Ordinance 0370ORDINANCE NO. 370 New Series Establishing districts or zones and regulating therein the use of property, height or buildings, and required open spaces for light and ventilation of such buoldings. in'ore thaa,lr thief persons be lodged tiple family clivicellin , bin aloNv i.i erein pis p lylp ue sts at oliF',Aim . court, boarding House, lod ink ME OWNER l�: the vvf>rd "()��ner'" v oid house, club, fraternity dwelling Or unless this hotel Itbout stare re- s, r,ivvners" shall iii 'base Who, : the city planning uric,tifaTi is r emoved as pr(�yrde(I in A tiie opinion of ( lnlnis ion or the eounML sire the . Sect Jon 15 ;hereof. `.l'h sarne provj- as to brtslnuss profe`iaiori�al aa;iit.l d agents there(J. stuns aasi(i . vocational offices and adver- BUNGALOW CICJURT: A. "hu l a- tisirit., si-nm Which sire applicable to edurt' is a group of wee Sal - to Glass I Kill be ;applicable to move d( , ,)xbe.€l buil'rirn9s Isec7 or in-- Clias[ II, °provided, the restrictions tended for lIS�G' .as d.we ui1,�1��s occupy- as to signs shall not:. apply to Ad- . in a lo t or parcel :of land, airy 1)or° -. vert`ising :'the building itself. tion of lvhich is used oa• intended BU SI N E SS 1)TS'['€11C' , fc t u (s: iii (i l�antrxi 11y t�ho in3ral)i- CLASS 1Y'1 t.ants of such. dWellMA 5.eC'. ). I.;usines4 13istricts'of Class 13OAUt)1NG HOUSE: A "bo.a,rdir,; at�r`e hereby established as shown House ". 'A any Ouse ol` 1,)uildin�, car 71I on said and no bi2lldin�, struc portion thereof whieb is fiat tr) ac- .rTaal); tore or prenuscsashall be €erected �,al- ('piT7aile)date 111ov e than thle(e boar(1- OAR tered or maintained : in an of laid (trs in addition tf) 'members of districts Which is clesit ned,'ilztelldcd fat;nWy:�oceupyi m' such Iatiilding, or used for a,tTy- purpcise utlier tlait LODGrIN I- iouS ,3: A "lod; ills a, residence of Mosses a an& IL ON- houle is 411y Muse 61; buildill ; or nE' ()1' 133'OfEss1Q1i�l) .'OffiC'.es, reretail. h «r'tie n' thereof which is used d stores trades or theaters; lAght lodger, €onnno(Ilte, lialr t.h�ii *.0 1OCl i1's _ More t lnaxiittact�UrLRg inay Qf tiarded on iii addition. to Tnenil.»,1°s of the main- tlrer in . in connection with. such; ilk occulayin r such -� building; 41UI�'I`11' l i)IU I Isl tat "n�nl -- uses, Provided not more than t.iven- _ ty -five cent= c25 ( /a) of the total tijzle dweoWg7 is In building ecru- per floor apace of al building or'strurtlur'e ' t°'1IiviI ly, tvvo or in, sill l(' family therein is so used,-but no busines`:, dwelliri M Kade or industry sliazll be permitted, ltd IIJEN'i`FAW U[S1 RFC'T iii any of said districts which is CLa S no. ious or offen�aiY(a by realsoll of -: Sea, -3. Residential Districts of the : e rniss.ion of pdoa ,. (lust; snlolve, - "o class f are hereby established pis buildinll- Fas, vibration , II(a -m% :gar �vhWIL Imposes -ally extraordinary hazard siiown on said snap and no 1' to life or larc)P ' ty, str ucture car premises. sha.i] er CeotCe(1, ailt.e - red or ina,intained iii.- SPECIAL T)1STRIC°TS, - a liy uC � said .dlstriet.ti which is (le- " CLASS IV signed, intPridc i or used for any: Sec. ti. ' hpecia l Districts of Class r )Ilr po8e othe than a si r( le *. fAnlily: IV are htereby eata'al>1ished as shown CB;we.11in; +`. ()no morn in suoli a on said, uiap, end Tlt1'.'buildlSig; strut?- cltirE•1lo array be; used ais the :office t,ure, or promm.es : Ball be: ereeted, ():f a la:nsincess or �.plofe'ssi€anal.: Wall -� Altered Vii' TT1aLl11t.eailled i,n - :: any Of or the ` studio of tin artist, ti��ficher; . said -= distri(ts which is desig -iced, in- z° niusi la.li, �; 3'aawlde *cl, stir adr3it1o21aI tended -or use €t� for' �1nN purposes " 3 `.S :)o ?n may . 1;7P ir;;ed for 1'e diptiC?n, otlaR th.a n tho >ti F? of- ';.t`"�lal,s ses T or : ::I 1 . laiarposes aan prc,d ded furthei��' that: or for• an=- asseiribly Ball, church; or no advertising sign shall be dis - - ' Private s hoof. ,. plaayed on the Pr nise5 other !had 1z[T51;�1 + "*�S 1115 ]CI11C'lC`�,, one showing ` the r Rme of the lies' - S 1 son the hind of b.usine.s� or profes- 82014 ftz'I1f,v rd, aalld oti; ce hour , - in Sem 7. Business llistr°iceta.(if C�lats; lkette,rs: not e ceedip" two Grid ne- V are hereby established as shown b,i,it lnehtes. :.ail he,i:=;ht :- ;which - :: ;xl' ' than l)ti �.5<�rd '- rnal)s.�. a3Trf.1.' no :1)lliltl��.��1�, ";. shall not 1:) " -e im.o t�wrAR stnicturer of <prenl -ises Wall :lie inclies'in lioig-ht and thirty lnclrr's erected :altered or - maintained in W length, «ln rot closer' w the any of said districts which is ale- street '- thaan the front line of tire'. signed& intenda.d or. used -for any dwell § No sign of glaring Or purpos €es,otber them those of Classes Flickering light shall be ve.n nitted 1, 11 III and Lys' herc.ot o for az dpi a esidt- lc e District -of Gl ass 1, bath Muse S'Cmmerci al recr eation AR, l JIUSIDR� V'1`TAL I)J;1 S, ' CLASS It park, undertaking t Ll?rti parlor, 1)ul7;li( ", garage, retatai g soli e or oll supply `� � aig 8 ef',. 41 Reslde2ltiaal Districts of clenilin es nt any .I sv 11 are hereby estar,blrslied al 'wholesale. business, provided; no showli -on said m. an(] no build -- 1)uIldings. material business ;flunk - rza structure or I)rernise s shall be yard, outdoor autonlr)hile vales: or altered C:1r n'aintained ia1. titol'`, ya(1:d, airport nor eZ1I�` lausin.e5;�.- any of safd- districts Nvhic.h is (1e - proliilaited in Class YT sha;il be es_ - signal intended (',)1 used for any tatblished.:or inaiiaa therein. purpose ot11er thar1 a, single, or n�rrl-.