Revitalize Alameda Point 460 Amendmentrecipient Commr.i tee ami3a gn Statement ove r Page ,P7�overnrnent Code Sections 84200- 84216.5} Type or print in ink. Date Stamp f M RZ a r Statement covers period Date of election if applic #bl'e: 0 l 01 2 010 (Mon Day, Year) from i SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ihrougl� 03/31/2010 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Committees Complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee El Primarily Formed Ballot Measure 0 State Candidate Election Committee Committee Recall 0 Controlled (Also Complete Part 5) E) Sponsored (Also Complete Parr S) General Purpose Committee 0 Sponsored Primarily Formed Candidate/ 0 Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee 0 Political Party /Central Committee (Also C omplete Parr 7) I R c ::4 .,z ,3 R3'F A, 2010 I T Y 0 F A I A M ED,.. A COVER. PAGE ge 1 o f 26 For Official Use Only 2. Type of statement: Preelection Statement Quarterly Statement Semi annual Statement Special Odd -Year Report Termination Statement Supplemental Preelection (Also. file a Form 410 Termination) Statement Attach Form 495 ICJ Amendment (Explain below) Changes to Schedules C and F and the summary page 3. Committee Information I.D. NUMBER Treas 1316167 COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) NAME OF TREASURER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point Pat Keliher LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B MAILING ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE Oakland CA. 94612 510 251--0711 CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY Alameda CA 94501 510-- 251 --0711 r MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO. AND STREET OR P.Q. BOX MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE, Novato CA 94949 --5731 Novato CA 4 4 731 OPTIONAL: FAX 1 E -MAIL ADDRESS OPTIONAL: FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS 415 884 --5501 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to he knowledge the Lion Containe herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under enact of p erjury under the laws of the State of California that the foreg is tr penalty P 1 rY 9 9 Executed on 0 2 2 010 By Date f Signature of Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer Executed on By Date Signature of ControlRn ffceholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent or Responsible Officer of Sponsor Executed on By Date Signature of Controlling officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent Executed on By Date FPPC Form 460 (Januaryt05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK. -FPPC (866/275 -3772) State of California R ecipient Committee 6 ampaign Statement Cover Page Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any co mmittee s not included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? YES NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? YES NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Type or print in ink. COVER PAGE.- PART.2 Page 2 of 2 5. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME.OF BALLOT MEASURE Alameda Point Development Initiative BALLOT NO. OR LETTER ,JURISDICTION 0 SUPPORT B City of Alameda OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candidate /Officeh.older Committee List names o f officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD [:]SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) State of California Campai Disclosure Statement Surnmar Pa SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period f rom 01/01/2010 .��.�..SUMIVIARYPAGE throu 03/31/2010 Pa 3 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC,. Yes on Measure B 1 316167 Column A Column B Calendar Y6ar Summar for Candidates Contributions TOTALTHISPERIOD CALENDARYEAR FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) TOTALTO DATE Runnin in.130t the State Primar and General Elections 1. Monetar Contributions Schedule A, Line 3 29,836.07 29,836.07 1 1/1 throu 613❑ 7/1 to Date 2. Loans Received Schedule B, Line 3 0.00 0.00 3. SUBTOTALCASH CONTRIBUTIONS Add Lines I 2 29,836.07 29,836.07 4. Nonmonetar Contributions Schedule C, Line 3 597,168.92 597,168.92 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Add Lines 3 4 627,004.99 627,004.99 20. Contributions Received 21. Expenditures Made Expenditures Made 6 Pa Made Schedule E-, Line 4 21,062.66 21, DG2 66 7. Loans Made Schedule H, Line 3 0.00 0.00 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS Add Lilies 6 7 21,062.66 21,062.66 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills Schedule F, Line 3 14,321.78 19,090.07 10. Nonmon etar Ad Schedule C, Line 3 597,168.92 597, 168.92 1 1. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE Lines 8 +9+ 10 632 637,321.65 Current Cash Statement 12. Be Cash Balance Previous Suminar Pa Line 16 22, 2 94 13. Cash Receipts Column A, Line 3 above 29,836.07 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Schedule 1, Line 4 0.00 15. Cash Pa Column A, Line 8 above 21,062.66 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE Add Lines 12 13 14, then subtract Line 15 31,011.35 ff this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED Schedule B, Part 2 Cash E lents and Outstandin Debts 18. Cash E See instructions oil reverse 19. Outstandin Debts Add Line 2 Line 9 in Column B above 0.00 0.00 19,090.07 To calculate Column B, add amounts in Column A to the correspondin amounts from Column B of y our last report. Some amounts in Column A ma be ne fi that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report bein filed for this calendar y ear, onl carr over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if an Expenditure Limit Summar for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* (if Subject to Voluntar Expenditure Limit) Date of Election Total to Date mm/dd/ yy) *Amounts in this section ma be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule A Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period gne$ary Contributions Received to whole dollars. from 01/01/2010 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE througl1 03/31/2010 Page 4 of 26 NAME OF FILER I_D_ NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Paint, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF SELF ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. I DEC. 31 (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 03/29/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities [fifer] IND 29, 836.07 627, 004.99 S 10 29, 836.07 through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same addr'e ss CoM X❑ OTH PTY Irvin CA 92614 ❑SCC IND COM OTH PTY ❑SCC IND ❑COO OTH PTY SCC IND ❑coo OTH PTY SCC ❑IND CDM OTH PTY El SCC SUBTOTAL$ 2 9,836.07. Schedule A Summary 1 Amount received this period itemized monetary contributions. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) 29,836. 2. Amount received this period uniternized monetary contributions of less than $100 0 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1. TOTAL 29 836.07 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK -FPPC (866/275 3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded N cv�nmonetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 ....SCHEDULE C SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 03/31/2010 Page 5 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Paint, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 DATE O FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND C CONTRIBUTOR W WAN INDIVIDUAL ENTER D DESCRIPTION OF A AMOUNT/ D CUMULATIVE To PER ELECTION RECEIVED Z ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR C CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER F GOODS O S C FAIR MARKET CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF C NAME of BUSINESS) (JAN '1 -DEC 31 01/21/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities V Video production 7 7, 515.00 6 627, 004.99 S S10 29, 836. 1 Cf� -�-er] through SCC Alameda Point LLC Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation streets. SUBTOTAL 174, Schedule C Summary 1 Amount received this period iternized nonmonetary contributions. (Include all Schedule C subtotals.) 2. Amount received this period unitemized nonmonetary contributions of less than $100 3. Total nonmonetary contributions received this period. Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Lines 4 and 14.) TOTAL 597, 1.68.92 0.00 597,168.92 *Contributor Codes IND Individual COM Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other (e.g., business entity) PTY Political Party SCC Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK -FPPC (8851275 3772) 7 7 7 7 Schedule G Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE C ►Arn©unes may ae rounueu o!pm netary Contributions I� g� eceive to whole dollars. Statement covers period m C ontinuation Sleet from 01 through 03/3 1/2010 Page 6 of 26 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE IF REG�UIRED (1F OF BUSINESS) (JAN 'I DEC 31 01/28/2010 Californ.�.a Land Venture Affiliated Enti es IN❑ GeotechniCal 3,573.92 627,004.99 S10 29,836. [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC consulting (Contributor) [same address] ❑Coo MOTH .Irvine, CA 92614 PTY ❑SCC Geotechnical consulting 01/28/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities ❑IND GOTV Mailers 1,500.00 627, 004.99 S 10 29,836. [f iler] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑'COM ®0TH PTY Irvine, CA 92614 ❑SCC GOTV Mailers 01/28/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities ❑IND TV Spot 20,201.28 627, 004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC production /Video (Contributor) [same address] ❑CCm Rx OTH Irvine, CA 92614 PTY TV spot production/Video ❑SCC 01/28/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Design Services 2, 447.55 627, 004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] through SCC Alameda Point. LLC Contributor) same address] ❑COIVI MO-I-I..,I Irvine, CA 92614 PTY Design services ❑SCC 37 Attach additional information on app ratariateiy labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 2 7,7 22 .75 FPPC Form 464 WanuaryiH) FPPC Tall -Free Helpline. 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule C Nommonetar Contributions Received Continuation Sheet SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period.. from 01/01/2010 throu 03/31/2010 SCHEDULE C 7 26 Pa of NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B I.D. NUMBER 1316167 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN. I N DIVI D UAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) VALUE JAN 1 DEC 31) IF REQUIRED 01/28/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities [:1 IND Desi 4,800.00 627,004.99 S 10 29,836.07 [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC illustration (Contributor) [same address] F 1com services 910TH Irvine, CA 92614 Ply El SCC Desi illustration service 01/28/2010 Calif ornia Land Venture Affiliated Entities EI IND Voter surve 12,750.00 627,004.99 S10 29,836.07 (filer) throu SCC Alameda PoiiiL LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑COM j]OTH []PTY Irvine, CA 92614 SCC Voter surve 01/28/2010 California Land venture Affiliated Entities ❑IND Emplo 12,820.35 627,004.99 S 10 29,836.07 [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC ❑COM compensation (Contributor) [same address] nXOTF] PTY Irvine, CA 92614 Emplo compensation ❑scc 01/26/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities ❑IND Media publication 180.00 627,004.99 S 1 29,836.07 [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] [I CON/ FRI OTH []PTY Irvine, CA 92614 ,Media publication ❑SCC Attach additional information on appropriatel labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 30,550.35 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule C T or print in ink. Nenmonetar Contributions