Resolution 14510CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 4 I APPROVING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE BICYCLE MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the Bicycle Master Plan (Plan) includes policies, programs, and projects to guide the future planning and implementation of Alameda's bicycling infrastructure, in support of the General Plan Transportation Element; and WHEREAS, since the previous Plan was originally adopted in 1999, the proposed Plan is necessary to improve bicycle facilities throughout the City in a manner that is consistent with current Alameda needs and priorities; and WHEREAS, the enhancement of Alameda's bicycle facilities network will offer City residents, commuters, and visitors an additional mobility option and will reduce traffic congestion; and WHEREAS, the City's Local Action Plan for Climate Protection calls for measures to encourage bicycling to reduce Alameda's greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, the draft Plan was presented to the Transportation Commission, Economic Development Commission, Alameda Youth Advisory Commission, and Recreation and Parks Commission for their input; and WHEREAS, public outreach for this project included a workshop, survey, a broad -based email list, and a web site; and WHEREAS, adoption of a bicycle plan establishes eligibility for Bicycle Transportation Account funding for the five subsequent fiscal years, in accordance with Caltrans guidelines; and WHEREAS, on September 3, 2010, the City of Alameda circulated for public review an . Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed Plan Update; and WHEREAS, the Initial Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 21 -day review period, and WHEREAS, staff received public comment on the draft Plan and has recommended clarifications to be incorporated into the final Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on the draft Plan and the Mitigated . Negative Declaration on September 27, 2010, examined pertinent maps and documents, considered the testimony, and written comments received; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has made the following findings: 1. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been presented to and independently reviewed and considered by the Planning Board, and 2. The Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City of Alameda, and 3. The . Mitigated Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and all applicable state and local guidelines, and WHEREAS, on October 11, 2010, the Planning Board recommended that the City Council approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration regarding the environmental impacts related to this project; and WHEREAS, on October 11, 2010, the Planning Board recommended that the City Council adopt the Plan, with the incorporation of the following comments: The Plan should be amended to elevate the Bayview Shoreline Bicycle Path (project M2) to a high priority project; and 2. The Plan should be amended to encourage cost sharing agreements with the neighboring jurisdiction of Oakland to help fund estuary crossings enhancements for bicyclists and pedestrians, and 3. The Plan should be amended to recommend further evaluation of multimodal solutions to enhance access to the Park Street and Fruitvale [Miller- Sweeney] Bridges, including access via Tilden Way and consideration of how the bridges link to Oakland. The City should continue to work with Oakland to enhance bicycle access at these locations; and 4. The Plan should be amended to indicate that additional bicycle parking should be installed in Alameda, and staff should consult with community groups such as BikeAlanleda regarding placement of these facilities; and 5. The Plan should encourage that more funding for bicycle improvements be allocated from Gas Tax or other local street and roads improvement funds through the CIP program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda approves the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Plan with the amendments described below: • Change the title of the document to "City of Alameda 1999 Bicycle Master Plan (Updated 2010). • Change Page 2, paragraph 4, to read: "Projects were evaluated and scored based on a number of criteria, such as connectivity, potential demand, and future operations and maintenance costs. The recommended projects and programs are listed below. Note that definitions for Class 1, Class 11, and Class 111 are provided on Page 47." G Change the list of high priority projects on Pages 2 -3 and pages 78 -79 to read as follows: 1) The estimated cost of the Cross Alameda Trail will be $1,422,000; 2) The Bayview Shoreline Bicycle Path feasibility study will be added to the list of high priority projects, with an estimated cost of $100 000 and 3) The Blanding Avenue bikeway, including a bicycle lane from Park Street to Broadway and a bicycle route from Oak Street to Park Street, will be added to the list of high priority projects, with an estimated cost of $10,000. O On Page 6, the last paragraph will be changed to read: The scope of this Bicycle Plan update also included the development of guidelines to facilitate implementation of the Plan's recommendations: 1) bicycle facility design guidelines, 2) bicycle parking guidelines, 3) shoreline access guidelines, and 4) wayfinding signage guidelines. In addition to recommended bicycle facility designs to be utilized, the guidelines will include a formalized building inspection checklist to ensure that bike racks are installed according to the project conditions of approval prior to the City issuing a permit to occupy the building or final acceptance of the project, whichever comes first. These guidelines are available as a companion document to this Plan. ® Change the notes following the list of high priority projects on Pages 2 -3 and Pages 78 -79, to read: * Railroad track removal required prior to implementation. Estimated cost does not include cost of removing railroad tracks. It is assumed that the tracks would be removed as part of reconstructing the street. ** Interim project. For long -term proposal see project N 