- :.No property" -�o1 pa, omises- shall bee. f C€BY1tI37!rEied oil 11ext p1i e. Al ame 4 a f.. ' t dinatkce Baca. 370 New Seri es used forGe etarl aiscilraacx off.' oal u:l >j21y _ wool �, 61.1�'fDRT DISTRICTS, staiti uaatcss at ltiflalic c:cinitazt . Cli SS -[X tion is ,provided in coniletotiort there- gt,c:. I t,' Airport '' Districts of I7, end no ::g e,a s rack, washing M a.ss lXare h ereby established as ra rh orY_ ecc e ssoa y LruildiaL'gs shall be .3hcatrn on said ni ala, afrd tan tiltildiia , - - insta heel or used in C'onnectiou ' w !Ui - gtp "nctLzre or :L17'G,m3SG°s shall be a1 're.tail _� ,.Olin And cliff supply staa- Q.cted, - altelreds of 'rnaix taialc.d . in titaar, saris is 0c °atec'i: InI- any of said districts ' which is d €.ae. tll<ttely I7c� -fit. to 'a reasidonc e :dis- mi-nfi , intended or used for any �trieW mill e ss Such g1`c',Ige. rack, wash- inue°I:I;c ses other than in Fairport, for in g; ra oli or a eco,"""or building rLre be a i riv aI or departure of aIa°or a,ft, set back fr all stiTet froiit ages aa -� . €!a' .ta.ily - .�: }I17.'j7l ?4G� Ia1C= iE'l'.SIY,dI .tl1ei "f-',to or as tbwfmut We €>f` tlic acid ac rit € y rc€znnected therewith, proNided thaat -an R iii- c >raft; factory or . aviation DISTRICTS, �whpol, or both,. may be conducted CLASS VI itI a iiiaaaeac ~.t vu tllt,a °e�vatla. se,cl. & I.3irsiaae >ss lustricts €at C1,188 EX,IS T I—NI: G 1;X311,FD]I GS AND VI jivs h€.1'e:t)',y estahlishe =,d as Shown `911 �9 on said. mp. r., end aio;buil li -nd , strut -� S 10 Any la wful use existing tdro or premises shall I.ae erec tees, of rc.d an ru intalm el. in any o f- sa ld in ally bui lding -, = structure or prer`1- distkicts �vlaich is des i hed, intended i sps at 'L.la_ca tune of the paSsage Of of sed fou any pux`�lloses i.athel` -AhR U - this . ordinanc:e =. .may _:be continued tllc.rep allthough clot conforming -to to osc5 :€f (—,?lasses, I Or 11 or for a c laraic day ailtrsery, ic'hEtrStahlt. 1rlsta� the. district in which At is n aini Mimic ' h l.ialeLaaila717, >: a,SVltrla], jar:Ivate r atl�e d; j provided, that in i - - case .`,a Ia i,�,�rtt �;S o industr i5 being main- I"tf3 ijJlLall; Off' iUthC -1r ISr�stitut -loft four t.ho.' _ t a ned hi a imWdenec - 1HAMet at the t.i'.Ualtal"IC?Zlt Of . - :- dise'ase. 1.1i _e ' of t}It' laalssa 'e of tbW or_i,Ii -- uAhus'1'mAn DD1°StIL'111exx na i. the Imildiii , structure', or a' en a es in which it .is niaaizatwined IndpAriatl Detricts of WW not be C`T2I.zaYg€'.£I. -. An height or Wass AIR are her6by established as - as a, of land covered, ;ur be i ee,on- sl'1C,.wfi oil said ina p;'a and no builclinp", ztru ted of more Permanent na LtE 1 r al. ata uctul'o or preinises shall - be ere c tE d,? Llte,ae�:d or suaintained in ally xx flie l7. iS1. "!s '(�.�+ `�i�i..�.. �..1'i.�'�: �A S'- _ of said <districts which n designed, ?fx�C. l3. lI' �c2q ' aany llraal- da1g Intended or used for any ja rPose - Ptructuro, , Or jiremis'tis tiv iNh is other thaarn tbose. of ('lasses 11 C, IV fa €rundcd on three *, or inure sides by as ear; Where .or '1ny iilran f actui ink; fill' gr(?nt Clse District, should be razed eJl:" 1�axel)oil li -q., business.; provided _- e)a 2'c;�r17 €)ved', Ui !. ?k`.ai'lOrET;tl3aal - fifty per nu C1e1matory'mi Iirtir.Jrt shall by rier-- cent',(izEleA burned, destrtayed or.de -- I littf.ct as an,ny cif aaaitl clis ricts nor terior ated;theta suctla,b ildi g, sure! any bhshlhss, tr ade or' iricluMry _ ta5v or 12re vise's shall be a :uton7ati- r4-Iiicl2 iz ie>lvew the= na kin or aaAHA- c•aally reclassified, without notice, as boon of S60 ca ndle o g Lue, WHAT ,,a district of the saarrae claas,s tea r , AL Wiernic<als; gain ;po,vder or titl er it bad previously Ecart ?sect in excela- explosi;ves; Oil wai.ch involves 'borte ficirl.; and. thereafter such ;pre'rhises Ioitizlg; fat Wlinp,. tanning, Aess ;;l,an mica :subject to all tl2e' estrii- ail;:., cal' -preparing shark hides or Ta,oa'ts of such . riekv cl'a',s%facatie5jj. iea ther;_ nor .i y lit shiess tiaade or For, the Puff oq of determixring industry vvlii0i is noxious tar offers -.. building: structnrt or ;give by r£`aa %n of th end sion of prienlises I5 so bullncleel, jar()j:aerty on f?(ly, (l.usQ SAY.a Ive, : ,gas, Moration, or �... t]'lt:,. opposite: S1.'de of the .street in - _ wse; provid- -eel, however,—that it I;ro,11t thereof shalL be deemed as e: €3nnee'tio.n Av..,th any. such lndustWalL bounfing sucl'a irAilding str11:ch re or Ifla.rnt € �ne single family clw£nHing _ pren"ses on ori_e side thereof, but eili cr fers in my be provided there t jrz'a >NI'ty !ininici:c"1'iattely' in the rear for a wa tell In:ata 61'. other. enipl�o ee _ eaf rs eb buiIriing-, structure or llrenl- (af said. plant 'aailc3 his faxx ilyr. M's - sllaell not be de.e mod as bo.undii�lg; F 5D `S'L'.P' '1�A DISTRICTS, thy same on ohy side thereof• Sc ^c;. ..1 i1. Indlrstr;ial Districats of 01:TPvII,pF!(AS * (Adis IAMI are he'mby eStalali hed seici 1.1. 