Ordinance 0209ORDINANCE NO. 209
Amending section 320 of the municipal code regarding the storage of petroleum products of hydro-carbon liquids in quantities above 5 gallons and not to exceed 550 gallons
BE 1r1":. OR E1) b e, y the Council
of the City of Alameda as follows'.
Section. 1. Section 320 of tile Muni-
cipal Code of the Cit of Alat-neda is
hereb ainended so as to read as fol-
be unlawful for any person, firm, con-i-
pan or corporation to keep or store,
or. permit the keepin or storing of
any. of the articles rn�entioned in sec -
tions 316 of this article within the
Cit of Alameda in q uantities in. ex-
cess of five (5) gallons and not e.x-
ceedin__- One Hundred and Seventy - fly
Jl15) g allons unless the same be kept
Or stored in a No4 12 g au g e g alvanized
steel.. tank, if within the Fire Limits::
of said. city, and of a No. 1-6 g au g e
galvanized steel tank, if outside of said.
Fire, Limits, said. tanks toy lie riveted
steel to. steel j oints, soldered and
coated with tax, or other rust resistin--g
rnaterial: or an iron tank of not less
than three-sixteenths (3-16 of an inch
in.. thickness. riveted and caulked,
coated. with tar or other rust resisting
materials, the said tanks to be placed
under the sidewalk or at least fifteen
fe,,t from any u.ninliabited building.
the top of an such tank if within the
Fire Limits, to be at least four (4)
feet below the surface of the earth
lint. if. outside of the Fire, Viinlits the
top thereof to be at least two (2)
feet below the surface of the earth,
it shall be unlawful for an per-
Son.. firrn, company, or corporation to
1c,eep or store, or permit the keeping
:or storin of art of the articles men-
tioned in section 31.6 of this Article,
within the City of Al-arneda, in q ua,n
ti.ties ill. excess of one hundred and
s e v e n't)- - fi v e. gallons and not x-
(1.75) e-
cleedin five hundred and fift ( 550 )
,allons, unless the. same lie kept or
stored in a No, 1.2 gauge galvanized
steel tan1c, said tank to be riveted.
steel to steel joints, soldered and coat-
ed with tar or other rust resistin nea
aerial, or an iron tank of not less than
three-sixteenths (3-16) of an inch in
thicki�esN, riveted and caulked, coated
with tar or other rust resistin ma-
terial, the said tanks to be placed
under the sidewalk or at least fifteen.
feet fr•orn any uninhabited buildin
the top of any such tank, if within
the Fire Limits, to be at least four
(4) feet below'.the surface 01- the
earth, but if outside of the Fire.Limits,
the top thereof to be at least two (2)
f below the, surface of the earth.
provided that with the permission of
tile City Council and the Fire Marsha'
of the Cit of Alameda first had and
obtained, tanks of not more than one
thousand .0-000) barrels capacit ii-iay
be erectpd, constructed and niain. . -
tained in the district hereinafter de-
scribed said tanks to be erected and
constructed in strict accordance with
plans and specifications approved b
said Cit Council and said Fire: Mar -
shat it is further provided, that in
the said district, g ravit y flow from
tanks to deliver Dra ma be used
upon the written consent of the Fire
Nlarshal first had and obtained and
it is further provided that in sala
district it shall not J:A¢ -necessar to
place such tanks underground; said
district is described as foll.ows,.. to-
All that certain piece or parcel of
land situated in the Cit of Alameda..
Count of Alameda, State of Califor-
nia, and particularly described a's fol-
lows, to-w4t:
All of Tract 40, Alameda Marsh
.Lands, lyin easterly of a line drawn
parallel with the western boundary
thereof and one hundred (100) feet
distant easterl therefrom..
No such tank shall be located nVarer
than twent (20) feet from any fur-
nace, stove or other fire.
All such tanks shall be supplied
with proper feed pipe and pump and
each pump with an autoinatle cutoff'
or self-drainin check ;,iralve.
Adopted and passed b the Council
of the City of Alameda this 2nd day
of May, 1922.
Presidin Officer of the Council.
T, the undersigned, be_-reby certif
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed at a
meetin of the City Council of the City
of Alameda, held, Ma 2nd, 1.922, b the
,Followin vole, to-wit:
AYES—Councilmen Adan-is, Latham,
Probst and President Otis (4).
ABSENT—Councilman Tilden (1).
hereunto set m hand and affixed the,
official seal of said City this 3rd day
of 11ay, 1922. IV. E. VARCOE .
Cit Clerk of The City- of Alameda.
Publish Nlay 3rd, 1922.