No on B Bad for Alameda 460Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government Code Sections 84200 -8421 0.5) .,_..gym Type car print in ink." Date Stam' Y 15 �:L:. 6 F COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) Executed on Date Signature of Controlling i h er, Candidate, State Measure Proponent or Responsible Officer of Sponsor Executed on By Date Signature of Controlling Officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent Executed on Sy rip S' ature of Controhi Officeholder Candidate State Measure Pro onent P FPPC Form 460 (January105) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866fASK -FPPC (8601275 -3772) State of California Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page Part 2 Type or print in ink. COVER. PAGE -PART 2 Page 2 of 25 5. officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBED. IF APPLICABLE) RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: List any committees not included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? YES NQ COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NQ P.Q. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? YES NQ COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.Q. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE 5. Primarily Formed Ballot .Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE Initiative Charter Amendment and Ordinace Relating to Alameda Point Development, Measure BALLOT NO. OR LETTER ,JURISDICTION SUPPORT B City of Alameda. n OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD I DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candid atelofficeholder Committee List names of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Tall -Free Help line: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) State of California Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page 2. Loans R Schedule B, Line 3 -1,000. 0.00 6. Payments Made 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS Add Lines 1 2 3,500-00 18,000.00 4. Nonmon Contributions Schedule C, Line 3 15, 168.29 15, 168.29 Add Lines 6 7 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Add Lines 3 +4 18 668 33, 168.29 Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. 20. Contributions Received 21. Expenditures Made SUMMARY PAGE SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06I30/2010 Page 3 of 25 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CID and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council 1323125 Column Colum B Calendar Ye Summary for Candidates Contributi Received TOTALTHIS PERIOD CALENDARYEAR Runnin in Both th state Prima and (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) TOTALT�7 DATE g General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions Schedule A, Line 3 4,500.0 1 8, 0 00.00 111 through 6130 711 to Date Expenditures blade 6. Payments Made Schedule F, Line 4 27,820.91 7. Loans Made Schedule H Line 3 0.00 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS Add Lines 6 7 27,820.91 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Schedule F, Linea -29 ,0S 1 .37 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment Schedule C, Line 3 1S, 168.29 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ........................Add Lines 8 9 10 3 93 83 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance Previous Summary Page, Line 16 24 288 13. Cash Receipts Column A, Line 3 above 3 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Schedule 1, Line 4 32 15. Cash Payments Column A, Line 8 above 27,8 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE Add Lines 12 13 14, then subtract Line 15 0. 0 0 If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must he zero. 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED Schedule B, Part 2 ❑o Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents See instructions on reverse 19. Outstanding Debts Add Line 2 Line 9 in Column B above 0.0❑ 0.00 Statement covers period from 01/17/2010 0.00 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* 41,704.35 (If Subject to Voluntary Expenditure Limit) 0. Date of Election Total to Date 15 (mm /dd /yy) S6,872. To calculate Column B, add amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any) Expenditure Limit Summary for State 41, 704.35 Candidates *Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline; 8661AS K -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule A Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A �C3rleta Contributions Received Amount may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period A from 01/17/201.0 through 06130/2010 Page 4 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council 1323125 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE To DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION To DATE RECEIVED (IFCOMMITTEE ,ALSO ENTER I.D.NUMBER) CODE (IF SELF EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS) 05/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council. ❑IND 1, 000.00 9,571.84 COM FX1 0TH E] PTY Oakland, CA 94621 ❑5CC 02/09/2010 District Council of Ironworkers Political Issues Comm1 tet]IND 2,500.00 2,500-00 #1296994 000M ❑oTH PTY Pzncale, CA 94554 ❑5CC 01/25/2010 Laborers' Local Union 67 ❑IND 1 ,000.00 1,000-00 COM oTH PTY Oakland, CA 94621 ❑SCC IND COM oTH PTY F1 SCC ❑IND CoM oTH PTY SCC 4 SUBTOTAL 500 .00 r Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period itemized monetary contributions. (include all Schedule A subtotals,) 4,500.00 2. Amount received this period unitemized monetary Contributions of less than $100 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) TOTAL 0.00 4,500.04 Contributor Codes IND Individual COM Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) oTH other (e.g., business entity) PTY Political Party SCC Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275 -3772) t❑ IND CUM OTH PTY SCC PAID FORGIVEN S CALENDAR YEAR o RATE (Enter (e) on Schedule B Summary Schedule E, Line 3) Loans received this period 0.00 (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans of less than $100.) 