2010-09-09 Correspondence2010) Lara Weisiger 9/9/10: Tonight's decision re pursuing Lena Tam for violations ofBrown Act, etc. DO IT, PLEASE! Page 1
From: Nancy Gordon <ngordon @hbrinfo.com>
To: "thightower @ci.alameda.ca.us" <thightower @ci.alameda.ca.us "bjohnson @c...
Date: 9/9/2010 3:42 PM
Subject: 9/9/10: Tonight's decision re pursuing Lena Tam for violations ofBrown Act, etc. DO IT, PLEASE!
Please add my name and comments to the record for tonight's closed session (although I hope to make the meeting, too):
To: City leaders involved with tonight's meeting(s)
From: Nancy Gordon, 1021 Union St., Alameda, CA 94501
Concerned Citizen, Realtor, Interfaith Minister
I wish to express my appreciation for your work in these matters and your diligence in the investigation of Lena Tam's emails, etc. I
did get a copy at the Clerk's office awhile ago and read through it, quite shocked and also noticing all the obvious violations of the
Brown Act, as well as other infractions by Lena and some others.
There might be many (political and other) reasons for the DA's statement, but there is every reason to pursue a Civil Suit against
Lena Tam for these violations and blatant disregard for information and discussion during closed sessions. I commend those of you
who were willing to hire the legal firm which did the reports. Too many times we see people in leadership back down under political
and monetary pressure!
Why would she ever be allowed to get away with this Keep taking a strong stand and know your decisions are important to us
citizens of Alameda!
In addition, as you did with voting against any extension of negotiations with SunCal, stay on the path of courage, integrity and doing
the right thing. Given all the circumstances, both with SunCal and now with this latest issue, the next step seems clear. Vote to file
a civil suit and pursue the allegations against Lena Tam.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy J.Gordon
2010) Lara Weisiger -For Special CC meeting Page 1
From: Lauren Do <laurendo @gmail.com>
To: Lara Weisiger <Iweisiger @ci.alameda.ca.us>
Date: 9/9/2010 4:45 PM
Subject: For Special CC meeting
I was hoping to make it down to tonight's meeting to speak, but don't
think I will be able to. I would like to submit these comments as
part of the record for the agenda item tonight. Thank you!
On Tuesday night, Interim City Manager, Ann Marie Gallant gleefully
announced as part of the award of an urban greening planning grant
that "it's always nice to use somebody else's money." This is
precisely what she is asking you, our City Council, to do in order to
further her political witch -hunt against Councilmember Lena Tam.
Ms. Gallant has deliberately misrepresented the decision of the
Alameda County District Attorney, releasing a statement to "Action
Alameda" that said:
"It is important to note that she was NOT exonerated. The DA chose NOT
to investigate and to rely on two letters from Kecker [sic] and one
from Colantuono. We are trying now to get the DA to release the letter
or at best to allow us to release the letter, so that there is no
misunderstanding on this."
This statement stands in contrast to what was written in the DA's
letter to Mr. Colantuono. In the DA's letter, she clearly states
that she relied on 5 letters from Mr. Colantuono to make her decision
and that the DA's office assembled a team of senior district attorneys
to perform an in -depth review of the submitted materials.
Tonight, she is asking you to vote to file a civil lawsuit against
Councilmember Tam. How much more money needs to be spent on this
issue? And who will be accountable for the waste of precious city
resources on what appears to be a personal vendetta against a sitting
City Councilperson?
The worst part of this whole debacle is that you know, and I know that
the damage has already been done to Councilmember Tam. Using City
resources Ms. Gallant and Ms. Highsmith have already done what a
million glossy campaign mailers wouldn't be able to do and if you vote
to sign off on a civil lawsuit, you are as culpable as they are.