) The City Manager shall be responsible for implementing procedures for the City of Alameda, CIC and ARRA contracts to ensure contractor compliance with this ordinance. A proposed or current contractor must sign and date the following statement .at the time the contractor formally submits a bid, proposal, qualifications or contract amendment: The Alameda Municipal Code limits campaign contributions and prohibits contributions from contractors doing business with the City of Alameda, the CIC or ARRA during specified time periods. Violators. are subject to civil and criminal penalties. I have read Alameda Municipal Code Section 2 -71.7, and certify that I /we have not knowingly, nor will I /we make contributions prohibited thereby. Business Name Date Signature The signed and dated statement must be received and filed by the City Clerk at the same time the proposal is submitted. Contracts may not be awarded to any contractors who have not signed this certification. (i) A person who contracts with the city, CIC or ARRA for the rendition of services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies, commodities or equipment to the city, CIC or ARRA, or for selling any land or building to the city, CIC or ARRA or for purchasing any land or building from the city, CIC or ARRA, whenever the value of such transaction would require approval by the city council, the CIC or ARRA, and who violates subsection (a) of this section, shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of this Section. Elected city officeholders, candidates for city office and their controlled committees shall include a notice on all campaign fundraising materials no less than eight point boldface type, which shall be in a color or print which contrasts with the background so as to be easily legible, and in a printed or drawn box and set apart from any other printed matter. The notice shall consist of the following statement: Alameda Municipal code section 2 71 limits campaign contributions by all persons and prohibits contributions during specified time periods from contractors doing business with the city of Alameda, CIC or ARRA. 2 -71.5 Enforcement —Violations; criminal; (a) Any person who knowingly or willfully violates any provision of this Ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) No person convicted of a misdemeanor under this subsection shall be a candidate for an elected city council office for a.period of four years following the date of the conviction unless the. court at the time of sentencing specifically determines that this provision shall not be applicable. A plea of polo contendere shall be deemed a conviction for purposes of this subsection. 1. Violation candidate's office forfeited when. If after his or her election a candidate receives a final judgment of conviction of a violation of any provision of this ordinance, the office of such candidate shall be forfeited and such office shall become vacant immediately thereupon, or on the date upon which the candidate, if he or she is not an incumbent, would otherwise take office. 2. Violation candidacy terminated when. If a candidate receives a final judgment of conviction pursuant to this subsection at any time prior to his or her election, his or her candidacy shall be terminated immediately and he or she shall be no longer eligible for election. (c) In addition to other penalties provided by law, a fine up to the greater of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) or three times the amount the person failed to report properly, unlawfully contributed, gave or received may be imposed upon conviction of each violation. (d) Prosecution for a violation of this Ordinance must be commenced within four years after the date on which'the violation occurred. (e) Whether or not a violation is inadvertent, the presence or absence of good faith shall be considered in applying the remedies and sanctions of this subsection. (f) If two or more persons are responsible for any violation, they shall be jointly and severally liable. 2 -71.9 Enforcement Injunction. Any person residing in the City may sue for injunctive relief to enjoin violations or to compel compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The court may, in its discretion, require the plaintiff to file a complaint with the district attorney prior to seeking injunctive relief. The court may award to a plaintiff or defendant who prevails his costs of litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees. 2 -71,10 Enforcement civil liability. (a) Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be liable in a civil action brought by either the district attorney or independent counsel, appointed by the city Attorney, for an amount up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation of this section, in addition to return of contributions received in violation thereof. (b) No civil action alleging a violation of this section may be filed against a person pursuant to this section if a criminal prosecution arising out of the same allegations is pending. (c) Late filing penalties. Any candidate or committee who files a campaign statement or report after the deadlines unposed by the Political Reform Act and by this ordinance shall, in addition to the penalties enumerated in California Government code Section 91013, be subject to the penalties and/or remedies established herein /or, by this subsection. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Presiding officer of the city council Attest: Lara Weisiger, city clerk I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the city of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the day of 2010 by the following vote to grit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this day of 2g `i D. L.ara Weisiger, city clerk City of Alameda UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, May 5, 2010 The meeting convened at 7:42 p.m. with Vice Chair deHaan presiding. 1 ROLL CALL Present: Boardmember Lena Tara Boardmember Frank Matarrese Boardmember Marie Gilmore Vice chair Doug deHaan Absent: Chair Beverly Johnson (arrived at 8:40 p.m.) 2. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 2 -A. Alameda Point Environmental Update Presentation by the Navy and Regulatory Agencies. Vice Chair deHaan introduced Jennifer Ott, Deputy City Manager, to open the presentation. Ms. Ott gave an overview on what will be presented. a summary of the environmental program, the accomplishments that have been made to date, funds that have been expended by the Navy to date, as well as some of the economic development impacts of the process. The presenters were Derek Robinson of the Navy, Anna -Marie Cook of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Dot Lofstrorn of the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). After the presentation, the Board discussed key issues with the presenters. Vice chair deHaan commented on the long process and gave a brief background on the remediation efforts. He thanked the community and past chairs for their continued support. Member Tara expressed her appreciation for the update and the amount of work effort that goes into the clean up. She asked how the funds are controlled and administered, who they flog through given the various jurisdictions involved (i.e., is the funding centralized through the BRAG and then through the other agencies) and how they are allocated through congressional authorizations. Derek Robinson explained that he will get clarification on the funding process and will report the information back to Member Tam. He also clarified that the Navy's focus is not on recouping the funds spent in the clean -up. Vice chair deHaan discussed the change of philosophy regarding the remediation of Alameda Point. He clarified that the cleanup was under the complete control of the Navy, and that in 2000, the Navy allowed the developer to consider privatized cleanup, and then it went back under the control of the Navy. Member Matarrese asked for more clarification about the process after a parcel is determined to be cleaned to the level at which it was assigned how notification, information and documentation is given to the next successor agency in order for them to continue the work. Dot Lofstrom explained that there is an official administrative record that the Navy maintains and information documentation will always be in the Information Repository. In addition, there is an informal repository that DTSC is maintaining through their Envirostore Database. There is a Agenda Item #2 -A CC /ARR, CIC 06-01-2010 certification process after a parcel has been cleaned. Ann Marie Cook of EPA further explained this process: Once a site has reached a point where it is considered meeting the goals set for it to be cleaned, the Navy prepares a `Remedial Action Completion Report' and the EPA, because it is a Superfund site, is required to make the determination that all clean -up action necessary has been completed. The Navy then drafts a Finding of Suitability report to transfer that property. Member Gilmore asked for the status of the transfer process of cleaned VA lands and whether or not the Navy and the VA have reached a basic deal. Jennifer Ott explained that the transfer is moving forward, but awaiting approval from the administration to move forward. She stated that at this tune, there are no details of a basic deal, but she will keep the Board updated on any further developments. Vice Chair deHaan asked about the status of remediation of the Seaplane Lagoon. Mr. Robinson stated that they are currently in Stage 1, which includes removing large debris piles on the north side, and that Stage 2 will include remediatiog soils from the outlet of the storm drain systems. Construction activities will start in Sep. /Oct. 2010. vice Chair deHaan also asked about Site 2 wetlands. He was concerned that the estimated cost of clean -up for Site 2 was approximately $100 million. Mr. Robinson stated that number seems high, and is more likely $20 million but will get the correct information to report back to the Board. There were three speakers: Jim Sweeney discussed the potential adaptive reuse of Building 5. According to Ann Marie Cook, Building 5 is one million square feet, is 05 feet tall, and qualifies as a historical building. She managed to secure funding from an EPA pilot program and they are looking at costs associated with reusing portions of the building and demolishing other portions. She will be able to provide an update in three months, with a final report in about seven months. Irene Dieter, speaking on behalf of community, expressed her concern about lack of information and public relations to the community about all the remediation efforts and other activities regarding Alameda Point. Ms. Ott reiterated that there are monthly RAB and ARRA meetings, as well as notices on the City and Alameda Point websites. The third speaker, Maria Hargrove, expressed concern about traffic and congestion in and out of Alameda Point. Chair Johnson informed Ms. Hargrove that the Planning Board meeting on Monday, May 10, will discuss traffic issues and present a plan. Chair Johnson thanked all the presenters for coming together to coordinate this Special Meeting, and for the important information they provided in their presentation. She reiterated to the public how important the information provided by these agencies is in helping the community understand all the activity and efforts in cleaning up Alameda Point. 3. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, r Glidden ARRA Secretary UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUN ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA), AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- -MAY 18,2010- -7:01 P.M. Ma Johnson convened the meetin at 9:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Board Members Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Ma Johnson —5. Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried b unanimous voice vote 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated b an asterisk precedin the para number.] (*10- /ARRA/10- Minutes of the Special Joint Cit Council, ARRA and CIC Meetin Held on Ma 4, 2010. *10- CIC/AR Recommendation to Accept the Third Quarter Financial Report. CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATION (10- CC/ARRA/1 0- Semimonthl Update on SunCal Ne The Deput Cit Mana Development Services g ave a brief presentation. In response to Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Gilmore's in the Deput Cit Mana Development Services stated the Veterans Administration VA Section 7 consultation is part of the re process that the VA has to g o throu consultations are re because the conve of the land is considered to have a potential impact on the least turn colon that she spoke to the Nav this week re q uestions that came up at the Ma 6th meetin the Nav is preparin responses; responses will be brou back at the next ARRA meetin Vice Ma Member/Commissioner deHaan in whether Optional Entitlement A (OEA) concerns are bein tackled now. Special Joint Meetin Alameda Cit Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit and Communit Improvement Commission Ma 18, 2010 The Deputy City Manager Development Services responded staff is walking through project planning issues raised in the staff report. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether SunCal would be presenting anything this evening, to which the Deputy City Manager Development Services responded SunCal would be available to answer any questions but would not make a presentation. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tarn stated the Planning Board raised germane land use issues which would require a lot of public outreach; inquired whether there is a next step regarding how issues would be addressed during the public comment period. The Deputy City Manager Development Services responded one objective is an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping session which has its own process; the other objective its taking comments on the plan itself. Speakers Doug Siden, Alameda; Andrew Slivka, Alameda County Carpenters Union; and David Howard, Alameda. AGENDA ITEMS (10- CC /ARRA/10- CIC) Recommendation to Review and Accept Presentation on SunCal Modified Optional Entitlement Application The Deputy City Manager Development Services and the Planning Services Manager gave a Power Point presentation. Mice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan inquired how many homes were in the Preliminary Development Concept (PDC), to which the Planning Services Manager responded 1,800 which included the Collaborative. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner del-laan inquired whether the commercial square footage was 3.4 million, to which the Planning Services Manager responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether an EIR supported the Community Reuse Plan. The Planning Services Manager responded there is a finished EIR on the Community Reuse Plan and the Alameda Point General Plan amendment; stated the General Plan amendment looked at around 1 8,000 residential units and 2.3 million square feet of commercial. Special .point Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 2 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated immense transportation concerns carne out of the EI R; inquired whether Measure B has similar mitigations. The Planning Services Manager responded the Election Report contained a lot of assumptions because the [Measure B] transportation plan was so vague. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated SunCal shows 2,100 homes at 50 units per acre in the density bonus project; inquired whether there is anything similar within the City. The Planning Services Manager responded older apartment buildings off of Webster Street have three or four stories on small lots with very little parking; stated that he does not know of any similar blocks. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated Summer Hone has 35 units per acre; SunCal showed 70 units at the Planning Board presentation. The Planning Services Manager stated 70 units was a mistake; the density bonus plan proposes up to a maximum of 50 units per acre. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated 50 units per acre is almost half of the project; inquired whether SunCal is using relegated open spaces. The Planning Services Manager responded SunCal wants to have some blocks up to 50 units per acre around the transit corridor; stated the rest would be spread out. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether increasing affordable housing from 15% to 25% has been discussed. The Planning Services Manager responded the plan proposes 25 stated details are not known. Vice Mayor/Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the baseline of the PDC was in the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA). The Deputy City Manager Development Services responded the Request for Qualification (RFQ) process talked about implementing the PDC project, but the ENA does not specify the PDC project. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated that he thought the baseline of the PDC was in the ENA. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 3 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 The Deputy City Manager Development Services stated that she does not remember the PDC being called out. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the ENA inferred the PDC baseline and allowed looking at modifying Measure A. The Deputy City Manager Development Services responded the ENA has been amended twice; the ENA was amended the first time in order to provide some time for shifting milestones; the ENA was amended the second time to allow for a ballot initiative and dealt with adding an investor and allowing a one year extension. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired what were the key items in the ballot initiative. The Deputy City Manager Development Services responded the ballot initiative consisted of a Charter amendment, a specific plan, a General Plan amendment, a zoning amendment, and a development agreement; stated the ballot initiative included almost all entitlements with the exception of the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). Councilrr ember /Board Member /Commissioner Tam stated focus should be on ghat is wanted: job creation costs, work force housing, 25% affordable housing, recreational amenities, public facilities and all infrastructure associated with the commercial development; the EI R process is supposed to help look at the spectrum of alternatives and to understand impacts associated with traffic; not realizing that there would be significant upfront costs for amenities would be naive; the project has to be fiscally neutral; facilities would need to generate sufficient revenues to pay for infrastructure; that she is not hearing what is the balance; inquired whether there is a process to resolve the issues, to which the Deputy City Manager Development Services responded currently, staff is in the process. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Tarn stated that she would like to scope the full spectrum of alternatives, understand impacts associated with each alternative, and see whether impacts associated with alternatives could be mitigated; the City has a master developer as a partner until July 24 the plan should not be referred to as a master developer's plan but should be the City's plan; the plan should be developed accordingly. Speakers John Knox white, Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda; Jinn Sweeney, Alameda; Helen Sauce, HOMES; Jean Sweeney, Alameda (provided handout); Susan Decker, Alameda; Michael Krueger, Alameda; Nancy Hird, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society; Kent Lewandowski, Sierra Club; Christopher Seiwald, Alameda; Rosemary McNally, Alameda; Lois Pryor, Renewed Hope; Darcy Morrison, Alameda; Joe Mallon, Alameda; William Smith, Alameda; Janet Davis, Alameda; Jay Ingram, Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 4 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Alameda; Andreas Cluver, Alameda County Building Trades Council; Alan Tubbs, Naval Air Museum; and Ashley Jones, Alameda. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated questions need to be worked into the process; providing some frame of reference is important; the progression of the residential unit burden needs to be addressed including the Conveyance Plan, PDC, Measure B, and optional Entitlement Application (OEA); that he would like to have the issue measured against Associated Bay Area Governments (ABAG) obligations; more depth is needed regarding the economic development strategy, including the type of commercial activity, intra -City commute, and meeting the original base reuse and alignment mandate to replace jobs that disappeared when the former Naval Base closed; requested a report on financial conditions that were present in the run up to Measure B and the status of the large delta between SunCal estimates and/or caps on public amenities versus Public Works' estimate; a report is needed on whether the $1.8 million burden that was in the draft term sheet with the Navy back in 2006 is still relevant and if not whether there is a way to portion out some of the clean up at the end of the process; that he would like to have an analysis and presentation from the City and SunCal regarding how to ensure that the City does not become a Albuquerque; a risk analysis is needed; the signed Project Labor Agreement is a positive and has always been a requirement; that he is glad the Agreement was signed after three years; an intense time is needed for filling in facts, then decisions can be made. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated SunCal made a presentation to the Planning Board last week; inquired whether the ideas in the presentation were conceptual. Mr. Brown responded the Density Bonus option was presented and is the plan that SunCal intends to build within the community. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan provided a handout; stated the highlighted section on page 6 sits directly over the contaminated area and is a high density area which is approximately one mile from the transportation center; the back page shows embedded garages and sixty -five foot buildings with no set backs; inquired whether the drawing is conceptual. Mr. Brown responded the product is intended to be an urban product that would fit in with the overall community vision; stated the complex would have zero or small set backs. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the example shows a picture of a very dense building adjacent to a railroad track; page 5 shows an artist's rendition of what the ferry terminal would look like; inquired ghat is the size of the buildings. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 5 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Mr. Brown responded sixty -five feet; stated the height limitation would result in more varied, interesting architecture. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated he is trying to see ghat is similar in Alameda. Mr. Brown stated that Alameda has a variety of architectural styles; the downtown area does not have development next to commercial; streets are active; the goal is to create a vision where density is clustered near transportation to encourage use of transportation other than automobiles; studies have shown that ridership drops off dramatically when people live farther away from public transportation opportunities. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether the southeast corner of the lagoon would be the concept for the commercial area, to which Mr. Brown responded a massing study was used to illustrate the portion of the property. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether only 45 historical buildings would be retained, to which Mr. Brown responded that he does not have the exact figure. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the original number of 83 was reduced to $o because of building conditions; inquired why the original Measure B plan and conceptual plan are almost identical. Mr. Brown responded the plan is to deliver the vision that SunCal heard expressed at numerous meetings which would be to achieve a goal of delivering an economically viable development and minimize traffic impacts by encouraging the use of density transfers and public transportation. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the Metropolitan Transportation commission (MTC) has designated transit oriented areas; Alameda does not have designated transit oriented areas. In response to Vice Mayor /Board Member/Commissioner deHaan's inquiry as to why MTC does not believe the plan is a transit oriented hub, Mr. Brown stated MTC might not have considered the alternative; SunCal would work with MTC; the process takes eighteen months to two years; a complete plan would be presented in which all questions are answered. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether an EIR is normally in a land use proposal process. Mr. Brown responded a plan is submitted; then, an EIR process copmrnenses; an interactive, vigorous process leads to the ultimate development of an EIR report. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and community 8 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan inquired why SunCal did not do an EIR two years ago. Mr. Brown responded the road map to achieve a transit oriented plan was unclear; stated now, the process is more straight forward. Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan stated the ENA will sunset in 60 days or has to be extended. Mr. Brown stated sunCal is working with staff to advance the plan; if milestones are met, the ENA extends automatically; the process takes time. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the pictures [submitted by Vice Mayor /Board Member /Commissioner deHaan] are from the Planning Board meeting, to which Mr. Brown responded the pictures have been modified from the presentation. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the pictures should be posted on the website; that she does not understand how the development would be transit oriented without a transportation plan. Mr. Brown stated $700,000 has been budgeted for traffic and transit studies; the plan has been built on the shoulders of 2008 studies. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that she is not certain that the starting point for residential units and commercial square footage is correct. Mr. Brown responded the 2008 plan was a combined plan done by transportation engineers, land planners, and an economic consultant; the transit plus plan was the third option and contemplated 5,000 residential units and 3.4 million square feet of commercial; the plan has been studied by the City and delivers enough economic value to be able to afford the required transportation improvements. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the rest of Alameda does not live in a transit oriented development and has to get through the Tube; half of the residents get on and off the island through the Tubes; that she is not sure the starting point is correct. Mr. Brown stated that an EI R would look at transit oriented land plans at a unit count up to 4,700 units; the number may change; the process is ongoing; the project and transit solution do not exist in a bubble but within the context of the City. Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired how the embedded garage structure would be transit oriented. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 7 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Mr. Brown responded the embedded garage structure is a mechanism to meet the proposed parking standards which are a tad more stringent. Mayor/Chair Johnson stated parking standards need to be more than a tad more stringent to be transit oriented. Mr. Brown stated such comments would be layered through professional consultants to see ghat would and would not work; the goal is to put people in proximity to public transportation. Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired whether the embedded garages are residential or commercial structures, to which Mr. Brown responded residential. Mayor/Chair Johnson stated people are going use a car if a car is available; Treasure Island is restricting people's ability to have cars. Mr. Brown stated the process would review the matter; the idea is to not see the garage. Mayor/Chair Johnson concurred; stated the look is more attractive. Mr. Brown stated the question is what is the appropriate parking ratio to maximize the amount of transit activity; the issue needs to be studied. Mayor/Chair Johnson stated Mr. Tagani was working on an analysis of historic assets; inquired whether the analysis has been completed. Mr. Brown responded in the affirmative; stated Mr. Tagani looked at every building and made recommendations on what would be economically viable to rehabilitate and reuse; reports have been prepared; staff runts a more detailed analysis on buildings which Mr. Tagani did not feel appropriate to move forward on. Mayor/Chair Johnson stated a plan for accommodating affordable housing is important. Mr. Brown agreed. Mayor/Chair Johnson stated phasing plans are very important and need to be done sooner rather than later. Mr. Brown stated that the City has a phasing plan which would be subject to discussion. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated there are a few critical issues; staff and SunCal are engaged in the process of negotiating a DDA; a DDA cannot be negotiated without knowing ghat is the project. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 8 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 Mr. Brown stated professional study results would not be known before an 8 -month E I R is initiated; the process would be to start with the best judgment as to what would be an appropriate plan given the constraints; professional studies would either validate information or feedback would be received for modification. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated if less residential units and commercial square footage is wangted, it should be changed now before getting too far in the DDA negotiation process; the number can always be changed based upon the EI R findings. Mr. Brown stated another way to address the issue would be through the alternative analysis process contained within the CEQA process; SunCal has proposed a base entitlement of approximately 3,800 homes and has discussed a. vision for a density /transit oriented community that could have up to 4,800 homes; studying alternatives is part of the normal CEQA process. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that being conservative is better when starting out to know if it pencils out. Mr. Brown stated SunCal has been working with staff on sensitivity economic runs at various target points; that he would be happy to run an economic model. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the project's economic tilting point is not known; a 25% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is pretty high; questioned how it could be adjusted. Councilmernber /Board Member /Commissioner Matarrese stated the City does not know how much tax increment financing would be needed and when; the matter should be added to the list. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the economics involve the project; it is unknown whether the project would be viable with 3,000 units or 2,500 units. Mr. Brown stated the City's 2008 study showed that the project would be greatly benefited by having more units to support ridership and support capital requirements in order to achieve the full implementation of the proposed transit solutions. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated tonight everyone is looking to get as much input as possible. Councilmember /Board Member /Commissioner Gilmore thanked staff for the presentation; stated staff was going through the PDC process with Alameda Point Community Partners (APCP); the one thing that she heard from the community was how traffic was going to impact people already on the island; the number one issue is traffic and traffic mitigation and how it would be phased with development; whatever is developed at Alameda Point will have some impact on the rest of the island; the Special Joint Meeting. Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 9 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 question is what does the rest of Alameda get for developing Alameda Point; Council insists on fiscal neutrality but public benefits would be provided for the rest of Alameda; public benefits are the carrot for the rest of Alameda and need to be funded; having systems in place to mitigate traffic burdens is a really difficult job but is important to nail down. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated the Navy has not been at its peak for decades; in the past, there was more tolerance for Navy traffic; traffic created by development would not have much tolerance. Vice Mayor /Board Member/Commissioner deHaan stated more square footage is being requested than for Measure B; Marina Village is 60% vacant; available office space is not being utilized; the original Community Reuse Plan was for blue collar job generation to backfill jobs lost; that he is concerned that 60 days from now a decision will need .to be made; he is uncomfortable with decisions made; SunCal could not satisfy the needs of unions, schools, historical element, and community in general; today, SunCal is kinder and gentler; however, everyone is identical except for one person; SunCal went into bankruptcy because of Lehman Brothers; SunCal is having the same problems with D.E. Shag; that he is not comfortable with the financial aspect of signing into a partnership; he does not grant to be involved in a legal suit or bankruptcy; that he was concerned with picking up D.E. Shag but could not convey ghat was brought to the table because everything was confidential; the City has been in a three year process; the City gent into a five year process with APCP; the City decided to finance a PDC after two and a half years; people can sort out ghat they liked and disliked about Measure B but Measure B was still defeated. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 11:61 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community 10 Improvement Commission May 18, 2010 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Executive Director Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Award a Five -Year Contract for Professional Audit Services for the Community Improvement Commission and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2010 Through June 30 2014 Z 10 i The Alameda City Charter Article IV, Section 4 -2, various financing covenants, and rules associated with restricted funding sources require the City of Alameda to publish comprehensive financial statements presented in conformance with .generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. Publication of the financial statements must be completed within six months of the close of the fiscal year. DISCUSSION The Government Finance officers Association (GFOA), which is the premier local government association dedicated to identifying and developing financial "best practices," recommends that government agencies enter into multi -year agreements of at least five years in duration when obtaining the services of independent auditors. OFOA further recommends that government agencies CA undertake a full -scale competitive process for the selection of independent auditors at the end of the terra .of each audit contract, consistent with applicable legal requirements." Engaging in a competitive process for audit services every five years not only ensures auditor independence but also brings a necessary "fresh set of eyes" to the financial statements. On March 1 6, the City Council awarded a contract to Daze and Associates for the general City audit. since the City wanted a "fresh set of eyes" to conduct the audit and prepare the comprehensive financial statements the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), the Maze and Associates contract excluded these component units of the City. CC /ARRA/CIC Agenda Item ##2 -B Honorable Chair and Members of the CIC June 1, 2010 Honorable Chair and Members of ARRA Page 2 of 2 A Request for Proposals (RFP) for audit services for the CIC and the ARRA was issued on March 16. Two firms responded to the RFP. A panel comprised of the elected City Auditor, the Deputy City Manager, and the Economic Development Director conducted interviews on May 6 and recommended that the CIC and the ARRA award a contract for auditing services to Caporicci Larson. FINANCIAL IMPACT Caporicci Larson proposes to charge $22,000 for FY09 -10 audit work, $22,600 for FY10 -11, and $23,340 for the remaining three fiscal years. The CIC and the ARRA will share the cost of this contract, with the ARRA Administration Program financial audits account (519099- 61030 519099) paying 50 The remaining 50% will be split evenly between the Bt1IP Administration Program's financial audits account (7023 61030) and the wECIP Administration Program's financial audits account (7021 61 030). RECOMMENDATION Award a five -year contract for professional audit services for the Community Improvement Commission and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010 through June 30, 2014 to Caporicci Larson. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Goldman Deputy City Manager Approved as to funds and account, 6 Evelyn Leung Interim Supervising Accountant Exhibit 1. Agreement on file in the City Clerk's office Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit Memorandum To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Executive Director Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Authorize Ne and Execution of a Sublease for Dre Capital —Partners, Buildin 29, at Alameda Point BACKGROUND The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit (ARRA g overnin g Board approves all Alameda Point subleases with a lease term g reater than one y ear. The proposed sublease for Dre Capital Partners is for five y ears. DISCUSSION Dre Capital Partners formerl occupied Buildin 113 at Alameda Point. In Februar 2008 the Nav informed the ARRA that the would be conductin screenin and testin in four buildin at Alameda Point and that those buildin are re to be empt for these tests. Buildin 113 was one of those buildin Attachment A describes the business terms for the proposed sublease for Dre Capital Partners in a portion of Buildin 29. The rent for Dre Capital Partners is $29,184 annuall or $0.30 per s ft. in the first y ear. There is a 3% increase each subse y ear. The buildin will continue to be used for li manufacturin fabrication, and g eneral office. Additionall Dre Capital Partners has asked for a Ri of First Offer (ROFO) for the remainin space in Buildin 29. This will g ive Dre Capital Partners the abilit to meet or exceed an offer the ARRA would receive to lease the remainin 8,703 s feet of Buildin 29. If Dre Capital Partners does not respond to the offer presented to them, the ARRA would lease the remainin space to whoever provided a viable offer .to lease the remainin space. Buildin 29 is in g ood condition. In accordance with the Exclusive Ne A between the ARRA and SunCal Companies, this lease has been discussed with representatives from SunCal Companies and has their concurrence. BUDGET CONSIDERATION FINANCIAL IMPACT This lease will g enerate $29,184 in the first y ear. These funds will be retained b the ARRA. A Item #2-C CUARRAXIC Honorable Chair and Members of the June l,2010 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit Pa 2 of 2 RECO MMENDATION Authorize ne and execution of a sublease for Dre Capital Partners at Alameda Point. Respectfull submitted, ee' -Lb ie e Economic Development Director Attachment: A. Proposed Sublease Business Terms B. Site Map ATTACHMENT A. PROPOSED SUBLEASE BUSINESS TERMS TENANT BUILDING SIZE SF TERM RENT Dreyfuss Capital Partners 29 8 5 yrs $2,432/mo. ATTACHMENT B Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Memorandum To: Honorable chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Executive Director Date: June 2, 2010 Re: Authorize Approval of a Sublease for Point Source Power, Building 7, at Alameda Point BACKGROUND The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) governing Board approves all Alameda Point subleases with a lease terra greater than one year. The proposed sublease for Point Source Power is for one year, with a one -year option period. DISCUSSION Point Source Power will occupy a portion of Building 7 at Alameda Point. The combined square footage will total 1,205. Attachment A describes the business terms for the proposed sublease for Point Source Power in a portion of Building 7. The rent for Point Source Power is $27,030.00 annually, or $1.74 per sq. ft. in the first year. There is a 3% increase for the option period. The building will continue to be used for clean laboratory, research development, manufacturing, and general office. Additionally, Point Source Power has asked for a Right of First offer (ROFO) for the remaining space on the second floor in Building 7. This will give Point Source Power the ability to meet or exceed any offer the ARRA would receive to lease the remaining second floor of Building 7. If Point Source Power does not respond to the offer presented to them, the ARRA would lease the remaining space to whoever provided a viable offer to lease the remaining space. Building 7 is in good condition. FINANCIAL IMPACT This lease will generate $27,030.00 in the first year. These funds will be retained by the ARRA. Agenda Item #2 -D CUAR RAX C 00 -01 -2010 Honorable chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority June 1, 2010 Page 2of2 Authorize approval of a sublease for Point Source Power at Alameda Point. A copy of the sublease is on file in the City clerk's office. Respectfully submitted i h r z R f Leslie Little Economic Development Director Attachment: A. Proposed Sublease Business Terms B. Site Map ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED SUBLEASE BUSINESS TENNIS TENANT BUILDING SIZE (SF) TERM RENT Point Source Power 7 1,295 1 y r $2,253.30/mo. ATTACHMENT B CITY of ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement commission From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim Executive Director Date: June 1, 2010 Re: Hold a Public Hearing and Adopt a Resolution Approving and Adopting the Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Business and Waterfront and West End Community Improvement Projects for FY09 --10 FY13 -14 BACKGROUND Section 33490 of the California Health and Safety Code, California Redevelopment Law (CRL), requires that on or before December 31, 1994, and each five years thereafter, the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) prepare an implementation plan for each redevelopment project area. The public review draft (on file with the City Clerk) includes the revised Implementation Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project (13WIP) and the West End Community Improvement Project (VVECIP). The administrative draft Implementation Plan was presented to the Economic Development Commission (EDC) for review and comment on April 15. The EDC did not have any suggested changes. T he Implementation Plan for the Alameda Point Improvement Project (APIP) is not under consideration at this time, as this redevelopment area utilizes a different schedule. DISCUSSION An Implementation Plan is intended to identify programs focused on the goals of each Redevelopment Area and is not intended to address specific projects. Any specific projects that may be referenced are for illustrative purposes only to help clarify the range of activities that may be initiated and are not intended to represent an inclusive listing. Additionally, programs and projects listed do not limit the CIC from modifying the plan as needed or as opportunities arise. The proposed Implementation Plan for FY09 -10 FY13 -14 contains the same programs as the previous Implementation Plan and does not contain any substantive changes in policies or scope. The guiding policy documents for BWIP and WECIP continue to be the Community Improvement Plans, Downtown vision, Economic Development Strategic Plan, and the City's Retail Development Strategy. U b li c ..�.H.eartn g A.46. n 4 JteM. A Honorable Chair and June 1, 201O Members of the Community Improvement Commission Page 2 of 2 A public hearing is scheduled during this meeting of the CIC to consider approval of the Implementation Plan. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for the general public to discuss the proposed Implementation Plan in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code. The CIC should then hear any statements or testimony from those present. Following the period of public comment, the Chair should entertain a motion to close the hearing. At this point, the CIC should consider the adoption of the resolution approving the Five -Year Implementation Plan for BVVIP and WEC I P FINANCIAL IMPACT Implementation plans do` not imply a financial commitment to specific projects. Details on specific activities are reviewed annually at the time the CIC budget is adopted. MUNICIPAL CODE /POLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE The update of the Implementation Plan for the BWIP and WECIP is consistent with the adopted plans and with Community Redevelopment Law N akm ameloImI oIr a a 4, akyj AB 1 290 states that adoption of an implementation plan does not constitute a project as defined in section 21000 of the California Public Resources Code. Under SB 732 adoption of an implementation plan does not constitute the approval of any specific program, project, or expenditure. Thus, each specific project, program or expenditure in an implementation plan will be subject to the standard California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review otherwise required at the time of its approval. RECOMMENDATION Hold a Public Hearing and adopt Resolution approving and adopting the Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Business and 'waterfront and west End Community Improvement Projects for FY09 -10 FY13 -14. t Exhibit. 1. Implementation Plan On File in the City Clerk's office COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE FIVE 'FEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE BUSINESS AND WATERFRONT AND THE WEST END COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FY09 -10 FY13 -14 WHEREAS, Section 33490 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), requires that every five years the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda e ("Commission") must adopt a five -year implementation plan for its Community =4.' Improvement Projects; and c e WHEREAS, the Commission has prepared a proposed Five -Year Implementation Plan for the Business and Waterfront and Vest End Community Improvement Projects (the "Implementation Plan containing the specific goals g and objectives of the Commission for the Projects, the specific programs, including potential projects and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the FY 09-10 FY13 -14 five -year term of the Implementation Plan for the Projects, and an explanation of how the goals and objectives, programs and expenditures will eliminate blight within the area of the Projects "Project Areas and implement the requirements of Sections 33334.2, 33334.4 33334.0 and 33413; and WHEREAS, as required by Section 33490 of the Community Redevelopment Law, a public hearing was held by the Commission on June 2, 2010, to review the Implementation Plan and consider and act upon the adoption of the Implementation Plan, and the testimony of all persons interested in the matter was heard; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was published in the Alameda Journal and posted in at least four (4) permanent ,places within each of the Project Areas, once a week for three (3) successive weeks and publication and posting was completed not less than ten (10) days prior to the public hearing as required by Section 33490 of the Community Redevelopment Law; and WHEREAS, the proposed Implementation Plan, together with all information pertaining thereto, was made available for public inspection concurrently with the publication and posting of the notice of the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed and considered the proposed Implementation Plan. Resolution #4.A Jt CC ARRA CIC 06-01-10 NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Commission hereby approves and adopts the Five Year Implementation Plan for the Business and Waterfront and West End Community Improvement Projects (FY 09 -10 FY 13 -14), in substantially the form currently on file with the Commission secretary and presented to the Commission at the public hearing held on June 2, 2010, subject to any further minor, technical, or clarifying changes that may be approved by Commission Counsel. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda in a special Community Improvement Commission meeting assembled on thel st day of June, 2010, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WH EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said Commission this 2nd day of June, 2010. Lara Weisiger, Secretary Community Improvement Commission Beverly Johnson, Chair Community Improvement Commission CITY OF ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission From: Ann Marie Gallant Interim city Manager /interim Executive Director Date: June 1, 2010 Re: (1) Direct Planning Board to Provide Advisory Recommendation on SunCal Modified optional Entitlement Application at June 21, 2010 Meeting, and (2) Set Public Hearing for Decision on Suncal Modified Optional Entitlement Application and /or extension of the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement from Governing Bodies of Alameda by July 20, 2010 0 3 Xg K e J i J D0. 1 NJ lo I On July 18, 2007, the governing bodies of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA), Community Improvement Commission (CIC), and City of Alameda (together "Alameda approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with SCC Alameda Point LLC (SunCal), as the Master Developer for the redevelopment of Alameda Point. The ENA was amended in March 2008 and in October 2008. The Second Amendment to the ENA created a process that allowed SunCal to pursue a ballot initiative for a non Measure A- compliant land use entitlement at Alameda Point and provided that if the initiative failed SunCal would be permitted to submit an optional Entitlement Application (OEA). This OEA would require a project consistent with the City charter (Measure A compliant) that could be processed within. the overall timeframe of the ENA. The amendment did not provide SunCal :with the ability to pursue a second ballot initiative, nor did it contemplate extending the term of the ENA for processing of an oEA. On March 20, 2000, SunCal submitted the Alameda Point Revitalization Initiative (Initiative) to the city. The Initiative included a Charter Amendment, General Plan Amendment, zoning Amendment, Specific Plan and Development Agreement (DA), the details of which were not negotiated with Alameda. on November 3, 2000, when the Agenda Item #4.B Honorable Chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Initiative was determined to have qualified for the ballot, the City Council set the election for February 2, 2010. Prior to the February election, SunCal submitted an OEA on January 14, 2010 as permitted by the ENA. The OEA submitted by SunCal consisted of substantially the same plan and processes contained in the Initiative. On February 2, 2010, the Initiative failed at the polls with 85 percent of those participating in the election voting against the Initiative. On February 4, 2010, Alameda provided SunCal with a Notice of Default (NOD) stating that the OEA submitted by SunCal did not meet the requirements of the ENA because the OEA conflicts with the City Charter. The only way for the OEA to avoid conflicting with the City Charter was for SunCal to either submit a Density Bonus Application (DBA) for the project in compliance with the City's Density Bonus Ordinance, which SunCal did not do, or to seek an amendment to the City Charter through a second ballot initiative. However, the ENA affords SunCal no further opportunities to amend the City Charter. Consistent with the terms of the ENA, SunCal had 30 business days, or not later than March 22, 2010, to cure the default. On March 22, 2010, SunCal submitted a Modified OEA in response to Alameda's NOD, which included a Measure A- compliant project (Base Project) that might be modified at a later date through a density bonus. At a meeting with Alameda staff, SunCal stated that they were not going to submit a DBA. at this time consistent with the City's Density Bonus ordinance because the ordinance requires specific information, such as elevations, which cannot be provided at this stage of the planning process. However, SunCal indicated verbally that they were committed to developing a higher density project that will permit the land uses, units, and density similar to the Specific Plan contained in the Initiative (Density Bonus Option), not the Base Project, and that they would like for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) to include the Density Bonus option. The Density Bonus option is essentially the same land use program as the Initiative with the exception of an increased amount of commercial development and acre of additional park and sustainable uses, such as a solar farm, in the Northwest Territories. SunCal also committed to preparing a master planned DBA at a future date to avoid a piecemeal approach to implementation of a higher density project under density bonus law. SunCal has provided minimal information on the proposed Density Bonus option. SunCal's submittals on the Density Bonus option include: (1) an April 13, 2010 project description letter, (2) a project proforrna provided on April 26, 2010 (Project Proforma), and (3) a subsequent project description letter dated May 18, 2010 (See Exhibits 1, 2 Honorable chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 3 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission and 3). Alameda sent a letter to SunCal on May 10, 2010 stating that the Modified OEA was incomplete and requested that SunCal submit additional documentation on the Density Bonus option with sufficient detail so that it can be reviewed and analyzed by staff and the EIR consultants, as well as the community, Planning Board, and Alameda at the same time as the Base Project (See Exhibit 4). While the Modified oEA technically cured Suncal's default, staff continues to have numerous concerns with the SunCal plan, including both the Base Project and the Density Bonus option. on April 20, 2010, the City of Alameda provided SunCal with a letter identifying some of staff's major concerns with SunCal's current submittal (See Exhibit 5 These concerns were also shared with the Planning Board on May 10, 2010 (continued for further discussion to the May 24, 2010 Planning Board meeting), with Alameda on May 18, 2010, and with the Economic Development Commission on May 20, 2010. Approved minutes from the May 10, 2010 Planning Board meeting are attached (See Exhibit 0) and the draft minutes from the May 18, 2010 city Council meeting are included in this evening's agenda packet. Minutes from the other meetings are not yet available. Numerous members of the community attended these meetings expressing both opposition and support for continuing a relationship with SunCal and processing the Modified oEA. This staff report responds to a number of questions raised by Alameda at the May 18, 2010 meeting and provides a recommendation about next steps for the SunCal Modified O EA. DISCUSSION Responses to 18, 2010 Meeting Questions At Alameda's May 18, 2010 meeting, numerous questions and issues were raised by the governing bodies. The questions and their responses are grouped among the following categories: 1. Project Economics Questions. Can the project financially