1'ravalie gar" ges or other as shown an said in ap, and aI - build- o17I)€ rdiI'3r.1.'t.e :at ".w4 I:na y be - iai striteta.ir or pr caalaise g WAY be € vide d and maintained as ;raccesSo- cr coed altered or inain;ained there- - 1 -Lo: a, dwelling, jir_ovicled .the - xcat, i'rl. for alias" laa -wful - business € r Indus- Oil which they are situa,tted forcils ta`3tai usy e cQat. a n aapj.aort; pro- lia rtt of talc groulids adjacent to or - 'ic'e'd, hc°mrever. in :connection 'mAdi - conn ected ca°7thanell Welling; othe.r- amy Andy industrizal`plrant.one s4t;'le it Shaul be aarilavaful.tu' use any family. dwelling ,.t quarters may be Jot iir =a residence districts solely for provided therein for a w- Achmaau. r talca er�ectiora and ina;.intetlaiace e,thea° employee of said jalaatt and d hiss thosoaa of j,1ra es or tither suboyd.i- faraiI `.i1,rt1ptu es, unless permission ¢ yy�, (O EMI ilirst 1JC' sccui`e(I as provided ill! this C' lis llt f the'. property owners 'chan ordinance . to: his property to Class �', L'livate lr es cif other subbrdi lytil6er h(,: Alaineda zone or- g nate structures in residence districts din ince, ti hieb will ! permit the lztiay i.le" rented but fs�r'- not more u of -ai property for a `sing-le: . dean two Xpoidles, to -persons 'other Or: Multit e family dwe11Ifg t alp these ogcupy?il such dwelling. 1)nng tlaw our-t, l)e)ardilib hoiis(,�,- I oi do" 11 liv isc cline, fraternity C. 131iC,IbC fa` ➢2E)f1i CL 1�tizcllll �, car' l()tl without CLASS IV t € eS . Sec 15 Tlie owuel & Any prop - oi ° =Ly Eesidence.District of .Class er(- , , cat., or ren - iodel a building; City Cle rk. there i so that such building:, may - h U e for any of the he p rposeq au -` Dated ._ thol lzc in I(esidence Districts of '' o'n the appticatioil A f.t se v e n (:1) days have elapsed CM; 1 t131 a iaii °lding per Merefor is ne- frofti the tiltiL eW first heastiu; said -_ ilotiees, out no latcl tl7 &it thirty C:(JiYlllcini (l ley- the l itten consents 'r> ilthorizecl a 'ents (311) days there' fter, ;si;;natures 't.o of the ilc,is ()r of mov( -' Haan ripe- Iia.lf Of the area raid' x�ritten ccii sealit.s relay: be ��- cured E�y ..tlltl pUt tione . S41id writ - ():1" hrOper ' situated - within two';hun, '�of tf'l c onsents steal be signed. by the dk�ed (x,00 feet outside the, ea�_ - d i(ar laou ct� (if the -px`op he, on o - te ricl ert •�wntr:� <aa- the ii tuth:urize�r3 agents, and may M: LcUMI parried by. general he b ii is I rop to ie iod.eled; provided., _ j)t 1115 of A. 51�otcl of- the � buildin be erected of they of suet) property shall propo".ed to be er ted. or remodeled, omwner ,. 1.ti'St Fli. t ttlT the city clerk 111? and . !Iave, an a fidavit annexed ty t f 'f tL) e,ol "-tlf in t t13;C authenticity l'7' itlYl �j . °L C2 z l IYri�1U11 (1 My i Lt 17- tP a, petition f6k nuo of tb Signatures. 7110 consent and ti(n t(ii C'i3'C'U substally ill Affidavit shall 'lac ntia written c9ol1Se Its. �- Immedii�tel up <)�lY reQipt of Such the ��l'oilowing form a declaration the city 661:: shall posted c use -to be 'onspieuously C E) ��fi]C 'i' 11NvI PETITION �.ioix' that Ijc:i °t'on of all'the. stl€ eta Ivitbin the a,re3,a afo ementlone and _ 1 9iE7C € ril[IC +YPlEl1C'[t'C. at lra,st olio (L) )n "( aeli wide of c a.clti lilocic or I'r�tctlo of block tlierein,_`� Ct"'H OIY CLIss ... °i'0 -CLASS ..m .:. . notices of tiro fil n� of said cl�elara ^- q.16 the City hlannin C:omrillssion, City.- Alalrlecta ti -0u of ,intention. At least tlyMe ( - � (, t1ie LLi7C1£15i��y.2 �d, C1w37ET5 ti U1 ,�iicl rl]e1t7C'eS sh -1 bC' posted In the j)rolJGy s e €I ituat within 2.0 - l t t� e of thee: bloci all �� ll�t�l : i:h A sh ropos d, and three on rll�,°c? is . � fc outside: '� of the exterior v bouiular es of the p operty de- talc side oL tlie i ' bloc oppnslte thrre- sc�i ibeci 'r1' fol�luws: to Sa 1leltice all be h< tided G1t. � ZbN i NOTICE TO CIS A, , � tyI)Q one h (1) in< in eight o1 larger, h�i6DY d scribing th laluilding pro to bt. or remodeled; 1)ohed er ected ec.ted aml hotifyi7y all p_ r >pei'ty oLVnws _ ° the, l7El£.b�� � €.fJI1SE11t to jreela.ssi- wiii�in slid uaerl that t i, the siten - f' athan this propel Y under tion to ('1rculate a pet tion for such !- - The Loii�. (ardi1127,nGE'.- of lie C ity ll i 1tt;E;T1 c olisa�'ntS. ,�11i E said notices sha ll, lie po at lea ­t: seven (t) eat- Al�nr <lh from (:lE�s4 to - . -�` - iss .. _ Class ( 't�5 �, before any- pipes s c irc'ul,lted #'Cal a;l�,',°,n hire, an C1 lei �� 41�;11�.tures - ANT) - �i <.: ITA'V +: ® �.(s�T11 obtained r)ricil° to e >plrata'i,lz of b' tlll(I I TITS PAL'i��lt �?1r.1TT fTIE ('LEAID' �T N t0 Ia, Lt � k'A � [) Iht(I days shall null -lid s D=eli d void <i.iid of no effect. Id n otices h 17PIAi NO P ERSON Wl+ AS hall 1)g sea last�liltially ill a le follow -= 1TT CITED 1I S O t 1101 SIG- NATURE, I�I]RE "�C} S L����'lW in form, 't`t? HA \% AI y } IC;II' �. '. C► f� itir C]iL IJP.AE� -�f 13E SAME.. Notice is hereby given lat it llit :Ita lclene.t, Date off z;na1111 is the intention �f the - oxvl or of - the property described as fol- .. ....... ........ . -: to di:retilate <l. 1jetltion to obt�iil - °. -.�° ... Alamed City On ^Mato of California. �r�t�xrty of. Alameda rlrrl, svvresata deposes and says: ( lr .h(a secured the si na,M Me hereto wand know. �. thai. e, ach is the bona fide, srbnaturo, .of M person whose. narne it is to Te, That ._...... he arz- ,,wc,r fuUy,xjF questions acin- cez °nixa the, l ra opvsed' cyhallg a•ncl n� t e ra €i rni5rt:presenta.tiorr cearar,e rrli` - sarznc; ula�rr it eel and ;,woria to l lae� f r e me th . ......:.day cif....._. CityN (clerk Ni a grF ^.zs €an wl hies given his or her written. coo pit as herein pro - E7jd(,;d, shall h avd at right t €> with- lra - kv the same, ar d any appl c a.tirin to vvithdraxw a si - nature shall be clinr egarrcietd, e xcep it b acco awe aiied by an >:affidax t of ; the sigjier rtillc iaat' that his o her 8igrra.tur•ia was ol;jaijiaed '; by fr aai d or rnisrepre,- sentaa,tiun, in <which c' se, the rhatter shall be i to tl V My council for set;tlenat;nt.. The building inspecwtc shall riotifY t,be, city c.le of all cyan s where the light ;ter estaablish a rrau ' iple ( -irr; is .