deHaan 460Summar Pa SEE INSTRUCTIO O N REVERSE:. ..Colurnnk.. NAMEO FILER ..Contributions T or print in ink. Amounts ma be. rounded to whole dollars. SUMMARY PACE Statement covers period f m ro throu Page 4 Of Received ..Colurnnk.. Column B. ..Contributions T0TALT.H1S.PER10D.:...:..: (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES). CALENDAR YEAR T OTAL Co DA E T Monetar Contributions ...... ...... ............. Scheddle: fit ine 3 $ 2. Loans Received.........., ............... ....... ............. Schedule. B, Line: 3 . . .... ........... ............... .... ... ......... . 3. SUBTOTAL CAST CONTRI BUTTONS .. ..... .................... Add Lines 1+2 $ $ .......4. N.on.monetar .... Schedule G, Line 3... TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ............ Add Lines. 3.+ 4 $ � � � ............ 1U. FPPC. Form..460.(Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline::.Z66/ASK.FPP.0 (866/275.3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetar Contributions Received NAME OF FILER SCHEDULE A (CONT.} Statement covers period from FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR throu . ..... ... ....... .. . ............ . .. Pa of RECEIVED [,D. NUMBER . . ... ........... . ... .. 0i V/ AMOUNT CU M U LATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED THIS wALENDAR YEAR TO DATE PERIOD (JAN, 1 - DEC. 31) ( IF REQUIRED) DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER LD, NUMBERy CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER KIND r-1 com v2d -d1' (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME PTY El SCC of BUSINESS) . . ........... .... IND COM E] OTH IND com OTH �`. � - W .I. . .17 ��� ')rAv 5 / A F1 PTY . ....... KIND r-1 com v2d -d1' PTY El SCC ��� . . ........... .... IND COM E] OTH J�frL/ ! / C��I���'� �+�» [] PTY .. ........... ..... . .. . . El SCC L Li Air �4ND COM /} 6 iJ1J l �l1 � � f ���/ �7�Gaf" .�I A�°°'�,r OTH PTY E] SCC ���iiey Ja�rPS IND com Ave El OTH ............... PTY El SCC �Dl',�o /coo. �' A 01 41 aolr /Qc -> sl e ep, Re I el SUBTOTAL$ �`�Q� �'�' *Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e. business entit PTY — Political Part SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. Schedule A Monetar Contributions Received T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. SCHEDULE A . . ..... . ........ ......... ....... ..... .. ......... - ..... ... ...... . - ------ SUBTOTAL$ ................... . .. ................. .... .... ... . . ..... . .. ...... .. ... ................. Schedule A Summar * Contributor Codes 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetar contributions, INCA - Individual (Include all Schedule A subtotals. ... ......... COQ — Recipient Committee $ ( other than PTY or SCG OTH — Other ( e g ., business entit 2 . m Aou nt r eceived th is period — u nitem ized rn onetar contri b utio n s of less tha n $10 0 . $ LU PTY — Political Party Y) 3. Total monetar contributions received this period. SCO —Small Contributor Committee (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summar FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helphne: 8.66/ASK-FPPC (866/.275-3772) Te or p rint in ink. _ ....... .........................................._._..._....................._......... �.. .........�..m................._ SCHEDULE E ill YP P Statement covers period .Amounts may be rounded Payme odes ®� to vvhvle dollars. frcarr SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through NAME OF FILER � A '4 vy :. �2 Page of I.D. NUMBER CODES: If one of the ollowing codes accurately describes th a mend; y ou ma Y enter the code. Otherwise descr the payment. P Y Y Cam' campaign paraphernalia /misc. CNS.: campaign. consultants MB member communic RAID. radio airtirr�e` and production casts MTG. m e etings and. appearances RFD .. returned:.contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)* CVC civic donations OFC office expenses e PET p etition: circulatin g SAL campaign virvrkers' selaries TEL:: t.v. or cable airtime a nd pr oduction casts FIL candidate filing/ballot fees FND fundraising . events PHO phone, banks TRC ca ndidate travel; lodging, and meals PCDi: vliin and curve research TRS s ff : r v I : and meals P g Y . to Ispvuse t a e Io dgng, lND : independent expenditure supporting/o p :: ethers explain} LEG logo) defense PQS .: postage, .delivery and messen er services TSF . transfer between. committees of the same candidate/sponsor 9 PRO professional services legal accounting) VOT voter regi LIT campaign literature and. mailings...: ... 9 PRT ::Print ads P IIVVED information technvl❑ costs �nternet, e -mail technology ( NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION of PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID A/ "Pow Pa ments that .are contributions .or. independent e must also be summarized on Schedule .t3 p P S U TOTAL. � &7-t q SPhed u e E .Summary 1. ltemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ..w., .......... ............................::.:...................,...,.:.. ,.............................. $ 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 :..::..: ::a .:..::...:....... ...:.:.:......,. a........................... ... a............. ....... ................ .............. ..:,:.:. $ 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule E3, Part 1, Column (e).) ................................................ ............................... $ .... .:..... 41- 4. Total paymen made this period: (Add Lines 1; 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line b,� ..,.......... ................ T'+�T�L $ IF PPC Form 460.(Januaryl05) FPPC Toli -Free Hel ph ne 866JASK.FPPC (806127 57377 Sche ld a Type or print in ink. __ _..... ....... ........... . .... Cl I�.DULE E. (CO ) - ( Conti nua ti on Sl eet Payments Mad Amounts. may be rounded to. whole dollars. Statement co c overs period � from ®. SEE INSTRUCTIONS C3N� IRFVERSE thpcl /0 Z 0/0 roug Page NAME CAF FILER k' of I.D. NUMBER N COD ES: 1 one of the folloriving Codes accuratel describes the: a mrifi ou rra oner the `c�d�: i Y Y. , Y Y 4 ervvise, describe. the payment; camp ara hernalialmisc; P p . . CNS campaign consul #ants ....MBR . mem.ber.communica #ions. IUIT m�e #ings and :appearances. RAID radio ai a nd pr oduction. casts RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain non monetary) CVC. civic donat aFG vffce ex enses P PET pe #iti in circulatiri 9 SAL campaign works , rs .�alares TEL :. t v. or:c l ab e airtime end production casts Fl L :.candidate filinglballot fees FND Tundra s.in g given #s independon ex endrture others . p supporting/opposing: PHO phone banks IDOL: polling and purvey research PCS postage, delivery .and :messenger..services.:.. `TRC candidate travel, lod in and meals . , g 9 1 TRH �tafflspvuse travel, lodging, g, and meals TSF . transfer between committees of the same candidatels ponsor LEG legal defense Lrr . :campaign literature and mailings Ply prafessianal :rvines ale I acdvunting ................. . PRT pr ads VOT voter re istretivn: VIIEB iriformatian ie�hroloyy costs tinter net, e - NAME AND ADDRESS. F P S U AYES (1 'cDMMl T s'ALSO. DIET 1.D. NUMBER) �QDE pR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT ENT AMOUNT PAID ke" 1 e Cel 1 re 1 P . ayments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule Da S UBTOTAL � F .T Fvrm 4 '60 :�Januaryll�5) FPPC Toll -Free l elpl n 8661ASK FPPC (8G61Z?5 -3172)