support the proposed transportation improvements and program, public benefits, including Citywide benefits, and a $108 million land payment to the Navy? Are the assumptions supporting the Project Proforma conservative? What progress has been made on resolving the financial provisions that were included in the Initiative by SunCal (e.g., $200 million cap on public benefits, requirement to use 100% of redevelopment tax increment) Honorable chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 4 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement commission Alameda staff contracted with a real estate economics consulting firm, Economic Planning Systems (EPS), to evaluate SunCal's Project Proforma for the Density Bonus Option. In particular, staff asked EPS to review the residential market assumptions that serve as the basis for the amount and timing of revenue projections in the Project Proforma. The results of their evaluation are summarized in the report, Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review (See Exhibit 7 on file in the city Clerk's office). In general, EPS and the City have concerns about numerous SunCal assumptions, many of which appear to be overly optimistic. overly optimistic assumptions can significantly distort the economics of the analysis and expose the city and the Developer to significant risks. These potential risks include: SunCal cannot provide the financing commitments necessary to implement the project and, as a result, "banks" the Alameda Point land without making progress on developing the property; (2) SunCal commences construction, the project does not perform to the levels projected in the Project Proforma, and, therefore, future phases of development are not completed; and (3) SunCal develops the project, but because the performance of the project was significantly below projections in the Project Proforma, public benefits and transportation improvements were not built to the levels committed to in the approved plan. Table 1, recreated from the EPS report, provides a comparison between key SunCal assumptions and EPS' recommended assumptions: Honorable Chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 5 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission Table 1 Key Assumption Comparison A ssump tion E Y ssump SunCal w�wa P S l© Difference Recommendation Single Family Home $1 $860,000 21 Value per unit in 2014 Average Home Value 6.4% 1 630% Premiums Average Single Fan ily /Townhon e 233 units 176 units 33% .Absorption (per year) Average Multi- Family 220 units 1 75 units 26 Absorption (per year) Single Family Direct Construction Costs (per $115 $130 -12 square foot in 2014) Real Appreciation Home Value 2% 1.4 43% Construction Cost 0% 0.4% 100% Land Leverage Full Partial Residential Land Values $2,5 billion $2.0 $5.3 Million 25 °I° to 45 (p er acre in 2014 If the SunCal market assumptions were substituted with EPS' recommended assumptions, the feasibility of the Project Proforma would be substantially affected in an adverse manner, especially given SunCal's Internal Rate of Return requirements of 20 percent to 25 percent, as stated in the ENA. Additionally, staff has reviewed the cost estimates included in SunCal's Project Proforma and has raised concerns with a number of key transportation and infrastructure cost assumptions. SunCal and staff are Honorable chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 6 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council Honorable chair and Members of the community improvement commission in the process of discussing these concerns. Due to the results of these evaluations, staff and consultants have serious concerns with the ability of the project to support financially the significant infrastructure, transportation, public benefit, fiscal neutrality and land acquisition costs currently included in the Suncal Project Proforma. While in the most recent draft of its proposed DA, Suncal has removed the financial provisions from the DA that were included in the Initiative related to the $200 million cap on public benefits and tax increment financing contingency, this does not change staff's concern about Suncal's ability to deliver the transportation improvements, public benefits and fiscal neutrality envisioned in the Modified OEA. 2. Financing Capacity and Risk of Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Questions: Does Suer Cal have the financial wherewithal to develop the Modified OEA How does the City avoid becoming SunCal's next "Albuquerque, a SunCal and D.E. Shaw project outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico that recently filed for bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure by its lenders? The specific risks described above demonstrate the importance of securing a project that is projected to be financially feasible. while no one can predict with certainty whether a project's performance will be better or worse than projected, higher risk projects necessitate a higher level of scrutiny and likewise necessitate a financially secure developer or developer partner. Section 3.6 of the ENA recognizes the importance of having a financially secure developer or developer partner. This section sets forth elements of the DDA to be negotiated between Alameda and Suncal, including requiring in Section 3.6.4 the use of certain "regulatory and financial mechanisms to achieve completion of the project" including ajppropriate financial assurances, which may include performance and payment guarantees, to assure development of conveyed phases." Typically, where a project is to be developed by a single -asset entity, that entity's owners or financial partners would be expected to provide financial assurances and guarantees to ensure completion of the project. The need for such assurances is particularly evident in the case of a large, complex project involving redevelopment and reuse of a former military base, as is the case of Alameda Point. Examples of such Honorable Chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 7 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission assurances in the context of military base reuse and redevelopment include the following' Tustin. In the redevelopment of the Marine Corps Air station Tustin in Tustin, the single -asset entity developer (Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC) was a joint venture between. two development companies, Centex Homes and Shea Homes. The DDA negotiated between the parties provided for unconditional guarantees of the developer's obligations from the parent entities (Centex Homes, Shea Properties, and Shea Homes) as well as from "any other constituent entity of the Developer requested by the City." Novato. In the redevelopment of the Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, the single -asset entity developer (Novato Community Partners, LLC) was a joint venture between two development companies, Centex Homes and Shea Homes. Each of the developers, Centex Homes and Shea Homes executed the DA negotiated with the City as `developer," meaning that Centex Homes and Shea Homes, the parent entities, secured the obligations of the developer. Hunters Point Phase 1. In Phase I of the redevelopment of the .Hunters Point Shipyard in San Francisco, the single -asset entity developer LennarlBVHP LLC is a joint venture between two development companies, Lennar and LNR. The Phase I DDA negotiated between the parties provided for a guaranty .of all of the developer's obligations under the DDA, executed by Lennar and LNR, the developer's parents. Hunters Paint Phase 1. In Phase 11 of the redevelopment of the Hunters Point Shipyard, guarantees of the single -asset entity developer's obligations are anticipated to be required both on approval of the DDA at the outset of the project, and as approvals are sought to transfer property to the developer during the course of development. The initial project guaranty is to cover specific initial costs, and additional guarantees are required to assume completion of project infrastructure and community benefits. The guarantor must have a net worth of at least $50 million. Treasure Island. In the redevelopment of Naval station Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay, the single -asset entity developer Treasure Island Community Development, LLC is a joint venture between Lennar Corporation and KSWM 1 Staff has publicly available copies of these agreements on file should the Council wish to review any or all of them. Honorable chair and June 1 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 3 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement commission Treasure Island LLC. The development plan and term sheet negotiated set out the content of a DDA, and provided that the DDA would require the developer to provide "adequate means to assure the Authority and the city that [developer] has sufficient financial wherewithal and commitment to fulfill the financial, indemnification and other performance obligations of [developer] The project developer entity for Alameda Point, SCC Alameda Point LLC, is owned by another entity, Cal Land Venture, LLC, which is owned by a Suncal affiliate and an affiliate of investment firm D.E. Shag Co., L.L.C. Given SunCal's recent financial challenges, as evidenced by approximately thirty bankruptcy filings for individual SunCal entities, including a bankruptcy filing related to the redevelopment of the oak Knoll Naval hospital in Oakland and another recent bankruptcy filing related to a 36,000 -unit master planned community in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the city will want to seek assurances that D.E. Shag will provide adequate equity funding and guarantees for the project. Indeed, Suncal requested that Alameda permit a transfer of ownership to D.E. Shaw in 2003, because of SunCal's need for equity financing to facilitate the continued funding of the ENA entitlement process for Alameda Point. Alameda accommodated that request in the Second Amendment to the ENA, executed October 7, 2008. To date, Suncal has provided no assurance demonstrating that D.E. Shaw would continue to fund the project. In evaluating Suncal as developer for Alameda Point, considerations of SunCal's financing capacity and risk of foreclosure and bankruptcy are real and significant, and should be scrutinized in the context of the project risks described above. 3. Economic Development Strategy Questions: What type of commercial activity will be attracted to Alameda Point? How many and what kind of gobs will be generated by the project? Does the commercial business plan promote infra -city commuting by households that are both local residents and employees? These questions remain unanswered at this time. The Modified OEA does not have a commercial business plan or economic development strategy; it provides a development envelope for commercial buildings, a list of permitted and conditionally permitted non residential uses, and a land use plan that locates commercial uses in the same locations as previous plans. For the redevelopment of a mixed -use community at Alameda Point to be successful, staff agrees that the Modified OEA must include a thoughtful economic development strategy and commercial business plan. Preparation of such a strategy is a challenge given the current economic climate, but a vision and Honorable Chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Meuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 9 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council Honorable Chair and Members of the community Improvement Commission economic development strategy should not be an afterthought or a simple zoning designation; it needs to be an integral part of the overall plan. staff has requested, and SunCal has agreed to prepare, an economic development strategy and commercial business plan for Alameda Point. 4. Housing Needs Questions: How much housing has been included In past plans and low does the current SunCal plan compare to past plans? How much lousing is necessary to meet the City's regional housing heeds? Previous Plans In 1997 at the time of closure, the portion of the Naval Air station that is known as "Alameda Point" (i.e. those areas crest of Main Street) included approximately 343 housing units and 1,900 dormitory rooms, the Bachelor officer Quarters (BOQ) and Bachelor Enlisted Quarters (BEQ), as well as approximately 15,000 jobs. In the late 1980 and early 1990s, NAS Alameda had provided up to 18,000 jobs. The 1990 NAS Community Reuse Plan proposed redevelopment included approximately 1 ,050 units at Alameda Point (2,73' units including Alameda Landing, Bayport, and Coast Guard Housing). The 2003 Alameda Point General Plan Amendment proposed 1,928 units. The 2005 Preliminary Development concept proposed 1,935 units. The September 2008 SunCal Plan proposed 4,210 housing units. The March 2010 SunCal Plan "Base Plan" proposes 3,712 units. The March 2010 SunCal Plan "Density Bonus option" proposes 4,845 units. Regional Housing Need In 2008, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) established the most recent regional housing needs determinations for each city and county in the region for the period 2007 through 2014. The regional housing needs determination for Alameda for this period includes a total of 2,040 units. Of the 2,040 units, 482 of the units (24 percent) are Honorable chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 10 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council Honorable Chair and Members of the Community Improvement commission needed for very -low income households, 320 units (10 percent) are needed for low income households, and 392 units (19 percent) are needed for moderate income households. The balance of the units (843 units or 41 percent) may be market rate housing. Given that new construction at Alameda Point would not commence unit 2012, it is unlikely that the redevelopment of Alameda Point will play an important role in providing housing during the current housing planning period of 2007 -2014. However, for discussion purposes, the city has identified 20 sites throughout the City that can accommodate new housing. Alameda Point is one of those sites. As shown in Table 5- 1 in the draft Housing Element, if Alameda Point provides 1,800 new units, the 20 sites citywide could accommodate up to 3,707 housing units, which exceeds the city's allocation of 2,040 by 1,001 units. Although the total number of units would exceed the total number needed, the challenge for Alameda as with all cities will be. the requirement to provide for very -low income and low income households (40 percent of all new housing built). The Base Project and Density Bonus option would both result in the city exceeding its overall housing allocation in all income categories with the exception of units affordable to very -low income households. R ecommended Next Step s As discussed at Alameda's May 18, 2010 meeting, the term of the ENA expires on July 20, 2010. In the event that Suncal. were to complete its Modified 0EA and satisfy the remaining two mandatory milestones in the ENA by July 20, 2010, the ENA would automatically extend until such time as the city acted on the project: either by denying the Modified oEA (which is exempt from CEQA and does not require an EIR) or certifying the pending EIR and approving the Modified oEA. The status of Suncal's remaining ENA requirements is provided below: 1. Complete Application. As discussed above, Suncal has not yet completed its Modified oEA. Alameda sent a letter on May 19, 2010 describing why the Modified OEA is incomplete (See Exhibit 4). At a meeting with staff on May 25, 2010, Suncal stated that they will be responding to Alarreda's letter of incompleteness within the week. Z. Finalized Navy Term Sheet. The Finalized Navy Term Sheet (Term Sheet) is one of two remaining mandatory milestones that must be achieved by Suncal before the July 20, 2010 date, according to the ENA. The Terre Sheet will primarily contain terms and conditions related to the amount and timing of Honorable chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 11 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable chair and Members of the community Improvement commission payment(s) to be made to the Navy by Alameda (through its master developer, Suncal) in exchange for the transfer of land from the Navy. The Navy, Alameda, and Suncal must agree to all of its terms. The Term Sheet will be based on a project proforma negotiated between the Navy and Alameda, in conjunction with Suncal. Alameda has not engaged the Navy in Terra Sheet negotiations related to the Modified OEA because Alameda and SunCai have not agreed on the Project Proforma, which was provided to Alameda on April 26, 2010. As described above, Alameda has serious concerns with key assumptions in the Project Proforrra and cannot negotiate the project's ability to support a significant land payment to the Navy until these issues are resolved. 3. Disposition and Development Agreement. The DDA is the other remaining mandatory performance milestone that must be achieved by Suncal before the July 20, 2010, pursuant to the ENA. Suncal can achieve the mandatory milestone for the DDA if both Suncal and Alameda agree on the form and substance of the DDA or if Suncal submits its best and final offer of a DDA acceptable to Suncal. Given the defeat in February 2010 of Measure B, which is substantially similar to the Modified OEA; the opposition to the Modified OEA expressed at public meetings by some community members; the financial uncertainties and risks of the Modified OEA as described above; and the limited progress made by Suncal on the entitlement application over the last three years, as described in previous staff reports, staff is recommending that Alameda make a discretionary decision by July 20, 2010 as to whether to 1) deny the Modified OEA or 2) to extend the term of the ENA to permit continued negotiations and completion of the EI R. Staff is also recommending that Alameda direct the Planning Board to provide an advisory recommendation to Alameda at its June 21, 2010 meeting on the Modified OEA to help inform Alameda 's decision in July. At this time, staff does not propose a recommendation on ghat action Alameda should take in July. FINANCIAL IMPACT The proposed request does not modify the financial provisions contained in the ENA regarding reimbursement of staff and Alameda third -party consultant costs. Therefore, there is no fiscal impact to the city's General Fund, community Improvement Commission, or Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority budgets. Honorable Chair and June 1, 2010 Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 12 of 12 Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council Honorable chair and Members of the Community Improvement Commission RECOMMENDATION 1) Direct Planning Board to provide advisory recommendation on Suncal Modified Optional Entitlement Application at June 21, 2010 meeting, and 2) Set Public Hearing for decision on Suncal Modified Optional. Entitlement Application and /or extension of the ENA from governing bodies of Alameda by July 20, 2010. Respe tfully submitted, V J Wife Ott D puty City Manager Exhibits; 1. April 13, 2010 Letter From Suncal to Alameda regarding Project Description 2. April 20, 2010 Suncal Density Bonus Option Project Proforma. 3. May 13, 2010 Letter from Suncal to Alameda regarding Density Bonus option 4. May 19, 201 Letter from Alameda to Suncal regarding Incompleteness of Suncal Modified OEA 5. April 20, 2010 Letter from Alameda to Suncal regarding concerns with Modified O EA 0. May 10, 2010 Planning Board Meeting Minutes 7. May 24, 201 Final Report, Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review, prepared by EPS SCC Alameda Point LLC 300 Frank H. Ogawa, Suite 342 Oakland. CA 94612 510.251-0711 April 13, 2010 Bar Email Ms. Jennifer Ott Deputy City Manager Development Services City of Alameda ?263 Santa Clara Alameda, CA 94501 Re: Alameda Point CEOA Project Description Dear Jennifer: As requested by the City in our meeting on April 8, 201 o, SCC Alameda Point LLC "SunCal is submitting this letter for use by the City and its Ells. consultant in preparing the CEQA project description for the Alameda Point Enviromnental Impact Report, Consistent with our discussions with the City to date, SunCal hereby requests that the Alameda Point Community Plan, Master Plan and related submittals included in the Alameda Point Modified Optional Entitlement Application submitted on March 22, 2010 (the "Modified aOEAI) form the "Base Project to be analyzed in the EIR. in addition, Su n Cal is requesting inclusion of a second component of the project description, the "Density Bonus Option," as further described below. Protect" The "Base Project" to be analyzed in the ElR is the project described in the Modified OEA a nd is comprised of the following proposed uses, each as further described in the Master Plan 3,712 residential units, including construction of 3,324 new residential units,_ 202 residential units to be developed in the historic district and development of 186 Collaborative Housing units to replace Current Collaborative Housing units on the site. -7 Of these units, approximate 15 percent wi be restricted "affordable units" as required to meet state redevelopment law affordability requirements, and an additional 1 percent of nearly constructed housing units will be restricted as "affordable units" as required to comply with pre existing City settlement agreements. 4.57 million square feet of conimercial uses. including 262,000 square feet of retail uses. 4,+051.934 square feet of commercial office and business park uses, and 260,000 square feet of civic /institutional uses. All urii t and area calculations described are appc•oxi riiate. The nuriiber of Collaborative Houshng t]jiits i -nay increase to 200 units based on discussions with the Collaborativc. This change would increase thw overall unit count on the site by 14 units. CCIARRA/Cic Exh 'I to Agenda Item ##4-8 Ms. Jennifer Ott April 13, 2010 Page 2 0 604 marina boat slips. a 146 acres of parks and open space. 0 25 acres of land for potential school sites. 0 Three large existing piers. The Modified OEA includes additional information which may be utilized by the City to prepare a description of the Base Project. The precise location and boundaries of the proposed project are detailed on several reaps in the Modified OEA. The land use elements of the Modified OEA are described in the Alameda Point Community Plan and in Chapters 3 and 7 of the Master Plan. The Master Plan contained in the Modified OEA also includes phased transportation, circulation and parking requirements, utilities and infrastructure implementation, design guidelines and development standards and descriptions of public service facilities which should be incorporated into the project description. Section 1.4 of the Master Plan provides a list of objectives sought by the proposed project and Chapter 2 of the Master Plan provides information with respect to ph and legal site constraints. "Density Bonus ontion" In order to promote construction of affordable housing throughout the State and to assist in meeting regional housing need requirements, State and local law require that a density bontis be granted under certain specified circumstances where affordable housing construction is undertaken. Because approximately 25% percent of housing units at Alameda Point will be affordable to comply with State redevelopment law and City settlement agreement requirements, a master developer or residential builder will have a significant economic incentive to apply for a density bonus prior to construction of residential units at the project site. Although SunCal is not obligated to seek a density bonus in connection with the project and the Base Project stands on its own, it is likely that in the future a density bonus will be requested in connection with the development of the project. As such, discussion of the Density Bonus Option is "reasonably foreseeable" for purposes of CEQA.' To assure that the environmental impacts of the project are fully analyzed, it is incumbent upon the City to include in its EIR an analysis of the development project contemplated by the Density Bonus option. The DDA provides Alameda and SunCal with the opportunity to manage the scope and timing of possible future density bonus application(s) applicable to the project site, avoiding the difficulties that could be posed by the City's receipt of ad hoc density bonus applications. As a result, Alameda and SunCal have discussed including provisions in the DDA that will govern SunCalrs option to apply for a density bonus. When ati initial project may involve future expansion, the EIR for the project must analyze such expansion if it will likely change the scope or nature of the initial project or its environmental effect and the expansion "is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the initial project." Laurel Heights Improvement Assn. v. Regents of University of California (1 988) 47 Cal.3 d 376, 396. Ms. Jennifer Ott April 13, 2010 Page In prior SunCal planning submittals pursuant to the ENA (including the December '?008 Development Concept accepted by the City and the Original optional Entitlement Application submittal made by SunCal on January 14, 20 10 (the O'Original OEA SunCal proposed to construct a diverse mixed -use community in which residential density is clustered around a transit hub which includes ferry, bus, taxi and bicycle service. rrhe "Density Bonus Option" S proposes to negotiate in the DDA and to ask the City to analyze in the EIR is substantially consistent with the land plan and phasing described in the original OEA, as further described on Exhibit A attached, with the only modification being the increase in commercial density to 4.57 million square feet to make the commercial square footage of the Density Bonus Option consistent with that described in the Base Project. Under this Density Bonus Option, the Base Project will be modified with regard to number and location of residential units and size of related utility and roadway improvements The total residential units to be developed will be capped at 4,845 residential units, including construction of 4,350 new residential units, 309 residential units to be developed in the historic district, and development of 196 Collaborative Housing units to replace current Collaborative Housing units on the project site. Affordable unit production will be consistent with redevelopment law and City settlement agreement requirements described above. In addition, the location and building intensity of the 4.57 million square feet of commercial uses allowed by the proposed Master Plan have been slightly modified, although the total commercial square footage proposed in the Base Project and the Density Bonus Option remain the same. We believe the foregoing is consistent with our discussions to date, but please contact the if you have any questions or wi sh to d iscuss this further. Very truly ygur s, e A.,,�y E. Freilich, Esq. Land Use Counsel SCC Alameda Point LLC Cc: Ms Ann Marie G a l lant Farina Fait, Esq, Cechy Talbert Barclay, Esq. Mr. Frank Faye Robert Hertzberg, Esq. Kenneth Kecskes, Esq. see footnote 2 above. x x x x i i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:' x v" X.: Q::. •..a•.•.•.•.•.•.•�p� :•:•bf•: s5: ,rf�� ta_ x ..ttti t S 1}:: Yom••••••• X. x i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: I'•'•:•ir:r•:•:•:•. •;]t: f L x x x:•:•. x ,c. x x.•.•.•.• x.•.•.•. x:•:• x x •i•:•:•:•:•:•. •.•i t: X. III k.•.•.•.•.• .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.;.{I i i........... I t x.. x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•: x •.x x X. x. i.•.•.•.• x•.•.•.