1. * ** Class 11 to be implemented on these segments only if it is determined that removal of on- street parking or reductions in traffic capacity would be acceptable. Otherwise, they would be implemented as Class 111 facilities. • On Page 71, modify the last sentence in paragraph 1 to read: "In addition, the City should continue to work with the City of Oakland, Alameda County, and the Army Corps of Engineers to develop short - and long -term solutions for improved bicycle access in the Fruitvale Bridge corridor, and with the City of Oakland and Alameda County to enhance access in the Park Street Bridge corridor." ® In Chapter VIII, the estimated 85th percentile speeds for streets with proposed bikeways will be deleted from all project descriptions. O On Page 71, at the end of the paragraph titled "provide additional bicycle parking," add the following: Beach access points along the Shoreline bike path are a major recreational destination that has been identified as locations where bicycle parking is needed Staff should conduct a field review to determine if bicycle racks are currently located along the bike path. If not, staff shall work with the East Bay Regional. Park District to install a sufficient number of bike racks along the length of the bike path to accommodate bicyclist demands. • On Page 75, the following paragraph will be inserted immediately after the section describing the project prioritization methodology: Future updates of this bicycle plan should revise the rating schedule by increasing the total number of points assigned to reducing conflicts and school access (under the Livability goal) while retaining the overall 100 total point scale. This will provide greater emphasis for these categories in the future. • On Page 84, add project D14, the Oak Street to Alameda Towne Centre connection, described as "Oak Street to Otis Drive and connection to Alameda Towne Centre," and associated with the Alameda Towne Centre development. • On Page 87, insert the following immediately following the heading "High Priority Projects ": The Bicycle Master Plan high priority projects are described below. For three of the identified high priority bicycle lane projects — Central Avenue (H6), Oak Street (H7), and Lincoln Avenue (H8) — impediments have been identified that may render the projects infeasible. Due to the strong public support for these projects, the City is committed to working to remove these impediments and implementing these projects as proposed. However, if all concerns cannot be addressed, these projects will instead be implemented as bicycle routes. • On Page 87, change the title of project FPM to "West End Estuary Crossing — Project Study Report Equivalent, and the project description to read as follows: After evaluating the physical constraints in the Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study, three recommendations were identified for additional study. • Minor Modifications to the Posey Tube (short term) This is considered to be a short-term solution for improving the estuary crossing in this corridor. The project would include improving the surface of the existing bike path. • Water Shuttle/Taxi - (intermediate) This would operate between a new or modified dock in Alameda and Jack London Square in Oakland. This could be operated on a regular schedule or on an on -call basis. • Bicycle - Pedestrian Bridge -- (long- term) A bicycle- pedestrian bridge across the estuary would have to be a drawbridge. While the study determined that the bridge project would be physically feasible, the City does not believe that this project could be completed in the foreseeable future due to the estimated $60 million construction cost and the significant annual operations costs. Therefore, the recommended next step is to conduct a Project Study Report equivalent for the water shuttle /taxi option and create a holding account to set aside some funding as it becomes available. These steps will help ensure readiness when funding becomes available for design, environmental, and construction, and will facilitate efforts to pursue outside funding for phases of the work. As part of this project, additional consideration should be given to options for utilizing the path in the Webster Street Tube, including modifications to the westerly retaining wall. The estimated cost for the PSR equivalent is approximately $500,000. Since funding for this project and the holding account is identified in the City's Pedestrian Plan from resources devoted to pedestrian projects, additional resources from bicycle- related projects are not needed for this effort. • On Page 88, the cost of the Cross Alameda Trail (Project H2) will be $1.422 million. O On Pages 88 -89, under Project H3: O The proposed facility type will be "Class 11 (subsequent to railroad track removal)" O At the end of the project description, insert the following sentence: "The railroad tracks embedded in the street should be removed prior to the implementation of a bicycle facility in this corridor." ® On Page 90, Project H6, the proposed facility type will be: "Class 11 (if traffic capacity needs can be accommodated) otherwise Class 111." O On Page 91, Project H7, the proposed facility type will be: "Class 11 (if on- street parking can be removed) otherwise Class 111." • On Page 96, the Bayview Shoreline Bicycle Path feasibility study (Project H16) wilt be listed with the following project description: • On Page 96, the Bayview Shoreline Bicycle Path feasibility study (Project H16) will be listed with the following project description: This Bay Trail segment would eliminate the gap between the shoreline bicycle path at Robert Crown Memorial State Beach and the Bay Farm Island Bicycle Bridge. Currently bicyclists need to use the on- street bicycle route on Bayview Drive, which requires riders to navigate the intersections of Bayview Drive at Broadway and at Otis Drive. Both locations require bicyclists to transition between riding in the street and an off-street bicycle path. Currently the bicycle path along the Bayview shoreline is unpaved and open to the public; any upgrade of the bicycle path would require careful evaluation of design