�ivera by the prop Inty owners ta's beaerai provrclerl> k; htrrpori tlac e�ity elei it will note' - the s.we on the official zone 'mall). .Th iracMod here pro't died for' - t°frr,i Ung, the rest of jwo e�rt� in'resk juntiar l- disthiets OEM ;s:; T f - z° ii ul- t plc dwellings by ohtainir tho consent o.f. rreigl•1'rlaWig pNi7er'ty owner,s shall- not. lie dee ed xWu- dire, €md any owner of pro erty in class J. (ri-ay invoke the, prov,i, )our. of the nex& suction for hangin g or reclassifyin >az, disti°ict t€ Class: , terE3 1w3`Hf1 ?, AlNY .lf1i"!s'E'i I4 "T TO ANOTH 8P& :7 (i. Z?:i ope.rty irr a. y district w= atev.er xnay Ve ahangeU aid re Wassified in =the rn:arnner following: .l'he ovvn(-r of such property shall first Me vvTith tile, city clerla in writ irr ;°, a declxara;tior cif leis infeAlor to eirc,ula,te a p .tition to hate; hi% pyapa M y reclassified, '_ Immediately ap€ n receipt of such it declaration, the city clerk sshal;l� cruse to he' conspiauo wy poste Wang that portion of all 'the st:reets . vvithirz ear axea of two hundred (2001) fort outside .tho. exterior boundar.rieq of the Property cicasir ed Vo h( recins- Afiecl, and at leas elute (1) on each side of each eachi block orR fracU n . of blocik th"ein notic es of the filing of said declaration of Mention, At antes orraaQce yew Seder lest tlarc, (�) _qf said notices shall. Ile pua,ted un tlae side of the bloel; in which the change is proposed and three (3) on the sides of the block Opposite thereto, ' Said notices Shawl be headed "NOTICE TO (..1:1ANG;E ZONE" in type one. ;(1) nr €h rn heil;•ht oa larger, briefly de scribing the property and the change desired and notifying all property owr.zer s wiMht the area aforemen- tioned of the intention to circulate suM : a petition, also that said peti -- ticrn' will cone, 'up for hearing be- fore the city planning commission on a certain day and hour (speei.- Eying the carne), which time shall be V ed :'by the city clerk upon a r eerrient with the petitioner, . All of said notices'- 'sharll be posted at leant se.vaii days before any petition rnaav be e^ircula ted for .signatures, and-any : '.signatures obta2ined prior to the expiration of said seven days ha11 be null and void and of no A ffect. Said entices shall be ub- St,tnua ny in the fanowin fbrni: Notice is I oreby ggiven that it is the intention of the own( of property ' described as ful- to circulate, a petition for changing .an(] -r€ classifying said property. from Class....... to Class which vvilh lr( >rmt the use (if tlirs property' for any of that purposes allowed in said Class as specified in the hobo, - ordinahee of the city, including arced petrlion,'rn Case sufficient sig ha,turcs are secured will come up for`.hearing;° before the My Planning Commission iri the city: hall, :`on ....... ......:. a i S o'tA oc IL P . M, ^ In tiie event that insufflejerat signatures are, tar`esent,ed at such :time or for (>thc r .food awed sufficient rear *tin,, ..s id beann� 'maa,y :'he set over until tht next regular meeting of the cornmissi( n. Upun receipt "of a deelrar "aatioir to r.irculatct such a, petition, the city YINIC shall subinit to-the council for introduction, the t>rdinance .provide(] irr section 25 her eof, 'being the o °di`- u nee which. Will have, to be passed in raasery the vetitioli L: granted' t1 fee of five dcallars ($5 -ho) shall be: char petitioner in' all cases: whare, aiia ord1nant,2 vvill.hae ne= szi�_i�y to 'arzaku -thix, cl:esired ckia7a�;e oa•' r•c:t l�t4wificatioii. Sec. 17. After sev..en (7) days have el"t0sed =lrcom ; the tim of Tyst lost -; irr saki rl(atireas, l: >u:L not 1Mer han tkrir°ty (- 0) daisys there4fter, a peti -- tion, describink the chaa,nge desired , . fnaj jwicireulathd 1`or• signatures a nd then MeT with the CRY Qerh, Said pe�tition may. bv arccoi7ala.:y:nied` by gen"al be ns r. a sketch oY. thl building flesh -ed to be constructed oia the property Prerlros.ed to bf ch allgeei' and i <c l.as5ltreet, aiad shall: h,, affidavit ;ranne,xv thereto € *e �tifyin tea the aau ;thentic ity of the Nignatul Saw iac'tititan and Off i- davit mball he substantially fn the s<ti me r'o rin as scat forth in StiUdb horeeof. Any inforruality in a l)eMion or any ctuQuon- zas to the >izltjawnc y < >3' ac petition s11a1I be decided lY the City Plaaritling C')oun� ri.iission, and: the ilec,isl cif the. - <.i01,11 ?tssioza - shall be final and = 'cola Many time prior to sri,id hea.mng and after the oxpiration of thw seven. (7) days rifm boned alny owner a)'f property situated within the area, afoa esai ;id, Ilaay make written ril;ijeem 1 ]on td the proposed shame, nand i_leliv th(em ; ?to the e,ity - clerk. I'LANNIr \C COMMISSION SeN It" . A "bearings 0:1 sueli pen t;i;tizon s, shall 'by held before the City Manniby Co no peUdon shall lac heard or he en- titled ;;to r°e�c:ewe any cx:insideratioti t hate' er' unless it :liars heel signed: by, Lhe ovvrners or ahthorked =r eats of not a less ,thaw ;thoty: lrc'r 'ceiit: 13 %) :tai' the arm.' .of proi)011Y sit atiated ;(vithil.) taro - hundred (2010 -)� 1`�1:et outsid(, cif the exterior boundai,- rides of Ahe properLy. 