Ordinance 0097ORDINANCE NO. 97 Creating a police, relief, health and pension fund n :r ;sha1l> ate': BaoclatiI herein ra t :'.-' .;....:':::. • the sarn� �n�nner he ; taking, of testimony: before " >" o ` ▪ �f �aad ��a� �, naafi ad�n�nastex ::; a fund ;of; aii:;;;its;;fl cessar> ?� e uir da o perfor aed ender this _.or dinaae, T i 4i. , o make ail nee fui rubs .. reg latlons fr r its gnldance an ...:.......:..... de os t;:'the rno ct:;. of .: tide Le,gis a° ure:; of the; Sta of IrfGrnl . enfit :ed saw ;": u;ate;;t%e ire ;:;osl; � � �n hanks and Orlaora.tiou,. >: ; ;rtf ;;:te pi lic money that may b r e illegal.. w�deposit.an_U. use. inking:: fend ; >nr °via n d �u e e t. a de safd der ; ti c eject to its. ectio 11 The: purpo, Thnsl o.n direct en h un d, of ' '" banitara g. mount : v deposited rty V! fit"eate tanf r on;ey shall. rio long itrrl::;: of: i r sad ��G order . 5ofsaid` oic :,:: t nd ' ` h er�elnbefore the l ayment a nnua .- ax ley ' as ma± e n folio' ing znone; 55 thaw:.' fire 1 ); per :ce atnm of xe�ea��d fr $f: ".of all none o r 0t re than ten m s c+allecte icense a r tl e'': 3 fol ':ir:' oti r�r n� �3ne e` ;=::.'.' g;:: from :::::::3; <.;:;:: ogz l ef`:rc Departn e t, Nod: ti 1'e or'e " tl an one 1 e, d fa om lice ▪ billiard -h:a': Ong c war. port Frei eOtloax l . 'his ordinance shall`. ee ec..r. a,n d of r. t asa e d , .� It t l�t�ada�� �i�n;e,i��,�.• 3 'residing O3 �;lcer i"f ; the ,Cau• neil:'. h .. e e cep ti � t t � r nc In a e a" n:e . th • d h. da r of June 1.91? by thye fol o 'l s :vote - , .es Cou` ci enDilim o . Otis and President ' . or.s, ".. `l). ,:' Noes: ounoll.nnan" 'ro st, City Qek of the Se 1, a } xt3 elye.:.....::::;:;; the .n e tiers city, f: ...: ' . . nations: of Sev. trt. Sec Marx:; ,o1 see fron k►er ;gores ece°. nce, led...: given 0. ror shy ea am er. er% ten`strvea ., fr anc ....:..,..... rs of r f or; th In a t' .: k �k le >d to _ an