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period 1 000. o n (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid or forgiven.) (include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A.) I Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.) NET -1,000.00 I I f 1 A I r (May be a negative number) 0. *Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be reported on Schedule A. if required. tContributor Codes IND– individual CUM Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other (e.g., business entity) PTY Political Party SCC Small Contributor Committee FPPG Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) SCHEDULE B PART 1 Type or print in ink. Schedule B Fart 1 Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period Loans Received to whole dollars. from 01/17/2010 s through 06/30/2010 Page 5 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Nc on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL ---CID and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Councii 1323125 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER a (b) OUTSTANDING AMOUNT (C) OUTSTANDING INTEREST AMOUNT PAID ORIGINAL CUMULATIVE OF LENDER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER BALANCE BEGINNING THIS RECEIVED THIS BALANCEAT OR FORGIVEN CLOSE OF THIS PAID THIS AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTIONS (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER #.D, NUMBER) NAME DF BUSINESS) PERIOD PERIOD THIS PERIOD' PERIOD PERIOD LOAN TO DATE Alameda Building and Construction Trades PAID CALENDAR YEAR Council 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 0 ao 0.00 0.00--,/ 1,000.00 9,371.84 s Oakland, CA 94 621 FORGIVEN RATE PER ELECTION 1,000-00 o oa 1,000.00 12/16/2010 0.00 12/'.6/2009 5 DaTE DUE i DATE INCURRED to IND CUM OTH PTY SCC t❑ IND CUM OTH PTY SCC PAID FORGIVEN S CALENDAR YEAR o RATE (Enter (e) on Schedule B Summary Schedule E, Line 3) Loans received this period 0.00 (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans of less than $100.) 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period 1 000. o n (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid or forgiven.) (include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A.) I Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.) NET -1,000.00 I I f 1 A I r (May be a negative number) 0. *Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be reported on Schedule A. if required. tContributor Codes IND– individual CUM Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other (e.g., business entity) PTY Political Party SCC Small Contributor Committee FPPG Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule G Type or print in i nk. _IL u a _f H 5CHEDLILEC moun may e rounea Nonlmonetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period frorn 01/17/2 Fo through 06/30 Page 6 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Baal for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council 1323125 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION DATE RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER [fE SEL F EMPLOYED, ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE C IF REQUIRED �1F COMMITTEE, TEE, ALSO ENTER f.D. NUMBER) NAME OF BUSINESS) (JAN 1 DEC 31) 06/30/2010 Alameda -Suilding and Construction Trades Coun it E IND Bill Forg g 50.88 9,571.84 CoM B400 Enterprise way, Suite 205 E]oTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council EI IND Bill Forgiven 1,009.68 9,571.84 ❑CoM 8400 Enterprise Way, Suit 205 ®0TH ❑PTY Oakland, CA 94621 SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Coun it n IND Bill Forgiven 1,009.68 9,571.84 COM 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 OTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY 5CC 06/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Coun il❑IND Bill Forgiven 5,000.00 9, 571 84 CoM 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 BOTH PTY Oakland, CA 94621 SCC 7 61 2 4 SUBTO co nt i nua t ion b A cb a dditional informat on ap p ropriately labeled s e ets. Atta Schedule C Summary 1. Amount received this period itemized nonmonetary contributions. (Include all Schedule C subtotals.) 2. Amount received this period unitemized nonmonetary contributions of less than $100 15, 168.29 ❑.00 `Contributor Codes IND— Individual COM Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH other (e.g., business entity) PTY Political Party SCC Small Contributor Committee 3. Total nonmonetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Lines 4 and 10) TOTAL 15,168.29 FPPC Form 466 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE C 1AfTlUlif115 fri Ise r VUfl[]eU Nonrnonetary Contributions Received to dollars. Statement covers period A whole 4 0 c rltrluatorl Sheet from 01. /1 7/ 2 010 Nor through 06/30/2010 Page 7 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council 1323125 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR [FAN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER} CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF EN TER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE .CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) {IF NAME OF BUSINESS) (JAN 1 DEC 31) 06/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Coun il[: IND Bill Forgiven 480.80 9,571.84 CDM 8400 E nterprise way, Suite 205 ®OTH Oakland, CA 94021 ❑�P` 3 1 SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Coun ilnIND Bill Forgiven 480.80 9,571-84 CDM 8400 Enterprise way, suite 205 ®0TH El PTY Oakland, CA 9462 ❑SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO IND Bill Forgiven 15.0 4,296.45 CDM 1 0 0 Heyeriberg r Road, Sui 1 x ❑0TH Oakland, CA 94 PTY SCC 06'30'2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO ❑IND Bill Forgiven 400..00 4 Com 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 x❑oTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY SCC Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sleets. SUBTOTAL 1 375. 