Johnson 460F Recip Commi COVER PAGE Type or print in ink Date Stamp A , campaign Statement z � . . . Cover Page.. .: ��� : a. ' .� "fix `.. '� Government Cade Sections 84200 - 84216.5 � 3 I.D. NUMBER .' : .. . .. .. .... .. '. .: .' .. .. ... .usµ a Pag of NAME OF TREASURER TA 0 "ELL 7 n Statement covers period . Date of ele ction. if applic e, � �:� ,. Y from Month, Day `Dear ) > : � For Official Use Only AREA CODE/PHONE ' � i a? � ... I j 3 tv% . iz A 1, M. k. r" ": SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. through . A /0. `a. Al. /I o E MAILING ADDRESS {IF DIFFERENT} NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX • Typ of R6 6ipient ldomm ee ::A11 Committees - Complete Parts 1, 2 3; and 4. 2 Type. of statement. Cffcehol. .der,.Candidate.Cvntrolled Committee Primaril . Formed: Ballot Measure ❑ Y [� Preelection Quarter) Statement y State Candidate.Election Committee Committee . Semis- annual Statement ET Special.:'Odd-Year Report 0 Recall Cvntlralled Termination E] .Sup lemental.Preelection . . Also Cam fete Part 5 0 . 5 P vnsored . (Also file a Form 410 Termination) Statement Attach Form 495 ❑ General Pur ose Committee P (Also Complete Part 6) en me d below) El Amendm Explain awl 0 . .S pvnsore ET Primarily F ormed 4 : en icatlo Small` CpntributorOommittee Officeholder Committee I have used all reasonable diligence i preparing and: reviewing this statement and to the best of my knvwledge.the information contained 0 Political PaCtylCentral Committee (Also Complete Part 7) under penalty of perjury under the laws. of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct: :3. omm ltt ee Information I.D. NUMBER Treasurer) . ..COMMITTEE NAME .(OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF N❑ COMMITTEE} 'r' Ly NAME OF TREASURER TA 0 "ELL 7 n MAILING ADDRESS Y STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY .................................... STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE CITY.. STATE ZIP. CODE AREA CODE/PHONE NAME. OF ASSISTANT TREASURER; IF ANY 0 �4.. 1�3 JE,4ff Al. /I o MAILING ADDRESS {IF DIFFERENT} NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX MAILING ADDRESS . CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE �.. p 3 . OPTIONAL: FAX 1 E-MAIL ADDRESS OPTIONAL; FAX E -MAIL ADDRESS 4 : en icatlo I have used all reasonable diligence i preparing and: reviewing this statement and to the best of my knvwledge.the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws. of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct: Executed on By D e Sign tur ofTreasur Assistant r surer 4 Executed on BY Date Signatu htf ollingOffi ceholder, Can Nate, ate, State ure Pr6porja Respansib e Officer of Spo or Executed on Date Executed on Date By By signature oT Vontrwing Signature of Controlling Officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent FPPC Form 460 (, anuaryl05) FPPC Toll - Free Flelpline. 8661ASK -FPPC (86612 "37 72) state of California NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT Fj OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT [] OPPOSE NAME. OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD —]SUPPORT [� OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC .Form 466 {Janyary /05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpl ne .866 /ASK+PPC (8661275 -3772) State of Cal 06rnia Type or print in ins. SUMMARY.PAGE Camoa an Disclosure Statement - - _ Expenditures. act . 6 . Payments Made... .... .... ... .... ... ........... Schedule F, Line 4. $ 7 Loans Made : ........ ........ ....... :. ..... ... h l H Lin 3 5c edu � e 8.. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS .. .............................. Add Lines 6 + 7 � $ 9 ACCrlled EX3Ln565 (Utlpald E�IIIs} .................... Schedule F Line 3 10. N Adj us meat ..... . ..... . .......... Sc h e d ule C; Line 3 u .. . 11. 0TALEXPENDITURES MADE ......... .....,.... ... .Add Lines 8 .9 �o ......... . $ Current Cash Statement 1 2: Be innin Cash Balance .. . .. . .. Previous Summary Page; Line � 9 g li �.: Ta calculate Column B, add 1.3. Cash. Re ..... Column A; Life 3 above .... �. amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash :..:.:.. ........... Schedule.l Line 4 . . ...:. from Column B of your last. 15. Cash Payme ..., ................. ............. .. Colum A tine 8 above report: Some amounts in Col umn maybe ne 6. ENDING CASH BALANCE .....:...: Add Lines 12.+:13 + 74, then subtract Line 15 $ f igures t ha t should e subtracted from pre vious If this is .a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. period amounts. if this is the first report. being filed 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ........................... Schedule B; Part 2 $ for this calendar year, only car over the amount Cash uivalents an Outstanding Deb ts ..... q from Lines 2, 7, and 9 ( if any 18. Cash Equivalents ... ...... .............................. See instructions on reverse $ 1 9 . Outstanding Debts ................:........ Add Line 2 + Line 9 in Column B above $ FPPC .F.orm 460 Wanua.ryl05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) 'Sch edu l e e T e or rint in ink. ]�P P SCHEDULE A M onetary Contributions R eceived Amou .may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period .. , from ........... th roug h Page of ___ . . .... .. .. .. .... . . SEE INSTRUCTIONS:ON REVERSE. NAME OF FILER...... I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME; STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR:.. CIF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER CONTRIBUTOR CO DE * IF A1V INDIVI>]vAL; ENTEF OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE TD DATE ::CALENDAR: MEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE D ECEIVED:.:...: (I SELF -EMPL C]YEC]; ENTER NAME. OF BUSINESS) . PERIOD :.: (JAN 1. - D. . .3.1 } IF REQUIRED (. ) [IND [] COM pTH PTY IDS ND COM C1 OTH e . .......... El PTY El SCE iio irk [] COM D OTH PTY 0 C 0M [] OTH �4 PTY SCC 4 .. Co m �wo Z :,3 F �� N OTH � E] PTY SCC BT �u TAL � Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions ! �- (include all Schedule A subtotals.) ...... .....:::. ::....... .::.:.:.: :::.:..:. ..:.:.:........... ............................... $ (o 2: Amount received this period - unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ................. 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1. .......... TOTAL $ FPPC Form 46U Wanuaryl05) FPPC Toll -Free He[ line: 6.66 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 - 3772) .Sch.edule.E Pa Made T o r. print .in.ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. SCHEDULE Statement covers period FORM .46. f rom 4 ... .. . SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu Pa Of ...... . . ........ ....... .... . ....... .. . ��-NAME OF.FILER :: J.D. NUMBER CQQES: 0....pne of the Jollowin codes accuratel d escribes. 4ha:. pa y ou. ma enter the. code. Otherwise describe pa y ment.: ......... ..CIVP: : .Calrnpai g n paraphemalia/misc. :MBR me co RAD..:. radio.. airtime: and production costs CNS campai consultants. MTG. .:meefin g s an appearances RFE) returne contri CTB contribution (explain nonmonetar OFC office::. ex pe nses. SAL:.:: campai workers salaries CVC . civic .doriat PE7 petitio n.: ci rcu latin g ..TEL tm..:ortable airtime.: and production: costs. FIL. candidate.filin fees :: p h one banks TRC. :.candidate: travel lod and:rn6als.:. :FND::.: fund raisin POL pollin g a nd s urve rese . arch TRS: staff/ spouse. travel od an .me.a s �.IND.:::.i.n.. epe.nd.e.nt:..expe.nd.i.tu.re. .5upportin others. (explain)* .: ..�.Pc)s. .:posfa and messen services ' fAh Aransf6r. etWeem . c6mmittees .o t he same ca ndidate/sponsor LEG le defense PRO pro ss prof services (le accountin VOT voter: registration t ration.: LIT campai literature and s mailin PRT I- X 11.1 print ads. WEB information technolo costs (i.ntemet::e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE., ALSO ENTER I. D. NUMBER) CO OR DESCRI of PAYMENT. AMOUNTPAID.. ��� . .......... .. ........... .......... Af Y A d jeo 941 Schedule E. Summar .:....... 1. Itemized pa made this period. (include all Schedule .E subtotals. .............................. .......... .............................. ..................................... $ q• .613 2. Uniternized pa made this period of under $100 .......................................................................... ............................... ............................... $ .. . .. .... .. ........... d? � w t� G) 3. Total .interest pai perip.d. p.n..I.oan.s...,(Ent.er..a.m.ount..from.. Schedule. B, Part 1 .Column (e).) .......... ............ ......................... ............................... $ 4. Total pa made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summar Pa Column A, Line 6.) ........ ..................... TOTAL $ ............. I_L3 F P P Form 460.(Jan uar 5) FPPC Toll-Free Helpli.n (.8.66/``2.7..5..37.7.2) Pa that n are cotributions or expen d itu res. �.m u st.: a lso o: be: s urn ma rized. on: S I e. D . . . .. . are .... SUBTOTAL Schedule SCHEDULE (C onti l�"� Type or. print in.ink. Amounts ma be r�aunded Statement covers period IL A avments add! to whole dollars. from through SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Pa e of NAME: OF FILER I.D. ER ri he payment, . CODES If one of the .following c dos accurate y describes the payment; you may enter the Cade. 4therWise, desk bet p y CND' cam ai n parap herna /misc. P 9 P P MBR: member-communications RAD radio` airtime and: production costs cNS campaign: consulta 1111T G :meetings and appearances RFD retuned contributions CTB contribution ex lain nonmoneta � P rY� CFC .: office : ex enses P SAL : campaign .workers :.salaries ..Cvc . civic donation PET. petition circulating TE.L tm..or cable airtime and: prod costs FIL candidate filin /ballot .fees::o 9 P hone banks TRC candidate traWel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events PCL ollin and curve research p 9. y TRS sials Ouse' travel lod in and meals P g g� .IND . inde endent expenditure: sup ortin Iv vsin others ex lain * P PP 9 PP 9 P .......:..... . . PbS vista e ;deli a and rnessen er services TSF : tr ansfe r : between committees of the same candidate /sponsor P 9 rY 9 LEG ...:....... . legal defense g PR0 professional servi6es (legal,. accountin VQT : voter :re istration .: : A 9� LlT care ai n literature and mailings.: P 9 J ITT` : rint .ads A WEB information technolo costs internet e-mail 9Y a .. AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE IF. COMMITTEE ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBEf� � 7 CODE o RI PAYMENT DESCRIPTION �7F AMOUNT PAID A ❑U 1 17 * Pa y me nts that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. 5 BTOTAL ..$ FPPC F.orm`46b 0 nuaryl45} FPPC Toll -Free Helpline 8661ASKmFI PC (86fi12757 37721