Ordinance 0068ORDINANCE NO. 68
An ordinance providing for the regulation of the business of using, operating and driving automobiles for the hire upon the public streets of the city of alameda, providing for licenses to carry on such business and for the revocation thereof, fixing the amount of license fees to be paid, requiring the furnishing of bonds, making the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance a misdemeanor and providing apenalty therefor, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances on so far as the same may be in conflict herewith.
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ease of ariy accident
1,11st iso j;1‘()vic' policy -It of .one tliousand
sbnfl bear the same rea
I1 hear t the eutire year.
upon or along any street or
re obtained as in this ordtnanre
) To drive or operate, er cause to
riven or perated any autoTrnObile
ire upOfl any treet of the City of
•ieda except by a person to whom a
.iit has been issued to drive or Op-
tion 8. Any license shall be re-
d by the Council, after due hear-
for any vioiation of the provi$iOfl5
ils ordInancP or or the failtire to
any judgment for darnages arising
1 the unlawful or negllgent opera-
hire for
11 of the traffic ordinance of thc
Californla now In f?rce 0]? hereafter
,ulti 111 en
one -persoti death to
tI10' to or
ofl of tny prperty of third parties;
person jr )e SO
iBal ;$14.- aftr due hearing, and when the ub1ic
interests xd sxfety may require} may
revoke or suspend any lieense issued
under the provisions of tliis ordinace
5 oral-
be ievo1ed the Council shall C8IOfl shall not effeot the remaining
:he party to whom a liceILse Is portiOns Df this ordinance The Coirn-
s herein provided to repac M1 irebv declares that It t,u1d haxe
endor on
• ii •••••• persons, o (tv if
essee of aid autoniobile for
of th
uted by said Coundll, s
1, 1ia1I rni
conn arid in
filing of sa1 surance in the forrn as
eceipt of suel:I
ti g ation
cause an suh application and
passedtIIis ordinanee and each section,
ub-sectiOfl, sentence, clause or plirase
iereof irrespeotive of the aet that any
.e er more other sections, sub-sce-
ns, sentences, clauses or phasts be
dec1aed uneonstitutional or invalid.
SectLon 1O Any person who tha11 vio'
late any of the provisions ot this ordi-
denisanor and upon eonvition thereof
shall be punished by a fine jiot ex-
($25OOO) or by imprisonment in the City
700;t104 shall immediately operate 1
forfeit he license or permit held by
Section 11. Ali .....TiceedVvatto.o0:
ordiflanCes in 50 fat as the same inay
this ordinance, are bereby repealed
Section 12. This is ari prdinance for
the Inimethate preservation o the pub
ilo pea.ce, welfare and safety and one o
urgenoe and sbaU take effect and be
in force from and after ite pasaae LULt
h route or routes set
- epplicatiou and pro
tbe granting of suCli
ud tend to produce a
caut bus
erms and c
Lopted and passed by the (ou:
F. ,,
ttest R. E. BOSSHARt,
City Clei
(Sea of the City of Alaineda.)
inse to the a
he City of A1
Mayor of the City of Aam
1 hereby certiy that the fore
be Lay of June, 1l15, )rdthance
ote: Ayes: Councilmau Ram
ndPresidE-mtEU11oC3, 7). Noes.
fiman Stewart
be same was preseflted to the
y the MyOr on the