Ordinance 0368ORDINANCE NO. 368
New Series
Authorizing and providing for a lease of three hundred
and forty-six acres of tidelands on the western waterfront
of the Cityof Alameda for use as an airport, aircraft factory
and aviation school, and carrying on a general aviation
Alameda City Ord inances O rdinance �e 8
New Series
the rip'L1 att aaiy time after Janu-
( OVER )
Alam it O rdinances O rdinance Seri
3 �
Ne .� @TI @5
(Contisaueci from greeeed - Ing Page)'
payment of all rentals due, and pay-
able at the date of such a rmina-
rion. 1ri such case they shall have
the right to remove :ill their ma
chinery and other property .from
said land, and be undor no further
obligation to pay rent hereunder;?
provided that it, such event all im
provements <,ci list ructtd on sai(I :
and by the said lessees or their
corporation as;3ig11ec, kilt it) the, 011,10
Of suchaertnirratwn except as here-
jrrb ^rare provided, shell revert to'
ant} becc,me thegproperty of the cit "
s ave and estegt aria structures
rvinch may have been erected on
said land by tiny oil'(" person or
corporation, 'rche shall have the op
tiou to remove same rcithill one
year, paying 11,10 s arrii rental as
theretofore pant to 1 es sc c s, or to ne-
g otiale v"Alr u!ic City' loo a ,lease
as to all or airy p;rrt: of she" land'
hereby ;leased.
fd) h0 lessees a1, 4eree it all
times to uraint'till said airport in a
nienner approved by the, best:'avia
tion practice rind with due rc Ward
to the safety of persons and :prop-
erty. For th<rt purpose it, is a'
that the lessees shall have th( :.i hh1-
to fence said broperty and to c
elude at, persons frcirn such nor`
tions thereof as may 1) e deC EA
dangerous; provided, that any rc -'
credited repx.acnttttive, of the
'cii.y" or any official.: in the
b,Lrge,;of his duties may OnLer up-
e,n s aid l land at any time,, if, bef r,c
entering said prohibited ax" he
stall ita,ve notified said lessees or
their agents in advance of )i s dc
sire so l< to chi.
(r) It is feather• agreed that any
xud all aireraft, operated toy lesees
or any other person er eol'uoration .
upon s ad a,rport sba,ll lie liceens d
under the hr.ws : 'a tI,,,uniled; :States
and this state. if sach liceasee`be ru>
cessary, and shall bey subject. to the
rc,g of the Department of
C;,ornnie •ce of the United States and
such local regulations as, from
time to time. ruby be authorized by
(s) It is agreed by lessees that
there 'Shall be maintained it. said
airport: at all times daring the life of
this lease or any renewal thereof
one or'morr aircraft, mechanics duly
and ref;ularlyregistered and "licen-
sed by the Depa.rin ent of Com-
nieree'of the 'United .Staters, in order .
that any aircraft which may ;arrive
at said airport at any time 'during
the night or day tray >receive ;speedy
and adequate' service, which day
and ii ht
service Lessees expressly
zre;ree ? to render at reasonable,
c 1 arges therefor.
(t) It' is agreed that said " edty"
at its option, shall be entitled to
appoint' one member of the 'board'
of directors (of said corporation or -'`
ganized by the lessees for the; purr-
Pose of operating and carrying on
the business defined 'herein, such'
director to be appointed by the city
Council :: of said "city also that an
annual °financial statement and re
port, showing all the receipts and
expenditures of said airport and tile'
lands hereby ;dmised, shall be sub-
mitted ``January first each year, or
within thirty ;(30) days thereafter,
to the city council oC Alameda, and
that said city ;shall have the right,,
at its own expense, to have the
books and accounts of: lessees aud
ited at any time by an cxp( ac-
(u) It is hereby agreed and un
derstood that if the money rental'
above, reserved' or any part thereof
:ball not be Maid on the respective'
days when the, '. sane is payable, or
Avithin - en (10) days thereafter, or
if default shall be made in any of
the, covenants herein contained oil,
the part of the said lessees to be
paid, kept or ;licrforrned, then and
from thenceforth it shalt and may
be lawful for ` the "city" to ] enter1
tarpon the said premises, and every:
part thereof, and to have .again;:.
