Pollard 460Re.c.i.pie.nt-Commiftee C lilt a me... Cover (Governt'ribn Cody ed tons:84200784216.5) T or print:.In ink. �RiF Date tanip 01 77 1, R'N Rgg.g k 1-115 E ORM N .1. I �M Um No A o M -A '00" a RENE �1 Statement covers period L� Date of election if applicab (Mont Year) For Official Use Onl sri SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Sept.: 30,2010.- 11/2/10 Ahrou 1. T of Recipient Committee'. All Commiftees Complete Pads: 1 2� 3, and 4. Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee L] Primaril Formed Ballot Measure 0 8tats lbanjidate Election Committee Committee 0 Recall..... 0 Controlled (Also Complete Part 5) 0 Sponsored E] General Purpose Committee (Also Complete Part 6 a 0 Sponsored E3 Primaril e 6C ndidate/ ommittee 0 Small Contributor Committee Officeholder C 0 Political Part Committee Alw Complet6 P6rt 7 I D NUMBER:� 3. Committee Information: Tre astir 0 COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S N IF NO COMMITTEE) NAME OF TREASURER Roderic Guy Pollard for School Board 201 MAILING ADDRESS 150 PeraltaAve STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O.: BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA:CODE/PHONE� 1911 Sandcreek Wa San Leandro..... -635-7124 CA 94577 510 STATE zw:.cobE .AREA CODEIPHONE:: NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, II AI' Alameda CA 94501 510-846-8326 u1.31'virvii t i iz>: INAI I LL). NUVIt3tK NAME OF TREASURER i�bNTR LLE tb MlTTEE? YES lrl C OMMITTEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRE aS Nth P.O. BOX -ST ATE CITY A t R r FPPC Form 46.0 (Jpnuary/05) FP T 1 -Free HeI i��g 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661275 -3772) State of California uampa Jsclosure... tatement T or: print im ink. SUMMARY -PAGE......... Summa�y�: Amounts.ma be::rounded to whole �dollar:s. ta pedo Stement covers.. d Jul 1, 2010 f r SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE throu Sept. 30, 2010 3. 4 NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Roderic Gue Contribution�§Aecei'Ved u Colmhk Column B Calendar. Year Summar f Candidates or... TOTALTHIS PERIOD. (FROMAUACHED SCHEDULES CALENDAR TOTALTO DATE in E! th th �R.Unni n q o. e�.� State Primar and General Elections I Monetar Contributions Schedule A, Line 3 944.00 944.00 2. Loans Received Schedule B, Line 3 1/1 throu to Date 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS Add Lfnes I 2 944.00 944.00 20. Contributions Received 4. Nonmonetar Contrib Schedule Q, Line 3 ...21. Expenditures 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Add Lines 3 4 944.00 944.00 Made Expenditures Made Expenditure Limit Summa for State ry 6. Paym.e.nts...Made Schedule E, Line 4 -0- Ca ndi 7. Loans Made.....,.... Schedule H, Line 3 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS Add Lines 6 7 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made* (if Subject to Voluntar Expenditure Limit) 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills schedule F, Line 3 Date of Election Total to Date 10. Nonmonetbr-V Ad Schedule C, Line 3 mm/ddl yy) 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES Add Lines 8 9 4„7 Current Cash Statement 12. Be Cash Balance Previous Summary Pa Line 16 To calcu.1a.te.Column B, add 13. Cash Receipts Column A, Line 3 above 944.00 amounts in: Column A to the 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Schedule 1, Li corresp amounts from..:dolumn 1 y our *Amounts in this section ma be different from amounts reported in Column B. 15. Cash :.,Fa ents Line.8.above. -0 report. Some amounts in: co umn.A b e ne lie rha 16..�ENDIINGCASKBALANGE��. A dd:Lihe.s:. 1 2:+.�. 13 14, thin sub&a ot Line 15:.. .944.00 fi that should be subtracted ftom previous ff 1his i� a t6rmin6fibh.. statement Line 16: must -be zero. period amounts, If this is the first report bein 17. LOAN GUARANTEE&RECEIVED:: A W. ..::::�.:.Schedule B, Part 2 for this calendar y ea rj:�:onl carr over e.amounts q uiva en �.an Cash E 1 t§ d::Outstandin Ddbt g e s from Lines 2,1 T.and 9 if 18 Cash.. E See instructions on reverse 19. Outstandin :Debts Add Line 2 Line 9 in Column B abo Ve ...........FPPC Form.460 J�:.: anuar FPPC Toll-Fre e H 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 elpli"e. Sched 1 Amount received this period itemized monetary contributions. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) ...r r .r• rf RifN rk r r r r ■kN■ rk r r.N k[■ kl... N■ kNN!•■ N r N f r N/ R r N a r N N N N Ago k a f s e f. a 2. Amoun L ceived his per io uniterniz d �M neta b i ns of l ess ha n 00 644.00 3 Total monetary contributions received this period. QAA M) (Add Lil es 1 an.d 2 Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A Lire TOT F P PC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC 66/275 -3772) Type or: print in nk. Re A mounts may. be to whole r Statement covers period Jul 20 from Se pt. 3 20 Q try Of SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I. 3. NUMBER Roderic G ue DATA FULL NAME: 1 3I R� 1 �!I' �I lF CONTRIBUTOR g ...:.:CONTRIBUTOR .(IF CC] MIT TEE,: �L t ENTER I.D NUMBER).. IF N INDIVIDUAL., ENTER 3 CL R TIC7l� Co1I� EMPLOYER Lt»fER AMOUNT R� III �111�� T CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED CODE -�I I�L�� I �I NAME PERIOD (JAN. 1 DEC. F I REQUIRED /fig Ilona P o llard. INS �lc° C 965 Shore r. TF 0 Ala CA 9450 EI S C fie/ Elcom El PTA 0 SCC E] INN c OTH PTY EI SCE E] INS El OM E OTH 0 SCE INI D CO .00TH E P El SUB TOT A L Sched 1 Amount received this period itemized monetary contributions. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) ...r r .r• rf RifN rk r r r r ■kN■ rk r r.N k[■ kl... N■ kNN!•■ N r N f r N/ R r N a r N N N N Ago k a f s e f. a 2. Amoun L ceived his per io uniterniz d �M neta b i ns of l ess ha n 00 644.00 3 Total monetary contributions received this period. QAA M) (Add Lil es 1 an.d 2 Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A Lire TOT F P PC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC 66/275 -3772)