2010-06-19 HandoutsIA WON CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA SUMMARY OF CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION OF PRIORITIES HELD ON APRIL 1, 2008 April 2008 City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Workshop —April 1, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS APRIL 1, 2008 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: PRIORITY SETTING .......1 PRIORITY SETTING PROCESS OUTCOMES 1 CITY PURPOSE STATEMENT 1 GUIDING PRINCIPLE AND CITYWIDE POLICY OBJECTIVES 1 HIGHEST CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES 2 City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Discussion April 1, 2008 APRIL 1, 2008 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: PRIORITY SETTING On April 1, 2008, the City Council 10:30 12:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to discuss policy objectives and top priorities. Jan Perkins from Management Partners facilitated the discussion. The discussion was held in follow up to two workshops of the Council and Executive Management Team held in the fall. One workshop was held on September 11, 2007 and the second was held on November 13, 2007. The priority setting process began with staff creating work plans to articulate the special projects of City departments and preparing an environmental scan of issues affecting the City. The Council identified policy objectives at the workshops and draft project priorities. At the April 1, 2008 meeting, the policy objectives were finalized and the Council's top 10 project priorities identified. Priority Setting Process Outcomes o Created a City of Alameda purpose statement o Established an overarching principle and a set of eight Citywide policy objectives o Identified the Council's highest project priorities o Created the foundation for staff reporting on priority projects o Established a Council referrals procedure for considering new activities or projects o Established an understanding of issues facing the City (through an environmental scan and discussion of strengths, limitations, opportunities and threats facing the City) o Established an understanding of departmental work plans underway City Purpose Statement The following statement describes the overall purpose of the City of Alameda: The City of Alameda focuses its resources on providing services that enhance the quality of life for its residents and promote the prosperity of its business community. Guiding Principle and Citywide Policy Objectives At the April 1, 2008 meeting, the Council discussed its long -term policy objectives. In addition, an overarching guiding principle was created for considering how the policy objectives will be implemented. Policy objectives are broad statements of how the City will allocate resources and what will be accomplished over the long term. They serve as the basis for departmental work plans and communicate the Council's long -term interests to the community. The first seven policy Management Partners, Inc. City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Discussion April 1, 2008 objectives were created at the two workshops held in the fall and remained the same. The eighth was modified and is presented below. Guiding Principle: The Council shall consider the short and long -term costs and impacts as the Citywide Policy Objectives are implemented through projects, programs, services, or enhancements. This is to ensure that the City government is financially healthy and stable for the long term, and to provide clarity about the financial consequences of City actions. Citywide Policy Objectives Continue progress in the redevelopment of the former naval property. Identify funding and develop master plans for providing and maintaining infrastructure improvements. Take measures to improve and promote the community's and city government's economic health. Develop or update and implement land use, transportation /traffic, parking and also environmental sustainability planning strategies, tools, and documents. Provide quality youth and senior programs, services, and facilities. Recruit, retain, and develop a skilled and responsive workforce. Continuously improve internal operations, systems, and management practices in order to provide high quality customer service Deliver high quality services that promote the health, safety and well -being of the community. Highest City Council Priorities The City has a comprehensive work plan with numerous projects and services well underway or in the planning process. All of them are moving forward, based on resources previously allocated, or will proceed once resources are allocated. The purpose of the priority setting discussion with the Council on April 1 was to ascertain the Council's highest priorities. Priorities are inherently choices between competing needs. Many things are important for the City, but not everything can be done. Priorities serve as the basis for determining how resources (e.g., staff effort, funding) will be allocated. Additionally, when priorities are clear, staff and Council understand when and how further adjustments in staff effort are made when required. After discussion, the Council's consensus was that the following are its top priorities (not listed in any rank order): Address telecom financial issue implement plans /recommendations Work with the Housing Commission to develop an acquisition and development plan for expanding affordable housing opportunities using the remaining Measure A Guyton exemption Former Navy base redevelopment- secure conveyance of Alameda Point from Navy and negotiate development entitlements with Suncal Prepare and implement a comprehensive operation review of Golf Course operations Management Partners, Inc. 2 City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Discussion April 1, 2008 Monitor and review the City's budget and explore options for generating revenues or broadening the tax base to support City operations and infrastructure improvements. Involve community stakeholders in developing a long term economic sustainability strategy for the City of Alameda that includes outreach to residents and businesses and includes