•.. i::•:•:•:•:• I •:•j ::fir::::: x ::x ..sa �x r :J x x t t •:'1' :ti x x w. u x.:: x..... y h t M a .fez {v n 4 x{ k 1 x 1' x r M1M1 h Mf� e r x r xxFxx,...,... L Y ,d .J e.. cr- W .G ui I �a x IF IN ML I r- f Ul Qq :i r f� SnnCai Companies Draft Alameda Point Density Bonus Option Cash Flow Alameda, CA Financial Summars 04/26f10 Density''lionus Option I_nvwor Summary Project Summary Project D ratirm (Months): Avg, Yearly W.4 Rate Arptinn Total N rtmbr x of"Lots; Market Rae Lots Affordable Lots Avcra t Mafkct hate Nct Iloznc Nice Average Market Rate Hor;m Size Ave,rage Market Rate l et S� Avar°dge Market fate Direm A rage FLT' (including Premiunis): Cry Residential Sales Premeds Gross Commercisl Sales Pro=ds Gross Sales Proceeds (Including Comm, iaahstitutional): fn -Tract Cow: 1&& Builder Sn -Tract Casts ar-d Fees Other Revenue: ffi-,sidendal Escalators Residential Pric° Appreciation Carr rcial Prix Appr edatim C FD Tax fricre- ent Financinz '.`Taster Lease NOI Masts Lease Rzv mion Mai ina Dperatinz bea cue Vl arir a Revm;on Value Total Other Revenue Add_ '.i€ier 17arin Reir �h- eaxaen Lam: Builder Clcsin- Costs Net Sales Proceeds" Master Costs: Land Total L, Cosiz a?:rx IDerno, Site Prep, Onading Stre Txnorcrver=ts Sanitary Se',vrer Ww-erlmoravernm7s Storm Drain Axm itim Special Construction Utilities S6toml CorTin -Rmc r (2t; Fes, Assessrrients Bonds Nl S ubtotal C sul- ts and Engnrcering Maier Cost Tn f3ation ToU Direct Ccas?s Ir€�r�r:CS *wtzt� I'roj= Management G nmaal Admini_- trativc L=1 �d, Close +Froieet Legal Iel, Closing etc. A A&D Loin UPI, Closing, etc. F Lot Salts Master Marketing Prozram m iscellgrico us Dcv c1opment Adminis rAon Servicsm Alarrrcda Debt Service R°t)avmtnt PTUI eCL Burditl I- orert Taxes Total tndh= Cos` Accrai -sidon Development Loan Points Acquisi don Dcvclopment Loan Werest Resc:vt Total Financing Casts Total Cos Pr€rject Profit: Profit Nlar- on Cost: Profit Nla rgin on Revenue: 1 nievrered Project IRR Levered Project IRR A'.a e a :g nS€wr Bonus -Option Assunipst[ons (04- 26 -10) ISO 454 4,841 3,632 1 2 650,914 1,472 442.25 S 1 72.88 S 1+69,405 S 820,090,740 82,5 5 902,6$,720 5SO,595 417,301,016 20,958,898 199 2 36,200,333 44,841,959 2,838,448 15,013,532 9i3,21U47 32,503,989 307 (24,47 S 1,615 .476,610 (I08,500,000) (10 .5 (217,310,527) (38,454.350) (31,675,000) (40,279,0 (231,271.1'93) IX q r% M i (59 0 (119,56 7,014) (27J91 COO) (2 18 1,000) (71,039,449) (1 4 -9,13 ,850) (964,754.384) (13.320A93) (54 ,246) (23,523,464) (3,93 3.333) (1.191,667) 02.504,988) (2..350,000) (16.698.567) (20,12 (17,531,994) (7.977,94 (199,42 3,571) (41 ,36 2 4 4_ (52,413,304) S (1,325,1]91,23) 24.56 20.06% 2..,.33 °�u CUAR RAX C Exhibit 2 to Agenda item #4 -B 06 -01 -10 Printed an 4/2612010 at 7:02 PM. rye CL U), 0 CL 0 T—f co 0 C4 CSI Z. s11flcal compnnits Dan M4 .€s L%wXy tlwsus iO p6O&Ca5,b YWsx Ainnx&, CA iA 7 TpwDad�'v- .3a t3L� i7 SS f a+ y y y '.y B,c 3.0'1 4. 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[8,491,611) cn, �,rzrj 1 �wwa �"I 7Z�4 1: A. :36 0 f W iWk P1r �!M, 54tham M�-6 52 af 99L� 6M344 Cia re VA c °,O64S t7p 10 ,"X Ofs150?c CZ CIAIM#4'a SdwC! rt+s Mcta i WI-0 cvltr:k n ti wi r' c t i n e n CBMUD Bmkja Syltam ca ac'+y S" E RMIJD Waur -Se rvL-a f m;n' b wn C, F-rlrztv q,-- 5� F v�e I r3to Kat:i) m Ott me j] VXIX OLO% capa IIITj F" Cj* nf Ala mpiu Eow &rCipmwaion OTV cf A hrwv.� UbV Pt,� M5&6 0--A 97.7% 3, &32 .1 7a% I= ZZ% ?eg Pqr U nit r"I AV& Peru nit ::Onmf,,Ya5on and Do rh7 Mbr� Dwtfk pff LIAR L"Ac o 34 Kmph g �rT U M r S;gllcLa fd6, Fuly 30 30,694 CA &rt-r Muti� ---fm pmv? Pro C�:3str%olkn n vov�M, ent T.yy F-j b k- A r,- T---Q s -5,n5 w 5,245 7r, t TO w1c C 3 r;::r Cnr..ti: 2,46,7)!97 .5 530 T=i wfccxly�=m SC4 wa,-m 5 R4 JNI: .'MPACT 53 M5,074 5 y I Fa &Z 5,256xf-t a0,00 ED m UD,£ Ca padv a 11125 92atsu! S 4,675-111 ap"M VDW,4fate' *mka I ChA f i4S7,G.'3F az- 1'• ,775 Prva-,n F-1,A ^d I.IsIM �atj<M CPO, g e 249,196 16,074 M,U2 -,&-R Tx r L 7ma 5.226,$7,5 17 IZO a Sewerr Czi: "c*m 1-3;"-049 [8,491,611) 204,517 C; y of Ahm A Sham W tt� r Uffrtv k.. 99L� 6M344 As,4-�J. CZ CIAIM#4'a SdwC! rt+s 3,449 Clr,V;�t Ftt* A,'k,vdablf Hmzaa Fet 13,350 fi7,37•A25 17-161 nsbdl =ee 2_655_%4 2.;-28,112 327,M Dwe.1,11 urt7ax 5,-,03,631 Q6,143 7-29,399 Po' 1,416 !i,179a2 5 3,Axfi lmwil- N r n m Fey 8UM-'ri tlnncaids rw 4,673,865 ei 7' In,= M,5$4 lsi,nt ,643 13!8,R23 16_413 -uP �wArl, Fee n- 13,881,275 %o7,272 nta I W)Q C*ffu 995 57,65ZQ92 S 11�1775-9921 C7,TTvmgnCy T wfCanb,-44r.<y 103 7%497 255 5 65-529.906 5 '12.96.365 ?mductsDTQS I htark� �1� 1 Afforda M5&6 4�655 97.7% 3, &32 .1 7a% I= ZZ% TOW Avg, Pqr U nit r"I AV& Peru nit Total AVI- pff LIAR L"Ac o 34 137,610 S 30 30,694 2S,730 5 s -5,n5 w 5,245 2,46,7)!97 .5 530 LN31ii2 SC4 wa,-m 5 R4 ms,-q5 53 M5,074 5 y I &Z 5,256xf-t 1,111 A,OKO 5 11125 92atsu! S =25 W 49,467 S 462 1,740,4!2 'S 479 (8511(I) 400 1-P7 =85 5 Ir, 02,612-256) .5 167 17 IZO 21,3c-4y's 4,&41 [8,491,611) 2IMA50 2�9s 16,496,479 3t5" 3,449 WNA, 5 S 13,350 fi7,37•A25 17-161 5 2,9163A5 s 64: 2,328,132 641 Q6,143 6fl C,M,mw 5 1,416 !i,179a2 5 3,Axfi 4 S g" 0 a NO M,5$4 163A41 s 16D ,5,183,D47 S n- 4,164,69'3 1,147 1,oiv-2M 995 9311M 5 zo 12, CA 0 20 :A"O 5 20 ,7ca m A-, ImAn 17,276,822 3.711 13,882,279 s 3,322 5,394,544 5 3X-4 a -5 9 ISRISIAIM C 15,IC2 4S 148,1"3,405 44,760 M5&6 -5 Y-5,277_713 5- "t5$ fq F 43,632 s s E.Y1F 5 9,OW,7U2 5 -IM ,-D 4,1 17 92atsu! S [rig (aS,4211 pa) (8511(I) 194 O- L-604-Q45) (4fi4 02,612-256) .5 'Is, 12 qy JZ,992,SM) (7.9�) 112,381 [8,491,611) (2,351,772) (13AI-11N Pei 5 q's M) a (155 +7 ?9 ,485) (M) (223 NO IiD,230) (17) q 4,852 (LM) -1 972911 110.2g2) 333,300 s -W 107,-Sl0 5 30 nm j 30 S'Oss lgxss,(:im S 4,675,11.0 44,�710 7-497,n7 530 U29,122 5 504 6",775 $24 248•196 53 135,07-', si 63,= 7 «%.5231 41 ,9 1,-40,432 4n 2"�517 zw 145 SC6 5-" 167 35321 3e 4,476,541 1,232 -S 2,�SS,"4 5 571 5 C41 327,372 321 -SIMIfni 12.59 5'rg'm 1,426 729:9`) S 713 4,164,M s 1.147 509,182 19S '?.640 5 2-3 :0 MA23 IS 16.173 a 17 1,697,972 1"S3 17, 073 905 s S 12 .676 C� c, m k t� C-_ CP% ;ni "i �6 t't v -1 IF 4 01 00 -XII 0c; lu-� to% e- rn -�ZE �Zlo r �R 1' t- Cc ot), V� cz) Ln 'R �L' -e '—e R R uY. 5t7 6 -M C-1 C", m cq tri kZ 14 ;A VI 4A 41'r t^ -;Iq AAl- �q soli �0' rwi 13 wp 4p� 4�o --f 4�'q W" CID 2 rA tfbi r"T en cn e--� m m zFi t- rq vl� 7 V-' �l CD V� I C, 9 1�31 Irl t44 00 m� ri 'qz" nN rl fl� 41 1-4 ir$ G6* -i4 C il, J=; a V_- ee4 fd s gJT W} 40y e--; I-n s g 5? i� En C4 R M ix ce;l 4= t-: g' Cli Cli C� Ln Cq U cm Z"l lzz� k 4 cz T11 �14 -3 °)c C 4n I=x ZX �N NO rl- xn �o �77 F Sk 'A QU -in r" "T cc 14 G m tfY ellv eq m C-4 4 t-4 E'a cc I- ri 64 i^ 64 403 V Qq "E 411 Vr 4iwq Cz 8 -2� It C:i 1 $r. it En no "4 ll.� rz 14 <11 klll C:� rf� C14 KM N Trl ;4 N v C14 t4 "T m -N �c IC Cb 31 cc rn C-4 -4 �q L^ lrt i, orx cli r-� rl' t0' oc� ION W, "I go CA ;4 8 x eq Cti vi %I C> �g '10 f t Z A 8 to C) �Z� te r4 r-k M W Cr 'J4 f"w ot� xelt I-S lt'4 60k $o �D ✓04 In 6'3 :7� '7� =1 C� cl� C� C> C�C� ci 4 -n rn cl C-4 rl� 00 6 e� �'n �-4 .4 m 00 tY- �4 m- W do QQ r- rl- V7 '4k C'P's t-� tr t4 t!'A M I F F5 8 8 6 8 &4 1.4 41! -64 2z C� Cy 9�f -z' -n t I-; =1 rli W* f 'rn rei 1=': n cl�' ol� lr� 01 Lr7 C4 tq -it 4'�:4 C'< 00 r4 w rz v�� cz� '24 4 f-'. t- 0� -r C4 t--' r4 C�4 U-) rn I C V� oc� �4 4: r-' Z67+. cn to 4 C� �r 00 n -'C� e-; 'q� r-� 4t m V�l 1A VI *q Vey 4s ip, C^1 WY 14 lot g 'z' Gti ar a, t-S to 'n lzi CAS CAF C't kn c"T '4 Vi e"� =CS Lr; rn "w% to% 4^ .4 4A V 4'13 14� 4"), 6.s 9A 44 j� tat H I z j .r z tit r. Z Z Zn a es tS V, 0 5 r 4n i�' •-Z �z A: Q In C.1 it o ac 2 Z3 r. cs o rA CC cq t-M N Il lq� cl� 'N' 6 m W) C4 r- rn I-D C 5 C:D t= cn cl- I-h S c Zn 'e 55 5 ---5 l� r:.- 1-4- C4 wxr wwY wy o WE C-4 C^p "T C� Ci C� C na N C� u s C) Cl lz C Q e> 111, C11 W� Cs -no d CA C;i r- kn ilk rA CC Sr iti tz 6 c,, �q c-i F- c� ri Z 6 c ir, -n wi ei 5 fn ci 66 t 60 IZ 4=1 �-o C� 00 -,1, W� ;M '0 r- IrIL 01, t- 0� "r �o r- CN 1%41 r- 145 ",a -r "r -V VI- SC, CD t'. r S M %r, 00 cl- t, x w eq 1r CI4 to 00 C, ke) kt" tn 00 1 w tn I-ID C1 C-- C> N 00 00 �n W rq m m r- r%4 m fri C oo *t sn C11 C� 00 In m C.� rf. let t-: C; C 4 C114 t:51 et-- Cfr P.- -r ..w In Sr" Z 44 rz 00, rq 1=1 G L- wl -,r Z=� r 4n C, 1-1� I= w a t-- �n N 'D v, 00 00 00 r4 S 7, tr? 00 tr r 00 tn C4 v m m c C-- t- -D In M C-- o CD WI Cs M �r t'4 N 00 L-I �i c■i i ri c* e+ u nc fri ri M ri rz kri %r C'. .A C> W-, cn, CM C'D 5,c L" xn C f� 6C ON 41, 7 05 CD -6 00 0 S� �n V- of cq C> ICI r,3 -,T C-Z' 06"6 6 ozC t e 06 GS Pz 74: Fl— Tt e-4 ke. tri q-. C� --p W1 n ui N cl� lu� r C"L C� lz� �Ii Ct --i --N CON kn cc rll�- T I Tr u 0 3 ;�t 47 3 44 sn 1-11.) fn C 0 M fn In r- CM Aver CT C4 CD o, W� E F� I A A F F t E A 1 E F E ew�w A j F 1 E E 3 1 -4' 4{ rq 3 E ;oj a 9 p ci- 1�-4 W_ M '.0 oo I I 00 f n r-- 4M f�— 00 ke'l 2 t 111 666 M s F I a 9 U—. ell a rn V- C- it 4 -nzl CIA Ko _In� CD r- 00 --:1- f'4 cr eq C� C', I�rL CZ V- 04 00 t-- t7- C,' �n rq CN M 4 C'4 -4 -D r- r-- '"""e CN� r1i *.0 14 Sr iti tz R R .A 41, 7 05 P ri u 0 3 ;�t 47 3 u tl Z Sr iti Oa -4 q. j i y (T.}' f�T's C Zi C C, l6r I'D r-y c� MT r 6 4 A a 1 9 F I I r p 9 1 t S 1 9 t I I F z C7 Ci C� C� --T Cl- cl ei -,T 4z cc W, t-- M 010. Le 1 ri C� E CS r7 r� _71 C" -T t- t' a %.D C; r�' C M Cj Cj :X n N w 00 M m r- -11 to [N CN t� C, n t-- 10 kn t� M W T oc al W r-, "0 C 'n, Let 6 -t: z C F t-I C3 cz t- i. R fn C7 R d7 gn r4 m do t14 t14 fri �m tr rl- W 171 to t*- vr CN to C:r ;D R R czY V" C> cc %S m aft c- a 'o C; 6 tr C4 r-: rr 7 7 ol� Iq "i Cfi rlt t"i I Vs C4, i r I-D �n v C> w3 t C M C 00 r 4-- r tl* W kel W t tl z Cq r- Ir'q N f'j U Z" -c "D r e4 4 M M r- to rq S 3 a ^I Ln C:> -T r 6T'7 U-1 CN m 111.13 w ON *�n m C� C3 C:� -,I- C� 5 'n c,- c, all tl- 'Ac C4 M 'n, (14 CV M cu, oo 0, c4 Ln t-- WN IZ In �'D 0� C� le, ire �s CAF r F- Cs aWa Ca d C+ r Cf CL C6 0 LV C) lz CL CIA V5 5 z. U. ...1 e� i t C.Y Y w F Y '✓1 r'S' 0 Cl CL C6 0 LV C) lz CL CIA SCC Alameda Polint LLC 00 Frank 11 k 0 MWL'i, S U I tC '_3 4 2) Oak1and. CA 946 1. 5 1 0.2-5- 1 s 0 1 �­vl a v 10 And.revv '-F 1-iomas P1;c,tnnin,,, Sevvice,f,; _!,%v1ana Cit of Alameda J,,.2631 Santa Clara Avetitle Alan-ieda CA 94-501 1, Po'vit CF e t jjiLs YLiLo f-or F ens—i Bonus 'tion 0 Dear AlidretA. Per VOUr 1VOUCSt. S(,'(_'_' Alanqeda 11oint L.L(" t-SuniCal" is subti-1,itfino this letter and the enclosed ma s huormatuon rc2and'nu tlh Dens" tv Bonus Option for use.ui preparin terical as s the Projec e c p i -i fi '0 r h Alarineda Noint 1­11R� Density Bonus Sun(-"al has previt�%,uslv providec Mift-m-i-nat ion 011 tht- Base Pr and the L 4, i L 'NO11 for th Project" aiid this i-rd')nnation ;s reflecle"' 'n the Notice of Preparation e Alameda y on A pri 1. 0 10, Point P ro ll ect S h i_-SLICd t') te it 4� f., z_ i "I. Y Sun Cal inlen Is Io (le r Atanieda Point as a transit-orik,.lnted plan Lis HILIStrated b the proposed Densit BOrILLS The Ba.(�,e P'ro-ectl is a J-1-1-st st eo in the entittenient process toward J achievir, 6A. Bo 01%lon. 'If le Densi1v Bof'.Ius Option, whicllil is a.111ore transit- oriented, sustainable t. t; 1, j1%"Ilect. is achle'vable oi 1v th u(1h a lication PP ,F- ILIS H t3om ofdenst'L, bo- 11 a Nv �_s Tl-ie Dens� �v I Is Opticl, �is iiot the sub j e(A of the current entitlement -A a resen application, but ha,,s: a i-eed by the Cit arAl Sui-iCal o rep, 1'easibledevelopmerit sccna heAlaii:1eda Po'nt 12IR r-10 1ecl U11 11 Ill-I Lt SIS 111?l 1 i The, Base fli­ is the sub 4 4 of Su Cal,"_S lklodifiec Optional _Eiifitlememt app licat ion and provides in residential U!, P ff 3Cr'C( CC, -C) Consistent With the l ;Mchn16tvo­19dwefl and i iiix-,d USC a I I n 0' re, Jd e i t m C I C1 U /'I I AV re (.4 'N. CC/ARRA/CIC Exhibit 3 to A Item #4-B 06=01alO H 1� 'I Mr� A r nd-eviv Citv of-Aflalnechr,,[ May 18, C' Pa Attached to Uhiis letter ,,lre ffle fi t-able ai-A diaurrams providing, additional detail re(yardil-I(L-1 VIC SC()'-'I:e i)fCI-k­_Ve` proposed bv ,S int', al un 'er the Dens1tv Bomts Opt' Z�I IJ Ci I loll: I 1,0LITC kIlUIV�1- P A S M,� I 1 1. m al bU'Idino types. en,,pr)-h cable development IAM(y i -I I '4., H. se� -orlh fl-le "iflo-"Ved I L. I afA i u V h1HII Zill,-id l mt,-is�nli.o for, ea',.Al L. -1 hno Ivpe, sct-,Jnoi, I`ni-th residential. bloicks rl� Ill _11. -n L k. I I N k_ CIaLlffA s bililt exai ples and development tn' 'StIndkircli's i6or eachk bui.10''mu Set forth. be'oA,p, 's :�,i il-0-ter deCC-ript-,o ol n I i.11�itv Bonus Option develo n.ien.t scenario. P J 0 1 1 LO C-1- 1 1 Of CKH. I.I. o h 's 1. V 9 3 tt:1-It �Fa arneda I nt would not exceed C-1 IYL i Cie I Under the Dle I f3ALI-S CID-6ol), n -icludie a ranoe of hoLisini�), types 4.845 ne an w d rcsvdemkal units I'Md v h otild I I 10 111 0 cler,,irai 'iainfl and ein.N�dd d g ara g e. As includin con-1pared. w'uh th.:2�, Pro eel., hous"'Un uilder t1he Densit 13011LIS Option, development scenario WOUld bC CIUSICM11 in IhIt'dier ciensities arourld. lfie pit 's niulti -niodal transit hub. and would be r Iransit-orie CII a less dense 1,91 1,11,10e _-wtyi i t:-q_1, re "�,s, Faeflitat' �nte development t. the site to increase ption also 'LIS 0 transit rIGIC'nSfIllp 111-119d Si 1-112, C, -C,, C, C 1,11.10,21 IF, I _L Q I Densit 3on -lun I laiiii'v h nov [(.x.r consIrLICtI. IL.Lc A provides 11hc- oil of, fOUSI'la at -Alai eda Point. pr id' ov in I's nt 6. 1. g reater C1. aH,()WJA)I` tv than is achic able un-der. the Base�Project J and fa-cilit,tAt'j-H) 6 dev� i0p,11- i'l of ,-1 var:etv (N-17ho'using,- tyy)cs SUitable 1'or a rari (Wa an&tncome "'CO ucrate, low or ver S a A g l-OLI P S DFACTU-I.-CH-110 SU11' res ich f: VIUX _ci L I R, .11- 1 inconn,._. -ad- Lis are r,,�ropo X! 1LUICII all a 4 sed On the aft ned DeasltvBon Option L.and U'se .1"'viap. IICSC 111,e to CoCitall'i Ifier I W 111 (1 i nii t and development i ntensi, -ties: !-incfes f rn 4.1 to I U kC di 1 k VN, a L. e -C I ensltv f'. ro ow V se ai t -iiiHv detached and zero-lot fine j LICA", In s i i "i tu -a i 10, ved, chmtial densitv ran F-orn 4.4 to e s e a e,,a s, in Medittirpi Dcnls*l,l R,-oldeilfial I a"ovvalbl es-I I t -it On 0 he bui] Fat, acre. dincy tvpes allowed in Low i LL ge owl., fiouse, S TV Is, i-ar mall town. hOLIsel, tvves,,Ire allowed. Medwrlii .1 'I'A��11 De sits R es i'om- 17 to 40 -1� U L I AJ I- P. M .1 rc,�tn r -1, 1 L��],-,--`-"---,rc- CMI,duensl I R 11. C Ad'k %.s (aflowed hi. Med' i r t 0 1 C 'an flats buildino t are n s, nlulti-f illv A-Jel I I v �-C §011 ble nfial densitv ranges 'from 30.1 to High Dgn,,;'!v JResldc-nq'al 1 1" 1"n.esc,2, are., s dh.e aflovva rec* 'e tv allowed.in Medluill dal-acre, hn ai'ldfi`on to The builafino i(-Y I i ential areas., embedided g ara(le 1)uitdin t 4.1 to dien Re-t-'se I sit ran fi '1 le all liotising types permitted in I I U 1111 I.-A. C, s n A IV i ht i r e a I allowed buildin uses is e n.-, oura o,ed and, 1 11, 1 x o Mixed-Use -n ilese 'Aff"C-C, ka, -naitted in 114)k Densit t P l S 1-1i C -1 1`1 U e "'he, ttdild' pel. a-eas. i-%n,-,,RJi-flat re identias,-1 over rellail, tive-�vork and C 1 11. '1v detached, .;C1, re 'i UJL S'J11rNf' n L duplex c C g v a r -�covi-hoLise bu'ldin types would not be 41NU or L -1-H-0 'In This "Fcat. VC i T Com-1-iiercilld an,.d. I t,:4 i C I I I 0 n a .,,A L I V �Y- L k- .?III L C11 ooil-'n -1 C n The 1-1)en,,sat 1.31ont,,;sr Opti d 4he 11as�, P i ?L i i,:-n e at iount of coni-t-nerc *1 al. �-`He OCF. e k, I Ice, man-af", -in�4 and.civ* ia -1 -01 nt�-C, ").-I I developm.ent I'C-11003 11,11CILidl Lo, 'i,eia... act U: r,----,,! 1[i oil 0.1 11OUSIn USe, and 1.46 aicrcs of and -�v-en Space, v ininorca d c i �1- us Nis i Pr eci a i n ons st UllitS, the (N.11'ckvin �vee!l Hli�l 11C S 1, US. COMI-Ilel'Cial s of S11(flit ii -reet `1 ay he numl ets, d.e distri'MIL1011 0 4, k Al �0. on a ven plannim area),, -11 el"I. S foota lm-c` and A M. Lt Il I t V the locatiort A "atnedL I %.d-evelopnient A'flhc At ric, Pognt re We appreciate the v 0 act me bL e -O(ms a 11I.Se, 1 -F a,s..c cllo not hesitate- to contL pro to StUdii, d Lind r Cf,,". A. As fqi ue.:,L d re t I cc. 10r, Firai-ik. V4 S1,11 1 "5 r O'Vk�l r i (At Is, J,.--nn.' "I I w 00 r 10 22 8 41 4-4 4-j 4-4 4-a 4 4-$ 4-j CL CL CL a- CL fu V3 t/I Ln Ln Ln 0 Ln CL 0- 0- CL kn Ln Ln LO Ln Ln r-4 0 Ln E E E E E E E E =3 E x x x x x x Z CL uj <40 Ln. VI ui 3: -C Lu W 4-J 4-J to 0 4-A Ln ro E LL E LL m 4-J x W FE CC I w 00 r 10 22 8 da. 4-J CL (Yi LL LL. LL LL U- V) LL LL 0C) 4-J CL CD C) 0 CD '0 0 0 0 x E m r-i 0 L- 0 a 0 ai _0 CL 0 LL U- u- E LL Ln U- co W CL 0- QJ VI VI V) CD 0 U 0 CD 0 a CD CD 0 V) Ln 0 aj u E m pp pipp.., V) Ln A S— 0 C) CL C) CO m ui Ln Ln (N a) W W Fo -a A Ln Ln (f) 00 00 E CIS tl� bD c V) v w r%j w M m H E (U -C ce- :3 to 4-1 Z> tl Z7 En to 4-J (3) 4 LLJ u. LO LO 1.0 cv 4 v 4-J ,a u u u u Ln 0 cu as E a) E aj w C) 2i LU 4-j Ln 0 E E E E E x E 4-a Ln 0 4-J 0 0 u 0 u 0 u 0 u 0 u L- U. ti -C 4-J u CL CL cc 4-� w CL cc a x LLI I Q) 0 0 u O 9 Cl I+- 0 iE a) a) ca 4- a) 0 0 0 "No 0 a) -0 0 0 2 Ul) 0 cl 0 m E E 0 4-0 W 0 m =3 C� C) E E io co 0 C14 a) C) U') co W ui -_j ui LU LU C/) co LU CO LU LU Lu cr_ LL LL- Lu CIO x LLI I Q) 0 0 u O 9 Cl C4 ce X LU 05 L- m I o iz a x ui ton _u Ll- 4-- CC 0 w .j CL D UQ clz LL LU C. LL LQ LL� P ili LU CO co cl-, lij LQ cl� co !E 0 CL L) ca 0 E 0 0 A D-J 4--t C 4 03 0 (A co cy) .,o O N 0 C:� 0 4) L.0 L- 4- -C -0 m E E u m 0 D E E 40- En cr) cr? CY) -r- zz C4 ce X LU 05 L- m I o iz a x ui ton _u Ll- CC w .j CL D UQ clz LL LU C. LL LQ LL� P ili LU CO co cl-, lij LQ cl� co C4 ce X LU 05 L- m I o iz a x ui ton _u Ll- 2.4. Wk u GAO im WN I I 0 P-0 -j pL kT 0 LE 70 CU E 0 0 U) (D 0 CO 0 m E E 0 n :5 c) C) E E ui CO 2 E cn D 0 m z Lu cr U frl LLJ LU Lu CO, UJI Cl) LU LU LL LL Lr- co 2.4. Wk u GAO im WN I I 0 P-0 -j pL M ry Ov, g5 I I WN ev WN. 0 0 26 >1 r_ vd LL I CO C) 0 J 0 lZ CL 4— 0 ca 4- 2: Co E a) 0) C: O a J co a) co 0) 0 to 0 0 co L- 4- 0 LL 4- U) 0 ca E :3 m W 0 M C) C:) I >1 E E .j N c C: co 2i E z Cl) W z LU cr, 0 Ql- �W .j LU kZ Ll UJI LLJ W w N LL Lu co M ry Ov, g5 I I WN ev WN. 0 0 26 >1 r_ vd LL I CO C) 0 J 0 lZ CL evb::l pme:r o -.an M, ,tea. aye I )JIN 0 !E Lu ee- .774 awl W.W moo" .j Lu RM MW e l" -0, W r. Co YN, I a cla c i.� s VIM 4— CIO 0 0 (1) co 0 I. Q cu 4-4 cn C) E E C� v 0 ca CL. M, ,tea. aye 0 Lu .774 M moo" .j Lu LQ LU CL. 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Li- cr, OR W u 0 C) 4,J 75 cic C) 42) Cl EL uj M I W >1 w 0 u c) W Z) m r_ (D 4-� 0 LL 0 W 4 C L) m 4- co E E m E E 0 LO 2E E Lu w cl a LU PO co x 0 0 I<. :zt L cr" Cl EL uj M I W >1 w 0 u c) W Z) m r_ (D 4-� 0 LL P P .M.. D h h.. d.6t:d I 9 1> c in Rw 0 0 w LL 0 0 C) Lli x No w 0 0 .j U. (D '0 Co c z D DC 0 a) CL 2 4- M CL uj 0 0 U) C) :3 U) CO 0 Z LU 0 U. U. 0 6 a LU W Wow CO Lu Ld I 9 1> c in Rw 0 0 w LL 0 0 C) Lli x No 7& 41- rz V-1 x uj I WWI 3� 0 0 m 0 u LU C< u 'EL I 0 E 2 C: a) Q3 0 L 4-4 w (n co m U-) 0 cn z LU LIJ LU LU CL U- z 7& 41- rz V-1 x uj I WWI 3� 0 0 m 0 u LU C< u 'EL I x LU rZ Im im WN I m 0 u LA UJ ma CL RP Lr- Q3 -a CY) (D 0 4-0 Co 4-4 _0 U) E 0 D s- 4- CD (D c w 0 (D U) in Lo c C LU Lu ZD i> C/) cr Lo co x LU rZ Im im WN I m 0 u LA UJ ma CL RP Lr- Cit of Alameda Caliform'a 2 Ma 19, 2010 SCC Alameda Point LLC c/o SunCal Companies 300 Frank H. O Plaza, Suite 342 Oakland, CA 94612 Attn: Steve Elieff Re: Notice of Incompletenes Re "Modified Optional Entitlement Application" submitted b SCC Alameda Point LLC ("SunCal') Dear Mr. Elieff: This letter provides Alarneda's. determination that the "Modified Optional Entitlement Application" (the "Modified OEA")' submitted b SunCal to the Cit of Alameda on March 22 201 as modified b a letter submitted b SunCal to Alameda on April 13, 2010, entitled "Re: Alameda Point CEQA Project Description (the "NOP Pro Description Letter" and subse discussions with SunCal at weekl meetin between. March 25, 201.0 and Ma 6, 201 is incomplete. On April 20, 201 Alameda sent to. Suncal. a letter p initial comments on the Modified OEA, the Su.nCal. Proforma, and the Project Description Letter. Nu merous comments and q uestions concernin the OEA were included in that letter, as well as. in the st report for the Plannin Board's Ma 10, 2010 meetin Staff has received: verbal. responses rom u C I �to e f S. n a a number of the q uestions. and. comments alread posed, as well as. some written inform provides tion. Alameda will need to. receive a formal, written response from SunCal:that either the re informa or refers Alameda. to cl.ocuments:SunCal has submitted. since A pril :20, 201 that contain such information. Alameda also acknowled t recei �of S �u C 11 s ..n a Ma 18, p 2010 letter re the Ala Point CEQA Project Descrip for the Densit y Bonus Option and will review its contents. alon with SunCal's formal, written response. to assess the completeness of the application. The Modified OEA submitted on March .22, 2010, presents a 3,712-.unit "Base Project. As submitted, the Modified OEA also .includes the ri to pursue densit onus,: but. pro.vdes:no i additional detail a to how a dens bonus would be i or h.ow it mi chan the character and densit of the Base. Project. In subse meetin Alameda Cit staff expressed its concern over the lack of detail concernin the densit bon u provision in the Master Plan and with how potential piecemeal" densit bonus ap licatio .ni fu p nsn0amentall affect the nature of the project S.un.Cal proposes be developed at Alameda Point. In.response SunCal provided additional detail on how it intends to pursue a densit bonus. SunCal The Modified OEA was submitted pursuant to the Alameda Point Exclusive 1 Ne A b and amon the Cit of Alameda (Cit Communit Improvement Commission of the Cit of.Alameda ("CIC" and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit ("ARRA” (collectivel "Alameda" and SCC Alameda Point LLC, as amended the "ENA" Communit De-velopment Department CC/ARRA/C IC 2263 Santa Sara Avenue, Room 190 Exhibit 4 to -Mameda, Cahfornia 94501-4-477 510.74T6800 o Fax 510.747,6804 o TDD 510.522.7538 A Item #4-13 explained that rather than pursuing a piecemeal" density bonus application as provided .for in the [Modified OEA Faster Plan, SunCal indicated it planned to seek a master den sity bonus option, pursuant to which only the master developer would have the option to apply for a one time project-wide density bonus; which option would expire if.. not exercised prior to commencement of any development .ors the project bite; SunCal further ex that this master density bonus approach (the "Densi Bonds optio is envision b ..y Suncal tee permit development of a land use plan similar but net identi to the Specifib Plan oortained in the ballot measure put before. the voters. of Alameda in February 2010 the "initiative Land Use Plan and that its Density Bonus Option plan is SunCal's preferred de�relopn en approach. While SunCal did submit a. letter. to Alameda (the "NOP Project :Description Letter.") on April 13 2010, confirming its intent with regard to the D en s ity Bonus option and pro additional information about the option,. the. City and the comrrunitr need the sane level of information about the Density Bonus ptibn as is provided .for tree Base..Proect in theoctified O and supplemental materials. provided by SunCal. This in forrna�ion includes, for example development standards .an d guidelines-; h street of s treet, transporta public safety and utility improvements; :r o f historic re..sources- affordable housings parking standards; and development of pedestrian and bicycle paths•an{d other public amenities, in addition to other aspects of project implementation. Alameda will alao need an afforda ho usin n, similar gp to that provided in the City's Dens ity Bonus Ordin The City requires. this add.itiunal information not only to clearly rtieulat� the distinctio s between the Base Project and the De nsity Bn!n option, but also to. be able to fully. analy both development approaches of the llloalifiedEA and to fully negotiate a DeUelopmant Agreement/Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) concerning the l ladified B t: This information can be provided through a supplemental..Master Plan :or may bye: provided hrou g some other mechanism as. long as .the. Density Bonus option is fully explained. and the distinctions between the Base. Project and the Density Bon�,s Option are c articulated Staff requests. the additional information needed, as described above, to be rovide b 5�unCal in written form. p y The NOP Project Description Latter provides. so ne. eneral information about the n D g e sty Bonus Option. It presents the. residential unit count f the Density: Bon option as 4;545 units, confirms that the Density Bonus option is. substantially :consiste Stith" the Initiative Land Use Plan, and explains that the significant differences are an increase in comrnercial..develo rneht to 4:57 million s u ar from 3.80 million square feet r p qua e feet i the Initiative ve Land Use Plan one. additional acre of open space to be provided as compared with the initiative Land Use Plan, and the provision for a solar farm or other green technology on the Northwest Territories. It also attaches an illustrative reap showing land uses fo the project site and depicting the ..residential densities :permitted in specif'id ai -has. Dover, because the map is illustrative, it is unclear hots residential density ultimatelyrould be distributed across the project site. The NOP Project Description Letter indicates that residential density wou Id be generally clustered around the ferry terminal and transit hub, but no specifics as. to the location of varying densities are provided, however, nor are any minimum densities are provided. 2 Re4arcys, 'X n dre as tanning Services Manager Co ies as provided in ENA: SCC Alameda Print LLC c/o Su.nCal Companies 2392 Morse Ave Irvine, California 92614 Attention: Marc Magstadt SCC Alameda Point LLC c/o SunCal Companies 2392 horse Ave Irvine, California 92314 Attention: Bruce Cook Cal Land venture, LLC c/o D. E. Shag Co., L.L.C. 120 vilest 45th Street Tower 45, 39th Floor New York, New York 10036 Attention: Chief Financial Officer Courtesy copies: Alameda City Council Alameda City Hall 2253 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 95401 SCC Alameda Point LLC c/o SunCal Companies 399 Frank H. ogawa Plaza, Suite 342 Oakland, CA 94612 Attn: Army Freilich 3 City of Alameda Califol riia ����Y'� -:.n S�� 1 gyp �;�t April 20, 201 SC Alameda Point LLC c/o SunCal Companies 300 Prank H. ogaa Plaza, Suite 342 Oakland, CA 9461 Attn: Steve Elieff Re, Comments on "Modifi optional Entitlement Application" by SCC Alameda Point LLC pursuant to the Alameda Point Exclusive Negatiation Ag ree b and among the City of Alameda (City"), the Community Improvement Commission of the Cif of Alameda CCIC"), and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority ("ARRX) (collectively, "SunGai" as "Alameda" and SCC Alameda Point LLB ame a me n ded the "ENA') Gear Mr, Elieff: On March 22, 2010, SunCal submitted a "Modified optional Entitlement Application" to the City (the "Modified OEA SunCal subsequently submitted a project proforma .t Alame on April 8, 2010 (the unGal Proforma as well as a letter entitled "Re Alameda Point CEQA Project Description" (the "Project Description Letter on April 1 3, 2010. Alameda understands the Modified oEA is intended to amend the "Original oEA submitted by sunCal on January 14, 2010. The C ity determined that the Original 0E.A was not an optional Entitlement Application within the meaning of Section 7.1.6 of the ENA and that .SunCal was thus in default under the ENA for failure to achieve a Mandatory Milestone by tine appl cable date set forth in the Mandatory Milestone Schedule of Performance, Accordingly, Alameda issued a Notice of Default on February 4, 201 Alameda will acknowledge, in separate correspondence, that SunCal has cured its default under the ENA with the submittal of the Modified OEA.. Alameda has reviewed the Modified OEA, the SunCal Proforma, and the Project Description Letter, and sets forth in this correspondence a nor exhaustive list of further questions related to these submissions. Can March 22, 2010, 3unCal submitted a "reservation of rights" letter to Alameda dated ?larch 7, 2010 (the "March 17 Letter The March 17 Letter sets forth SenCal's disagreement with the Issuance of the Notice of Default "NOD Alameda gill respond to the March 17 Letter in separate correspondence. Office of the City Mana 22 Santa Clara Avenue, Roam 320 =Janneda, California 9450 --4477 510.747,4700 Office e Fax 510.747.4704 TDD 510=522.7533 Exhibit 5 t o Agenda Item #4. 