1)rei)iosecl to so qli ylje.el tared reelnssifie&: The com::: ii ission shall hear the : petitioners jeqyQjUng the ehangw astd those oil ce,otin,a; ; thereto acid, after due Pon:: side.iaati an of the. VMttter, shall; withrrast delay, submit air report ill writirri °; tai the council, recat7 mend- i i thtai the; petiti n be. ;srr antt:d. or Cieiaiecl. '1'he ? ;oinmissi,(. may 'n we su<c h .other recaaixari endatiOnS iri - con - aiec °tiaari:_ vvitli ; be. niaat.ter. as it'niayy. sheen Vertinent theretol la1 a',o:irsaclerins ..tiii application for changing in g residebee district to aa, business district the commission :;h,lll illquire:' into they 111-Inahaer and condition (. }f ridus:od business Wade; Wre.ady: existing it the rninediaatE eil;hlarirhoocl and Shall hot inex asp, the ntzii bor ;irf lausirless d striets if there a ppo acs to be sufficient prcop- c rty in the inin'le Bate'.: vicinity al- ready devoted to lousiness uses. Within five (5:) days after a deei -- siora has been rendered by the City pUiong. Commission, applicant aphlica at . or•'- otber party feeling a9krieved at the dec isio71 in ay file :a v !`-itt.tM petition With said commission for tl r. iie Gt7iYr�,`. doh Petition for rehearing nlust: hovv that the same should be g .apti- vii carte or ixror:e of 'tlie fol- laowii�; �a-czunds:'. 'l ` bat this petitioner did of b a full a.ara3 ;Fair l eaxing or '. his :liet70dw sUqhg :w1ry, 3 that there were irregu lai des in the, procoedi77gs stal- ing them, 3. E`liat lie - w'as taken by acci- Oent ear surprise, stating : how. K '1'h he desires to la ese#t. na.Nvly discovered evidence, stat- ink tha nattara of it: 5. 97 11:111t the evidence Sub . nitted did not justi?fy then deck sit'n statinp thy. t;. Th at there were errors in AN (specifying tllein) o(_ ant "tire first hearing. ' j)e City ConarlaissiOn shall' ileac• ;nch''petitWx for ; re,hear - ing,.`after vvlaieh it shall k�ra,nt or tlhny the saalhe. Lf de.nie:d, the ag.- s ;rieved party_ may their apDe.a,l.`,tci the .' city Cou vU; whereupon Me aoniwH, sitar ThadnK And consider ; -- frig the. groc rids_alpon which the aap— lar:aal'LS b ased, uaay arrant or cle ny the sa ins by a' majority vote; provided, however, if the decision of the City Nanning CSoMnAssion` on the peti tion 1.or ai:- .rehearinf;' was denied by 2a rtn ammon: vote of the inenlhe.rS of mie ctoyurnrs iion present: at the Waring, t1eii and in' that daase no rehe4aring=;a;ilall he gjanted; by the My Council except by a four- fifths v >ot4 aaf saUid C011rlril. 4n all cases where as hearing is- granted: by Me c;it;g council the members: of the 'City :Plann ng C oin- minsiion sl all sit'joinUy the,rejn tvitb Ole city council, i but `the decision in Such case shall _tae cwt tiered by ma jor RyT vwcote of the cO ncil. fl +sM1 F1 C,I +7Z €S 7t C �S1f1,S . 1 S1. - Ire rase of emergency, rea cuing,° imuied,itate action, `.thap e'i c°a.aunol riat.y m4her any Changes or redlas5ifir.,',100118 on it-, ovvri irlitza t ive; as ud without a petition 'themf ", provided that notice first lie given of Me farca;posed: nand a hear- ink be. held by the city council All the time,, forin and manner tan; here- inbefore proviaed for laratiee :arid heaa •ins; before the "City :l'laaraniiag Coax mission; and provided further, the., City Maanning C`cjrninis4i an shall be invited to sit in the hearing; with the city . :cor7niai,l, aal.1d advise t1fe c'. onneil of its :opinion in the, ease. In all such eases the reason for ur:-- e 1 l 3n H.— or `tf 3 :. 1 ,t.. d ",. 1 l 1 ' £ tl , -t ol a , " - - }. )azat MU lC` ,:�' r• an,, 3y resolution; aid sh all be revoe abl.ca :a,t the will : f the cAty €Uuncil or t'xtenci.'f.or as tine:? specified i.i� tilde grant t:herea <amd it niky ranted subject tea size„} either limita,t jonH and yonditio is ai.,. the c4.ity CO ncil it-tuy .impose... No hinti 'horeiit enu- rained slaaall be deemed -tea prohHmt the "Ise "Ise of iJro.perty for the e"ve(Won amd /or l ma:int,nanves 61 'bill b'caaa�els €rs other fornis cif cauWno e, �i advrtis'-t. ing :;ub eet llowc Ve0 to the inp €r- siti9it ear such lawful re.g ulai.tio:ns arts ow car' he�roaa`ter Way be ianliosed 157 €ra•<[�3iarac�e� See. 22. Wllean(ever at . )e[iticii'i ro.r changing an re ci�t;,4Ufni;� certain p ope,r y to a - particular tunic lams been denied, the eotion c ai�ihot he c aacwecl for the saaine rec 1 is5afWA- i;iun for sit nlciaitba <the;rea,f'te'r unless the renewe€1 petition tiro si�;ne b the on-hers of it l a st f°ii`ty peg r. ent (i70tjj ;ol: this prope ay the owners o f - 'viiich previously objected to this oli?ll however, thi :s. provision ;;Ball fiat prevent they pity COunckil Carom a ct.ing° o its ,own nitiai,ti;ve fit. 9]i5 li , s . y In the budding Towers, pant hOUSes, :;p ri 5, grain elevators, ;t,as or water tanks Com- pleatt ly €;ilo�-,erl ,rn ivith solid walls oil 'all sides down to the ground or to they maAn part ol' the '- builcli:ug may be built. nand used to as greater height tlmA aHowek for building ll€ ghts in the 'zone 'or district in lW ich suo bu l €ring is located, pro - vided that no Such exrepUon shal e( n,t any level niore than fift( per cent in area: of the l ot, ' nor lave a b0se as i ea p°i°c,atter thaan sixteen hundre.cl St uart 'i"eo.l'proyMed, fur- ther that. the hoia ;lit limitations `'of this, Ordinanc( 'shall not :apply 'ter c himite'ys, church spines, flag Bole=s k a t.)d Nvireless tow ers, except> that 'ioo buil'€ling or Structure tshall ' exceod: a iilaa,:rinxuin` - eight of oile buaaaCired and t'ifty f €.ct.- Skn 2G. All builcla.ugs lieneatfte r ere eted or located. in any residence clistrWt nnist :be set. lacic at Ionst: far from the. street as the a.verat,;°e, line" oc:eupied by sixty (GO) leer jeent:' of thy exMing houses- An , the, (} dinaoce No. 370 i n ces ( geney_ shall be rl4C:- tt,ttZ ifl t.lie '_ordi -::' c c' iTlf 3 � f YkC'S T.SE � ��t t17� 'Q 11Ytt?, a,, ilancE9 -m ldn'�", the .