6D FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661276 -3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE C �C)I11�oneta contributions Received Amount may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period Continuation Sheet from 01/ through 06/30/2010 Page 8 of 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL CIO and Alameda Building and Construct Trades Council 1323125 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT! CUMULATIVE To DATE PER ELECTION DATE RECEIVED SIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER SELF ENTER GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR To DATE CIF REQUIRED} COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER D, NUMBER} I. NAME or BUSINESS} (JAN 1 DEC 31) 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO RIND Bill For'given 450.00 4,296.45 coM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 oTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council. AFL --CIO RIND Bill Forgiven 750.00 4,296.45 CoM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 ®oTH PTY Oakland, CA 94621 SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO RIND Ball Forgiven 1,199.71 4,296.45 coM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 15 0 Q oTH PTY Oakland, CA 94621 SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council. AFL --CIO RIND Bill Forgiven 235.00 4,296.45 coM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 OATH PTY Oakland, CA 94621 SCC 1 conti nuation sheets. A ttach add i t io nal trr�orrr�atlol� o 1� a ppropria tely fabe ec� SUBTOTAL 2 6 34.71 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661276 -3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. Amounts may he rounded N.onmonetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Continuation Sheet SEE INSTRUCTIONS CAN REVERSE SCHEDULE C Statement covers period frorn 01/17/2010 through 06/30/2010 NAME of FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council Page 9 of 2 I.D. NUMBER 1323125 Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sleets. SUBTOTAL 6 s MIMMMENMEMEM] FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER DESCRIPTION OF DESCRIPTION AMOUNT/ CUMULATIVE To DATE PER ELECTION DATE RECEIVED SIP CODE of CONTRIBUTOR ALSO ENTER [.Cl. N CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (IF REQUIRED) (IF COMMITTEE, NAME NAME of BUSINESS] (JAN 1 DEC 31) 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO []IND Bill Forgive 400.00 4 CDN# 100 Hegenberger Road, Sui 150 OTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY SCC 06/30/201[1 Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO ❑IND Bill Forgiven 450.00 4,296.45 COM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 15Q ®OTH PTY Oakland, CA 94521 ❑SCC 06 /30/2()1U Alameda Labor Council., AFL -CIO ❑IND Bill Forgiven 198.75 4,296.45 [j CoM 100 Hegerib�rger Road, Suite 150 M OTH PTY Oakland., CA 94621 SCC 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council., AFL -CIO ❑IND Bill Forgiven 119.61 4.296.45 COM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 910TH PTY Oakland, CA 94521 SCC Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sleets. SUBTOTAL 6 s MIMMMENMEMEM] FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule C Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded Nonmonetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Continuation Sheet SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers period from through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AML -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SCHEDULE C Page 10 of 25 I.D. NUMBER 1323125 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMPAITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) DESCRIPTION OF GOODS OR SERVICES AMOUNT/ FAIR MARKET VALUE CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN 1 DEC 31) PER ELECTION TO DATE IF REQUIRED 06/30/2010 Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO FIND Bill Forgiven g `7.38 4 1 296.45 COM 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 MOTH Oakland, CA 94621 PTY SCC 06/30/2010 international union of operating Engineers (1110E IND Bill Forgiven 2,000-00 2,000-00 Local 3 COM 1620 South Locp Road MOTH PTA Alameda, CA 94502 ❑SCC 01/2-1/2010 Unity PAC (#1294190) FIND Phone Bank 300.00 300.00 ®CC)M Coordination S Ss Capitol. Mall, Suite 142S OTH PTY Sacramento, CA 95814 SCG FIND COM OTH E] PTY SCC Attach additional information on appropriately labelers continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 2,378.38 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Schedule E Payments bade Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/17/2010 SEE I ON REVERSE through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsured by Alameda Lcabur Council, AFL-CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Cou,nej..l Page I of I.D. NUMBER 1323,25 SCHEDULE E CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate fling /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS stafflspouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supportinglopposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e -mail) Schedule E Summary 1. itemized payments made this period. (include all Schedule E subtotals.) 27, 738.03 2. Un itemized payments made this period of under $100 82.88 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).) 0.00 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.) TOTAL 27 820.91 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline. 8661ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 1,294-28 SCHEDULE. E (CUNT.