Received Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Continuation Sheet SCHEDULE C Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 SEE k INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu 03/31/2010 Page 8 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR, IF INDIVIDUAL, ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/. CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLO YER IF SELF-E MP LOYED ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D, NUMBER) NAME OF BUSINESS) (JAN 1 DEC 31) IF REQUIRED 01/28/2010 California Land.venture Affiliated Entities IND Art/Desi Film 84,981.62 627,❑04.99 S10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC Printin and (Contributor) [same address] EICOM Deliver service MOTH Irvine, CA 92614 ❑PTY Art/Desi Printin and Deliver serviceoscc; 01/28/2010 California Land venture Affiliated Entities IND Le fees 9,829.88 627,004.99 S10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] []Com Fx1 0TH PTY OPTY Irvine, CA 92614 SCC Le services 01/28/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Desi 6, 500.00 627,004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC Mailer (Contributor) [same address] ocom Fx1 OTH Irvine, CA 92614 El PTY Desi Mailer ]SCC 01/28/2010 California Land venture Affiliated Entities EI IND Surve voters 5,008.75 627,004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] com 910TH Irvine, CA 92614 El PTY Scc Attach additional information on appropriatel labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 1o6 32C .25 I7 17 17 )7 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE G nmonetcary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period Continuation Sheet from 01/01/2010 through 03/31/2010 Page 9 Of 26 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Paint, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure S 1316167 DATE FULL NAME STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN.INDIVID.UAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AN D. EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) NAME OF BUSINESS) 1 DEC 31) (IF REQUIRED) 01/28/2910 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Surrey voters 5, 008.75 627,004.99 5 10� 29,836.1 [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ]COM MOTH Irvine, CA 92614 :1 PTY ❑SCC 01/29/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities [BIND Mailing lists and 13,500-00 627, 004 .99 S 10 29, 836.1 [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC labels (Contributor) [same address] ❑Com [10TH PTY Irvine, CA 92614 [:]Scc Mailing lists and labels 01/29/2010 California Land Venture A ffiliated Entities ❑IND Consultant fees 36, 606.45 627, 004.99 S 10 29,836.1 [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] EJOTIA Irvine, CA 92 514 R PTY Consultant fees [:]Scc 01/29/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Campaign blog 3,372.50 627, 004.99 S 10 29,836 [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] [:]Com Website MOTH Irvine, CA 92614 PTY Campaign bl.og Website ❑Scc Attach additional irifonnalion on appropriately labeled oonlil7ualion sheets. SUBTOTAL 58, 487 7 7 7 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule C T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded Nonmonetar Contributions Received to whole dollars. Continuation Sheet Statement covers peri ©d from 01/01/2010 .......SCHEDULE C SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu 03/31/2010 Page 10 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ve LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN I N D.IVI D UAL .ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/. CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBE R) CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALU E CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE IF REQUIRED (IF NAME OF BUSINESS (JAN 1 DEC 31) 01/30/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities NCB Campai salaries 58,713.30 627,004.99 S 10 29,836. Ifilerl throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑COM OTH Irvine, CA 9261.4 F-1 PTY [:1 SCC 02/01/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities EI.I.ND Public relatin 61,390-32 627,004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑COM OTH PTY Irvine. CA 92614 S.c C Public relations 02/18/2010 California Land venture Affiliated Entities FI IND Voter surve 3,910-00 627,004.99 S10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC []COM (Contributor) [same address] OOTH Irvine, CA 92614 PTY r-1 SCC 02/18/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities INQ Lawn si 4, 051.32 627,004.99 S10 29,836. [filer] throu SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑com M OTH Irvine, CA 92614 EIPTY f EISCC I 17 )7 )7 )7 Attach additional information on appropriatel labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 128,064..94 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule C Type or print In Ink SCHEDULE C on C���r������s wn uus [[lay ue ruurluVa tv dollars. p e riod Statement covers A whole s w Cont Sheet from 01/01/2010 through 03/31/2010 Page 1 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1315157 FULL NAME STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ DATE CUMULATIVE TO PER ELECTION DATE RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF- EMPLCYEp ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF C ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) NAME of BUSINESS) (JAN I DEC 31) (IF REQUIRED) 02/l8/20�0 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Legal services 730.00 527,004.99 510 29,836. [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑com E]OTH Irvine, CA 92614 PTY ❑SCC 03/05/2010 California Land venture Affi1iated Entities []IND Public relations 40, 257.14 527, 004 .99 S 10 29,836. [f iler] through SCC Alameda Point LLC [Contributor] [same. address] ❑COM FxlOTH E] PTY Irvine, CA 92514 SCC 