2010-06-24 5-A CorrespondenceXTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE On June 24, received the attached Page 1 of Lara Weisiger -Item #5a tonight From: John Knox White <jlcnoxwhite @gmail.com> To: Beverly Johnson <bjohnson @ci.alameda.ca.us <Ddehaan @ci.alameda.ca.us Frank Matarrese <fmatarre @ci.alameda.ca.us Marie Gilmore <Mgi1more @c1.alameda.ca.L1S Lena Tam <ltam @ci. alameda. ca.11S> Date: 6/24/2010 3:02 PM Subject: Item #5a tonight CC: Lara Weisiger <lweisiger @ci.alameda.ca.us Donna Mooney <DMOONEY @ci.alameda.ca.us gretchen Lipow <gretchenlipow @comcast.net Teresa Highsmith <THIGHSMI @ci. alalneda. ca.us> June 24, 2010 Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council: RE: Tonight's Agenda Item #5 -A Campaign Finance Reform Referral As the vice -chair of the Sunshine Task Force, I wish to clarify some points regarding the City Council's actions of June 15, 2010 in sending the proposed campaign finance reform ordinance to the Sunshine Task Force for public review and analysis. The Task Force has scheduled a public workshop in mid -July. As the Council reaffirmed, the Task Force operates under the Brown Act and because we do, the campaign finance reform issue was not and could not be legally agendized at our meeting of Wednesday, June 16, 2010. However, the item was unanimously, and without concern, added to our July public workshop for full public participation and discussion. While I respect the beliefs that Ms. Lipow shared with the City Council in her June 1 6 th email, she was representing only her oven personal position on the matter and in this case it is a position that is not consistent with the actions of the Task Force itself. To this point, the email was not sent or shared with members of the Task Force. Issues surrounding campaign finance reform have been a part of the City Councils 14+ month open- government discussion that resulted in the creation of the Sunshine Task Force. It is a concern that such an important item would be slapped onto a last minute special meeting that has extremely love- public awareness and furthermore the referrals reasoning to look at reversing a majority -vote of the council starts the City Council down a slippery slope. The majority of the city council who supported the referral to the Sunshine Task Force referenced the lack of public awareness and participation in the creation of the proposed ordinance, and yet the Mayors referral cites a possible misstatement of fact by a random member of the public which is not germane to the reasoning cited by Council members Gilmore, Tam and Matarrese in their support of the majority action. If the council heads down the road of re- hearing items that have been decided because a member of the minority feels an incorrect, non relevant statement of fact was made during public comment, the public process is going to bog down. Personally, I believe that an issue of such import as campaign finance reform must first be file:X:`Doctinients and Settzngs \cc user \Local Settings\Teiizp\ Pgrpwise14C23737EAla... 6/24/2010 Page 2 of 2 thoroughly reviewed, parsed and vetted by members of the public as it has significant implications on electoral politics. Any ordinance should not change the rules in the middle of an active campaign. I support the councils decision that the best vehicle to assist in that process is the Sunshine Task Force. Thank you for your time and consideration. John Knox White 14,000 (66 of Alaniedans supported Measure E, more than voted No on Measure B. file:1 /C:'Documents and Settingslcc user\Local Settings\Temp1XPgipw se \4C23737EAI.a... 6/24/2010 Page IofI Beverly Johnson Fwd: Campaign finance From: <gretchenlipow c@corncast.net> To: <bj ohnson @ci. atarneda.ca.us> Date: 6/22/20 8:44 PM Subject: Fwd: Campaign finance Forwarded Message From: gretchenlipow @comcast.net To: cbaines @ci.alameda.ca.us Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 4 :00 :03 BM Subject: Fwd: campaign finance Dear Mayor Johnson; Thanks for your level headed thoughts I was appalled at the direction of the majority of council. After watching the council meeting, here is where I stand. don't know how or why Jon Spangler used nay name ...he made no sense to me. Most importantly, our Sunshine committee was explicitly instructed not to cover campaign financing and the lobbyist issue. Our committee was established to develop a Sunshine ordinance. So that is what we have been doing. After reading several other city ordinances we are bringing forth an ordinance for Alameda. By the way, there may be a city Sunshine ordinance out there that covers campaign financing but I haven't seen it. In fact I can't find reference to this topic in the Brown Act. Our ordinance addresses the city's requirement to maintain transparency and proper notification the public on all government matters. We are not supposed to inject ourselves into judging what policies the