Ordinance 0124ORDINANCE NO. 124 Destruction of garbage segregation removal dumping waters of the bay or ocean disposing conveyance wagons UC wagon 0 tiie same oiIeeting such garbage to iesued sueIi permit to revoke the same fl(_ JOC1eaSe of chaie for the c011e( • Section 13. 11 shall be deemeci a i. .•• • • e1neanor for aii person, :Ui-m or c. tliis ordinance. dbf1410. Sectioii 14 The Health Office of this or(lijlance. oce. and shall have the right to efltP]: any and all 1)1-enhises for tlie hall be s-u▪ hjec to the penalty hercin 010 ided. • • • • • COflvictiorj thereof sliall -•••••":-.•:••••'•:. a fin e of not more t (oOO) doliars or by he Gity Prison for n Section i. AlI ter ts passa▪ ge and &lpprova, Adoptecl and passed bv May, 1918. GRE PrescI!ng Officer hereby certify tha ordinancc was adopted in adjourned regular meet the tollowirig vote: Ave Latham Nov Otis Pio clent Majors (5). Noes: gsa jsfactoi:Y i•n.11 he inspect : OS ie City of Ala a ept ny• USE d uniijj with any other 1(i deiivereci ))y the scavengei to the isi)osal Colltractoi- hi a. segregate •