03/26/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities ❑IND Campaign meeting 152.89 527, 004.99 S 10 29,836. [filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC e (Contributor) same address] ❑com I Irvine, CA 9251 PTY ❑SCC 03/26/2010 California Land Venture Affiliated Entities IND Public relations 30,000-00 627, 004.99 S10 29,836. filer] through SCC Alameda Point LLC (Contributor) [same address] ❑CoM and community relations consulting OATH services Irvine, CA 92614 PTY SCC Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 71; 14 0 .03. FPPC Form 460 (Januaryl05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 866IASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule ��o n mmx Statement covers period Amounts ma be rounded Pa Made to whole dollars. from 01/01/2010 SEE, INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu 03/31/2010 Pa 12 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with ma fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the. pa CIVP campai paraphernalia/misc- MBR membe RAD radio a irti m e. and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returnedc on CTB contribution (explain nonnionetar OFC office expenses SAL campai worker salaries CVC civic donations PEF petition circulatin TEL t.v..or cable. air-titrie. a rid production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO. phon bank TRC candidatetravel, lod and m .eals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and.surve research TRS st.aff/spouse travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and messen services TSF tra n sfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accountin VOT voter r e g istration LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 1,912.42 Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule Eaubhotao.) 21 2.Unitemized payments made this period of under $1OO 45.00 o oo 3. Total interest paid this period on �ono (Enter amount from Schedule B. Part 1 Column 4. Total pa made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summar Pa Column A, Line 6.) TOTAL 21,062.66 FpPo Form 4sn(Jonuony/om Fppo Toll-Free ewpnne`ne6oAem-Fppo(8ee/2rs-37r2) Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) 0, Pa Made T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 .....SCHEDULE E (C. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) throu 03/31/2010 Pa 13 of 26 SEES INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE River Cit Business services NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventur LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes.the. pa y ou ma the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CN/P campai paraphernalia/misc. MBR memb communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned. contrib CTB contribution (explain nonmonetar OFC office expenses SAL campai w sal CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t.v. or cable a irtime a nd production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and sur research TRS staff/spo l o d g in g and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver .and messen s TSF tran betwee committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accountin VDT vot r e g istration LIT campai literature and mailin PRT pri WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) River Cit Business services SAL/PRO Sacramento, CA 95841 6,062.13 Alameda Municipal Power 284.5❑ OFC Alameda, CA 94501 AT&T OFC 2,675.21 San Antonio, TX 78205 River Cit Business Services SAL/PRO 6,032.13 Sacramento, CA 95841 Daniel E. Elefant OFC 52.81. Alameda, CA 94502 Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL 15,106.78 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period. from 01/01/2010 SCHEDULE E (C.C.NT. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 03/31/2010 Page 14 ©f 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda. Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. otherwise, describe the payment. CfV' campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants NITG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and. survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS. postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter. registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print. ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e- FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toil -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL 3,998.46 Schedule F Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period. T1 01/01 /2010 fror S CHEDUL E F SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE (a) through 03/31I2010 Page 15 of 26 NAME OF FILER NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING. I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with. major funding from 5CC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 CODES. If one of the following codes accurately desc.ribe.s the payme yo u ma ent the co de. Othe describe the payment. CIS campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member. communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO. phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs .(internet, e- -mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be SUBTOTALS 3,009.71 o.00 2,959.71$ 5 0.0 0 summarized on Schedule D. Schedule F Summary 1 Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of $10 0 or more, plus total un item ized accrued expenses under $19Q.). INCURRED TOTALS 17, 733 .91 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (c) subtotals for payments on accrued expenses of $100 or more, plus total unitemized payments on accrued expenses under $100.) PAID TOTALS 3,412 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 9.) NET 14, 321.78 May be a negative number FPPC Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) (a) (b) (G) {d} NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING. AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (!F CO MMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMB DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Warren Associates, LLC PRO 50.00 0 0.00 50.00 Novato, CA 94949 AT &T OPC 2,575.21 0.00 2,575.21 0.00 San Antonio, TX 78205 Alameda Municipal Power 4FC 284. 