Pruitt 470Officeholder and Candidate Cary p.ai Shoft.F orm (Government Code Section 84206 T or print in ink. Date of election if applicable: Month, Da Year) 0 Amendment (Explain Below Date Stamp SHORT FORM For Official Use Onl I.. Statement. Covers Calendar Year 20 n oration 2W dIfficeholder.or.candidate m 3. Office Sou o r Held NAME OF -OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFiCE SOUGHT OR HELD N STREET ADDRESS N JURISDICTION (LOCATION) &P"W- Ilk DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) *4 N I .CITY STATE "ka ZIP CODE. AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER OPTIONAL: FAX/ E-MAIL ADDRESS C. rnm itt. 4. o ee.information: List all committees 0 f. wh ich y o u ha kn o Me d ethat are p rimaril y fo rm e d to receive contributions or to m a ke. expen diture S. 0 n. b eh alf 6. f y our. candidac P COMMITTEE NAME AND :1.D. NUMBER COMMITTEE A DDRESS.�� NAME OF TREASURER. Y 'Rz 5... verification .that will receive:less than $1;000 and that I will spend less.thar) $1,000 durin the .1 declare under p en a lt a best y e f knowled 1.:a icip at that l 'jur that t o the ate ws: e calendar y ear. and that] have used all reasonable dili this statement. I..certif under penalty per under the ofth State of Ca that the foregoing is true and :correct: Executed on N�Ae��' U. DATE B S1 ATURE F OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE FPPC Form 470/470 Supplement. (Januar 7. FPPC.Toll-Free Helpline: .866/ASK-FP.PC (866/275-3772)