Ordinance 0357ORDINANCE NO. 357 New Series Regulating traffic upon the public streets and repealing all Ordinances inconsistent herewith. el.eetrical traffic signal] shall i>rdi- oath preparfaitan for a change in the direction, of traffic 'movement When such bell is sounded no traf- M shall; Otter the intersection 'eX c.'ept pedestrians until a ! green: or "GO". sif nal is: shown. SYef io rt IT: l <i +� LT1[ki.7 +;t1.' TO ES- TABLIRR Uit0SSWXLK , The Chief rf. police is hereby authorized and refluire,d to establish and maintain aii,d to designate' ulican the surface of - the roadway, by appropriate :de- viaes, unarl:s o White i lines, cross QMkB approxinr.ately equal in wi dth to the adjacent sidewalk. At o-rll`s. interse bons cohere in his opin- ion there is_ 3air,ti ular d anged to pedestriq cr'osans the zoradway. When .rosswalhs :.rle established and lnaiiltakwd aut ;ide (the COO trail 'Lraaffic justridt or) a business distr ic.t, ;;the (Chief of police shad] by cap prpprlrato devices, marks marks or white l&j, marlK aazd maiutain ah,)rig the yurface of the roaadway an arrow not less- than twelve 0 2) hictles' wide in =`the shaft acid nor, -.lcso than tht�rty (:30) feet longi pernting' in the directiorr of suely crosswalk, tcretbez with;: the word i.v bloc]; letters x'lot less than twenty- _ foutr .( - 24) ilrclie.s high and not =less than Joni (1). inches wine - :onc huzr- dred 100) feet distant. from onac°h c.ro. SSvv.'ai e so estal,rl. sh"§ 4ea^ti0>;i i s 1)ISpt_VV O VTN ILIJ- I t.:,shall :be unlarur a for =any Taer- :7o tca place o.r rnaintain or to ;dis- jmy a17y!, d<vie& other than ,an offi - = e,j��1 warning ';or direction sign. or �i anal c >c cted under crom.)eterrt -au- t:h upon itr in view o> a Wreet, which purports to he; or, is an?lmli laatiorr. of; o a(-.se rubles an of'f cial:. % or direction. signor Sig al, � or which attempts to diretrt the lnQuAlrlerit of traffic 61 the,, action s`: of ofac,ri Cols, and any: sucIr prohlbit- 60l_ 06vicce shall be a public nui- sanew and the Chief of Police may re afore it, or cause; it Ito. bi,' re- moved, ; vMhout notiev It shall be unlawful for any Tom son to wilfully deface; injureZ move or intert"ere with any official w rn ip tar ifrecti n sign or signal.' SeA•tjm S: POLICE AXI FuEuuo �tI�iIDC�I �:s 7i+:X), 1me' C+'I.2() .)I con...' ';f!AI 1f:tClLES. The provisions of tlii:s ordinance reg,ula,ting he move nacnL parking .arnd standing of;.ve- lait es s all ilo aop:ly to emergency: vehicles of the police or sheriff's office oil of the fire, department or of a public utility while the driver of any 'such vehicle is engaged in'- the nece s sal•y' perforrnapee of pub - lit eme,rgenccy ;.duties. Set tion 9: PT? DRS'lf`1; AN1 S RIGHT such vehicle is traveling ally pedes— trian engaged in .crossing the road- way _ until `> such ped-estrian shall have passed beyond the Bath of said - vehicle. (la) It shall be unlawful for the operator of mny vehicle to drive into any unmarked crosswalk while the.rr is in suc c°"OSSIV.zl'1 upon: the half . of the roadway upon which such'; vehicle, is travelingn any pedestrian engaige,d in: crohNn the ro.advraty until such pedestriain shalt have passed beyond the. path of said vehicle, when the pedestrian shall indicate his intention to cross: by 1 thnely 'rind eontinuous warning by holding up his hand pallor out toward approac hlrig traffic. .