Ordinance 0325ORDINANCE NO. 325 New Series AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAIN- TENANCE OF ESTABLISHMENTS FOR DRY CLEANING. (Continued froin preceeding page) terial, and no combustible material shall be permitted in the construc- tion of dry rooms or racks. Skylights and windows must be of wired glass in metal frames, and provided with fusible link connect- ing to an automatically closing de- vice. All windows, doors, or other openings in the cleaning rooms and drying rooms shall be protected with wire glass in metal frames or fireproof shutters, doors or covers. The heating of such buildings shall be secured only by the use of steam or hot water systems. Sea 9. Every cleaning room shall be provided with at least two exits each of which shall be situated at a remote distance from the other. A fine jet of steam shall be sprayed into the room near the immersion bath or sponging place while any articles are in process of being cleaned_ Sec. 10. All drying rooms, if un- der the same roof as the cleaning rooms, must be separated from such rooms by a "fire- resistive wall." The entrance of such drying room or rooms shall be provided with standard self - closing fire doors. Sec. 11. All piping and all metal- lic parts of each machine shall be properly grounded by at least No. S copper insulated wire.. For grounding Conduits and Con- ductors a driven ground must be used. This shall be a galvanized pipe . not less than a; diameter which must be driven to perman- ent moisture, and in no case shall it be less than eight feet in the ground. The end of pipe must be left open so that the Inspector may ascertain the depth of same. Sec. 12. Every cleaning room and every drying room shall be .pro- vided - with exhaust fans which shall be electrically operated. The switch controls of said fans shall be sit- uated in another room so that they may be shut down in case of any emergency. Seca 13. No dry cleaning liquid shall be - settled in any open or un- protected vessels or tanks. At the close of the day's operations all liquid contained in washers, extrac- tors, stills or otherwise shall be returned to the underground tanks. Sec. 14. It 'shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit aay waste, rags or 'rubbish of any kind to remain in or about any such dry` ..cleaning establish- ment, except in a ' metal :receptacle, haying :a close fitting metal cover, or to permit any open light of any kind to be in any room where ben- zine, gasoline, naptha or distillate is used, or to use; or to cause or permit to be used, any electric lamp in any room in which benzine, gasoline, naptha or distillate is used or kept,' unless the socket of such lamp is enclosed in a tight fitting vapor -proof globe, or to use, or cause or permit to be used, any stove,' forge, torch or other furnace flame or fire in any room in which benzine, gasoline, naptha, or distil- late is used or kept, for to permit any electric motor to be or remain in any such room, or to permit any inflammable material of any kind whatsoever to be stored or kept in any locker in or 'about any such dry cleaning establishment, or to maintain or use, or to permit to be used, any locker in any such estab- lishment if such locker is so con- structed as not to permit of ready inspection thereof. See, 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke or for any person, firm or corporation to per- mit any smoking, inside of any building used as such dry cleaning establishment. A notice containing the words, "No Smoking," in large, plain letters, shall be displayed in conspicuous places in and about every such establishment and at all entrances thereto. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the :Fire Marshal to see that the provisions of this ordinance are complied .with, and for that purpose he is hereby authorized and em- powered - to enter any such dry cleaning establishment, and all parts thereof, during business hours. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation to fail, re- fuse or neglect to permit the Fire Marshal, or any of his deputies; to enter and examine any such estab- lishment; or any part thereof, dur- ing business hours, or to interfere in any manner withthe -said Fire Marshal or any of his deputies in the performance of their duties. Sec. 17. Every person, firm, com- pany or corporation violating any of the provisions of 0is ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon arrest and conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment in the city prison one day, for every Two Dollars '($2:00) of such 'fine 'so imposed and remain- ing unpaid. Adopted and passed by the Coun- cil of the City of Alameda, the 21st day of September, 1926. FRANK OTIS, Presiding Officer of the Council. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted' and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assem- bled on the 21st day of September, 1926, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Latham, 1leiss, Noble,. Traver and President Otis, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None, IN TESTIMONY WI3EREOF, I have hereunto set 'my, hand and af- fixed the official seal` of said city this 22nd day of September, 1926. W. E. VARCOE, City Clerk of the City of Alameda. (Seal.) Publish September 22, 1926.