Sweeney 460Recipient Committee Campai Statement Cover.Pa (Government Code Sections 84200-84216.5 COVER PAGE T or print In ink. Date Stamp Statement covers period Date of election if applic Month, Da Year j ,.�.,,:For Official Use Onl from IF SEE INSTRIJCTIONS`ON REVERSE throu 2 131 1 0 I. Type of Re.cipient.Committee.- All Committees CompletePa rts. 1, 2, 3, and 4. .2.. T e of.s'ItAtements........ Officeholder,: Candidate Controlled Committee E] Primaril Formed Ballot Measure P ree ection Statement Ej Quarterl Statement O.State Candidate Election Committee Committee. emi annual Statement El Special Odd- Report 0 Recall :Controlled. Mso Complete Part 5) .0. �.Spon.sored. rmination Statem :ent 0 Supplemental Preelection .0 a Also::file: Form :4 10 3ermination Attach Form 495 Also Comp lete Part 6 General Pur pose Committee Amendment E xplai n below) 0: Sponsored: Primaril y ormed F Candidate/ �Snall Contributor Committee Offic C 0 Political Part Committee (Also Complete Part 7 3. Commee.Informatiom: .i.ft I D_ NUMBER J 3 2 7 1 Treasurer(s) COMMITTEE NAME (OR. CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE NAME OF TREASURER. J.E.A N.. S.W E E NE Y 4 COUNCIL 2010 James T j( P, n n e d v MAILI ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS NO P.O. .BOX CITY. STATE ZIP. CODE ..AREA CODEWHONE A 1 am e. &a., ..CA. .9 4.5 O. 5.1.0.... 5 2 2.. 3 CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE NAME OF. ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF .ANY A 1:.a me d a. CA 94501 5.10.. 5 T rq MAILING ADDRESS (IF .DIFF NO. AND STREET OR P.O. BOX MAILING ADDRESS . CITY. STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE CITY. STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Alameda ..CA .94501 510-522-1579 OPTIONAL'.. FAX. f E-MAIL ADDRESS OPTIONAL. FAX /`E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification.. I have.used all reasonable dili in preparin and reviewin this.statement and.to the .best of m on B Dare Si Are 6f ConFollin Officehold*, Ca did e, State Measure Proponent q rlResponsible Officer of Sponsor Ex ed on ecut B Date Si of Controllin Officeholder. Candidate, State Measure Proponent Executed on B Date Si of Controllin Officeholder, Candidate, State Measure Proponent 460. FPPC Toll-Free HeWin6: 866/ASK.FlPPC 866/275.3772 e of callifdrnia COVER PAGE T or print In ink. Date Stamp Cam paign Disclosure Statement Type or print in ink. SUMMARY PAGE t b d d S um m ary rnvuns may a rerun a to whole dollars. Statement covers period R A 21. 930 0 1 0 9 307 7. Loans ][ode Schedule 1-1, Line 3 from SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE 8. SUBTOTAL. CASH PAYME Add Lines 8 7 7 93 00 h th ro u g h 12/31/10 Page 1 of 1 NAME OF FILER 19. Nonmonetary Adjustment Schedule C, Line I.Q. NUMBER JEAN S EENEY 4 COUNCIL 2010 2 1 9 3. 0 0 s 1 3 07. 1 Contrib.qti Received. Column A Column B ard Yea Su mmar for Ca ndidates '19 6 n n To calculate Column B; add TUTA,IwTFif5 PERIOD: ATTACHED SCHEDULES) CALENDAR YEAR. TCTALTO DATE. �t.rrRr� !r Both the State Primary and amounts in Column A to the General Elect ons Con anetary S ch e du le e A, Line 3 1 n n fr vrri Column. B of your last 1 5. Cash Payments C olumn A. Line 8 above 2. Loans Received Schedule B Li W. 1t1 through 5130 7/1 to Date 3. SUBTOTAL CAS H CONT RIBUTIONS Add Lines 16 Q 0 0 l 6 20 Contributions figures that sho uld be Received y4. Non Co ntributio ns.... f Schedule C, Line 3 1 g 2 60. 21. Expenditures 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Add Lines 3 4 1606. 0 1 1 g 376. Made e. q.res.. Made 6. Pay�'t"lents �ade Schedule E, Line 4. 21. 930 0 1 0 9 307 7. Loans ][ode Schedule 1-1, Line 3 8. SUBTOTAL. CASH PAYME Add Lines 8 7 7 93 00 10 307 00 9. Ac cr ue d Expenses Jnpaid BiIIs Schedule F, Line 3 19. Nonmonetary Adjustment Schedule C, Line 0 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE Add Lines 8 9 10 2 1 9 3. 0 0 s 1 3 07. Cu rrent Cash Statement 12. Be C as h Balance Previous S ummary Pag Late 16 s '19 6 n n To calculate Column B; add 13. Cash Receipts Column A; L_irie 3 abvVe 16 amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts 14. Miscellaneo Increases to Cash S c hedule 1, Line 4 Q fr vrri Column. B of your last 1 5. Cash Payments C olumn A. Line 8 above 2 1 9 3 0 0 report: Some amounts in 1 Column Ana be negative 16. E D NG CASH BALANCE Kidd Lures 12 13 14, then subtract Line 15 figures that sho uld be subtracted fro previous 1f this is a lerminatio sfatement, Lute 16 must be zero. period amounts:. If this is Expen C and i da t e s Cumulative Expendi uses {fade* (if Subject to Voluntary Expenditure Limit) Date of Election Total to Date (mmfddlyy) Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC form 456 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Flelpline: 86 1ASK FPPC (8661276 -3772) Monetar %Co"'onin"butions Received SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER _PNEY 4 COUNCIL 2010 JEAN SW.E. SCHEDULE A DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBE CONTRIBUTOR CODE OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER REGENEDTHIS CALENDAR Y T EAR TO DAE IF SELF -EM ENTER NAME. PERIOD .