city may or may not adopt. So now in the middle of our work you are going to throve this complicated issue in our lap? I don't believe we are properly prepared to deal with it and I for one will step down from the committee. Sorting through this apparently hot political issue, in my opinion, is the council's job, not ours. In fact I think it would transform this committee into something else as each member would "take sides" etc. we would be placed in the role of lobbyists; fighting amongst ourselves on ISSUES when in fact we are only to safeguard the transparency /open records matters. To sum up I think it wrong of the council to pass off this important issue to the Sunshine Committee. council needs to rethink what they are doing and bite the bullet. If council finds this controversial how do you think the committee will find it Tossing this to us puts us in the driver's seat where we don't belong. Yes, we are for transparency and open records etc. But who is going to codify "more time" or "loopholes?" It can't be done as these are political matters that belong in the hands that are vested to do so. Regards Gretchen Lipow file: //C:\Do and Settingslcm user \Focal Settings\ Temp \XPgrpwise \4C212OB9Ala... 6/23/2010 L a elslge e: -wd: ampa gn inan Page From: "Lena Tam" <Itam a@ci.alameda.ca.us> To: <g retch enlipow a@7comcast.net> CC: <katequick @comcast.net> Date: 6116/2010 4:51 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: Campaign finance Hello Gretchen I appreciate your concern. I think it is within the purview of the Sunshine Task Force to "relegate" the conducting of public forums to the League of Women Voters or another good government community group in Alameda to review and offer comments on the proposed campaign finance ordinance. At last night's meeting, the Council majority wanted to provide more public scrutiny on a proposed ordinance. It does not make sense to change the rules in the middle of the campaign because it inherently disadvantages potential candidates. Several councilmembers have already raised significant funds for their campaigns in their mayoral bid, and this ordinance would not apply to funds that they have already raised. Nor would it apply to the current mayor, who can transfer funds from her County Supervisor race to her council campaign, where there are no contribution limits. This inherent conflict of interest is the reason that this particular council should not jam an ordinance through for the sake of having an ordinance for the November 2010 election. It should be adopted in the calm between campaigns, like 201 The newly seated council will have the ultimate authority to adopt. Thank you for your service on the Sunshine Task Force. I appreciate your time constraints. Perhaps you can suggest a replacement if you no longer wish to serve on the Task Force. Lena Tam Councilmember, City of Alameda 12263 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 945011510-747-4722 ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us <gretchenIipow a@comcast.net> 06/16/10 4:02 PM »y After watching the council meeting, here is where I stand. I don't know how or why ,Jon Spangler used my name __.he made no sense to me. Most importantly, our Sunshine Committee was explicitly instructed not to cover campaign financing and the lobbyist issue. Our committee was established to develop a Sunshine ordinance. So that is what we have been doing. After reading several other city ordinances we are bringing forth an ordinance for Alameda. By the way, there may be a city Sunshine ordinance out there that covers campaign financing but I haven't seen it. In fact I can't find reference to this topic in the Brown Act. Our ordinance addresses the city's requirement to maintain transparency and proper notification the public on all government matters. We are not supposed to inject ourselves into judging what policies the city may or may not adopt. So now in the middle of our work you are going to throw this complicated issue in our lap? I don't believe we are properly prepared to deal with it and I for one will step down from the committee. Sorting through this apparently hot political issue, in my opinion, is the Council's job, not ours. In fact I think it transform this committee into something else as each member on ISSUES when in fact we are only to safeguard the trans parencyfopen records matters. To sum up l think it wrong of the Council to pass off this important issue to the Sunshine Committee. Council needs to rethink what they are doing and bite the bullet. if Council finds this controversial how do you think the committee will find it Tossing this to us puts us in the driver's seat where we don't belong. Yes, we are for transparency and open records etc. But who is going to codify "more time" or "loopholes." It can't be done as these are political matters that belong in the hands that are vested to do so. Regards Gretchen Lipow