WHEREAS, the Community Improvement Commission of the City of
Alameda ( "Commission ") is carrying out the Community Improvement Plan
( "Community Improvement Plan ") for the Alameda Point Improvement Project
( "Project'`); and
WHEREAS, under the Community Improvement Plan, the . City of
Alameda ( "City ") shall aid and cooperate with the Commission in carrying out
the Project and shall take actions necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the
purposes of the Community Improvement Plan and to eliminate and P revent the
recurrence or spread of conditions causing blight within the area of the Project
(Project Area"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33220 of the California Community
Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000, et seq�(the
"CRL "), for the purposes of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking,
construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the Project Area, the
City may, among other things, exercise the following powers. sell or lease any
of its property to the Commission; cause public improvements to be furnished in
connection with redevelopment projects, plan or replan and zone or rezone any
part of a redevelopment project; and enter into agreements with the
Commission respecting actions to be taken pursuant to an y such p owers; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to. Section 33445(a) of the CRL, the Commission
may, with the consent of the City Council of the City of Alameda ("City
Council "), pay all or part of the value of the land for and the cost of the
installation and construction of any buildings, facilities, structures or other
improvements which are publicly owned and located inside or contiguous to a
project area upon a determination by the City Council that such building,
facilities, structures or other improvements are of benefit to the project area by
helping to eliminate blight within the project area that no other reasonable
means of financing the acquisition of the land or installation or construction of
such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements that are ublicl
p y
owned are available to the community, that the payment of funds for the
acquisition of the land or installation or construction of the buildin g, facilities,
structure or other improvements that are publicly owned is consistent with the
implementation plan adopted by the Commission pursuant to Section 33490 of
the CRL; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33445(c) of the CRL, when the value of
the land or the cost of installation and construction of a building, facility,
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structure, or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, has been, or will
be, paid or provided for initially by the City, the Commission may enter into a
contract with the City under which the Commission agrees to reimburse the City
for all or part of the value of the land or all or a part of the cost of the building,
facility, structure or other improvement that is publicly owned, or both, by
periodic payments over a period of years; and
WHEREAS, the Commission and City Council have prepared and wish
to enter into a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement ('Agreement")
to provide for City's development and construction of certain public
improvements ( "Public Improvements') within or contiguous to the Project
Area and Commission's reimbursement of City for the costs of the Public
Improvements; and
WHEREAS, a program Final Environmental Impact Report was prepared
and certified on the Community Improvement Plan ( "Final ElRs ") in accordance
with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA ), which included analysis
of the Public Improvements on a programmatic level; and
WHEREAS, at this time there are no preliminary drawings, plans or other
sufficient information to enable a meaningful environmental assessment of the
specific Public Improvements, and consequently, the Agreement provides that
the commitment of funds to and commencement of the specific projects set
forth therein shall be subject to completion of additional environmental review
and analysis, as required by CEQA.
Section 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the
provision of the proposed Public . Improvements are of benefit to the Project
Area as they will help to eliminate blight within the Project Area, that no other
reasonable means of financing the Public Improvements are available to the
community; and that the payment of funds for the Public Improvements is
consistent with the Commission's Implementation Plan for the Project adopted
pursuant to Section 33490 of the CRL. These findings and determinations are
based upon the following facts:
a. All the Public Improvements are either located within or
contiguous to the Project Area and will assist in eliminating
the following blight conditions:
Alameda Point contains many old, deteriorated, and
functionally obsolete buildings. In many cases, the cost of a
building upgrade would exceed the replacement value of the
structure and require significant capital investment, leading
to the need for demolition. In addition to deteriorated building
stock, Alameda Point contains many adjacent uses that
would be incompatible in civilian communities. Structures
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related to maintenance and repair work, heavy industrial
uses, and large warehouses can be found in or near
residential neighborhoods. Development patterns in the
area are irregular, with clusters of industrial buildings
grouped together with limited points of entry and vehicular
access. Legal parcels have not been created in many areas,
and landscaping is minimal. In general, land use does not
comply with present General Plan and zoning standards or
present market conditions. Finally, the new infrastructure
needed to revitalize Alameda Point presents a significant
financial challenge to the City.
b. Although the City is able to aid and assist the Commission
by undertaking the Public Improvements and initially
providing the funds necessary for the acquisition of land or
the construction or installation of the Public Improvements,
the City Tacks the resources necessary to permanentl y fund
the Public Improvements from the General Fund, and other
potential sources of funds are no longer available or are
inadequate. The City's General Fund continues to be
eroded by increased insurance and liability costs and State
mandated programs which are not fully funded by the State.
Further there has been a marked decline in tax revenues
and the availability of State and federal grants over the P ast
several years.
0. The Implementation Plan for the Project contains the specific
goals and objectives of the Commission for the Project Area,
the specific programs, including potential projects, and
estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the next
five years, and an explanation of how the goals and
objectives, programs, and expenditures will eliminate blight
within the Project Area The Public Improvements are
consistent with the Implementation Plan, as the goals and
programs provide for the elimination of inadequate public
improvements and the provision of public infrastructure of
benefit to the Project Area consistent with the Public
Improvements set forth in the Agreement.
Section 2. The City Council hereby approves the Public
Improvements Reimbursement Agreement and hereby authorizes and directs
the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, subject to any
minor, technical or clarifying changes that may be approved by the City
Attorney. The City Council hereby further authorizes and directs the City
Manager to take all actions and execute all documents as necessary to carry
out the Agreement and accomplish the acquisition of land, installation and
construction of the Public Improvements and the Commission's reimbursement
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of City for the costs of the Public Improvements as provided for in the
1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and
regularly adopted and passed by the council of the City of Alameda during the Special
Joint Meeting of the City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority,
Community Improvement Commission and the Housing Authority Board of
Commissioners on the 1st day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Councilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Tam and
Mayor Gilmore - 4.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilmember Johnson - 1.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of
said City this 2nd day of February, 2011.
Lara W eisiger, C. Clerk
City of Alameda