elements, such as width, materials to be used for the bicycle path, and appropriate buffering between the bicycle path and the adjacent neighborhood. Due to the complex nature of this path upgrade, the City will also work with BCDC, on an expedited oasis, to enhance bicycle access on the existing path until a long -term solution can be completed. • On Page 96, the Blanding Avenue bikeway (Project H17) will be included as a high priority project with the following: O Proposed facility type: Class 11 (subsequent to railroad track removal) otherwise Class 111 O Project description: This project proposes to implement a bicycle lane on Blanding Avenue from Park Street to Tilden Way and a bicycle route between Oak Street and Park Street. These facilities would connect to existing and proposed bikeways on Oak Street, Broadway, and Fernside Boulevard, and enhance access to the Miller - Sweeney and Park Street bridges. The implementation of bicycle facilities on Blanding Avenue is recommended only after the removal of railroad tracks currently embedded in the street (in accordance with Surface Transportation Board requirements). The cost of the track removal has been estimated at approximately $37.5,000; the track removal is anticipated to be completed as part of the reconstruction of the street, so the resources are not allocated from bicycle plan funding. O On Pages 96 -97, the description of the Bicycle Parking Enhancement Program will read as follows: To help determine locations where there is demand for bicycle parking, Public Works should reserve funding each year for the purpose of purchasing and installing bicycle parking Priority locations would be determined based on the existing availability of bicycle parking and the estimated need for additional facilities, based on observations, proximity to key destinations, and input from community groups, businesses, and property owners. For locations not identified as a priority, Public Works could partner with adjacent property owners or business owners. For example, if a business would be willing to purchase a bicycle rack, the City could cover the installation costs. • On Page 98, the description of the Safe Routes to School Program will read as follows: Public Works has completed Safe Routes to School (SR2S) maps for all elementary and middle schools in the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD). These maps should be reviewed and updated, as necessary, every three years, or as significant changes in traffic patterns occur. Due to budgetary constraints, AUSD is considering options to close and consolidate schools. If implemented, these changes would affect the bicycling and walking routes for students as well as existing traffic patterns. Therefore, should the closure and consolidation of schools occur, the City should make the updating of the SR2S maps a high priority. Public Works will also continue to work with the AUSD to support other Safe Routes to School initiatives, including Walk and Roll to School Day, and bicycle education that specifically targets students. Funding for these activities was identified in the City's pedestrian plan, so additional resources have not been allocated in the bicycle plan for this activity. • On Page 101, the description of Bayview Shoreline Bicycle Path -W- Construction (Project M2) will be changed as follows: "See description for project H16 (Page 96).', O On Page 104, under West End Water Shuttle (Project N4), add the following sentence at the end of the project description: "To the degree possible, the City should seek to share the cost of this project with other stakeholder jurisdictions and agencies, such as the City of Oakland and Caltrans." O On Page 105, under the Fru tvale Railroad Bridge /Miller - Sweeney Bridge Corridor Improvements description (Project N5), add the following at the end of the project description: To facilitate the implementation of improvements in this corridor, the cities of Alameda and Oakland wilt need to closely collaborate to explore options on the bridge as well as access routes to the bridge on both sides of the estuary. In addition, to the degree possible, the City should seek to share the cost of this project with other stakeholder jurisdictions and agencies, such as the City of Oakland, Alameda County, and the Army Corps of Engineers. • Change the third sentence on Pages 105 -106, under the Park Street Bridge Improvements description (Project N8), to read: The Plan recommends that the City continue to work with the City of Oakland and Alameda County to explore opportunities to enhance multimodal access, including bicycle access, in the bridge corridor as well as on the bridge structure itself as part of any future construction projects. O On Pages 106-107, add the following at the end of both the Park Street and High Street Bridge Improvements (Projects N8 and N9): To facilitate the implementation of improvements in this corridor, the cities of . Alameda and Oakland will need to closely collaborate to explore options on the bridge as well as access routes to the bridge on both sides of the estuary. In addition, to the degree possible, the City should seek to share the cost of this project with other stakeholder jurisdictions and agencies, such as the City of Oakland and Alameda County." On Page 107, add Project D14, "Oak Street to Alameda Towne Centre connection," described as "Oak Street to Otis Drive and connection to Alameda Towne Centre," facility type to be determined, and a project length of 150 -500 feet. • On Page 141, insert Projects H16 and H17 as high priority projects. ® On Page 146, insert Project D14 as a development- related project. • The City of Alameda Proposed Bikeway Network (Figure 9) will be amended in accordance with the changes described above. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda during the Regular Meeting of the City Council on the 16th day of November, 2010, by the followin g vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor Johnson - 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WH E REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of November, 2010. Lara Weisiger, City =e City of Alameda