(JAN. I DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRE OF BUSINESS) KIND. 10 20 10 Roberta Dilec O.C.0m Self Emplo 250 Consultant .00TH [PTY Alameda Ca 94561 0SC.C.. 10 23 10 Hans Boeke nkamp IND 0 C M Owner G OTH Aslan Manuf Inc.. 100 Alameda CA 94501 E P Y 10 29 10 Lillian M. Molzan IND HCOM. 00TH Retired 100 25❑ Alameda Ca 94501 11 P 10 30 10 Gerald J. Gra C OO Supt. 150 E]O Heart Butte MT Albu NM 87110 OPTY EDS::.CP 10 30 10 Felix Am .far q uie�'. jr RI 000M Retired 100 DOTH Alameda CA 94501 Ej PTY E SC SUBTOTAL 701, Schedule A Summa ry. 1, Amount receiv e d. thls. period. -.contributions of $1.0.0-or. more.... (include all Schedule A subtotals,.)........... 900 2, Amount received this -period unitemized contributions of less than $100 706 3. TO monetarY con tnbutions received this period. l Wg F vIRI& m 114m. Amounts ma be rounded to Vrole-dollarn. k A0CJ Lines i and e. t=nter mere and on the Summar Pa Column A, Line 1. L :fPP-6.form �460. (ju n .6101). :��8661ASK.FPPC e FPPC Toll..F ree H 101i ne f p 7 '3 t S f s T�.... �,�k p' z�� ...5 �!a ii s g- r j j k g: N O Statement covers period 9? �R..., i. froml 7 10 Tontributor Co eS IND Individual com Recipient Committee bothe than PTY or SCC OTH Other PT Political Park SCC Small Contributor Committee through 0cge .L2.....� of__._ NAME OF FILER I.D. DUMBER JEAN S W EENEY 4 COUNCIL 2010 329 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS �D CODE �F CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AM OUNT CUMULATIVETOD PER ELECTIO DATE {3hITRIB lT0R OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE CIF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I tJt�ERj RECEIVED CODE (IF SELF-EMPLOYE ELF- EMPIwo YE ESTER NE PERI J A N DEC: 3 (IF REQUIRED) OF BUSINESS ND 11 0l 10. Pat Barn ocom Retired 200 �TH PTA .A lam e d a CA 94502 E].S DINS o Cm E] OTH PTA E] INN. EI COM 00TH PTY Ej SC. D INO C.O OTH EJ TY []1ND E Cap 110T PTA S. SUBTOTAL 200 00 Tontributor Co eS IND Individual com Recipient Committee bothe than PTY or SCC OTH Other PT Political Park SCC Small Contributor Committee Z�c E Type or P rint in ink. Amounts ma be.rounded SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE. NAME OF FILER JEAN SWEENEY 4 COUNCIL 2010 Statement covers period WIN M UM from t h r o u q hl L-10 I LIA I H 3- CODES: If o of the followin codes accuratel describes the pa y ou ma enter the code. Otherwise, describe the -pa 13 CKV campai paraphernalia/misc. MBR m .s. RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campai consultants KffG meetin and a ppearances RM returned contributions CTB contribution explain nonmonetar OFC office.expe SAL campai workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET I U 9 pe latin TEL. t.v or cable :airtime and .production costs FIL candidate filin fees PHO phone banks TRC. candid travel, lod and meals FND f undraisin g events PoL pollin and surve research TRS. staff /s pousetravel, l and meals ND independent:expend supportin others explain POS, posta deliver and messen services TSF. transfer: between committees of the same candidate/s ponsor LEG le defense PRO professional. services .(le accountin VOT voter re LIT campai literature and mailin PRT print ads WEB information technolo costs internot, e-mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0, NUMBER CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID 10-25-10 Alameda Journal lff�=l W01 BOOM$] 10-26-10 Alameda Sun Ad 1 .1 1 715 If on of. the following dudes accurately describes the p ayment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describO the payment, avp ara hernalia/misc. n carn ai g P MBR memb communications RAD radio airtime and production costs .S. damf ign consultants WG mee ings and app earances RFD. returned contributions contril�i� on (ex I tin no OFC office expen �arnpaign SAL o ers° salaries CVC civic: d6natio rte PET petition circulating TEL t.v. or cable airtime and production casts F1 L candidate filing/ballot fees P1710. Phone banks TFC; c an didate travel;. lo an d meaIs. FND. frrndraisin events g LPL ppl ng an survey re search TFts sta /spouse travel, lodging,, and meals M:: independent ex0enditure supporting /opposing dtners f explain) l�s postage, delivery and mess services TSB transfer be�reeb cernrr ittees df the sortie candidate/sponsor LEG la al. defense g PRO:: rofe sional services le al, accounting) P g g VO T" Hotel registration g UT campaign literature and mailings P print ads WEB information technology casts (internet, e -mail) 11-2-10 Tasta Pelican Restaurant w: x `FPPC Fc3�rn 460 Ju3 I FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ sly PPC