06 -0 -ol O SunCal Companies Steve Elieff Density Bonus option April 20 2010 Page 2 of Two Project Descriptions. The Project Description Letter presents two different development concepts: the 3,712 -unit "Base Project and the 4,845 -unit "Density Bonus Option," SunCal desires that the City approve both development concepts, leaving it for SunCal to later chose which concept actually will be d'evelopec 'How does SunCal recommend the City and community best collectively chart a course for the future of Alameda, given the uncertaintj about which of .the two development concepts SunCal proposes developing at Alameda Point? What role will the City and community play, if any, in deciding between the Base Plan and the Density Bonus Option? Density Bonus Percentage. Neither the Project Description Letter nor the. Modified CEA describe which type of density bonus SunCal Mould seek under the Density Bonus Option, 'what type of density bonus will SunCal be seeking, and can SunCal provide more detail regarding what it intends to build and where under. the. Density Bonus Option? Allowable Densities, Under City and State density bonus regulations a maximum bonus of 35% is available if a developer sets aside a certain number. of units for affordable housing, for a maximum density of 29.units per acre, unless the City approves a density transfer. The Density Bonus Option prepares residebtial densities greeter than 29 units to the acre, including development of .up to 50 units per acre. .(Project Description Letter, Fxhlbit). How does SunCal propose, consistent. with. Alameda's Density Bonus Ordinance and State Density Bonus .lair to allow a future developer to transfer density under the density bonus regulations and construct residential units at densities of 50 units per acre? Transportation and Sustainabilit Previcus City Transportation Studies. Previous transportation strateggies have beeF developed by pity staff. How does the Modified O.EA's transportation program improve, supplement or further advance these previous transportati strategies How. does this program differ under the t vo development concepts proposed by Sun Cal? Transportation Fundirng and Operations. The Modified OEA's discussion of the transportation program, contained in chapter 5 of. the Master. Plan, does not provide details on funding or operations of the proposed Bus Rapid .Transit, nor` does it provide specific information on the funding of fern operations or Oakland Chinatown transportation improvements. What is SunCal's approach to funding the. operations .of these specific. transportation facilities? Again, does. this appro.aoh differ under the Density Bonus Option? Transit Alignment Determination. The Modified OEA's Master Plan provides for some final transit a ignment improvements to be determined as part of the subdivision .approval process. The subdivision approval process is relatively late for planning important transit infrastructure. Will SunCal be funding additional feasibility studies prior to the subdivision process to help determine the appropriate transit alignment and related improvements and costs? A/73353866,2 SunCal Companies Steve E l Jeff April 20, 2010 Page 3 of 6 Trip caps ors= Trip Counts. section 5.4 of the Modified OEA's Master Plan describes establishing trip counts for each development phase. Why does SunCal propose trip counts 'Instead of trip caps? Parking. section 5,3.6 of the modified OEA's Master Plan contemplates less parkin demand than conventional suburban devele rnents. on hat analysis does �ur�c g p p el base this conclusion, particularly for the Base Project, which includes approximatel 8,800 single family erpes, townhornes and duets rather than hap a significant pardon of multi development? Sustainability. Issues of sustainability and global climate change are of critical significance to Alameda, and there is growing recognition that land. use patterns. and development practices can affect greenhouse gas emissions. Alamed offers the City of Alameda a unique opportunity to develop a forward thinking s istainable community, SunCa December 19, 2008 Draft Redevelopment Master Plan contained an entire Chapter on sustainabi Strategies for carbon neutrality, preservation of water resources, the use of sustainable materials and the minimization of waste. The MoVied OEA does not contain the sane level of detail as .the December Master flan nor does it describe a specific plan or commitment for addressing climate chan (e..9., g owls. or standards for minimizing greenhouse gas emissions per capita through prescribed and required development patterns, transportation requirements, energy. use or waste reduction targets). Why does the Modified OEA not include a similar oho ter on sust p ainability strategies? How does the Modified OEA adequately address. su.sta[nability and global climate change? Third Party Agreements Tidelands Trust Exchange. The phasing of the Tidelands Trust Exchange process is of critical significance. to Alameda. Will the Trust Exchange Property. be. transferred In phases or simultaneously, and what is uncal's strategy for pursuing a successful Trust Exchange? How does SunCal propose that strategy be coordinated with the lar's obligation to clean up and transfer the prcperty for reuse? United states Fish and Wildlife services Section 7 .Consultation, The Modified OEA proposers residential units in certain buffer lands subject to specific land use restrictions within the 1999 Biological opinion. Alameda representatives attended meetings with SunCal and United States Fish and Wildlife service "USFWSI`� at which the concept of allowing residential uses in the zones subject to those restrictions (specifically, Tens Conditions "T &Cs 4.a d and 5.a c) was discussed. Alameda re presents #ices did not observe any indication that the USFVVS would be willing to. consider changin g the T &cs to allow residential use in these zones. What additional information can SunCal provide to evaluate the feasibility of this proposal? 'what will SunCal propose be modified in the Base Plan and the density Bonus option if the UsFWS will not allow residential uses in the currently restricted .ones? Affordable Housing Collaborative, There are currently 20c Collaborative units for the formerly horr�eless operating at Alameda Point, as authorized by Alameda. Why does the mcdlfied OEA only show a relocation of 186 Collaborative units? A/73353866.2 S unCal Compa Steve Ei ieff April 20, 2016 Page 4 of 6 Affordable Housing Plan. There is only a minimal amount of information on the location, type, income mix and funding of affordable housing in the Modified oEA. What is Suncal's plan for affordable housing? Does SunCal intend for residents at ver -lour, low- and moderate- income levels to occupy for housing: in the proposed development? What is meant by "group living" in the Modified OEA's discussion of affordable housing? Market and Financial Feasibility SunCal Proforma,. The SunCal Proforrna only addresses the financial impacts of the Base Project. When can Alameda expect to receive a proforrna for the Density Bonus Option? Internal Rate of Return. The unleveraged Internal Rate of Return "l RR of 143 percent shorn in the SunCal Proforrna for the Base Project is significantly below S stated minimum of 20 to 25 percent. Moreover, when. the issues discussed below are taken into accou the project IRR is likely to be cons der•ably. than the `l4,7% shown. Has SunCal changed .its required minimum internal .rate of return .for the project', on what basis does SunCal conclude that the Base Project is f inancially feasible? Will there be sufficient funding to pay for the public amenities and community benefits envisioned in the Master Plan? Absorptio n mate. The annual sales of market rate units ire the SunCa.I Proforrna are approximately o to 15 percent greater than in prior S.unCal proformas based on the pro ect as submitted to the voters via ballot initiative in February, 2010 (the."Mea�ur•e B Plan despite a reduction in the diversity of product typos, A lower rate cf absorption therefore is likely and wou ld reduce the projected 1RR, Why has un Cal increased the annual absorption rate when the diversity of lousing has been reduced? Residential Sales Prices. Sales prices assumed b Su are high compared to current prices and likely future prices. The current Bayport .sales prices of $300. per square foot su ggest that SunCal projects a 33 percent increase its sales prices over the next 4 }ears to achieve valUes of over $400 per square foot assumed .by 2014, the first year cf residential land sales. This would require annual increases of 7. 5 percent through 2014, Given the slog recovery expected in the. housing market (which .perhaps has not even begun), and the increased equity and other requirements for home financing, these price projections appear to be highly unrealistic and likely unachievable, That is the basis for these market price assumptions? Improved Land Value. The improved 'land values in the SunCal proforrna appear to be substantially overstated relative to assumed market prices for finished units. Improved land values typically range between 15 and 25% of total finished development value. SunGal'8 residential land value estimates for single family, small lot homes represent 49 percent of finished unit value, significantly above achievable land values given typical development economics. One reason for this is that BunCal's assumptions of A/73353266.2 SunCal Companies Steve Elieff April 20, 2010 Page 5of6 construction casts are very low, ranging from $100 to $115 per square foot for residential units proposed to sell for $780,000 to about $1 million. Why are Suncal's land values so high relative to building values? What is the basis for SunCai's estimates of costs per square foot for residential uses' Appreciation. SunCal assumes unit 'prices increase by 5% annually, while costs increase at the assumed 3% percent inflation rate. It appears that in the SunCal proforma a substantial proportion of this real appreciation falls to the land value, resulting in land sales prices increasing at 10% annually, over 7% above the assumed inflation rate, a phenomenon known as "land leverage This is an aggressive assumption that implies. 1) little of the appreciation is captured by the vertical developer; and 2) costs do net increase in real terns as markets and prices increase, what is SunCal's basis for such aggressive assumptions about residual land values, the primary source of project revenue? Fiscal Neutrality. The SunCal Proforma includes approximately 7 million in what appears to be mitigation for fiscal impacts, however this is likely to be insufficient. The current fiscal analysis, which was based on the project submitted to the voters in the recent ballot initiative and is similar to SunCal's Density Bonus Option, indicates an estimated $5 million of adverse impact on public works- related service costs. The Base Plan has a similar infrastructure cost, so the impacts are likely to :be comparable, It is not evident whether the SunCal Proforma includes an ongoing source of fiscal mitigation. How will the City be assured that the project's fiscal impacts will be adequately mitigated? We expect to discuss these, and other topics, with SunCal in the corning weeks, Regards, Ann Mari Gallant Interim i Manager Copies as provided in ENA; CC Alameda Point LLC c/o SunCal Companies 300 Frank H. ogawa Plaza, Suite 342 Oakland, CA 94612 Attn. Pat Kelliher SCC Alameda Point Ll_C c/o SunCal Companies 2392 Morse Ave Irvine, California 92614 Attention: Frank Faye tali 3353$66.2 SunCal Compa Steve Eliefl` SC Alameda Paint LLC c/o SunCal Companies 2392 Morse Ave Irvine, California 92614 Attention: Marc Magstadt SCC Alameda Point LLC co SunCal Companies 2392 Morse Aire Irvine, California 92614 Attention. Bruce Cook Cal Land Venture, LLC c/o I.E. Shaw Co,, L.L.C. 1 20 West 45th Street Tower 45, 39th Flocr New York, New "fork 10036 Attention, Chief Financial Officer Courtesy copies: Alameda City Council Alameda City Fall 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 95401 SCC Alameda Pont LLC c/o SunCal Companies 300 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 342 Oakland, CA 94612 Attr Amy Freil�oh April 20, 2010 Page 6 of 6 A/73353866.2 Approved Meeting Minute REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD MONDAY, MAY 10, 2010 1. CONVENE 7 :10 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE Board Member Lynch 3. ROLL CALL Present: President Ezzy Ashcraft, Vice President Autorino, Board members, cook, Cunningham, Kohlstrand, Lynch, and zuppan. Absent Vice President Autorino Staff Present Laura Ajello, Planner I; Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager; Farimah Faiz, Attorney; [Nancy McPeak, Recording secretary; Jennifer Ott, Deputy city Manager, Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager; 4. MINUTES Minutes from the meeting of April 12, 2010 Minutes from the meeting of April 26, 2010 Motion by Board Member Kohlstrand, seconded by Board member Cunningham to approve the minutes of April 12, 2010. Motion passes 5-0-1, Board Member cook abstaining. Motion by Board Member cook, seconded by Board member Kohlstrand to approve the minutes of April 12, 2010. Motion passes 4 -0 -2, Board members Cunningham and Lynch abstaining. 5. AGENDA CHANCES AND DISCUSSION a. 6. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS W ritte n Re po its 6 -A Future Agendas Mr. Biggs provided an overview of upcoming projects coming to the Planning Board for review. Board Member Kohlstrand asked whether the form based code is still being proposed to be heard in conjunction with the Economic Development Commission (EDC). She cautioned that the agenda for this date is very large. Planning Board Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 GG /A tKA1k L; Exhibit 6 to Agenda Item ##4 =13 06-01-olO Mr Thomas stated that staff was still working on the agenda for that meeting and coordinating with the EDC. Board Member Lynch seconded Board Member Kohlstrand's concern about a large agenda for that meeting. President EzzyAshcraft requested that all Board members submit their availability for the summer months to Nancy McPeak to schedule additional meetings if needed. 8 -B zoning Administrator Report Mr. Biggs noted that a Use Permit for a second unit on 2515 Otis Drive was approved on May 4 2010. Mr. Thomas announced that two public outreach efforts will be undertaken in the near future. The first open house/ public outreach effort will focus on presenting the Civic center Plan and Carnegie Building to the public and to allow the public to .interact with the consultants and get more public feedback on the plan.. The. second public outreach effort: will focus on the Webster street Visioning effort. A series of events .around June 3rd, 4th, and 5 th 2010 will allow the public to make recommendations anal interact with the consultants. The visioning effort for Webster street would be taken back to the city Council sometime in September. 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR None. 9. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 9 -A Planned Development.Amendment/Design Review— PLN0.9 -0409 —1 801 North Loop Road Bay Area Chinese Bible Church; Modify .master site plan and design of Final Development Plan and Design Review, FPD 01-05/DR-01-08 (originally approved on .April 21, 2002 by City of Alameda Resolution 1 3444). The applicant is requesting approval to modify an existing Final Development Plan and Design Review, which valid through 2014. Two of the planned buildings are to be redesigned and reconfigured with a slight decrease in overall floor area. Ms. Ajello, Planner I, presented the project. Board member cook asked for clarification on the site plan and whether the operation of a separate pre school would be established for this site. Planning Board Page 2 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 Mr. Grumen, project manager, explained that the pre school is planned to be used during services or events at the site and will not be an independently operated school. Board member Cunningham asked if sustainable features have been incorporated into the building design. Mr. Grumen, stated that although the building has not been registered with the JS Green Building council for Leed certification yet, but they are following the requirements closely. Board Member Kohlstrand expressed concern with the design of the building and its exterior materials. She questioned whether the architecture of the new building related or complimented the existing structure, pointing out that the exterior materials and finishes do not match those of the existing two -story building. Mr. Grumen acknowledged the difference in design and materials, but stated that the project team had selected colors that were important in Chinese culture. Board Member Lynch motioned to approve the project, seconded by Board member Cunningham. The motion passes 5 -1, with Board member Kohlstrand voting no. 9.13 Public Sooping Session for Proposed Alameda Point Project and Draft Environmental Impact Report. Mr. Thomas presented the project. Mr. Kosla, a Forward Planner with the Sun cal company, Developer of Alameda Point, presented the project. President EzzyAshcraft asked whether Peter Calthorpe and Phil Tagami are still involved in with this project and part of the design team. Mr Kosla confirmed that both are still involved as lead designer and adaptive reuse specialist respectively. On a motion by Board Member Kohlstrand, seconded by Board member Cunningham, the Board voted 6 -0 to limit public comment to 3 minutes per person. President Ezzy Ashcraft opened public comment. Mr. Needle, Alameda resident, noted opposition to the redevelopment of Alameda Point by the developer Sun cal, citing that Measure B was not passed by the people of Alameda and that the submittals provided by Sun cal are inadequate and delay tactics by SunCal have caused mistrust within the community. Mr. Sweeney, Alameda resident, stated his opposition to the redevelopment of Alameda Point by the Sun Cal. He added that the lengthy planning process has yielded no proposal that meets the development objectives of the residents of Alameda. He recommends that the Development agreement not be extended in July. Planning Board Page 3 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 Ms. Sweeney, Alameda resident, discussed sun Cal's expenditures for the development of a development plan. Ms. Rogers, Alameda resident, expressed concern that during Measure B campaign leading up to the February 2010 election, volunteers had received feedback from the community that the trust placed in Sun cal at the onset of the planning process had significantly eroded. she recommended developing a proposal that limited the number of dwelling units to 1,800 and stated that the City of Alameda be the master developer. Mr. Biggs, from the Alameda Point collaborative, supports the redevelopment plan in Alameda Point, but cautioned that the plan requires increased specfic.ity, which could be attained through the Environmental Impact Report analysis. He pointed out that the proposed plan needs to be evaluated in light of environmental justice impacts, sustainability, and impacts on low- income, vulnerable residents .with chronic health conditions. He stated that to nothing at the site puts existing infrastructure at risk, as well as the local job creation. Ms. Hird, Alameda Architectural Preservation society representative, spoke about preserving the historic resources at Alameda Point and they are important and need to be saved. she recommended commencing an adaptive reuse study that would help preserve the historic buildings and allow for their continued use. Mr. Karvasales, Alameda resident, stated his opposition for the Sun cal plan because it increases density. Mr. Stevens, Alameda resident, added his opposition to the the sun cal proposal, as it does not meet the city of Alameda charter. Ms. McNally, Alameda resident, expressed her opposition to the Sun cal proposalbecause of the political climate it has created. she is concerned that the decision of the electorate is being ignored in the light of investment pressures. Mr. Ingram, Alameda resident, stated opposition to the sun cal proposal because traffic impacts are too severe and the community's vote was a clear indication that it opposed this company. Mr. Khan, Alameda resident, opposes the sun cal proposal, as Sun cal does not have the best interest of Alameda in mind especially when they ask for significant fee waivers and financial contributions from the city. Ms. Freeman, Alameda resident noted her opposition to the Sun cal proposal because Sun cal does not respect the vote of the people and will develop a proposal that will only increase the population density. she noted Alameda is already 4th densest city in the Fast Bay. Ms. Morrison, Alameda resident, is concerned that the project is not feasibility as the flood Planning Board Page 4 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 plain issues will impact the ability to construct this project. She is also concerned that sustainability of the project is not sufficient. Ms. Gordon, Alameda resident, is concerned about the environmental and traffic impacts that the project would generate. Mr. Smallman, Alameda resident, stated that the trust between the people and the developer is insufficient to sustain a working relationship. Mr. Daysog, Alameda resident, noted support for an appropriate development at this site. Ms. Turpen, Alameda resident, noted her opposition to a development with 3,800 dwelling units that will generate significant traffic impacts. She is upset that the current proposal is the same as the one that was rejected in the special election. Ms. Fetherolt, Alameda resident spoke in opposition to the Sun Cal plan, citing increased traffic impacts on Alameda and Chinatown, placement of residences .on toxic land in a seismically vulnerable area. She also noted redevelopment of Alameda Point in the proposed manner is disrespectful of its this site's past. Mr. Dileo, Alameda resident, supports the return to the original Preliminary Development Concept that meets density requirements and recommended that the City's relationship with Sun Cal be discontinued. Mr. Sangert, Alameda resident, is concerned about the misleading placement of a solar farm on all maps on the Northern Territories at Alameda Point especially when the solar farm has not been vetted by the Public Utilities Commission. He is also concerned that the regional park has been downgraded without obtaining approval from citizens. Ms. Dieter, Alameda resident, expressed concern with the amount of land fill that will be required during the life construction of this project and that it will have a significant transportation impact, which should be analyzed in the EIR. She is also concerned with building in a seismically active zone and stated this needs to be included in the environmental analysis as well. She recommended including the preferred alternative from the 1909 Alameda Point EIR as an alternative in the next EIR. Mr. Jordan, Alameda resident, expressed opposition to extending the exclusive negotiating agreement with Sun Cal. He recommended restoring Alameda Point to its original function as a wetland and he noted concern with traffic impacts. He also supports the City of Alameda being the master developer. Mr. Sikora, Alameda resident, stated his opposition to this project and added that Sun Cal is a developer that will not keep its promises to the City. Mr. Arnerich, Alameda resident, expressed opposition to the project. President Ezzy Ashcraft closed the public comment period. Planning Board Page 5 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 Board Member Zuppan thanked the Planning staff for the excellent staff report. Board Member Lynch and Board Member Kohlstrand asked for clarification on how proceeding with the Environmental Impact Report will ultimately assist in the council when it considers the extension of the Development Agreement. Ms. Ott, Deputy city Manager, explained that the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) between sun cal and the City of Alameda stipulates that two milestones be met before July 26, 2010, which is when the ENA expires. The two remaining milestones are that sun Cal must provide a Navy Term sheet and a fully negotiated Disposition Development Agreement (DDA) or a best offer statement. Negotiations are underway to complete these two items in a timely manner. once these items are completed, then the term of the ENA can automatically be extended and the EIR can continue, until a final decision is made on the project. Board member Cunningham asked who has authority to approve the DDA. Ills. Ott stated that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) and Community Improvement commission (CIC) would approve the DDA, subject to compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Board Member Kohistrand asked for clarification if the city's intent is to continue the DDA based on the basis of the proposed plan. Ms. Ott confirmed this and stated that the DDA is indeed predicated on a scope of work, such as this plan. In order to properly negotiate the terms of the DDA, the involved parties need to have a good understanding of the needs and desires of the Planning Board and other parties at large. The purpose of presenting the project to the Planning Board is to receive input on the proposed plan. Board Member Lynch asked whether the DDA has to be submitted or approved by July 20th, 2010. Ms. Ott explained that the DDA or best offer statement has to be submitted to the city, but the decision on this DDA or best offer statement can be made after the July 20 2616 deadline. If the DDA or best offer statement and the Navy Term Sheet are submitted, then the ENA can automatically be continued and the development process can continue without further deadlines. Board member Cunningham asked if the Board is being asked to provide comments on the EIR and the proposed development plan. Ms. Ott confirmed that this was the purpose of this Planning Board meeting. Board member cook supports allowing maximum flexibility for land uses, but finds that the proposed design guidelines are insufficient to ensure high quality development that will be Planning Board Page 6 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/10/2010 compatible with the rest of Alameda. She also recommends developing a phasing document that clearly outlines which buildings will be retained, what uses will be allowed in each phase and when transportation measures will take effect. She would like to see more flexibility in residential areas for commercial uses, such as the inclusion of stores and small -scale retailers as in the existing Alameda Stations. She commented that some commercial uses should be included in denser residential areas, such as cafes for coffee and food, which will allow for activity on the edges of the transportation pathways and parks. Board Member Kohlstrand seconded Board member cook's comments on allowing commercial uses amongst residential areas. She pointed out that the proposals maximize the square footage of commercial and residential development. She commended the staff report for the clarity of its report. On a motion by Cunningham, seconded by Lynch, the Board voted 0 -0 to extend the meeting to 11:1 5 pm.. Board member Cunningham asked if all comments need to be made at the present meeting, or if the discussion could continue at the next meeting. Mr. Thomas stated that the discussion can be continued to the next meeting. He requested that the Board members focus their discussion of the scope of the EIR on specific environmental concerns they have. President Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she is concerned with impacts to the Least Tern population and traffic impacts on Alameda and Chinatown. Mr. Thomas stated that the EIR is a very extensive undertaking that has not been fully scoped at this point and added it would cover potential impacts to things such as air quality, noise and other issues evaluated in and EIR. Board member cook requested that the EIR include climate change impacts and an economic analysis of this project. Specifically she would like to see an analysis that addresses how some parts of the development, such as schools or park and recreation land, would transition into the hands of the city over the long term and how that would impact the city financially. In addition, she would like to see that environmental justice impacts be analyzed for those residents that currently live there and the impacts of the relocation of the housing collaborative within the development. She stated that she would like to see the alternatives structured differently, so that the focus is not only density but transportation issues. Instead, she suggested that the focus be placed on the. best transportation strategy, which would then drive the dispersion of density. She would like to see an analysis of ghat the tipping point in order for public transportation to becomes truly feasible. A similar analysis should be done for the adaptive reuse of the historic structures. Board member Cunningham said he would like to see an analysis on threats and risks on adjoining properties, such as the Northern Territories. He requested that there be an analysis of the utility infrastructure to assess the impacts to the entire island when new Planning Board Page 7 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/1012010 utilities come online. He recommended a carbon footprint analysis be undertaken to assess local as well as regional impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and ghat can be undertaken to reach a zero net impact. He seconded Board member Cook's request for a transit-driven alternative. Board Member zuppan stated that the plan lacks specificity and commitment. She requested that infrastructure, such as storm drains and streets be adequately evaluated. She requested that the public transportation system outlook in 20 years be included. She asked for a careful analysis of the economic impacts, such as jobs creation, be included in the BIR. In addition, she is concerned that the habitat of the Least Terns abuts the residential portions of the development, and raised the question whether the development could be programmed differently to avoid the close proximity to these birds. Board Member Kohlstrand would like to see that the project be redeveloped so that the approval is not dependent on a slew of mitigation measures, but done in a way that embraces all potential concerns and impacts especially the traffic concerns. Shewould like to see an analysis of proposed building heights and hove they would impact the existing neighborhoods. she seconded Board member Cook's comments on preserving the most historically significant buildings. Board member Cook supported the master application for the density bonus concept. she requested information on what benefits could accrue to the City from granting a density bonus application, be it open space, parks. Ms. Ott pointed out that the City Council is briefed on the status of the project at each of their meetings and noted the comments from the Planning Board would be transmitted to the City Council. On a motion by zuppan, seconded by Cunningham, the Board voted 0 -0 to continue deliberation of this project to its next meeting. 