(c) The . ( o perator of a :weldcle shall stop before entering any cross;wa1k "when any < other, veh.idle. lyroceeding in the same direction is Stopped at suet crosswalk. (ci): `]`lie Pone oing provi.smns cif this `sectir�;o shall not: apply. at n - tersects'uns where traffic is bein.. dlrc:cated lay-. an officer;' o>:° a; traffic, :,toll and g(. ) signal, at which i3lter• Sections the mutual rights of pedes`- to cans and operator.s of Vehicles shall be r�cs exei�;e under the direct- tion of the officez- or traffic signals. sevilon A:@D: x- r"Dl�'S`t'i lu 's TA131- IT EM MIGHT TO USE CIA+ 1ktOX11_ iVAY. Wh en Within (the Central. ra( "fic Iris'trict or) a .busin.ess dis- tr ic..t. d no. pedestrian shall cross �t roadway other than by a crosswalk. .Outside of (tl e Central Traffic I )istric t or) a business district no prdestoarra shall cross a roadway other than by a _ route at rights ar - glen 'to the' curb and when crossing 1t . zLAY place, other than a cross -: til shall; yield the right of - Nv.ay to all vehicles upon tire, ro.adwua,y..;; It 'sh'arll` Bier ul laNvful for. any per son fu be `:in .arSy ro Away_ oMer than in. ar, safety' scant: or crosswalk, provided Chart this provisio shall riot be construed to prevent thcr mecessm.. use of a, roadway by a pedest ria3.Cr. I It shall be. unlawful for any pe a so il to stand In ca roadwal,y for the purpose of or while soliciting a ride frond, the op la;tor W any lrrly to vehicle S"thm 11: VEIMSTRIAN& TO OBEY. SIGNALS. At. :intersections where traffic is directed b tra;if- fic^ of° police officer or by .'a traffic sill) and go signal, it shall be un- laurKI for° any pedestrian tai cross the roadway other than Wth it- leased, tr "a fic. P itOACIII FOR LEFT TURN. T he operator .of a vehicle ` intending .to turn to the left at an intersection OF WA:V . 'V 'I1V';t`7i ItSEC;!Jf`flt3NS:: or into an Mley or drivewary s;lr.a1 (a). It shall be unlawful for the r,ppr ©ach the point of turning• iii operator. of any veMOV or apr•eet the line of traffic neat to the cen- car to i drivice into any across wall; - ter of the roadway. which ' is marked at mvided` in Session s MEW MAD MP " Tl IiA Section G of this ordinance; whilw INCx TO i.7t +'P AT I\T RS1 -C- there Win such crosswalk upon the A1fO -NS. The operator : of a , Miel e half of , the. roadway upon which in tiarniir left 'at firs intersection nUs l}rrr;fl No. 357 dew Series shall laaS4 t�o the r�rght the cen irr thw opposite. clrectiOn. tc:.r of the- interscctxon- bifc�ro turn- F11,011 �h� ing, exo9pt that ' Where markers 9 EYE. The operator of a, vehicles have been playe(l upon the =- intern eni'er gin . from an alley, driveway section boundary "new to be crossed or garage shall. stop, such Vehicle by -the ve,hiciw, the operator shall imine liat`ely prior to "dvlvira, onto -a pass tca t e _right :e)f such markers: side'vvalh or oilto the'sidetvalk dr.ea; See fail 14: L6CAT10NWV 'I`UMN& exW,i2dizlW"Phs any - :0,IIcy7ra.y. INN iIIARNPIRS, :The Chief tit S etiol 24). - v" ul l us l :t Police ; :is hereby authorized, and as `RIOT 6 E DRIVEN ON IalDEN'1: NLU. to those irri,erseetions mentioned 4n I'lre operator trf ra vehiele,.'shall not para;'raph (1)z of: this :sec'tion it €irive rvit ain ai(y sidetwalk. ;ex.- span be his, Fluty, to place or cause' celij at a perriiancnt or temporary to be place=d _turniii nrar:rkers in in -: €lri V e tvay.