Sherratt 460 Amendment 2R Commiftee Campal Statement Cover Pa ( Government Code Sections 84200-84216.5 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE T or print In Ink, StatOment covers perlod _Iwo from throu T p e of Re c I pi.e nt C 0 M M Ittee: All Com rnj iteas — Complete Pa ris 1 1 2 , 3 , and 4. Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee E] Primaril Pormed Ballot Measure 0 State Candidate Election Committee Committee 0 Recall 0 Controlled ( Also Complate Part 5 0 Sponsored EJ General Purpose Committee 0so col" part 6 0 Sponsored El Primaril Formed Candidate/ 0 Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee 0 Political Part Committee (Alpo Compteto part 7 3. Gc)mMittee Information Alameda 1.0. NUMBE-R 1 94502 N/A 13314436 COMMIT-rEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE -IS NAME W- NO COMMITTEE) Mar Sherratt for School Board 2010 STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX 74 Basinside Wa Date of election i a (Monfil, Day, Year Nov. 2, 20 Z� CITY STATE ZIP CODE BODE/PHHONE: Alameda CA 94502 (510)846-1288 MAILING ADDRESS (II` 0IFFr_-Rr-_SIT) NO. AND STREr_-T OR RO. WX 1332 Pearl Street 875-A Island Drive #234 CITY � �TAT E S ................ Alameda �7_ 1 �PC ODE CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIP'HONE Alameda CA 94502 N/A OPTIONAL: FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS MAILING A00RESS NAME Or TREAS . U Laurie M. Hobson R MAILING AD 1332 Pearl Street CITY � �TAT E S ................ Alameda �7_ 1 �PC ODE � AR �AC 0 �Dlr_--._ I P��Hl t N E _T_R_rT� CA 94501 (510)865-5981 'ff'j NAME ISTA OF A8SNT As Ei RE _ jj ,� IF �1-- Carole C, Pobte MAILING A00RESS 101 Ironwood Road CITY STATE Alameda ZIP CODE AI E A A �GO D f P H �ON E7 ................... ......... . . . . . CA 94502 (510) 522-0930 OPTIONAL- FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS - .............. FPPC Form 46i (Janua 5) FPPC Toll-Free Helpfine: 86BIASK.FPPC (8661275-37721 SWO of California I Campaign Usclosure Statement Summar Pa $EE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE T or print in Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. AMM Ul- NL N Laurie M. Hobson Statement covers period r tn o /0 throu Contributions Received Column A 8. SUBTOTALC SH PAYMENTS AcIdLities6+7 $ TOTALTHISPMIOD 9, Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) (FROM ATTACIAMS HEDULES 20 I Monetar Contributions W.x ...... ScheduleA, Litle 3 4 70 $ 2. Loans Received ....... ....... S du Che 10 8, Une 3 3. SUB TOTALCAS H CONTRIBUTIONS ­­ .......... Add Lifies I + 2 $ 4, Nonmonetar Contributions., .. ........ Schedule C, Line 3 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED $ s' OZ I Expenditures Made • Pa Made,,,., ............ _ ........ SchOdWe 6, Line' 4 $ 101-t'30' 7 . Loans Made w ............ ....... Sch Lino 3 8. SUBTOTALC SH PAYMENTS AcIdLities6+7 $ 9, Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 10. Nonmonetar Adjustment ....... Schedule G, Line a 11. TOJAL EXPENDITURES MADE .......... .........._... Wes a + 9 io $ 1 2. B e g i n n I n 9 0 ash 6 a Ia ce prc, viDus s unjjrjaly page, Litle I r) 11 Cash Receipts ........ Colurm)A, Line 3 above 14. MiscellaneOLIS Increases to Cash ...... .......... s 1 , i.ine al 15 Cash Payments ........ ........ ...... r .. ,, Column A, Lina'a abOVL, '16, ENDING CASH BALAN, CE � _ _ N c a a r Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Line 1.5 ff this is a termiliation Statement, Line 16 must be zero, 9 1 7. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ..........B........eaxa x.e SchedUle B, Part 2 $ Cash E and Outstandin Debts 18. Casli Equivalents ...... ...... Se'9j nsttUCti()JJS all reverse $ '19. OLItstaridin Debts AddLine24-Line9it7Cclun7n8 above $ , LIAY� TO cAlculate COlUmn 13, add announts in Column A to the correspondin amounts frorn Column B of y our last report. Some amounts ill Column A ma be ne fi that should be Subtracted from previou perio amounts, If ol i the first report bein filed for this calendar year, onl carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 ( if an . SUMMARYPAGE Calendar Year SUmmary for Cand'I iii ate. Runnin in Both the State Primar anda General Elections 1/1 throu 6130 7/1 to Date 20. Contributions Received $ $ 21 x Expenditures Made $ $ Expend Iture Lilla-It Summar for State Candidates 22. Cumulative EXPendittires Made* Jif Sublact ID voltilitar Exparlditure, Limit) Dclte of Election 'Ibtal 10 Date (nini/dd/ $ I $ * -------- I ------ *Amounjs in this section ma be different from alliounts reported in Column B. rpPC Form 460 (Januar FPPC Toll-Free Helplhie� 8661ASK-FPPC (8661 753772) ScheduleA TYPe or print In Ink. Monetem Contributions Received Amounts rnay be rounded to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SCHEDULE A NAME OF FILER Laurie M. Hobson DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR NTRIBU IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER COTOP, RECEIVED ( IF COMMITTEr ALSO ENTER W. NUMBER CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER I.D. NUMB (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, EER NAMC- NT OF BUSINESS AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE RECEIVED THIS PER ELECTION E] IND TO DATE (IF REQUIRED Elcom E10TH EJ PTY EISCC DIND Elcom El OTH E PTY EISCC E EICOM DO TH El PTY [JSCC El IND EICOM E1 0TH El PTY EISCC E]IND ....rn�raww.eww.w.� ocom E Ej PTY EISM '11>GT1eUU#e A ;DUmmar *Conn ributor C(0,des 1. Amount received this period — iternized monetar contributions, IND—IndividLial (Include all Schedule A subtotals) - COM — Recipient Com mittee (other than PTY or SC 2. Amount received this period — UnIternized monetar contributions of less than $100 OTH — Other ( e. g ,, business en RR�b�a e8ccaa9 �PM a nPPxaWiPaaRy ® Total monetar contributions received this period. PTY - Political Parl Ago S CC — S mall Co ntributor Co mm ittee ( Add Class 1 an 2. Enter here and o rs tine S tarr ma r Page, C 01 Lim n A, Line 1 ........... T( TAL 494 FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPP C Toll-Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FP (866/275-3772) SCHEDULE A ............... ............. I.D. NUMB 1331436 AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE RECEIVED THIS PER ELECTION PERIOD CALENDARYEAR (JAN. 1 - DEC, 31 TO DATE (IF REQUIRED FPPC Form 460 (Januar FPP C Toll-Free Helpfine: 866/ASK-FP (866/275-3772) ----du~e~� K� Pa Made Type Amounts ma be rounded St�atem�ent �coV�er period f ro M SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER throu Al Page Laurie M. Flobson I.0, NUMBER CODES$: If one of the followin codes accuratel describes the Payment, CM Campai paraphernalialmisc, YOU ma enter the code Otherwise, describe the payment. CTB contribution (explain nontnonetar MB MTG meetin and appearances RAD raft airtime and production cos RFD CVC civic donations OFC PEr offi ce expenses petition circulatin returned contributions SAL ramPaign workers' salaries FND fundrai events IND independent expenditure supportin PI-10 phone banks 9 and surve research TEL t,v. or. cable. airtime and production costs LEG legal defense others (explain)* POS Postage, deliver and messen services TSF ng, and meals LIT Carlipaign literature and mailings PRO PRT Professional services ( le g al, accounting) transfer between committees of the sam candidate/sponsor VOT voter registration print ads WEB information technolo cos (Internet, e-mail NAME AND A()DRI=-SS O p AyEr - CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT -------'_---- 3� lbtal interest paid this period an loans, (Enter amount fro Schedule B ^ _— . . ' —'.—~~~`^'pv+--~----_— 4- mumpaymen� made ��por�d �ddL�ea1,2, and 3.En�rher and peo . --'—^—~—'~--~--'^--'� _ Summary Page, Line 6.) .—.~.—.----.. TOTAL $ _ 11 66/ASK.FPP (866J275-3772)