2010-06-19 Joint CC ARRA CIC PacketCITY OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING of THE CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEUA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA), AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) SATURDAY JUNE 19 9 A.M. Location: Stafford Meeting Room, Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak Street, Alameda Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council /Board /Commission on agenda items or business introduced by the Council /Board /Commission may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council /Board /Commission. Please file a speaker's slip with the Assistant City Clerk if you wish to speak. A ends. 1 Roll Call City Council, ARRA, C IC 2. General Introduction 3. Financial Policy Guiding Principles 4. Employment Policy Guiding Principles 5. Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget and Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Forecast All funds 6. Program Highlights 7. Adjournment City Council, ARRA, C IC +r1 KWI V Beverly J n M yor Chair, AR n C .•,cx:•.•.•.•,cx:•.•,cxxx: x:• x:• x:•:•:• x x... x.• x. x x x x .x .•.•.•.•.•P •.•.•.•.•,c: r: x•. x h a A market Context: 1 20.0% 17.5% 15.0% 12.5% 10.0% 7.5% 5.o% 2.5% 0%4 -2.5%193 -5.0% 77.5% -10.0% -12.5% -15.0% Annual US Real GDP Growth 1930 2008, Percent Chan Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Market Context: 2 Source Bureau of Economic Analysis u 10% Seasonally Adjusted Annua lized Rates 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 1 1985 19 1995 2000 2005 2010 -2% 0 QI 2008 +01.9% _6%1 Q2 +2.8% Q3 -0.5% Q4 -63% Source Bureau of Economic Analysis 4 °/a 2 °/a 0 .2% 4 %Ct1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2006 2007 2008 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Market Context: 4 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5 °/a 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 2000 2002 200■ 2006 2008 2010 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 40% 35% 30 °/a 25% 20% 115% 10% 5% 0% .5% -10% .1.5% -20% IT$ z==m SJ Metropolitan Division inc. Santa Clara and San Benito counties M M w SF Metropolitan Division inc. Marin and San Mateo counties OAK Metropolitan Division Inc. Alameda and Contra Costa counties US Avera Source: Standard Poor's ana W 6 w.: F.;,;'/ x w....... :.:::::::::::.:e. Y IC x....... P: r. M... x... x x x x..x. x. x �x.. r a x cx:•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. .•.•,c a•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. x.:.•.:.:.:. x..a ....a r [����eee,.���,...:::.: ;e�[r:��x x :•:•:FF• x ...3F x x :r 1 antz.. h ON JMAI x x x :.::x x x. t v x::� x::: x x... fix. e ne x x x.............. x x •:;k:;:;:;:;:• x' :•:•;cxxx: x' txxx:•: •;...+cxxx:;:;:;:;:•:•;cx:•:•:; x'•: gi. u i %:.........'f: :::x::. f Y. X K x... 1........ r .:.:r ,c x.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• x... x.•.• x.•.•.•. .•.•r.•.•.•.•.•.•.•r.•.•.•.• d 'i.�..:.: r�. x x x xxx::: :t r. :t 1% r d x.... 'x::::':'::::::::�::::::: .l 1 :xx :i':::::::::::: x:::::::::::: x:: ::::::::::h x ::::.x ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ti x ��C� Ug x.:.:.:. ::::::::::.:...............x... x {::::....�E ..........x�...: F x.'. x........ x. x XXX x x x.......... x........ :::::::::::::''x:::::::::::.... x........ r. .•,cx:•.•.•.•.•.• cx:•.•.•.•.•. •,cx:•.•.R•,cx:•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•. cx:•.•..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• .•.•a.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.a• .x•.•. .•.•,c .•.•,c� x.................... x.... :::x t .x x x x x�: M•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• :ti•:•:•:•:i•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: ri• r :•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:.t tx...•:• ....:•:•w•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•: r ...•:•;occc ...•nccc s...•:..... ,c „v x:x:::' :•�:i x K x:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• an xxx:: xxx: t::::::::::: x:•:•:•'•'•: x:•:•:•: x.•. ..x x r .e. •r. x.......... a ::::::V bt•: :::�,S.' x x't' A xxx:::: x e s. ,cxxx.. x x x' x. x:.:. x:.:...... x :..;cxi•: •x:...'•:• x:................ W x. v:::........................... ......v.. v::::::::::: ....:..x....:.......:.::.....:x ::::.x :::.4:... x xx: x x. 'f x x....... .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.xv.. x.:•:•:•:•:•:•:•. •x x�.•::::::::..:R.:.:.�:7. s U.- x x.• ..x ma x x...... x x :::::::::::::::ti:::::::: jj x x :2 FAm R ��..x x x......:. x .....:.......:.......:......x x x.......�:: �xxx:. xxxx.... �x........ �x x x x v x. x ::::::::::::::::::i:m:rze....r. ...x� x......... v x x x x x.. x Y x. r s. 0 F s m K K.'.'.'.'....... �x :..:l x: xx::: x are x: x x x x x x x x x ,c x x x... X% .........::i:::l .x..� �.�1.� x.........•.•.•.�i° x......................................... ..��C %:'.'.'.'�C .'.'�C 1 nar *O;