= ter,sec.t ons as follo7 xs: s4ak4ion :LEI : CERTAIN RTrAIN '% IIICLE's ( t ) . Wrthin lnterseetions Were I itolIIBITED Ili " H N T Ii s3. t either interselctingi roldway is lerss; `IHA14`Te'LC :: 9IISTIUCT 0111} BUST- than sixty t :60) teet irumidMand': NESS 1XI;STIAICT. (a) It :shall are in intersections where .. streets HIM unlawful for the operator of any at other tha'lr right, ari64;lcss aad in of the vehicles to drive, intersections AvIiero. one street. ter- t.h( same ire (tire Central.' Traffii ii inaa.es A a;notho za rrtarker shall:. District or) arty , . business . distriet: be placed at mvery intl_isccation of bet Veen, the hours, of severe . ) tTie nie� :oral line or.each `street - with A3 AV- anti Sid (G) h. 111;. of any rt_ay tllw lrrcilcrnr,atre n of the property or e_kce,pt S11,nda.y: the curb A hes of the intersecting: 1Y Any ;vc tricle so loaded :thaat Any street. :or• as nc ttar' the i'nt.crsccung part t i ,tts load eNtends more, thai Twint O said line: '. as m.ay be 1�.wey Throe (3): feet te> the ::front; or more tierr,l, than Derr ( Q} :_feet �to the _ rear. of (2). lnte;i 4e c tions either than ,,aid l arc hh <. Lhos inno tti€ine,d in paragraph (1) jby The C'`l of of t'olie e is m a y 1 rnswks d as pro v! d a zpara -` _ by uthorked to establish .eves 11112 E-raph Ar a single Inarher. May appropriate ;street: or streets and to he 1.lacod within sueh inter seertion designate ' by appropriates si ils; Al khe r.rurlectio�tr of the nieMal z through z :traffic routes or the Wes of dace Utersectiig streets. s"rrtaver-ai�ut of Vehicles :of tevo (2) or Sr•rtloar 15: LEF '3 halm S P210m . more t om, c rap. acsity de signed .ferry 111131TEI The. oiler No _° f a 91 c arr.v ral;" merchandise; r handise a reight :or° Mele. s ;liall aicrt bee - t, e , n the hour.s� r r`'� 1rari. Wlie,n any such ; through of swvern (7) Mt aznd six J ;1) N, e aaf c, cute or routes a�re esttab- o any des` jxc ept? Sundak make a 1 shed rrid desig ated by approp Tuft turn a[ nny 00the lutkrscac.iroris: to' ! tlzc €)p�raator of any ve her°eWer d signated by thcr Ci K hick tweet toned: in WK par a gra h on P_cA :shall drive care such route. or routes ,andl= lone otht i except b'crrr it is' wgns shall l oo e re:rteci' and main- m ls'r.rc,ir stl to d<r 40 :or nee- teemed d€*signartierj the proybdotrs wq;,sar- tc> tr�ave -ise ar- ztcither `atrwwt :'ur t` this ac cti err. i e0t. ; to sa, de,stination for. the ur- Sjetaoaa . al ?rm : TOO 1 ;A € F AP -: 1>c ses o1: ltsa din or unloading, but 1 CH It Olti MIGHT TURK The : thcn canly; by such deviatiiarr Qcrrri }3..ra.trl +rf a vi =l hAe intending to thcs rrc atrest frelglAn as is 1701= turn t:< the :right at. Q Time :r tiac. - ,orn :lri.r ri€ ecssetr °y, t.ion or into an alley or driveway : 1"a s `eria 22; % f1mfDw'A6 I ±: ;i13<r.11 : :j)1r7'oa,ch the pe)irit e�f :tutu" �IPrA1tA±IU PnVI II3ITE . t ing in t46 '.inw o U°rtffic ar F.retit A, I. unlawful for the irpcera #tai (ht right- pan ecige or curb o.c the: -- of any N ehi�cle* other- than` cane -'oil treet. offi'r erl 1r.V.z irre,ss, to follo w i,any fire hest t gn I e : Wtml:`0 NIGHT <rl. p r ulna tra veWW iTr responscz to °I`'@IRNiS .10AV B E, a fl1°e., .a1;trni c1,7;iscr than oiie bltclt the Control 'Iniffio, t")istric;t a ;right or to parEl. any voh1cl(,; within tbe turn shad That be :; MA O& at .ac;tr im MCI, M- here Tres atippra.istil ten to r•secati by the operator of any: sw pt;d iii answer to <i. My alarm. (erlrielfY ga:iiist, a traffic, sit> ial). aCi &tg €►nr :Io CJRasps c I +IIiu (INsewbarej after