0.00 284.50 0.00 Alameda, CA 94501 Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be SUBTOTALS 3,009.71 o.00 2,959.71$ 5 0.0 0 summarized on Schedule D. Schedule F Summary 1 Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of $10 0 or more, plus total un item ized accrued expenses under $19Q.). INCURRED TOTALS 17, 733 .91 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (c) subtotals for payments on accrued expenses of $100 or more, plus total unitemized payments on accrued expenses under $100.) PAID TOTALS 3,412 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 9.) NET 14, 321.78 May be a negative number FPPC Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Schedule F Type or print in ink. Amounts maybe rounded C o nt i nu a t io n to whole dollars. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 through 03/31/2010 SCHEDULE F (CONT.) Page 16 of 2 6 I.D. NUMBER 1316167 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you m ay enter the code. Othe rwise, describe the payment. Cam' campaign paraphernalialmisc. MBR member communications RAID radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTO meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions C:TB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS stafflspouse travel, lodging, and meals ND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures. must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 1,758-58 0.00 452.42$ 1,306.16 FPPC Form 460 (Januaryl05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275-3772) (a) (b) (0 (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AIfIOUNTINCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Warren Associates, LLC PRO 746.16 0. 00 0 .0 0 746.16 Novato CA 94949 Bagatelos Law Farm PRO 560.00 0.00 0.00 560.00 San Francisco CA 94127 Daniel E. Elefant OFC 315.36 0.00 315.36 0.00 Alameda CA 94502 Daniel R. Weinzveg OFC 137.06 0.00 137.06 0.00 Sebastopol CA 95472 SUBTOTALS 1,758-58 0.00 452.42$ 1,306.16 FPPC Form 460 (Januaryl05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded (Continuation Sheet) to whole dollars. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 through 03/31/2010 SCHEDULE F (CANT.) Page 17 of 26 I.D. NUMBER 1316167 CODES: If one of the following Codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CIIIF' campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and. messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional. services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be. summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 0 00 2,700. 0.00$ 2, 7 08 .07 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) {a} €b 4G3 �dj NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) O F THIS PERIOD Express Employment Professionals PHO 0.00 1, ❑34.94 0.00 1, ❑34.94 Oklahoma City OK 73162 Express Employment Professionals PHO 0.00 1, 084 28 0.00 1, 084 .28 Oklahoma City OK 73162 Warren Associates, LLC PRO 0. 00 601.35 0. 00 601.35 Novato CA 94949 Warren Associates, LLC PRO 0.00 12.50 0.00 -12.50 Novato CA 94949 SUBTOTALS 0 00 2,700. 0.00$ 2, 7 08 .07 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CIVP campai paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtim and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned contributions CT13 contribution (explain noni-nonetar OFC office expenses SAL campai workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t.v. or cable. airtime and production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fund events POL pollin and surve res TRS staff /spous travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and messen services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services. (le accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTIOTALS 0.00 7,692.13 0.00$ 7,692-13 FPPC Form 46❑ (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) a TA b) NDING (0 d NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTS AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD ALSO REPORT ON E OF THIS PERIOD Express Emplo Professionals PHO 0.00 2,268.56 0.00 2,268.56 Oklahoma Cit OK 73162 Express Emplo Professionals PHO 0.00 2,397.40 0.00 2,397.40 Oklahoma Cit OK 73162 Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authorit {ARRA) OFC 0.00 1,460.00 0.00 1,460-00 Alameda CA 94501-1 AT&T OFC 0.00 1,566.17 0.00 1,566.17 San Antonio TX 78205 SUBTIOTALS 0.00 7,692.13 0.00$ 7,692-13 FPPC Form 46❑ (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule F T or print in ink. (Continuation 5���) Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Accrued Expenses Unpaid Bills NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with ma fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 throu 03/31/2010 S. IF Pa 19 of 26 I.D. NUMBER 1316167 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CIVP campai paraphernalialmisc. IVIBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG. meetin and appearances RFD ret contribu CT13 contribution (explain nonmonetar OFC office expenses SAL Campai workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t.v. or c able airti and pr costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin a s research TRS staff/spouse travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and. messen services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 0.00 5,400.68 0.00$ 5,400.68 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) a NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD ALSO REPORT ON E OF THIS PERIOD Warren Associates, LLC PRO 0.00 2, 6 41.51 0.00 2,641-51 Novato CA 94949 Express Emplo Professionals PHO 0.00 2,363-56 0.00 2,363.56 Oklahoma Cit OK 73162 AT&T OFC 0.00 -113.67 0.00 -113.67 San Antonio