Ordinance 0075ORDINANCE NO. 75 New Series Amending sections 347, 349, 352, 356, 360 and repealing sections 363 and section 370 chapters 6 article 3 of ordinance no 1 new series know as the muinicipal code of the city of alameda approved january 14, 1913 :. „..,:::....,..:.::,. nflk, lportion Pl of : rich in :tik. '1.C::- ,.:.':::.:::::i.:::::' : lie fif4o0i of :o, :O#'°t°:H° eparctted 1:'::'::':i''':::::'.:.:':.,::.; '.::.:'i:::..::i°'::::.:.. .' °t li: :i:o:,o::o::;::1$:0°ii° 1'OlghtOW:t0r100:t::1:f*t :Mlk:f4V:0ot0tf#4:fOt4 at of miIk gn1 :1::'":'.:,:.':„::::::i:;:.:::'::o::.:'.' I umber not less °4:t 41 oejjo,:i4I:,t,eoth4i9 •eam which remains ioo. tPt:94::r:PtPr9 is that (? Juttermilk vithout the addition of rP::4 :churning '°:: (8) MIlk drawn from :P°' .°:4 unhealthy or :t:101ooc:4 () Milk drawn from 'c:IP:' ' ui io4)t7,o,unsanitary 9lItc )T from cows affected any :Pr;I )t Usease or from '74I4:P which ' ;Ipc )r unwholesonie. 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Be it ordained by the Councll of the Clty of Alarneda as follows: Section 6. That Sectioa 38. Chapter ;, Article 3 of Ordinance No 1, New Series, known as the Municipal Coie f the City of Alameda be and the Section 7; That Section 370, Chapter 6, ..rtic1e a of Ordlnance No. 1. New Series known as the Mnncipa1 Code :if tlie City af Alarnsda be and the Section 8. Thjs ordinance sha]1 take effect and be In forae on and a(ter Oc- tober 1, 116. Adopted and passed by the Oouneil of the 0!ty of Alameda this lSth day Attest: R. E. BOSSHARD, C!ty Clerk. (ea1 of the City of Alarneda.) Presented and approved by nie this F. H. BARTLETT, Mayor of the City of Alameda. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted and passed by the Oouncfl of the City ol Aarneda in regular meeting asemb1ed on the l2th : day of July 1016, by the fo11owh vote: Ayes: ounei1man ETammond R. ], I3OSSHARD '67 1: Noes: Absent: Coundllman Wfl- 1y the Mayor on the 25th day of JnIy, 1:: a a (Seal of the Olty Publlsh July 2 16 f