making a full:: 1110 N sL reet czar or: MOW SGea[,3 at the proWngation MAW the,: shall be 'dr vexi over a.my unpFo- securer property litre of tine :inter- tented hoar of. tht, Fine De.i artrile.rrt se4cting street n right turn many be : e:rheir laid dawn on airy street, made at ,air into,,nsectio by the op- pvlva.ie, dr iv"N, <,ay ox strt et caa orator it any vet We a.gain.9t a. traelq tae bp used at any Urw or traffic ;.,ignal`, subject to. the: right"3 of jive. ,virh Tit the; :. Consent of PY140 of the Fir°w SYlarshal or the ajw1 tare seetiol I.4' W]T$I!,N `,T'gJI N.I €Vw. in eo irftah ,L WOT1rii7tl AT IN'I'TJ`R8 PIICTIt1NS ,s`t°kio 24: :IBw cj` F, II:Ita'N �> [' €i,f)I3t1t3['I`ED, Tho oa o- ,) of a: III+.S'1`RICTIr;II. It shar.11 bc: unlww- vehicle` -shall trot ithrrt (the Cen -' ful to rlde a bicycle upon ally 8idea t;rar,l T tffic "1)istrict car °) any :busk hall, Ilia rlder of Y bicycle upo Ties MOM. between the hours of a r oadAvay shall ride, as nearly as. seven (7) A.. Al and sib ; (!i) P4 M.= practicable Within fiver (5) fact . ; of any day shmpt Sunday : turn ' the right -hand :curb :er edg at' the. such vehicle UAW intersection in a. roadway - :except wh�urr passing a CoMple.te eire;le, car to as o proceed 4ta riding sear other velri€rle: or niaR l (.[;022E�YiliYC1 i1 "Vile ing a lift -hand turn AUan inter - .ec'tiou. See - tiouu z UJI)I G 02V '11AN DLT BARS PROHIBITED It shall be urilawfaxl fc r the operator of any liicycjce cir n"iot`orceyc e when upo a street A6 carry any other person upon the: bar, hai0le' or tan of''any such vehiell or for` any ;person to so Ades ulron " .ray s tch vehicle.' It shallhe unlawful fore the, operator cif any. 'vehicle to drive lae�t� een the v4lri comprising a i'iruc cr,l - l4 rr�� ^essrOn,% prov ded tha srtt,h vehicle' '�ri'r c`irrislaictrously . sra clesil;'nratecl: 18(`" V( +AMLE'S -. it shall be lawful for an 'perstrn - tavelinf upon any bicyc ic, rncito1 or :any toy vehicle to cling to''6r. ,aAtac;h h imself sir his Miele to any other moving vehicle ^or streo.t; ca_ upon I y° .. rvaclrvay.': t�F� uo vTu1 for �tny " person . ul)0", realer sliates or YdQ9 iii Or'; WK ine<rns of Gary:; coaster; toy vehicle - c,r= ,,irtilai ( .J( rV e to ;upon `any roadway. err a ion the s de kalla: i.u> The Central 91laffic 'Distridt. i24 ta4. t :'e3: S'I?(9PPIN €m ' Is(C(D- (i.9 I'L19:CES. it +'s.li ll be unlawful for the.. opera -top of a v�,Iiicic> A0 4top such - vc hiMe, irrj any of the f o owing plaoeS e,.xQept whoa necessary to hvWd: co=rllict with - iother ;i traffic p " _ - complimice with the direction of a: police 'officor7 or 'traffic sW or� :signal :. (1), In an ;rote rs c'ti,on; (2), [n a crosswalk - M..: :etween a 5af6i Toile acrd' the rdia,cent curb or within O'%(errtY (2 0) fact of a- -p,rWt MAW th:� curb rn fnedtately sapla "resite `the, (qud u,l a s afety. /'one; iQ Within thirty (30) feet of iriterserating Toadway. except: Misses; at a 'desi�;�ntited' bins` strap. Upon rill 1tr et.s within (the 'Cew tral 'tra frc' District or) any bus r7vti5 district = t.lrc, Celtic 11 <,.0 £ "i)lice ,,h.aH cti siguate th prowslon of Darn rapfs (a) ilia (4) of this 'sec -' lJon -lays k placing and rr a,inta ring . r•ed paint Or other red` material upon the e,ntW curly surfacetV tliin sut,h areas. tiny tr0113 V lh sir e.,, or. 