} Schedule E T or print in ink. Statement covers period Continuation Sheet Amounts ma be rounded Pa Made to whole dollars. from 01/17/201.0 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu 06130/2010 Pa 12 of 2 5' NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on 3 Bad for Alameda, sponsored b Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 1223125 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code Othervvise, describe the pa CMP campai paraphernalialmisc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution explain nonmonetar OFC office expenses SAL campai workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition. circulatin TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve research TRS staff /spouse travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others explain POS posta deliver and messen services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services le g al, accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO 100 He Road, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94621 OFC 1,040.00 Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO 1,040.00 IDO He Road, Suite 150 OFC Oakland, CA 94621 Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO 100 He Road, Sui.-e 150 OFC 7.88 Oakland, CA 94621 Autumn Press 116.12 945 Camelia Street LIT Berkele CA 94710 Autumn Press LIT 3,080.00 945 Camelia Street Berkele CA 94710 Pa that are contributions or independent expe nd itu res must also be summarized o n Schedule D. SUBTOTAL 5,284.00 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) S CHED U ILEE CONT Schedule E T or print in ink. Statement covers period Amounts ma be rounded Continuation Sheet Made to whole dollars. from 01 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu 06/30/2010 Pa 13 of 25 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored b Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 1323125 CODES: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the pa CMP campai paraphernalia/i-nisc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants MTG meetin and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB. contribution explain noninonetar OFC office expenses SAL campai workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulatin TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lod and meals FND fundraisin events POL pollin and surve research TRS staff /spouse.. travel, lod and meals IND independent expenditure supportin others explain POS posta deliver and messen services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO professional services le g al, accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs internet, e-mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Autumn Press 945 Camelia Street Berkele CA 94710 POS 2,420.00 Autumn Press 90.82 945 Camelia Street LIT Berkele CA 94710 The Lew Edwards Group, Inc. 5454 Broadwa CNS 5, 000-00 Oakland, CA 94618 The Lew Edwards Group, Inc. 5,000.00 S454 Broadway CNS Oakland, CA 94618 The Lew Edwards Group, Inc. LIT 390.00 5454 Broadwa Oakland, CA 94618 Pa that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL 12,900,82 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) Schedule E SCHEDULEE (CONT.} Type or print in ink. .Statement covers period (Continuation Sheet} Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. P FORM ayments Made f 01/17/2010 through 06/30/2010 Page 14 o f 25 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on 3 Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CID and Alameda Building and Construction 'Trades Council 1323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants NITG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain none nonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot tees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FN[]- fundraising events PCL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Engineers Publishing 3920 Lennane Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 LIT 811.38 Engineers Publishi 921.09 3 920 Lennane Drive POS Sacramento, CA 95834 Olson Hage Fishburn LLP 555 Capitol. Mall., Suite 1425 PRO 2,100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sphinx. Graphics 979.60 2152 North valley Street LIT Berkeley, CA 94609 Sphinx Graphics LIT 2,000.00 2112 North Valley Street Berkeley, CA 94609 Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D SUBTOTAL G 0 12 0 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule E Type or print in ink (Continuation She Amo unts may be rounded Payments Made to whole dollars. Statement covers period Q1/17/2010 from SCHEDULE E (CONT.) through 06/30/20 0 Pag �5 o SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE g NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council., AFL -CID and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council 1323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CT13 contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v, or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events PCL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e- -mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID Statewide Information Systems 2309 K Street Sacramento, CA 95816 OFC 1, 446 85 Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D SUBTOTAL 1 ,44 6 .8 6 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 1ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Schedule F Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers period from 01/17/2010 through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CID and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SCHEDULE F Page 16 of 25 I.D. NUMBER 1.323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment,. you may enter' the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /rnisc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL ttv. or cable airtime and. production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and surrey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information. technology costs (internet, e- -mail) tai (b) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO} REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO OFC 1,040.00 0.00 1 1 04 o o o 0.00 10C Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94621 Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO PHO 750.00 M750. 0.00 0.00 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94621 Al am�-da Labor Council, AFL-CIO OFC 1S.00 15 00 0-0 0 0 0 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 Oakland, CA 94621 I.., Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be SUBTOTALS 1,80S.00 765.00 1,040.00$ 0.00 summarized on Schedule D. Schedule F Summary 1. Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (b) subtotals for accrued expenses of $100 or more, plus total un itemized accrued expenses under $100.) INCURRED TOTALS 2. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Include all Schedule F, Column (c) subtotals for payments on accrued expenses of $100 or more, plus total unitemized payments on accrued expenses under $100.) PAID TOTALS 12, 114 28 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 9.) NET 29, 05l 37 May be a negative number FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 865fASK -FPPC (8661 /275 -3772) Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) �n*orpnnmm� Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. o����uusF�ow�} Statement covers period A 0 A from 01ZI'712010 throu 06/30/2010 a 17 of 25 NAME OF FILER NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alzz..meda, sponsored b Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 1323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the node. Otherwise describe the payment CMP campaignparaphernana/misc. MBR member communications RAD radmaimrne and production costs owa campaign consultants mTo meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions oTB contribution (explain nonmunetar0~ oFC umce expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries ovo civic donations PET Ppnuuonmrcu|aung 400 .00 TEL t.v. o, cable airtime and production costs nL candidate mmomanm fees pwo phone banks nRC candidate travel, /ouo/nm, and meals FmD fundraising events PoL polling and survey research Teo otaff/ovouow/rave/. lcmomu, and mnm/o |mo independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)* pOS pomtage, delivery and messenger oem|oee T8F transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG /ooa/ defense Pno professional services (/eoe/, accounting) vor voter registration LIT campaign literature and mam noa �nnntade 0.00 vmEe information technology costs (mtarnet. e-mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 7, B50 oo -7,850-00 o.00$ 0.00 n=pc Form 4eo(Jmnuarym5) Fppc Toll-Free *mnxn*:unnuAam-Fppo(800/27s-3rr2) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AVIOUNTINCURRED AMOUNTIPAID OUTSTANDING IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD ALSO REPORT ON E OF THIS PERIOD Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO SAL 400 .00 -400.00 0.00 0.00 100 He Road, Suit-e- 150 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO SAL 4SO.00 -450,00 0.00 0.00 100 He Road, Suite 150 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 8400 Enterprise Wa Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 8400 Enterprise Wa Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 SUBTOTALS 7, B50 oo -7,850-00 o.00$ 0.00 n=pc Form 4eo(Jmnuarym5) Fppc Toll-Free *mnxn*:unnuAam-Fppo(800/27s-3rr2) Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/17/2010 through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, .AFL -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SCHEDULE F (CONT.) Page 18 o f 25 I,D, NUMBER 1323125 CODES: if one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CIVIP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAID radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot tees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)` POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VCOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e -mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 3,809.95 --3, 809.95 0.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) (a) {b} {c} {d} NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE aR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON OF THIS PERIOD Alameda Labor Council., AFL --CIO PHC 1,199.71 -1,199.71 0.00 0.00 100 Hegenberger Read, Suite 150 Oakland CA 94621 .Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council MTG 590,88 590.88 0,00 0.00 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SAL 1,009.68 1,009.68 0.00 0.00 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 Oakland C.A. 94621 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SAL 1, 009.68 -1, 009.68 0.00 0.00 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 SUBTOTALS 3,809.95 --3, 809.95 0.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 {January /05} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/17/2010 through 06130/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SCHEDULE F (CONT.) Page 19 o f 25 I.D. NUMBER 1323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAID radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events PCL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VDT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 3 506.34 2,534.28$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866lASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) (a) b) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNTINCURRED IJicy AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Olson Hagel Fishburn LLP PRO 2, 125 .54 -25.S4 2,100-00 0.00 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1425 Sacramento CA 95814 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council MTG 328.11 0 0 0 328.11 0. 0 0 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council. M G 106.17 0.00 106.17 0.00 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 245 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SAL 480.80 480.80 0.00 0.00 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 SUBTOTALS 3 506.34 2,534.28$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866lASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period from 01/ through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL -CIO and Alameda Building and Construction. Trades Council SCHEDULE F (CONT.) Page 20 of 25 I.D. NUMBER 1323125 CODES. If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CW campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* GFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e- -mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 3,755.80 -2,715.80 1,040.