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ADJOURNMENT 11 :17 pm Planning Board Page 8 of 8 Meeting Minutes 5/1012010 Alameda Point Pro Forma h. 0 Market Review Prepared for: Cit of Alameda Prepared b Economic Plannin S Inc. 6c ic Planrorg S W. Ma 24, 2010 25011 Afintobarrest" Suite 200 Be-rkeley, CA 94710-2-515 510 841 9190 to 084:1. 92208 fax EPS #14012 Berkele-y 5-awram en to CCARRAXIC Denver Exhibit 7 to WWW-eps A Item #4-B 06-01-10 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCT 1 Key Findings 1 2. RES MARKET REVIEW 6 Home Prices 8 Absorption................................................................. 18 Construction Costs —2Z Construction Cost Apprec Leveraging stags ..23 Land Prices ^—^—''''-25 APPENDICES Appendix A: The San Francisco Ba Area Economic Outlook Appendix B: Bayport Sales Data Appendix C: Average Home Affordability Multipliers Appendix D: Residential Unit Value Trends 1988-2009 (nominal Appendix E: Case-Schiller U.S. Horne Prices, Building Costs, Population, and Interest Rates,18BO-20O4 Appendix F: National Building Cost Manual for Single-Family Direct Construction Costs (2010) List of Tables Table 1. Key Assumption Comparison E,,......................E.... ......,.■,,......■......,.....3 Table 2. Housing Distribution in Alameda (2008) E E... E.............. 7 Table 3. Housing Foreclosures in Alameda (2002 -2009) ..........E..E .....................E ■.....R.8 Table 4. Alameda Housing Values (constant 2010) 9 Table 5. Household Income distribution in Alameda County (2008) its paean .EE.EE.EE. 12 Table 6. Median Household Incomes and Home Value Multipliers (constant $2010) 13 Table 7. Alameda County Projections (2010 -2020) 14 Table 8. Residential Housing Appreciation and Inflation in Alameda (1989 2009) 15 Table 9. Alameda Point Price Point Forecast (2013- 2020) EE... E=.. Ramses 17 Table 10. Alameda County Demand Distribution of Home Prices (2010 -2020) E■ 19 Table 11. Alameda and San Francisco County Projections for Households, Employment, andIncome (2010 E.,..■.... ....,,E=,EEE■■..=......,.E.EE,E 20 Table 12. City of Alameda Projections for Households, Employment, and Income (2010 -2020) FEE..E........,,E. .........FEE............ 21 Table 13. Bay Area Appreciation Comparison (1995 -2010) someone. ...........E......,... 24 List of Figures Figure 1. Bayport Market-Rate Price Trends Comparison to Citywide Prices (per unit) 10 Figure 2, Horne Values in Alameda ($2010) 16 Figure 3. Home Value Annual Rate of Growth in Alameda 16 Figure 4. Annual Change in National Home Values and Costs (1988-2008) 23 1. INTRODUCTION As a result of the failure of Measure B in February 2010, SunCal (the Developer) has proposed two alternative land use programs for Alameda Point (the Project). A fiscal and financial review process for these alternatives is under way to assist Alameda in assessing the level of risk facing the City as a result of the Project. The ability of the Project to achieve feasibility is an important consideration in determining whether anticipated public benefits will occur as anticipated, and to determine whether the City faces any potential adverse financial or fiscal impacts on its budget. Prior market research has been updated to reflect the implications of the decline in the real estate market, as well as changes in the land use program. Due to the dramatic disruption in financial and real estate markets, financial assumptions in the joint pro forma between SunCal and Economic Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) in 2008 have become obsolete and need to be updated to reflect current conditions and future prospects. Assuming the economy continues its nascent recovery, future conditions should result in improved real estate values. A market update will help to characterize trends in price and absorption, both on a regional and local level, to help determine values, tinting, and risks associated with future real estate conditions and the degree of recovery and growth required for Project feasibi The review and update is based on research into past and current residential development including price and absorption, experience with other comparable large -scale projects in the Bay Area, consideration of factors unique to Alameda, and examination of potential economic and real estate rates of recovery. The results of the market review will provide the basis for financial projections for potential uses planned in Alameda Point under the current land use alternatives to evaluate risks and estimate the magnitude of potential returns. Public financing estimates will also be updated to reflect the impacts of market and program changes on the overall financial capacity of the Alameda Point development. Ke Findin After reviewing SunCal's pro forma, EPS and the City have concerns about SunCal's assumptions, many of which appear to be overly optimistic. The following key findings address specific areas of concern in SunCal's financial analysis and EPS's recommended "normalized" post market recovery assumptions based on the market data presented in this analysis. overly optimistic assumptions can significantly distort the economics of the analysis and expose the City and the Developer to unnecessary risks. Therefore, assumptions should be on the conservative side for purposes of underwriting the business terms of the Project. Comparison between SunCal's assumptions and EPS recommendations are shown in Fable 1 and described below. Regional Supply 1. Alameda Point will compete with offer major reuse projects that will likely be developed during the same 10- to 20 -gear time frame. These projects, including Treasure Island, Hunters Point, Baylands, oak Knoll, and oak to Ninth, could deliver between Economic Planning S Inc. P:$ P4040s�14012alapointkdata�Market Data2010JRepart� narke rpr 052410.dgc Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review Final Report 5124110 20,000 and 25,000 residential units. This competition will temper price and absorption at Alameda Point, Residential Values 2. SunCal's single family residential price projections exceed current Bayport sales by 20 to 30 percent. SunCal's single- family price forecast is optimistic; if it is not achieved, the start of development could be delayed or financial performance will be below projections. Horne values in Alameda currently average $583,000 per unit with single family homes at Bayport selling for around $750,000 per unit. Based on EPS's market assessment, single family home prices are more likely to be around $860,000 per unit by 2014 compared to SunCal's forecast of $1,042,000 per unit, 3. SunCal assumes additional view premiums above its base home price forecast. These premiums average 6.3 percent of the sales price and reach as high as 15 percent for some units. EPS assumes a more conservative average premium of 1.0 percent above Bayport values given the site's attributes and challenges. 4. SunCal forecasts residential values based on the 2002 prices per square foot increasing by S percent compounded annually. This forecasting approach ignores the recent market downturn which caused prices to fall below 2002 levels. SunCal's forecast, which begins in 2002 without accounting for the downturn, results in significant overestimates of values by 2010 and thereafter. In addition, SunCal calculates changes in price "per square foot," which mask changes in unit prices. Residential Absorption 5. SunCal's projected absorption is significantly above 100 units per year average absorption experienced by Bayport. Bayport is a comparable master planned community, recently developed adjacent to Alameda Point with predominantly single family homes. Absorption in Bayport is significantly below SunCal's forecast of 233 single- family homes and townhomes per year. Between 2000 and 2009 during the formation of the housing bubble, single family residential growth in Alameda averaged less than 75 units per year, with the highest annual increase in single family inventory of 146 units. Because SunCal proposes a more diverse housing mix relative to Bayport and .substantial community benefits, EPS' market assessment supports an average annual absorption rate of between 150 and 200 single family and townhome units. ti. SunCal projects an average absorption of about 220 multifamily units per year in addition to 233 single- family and to wnhom a units. The overall market -rate absorption of 454 units per year is significantly above a typical residential absorption of approximately 300 to 350 units per year for a project of this type, This range reflects construction and sales of homes by five to seven builders simultaneously, assuming an average of up to 60 sales per year. Economic Planning Systems, Inc. 2 P,, 11 4000s1I4012ataposntldatalMasket Data.2010JRepart114012market rpr 452430.dac CN T� Cl U) CL •N w cn ANA E w 0 0 E CL E 0 E E 0 cn r. 0 E co a 0 CL E ---0 -0 a C3 p 0- 8-- V- C) co Co C\j N co co N LO No ll�o --Cl 0- 0 0- co C) LO V-t C) 0 LO N CD C%4 co C) C\l C� m CN C\l C) LO Q 0 CD --Cl C4 (6 C) IN- C C� co ol C, 0 0 CZ E co E co 4� M 0 m Gr> 0 C\j LO Qt)- 0 E CL (N C� V�- CD C: C) C\l C� m CN C\l r a 0 C) 4- 0 C4 (6 E ,It W C7 4-h E N- 4� M 0 L❑ 0 C\j C) Qt)- C) a N N 42 CL C: _0 0 W 4-h E N- 4� M 0 v 0 C) 0 E CL CU C� E 0 0 C: 0 0 0 Q 0 E E CL 4-a CY) 0 E cu -E Q) 0 0 m Cd 0 0 0 E 0 Cc Co 0 a E cm 6 LLJ (D :3 0 4-0 m co E C L- CII L CD 0 CU :3 CCI LL M (1) (1) 0) LL C:) (D 4— E mc —j Cu cu m m C) 0 T- cu 0 Cl Cf) N cn LO [10 co 0) C) a N N 42 CL _0 W E 4� M _rZ 0 0 +-a C: E CL CU C: E 0- 0 Q 0 E 75 (D CL 0) CY) C: 4-j cu 0 -E CL 0 m Cd 0 0 0 E �v Cc Co 0 a LO 0 0 V) LO 6 LLJ 16 4— (3) 0 0 0 r E c: c- C,- CD 0 C 0 0 (D 0 CLZ co cu 0 cu (n a) C: CD CM 0 0 0 4-1 (D cu 0 C) a N N 42 CL Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review Final Report 5 1 2 411 0 7. Alameda point world have to capture 40 percent of all new growth .in demand for multifamily housing in Oakland and Alameda combined to achieve its absorption projections. This is based on the absorption rate of 221 multifamily units (454 total units minus 233 single family units) and its share relative to historic growth in Oakland and Alameda. For comparison, ABAG's regional housing needs allocation projects 843 market rate residential units to be absorbed in Alameda between 2007 and 2014, an average of 120 units per year. Residential Construction Costs 8. SunCal as sum es c on st ructi o n costs below those likely t be experienced in a post recovery "'normalized" market. SunCal's assumptions for direct construction costs are very low, from about $105 per square foot for residential units in 2010 or $115.per square foot by 204 for homes proposed to sell for over $1 million. Direct construction costs for prevailing wage development in the inner Bay Area typically range between $115 and $125 or more per square foot, which translates into $125 to $135 in 2014 after inflation. Appreciation and Lard Leverage 9. SunCal ass umes land value appreciation rate of Grp to 11.9 pe rcent a year. This rate of growth is due to assumed home appreciation of 2.0 percent per year above .i.nflation and no real increase of construction costs above inflation. These assumptions .result in aggressive land value estimates, especially in later years after the compounding effect is magnified and implies that land values grow at a very high rate in perpetuity. EPS projects housing appreciation of between 1.3 and 1.5 percent per year and construction cost. appreciation of between 0.3 and 0.5 percent per year (above inflation) following market stabilization. These rates are based on historic real appreciation trends and .imply a one percent annual real growth in residential values over construction costs, half of what is assumed by SunCal. 10. SunCal assumes that all hone price appreciation would be captured by land values. While limited land leverage effects could be realized, since the land generally captures residual value (revenues minus non -land costs), this effect is not likely to achieve levels projected by SunCal and will diminish over time as strong market demand increases the cost of construction materials and services. Commercial Program 11. A separate market analysis is needed to provide detail on the commercial portion of the development program. This analysis should provide the current market overview and commercial trends in Alameda, recommendations for commercial use allocation (i.e., retail, office, R &D), density and parking, land and building value estimates, and absorption projections based on competitive supply and demand. ECOnorrtfC c3c Planning Systems, Inc. 4 P: 114 000s114012alapoint[datakMarket a ata20?0�RepertkI40i2market r-,r 052410.dac Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review Final Report 5 12411 0 Land Va lues 12. SunCal estimates residential land values in th range of $2.5 million to $7.7 million per acre in 2014 with a high rate of appreciation thereafter. These values match and even exceed those generated during the peak of the real estate market and appear unrealistic and likely unachievable given the slow recovery expected in the housing market and the deleveraging of home financing. EP5 projects finished land values in the range of $2.0 million to $5,3 million per acre upon market recovery. These values are based on EPS' vertical development pro formal and are consistent with projections for revenues forecasted in other major reuse projects. It is anticipated that growth in land revenues will generally follow growth in prices for finished homes. Economic Planning S Inc. 5 A: �24OOOsli4OI2a1apa'ntldatalMarket Data2010�Repart�14012market rpt G5Z4141.dOC 2. RESIDENTIAL MARKET REVIEW H R e gional Treads The San Francisco Bay Area economy entered a deep recession similar to the broader region, State, and U.S. economies by the end of 2008. Recessionary impacts have been pronounced in the Bay Area through an increase in unemployment, decrease in real wages, decline in real estate values, and reduction in consumer confidence (see Appendix A). The current financial crisis, initially driven by subprime mortgage defaults and associated home foreclosures, has significantly tightened lending practices and available capital, thereby reducing demand for homes. This has corresponded to a large number of homes entering the market through foreclosure, further deflating home prices. California has the highest number of subprime mortgages in the nation, with Alameda affected by home foreclosures and associated economic impacts. Demand for commercial space has been affected by failing employ ment as the financial crisis has developed into what has become known as the global "Great Recession." DQ Nevins reported a Bay Area home sales median price drop of nearly 40 .percent since the 2006 price peak. DQ News estimates the median sales price in Alameda at $582,500 per unit (new and resale) in March 2010, a slight increase from a year ago. This supports many economic forecasts of home prices continuing to improve, with economic recovery supporting moderate home price growth over the next several years. Local Trends Alameda's housing inventory is generally older than housing stock in many other parts of the Bay Area, with over 80 percent of the housing stock developed before the 1980s and 43 percent developed before the 1950s. The distribution of residential uses by ago .in Alameda shown in Table 2 indicates that the supply of newer housing is limited. while about 53 percent of the housing inventory in Alameda is single family, roughly 55 percent of all housing units are owner occupied. Generally, the ownership segment represents a higher income cohort of the population, as mortgage payments are typically higher than rent. As shown in Table 3, Alameda has historically experienced between two and eight annual foreclosures. Subsequent to the economic downturn, the foreclosure count increased .to a high of 75 annual foreclosures in 2009. This represents a foreclosure rate of roughly 2 to 4 units per 1,000, lower than the California average of about 18.6 foreclosures per 1,000 units. According to RAND, another sales price source, home prices in Alameda have experienced a trend similar to the broader housing market, with rapid price appreciation driving housing values to 2006 -2007 peaks and declining thereafter, as shown in .Table 4. City of Alameda mean home prices decreased from $733,400 in 2006 to $557,300 per unit in 2009, a drop of 24 percent. Single family home sales in the City experienced a similar trend with prices decreasing from $786,600 in 2007 to $639,600 per unit in 2009, a drop of 21 percent. Although significant, Economic Planning Systems, Inc. 6 P:] I4DOOs114012a #apaint]data�Market Data2€ lOO Report]14012market rpr O52410,dcc (3 C 06' E >1 Ql c m F E 0 c 0 0 LU U) E E 0 0 U) cs LU I NO C- c -0-0 -0-0- 8-0- 0 N -r-- LO r~ (D M M M LO C) (A N I;t r I-- v- 00 C33 CO 0) -;4- C) M (D 0 (o 0) Cl m cr) F- r-- F, m 0 Y5 C ej C 4 C s� C j CD C e -0- 0--o -0- 81 -op_ 0- 0 -1 0- 0 1 Z., 0- N C] W W 0 CD Wi qr- T- T- It CD on o CV) C) N co r-- t` m V M CY) LO LO M M M C C) LO lqd (D n CD LO m 0 5 CY) C 8-0- -0-0- 0-01 -0-0- 0 M C',J LO C) q Cf) N (D CY) CD 1- Q :3 UYQ C) LO Lo CD 00 r` 0-) U-) C4 (M a) M M M LO C> t-- M C% LO W qt M t"- M CD LO c o N cs� LO] rl-� 0 N co o T- C4 70 UJ 0 E m r (D r 0 CD C) M ml� (D m m m m m ;T C: L n o 0. o o o o o o o 0 .4-, 4-, *M' 4, 4-, 4m, Lo CD C:� CD CD CD CD N 0 m w r-- �o Lo 4 m E OOMMO')MMM 0 o Z: 0 4-j m cn rn m m m co m m (3 C 06' E >1 Ql c m F E 0 c 0 0 LU U) E E 0 0 U) cs LU I v v v N N N v w M cn CL W L W ir. U CD 0 �a c c v z C37 v N CO Q Q N CD CD N v N «'3 G7 Co N CD N v N N v v N co LO LO I` M co N N Ctil a a N c r= 6 Co It m r r Ln Q C] Co co U') "t N co 6 Q Co Q N C� CD N N N Co j r C7 C7 co r N N N CD 00 V-- C= o Q r C E (D r CI} C3] .E C R� 06 0 C 0 U C LL 0 U n 0 ti FE n W ?119 c 0 D C7 C) U Q) o o U (1} 4] N L LL o v o 0 0 tn Q 0 LL LL- L- co LL Q) o LL _0 cl)Q QQ U) C E (D r CI} C3] .E C R� 06 0 C 0 U C LL 0 U n 0 ti FE n W ?119 Q r N N R� v 4 v CO r..� CL Ch W N L fl Z E E s-� !V v v N co CD N v v N v c v N a C7 N C7 N M CD CD N G N r r: N d C7 co C\1 CS] co CCU L�] U Rt ci r- co e� �n CV co cr C1� r Q t� co co co N tl-_ CD C� C� co m t` co u� co m CID lqr LO C) m 0 m G N N CV) co t�- bg bg co ti to ti t C�? CV td7 co ti C9 60M U�- co 0 "I t co 0 co rl r co Lf? (0 m Era- N co Cfl Q7 Cfl to N N U T U 7w 0 Q) (D m cz v C N N w.+ N C_ C C n E Q C r C7 U N W U Q U cn =3 D a� U� a 0 C vi 0} ro c� 0 a W E rrx�� c �`r e� fl x.::..:. 9 x x x :.:.:.:.:.:t.::.:..:�:::� a x x i x :1:1:1:1:•:::::...... x.................. .....x ..............................v ..............................v .........vx.................... Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review Final Report 5 As shown in Table 5, nearly half of households in Alameda County make over $75 ,000 a year and 34 percent make over $100,000 a year. Median household income in Alameda County and the multipliers between income and home values between 2002 and 2009 are shown in Table 6. Before the housing boors, single family multipliers were in the seven to eight range in Alameda, slightly above the "normal" range of four to six because of high housing demand in the inner Bay Area and relative desirability of Al ameda within the broader housing market. These multipliers reached as high as 10.6 in 2005 and dropped to 6.3 in 2009 and 5 .7 by early 2010. The decrease occurred because of home price appreciation at the pace of the mid -2000s not being sustainable in the long run. In a stable, sustainable market, home prices are linked to household income levels and strong employment growth. As a result, median household income and home value multipliers are likely to stabilize in the 5.5 to 6 range. These multipliers are high relative to many other geographic regions, as shown in Appendix C. Housing Price Forecasts ABAG's Projections 2009 forecasts a moderate income growth of 1.1 percent in the inner Bay Area between 2010 and 2020, below the historic growth rate of 1.4 percent between 2002 and 2009. However, projected income growth of 1.1 percent exceeds the 0.5 percent growth forecasted for the City of Alameda. ABAG's forecasts have historically been optimistic, especially for income growth. Multipliers fluctuate based on many macro and macroeconomic conditions such as regulation and lending requirements of the private debt and equity markets, access to capital, interest rates, regional housing supply, and unemployment rate. Assuming that the 2010 median household income and home value multiplier of 5.7 is slightly compressed and short -term market recovery is likely, a longer -term home value multiplier of 6.0 is projected based on a mortgage allocation of about 33 percent of total household income These multipliers result in average home price projections of about $630,000 by 2014, based on projected median household income for Alameda County Alameda Point is expected to achieve sales 10 to 30 percent above citywide averages, as described below. These assumptions reflect a short term market recovery effect with home values growing at 2.0 percent annually in real terms between 2010 and 2015 and stabilizing at about 1 percent thereafter. This translates into an average annual increase of 1.5 percent above a typical inflation rate of 3 percent a year in real terms (see Table 7). These growth assumptions are relatively optimistic compared to the 20 --year historic price appreciation in Alameda or the broader region, as shown in Table S. Specifically, while real growth in Alameda over the last 15 years was higher at 2.6 percent per year, growth over the last 20 years, which captures a full economic cycle, was lower at 0 .7 percent per year. Projections for home values in Alameda are shown in Figure 2, and the projected rate of increase relative to historic inflation is shown in Figure 3. The rate of growth is relatively optimistic and reflects market recovery, as the historic trend between 2002 and 2010 suggests that real growth has been around 1 percent in Alameda home prices. Furthermore, during a more stable period between 1988 and 1998, Alameda home prices experienced growth of 3.3 percent (no real appreciation) while regional prices experienced growth of 3.6 percent a year, 2 Based on the underwriting standard of mortgage making up one -third of the household income; reflects a 20 percent down payment at 5.5 percent annual interest rate. Economic Planning Systems, Inc. 11 P: �14000s !,140I2a!apofat]da[a�Alarket Data20JO0 Repert�14012market rpf O5241a.dac 12 U C u E 0 i -4 iI] C� c a_ U 0 0 0 W a U) a C E E 0 L) CCI 0 0 a U W 0 o, 0, C, a a a o a o a a a o v o oo LO Liz M r� r CO M C� f- M M C7 CD r 0 Q eL CV U) w a CS] Liz r N d' M CO C-0 C9 CSI C7) LO :3 N M M CO N CO f` to N r 00 N 0) Cif Cr3 N d C7 Lf) N or) co 0) C37 C') 0 CC) n CV L6 3 Lii I N P C "d" 'Irt I- C7 N N M Liz a0 tO Liz M t* d' T r f CV Q7 wr E m Q LU 0 is -0 v ©rn�a)0�6?MN";tm o 0 a� d' V G d' C37 r r t~ Q N m ct I-- m f 6F} bF} E C�3 v o o L o o Ca v o 0 0a o 4 -1 C7C) C) o o o C� CD 0 5 C5 C) cv �(5 C50C:)c,�© ©aan �c3nc�nc3r.�o o cn 12 U C u E 0 i -4 iI] C� c a_ U 0 0 0 W a U) a C E E 0 L) CCI 0 0 a U W N 6t)- ca 0 Q CL slow (*4 E o Cf) CL a LU E 0 Cl) Rwn 0 (D r 0 0 a. Q E CD QD N N N LO CD 0 CD C4 E 0 4-0 NoM co co LO C6 0 06 00 6c)- U-) N co CD cei co CD C co 3 Co to CD CD co T- C; co 06 co co co C4 m N to to cv E 0 0 -C 0 0 0 0 0 Z3 ca 75 0 0 a) E E 0 to E Cn (D CL E 0 C 0 0 0 c 0 0 (D to 0 .Co a a) E -0 -0 Q) _0 C/) E E 0 0 c m E ry 0 V- cz cz ui 13 via a 0*-01 Q 0 0 8l< C7 Lq Lq 0 C) m ca C) C\l N C� Nt 00 co CD a3 00 LO cli T- m to 61)- U) C) C) N C) m 1q, C) w (C; (D Cn cm LO LO 06 CL Lr) 0 0 Sri 04 co OD leo� C-0 ca co C) C) C) C) C) C:) 0 1q, CNJ CD C (C) t6 Lr) LO U) LO (6 Co cyi L7 CL Oo (0 cr) C) a) 64 0 -0 c� N 6 N 00 N Kt Lri LO C) m rl— LO C\j T— m CD 00 E ta (D C%l Q F= r 0 U) C) 04 1 0 4-0 -a m CL L D 0- 04 W %%Now, (D 06 LO 0 0 E 0 0 0 C) CD C: 0 0 U) (D 0 (I) C-) w cu 16m n C) C° T- 0 C) 7 C1.4 0 W E CD (n C: 0 0 C) -A� C) _0 o 0 0 CL Q. C: 0 C- (D 0 m E E o 0 CU E tn :3 a- cu co (D M 4-A co L- 0 F w (D 2-P W 0 0 CL E CO 14 via D a CN Co C37 T- 0 cv CD o U) 0 CL V W CL U] •N lr rrr LH (v N ,o `a co v C/) Q) D 'r Co v L- �a U' D N N Q CU E C Q z CI3 a U? C [L� n 06 0 C6 U 0- 0- 0 0 0) CO rnco -LO Cn00 P-- c`7 Lf] to E N C N N N Ctrl N N D m m C p [�4T B] C C: C: c U N iY7 N C11 CI3 a U? C [L� n U CU N C] c5 Ua 06 U to It C) N 0 0) CO c`7 Lf] to E r6 c� cyi co D L3 t a7 [�4T B] U E v 1. 0 CU W M E ca Q 6 L6 i' v o l 6 6 v u� N r- r i.,[) N r- c-- Lid Ca v U CU N C] c5 Ua 15 n c k R r- L- cu 0 ..D LR O J M C:3'3 M m N "lrf C� C� C1] p L3 t a7 [�4T B] (D E v 1. 0 M 6 L6 i' v o l 6 6 v u� N r- r i.,[) N r- c-- Lid •-1 0 ul Cn 15 n c k R avr reve v x: x.. rt .f.r. n n x .......r....r p— rz R GO o a P-4 i0oll 0 U. N C) 0 a, Too 0. a. uj E co U W tm 0 CL 0. cc m E E Cl cq v CN m r Cl N co N LO m Irl CD N 0-) CD m 06 tl- CD ol!:)- co 69- co r%- LO (D 69- C� 01> Ln C0 co co 't 6 LO to LO C6 CD 69- m "t co 6 co CD 60- co m co C-0 to:), 0 n Am C\l r� m N CO V- 0-) r, Ni 06 C\l CD CO N lit 00 N CD -t qt co C) 09- N LO C\l M r". C\f 0 C\l 00 CD 61- V 61.)