TX 78205 Express Emplo Professionals PHO 0.00 509.28 0.00 509.28 Oklahoma Cit OK 73162 SUBTOTALS 0.00 5,400.68 0.00$ 5,400.68 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule F Continuation Sheet Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01 Z0112010 throu 03/31/2010 NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal.Land ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B ...SCHEDULE F(CONT.) Pa 20 of 26 I.D. NUMBER 1316167 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes.the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CN/P campai paraphernalia /mist. IVIBR membe comm RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai cons WG meetin and appearances RFD ret contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetar OF-C office expenses SAL campai work salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t..v. or cable a irtime and production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve research TRS staff/spo travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and messen services TSF tr between. committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services le g al, accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are contrib or independ expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 0.00 1,082.41 0.00$ 1,082.41 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) a M (c) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTA NDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD ALSO REPORT ON E OF THIS PERIOD Warren Associates, LLC PRO 0.00 491.55 0.00 491.56 Novato CA 94949 AT&T OFC 0.00 31.75 0.00 31.75 San Antonio TX 78205 Alameda Municipal Power OFC 0.00 279-50 0.00 279.50 Alameda CA 94501 Alameda municipal Power OFC 0.00 279.50 0.00 279.50 Alameda CA 94501 SUBTOTALS 0.00 1,082.41 0.00$ 1,082.41 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule F T or print in ink. (Continuation Sheet) Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Aqcrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with ma fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure 8 SCHEDULE F (CONY.} CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ment, y ou. ray .enter the.code. Otherwise, describe the pa CW campai paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio. airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB contribution explain noni-nonetar 017C offic expenses SAL campai wo sal a ries CVC civic donations PET petitio circulating TEL t.v. or cable. airtime and production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO p h one banks TRC c id tra lo d and.meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve re TRS staff /sp o u se travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and m essen g er s ervices TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accou VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT p r int ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 0.0❑ 850.62 0.00$ 850.62 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) (a) (b) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODEOR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAIL) OUTSTANDING IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD ALSO REPORT ON E OF THIS PERIOD Warren Associates, LLC PRO 0.00 236.27 0.00 236.27 Novato CA 94949 Alameda municipal Power OFC 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 Alameda CA 94501 Alameda municipal Power OFC ❑.00 287.96 0.00 287.96 Alameda CA 94501 Warren Associates, LLC PRO ❑.❑0 321.39 0.00 321.39 Novato CA 94949 SUBTOTALS 0.0❑ 850.62 0.00$ 850.62 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule G SCHEDULE .G Type or print in ink. Payments Made by an Agent or Independent Amounts may be roundest Statement covers period 19 Co. retractor (ors Behalf of This Committees to whole dollars. from 01/01/2010 1. SEE INSTRUCTIO ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point., with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal. Land Ventures LLC, Yes on ,Measure B through 03/31/2010 Page 22 of 25 I.D. NUMBER 1315157 NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR River City Business Services NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE OR. CREDITOR CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment,. you. may enter. the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. Cam' campaign paraphernalia/misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime. and. production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel; lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL. polling and .survey research TRS staff /spouse. travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE OR. CREDITOR CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.O. NUMBER) Neil A. Beaver SAL 1,633.36 Oakland CA 94 511 California Employment Development Department SAL 145.40 Sacramento CA 95826 Daniel E. 'Elefant SAL 1,349.62 Alameda CA 94502 Internal Revenue Service SAL 1,609.59 Oakland CA 94512 Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL* 4,737.97 Do not transfer to any other schedule or to the Summar Page. This total may not equal the ar77ount paid to the agent or independent contractor as reported on Schedule E FPPG Form 4f❑ (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK -FPPC (8651275 -3772) Schedule G Payments Made by an Agent or Independent Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 SCHEDULE G SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 03131/2010 Page 23 of 26 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on Measure B 1316167 NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR River City Business Services CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment; you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CN/P campaign paraphernalia /misc. IUIBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants IViTG meetings