. repossess, and ienjoy the same '. as in
its first: and former estate, anything,
hereinbofore contained to the tort
Crary notwithstand[ rig. And the
lessees' do hereby covenant and
.agree to and with the "city" that
they shall and will - annually, as
aforesaid, during the said term, pay:
or cause to be,'paid, unto the, "city';
the resit, on the days and in the
manner limited and ;prescribed as
aforesaid for the payment thereof,
without any deduction, fraud, or de-
lay, according to the true intent and
ineaning of these presents; and that
on the last [day of said term, at
other sooner 'determination of the
estate herein ;granted, the said des
sees shall and will peaceably and
quietly leave„ surrender and yield
up unto said `city" the said prem-
ises a,nd improvemonts in as'. goad
state and condition as the saute are
now or may be nut into, reasonable
use and wear thereof and damages
by the elements excepted.
(v) In the event that the parties
hereto should': at any time not be
able to agree as to the meaning of
the terms or covenants contained in
any suction of this ':lease ore :. upon
any of the prices to be paid, one
to' the other, under the terms here-
of, then and in that case each of
S id Parties Shall appoint a disinter-
(Continue(l on 11ext page)
Ordinance Na. 368
Alameda City Ordinances New Series
est-d arbitrator and/or appraiser, to
0� eterMine the matter in question; 8 u(I in case the two persons thus
a u 0 agree,
pp int d sha be unable to ,
they in turn sloill appoint ra third,
and the decision of any two of them
shall be final and conclus
(w) Bed the -s pee "city" hereby
c()vellauts and agrecs tha" the said
'e S paying the said rent and
Performing the covenants a n d
agreemcui s aforos�ild. shall and may
at t 1,11 times during the saod term,
peaceably 'and quietly hive, hold,
and enjoy the said premises, with-
out any manner of let, suit trouble
or hindrance of or from t he Said
(x) Anything berehl to tile con
trary notwirl'standlug, it is olu-
lually understood and agroed that
the amounts herein provided tribe
prthl, by the lessees sl- ' all be the full
arnount of such rental and any and
, taxes levied against the ]ease
hold horelly created.
(y) It is agreed that all struc-
t 11 Val i on the land
herein - demised' shall be subject to
taxation unless exempted hy law.
(Z) It is herchy mutually ag
flt,it the lease of sixty-six
, 1 - (66) acres
of tho aforedescribed lands made and
c,nterod into with lessees September
20, 1927, be and the same Avid be
depined cancelled upon thL lease go-
in,- that.. , into cffect; provided, the
Unearned portion of th rental
theretofore paid under the said lease
shall be credited upon the rental.
payable hereunder for the first year
of said term. It is further agreed
that all the provisions of this lease
shalt extend to and Include the, suer
oessor, and assigns of said "city
and the eecutors, adininistnai,ors,
successors and assigns of the lc
parties have hereunto set their
hands oil the, day :end year first
above written.
Dv ---------- - -------- - -
- Nlayor.
Cit C le r k . -----------------
Sec. 2, 'flie mayor of the City of
Alameda is hereby authorized and
directed to executo and deiiver the
roregoing lease for and on behalf of
said "city," and the city clerk is
direr ed to attest the same, as soon
as this ordinance becornes effective.
See. 3, This ordinance shall go
into full force and effect sixty (60)
days from and after its final pas-
Adoptud and passed by the Coun-
ell of the City of Alaracda, the 5th
day of Julie, 1928.
Presiding Officer of the Colleen.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance w a s
duly and regularly adopted and
passed by the Council of the City
of Alameda, in regular meeting as-
sembled on the 5th day of June,
1928, by the following:: vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Calcutt, Lath-
am, Neiss and Noble, (4).
NOES: Council-President Otis,
have hereunto set my hand and af-
fixed the official seal of said city*
this 6th day of Julie, 1928.
City Clerk pro tem of the City of
Publish June 8, 1.928.