- N 0") ce"> C\l 00 co co LO C6 (\i m 00 il-- a) 69- 611- C\l LO 0') C\l I Nr M cf� 0) It m C\l r LO C\l LO m CD 't co C) 1 0') 64 f2f)- C\l 00 C\l C\l T— C\l LO (6 N CD co i l*- 00 61)- 0') co C\ 00 0 co CD LO N rl-_ 00 t4 U) c E 0 0 C) z C C- 0 0 t t 0 a) 2 0 0- n w a) >I E E E w a) E m -cn C c c 0 0 0 C-L CL 0- m m -a _0 a) w a) E E E m ca m cn CU E 0 C- co co 0 -0 m (D 0 Q m rn 0 -1--i cn *F c 0 En cu in 0 C: (Ii E LO U) cn co 4 n 06 E 0 c 0 0 U) Vl co d: 17 Alameda Point Pro Forma Market Review Final Report 5 1 24 11 0 An average premium of 22 percent was generated by Bayport residential unit sales relative to the City average. Table 9 shows the forecast for average price points, assuming a similar premium could be supported by Alameda Point. This forecast shows Alameda Point prices growing at the same rate as citywide prices with the fixed premium over time. Based on the multipliers described above, single family units in Alameda Point could be purchased by roughly the top one -third of Alameda County households based on income. Applying the assumptions about home value multipliers and market recovery factors described above, demand will be generated for various housing price points by households in different income brackets. The distribution of housing prices over time based on incomes is shown in Table 14. If Alameda Point would capture the same distribution of incomes as the County average, home prices could range from $600,000 and up and would increase by about 1.5 percent per year above inflation on average over the next 10 years. The strongest demand, about half of the total, would be for units in the $600,000 to $830,000 range. The Project's ability to capture various income levels will depend on a voider range of factors, such as other major reuse and redevelopment projects that could be developed in the market area during a similar time frame, transit linkages, and public facilities and services. b so r i The inner Bay Area (San Francisco and portions of Alameda County) is projected to add 84 ,000 households between 2010 and 2020, an annual growth rate of about 1.0 percent (see Table 11). Assuming that incomes would be similar to the existing distribution, about one -third or 28,500 new households would be able to afford homes in Alameda Point. Alameda Point needs to capture roughly 15 percent of the regional household growth to achieve SunCal's assumed absorption. ABAG Projections 2009 indicates that the City of Alameda will grove by about 1,640 .housing units over the next 10 years, an average growth of 164 units per year (see Table 12 This growth translates into an annual average rate of 0.5 percent per year and exceeds the historic rate of growth in the City between 2000 and 2009. During this time period, the highest annual increase in single- family inventory was 146 units. However, this projection does not capture development of Alameda Point which could offer a range of new housing types and densities that are not currently available in the Alameda housing market. In addition, ,potential accessibility improvements, such as construction of a new ferry terminal, could have a positive impact on the residential absorption, especially for higher density units. SunCal's residential absorption assumption for Alameda Point of 454 market -rate units per year represents about 1.4 percent annual growth of the City's residential unit inventory, almost triple ABAG's rate of projected household growth for the City as a whole. Total SunCal absorption, including affordable units, would result in an average annual increase of 505 units or 1.9 percent, nearly four times the rate of residential growth projected by ABAG for the City as a 3 Assuming no significant changes in income have occurred between 2008 and 2010 and that most of the households within each income range generate income within the mid -point of the range, Economic Planning S I nc. 18 P: 114000 012afaparnt�datajMar -ket Data2010JRepart�14012market rpt O52410.doc 00--% N CL (1) E 0 0 4- a 0 U a. LLJ 0 CL CD 0 0 E E C U cn U) w CN cu cm Ls 0 LO C 4 cc C) CA 0 C) Ni 1 a 0 E 0 r E 00 a) CD CO m 00 M rte- LO "zr V) U-) r-- 00 M r-- LO m LO 0 m I N -r- C\4 CO M CD V- It CO N co ItT N N N V-- 'tj- e9- tq I I r t�- t r-I r-I r-_ rl-_ co LO co .1ZI. O r CO M LO �r-- C) 00 m 0 r%_ m LO r-: N Cd LO I�• N "t co 00 CD LO Q:)- T 'r: T 09- Ff} 69- m C) 00 a) 07 07 C3] co 0 cn Q) OD- o o o 0 co CD C) 0 C:) 0 CD CD CD 0 CD o C5 5 o C:) 0 C T CW E LO C7 N v-) 5 03 0 r N -6 (D 0 0 O 0 a) O -0 (D E I Ui 6 In -r- N C\l N cz m V) CD U-) -0 Irl- T- C3 CD 0 0 a) E W 0 -U) -Z >1 a) m -C CO co LO 4� -1-4 r a) 0) C: (D CD z m rt 11i Q. C- n fry C:)- 06 Lo 1xi CN E 0 0 C- 0 E 0 0 E E 0 0 u Z In C/) Ch tz! J C: 0 a) Q) E 0 0 E 0 -r- -r- 0 N .0 Q Co m a) In E X C: 4-4 a) E `v; Q) 0 rill z C\, co 0 ro CL LU 19 tTs E U) 'E c 0 c 0 U LU CD 0 4- 0 0 0' L CL co 0 co ro Cd D LU 20 0 Vf 0 C) co (D co E LU m i co N 0 N CD co N CD 0 N m N 0 N C6 00 vi CII-j (6 0 0 CN 4- 0 CD C%A LO LO r%- o I- LO m co EL N U) Q., 0 LU CD o 0 m 0 co Ld m 6s 0 co LL E 0 co C 4 -0 1 0 C V� 75 Clq (D E r E o E E 0 0 E cz 0) CAS T- ui tTs E U) 'E c 0 c 0 U LU CD 0 4- 0 0 0' L CL co 0 co ro Cd D LU 20 CD Q LO ro 21 0 0 0 LO 0 00 0! 1 LZ CD '70 C%14 M r l —It 0 co C) CD co co U') CD n LO o CD tip lqt co rl- Cfi co C4 m C6 m C:) CD CD CD co 0 CN LO cq cn N 0 Cl) C cc 0 0 C� E 0 UJ C) r C14 0 W all 0 E a 0 o 'c E 0 cq E 0 V" D E 0 E 0 w cn CD Q LO ro 21 Alameda Point Pro forma Market Review Final Report 5124110 whale. For comparison, ABAG regional housing needs allocation projects 843 market -rate residential units to be absorbed in Alameda between 2007 and 2014, an average of 120 units per yea r. Given EPS' assessment of the market and comparable projects, absorption of between 300 and 400 units a year would be reasonable in Alameda Point. This would require five to seven different builders developing new space simultaneously and selling up to 60 units per year each. This assumes that opportunities for other infill locations within the City would be fairly limited and Alameda Point would capture a significant portion of new citywide and even regional growth. In addition, operation of more than four to five builders would mean that direct competition would exist between builders during simultaneous unit delivery to the market. Alameda Point is planned to have four major density types, and presence of competing buildings with similar product could adversely impact absorption. As a reference, 357 market -rate homes have been developed in Bayport during a 4.5 -year period, with an average absorption rate of 97 market rate units per year. Annual absorption for Treasure Island, a Project with a wider range of densities and roughly twice as many units as Alameda Point, is projected in the range of 350 to 400 units per year. The actual rate of absorption in Alameda Point will vary based on a range of product types offered within the development, with a diverse mix of densities, locations, neighborhoods, and heights likely to improve the overall absorption. A "single-family only' project and the reduced ability to market across market segments and income levels with multiple product types would reduce total absorption. Absorption will also vary based on a number of external factors and competing projects in the inner Bay Area, such as Treasure Island, oak Knoll, Hunters Point, oak to Ninth, and Baylands, that could all be developing during a similar time frame. If these projects come online at the same time as Alameda Point, they could combine for an additional 20,000 to 25,000 new households in the inner Bay Area. Because of the product mix and density, these projects may capture a larger range of incomes and could impose direct competition to the residential program planned in Alameda Point on a regional level. EPS's experience with comparable projects and review of construction cost data indicates that direct vertical construction costs range between $115 and $125 or more per square foot, as shown in Appendix F. Appendix F provides an estimate of 2010 construction costs for standard construction of 2,500-square foot tract homes with a configuration similar to Bayport units of the same size. By 2014, the first year land sales are projected to take place, EPS projects direct construction costs in the $125 to $135 range, assuming moderate inflation growth. For comparison, SunGal projects direct construction costs per square foot for single family units at $105 in 2010 and at $115 in 2014. Construction costs will vary based on prevailing wage conditions and whether homes built are custom or merchant. In addition, SunCal assumes that costs will increase at the rate of inflation of 3 percent per year. Based on the EPS research, construction costs have typically outpaced inflation, especially during "hot" real estate markets where demand for construction in materials and services is very strong. As a result, construction costs will increase at a rate above inflation, although likely Econ Planning S Inc. 22 P: �14000s�14012a lapoint�dara[Alarket Data2310[Report�14012market rpL O5z41o.dac ::::::::::::::::::::::x:::::::: R....... i tx f :o:::: ru o.;.;r... :n:;.;tr;.;.;.;.;;o�:..:;:;:: x.:...........:.. :mss v'.. t• r!.^ s•'." r' ti• e"►:•:-1::' s.:•:• iteb'.•.• �i• ..►.x+a..•nts:rc.r�awi..r�•.x�• Esc.• r,... �e►•.• .�w•w.+w..•.•a.v�..'.rs.a.�•... xs. ....�•.•.•w..':•:�::.•:.�..�;.. $�c.�.•_.•:.�.•�. 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X K :A# r P t :p� ::P70" b we ir: xx x :exs:: {x Mfg w m x x 6•::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. x x x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. x •:6•:: x•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• x. x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. x 6•::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. •:6•:: Y b:: 4 m Page Z ��a®n® �►'st�m�.� ®m Volume 5 Issue 1 San Francisco -San Mateo Redwood City MD 956 4.2% Oakland Fremont Hayward MD 990 4.2% San Jose Sunnyvale -Santa Clara MSA 884,040 4.2% Santa Rosa Petaluma MSA 183 -4.8% Napa MSA 65,800. -6.3% Vallejo Fairfield MSA 1 22,1.1 0. -3.2% *January through October 2009 percent change in average employment from 2008 levels. Excludes the self-employed. SOURCE: California Employment Development Department. the national health care reform bill currently being an r Oq ��a Hv u§i P rrn it debated in Congress. while the final details of health h care reform have yet to be worked out, expansion of burn J�;s.. Pelnid� in t care ser covera e is sure s e t0 result thus Buy c expanding the health care industry further and provid- �n Pelrc� in additional jobs to the local economy. .....r. �a a Th Intern r The Internet portal industry h as as also n p rY be adding jobs, primarily on the San Francisco peninsula. 2000 .13,309% 667 7 21 Loss of bu sin e ss servic j obs. however, has contrib- 200 1 0,991 543 6,966: 1 8,500 -13: uted significantly to the increasing unemployment 2002 12,221 600 .5 436 8,2 7 -1.3 rate: The business services industry provides 1 8% of 2003 13 689 9 23,513. 28.8% payroll jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, and 2009 2004 12,612 827 7,600 21;039 10.5% employment is 4% below 2005 levels. Government is 20 05 12,387 576 7 207888 0.7% the 2 leading industry employer in the Bay Area, 2006 9,078 450 10 19,945 -4.5 pr 15 of all jobs, followed by the amanufac- 2007 7 461 6 14 1 383 27:9% turing (10 and leisure and hospitality (10 indus- 2008 3 305 5 9,855 -31.5%. tries. Job losses in the government sector has been 2009 1 3 140 ..1 47401 -55.3% smaller than most industries, due to more stable fed SOURCE: Residential Construction Branch, U.S. Census Bureau eral government employment, but 2009 manufacturing and retail sector employment declines were significant compared to January through October 2005. -5.9% and —6.8 respectively: see table, page 3 According to DQNews.com foreclosure resales ac- Construction industry employment has been counted for .32 percent of all existing homes sold in the San most significantly in percentage ter ns, fal- declining g Y 1? g Francisco Ba y Area in October 2 009, do from a peak of 52 ling 15% in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2009 com percent of home resales in. February this year. Between Januar Y 2000 and December 2007, foreclosure sales accounted for just pared to 2005 levels. New home construction declines I v of home resales in the Bay Area each month. substantially worsened in 2005 and 2009. New per snits issued for single family horses fell. from 13 000 Homes sold for a sale price greater than $500,000 made units in January through October 200.) (I 0- month to up 36% of total Bay Area home sales in October, up from a low tai to just 3,100 units in Janua throe h October g of 23% in January y 009. Another significant market change (see g 2009 see table right) l�ome will remain at ointed out b r D News: From 2000 to 2 p 007, 60 /o of mort- law levels through 2010. a es urchased in the San Francisco Bay Area were adjusta g g p y The Bay Area home resale market is recover `rate mortgages ARVs but in October 2 009 ARMS accounted ing from its historically low levels. Although October for just 8% of mortgages purchased. Mortgage rates are at a 2009 sales volumes were up 4% when compared to historical low. The .10 -year conventional mortgage interest rate October 2005 levels, the October 2009 sales level was averaged 4.9 in October November 2009 down from an g s aver still 40% below the peak sales level reached in Octo- age of 6.4% from 2000 th roug h 2008. ber 2003). Year to date, home sales volume is up 16% Home sales volumes increased as (continued, P. 3) Page 3 ®�[�S.'�''����8�.� ®m Volume 5 Issue 1 Jarsuar October 0 09 2008 Averagen Ernpvyee. .�.arnings olt 1 53 -15.4 $65 $2 $34 $2; 6$4 •9 328 5.9 $81 .$119 $57 et 312 0 -6.8 $3 5,370 $38 1 827 $30,124 'vbt ale Tl'a 122 -5.4% N D $99 7 086 $55,685 a n u aloe kcal state 82 5.4 Io $1 19, 530 $87; 908 $55, 239 lrll"vr ri at on X 110 -4.3 $101 .$169 $57 196 Bus des. es 557 -4.1 $87,838 $95,761 $50,898 1-lea t el �es 310 0 1.1 $57 $63,025 $50 193 -2.5% $30,351 .$29 $25, 593 Lei sure llos tallt. .......p.........J�... 326 W 3.5 25 633 $22 1 996 $17 476 -1.0% not available not available not available Total s tl•Ie 3, 203 -4.2% $65, 046 $80,063- $43 ND; Not Disclosable data .not .meet BLS or State agency disclosure standards. Average employment for January-- October 2009. Total includes Mining employment. of 2,390, Farm employment of 23,690, and Transportation, Warehousing Public Utilities employment of 97,420. "The Information industry includes publishing industries (including software), Internet service providers and web portals, motion picture sound recording, broadcasting and telecommunications. #Other services include private education, repairs and maintenance, personal and laundry services, religious and other civic and social organiza- tions. 2008 Average Annual Employee Earnings data exclude average earnings for private education workers, which averaged $39,159 in the SF- Oakland- Fremont IVISA, $64,643 in the SJ- Sunnyvale -Santa Clara !VISA, and $29,078 in the Santa Rosa- P.etalurna MSA. SOURCES. Econosystems, based on data from the California Employment Development Department (all data except 2008 Average Annual Em- ployee Earnings data U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2008 Average Annual Employee Earnings data). foreclosure sales added to market supply, mortgage inter- Apartment rents are expected to fall in all neighborhoods, est rates fell and a federal New Horne Buyer tax credit was. and rental market weakness will continue until. year --end intr oduced. DQNews.com reports that the October 2009 2010, when employment growth resumes. In the North Bay San Francisco Bay Area median home sales price was (Marin, papa and Sonoma counties) according to Real $390,000, up 4 compared to the October 2008 median Facts (Novato, California), 3 quarter occupancy rates have sales prices. The median sales price trend varied by fallen 2.7% from the 3rd quarter 2008, to 95.1 the average county: Increased prices in Marin and Santa Clara coun- rent has fallen 2.7% to $1,351. ties were offset by continued price declines in other Bay Office vacancy rates are rising, and rents are falling, Area counties (e.g., in Solano County, the October 2009 in the San Francisco Bay Area. The average office vacancy median home sales was 19% below October 2008 levels). rate fell steadily from peak of 20 in the 3 quarter 2003, Homes sales for million dollar plus properties were slow according to NAI BT Commercial, to a low of I I% in the through the third quarter 2009 [the average number of 3rd quarter 2007. The average Bay Area office vacancy days on the market increased through October), but price rates was17% for the quarter of 2009 .(see http: /1 declines have led to an uptick in sales that is expected con-.... www.naibtcommercial.com/btresearch.asp). As offzce space tinue into 2010. availability increased, average Bay Area rents fell from an Apartment rents are fall ing. Marcus Millichap of $3.11 per square foot (monthly) in 2008 to $2.64 (Encino, California) forecasts that 2009 effective apart- ...:.per square foot in the 3 quarter 2009, a 15% drop. The ment rents in San Francisco will fall 9.7% from 2008 lev- monthly absorption rate remains low, and so rents will con els, to an average of $1,649 per month (asking rents are `tinue to fall, although at a slower rate, into 2010. forecasted to fall 8.3 to $1,773 per month). San Jose venture capital investments in the San Francisco effective apartment rents are forecast to fall 9.5% from Bay Area fell by a dramatic 44% in 2009, after growing 2008 to $1,515 per month; Oakland area effective apart steadily 2043 2007, then falling slightly in 2008 (see ment rents are forecast to fall 7.5% to $1,297 per month. graph, p. 6). For the first three quarters of (continued, p. 4) Page 4 l�C�� ®5y�t��S..��m Volume 6 Issue 1 Bast Bay" 5.6% 16.8% 14.5% 13.6% 13.9% 15.3% 14.5% 17.7% Nlarin County na 15.1 13.8% 13.0% 12.0% 1 15.4% 21.1% Napa County na 11.0% 11.4% na 11.6 13.0% 11.9 13.1 San Francisco County (CBD) 4.6% 16.3% 12.6% 10.7% 10.2% 13.1% 12.4% 15.3% San Mateo County 4.2 24. 17. 6% 14.8% 12.0% 1 15.1% 1&8% Santa Clara County 3.4% 14.4% 12.1 10.8 10.3% 16.9% 13.6% 18.7 Sonoma County"" na 1 13.9% 1 20.9% 1 21.8% 1 23.4% 27.3% 24.6% 29.2 'Annual data are 4th quarther vacancy rates. "Includes Richmond, Emeryville, Berkeley (central business district an West Berkeley), Oakland (central business districts and airport), and *Santa Clara County vacancy rate is for second quarter 2009 "Includes Petaluma, Rohnert Park/Cotati, Santa Rosa, and Santa Rosa Airport SOURCES: NAI BT Commercial, http://www.btconmercial.com (all data except Napa County) Keegan Coppin Company, Inc., http://www.keegancoppin.com (Napa County) 2009, venture capital investment in. the 9- county Bay Area was $4.9 billion dollars, down from $8.8 billion for the first three quarters of 2008, according to PricewaterhouseCoop- ers vloneyTree Venture Capital Survey (www.pwcmoneytree.com). The San Francisco Bay Area continues to receive the largest share of the nation's venture capital. Of the $4.8 billion invested nationally in the 3rd quarter 2009, the Bay Area received 46.4/0 ($2.2 billion), while New England, the number 2 geographic area, re- ceived just 11.6% of the total ($0.6 billion). The software and biotechnology industries are the two largest funded sectors, but the energy and industrial sector has shot up to the number 3 slot; the industry received 15x/0 of all Bay Area venture capital. investment in 2008 -2009, up from I in 2000 and 1.0% in 2007 (see table, page b). The San Francisco Bay Area economy is now in sync with the national economy and, despite challenging and uncertain business conditions, has stabilized. Semicon- ductor sales began increasing in June 2009, and the indus- try book -to -bill ratio was greater than 1.0 July through Oc- tober 2009 (i.e., orders received continue to exceed the amount shipped each month). Personal computer ship- ments rose in the third quarter of 2009 and are expected to continue increasing into 2010. Overall, sales at the largest publicly traded firms in. the Bay Area (as measured by em- ployment), excluding Chevron, were flat during the 3rd quarter of 2009 when compared to 3 quarter 2008 levels. Including Chevron, 2009.) rd quarter large Bay Area firm sales fell 1 I% from a year earlier, due to the fall in oil prices. U.S. spot crude oil prices fell from an average of $93 a barrel in 2008 to an average of $57 a barrel for Janu- ary through October 2009. U.S. crude oil spot prices were $73 a barrel for the week. ending November 27, 2009. San Francisco Bay Area business confidence re- mains low but is improving substantially, according to the Bay Area Council's Business Confidence Survey released. December 3, 2009 (based on a survey conducted between November 2 19, 2009). Almost half (47 of the CEO's and executives surveyed expect the Bay Area economy to improve over the next year, while only 15% expect it to worsen (37 expect no change). The hiring outlook con- tinues to be weak, however: only 18% surveyed expect to increase their workforce over the next d months, while 23 expect to reduce their workforce (56% expect no change). In Contra Costa and Solano counties, 35 of the CEOs and business executives surveyed expect reductions in their workforce, and a very low 8% expect increases (see http:ll WWW.bayareacounci1.org/news The retail industry outlook is bleak, with 40 of executives in the industry seeing workforce reductions and none anticipating hiring within the next 6 months. The Federal Reserve's Beige .Book-ISum of Commentary on Cui 7Rent .business Conditions for .the Twelfth District -San Francisco (released December 2, 2009) found that fall retail sales remained at love levels but were slightly improved from. the October summary. Tradi- tional department stores, discount chains and sellers of fur- niture and household appliances reported improvements in demand. Retailers' expectations for holiday sales remain downbeat, however, with no change expected from 2008 holiday sales levels. Inventories are in line with expecta- tions, and so retail prices should remain fi rm throughout the holiday shopping season. Consumer confidence remains low, but a cautious optimism for the future is emerging. The Survey and Pol- icy Research Institute at San Jose State university found that of the 765 Silicon Valley adults (Santa Clara, San Mateo, and southern Alameda counties plus Scotts Valley in Santa Cruz County) surveyed between September 29 and October 7, 2009, more than half (52 continue d, p. 5) Page 5 said their current financial situa- tion was worse compared to one year ago. Only 113 of respon- dents (33%) expected to be bet- ter off a year from now; 10% thought they'd be worse off. Almost half of those surveyed expected their finances to be about the same in a year, and the same proportion (49 antici- pated that business conditions in Silicon valley would be better a year from now. Only S% thought business conditions would be worse, while 40% said they thought business conditions would be the same in one year. The Recovery and Rein vestment Act of 2009 stimulated a moderate economic recovery in the I.S. economy in ,Tune. Tax cuts and tax rebates included in the Recovery Act will stimu- late the economy into the first half of 2010. As the global economy recovers, private spending is expected to replace government spending as the driv- ing force behind economic growth, beginning in the 2 d quarter of 2010. Improvements in the labor market will show up as declines in the unemployment rate, also beginning in the 2nd quarter of 2010. Job growth will accelerate by the 3rd quarter of 2010. For the remainder of 2009 and into the I st quarter of 2010, however, many individuals and families will continue to deal with the fallout of falling home prices, home foreclosures and layoffs: The sentiment for many will be, "with economic growth like this, who needs recessions?" The economic recovery will show up first as increased profits for many companies, es- pecially in the banking sector. vwvwvw IIE c:®nc)osyst :4=.m!s.C:4D m Volume fi issue 1 2000 199 92,947 16;773 .4 19;953 325;381 2001 199 85,418 :16;989 .4 11 31 81 185 2002 193,010 .79, 124 16;967 4;899 12 306 2+007 257 105 21 X416 6 15 406 DOS 263,941 106,973 21 ..6; 994 15;494 415: 329 SOURCE: Source: Regional Economic Information System, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Depart ment of Commerce Once the health care legislation and climate policy is determined, more certainty will enter into small business and corporate planning and will likely translate into business expansion and employment gams. The construction industry and employment levels will stabilize as we enter 2010. Broad based business growth will strengthen begin ning in the 3 quarter of next year. By year -end 2010, moderate employment gains and real earnings growth will resume for tie San Francisco Bay Area economy. Additional resources: "East Bay Quarterly Forecast, Q4 2009," October 2009, East Bay Economic Develop ment Alliance, http://www.edab.Orgi/research facts_figuresf economic forecasts_updates.htm. Mann, Arnar and Tony Nunes, "After the Dot -Coin Bubble: Silicon valley High Tech Employment And wages in 2401 and 2008," Regional Report, Summary 09-08, Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Publications and Special Studies, U.S. Depart- ment of Labor, August 2009 http:// www. bls. gov/ opub/ regionahreports /20094S_silicon_valley_h.igh tech.h.tm). Lenka Schvaigarova provided research and production assistance in the preparation of this report. Calif ornia San San Jose Santa. Rosa- Vallejo Napa (MSA) Francisco- Sunnyvale- Petaluma Fairf ield Oakland- Santa Clara (MSA) (MSA) Fremont (MSA) (MSA) Ba Sales Data i. A.udztSalesInfo2 ABORT ALAAMDA "OTHER" INCENT'I S BREAKDOWN 05 -42 -002 05 -42 -003 05 -42 -004 OPTIONS OTI ER LANDSCAPE TOTAL HARBOR 185 COVE 152 POINTS go LANDING 48 Pottery Barn rift Cards (2,254.00) (959,500.62) (9,957.00) (1,131,757.96) (42,688.00) (1,838,199.85) 0.00 0.00 (16,790.63) 0.00 (961 (2 (1,144,564.96) 0.00 (1,880,88'x.85) 0.00 0.00 (16,790.63) 485 (54,899.00) (3,946,249.06) (2 (4,003,998.06) PRICE INCENTIVES: (7,7'39,14'x.00) (11,743,145.06) AuditSaleslnfo HARB i DATE BOOKED SALES PRICE 05-42 -001 05-42 -002 05- 42.003 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE OPTIONS OTHER LANDSCAPE 'INCENTIVES 1 07/06/07 778,990.00 (25,000.00) (2,000.00) (27,000.00) 2 05/31107 821,682.00 (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 3 01126/05 832,990.00 (2,530.00) (2,500.00) 3 05/23107 856,490.00 (34,000.40) (7,000.40) (41,000.00) 4 01/13/06 821,490.00 0.00 4 07/24107 760 (25,000.00) (6,000.00) (31,000.00) 5 12/29/05 838,490.40 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 6 12129/05 817,990.00 0,40 -7 12128/05 782 0.00 9 01104/08 790,990.40 (650.00) (22,500.00) (23,160.00) 10 12128105 816,490.00 (27.00) (2,500.00) (2,527.40) 10 12111107 775,990.00 (25,407.00) (25,407.00) 11 12/23105 801,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 11 12121/07 790,990.00 (18,434.00) (34,159.00) (52,573.00) 12 12123145 756,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.40) 12 12/28/07 759,990.00 (34,196.00) (34,196.00) 13 12122105 801,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 13 12/18/07 776 990.00 0.00 14 12116105 821,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 14 02/22/39 754 (98,318.00) (10,000.OD) (108,318.00) 15 02124/05 826,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 17 12109105 766,490.00 0. 00 17 02/28/06 842,990.00 (9,434,00) (9,434.00) 17 12/05107 764,990.40 (18,754.40) (20,000.00) (38,754.00) 18 12108105. 841,490.00 0.00 18 03102/06 831,990.00 (5,000.00) (5,000.00) 18 12/04107 793,490.00 (48,150.00) (5,500.00) (53,550.00) 19 12106/05 801,490.00 0.00 19 03/07/46 791 (2,500,00) (2,50.0.00) 19 12103107 778 (18,000.00) (10,000.00) (28,000.00) 20 11/28/05 826 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 20 03/08/06 837,990.