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) (a) (b) (c) (d) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNT INCURRED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council SAL 480.80 480.80 0.00 0.00 84CO Enterprise Warr, Suite 205 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Labor Council., AFL --CIO DFC 1,040.00 0.00 1,040.00 0.00 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 Oakland CA 94621 Alameda Labor. Council., AFL -CIO LIT 235.00 235.00 0.00 0.00 100 Hegenberger road, Suite 150 Oakland CA 94621 International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 3 POS 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 1620 South Loop Road. Alameda CA 9450 SUBTOTALS 3,755.80 -2,715.80 1,040.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule F Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE F (CC7ltlT.) Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period 1 (Continuation Sheet) to whole dollars. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) from O1 17 2010 through 06130/2010 Page 21 of 25 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by .Alameda Labor Council., AFL -CID and Alameda Building and Construction Trades C:ouncil.. 1323125 CODES: if one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAID radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary GFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v, or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate fling /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals 1 ND fundraising events PCL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VDT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e -mail} Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 7,900-00 400.00 7,500.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) (a) 4by (c) {d} NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR OUTSTANDING AMOUNTINCURRED AMOUNTPAID OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD .Autumn Press LIT 3,080.00 0.00 3, 080.00 0.0 945 Camelia. Street Berkeley CA 94710 Autumn Press PCS 2,420.00 0.00 2,420-00 0.00 945 Ca.mel.ia Street Berkeley CA 94710 Sphinx Graphics LIT 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 2152 North Valley Street Berkeley CA 94609 Alameda Labor Council,, AFL -CIO SAL 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 100 Hegenberger Road, Suite 150 Oakland CA 94621 SUBTOTALS 7,900-00 400.00 7,500.00$ 0.00 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) Schedule F (Continuation Sheet) Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. SCHEDULE. F (CONT.) Statement covers period ORAIIA W. from 01/17Z2010 through 06/30/2010 NAME OF FILER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council., AFL --CIO and Alameda Building and Construction Trades Council Page 22 of 25 I.D. NUMBER 1323125 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /mist. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration UT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e- -mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR CODE OR (a) OUTSTANDING (b) AMOUNT INCURRED (c) AMOUNT PAID (d) OUTSTANDING (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT BALANCE BEGINNING THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD BALANCE AT CLOSE OF THIS PERIOD (ALSO REPORT ON E) OF THIS PERIOD Alameda Labor Council, AFL SAL 450.00 4 5 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 1 IIegenberger Road Suit 1S❑ Oakland CA 94623 Vanessa Coe ....._..._._.._...._........._m CNS 440.00 440.00 0.00 0.00 1210 Dwight Way Berkeley CA 94702 SUBTOTALS 890.00 -890 oo 0.00$ 0 FPPC Form 460 (January /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (866/275 -3772) Schedule G Type o r print in ink. ..SCHEDULE G Payments Made by an Agent or independent Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period o Contractor (on Behalf of This Committees to whole dollars. from 01/17/2 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06130l2010 Page 23 of 25 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored by Alameda Labor Council, AFL --CIO and Alameda Building and Construction `rra.des Council 1323125 NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Engineers Publishing CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign paraphernalia /misc. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign. consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned. contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production costs FIL candidate filing /ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff /spouse travel, lodging, and meals IND independent expenditure supporting /opposing others (explain)* PCS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidate /sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads 11VEB information technology costs (internet, e mail) Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. Do not transfer to any other schedule or to the Summary Page. This total may not equal the amount paid to the agent or independent contractor as reported on Schedule E. FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) Attach a dditional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL* 921- SChP_rJtj P_ I Titr „r w%rinf in inU SCHEDULE! Schedule I Summary 1. Itemized increases to cash this period. 0.00 2. Unitemized increases to cash of under $100 this period 32 BS 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Column (e).) 0.00 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the SummaryPage, Line 14.) TOTAL 32 Bs FPPG Form 460 (January/05) FPPG Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL 0.00 ADDITIONAL.G.O.MMENTS. Additional Comments For Form 460 Pa 25 Of 25 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER No on B Bad for Alameda, sponsored b Alameda Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Alameda Buildin and Construction Trades Council 1323125 Schedule F Vanessa Coe fees partiall paid b inkind, remainder accrued in error; Olson 'Ha Fishburn LLP fees accrued in error. www.neffile.net