and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* GFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events PCL polling and survey research TRS stafflspouse travel, lodging, and meals. IND independent expenditure supportinglopposing others (explain)* POS postage,. delivery. and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VGT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e- -mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be. summarized on Schedule D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE OR CREDITOR CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Daniel R. Weinzveg SAL 1,239.16 Sebastopol. CA 95472 Neil A. Beaver SAL 1,633.36 Oakland CA 94611 California Employment Development Department SAL 145.40 Sacramento CA 95826 Daniel E. Elefant SAL 1,349.62 Alameda CA 94502 Attach additional information on approliriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL* 4,367.54 Do not transfer to any other schedule or to the Summary Page. This total may not equal the amount paid to the agent or independent contractor as reported on Schedule E. FPPC Form 460 (January /85) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275 -3772) NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR River Cit Business Services CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe..the pa CIVP campai paraphernalia;misc. IVIBR member communications RAD radio airtime .and production costs CNS campai consultants IVITG meetin and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetar OFC office expenses SAL campai workers salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t.v. or c a ble. airtim and. production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone. b TRC candidate travel, lod and .meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve research TIRS staff /spouse travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and.. messen .ser TSF transfer betw committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that. are contributions or independent. e itu res. rn u st also be. s.0 mma.rized on Sch D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE OR.CREDITOR CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER Internal Revenue Service SAL 1,609.59 Oakland CA 94612 River Cit Business Services PRO 55-00 Sacramento CA 95841 Daniel R. Weinzve SAL 1,239.16 Sebastopol CA 95472 Neil A. Beaver SAL 1,134.18 Oakland CA 94611 Attach additional information on appropriatel labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL* 4,037.93 Do not transfer to an other schedule or to the Summar Pa This total ma not e the amount paid to the a or FPPC Form 460 (Januar independent contractor as reported on Schedule E FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661A5K-FPPC (866/275-3772) S c hedule G T or print in. ink. Pa Made b a n A .or. Indepe Amounts ma be rounded C on Behalf of This Committee) to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAKIE OF FILER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major fundin from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC, Yes on measure B SCHEDULE G Statement covers period from 01/01/2010 throu 03/31/2010 Page 25 of 26 I.D. NUMBER 1316167 NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR River Cit Business Services CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ment, y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CIVP campai paraphernalialmisc. MBR member co RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetar 017C. office. expenses SAL campai w orkers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition. ci rcu.1 ati n TEL t.v. or cabl ai a nd production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC. candid travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve research TRS staff /spouse travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others (explain)* POS posta deliver and messen services TSF transfer. bet committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services (le accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) Pa that are co or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Sch D. Attach additional information on appropriatel labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL* 1,945.15 Do not transfer to an other schedule or to the Summar Pa This total ma not e the amount paid to the a or independent contractor as reported on Schedule E FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772) Schedule G Type or print in ink. .....SCHEDULE.G Statement covers period Payments made h an A ent.or Independent Amounts may be rounded Contractor (on Behalf of This Committee) to whole dollars. from 01/01/2010 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 03/3112010 Page 26 of 26 WVI E OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Revitalize Alameda Point, with major funding from SCC Alameda Point LLC and Cal Land Ventures LLC Yes on Measure B 1316157 NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR River City Business Services CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the cede. Otherwise, describe the payment. CHIP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR. member communications RAID radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants rvTG meetings. and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office. expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime. and production costs FIL candidate fling /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey. research. TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain PUS postage, delivery and messenger services. TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sleets. TOTAL* 808. Do not transfer to any other schedule or to the Summary Page. This total may not equal the amount paid to the agent or independent contractor as reported on Schedule E. FPPC Form 4s0 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline; 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772)