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 20 11/28107 793 (50,968,00) (5,000.00) (55,908.00) 21 03130106 827 .0.00 21 11121107 762 (24,990.00) (10.00) (42,547.00) (67,547.00) 22 04/03/05 796 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 22 11120107 793,490.00 (15,000.00) (15,000.00) 23 11103105 808,990 (17,000.00) (17,00 23 04/07/06 842,990.00 4.00 23 11119/07 778,490.00 0.00 24 11/04105 797,490.00 0.00 24 04107/06 792,990.00 0.00 24 11/15/07 793,490.40 0.00 25 04/13/06 825,490.04 D.00 25 11116107 778,490.00 (5,000.00) (5,400.00) 26 04/13/06 841,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 25 11/14/07 793,490,00 (25,000.00) (5,000.00) (30,000.00) 27 11116/07 762,490.00 (5,004.00) (5,000.00) 31 04/25106 803,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 32 04124106 834,990.00 0.00 33 04126106 849,990.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 34 04128106 834,990.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 35 05/02/06 853,490.00 (360.00) (360.00) 36 05/23/06 853,490.00 0,00 37 05/22/06 803,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 38 05123/05 838,490.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 39 06122105 863,494.40 0.00 40 05130/05 8381 Q.00 41 06101106 852,4-90.00 0.00 42 06/05/06 840,990.00 (1,33100) (1,332.00) 43 05/07/05 800,990.00 (2,500.06) (2,500.00) 44 06/€39/06 852 0.00 06113106 8 52,828.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.0 X 45 46 06114/06 837,490.00 0 0.00 47 09107/05 778,290.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 47 06120/06 852,828.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.40) AuditSaeslnf© (2,500.00) HARBOR BOOKED DATE SALES LOT CLOSED PRICE 48 09/13/05 764,990.00 48 06121/06 800,990.00 49 09114/05 726,490,00 49 06129/06 837,490,00 50 09116/05 776,490.00 50 07/03106 852 51 09120105 761,490.00 52 09122/05 726,494.00 53 09129/05 761,490.00 53 09/07106 885 54 09/07106 867 55 09101 /06 834,490.00 56 04/06/05 737,990.00 56 08/31106 884 57 04/08105 731,490.00 57 08129106 870,990.04 58 04/14/05 737,990.00 58 09118106 834,490.00 59 04/13/05 697,990.00 59 08/23106 870,999.04 60 04/14105 727,990.00 60 10106106 882,490.40 61 04118105 700,490.00 61 08/28/06 830,990.00 62 04121/05 742,990.04 62 08/15/06 850,990.00 63 04122105 727,994.00 63 10127/06 862,490.04 64 04126105 737,990.00 64 09126106 857,174.04 65 09128/06 873,490.04 66 10102/06 821,990.00 67 07119107 818,990.00 68 03104105 722,990,00 68 07/23107 792,990.04 69 03102105 712,990.00 69 07125/07 777,990.00 70 03101105 687 70 08107/07 761 71 02/24105 722,990.00 71 08/17107 792,990.00 72 02123105 712,990.04 72 08/02107 761,990.00 73 02115105 687,990.00 73 08/09107 777,990.04 74 08121/07 761,990.04 75 11/05/07 792,990.00 76 08/14/07 782,990.04 77 08/16/07 794 78 06/13107 815,990.00 79 05/08/07 856,490.00 82 05110/07 806,490.04 83 03/27107 781,990.40 84 04142107 825,990.00 85 05/30/07 806,490.04 86 03115107 825,990.00 87 05/12108 764 88 06127108 795,990.00 89 07131148 785,990.04 90 05119/08 803,490.00 91 05128108 785,990.00 92 07103/08 804,490.04 93 05128/08 794,490.00 94 05/29/08 774,990.00 113 05105105 787,990.00 114 05/03/05 727,990.00 115 05102/05 769,990.04 0542 -001 05-42 -002 05-42 -043 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE OPTIONS OTHER LANDSCAPE INCENTIVES (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,047.00) (2,500.00) (53,302.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (83 (580.00) (38,292.00) (3,135.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (63,846.00) 0.00 (5,000.00) (3,025.00) (2,500.00) (66,693.13) (3,435.00) (49,434.00) 0.00 (31,000.00) 0.00 (32,905.+00) 0.00 (26,367.00) (2,500.00) (66,087..00) 0.00 (44,512.00) (21,905.00) (103,613.00) (26,905.00) (28,209.88) (56,582.00) (48,072.00) (15,000.00) (26,500.00) (43,390.00) (45,591.00) (20,0 00.40) (48,010.00) (90,986.50) (74,997.00) (94,931.23) (13,202.80) (76,041.84) (10,325.00) (45,257.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,047.00) (2,500.00) (40,802.00) (12,500.00) (2,500.00) (83,987.40) (580.00) (38.292.00) (3,135.00) (3,500.00) (2,500.00) (57,346.00) (6,500.00) (5,000.00) (525.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (27,585.00) (39,108.13) (3,43 5.00) (34,434.00) (15,000.00) (25,000.00) (6,000.00) (12,905.00) (20,000.00) (3,500.00) (22,867.00) (2,500,00) (25,414.00) (40,673.00) (42,01100) (2,500.00) (I,905.00) (20,000.00) (101,353.00) (2,260.00) (26,905.40) (3,500.00) (24,709.88) (56,582.00) (28,072.00) (20,000.00) (15,000.00) (26,500.00) (14,654.00) (28,736.00) (45,591.00) (15,000.00) (5,000.00) (35,010.00) (13,000.00) (72,923.00) (18,063.50) (67,617.00) (7,380.00) (69,435.40) (25,496.23) (13,202.50) (66,055.00) (9,986.84) (2,325.00) (8,000.00) (35,257.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,047.00) (2,500.00) (53,302.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (83 (580.00) (38,292.00) (3,135.00) (6,000.00) 0.00 (63,846.00) 0.00 (5,000.00) (3,025.00) (2,500.00) (66,693.13) (3,435.00) (49,434.00) 0.00 (31,000.00) 0.00 (32,905.+00) 0.00 (26,367.00) (2,500.00) (66,087..00) 0.00 (44,512.00) (21,905.00) (103,613.00) (26,905.00) (28,209.88) (56,582.00) (48,072.00) (15,000.00) (26,500.00) (43,390.00) (45,591.00) (20,0 00.40) (48,010.00) (90,986.50) (74,997.00) (94,931.23) (13,202.80) (76,041.84) (10,325.00) (45,257.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 AuditSaleslnfo HARBOR. DATE L OT CLOSED BOOKED SALES 05-42 -001 05-42 -€702 05--42 -003 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE PRICE OPTIONS OTHER LANDSCAPE INCENTIVES 116 05105105 782,348.00 134 12/04/06 837,490.00 (15,000.00) 135 12105/06 889,99+0.40 (20,000.00) 136 12106/06 873 137 12107106 589,990.00 (25,000.00) 138 12/11105 838,990.00 (15,000.00) 139 12/27/06 871,990.00 (4,040.00) 140 12/15106 886,990.00 (57,233.00) 141 12!29105 838,990.00 (68,592.00) 144 04123109 775,449.04 (100,449.00) 145 02105109 887,749.00 (137,749.00) 146 02101/07 850,490.00 146' 01/09/09 905,441.00 (150,441.40) 147 02105107 798,990.00 (32,214.00) 147 11/14108 811,747.00 148 02/08/07 835 (29,868.00) 149 02114107 850,490.00 (31,512.00) 150 02/16107 835,490.00 151 43114107 550 (59,178.00) 152 03/14107 835,490.00 (25 153 03109107 850,490.00 (25,000.00) 154 03/41107 535 155 03108107 798,990.00 (40,000.00) 158 09/21104 565,990.00 (1,305.00) 159 09/21/04 700 160 09/24104 690 151 09128104 665,990.00 152 10106104 700,990.00 163 10/04104 590,9913.110 173 10145104 680,990.00 174 10/13/04 690,994.00 175 14/08/04 580,990.40 176 10115144 655,990.00 177 10/29/04 690,990.00 178 10119104 680,990.00 179 10121/44 694,990.00 180 10/21/04 655 181 11102/04 690,990.00 182 10129/04 695,990.110 183 11/02104 670,990.00 184 1 1/04/04 705 18 55 11/08/04 186 11/10104 675,990.110 10,990.00 187 11/12104 700 188 1111 6/44 710,994.00 191 11123104 715,990.00 192 11/23/04 705,990.40 .193 11/23104 680,990.00 194 11/19/04 705,990.40 195 11130104 715,990.00 196 12/02104 705 197 12106104 718.490.00 (5,000.00) (7,500.00) (20,000.00) (2,500.00) (2,5013.00) (2,500.00) (10,000.00) (20,000,00) (12,500.00) (9,096.24) (12,500.00) (30,000.00) (15,000.40) (10,000.00) (20,004.00) (15,000.00) (10,000.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (20,000.00) (27,500.013) (20,000.00) (27,500.00) (15,000.00) (6,500.00) (59,733.00) (78,592.00) (100,449.00) (157,749.00) (12,500.00) (159,537.24) (44,714.00) (30,000.00) (29,868.04) (31,612.00) (15,1100.00) (59,178.00) (35,885.00) (45,000.00) (15,000.40) (50,000.00) (3,805.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 +0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,540.00) D.DO 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 17.00 0.00 (2,504.00) 145,697,624.00 (2,344,700.00) (2,254.00) (959,500.62) 0.00. (3,306,454.52) 145,696,747.00 (3,306,454.62) 877.00 0.00 Au d AS ales Info COVE DATE LOT CLOSED BOOKED SALES 05-42 -001 05-42 -002 05-42 --003 05-42, -004 TOTAL PRICE PRICE OPTION OT L ANDSCAPE INCENTIVES 1 07112/06 928,990.00 (10,000.00) 2 03/28106 947,990.00 0.00 3 03124/06 866 (332.00) 4 03123106 923,490.00 (2,500.00) 5 03/21106 951,490.00 (2,500.00) 6 03/16106 907,990.00 (2,635.00) 7 03/14106 923,490.00 (2,832.00) 8 02/24106 917 (2,500.00) 9 02/21106 889,995.00 (25 10 02/16106 876490.00 (30,000.00) 11 02/09106 847,990.00 (57,884.00) 12 02109106 893,625.00 0.00 13 02/03/06 921,490.00 0.00 25 11109105 867,490.00 0.00 26 11/10/05 845,490.00 (46,236.00) 27 11116105 820,490.00 (43 28 11/17/05 890,490.00 (27,533.71) 28 11/14/07 14107 978,490.00 (25,120.00) 29 11121105 845,490.00 (55,000.00) 29 11/02107 997,990.00 (30,000.00) 30 11123/05 820,490.00 (57,514.00) 30 11/01/07 929,490.00 (57,884.00) 31 12/28/05 862,490.00 (2,500.00) 32 12/20/05 890 0.00 33' 12/22105 820,490.00 (28,402.00) 34 12/29105 862,490,00 (2,500.00) 35 12129105 845,490.00 (2,500.00) 36 12/28105 900,490.00 0.00 39 10101/07 856,990.00 0.00 40 10/03/07 908,490,00 (43,736.00) 41 10/05/07 929,490,00 (38,517.00) 50 06121/07 856,990.00 (20,755.00) 51 06125107 971 (9,355.00) 52 07113107 923,490,00 (12,960.00) 53 06129/07 905,490.00 (12,596.00) 54 07109107 864 55 07106/07 981,490.00 (38,965,00) 56 07/24107 924 (35,000.00) 57 07112/07 975,490.00 (7,476.00) 64 07/17107 913,490.00 65 03111105 848,628.00 65 07125107 975,990.00 (52,514,00) 66 03110105 827,990.00 66 07119/07 945 67 03/08/05 847,990.00 67 09/13/06 975,490.00 68 09115/06 902 (25,162.00) 69 09/19106 948 70 09/21/06 1 71 11114106 940,490.00 (28,402.00) 72 09/28106 991,990.00 73 09/29/06 982,990.00 74 10106/06 957,990.00 75 10/03106 1,03 5,990.00 76 07/26105 867 76 10/ 04106 994,990.00 77 07/28/05 792,990.00 77 10105106 928 (15,000.00) (25,000.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (332.00) (332.00) 0.00 0.00 (332.00) (332.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,635.00) (2,635.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,832.00) (2,832.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (25 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (30,000.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (57,884.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (46,236.00) (15,000.00) (53,517.00) (22,500.00) (43 (25,000.00) (34,355.00) (14,573.71) (27,533.71) (29,345.23% (41,941.23) (10,000.00) (10,000.00) (25,000.00) (63,965.00) (20,000.00) (55,000.00) (37,500.00) (44,976,00) (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.00 (5,000.00) (57,514.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (32,474.00) (37,636.00) 0.00 (135.00) (135,00) (28,402.00) (2,500,00)- (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500,00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Audit.SalesInfo COVE DATE LOT CLOS BOOKED SALES PRICE 0542 -001 05-42 -002 05-42 -003 05- 42004 TOTAL P RICE OPTION OTHER LANDSCAPE INCENTIVES 78 08/01/05 839,990.00 (4,053.00) 78 10/10106 982,490.00 0.00 79 08/02/05 822,990.00 (2,500.00) 79 10/11106 1,017,490.00 (2,500.00) 80 08/04/05 797,990.00 (2,500.00) 80 10/12/06 958,990.00 (1,767.00) 81 08/04/05 857,990.00 (2,500.00) 81 07/28/06 1 (2,500.00) 82 08101106 963,490.00 (400.00) 83 08/03106 997,990.00 (2,500.00) 84 08107106 959,990.00 (5,891.00) 85 08/19105 839,990.00 (1,767.00) 85 08109106 993,990.00 (180.00) 86 08/24/05 862 (2,500.00) 86 08111106 936,490.00 0.00 87 08126/05 817 (2,500.00) 87 08/15/06 893,990.00 0.00 88 08/30105 839,990.00 0.00 88 08/17/06 952 (1,425.00) (192,154.00) 89 09/01105 797,990.00 (122,621.40) 90 09/08105 827,990.00 (110,496.00) 91 04107/05 842 (3,391.00) 92 03130/05 787,990.00 0.00 92 06130/06 877,990.00 (61,530.00) 93 03/29/05 800,990.00 (59,901.97) 93 07106/06 976,490.00 (56,584.97) 94 03124105 777,990.00 (2,927.00) 94 07/26106 923,990.00 (77,847.00) 95 03/28/05 800,990.00 (983.00) 95 07/12/06 953,490.00 96 03/17105 777,990.00 96 07/14/06 976,490.00 97 03117/05 817,990.00 97 07118/06 920 98 08101/06 940,990.00 (25.00) 99 07125106 881,490.00 100 10107108 877,990.00 (75,096.00) 101 05129109 792,990.00 (188,841.00) 102 10124/08 879,490.00 (20,740.00) 103 12/11/08 791,990.00 (108,449.00) 104 01/07/09 839,990.00 (43,580.00) 105 12/11108 840,990.00 (110,496.00) 108 06/06105 812,990.00 (3,687.00) 109 06108105 855,490.00 110 06117/05 787,990.00 111 06115105 829 112 06/17/05 852,990.00 112 08/08/08 825 (30,780.00) 113 11120/06 959,990.00 113 07/10108 876,990.00 114 11122106 1,021,490.00 114 07/15/08 846,490.00 (41,240.00) 115 11128/06 974,490.00 116 12/19/06 1 117 12/01/06 951,490.00 (43,896.00) 118 12101/06 975 (76,847.00) 119 12/15106 955 (36,850.00) 120 12/18106 1 121 12/15/06 913,490.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,900.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (1,767.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (5,891.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (180,00) (180.00) (2,927.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (983.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (25.00) 0.00 (75,096.00) (973.00) (915.00) (1,425.00) (192,154.00) (38,990.52) (59,730.52) (14,172.40) (122,621.40) (30,000.00) (73,580.00) (110,496.00) (3,687.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 (30,750.00) (61,530.00) (7,500.00) (7,500.00) (59,90/.97) (59,901.97) .0.00 (15,344.97) (56,584.97) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (46,396.00) (1,000.00) (77,847.00) (36,850.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) AuditSaleslnfo COVE DATE LOT CLOSED BOOKED SALES PRICE 05-42 -001 05-42 -002 05-42 -003 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE OPTION OTHER LANDSCAPE INCENTAIES 122 12/28106 1 (35,976.00) 123 12/30104 802,990.00 (74,147.00) 123 12122/06 975,990.00 (58,632.00) 123 04101108 882,490.00 (61,647.00) 124 12130/04 789,990.00 (100,308.50) 124- 12/28106 1,024,490.00 (33,632.00) 124 04116/08 944,990.00 (88,788.00) 125 01/18105 762.990.00 (73,269.00) 125 12/29106 956,990.00 (119,442.00) 125 03127/08 895,430.00 (70,501.00) 126 01/14/05 822,990.00 (59,966.39) 126 02114107 1,020,990.00 (112,413.00) 127 01/25105 785,990.00 (161,599.00) 127 03/14/07 975,990.00 (124,848.00) 128 01/21/05 802,990.00 (34,829.73) 128 01/18107 906 (37,269.00) 129 01127/05 822,990.00 (220.00) 129 02115107 954,490.00 (116,942.00) 130 02/23107 975,490.00 (114,628.00) 130 04/23/09 790,990.00 (170,350.00) 131 01/30/07 1,024,990.00 (75,904.00) 131 01122109 880,490.00 (10,000.00) 132 02/09107 954,490.00 (105,406.00) 132 03102109 840 133 02/08107 980,990.00 (20,000.00) 133 08/11/09 879,490.00 (155,165.04) 134 01127109 862,490.00 (71,754.00) 135 02/05109 870,990.00 (50,000.00) 136 07102109 868,764.00 (151,764.00) 141 11/18108 797,490.00 142 11119108 885,490.00 143 11121/08 845,990.00 (1.5,740.00) 148 11/25/08 914,067.00 (94,067.00) 149 06/03/09 933,044.00 (60,044.00) 150 05127/09 967,912.00 (79,912.00) 153 08/21109 840,990.00 (141,509.00) 154 06126/09 887 155 09/20/04 780,990.00 (255.00) 156 09/08/04 740,994.00 157 09/20/04 780,990.00 168 09/01104 748,990.00 159 09/02104 770,990.00 170 09/03/04 795,990.00 171 09/01104 758,990.00 172 09/14104 785,990.00 (37,500.00) (73,476.00) (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 (12,500.00) (74,147.00) 0.00 (25,000.00) (58,632.00) (13,500.00) (102,288.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) (29,807.50) (100,308.50) 0.00 (112,413.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (127,348.00) 0.00 (36,000.00) (73,269.00) (2,500.00) (2,720.00) (2,500.00) (119,442.00) (4,000.00) (118,628.00) (1,425.00) (171,775.00) (4,430.00) (3,133.00) (83,467..00) (49,966.39) (59,966.39) (5,000.00) (110,406.00) (70,000.00) (70,000.00) (2,504.00) (22,500.00) (4,089.00) (2,345.00) (161,599.00) (150.00) (30,445.00) (102,349.00) (9,928.45) (59,928.45) (6,017.31) (157,7$1.31) (34,829.73) (34,829.73) (39,715.87) (39,715.87) (44,602.00) (6 ©,342.00) (9,708.80) (103,1 (60,044.00) (2,400.00) (82,312.00) (11,760.11) (153,269.11) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (255.00) 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 144 (3,241,224.00) 485.00 (9,957.00) (1,131,757.96) (2,850.00) (4,385,788.96) (4,385,788.96) 0.00 AuditSal.eslnfo POINTE BOOKED DATE SALES LOT CLOSED PRICE 05-42 -001 05-42 -002 05-42 -003 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE OPTION OTHER LANDSCAPE 3NCENTWES 31 11/15/07 1,055,990.00 (10.00) (108,750.50) 32 02129/08 795 (80,152.00) 33 11/02/07 1,025,990.00 (89,900.00) (14,921.08) 34 01130105 794,990.00 (38,836.00) (18,000.00) 35 10118107 1,047,580.00 (40,000.00) 36 10124107 1 (60,000.00) (42,818.00) 37 10/12/05 985,990.00 37 10112107 1 (51,000.00) 38 10/14/05 905 38 11121/07 1 (198,438.00) 39 10/21105 955,90.00 (2,500.00) 40 11101105 995,990.00 41 11103105 960,990.00 42 11/04105 990,990.00 (2,500.00) 42 08122/07 1.,088,490.00 43 11115105 905,990.00 (2,500.00) 43 08124107 1,038,490.00 (16,250.00) (2,500.00) 44 11/16105 940,990.00 (2,500.00) 44 08/28107 1,073,490.00 (37,680.00) (38,345.00) 45 11/17/05 905,990.00 (2,500.00) 45 09/07/07 1 (37,250.00) (62,500.00) 46 11/18/05 985,990.00 46 09113/07 970 (100,000.00) 47 09/18/07 1,053,490.04 (32,855.00) (35,000.00) 58 10/10107 1,073,490.00 (47,936.00) 59 12121107 965 (183,88400) (31 60 10/01/07 1,038,490.00 61 11/08/07 1 (60,560.00) (55,000.00) 62 10110107 1,014 (77,250.00) (10,000.00) 63 10/03107 1.,053,490.00 (52,500.00) 82 07/27105 960,990.00 (2,755.00) 83 07/17105 915,990.00 84 08/10105 960,990.00 (2,473.00) (2,500.00) 89 06/19106 1,021,990.00 90 06/27106 1 91 06/23106 986,990.00 (205.00) 97 12117108 885,990.00 (40,000.00) 98 12/10104 892 (500.00) (2,500.00) 98 11/04108 889,490.00 (27,258.00) (25,000.44) 99 12115104 85500.00 99 12/05/08 925.990.00 (35,000.00) 100 12117104 827,500.00 100 07/26106 1 101 12/22/04 82300.00 101 07128106 1 (225.00) 102 12/23/44 855,000.00 102 08/02/06 1,076,990.00 103 12/23/04 89000.00 (400.00) (2,500.00) 103 01/23/07 1,085,990.00 (50,000.00) (12,000.00) 104 12128/04 855,000.00 (2,500.00) 104 12108106 1,029,490.00 (165,996M) (10,000.00) 105 12/29104 895,000.00 105 10/20106 1 (6,71100) (13,287.00) 106 10/26106 1,080,990.00 (12,500.00) 106 12123108 875,990.00 (129,640.00) (21,360.88) 107 12120106 1 (57,500.00) 107 09115108 875,655.00 (49,216.35) 108 1 1114106 1,115,990.00 (108,760.50) (80,152.00) (104,821.08) (56,836.00) (40,00 0.00) (102,818.00) 0.00 (51,000.00) 0.00 (198,438.00) (2,500.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,500.00) 0.00 (2,500.0 (18,750:00) (2,5 (76,025.00) (2,500..00) (99,750.0) 0.00 (100,000.00) (67,855.00) (47,936.00) (215,54121) 0.00 (115 (87,250.00) (52,500.00) (2,75.5.00) 0.00 (4,973.00) 0.00 0.00 (205.00) (40,000.00) (3,000.00) (52,258.00) 0.00 (35,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (225.00) 0.00 0.00 (2,90 ©.00) (62,000.00) (2,500..0 (175,996.00) 0.00 (20,000.00) (12,500.00) (151,000.88) (57,500.00) (49,216.35) 0.00 AuditSa eslnfo POENTE DATE LOT CLOSED 05-42 -•001 05-42 -002 05-42 -003 05-42 -004 TOTAL PRICE OPTION OTHER LANDSCAPE INCENTIVES BOOKED SALES PRICE 108 12/11108 870,990.00 (75,753.00) (33,500.00) 109 11/22106 1 (55,000.00) 109 08/29/08 83 8,200.00 (64,998.77) 110 11/03106 1 (25,000.00) (6,794,00) 110 09105108 920,990.00 (97,000M) 111 11109/06 1,119,490.00 (17,1:73.14) 111 09/10108 895,990.00 (500.00) (66,000.00) 112 11113/06 1,086,950.00 (13,147.23) 115 05122/08 851,490.00 (25,000.00) (9,934.16) 116 04/30/08 745,026.00 (41,31150) 117 05125105 940,000.00 117 06/03/08 845,990.00 (32,107.00) 118 05/27105 880,000.00 118 04/24108 871,990.00 (65,937.00) (14,953.75) 119 06108105 90500.00 119 04/29/08 946,990.00 (39,676.00) (16,335.00) 120 06102105 880,000.00 (2,500.00) 120 04129108 814 (25,662.00) (24,982.50) 121 05114108 849,490.00 (50,139.00) (42,497.66) 122 05/20108 860,990.00 (40,000.00) 126 05108108 811 (25,330.00) 127 03128/08 904,436.00 (100,000.00) 128 03/19108 999,490.00 (43,818.00) (48,033.35) 129 03121108 864,490.00 (27,307.00) (15,000,00) 130 05/02/08 845,990.00 (36,443.00) (15,000.00) 131 04/18/08 823,914.00 (19,981.00) 132 03111108 790 (46,313.00) 133 04/11108 850,990.00 (7,249.00) (10,000.00) 137 11/25/08 940,698.00 (127,448.00) (8,837.27) 138 11/26/08 1 (125,323.00) (9,973.50) 139 01/23109 1,041 (111,258.00) 140 12123108 868,490.00 (38,731.00) (14,000.00) (9,638.00) 85,653,800.00 (2,153,223.00) (42,688,00) (1,838,199.85) 85,652,490.00 1,310.00 (109,253.00) (55,040.00) (64,998.77) (31,794.00) (97,000.00) (17,173.14) (66,500.00) (13,147.23) (34,934.16) (41,313.50) 0.00 (32,107.00) 0.00 (80,890.75) .0.00 (56,011.00) (2,500.00) (50 (92,636.66) (40,000.00) (25,330.00) (100,000.00) (91,851..35) (42,307.00) (51,443.04) (19,981.00) (46,313.00) (17,249.00) (136,285.27) w (135,296.50) (111,258.00) (62,369.00) 0.00 (4,034,110.85) (4,034,110.85) 0.00 AuditSalesInfo LANDING BOOKED DATE SALES LOT CLOSED PRICE 05- 42.001 05- 42002 05-42-003 05- 42.004 TOTAL PRICE OPTION OTFlER LANDSCAPE INCENTIVES 165 02128105 273 7 000.00 0.00 166 02/28/05 273 0.00 167 03102105 273 000.00 0.00 74 04101105 273,000.00 0.00 75 04101105 273 0.00 190 04/01/05 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LL p (3) C) 0 N 0 0 ZS 2 U3CJ3� 0 U) U) m N LL LL U) LL LL L cn v 0 o v >C)0 a 0 >OO O C7 0 O >oa v3 C7 C7 ttn tn o v 0 C to Ca v U) ©o -0 cn O 7 V) a Q cis oC� Ln n aD a (L) (1)Cy C0LL (DN[yw)LL [t]NMI.L.. 0C1C'7LL S� N CB T CD r i Cr3 N t t [I] Cu N r r C17 N N t t U3 o s r U3 CIO Q CL N N 0 O O C30© LO 0 0 N0070 0 NO 00C 0 0 t� N C7 C7 0 C7 ©O x v Ull 1.- C:� C:� QCVntC Qni ry Q ©u� QC4NC6 Mo n o QNNCr] �.N Q E a to 0 C C M o v N(\iV v rn Q m U Z o W Li Q a- APPENDIX C: Average Home Affordability Multipliers .M. to C) v CN L CL vbwj r� •awI L 0 W E r X 0 CL w CL r s.. p !t3 Q 'CL CSI CD CN v 0 rn r r_ 0 J f` CO r 0 C6 1-� CAD 6 C6 QD C7 i� m ni co C\i 6 E 0 C z� v a c� {[S 0 c CCS cU E U) v a LO r- U C N E 0 N C: cu ii E 0 0 U W k v N N a 7o m Z cn Z v U CO 0 P S U a., .0 C C 4 U E 0 c a w 0 v V] 1 0 L m E LL v M L- E o LL -v M U t1 6 E 0 C z� v a c� {[S 0 c CCS cU E U) v a LO r- U C N E 0 N C: cu ii E 0 0 U W k v N N a 7o m Z cn Z v U CO 0 P S U a., .0 C C 4 U E 0 c a w Residential Unit Value Trends 1988-2009 (nominal v CL m m Case-Schiller U.S. Home Prices, Buildin Costs, Population, and Interest Rates, 1890-2004 r. s uoilllw w u n 11 OKI m N a COD 3* C C 1 0 0 C 0 0 0_N. F fr, ti r.. a a !4 n::wrr C C 1 0 0 C 0 0 0_N. F r.. Mlb A y C C 1 0 0 C 0 0 0_N. F M OHAWM National Building Cost Manual for Single Family Direct Construction Costs (2010) r Building costs far this house: 2,500 sq.ft., wood exterior (no brick), standard interior finishes. Generally based on Bayport exterior configurations (10 or more corners). Tract (not custom) house in suburban location. This is an estimate for a single family residence built under competitive conditions in Zip area 945 -947 Oakland, California in May, 2010. This estimate includes a foundation as required for normal soil conditions, excavation for foundation and piers on a prepared building pad, floor, wall, interior and exterior finishes, roof cover, interior partitions, doors, windows, trim, electric wiring and fixtures, rough and finish plumbing, built -in appliances, supervision, design fees, permits, utility hook -ups, the contractors' contingency, overhead and profit. Highly decorative, starkly original or exceptionally well- appointed residences will cost more. Item Name Material Labor Equipment TOTAL Excavation $4,127 $985 $5,112 Foundation, Piers, Flatwork 8,171 13,983 2,004 24,158 Rough Hardware 798 1,367 197 2,362 Rough Carpentry 26,420 42,435 68,855 Insulation 4,947 3,680 8,627 Exterior Finish 14,065 9,139 1,036 24,240 Exterior Trim 953 1,632 235 2,820 Doors 2,415 2,204 4,619 Windows 4,159 3,076 7,235 Finish Hardware 402 368 770 Garage Door 1,140 506 1,646 Roofing, Flashing, Fascia 11,047 10,082 21,129 Finish Carpentry 1,466 8,035 9,501 Interior Wall Finish 7,038 11,825 18,863 Painting 4,205 10,682 14,887 Wiring 4,269 8,770 13,039 Lighting Fixtures 3,201 1 095 4,296 Flooring 3,145 4,855 8,000 Carpeting 6,257 2,429 8,686 Bath Accessories 1,550 1,038 2,588 Shower Tub Enclosure 989 903 1,892 Countertops 2,993 2,729 5,722 Cabinets 9,€339 3,367 13,206 Built In Appliances 4,787 727 5,514 Plumbing Rough -in and Connection 4,492 11,871 649 17,012 Plumbing Fixtures 9,120 3,146 12,272 Heating and Cooling Systems 6,273 9,410 15,683 Unit Heating and Cooling Fireplace and Chimney 924 13 _86 2,31_0 Subtotal Direct Job Costs $145,071 $174,867 $5,106 $325,044 per sq.ft. $130 Final Cleanup $1,302 $1,302 Insurance 9,116 9,116 Permits Utilities 5,534 5,534 Plans Specs 1,302 1,302 Subtotal Indirect Job Costs $15,952 $1,302 $0 $17,254 TOTAL $342,298 Costs in the tables include all construction costs: labor, material, equipment, plans, building permit, supervision, overhead and profit. Cost tables do not include land value, site development costs, government mandated fees (other than the building permit) or the cost of modifying unusual soil conditions or grades. Site preparation, utility lines, government fees and mandates, finance cost and marketing are not park of the construction cost. Source; National Building Cost Manual, 2010. Economic and Planning Systems 5/24/2010 Alameda Zero Options.xls Russell Resources, Inc. environmental management Alameda Point RAB Meeting on May 6,,2010 Highlights and Analysis RAB members present Dale Smith (Community Co- chair), George Humphreys, Joan Konrad, Jean Sweeney, Jim Sweeney, and Michael John Torrey. The RAB meeting was held at the Mastick Senior Center, immediately preceding an ARRA Board meeting at the Center. At the ARRA Board meeting, the Navy, EPA, and DISC delivered a formal presentation on environmental remediation at Alameda Point. The RAB meeting's agenda was shorter than usual. Remediation and other field work in progress: o The Navy is nearing completion of its removal and replacement of several radioactively contaminated storm drain lines originating at Buildings 5 and 400, which discharge into Seaplane Lagoon. This work must be completed before cleanup of contaminated sediment in Seaplane Lagoon begins. o Active subsurface groundwater treatment is complete at IR Sites 14 and 27, along the Oakland Inner Harbor in Northwest Territories and just north of Pier 1, respectively. Both sites are being monitored to verify treatment effectiveness. o The air sparge /vapor extraction system to treat groundwater contaminated with benzene and naphthalene at Alameda Point OU -5 and FISCA IR Site 2 is operating. o The principal part of the petroleum- contaminated groundwater treatment operation near the Atlantic Avenue entrance is completed. Later this summer, further groundwater treatment will be conducted in a small area near Orion Street where higher petroleum levels persist. o The Navy is conducting pre dredge sediment sampling of the Seaplane Lagoon in preparation for its remediation. In conjunction with this sampling, sediment samples are being collected near storm drain outfalls into Seaplane Lagoon and Oakland Inner Harbor that drain the vicinity of Buildings 5 and 400. These samples are being analyzed for radiological contamination to further evaluate the impacts of former operations in these two buildings. o Cleanup of soil and groundwater contaminated with copper at IR Site 28, the former Todd Shipyard, near the ferry terminal on Oakland Inner Harbor, is being conducted through the end of June. Operable Unit 2B Plume 4- 1Treatabilit Stud Plume 4 -1 is a zone of groundwater contamination in OU -213's IR Site 4, located between Building 360 and the landscaped island at the east entrance to Alameda Point. A historic railroad siding there is a probable source of the contaminant plume. The presentation reported RR1, 449 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, Son Rafael, California 94993 415.992.3123 fax 815. Agenda Item #5- CUARRAXIC Page 2 of 2 June 1, 2010 Alameda Point RAB Meeting, May 0, 2010 Highlights and Analysis on initial results of one phase of the study: high resolution sampling using membrane interface probes, a new technology, has improved our understanding of the location and shape of the contaminant source zone. The treatability study will focus on this area. As noted in last month's Highlights and Analysis, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, or SERDP—the DoD's environmental science and technology program, is conducting a field research program on Plume 4 -1, which is the more northerly of the two primary groundwater solvent plumes at OUW213. In addition to providing valuable information for selecting and designing the remediation approach for oU -213's groundwater, this two -year research effort is expected to advance the state of the art for the environmental cleanups everywhere. 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, Son Rafael, California 94903 415.902.3123 fax 815-572-8600