'by placing -acrd rnai`ntaitrin ; ,appropriate :signs divectii that tire stopplrrg of vehicles is pr°ohiblfed. S4'( (a4r:a„ :l(@t''i_Ai2N I)1N (r itr`Oit : L OADING. OXIM IAN. fERvAi]`sl :. PL ACM (A) _lt shall be unlawfut for the: operator of ii velr'iele to;stop' said vehicle for a, i perio`d of time louKer isthan. ;is necessary fsrr the' - l.o aclink or unloading of passengers on naterials; provided "that the.. 1wadlag or unloadirr of Grasse- Tigers sl a,li not consume. rriore than three (3) ,minutes, utes, nor tlic loadin or un c l tiding. ( : =f laterials in re than iJi Gi,;C7[RaylA� - ,: �1zc�4:.1 twe ty (20) ririn rtes, i zany of the follohing place'. 1. 1n any an y; 2. In any "loading zone 3. At any eurb within twentY- rive 125) feet of a point on the curb Oppc? site the center. of the enti °aaice to any. liospitak . Mt-any eurla within 11fty (;a0) feet 'of a point on the curl) oppo s it e : the eenter of the entraTice. Tto a ny police, - station. 5Z. any rnarke,d bus strip. (b): The. Chief of Police 811 de termite the location, of - oadinw9 rt Toes* arid ' ,hall -mark lay iipcalrrl pr-. ,etc signs or .as pecrficaliy required herein thosc places' where standin Or 16ading only is permitto d under Ibis section, s to the follow- log, recluirenre.nt5 ancl'' limitations: 1, h steep shall br desis °n(rte by rr.ppi °npriat(; sins at`'those :' places detekn hiod` by &116 public utility: 1)6 - qd) e ctupt that a b -us stra shall naat cxce.cil: fifty- '(50)" feet in 160901 . z >zrcl ball .dot bra placed adjacent to s c ty cone at a street car stop; '. 'Every loading zone, also that por- tion.:of ° ev •,r "y 'Nurla reserved for iorjdi ig orrl:,y by para x1phs (4) nd (5) of Subdivisimi (a) of this sec- An n . ,h ll bu c.iesignatod by yellow itam or other yellow nlate.riall upo.11 be, eirt.ir°e 'curb surfaOe thorein with the wor'ds' ' CJNT:.Y" irt IrlxrCl letter thereon; VTitlrirr -(the c ntrai. '.rraff`tc Dis- t.r°iet. or) any business district no nioro. than one -half of the total c.uri length in any one blocali may be set alrrirt +.a a loading Ztone. INJ _C1.OR1' TO CSI( . 'Fhe Opera- tun of ai 'vehicle shall not Mop, �;t4nd or park such vehicle in ;a r ogdW t y ether Phan par°a11el wil :h thy ertr and i RI the two r•h'ht- hand' wheals Of the= vehicle ` within One foot of the regularly esta W 11shecl <urb line, expolit that upo tlr.ose' streets ishich hi;ive been tnti.l"ked fcrr an °l(? 1)arldnk eas afro- Md d irr, tl rs scraign, vc; eles Shall e: be parked at th ng1 to th eu b incur. ri ¢ i ca by s nel1 nrt r.k.5s, 'Sfi.e'iojl 1!: ltfr'.i! :,s LB,I�isi.11:�1v1.Mb MRS. Ths driver- of a, vcliic.le over aking airy :railway, interuz "laai'i or street ,c.ar shipped, or about to stop for fair pttirpose of re'ceie,iig or disr °ll,r° irr r) iy Parseril;er, sha111 brtn� titreb vAiicly to a full ;'strip at least. ten ( 10) eet in. the 'near of s ch � remain station- irir ary IM <any ucib ncrsheri;ger has bo ire1e ti su h ear` .or. reached a plac� -e Ot sa1 ety, e rr lrt`' 11ix1.t., GV h`ere -`a safe ty p re rye has been esthbiished or at. aJr ' inte�•sect-f6n• "artier?" traffic is coMrolle& byE an =(_)Ricer or °. a. Stoll-and gym signid, rr, vchRle n.c;ed imt be broul; °ht io a iull.stc>p before passing any such raHN ay, :intc':risr ban or street car, but. may proceed liawsuch' car at 'a speed not grerit or than is'';reatsonable or propt�F z lld in no event greater than tell (70) Wes an ho ur rind with dire cautioir Alam its Of for the safety of pedestrians. Sectioara 3.3 DRIVING O .S'IRUI ET CAR, T11A.Cks, PASSING