<'tog z e. l l ro'vi€ le in � ect'ion _1 hei°eof. f'i.Y,I.S NHS 'YYWtDRTDIC;'4ANCE F F.1 At7YDftJ7 ENT 1 1 'TT`][08 Sec,. 2(}. All cliaia� € s d'xl° rc;el SW S See, 23. Any sli;nyatures to c oii- fic"I'tio ice shall txea -iYla.dta - aaio 1 se,nts ter pcAiti €:kns :.provitled for . wbc;e -su si.ailtiaa,lly in the fallow- t . i iI`I!,'; fori.'ia.: - l l>y ii°aud'. : or rnisrepre.sentation or the withholding. i of ifornl tiol co7t- _ (1 7DT TANCT T(}.._.....- c cernin,g the real intent of the same, Vt ry el'i s s sli.111 be vold and of no effect and the :person or pers its procuring the ctc.c3l si1'yin l'i'til caty w wane shall be :guilty of a nlisde- Bo it Wkned by the Courtcil i inea,nor and punishable as provided of. th'r City et1 Alameda, as £ol- i iii St`ction 84 hc'i°epf7 toe t 131]ILig �'I]C't` t'Lltili 7. T66 l71° 7lte'•rtY Clr 1 per building See i�li d he - issued by Mlle building deparo Yllent of the, Ci'L -y for the ereatiDn... -or _ _ Y alteration -of any building Or strue- thre Contrary to tlaca Provisions of t17.i4 oz`cli.lna.nce. = x4 l *e'rc;Cay C'II L21 ai.n[1 t`twc'las,sim l l'.�ve y apigUeat.tion for" a :building 1 )E'.i`init. shall be Luc <tritiipan €eGl by; a tied t `orza aa: . ..:. T3isLz�iet, - - tatement. as to the use, he�i lit and areamf the tauildin pt,o aowd Min ,a. t to h hhallk to be furiiished:T by the builc17 ing ; hispector, _on which i shall also t T<as .......... be, shoWh, an " curate block pla.11 Of .tbe locaa,tio.n, of the building oil t }tea lot, clrawit to a asmlca of 16 feet -:. 1'a € sa�Cllil, C'1Lf1G.e l ". - thE:'. (,.aaliil^C "il. t to t:h inch, M T DI STRIC TS °li'Y +JJ1Y'0t*S.A;xi,A' sl , ,>c;e'.. .2.5. in Class I District no Ss c. X21 IV_otwnilstai.ndw any of b buildin s shall be € lec.ted to as Alo lo.r . Tldght in excess. of trliir y- five. (3' ) .going p tept. to ail other distric "ts.: o builcl- CFlif)n. = li(Ttlt',<xs:aln(i liF ?ctPlil cb3 II:fC�3`C - _ 1 112 shall. ) el(Ct.l',(� �tC1 ,r l'2E1ht 111 inentioned, xecolnm ,. to the -c.oun- - e e,xc es,,, al';;i'.>iae ltalnclred (I00) -` fee 'L bi.l the r LSltin ' of a -: temppi'a y F For the hiiriSfJsc ti,{' this weetion, iF iniit tea rasa. ce . Wjn spe,etiifieact prop- - t the heigb . of a, bi,lidi g is th per- 1 ty fol a purpose not . __authorized p pen €tictilar: distance from the actual ati tL ;dastriet in avliiCwsuc'h ,_ rop- a aa.ci,ioiNng siclew0k - r iaatQA rty, ivlocated! Such Winpora3",�?° P( : :;rou levels to the l.owest:.point.W an,, 3y resolution; aid sh all be revoe abl.ca :a,t the will : f the cAty €Uuncil or t'xtenci.'f.or as tine:? specified i.i� tilde grant t:herea <amd it niky ranted subject tea size„} either limita,t jonH and yonditio is ai.,. the c4.ity CO ncil it-tuy .impose... No hinti 'horeiit enu- rained slaaall be deemed -tea prohHmt the "Ise "Ise of iJro.perty for the e"ve(Won amd /or l ma:int,nanves 61 'bill b'caaa�els €rs other fornis cif cauWno e, �i advrtis'-t. ing :;ub eet llowc Ve0 to the inp €r- siti9it ear such lawful re.g ulai.tio:ns arts ow car' he�roaa`ter Way be ianliosed 157 €ra•<[�3iarac�e� See. 22. Wllean(ever at . )e[iticii'i ro.r changing an re ci�t;,4Ufni;� certain p ope,r y to a - particular tunic lams been denied, the eotion c ai�ihot he c aacwecl for the saaine rec 1 is5afWA- i;iun for sit nlciaitba <the;rea,f'te'r unless the renewe€1 petition tiro si�;ne b the on-hers of it l a st f°ii`ty peg r. ent (i70tjj ;ol: this prope ay the owners o f - 'viiich previously objected to this oli?ll however, thi :s. provision ;;Ball fiat prevent they pity COunckil Carom a ct.ing° o its ,own nitiai,ti;ve fit. 9]i5 li , s . y In the budding Towers, pant hOUSes, :;p ri 5, grain elevators, ;t,as or water tanks Com- pleatt ly €;ilo�-,erl ,rn ivith solid walls oil 'all sides down to the ground or to they maAn part ol' the '- builcli:ug may be built. nand used to as greater height tlmA aHowek for building ll€ ghts in the 'zone 'or district in lW ich suo bu l €ring is located, pro - vided that no Such exrepUon shal e( n,t any level niore than fift( per cent in area: of the l ot, ' nor lave a b0se as i ea p°i°c,atter thaan sixteen hundre.cl St uart 'i"eo.l'proyMed, fur- ther that. the hoia ;lit limitations `'of this, Ordinanc( 'shall not :apply 'ter c himite'ys, church spines, flag Bole=s k a t.)d Nvireless tow ers, except> that 'ioo buil'€ling or Structure tshall ' exceod: a iilaa,:rinxuin` - eight of oile buaaaCired and t'ifty f €.ct.- Skn 2G. All builcla.ugs lieneatfte r ere eted or located. in any residence clistrWt nnist :be set. lacic at Ionst: far from the. street as the a.verat,;°e, line" oc:eupied by sixty (GO) leer jeent:' of thy exMing houses- An , the, - "b16e,k'! 111 'C,aEse :nu luSusels :have . <of the rtlt?1ainde''1' Of said. land ex? 1?cell creeted it tho IbloW" tile - sit. Qnsiz c of ;suclL court. All dwellings bwak line shad! be >twenty (20) per (silrgle. and Inultiple) two stories or cept of-.the average, depth of _sixty ,: nyore, in 11er;�ht,_:� shrLll lae detache(T (6 0) heyp 66,tl of th lots in Said irons t1i,e side lines Cat :.the adjoining laloel and in na case lc', ;S than. fif- prope At lest; four feet:;. il° n1ore tee 0D feet; provided that n 110 I.Jian two stories in height tbert six ease shall it be ne ccssary to set Andwo additional for each story over bush ino e than thirty. ( 30) feet the street, c c etas tilat in the, two. Sc ( 28 NEAR AR Y 4l D a All C otr'r bf a l IhieiI lies isalmu ate W WOW, s rat Classes I and 11 shall crag, betW een th & other 1.6tv aaheady;l)11i1t } avo a r ^coil yard of the fult. up n, the sct -la talc 'lhK hall be the ' of 10 lot �all'Ountin. to 15 yer cen M avera !sale' sac <'t1l)iec3 l y the ad- (t a� ) MAW full depth of :the lot; jOLr1111 '._,.buillllni,,s 1751 cithea wick*,. All e- thir 1)rovi(itng !not Ynor1e than o.n d iftirilctirl 5 el .ectcd or l NaNd cut cOr- of such re yar ma:Y be gceulai crier less shall' bc. set back from the by a L; aar' gee qr other aeeessory ;running paa allel with. the 1) tri1ciings. All .