an assessment of revenues and costs (including long term obligations identified through GASB 45) Transportation Element update (General Plan) transportation /traffic planning; transportation master plan, pedestrian plan; Safe Routes to Schools implement innovative approach to encourage walk /bike /carpool to school Renovate Godfrey Field, Rittler Field, Lincoln Park Field; replace Krusi Park recreation building Develop a long range plan for library service (includes Measure O funds allocation for branch improvements); provide facility and service improvements to both Bay Farm Island and West End Libraries Conduct labor agreement negotiations with public safety bargaining units Management Partners, Inc. 3 Attachment 1 ATTACHMENT A LIST OF HIGHEST AND HIGH COUNCIL PRIORITIES IDENTIFIED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 (Some Modifications Made on 11113107 and March 2008) The following projects are listed in order of the number of votes given by Council members at the 9/11/07 Council /EMT Priority Setting Workshop. The bold items are those receiving at least 3 dots on 9/11/07. All projects receiving at least one dot (either "highest" or "high" priority) on 9/11/07 are listed below. Some of the items have been modified in response to comments made by Councilmembers at the 11/13/07 Council /EMT workshop. In addition, staff modified item 17 in light of the City's current budget challenges. Those changes are noted below in italics. 9/1 1/07 Priorities Lead Department Project Priority 1-10 1. AP &T Address Telecom financial issue 5 highest XXXXX implement plans /recommendations 2. Housing Authority Work with the Housing 3 highest XXXX Commission to develop an 1 high acquisition and development plan for expanding affordable housing opportunities using the remaining Measure A Gu ton exemption 3. Development Former Navy Base 3 highest XXXX Services Redevelopment Secure Conveyance of Alameda Point from Navy and negotiate development entitlements with SunCal 4. Planning Building Transportation Element Update 3 highest XXX Public Works (General Plan) [Note: three projects have been combined Transportation /Traffic Planning 2 highest into one] 2 high (Transportation master plan; 2 high pedestrian plan; Safe Routes to Schools implement innovative approach to encourage walk /bike /carpool to school) 5. Planning Building Customer Service Improvement 3 highest X Committee work items (project ADD) 6. Public Safety Disaster Preparedness /Update 1 highest Disaster Mitigation Plan and the 3 high EOC Plan 7. Planning Building Soft -story seismic retrofit 1 highest X [Note: the word program 2 high "incentive" was eliminated between "retrofit" and "program'] 9111/07 Priorities Lead Department Project Prio 1-10 8. Recreation, Parks Prepare and implement 3 hi XXXX and Golf comprehensive operation review of Golf Course operations 9. Plannin Buildin Housin Element Update (General 2 hi Plan) 10. Recreation, Parks and Renovate Godfre Field- Rittler 2 hi XXX Golf Field- Lincoln Park Field Replace Krusi Park Recreation Buildin 11. Librar Develop a lon ran plan for librar 1 hi XX service (includes Measure 0 funds 1 hi allocation for branch improvements) 12. Development Services Former Nav propert development 1 hi Conduct homeless/PBC screenin 1 hi for Coast Guard Housin and related Communit Reuse Plan amendment. Includes lease of ball field/park area and coast g uard housin 13. Administrative/Support Review web hostin desi and 1 hi Services maintenance services and conduct 1 hi needs assessment of current contributors 14. Administrative/Support Review compensation s 1 hi X Services (broadened to include review of full 1 hi s 15. Plannin Buildin Prepare Local Action Plan for 1 hi XX Climate Protection 1 hi AP&T Enhance Ener /Environmental 2 hi Sustainabilit evaluate alternatives for reducin carbon footprint Public Works Environmental Protection 1 hi [Note: three projects have been combined into one] 16. Public Works Continuous improvement of s 1 hi X (Street tree master plan- sewer 1 hi master plan- storm draina master plan) 17. Administrative/Support Explore options to g enerate revenue 1 hi XXXX Services for Cit operations and/or [Note- staff added the infrastructure improvements words "Cit operations a n d10 r] 18. Administrative /Support Bud review and trackin (project 1 hi X Services ADD) 19. Plannin Buildin Land Use Element Retail and 1 hi Business Services Section Update (General Plan) 9111/07 Priorities Lead Department Project Prio 1-10 20. Plannin Buildin Develop a Facilities Master Plan- 1 hi X identif fundin and prepare master plans for buildin infrastructure improvements 21. Librar Provide facilit and service 2 hi X improvements to both Ba Farm Island and West End Libraries 22. Administrative/Support Develop Succession Plannin and 2 hi Services Workforce Strate (includin y outh [Note- "and Workforce outreach component) Strate was added to this project] 23. Fire Conduct Fire Station 3 feasibilit 1 hi stud 24. Development Services CDBG-funded project to implement 1 hi the "West Alameda- Woodstock to Webster Nei Improvement Plan" 25. Recreation, Parks and Implementation of a Youth Advisor 1 hi Golf Commission to advise Council on y outh-related issues 26. Recreation, Parks and Review business and financial plan 1 hi Golf of the Alameda Museum 27. Recreation, Parks and Estuar Park Task Force initiate 1 hi Golf meetin with Task Force to identif potential fundin 28. Administrative/Support Develop a compliance plan for 1 hi Services GASB-45 re b performin an actual stud and reviewin options with Council 29. Administrative/Support Labor a ne with 1 hi XXX Services public safet bar units 30. PROJECT ADD Involve communit stakeholders in X developin an economic sustainabilit strate that includes outreach to residents and businesses 31. PROJECT ADD Develop Communit Arts/Plannin X and Buildin Center 32. PROJECT ADD Ph centralize Cit operations X location into Cit Hall 33. PROJECT ADD Stren revenue b broadenin X the tax base (business recruitment and retention, fast track commercial plans and permits, develop marine- related, biotech support and tech sectors) 34. PROJECT ADD Park ac and improvement X 35.