SAFETY ZONES— (a) It shall be . unlawful for the operator of any vehicle pro - ceeding .upon, any street car tracks in front of a street car to fail to remove said vehicle . from said tracks as . soon as practicable after signal from. the operator of said streetcar. (b) It shall be :�lawful for :a ve -. hicle o be driven` on either side of _a, safety zone. Section 34: STREET CaAR.. SI€' ]BE'D. The operator of a street car upon ti street shall operate the same at a: careful acrd prudent speed and subject to this limitation may la.w fully -proceed at al rFreed not exceed -: ing;' the following.: (1) Fifteen (15) misses per Hour.' (a) In za, business district; (b) When passing a school . while persons are entering or leaving; the grounds; (c) When traversing curves where tile operator ' does not have an unobstroeted vier along the tracks for a distance of two Hundred (200) feet, ( -d) When traversin an inter- section of hig hways NvIiere the operator during the, last one hundred. (100) feet of Ills ap- proach to the intersection does not have a `calea,r and uninter "Upted view of such i.f tersec tion and of the traffic upon all of the highways en tering° :: such. intersection for a distance of two hu dred. (200). feet from. such intersection; (2) Twenty (20.) miles per hour. ira ;a residences district; (3) 'Thirty -five (35) miles per hour u nder other :conditions.. Speeds in excess of those set forth ` :above shall be taken ass. prima. ;facie but not as conclusive.: evidence of a speed greater. than . is reasonable and pr oiler. Seetio 35 B O AR D I N G OR`: ALICxFLTE\ G P nom STIi:I:ET C i f{ S:' t)It. 'V u, II. IC,LE'S. It shal be uiitaw . 1 CAS r rdina a No. 357 (j New Series ful for any person to board or alight from a street car or vehicle while said street- car or vehicle is in motion. Section 6: I3:I:DING ON CAR S'3`UIPS. It. shall be unlawful for any person to ride upon the fearitler or running; board of any street car or :vehicle. Seetiost 37: RAILWAY TRAINS INS 11 NI3 STICEIE3` CWAHS NOT TO BLOCK STI13±7Di T. It shall be un- lawful for the operator of 'any. steam, . interurban or street railway train, or car to':opera;te the same 'iti. such a manlier as to prevent :'the use of any street. for purposes of travel for a period of time longer than five'- (5) minute, s. Seetion . iti: PI± N �.LTY. l ,very person violatirrg any° of the, provi sions of this ordinance. :shall "bo uilty of a misdemeanor and, upon tri -re, and conviction thereof, shall. be pun!sbable :. by a tine of not to exceed '1. hree l3undred Dollars ($300,00) `ear by imprisonment in the clLy jail for a period not exceeding; six (!i) riiuxrtlrs„ or by both 'such and imp isoliment. Adopted and ;.passed by the Coun— cil_ of the City %of - Alameda' the' -7tb day. of February, 1 928. FRANK OTIS, Presiding Officer of the Council. I; the undersigned certify. that the forel'crirrg :Ordinance was, du.1y arid reg;ularly adopted. and passed by the Council of the City. of _Alameda in, reg ular meeting ati serribled on the 7th flay of Fobru- ary, 1928; by ;the . following;' vote, to- wit: AYES: Comicilrnen Latham; Neiss, Noble aid President; Otis, ( :4). Noi{.S: Councilman Ga;lc tt, (1),' ?lBSCW ': None. EN TESTIMONY W.H.ERL+ OV, : .I have hereunto set. my hand and af- fixed the official seal of said .eity this 8th: dray of February, 1 (Seal) W. 'L. VATICOE, City Clerk of the City of ..Alttrneds Publish February '1.0, 1928. .