`set - busts lines an( _street lc'tag;th :of suClh let U) b line 'fifteen yard t'tui.� ,1ta11 tae rm, .ured frmn - - per bent f 1 5,t /C,) of the width of such the; fe t ndat 1or1 Wails° - lc1t, ]a1'4?Vidl,O,- than ' the s t-laiLC,l+ line < 1'EUES,EaENG IN RE+�;16E�� _(9.1�+ .9��T�A'�'6XEMn, fcir la lot Rutted' irnnnedrat.el`y hi `aldn�;srde Sec ,x,13 .'- fl build! . 0 sha,lil not : be tyre rear or of corner Jot shall be ; nrldz� R bt�twQn the e , recd cl behind tarluthe�r lauilding eat' s 6t bacl 1i11e fr)r such . corner 16 sts ucture and there - shhall = not be � the set llaael: 1kne f or interior :- placed PASS— -or :. strueture, in and lc'its o11 thee- front. or stele stt°eet ; <LS - f.hearont of : a building Myles., the rna,r- the ease spray bee. buiicling 9h, ::ltaVe left a l op n, � The � urd `lot" ':xas nsid In this this 052v yin(]: unobstructed space I �C t'rc7n shall o deerne..d to Allow lc ; - titan ten feet in wldth, extezrd - ove €7f. -UAS Or pareels of l'1 In froth the fru'tzt of the r@a.r bigid i;21 o w)1Lc 1t -t11e QloeleA has ._toed Ing to the trolls line: of the lot' :�- uhtli>>iifeel, a shc,�i >n �ax1r1 r3clitle,cted i 1)1)1 eltzl ' -on tiro street, and jf said upon th l-tst official Ina.p of the _ "'01 C building , c. :�trL14'tu.1 "C''ls 2T.1i).]'E' tr C)1 `;tt1JCG1Ui`SiC3I1 ClF 1S;L.21C1 UTI 1 - than tivo Atwleb, i11 belght st7.ch . ,C't .rde"'.r -in the office elf thf- C;tlunty' 1'�:CCD L[ :. pen and 1CLC'cupie3d space shall !be.. .� in W111011 sue'h lot is situated. -. uimna,6a % tw o. foot ill width 017(.,Tl, ' I'he cling. MMPector- shall lama_ clear und unobotluct€ d to the. sky `c : bull hibit the of any` stiucALtt°es for rhh AddiMantl stcDly _thexeof; .:erection nontraat`y to :the 1 rovisio_rr o this provid d 11d�Veve that if `suelt re r a.rctirart:- bupWhg is to be "designed, budt or 1r.A ill Alji E. !1; used : as. az dweWl;ling, `such passage - �5cc. Tr S1.11l 1tAX -DS. i�o but1Ci- Yv ay 11F'P�+"l� not he. marl -ntain ;d it fl1P' . lcat'� ,.DUrlduag has unobstrtj e it 111,,,5 ol stpnC.turf`V <Shaall be ererected, �, tCD, 'rl, .�it2 "£'£;t. ot'1.1(`1' tI'1cLT,1 tihe.;. r;.lfiererl Or loi'�a,ted to residence ls- .t.E.titi' Atr et front m _ the -'lot or to n. t.r >lrts of Cyl s "l, ev111u11 arc MoUdow ",- .rl1c;J heat. le, _ i ian ten feet `i1r t .t he,Cl - Kit lLc`'i;a�1; three (�i). tC',(;t:�fL'C'Irt1 : a� and pr'ov ded Further that in Sido lcrres of the ad�o4ling ]rTe)p 11f) ( €,nt`� sliall: two j tilding's. be +,rty °; 1aPUVi(icd, t.11 t ;� =hf�rc at l3rlildir7 lalac', �d on Elie salve l:ot. Unless the covers 'a portion of two lots tile, < ;,) ac, '; lht 1a t <12LHr than 35 �by".` two shall be treated as one fur the ltl0 test.. - par pose of this se # tioj a1"1d 17rT V cxd ftirther, that,t.the rec }uirernentS.: E'fEQ).TE t'I`bC9 5 heretat sha M riot alt;llly to ;garag es or 411 - ; seat - lasts , -dines !it :tC,Lt'yso1 °y :+tl'.LtC'.tLtl'E'.s sLtua,t:ed in th#�� -�: y'a rd; .trL +, ys shall },)(' :171�a °L:itll'_('!1. tS'li2l "1 ; rear.. c)f -any 1o1 an beninT the._ rem' ' ths Toulul'allan _w wank mmyPlecl bay It -n cDf: udy Lt side'r1Ce the reon. e on. No ` Nvirlflows rn e y- pro eC'.t =not LYlore than lNHdrrrgs or' strtiiturc sh .hl be - three 3)." foot lartrD any Court gar elf Le.!f,eC1. }C)rl ,#12�y !let in Class 1 U1':- have .. y'Le.T'd., atn0`:tct 1E' tit fatlf', 11r1obstl'1taA$ccl.: aLddRions rnr clt? tltc,4reto so that:t the "We is r,ss:a,� e #7r side yard c)1 not less than 'egg t g =at aLrra rot red by all e rhret, t;l) feet ;t €l wr'lth shall run b� rlClVWp or stlucttltes on saris! lot: r1 oin they � front y i, to t11c, r(U11 . '_ aha,ll e.xcle('.Cl.:. flity per -cpnt . (:50% - ). �..r "d C)'rt_CI' O c1�li,', e)1' e. tiPl°� C1 ; :. e?.1 thf,> tLatrLl;: �1,r'dL - sai,2C1 lC7t. ltl: e7,1s(.3.'a GoS'rriCe, belt (:C3rttr Carr _ I`1'1`aar " -. C,11S0 at ',1.)a cul of laiarcl . StLiaclWW d? projection on n dwelling: may ex -_': ;yt °? Its t,() 1 ?r.CtViCl(? !.to1' L p;'rl)11.11 of.. -� te'ra0 intoD itl'? e)lltl`L' C', (alLl't, S2C1C', 1'.E:a.r. - ". eiwG.11il t,s 1T(11Iti11r "[ on 23 (7(Yilr_t, thP.: 61' front - V2Lr11 'tw(! ) inches for owner of saWkn& s,hail'l fill= with every foot in LJdth of 11 opuIt: he. 1aLti1Ci121g ivspeetciv a€ ql It WOW t]Y �hi'Cl. ilk riac�, aa7ao:unt of lanes set : rsido ' PUBLIC E1�;�][� � �t� for such court, anA she- aggregate ataca, of all the dwellings or !other -. Sec. 31_ 1'ubllc buildings rtarLy lac stl ucatuiL e ,s_c om9tr'ucte d or located on l#ec a €e.ted wherever the city; ounc H sit,iel pareei lit latnd:: shall- not exceed shall detE rnlibe, after° c:o7jf rericea - ifiY (50t lass!:° ce.17t``of the total area v,ith the (pity planningeta >zxialiissirir't.'; City O rdina n ces N se1es OF A,PPEALS der. 7`horo is hereby estadll- lished a board of rorair1k appeals to consist: of tho pity rta:znager °, rife chwC health officer. r,ity attor qW, allot tarn sid.e:,za.t olf 0 City -Plana in .0 o ira m i. ss a on. _ The 1aiard of aCi'nirr,' ,'app(,�i,ts shall ardopt :froln tirue to time such rules and iTguAtions - €:r,s they May deem an c e ssa j to - carry into effect . tile pr ovisions of -- this ordinance- Any decisjon of the building, iusl)ect.or ramAe in the enforcernerit of this or- eiinancer may be a.Iatpenled to the 1>ca; xd of xonin ; a:r.l lre a,ls by ,Lily Per - son 4'.1.Lri1ni.hg to be - r..t.C1vC.2'S.',W af fected by ,,arch- tieWsWm Rhere there are practical difficulties or unne cep :'sary hardship", ill the :u ty of eraarrying out Elie strict letter of the arovyions of i.I:i ordinance, the lier.sre.1 :cat' rcriiiug appeals siaaR pave the pc)Wer in <a specific case Uo vai:iry ,.,lny, such Tarovision in liai.rnaony turtle its general -purposs and isi'[:ent so that the ;mblic health, safety and ;eneraa,l welfaxe may be secured "ind sialr:;tantia,l justice done; Thcr boarrd of l-uning appeals iarar,y~ iia aw,:p cifid ease:, altor : public n €iticre :a.ricl `he'air ih and suhj scat, to a ppropri- We cs>irciiflons . and safeguards. de;- tc�a�r:aine and vary the aii 1plic,ation of the district re;, ulat oias herein es- tablished. in harmony, rr` Ui tlieirr general purpose; and intent as Aol- lnrVl: (a.) Permit the € xterisiaia of a building or use into -a more re- ; tr ictted district iinrn(vv. €lea t:ely aadja- c °e ntr - thoretu but, not more than 50 fe,e,t, beyond the boundary lint of the dr ,trie,t; in : hielr_ :such Wilding .oar use is authorized, b)_ - t'ermU the exHus on ' of it non-conforming" use or 'buUd.iii.W; capon talc; lcr't oc,i:upied :hy such use or building at tea -e - time Of the Ya<a:T Page of saris- ur°i'lk nc:e Z Q) Permit In ir distria anv use or building-deemed lot the board to tae in ye rre al. kee ping with and aria- lirc:i];>ri<at to the uses , or bui adings azrithorired in such district. (d) lyiae're aa Jot 18 irrriludiately= airtjepii end on, at least two sidos by buildings that clo nc�t i°to ifor°in to the U , USU € V rase,,; di,111,1 rE =i;ulaticirrs of the districts hi lyc,Ii`;- Steil " jot is located- pe 'ni ii is modification of such use or area district :regnl,a.tio ter ti's extent de erm."d .ne.cessary to :,chili( of an aa,l proliilate improve- rich lot- due red -aird =b in- ;yiverr to the Avoidance of sc,riciu4 irijrri°y to neighboring" property,: T13115 LIMIT Sec13.lrlacncv E:riay. :eTrtaire5 or reel assff :ii.aHoris are rna de :pur.`- srraant to it §01iUou rased the p etitioner has z`t.pmsen ed to the ooiipcn or ('sty ::Plarr'rliNg C ommission ission thazt he irat €?rtcl ; to use the pre nises for a S3a cal ° .i'c use or construct a crr u. 1 Und of iWilding thereon, thee, and in that cast any re0 assiS'.i<.a, foy rxra de ptar' uant Co such represent.aa.- don , ��,tatoraiatic<�ally! become mill and void unless such use or eon - st:rux is m'a'de within six:. (G) Mouths froin the date Of such reclas- sification, or such extensions as may he givcn by tile) council, and the proper or pr rinses referred to shall ther oupon revert hack to tha , f ormer clatssificaation. So, 34. :',2rry - person, firm or co2r_ tat >r,ation violatting any of the provi- sious of . this ordinance shall he W111ty of ai ani.sdomeaalor and t pore oonviction there shall be punish- We by a fine of not more t1a aril three hundred: dollars _ ($300.00); or €:iy impr nt !it the city pr`isain for° a period of not more : -thaut six (6) uiontils.:or by both such fine :and 11pr•iscarrm riL Each ,Leech perstan, filar or cor l}or7 aii.Gil shall be deented guilty of a separate offense for each, a'f2'1 €:i. (- „ vc;r'y day : dur ing :any . l�oit;ion..of which any viol of a:aiy pr'ovi - Rion of this ordina W COWITUItted. continued or l;pe:rinitteol by such :pe `- epn, fiarin. or - corporation and ,hall. be la ha ale accordingly. Sec:. 'M lf” any section, subs ec tion, :;er t,ence, clause, or phrase of this .et is for ally rea,soll held to be uncou titutioll"O Such rte cwisloll shall uot:,arfoct the:y<tladity of the rear. x 11111"?; portions - of this o rd,i= mare ca. Tho eouncil hereby €leclaKes that it would 1lavcr passed this' - ordi- nance a -id eaacli section, sr.ibsectioia se,arte rae..e, clause, and phrase thereof i t re pe_ctA ve of the -fact Wart any one or more sections, sink >sc.cst, ons; 5csntencel clauses, orb; phxai:se be de- Named u nconst:itutic naT See- 16. Ail onlinances or aaxts o ordirr.ainees` in conflict herew!Ui, inelUding Nos, 227 N, S,, 319, N. S.,. and 338, 14 5. We, hereb repealed, (-"X(.Fc;pt as to 'tile m a.lr heretofore a adOpte d in Ordinance No:.:227, NN aa..rid referrect to in Section I. of t,liis or°tlin a uc,e. S.cicrlaUd and. 1pa 8sed by the C ou.n- e it of the City of Alameda, this 11rd day ': of .Duly, 1928; FRANK OTIS Presi Officer (,)f tire. C`oune'jl. I; till, iiardt i tie ;rxecl; tat r 0ia,yr certify that t.lic *: scare °cri?rg Ordinit;rice 'wti;s duty aaiii ".l regularly zadopte =d and pn""serd by the :C.ouulcil of the City .of ."s:hl1'iae'Cear,. in r "c-' ; :� ul,ar p' meeting ie:, as -- bl <� "acd on the Flat day of Tuly, 192.8 by thc: following, 'v(.)te, to -Ivit: AY ES , , S C"ouncillijen.. C.'at:icuit, J,zx t- li azai, rotate tared Pre.;aide nt' Otis, (1); ABSENT: C.`` mmeailniaan Neiss, :(1)n IN Sal`[ 1Y,SS W.t:Cli:l'tj I have, her•enrito set :nly hand 'knd affixed the official seal of said city this Lade day of July, 1921; W'. li,. A' Al; C O.H'. City ClerR Of - the City of Alameda, (Seal). hublimh ,Maly 0, 1928,