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Ordinance 0433
Ordinance No. 433 New Series Authorizing Lease to R.C. Strehlow, Jr. Alameda City.. € rd* ance No. 433 Ordin New Series Cod'] t? n $fed I ?av, , rule, r equirement ' , . o.rdi- na,nce, direction, order or regu- lation, ti "CITE:" may. termi- nra.te this lease. It is further. agreed and un- derstood that the •`LESSEE ": as -- sumes all. risk .of injury or. dam- age to person: and property, during. occupancy of the demised premises, and that. the: "CITY" sh.a.11. .be : free from all liability, claims: and. suits for, and shall not b e responsible for dania:ges by reason of any .injury or zn- juries to any person car:. persons or property : while in, upon . or adjacent to or.: in any way. co n- nected. -vvith f.he:. said demised premises;.. during the term .:of this lease .,. whether such .injury or injuries be caused by : the condition or use .or occupancy :of or: defect or defects in the .. de.. raised . premises or the building or. buildings of. which ..said premises form a part; or any .part of said building and. thaat the "LESSEE" will Bold .:the "CITY"' harmless from: all costs, charges and : `expense s; in court. costs :a nd counsel fees; :in respect to such injury, o r - in- juries, . liabilities, ...clairns . and suits and also; in respect to all claims arising:.. from. any .omzs- .sion or. Act or. negligence: of.: the "LESSEE" o r any: of >his :agents o f em and `LESSE coye- nants to` obtain all :. necessary compensation and. :public. liabil- ity :insurance; during .the term of this lease. ..It: is :further agreed .a:nd..:un- derstood :that . the `.`.LESSEE" Nvil.i::.:no3t.:.:heep .or....store :in..:sa.id demised` premises. any. article.. 0 r thizig. creating A fire hazy d� nor increase either the fire 'hazard o r insurance rate Of said. prem- ises: of buildings; or suffer to be done:... anythirig . that could..:. or would: suspend ::.fire insurance wider. the California, standard form fir e insurance :.policy; It: is further agreed and un - dez° stood: that: the ``LESSEE= .will; : cin..th.e :last .day. cif ,the :term herein demised, :: peaceably.: anal quietly . ;leave;` suz rendei . <:aiid yield :.unto the `CITY''.:the .de- mised.. p r iS,4r. iricludmg all imp ro vements added :to: : said ... emises by either :of. the ` .ties:. hereto in as good state as r easoriA use and wear :thereof x'�'ill pe rinif . :dam`a;ge: by: fire` an d other elements :excepted: It. is further agreed . and un-- .derstoGd tliat the ``LESSEE' will not commit or suffer; or ' - mit..:a:ny waste of s premises or. a.ny. iiuisaiice . ther.eon.. It is further agreed:. and un- derstood .that. at the time : of . the execut on : h e.r..e o. f, :. '. tl1e::..: said "LESSEE":. will deposit with the "C ITY . '.' the sure .of .Three: Iiun- dred Thirty -seven and 50/100 Dollars ($337.50), being equiva --. rani prceeeding page l en t as security f the paym of all sums. and the faithful per - formance..of all agreements by said "LESSEE herein agreed to be paid and performed.. and said sum may : be applied by the "CITY" to the payment of any rent remaining unpaid or dam- ages sustained by reason of the breach. of. any agreement: herein by said "LESSEE," and if not :so applied shall remain Ras such se- curity until within three (3) months of the expiration hereof, when: the same may. be applied to ' the payment`. of rent: as it be- com6s due. Any part thereof not applied . as : aforesaid. shall be returned to ' the . "LESSEE" by the` .. :"CITY": at .the expiration hereof: IN.. WITNESS : WHEREOF,: the parties: hereto.: have affixed their hands and seals, ` as of the.. day . and year first above written; ; the "CITY" being represented: by its Maayor and Chief Execu- tine; authority. therefor : haying been first duly given and made: CITY . CF :AL MEDA $y..:. _ .... a.::..� .: . ( SEAL) . MAYOR ... .... ....... .............. (SEAM ATTEST . ...._ :City Clerl: See. 2. The. Mayor: of the City..of Alameda . is ..hereby. authorized.. and directed t ©. C.xecute:. ; the :. foregoi lease for and .on :behalf :of: the .said City, and the City.Clerk is directed to attest the same .`as soon as this ordinance shall become effective. Sec..: 3..: This ordinance shall.' .go into full force and effect sixty (6 0) days.. from .:`and: after its final i)assage. Tn the meantime, the said "LESSEE n ay take.. possession of said: premises; cn . condition that "LESSEE" pay : the .rentals afore - mentioned: betiveen the time: of tak- ing such possession. and the.. time this: or dinance becomes effective . and said lease is executed. Adopted and passed. by the Coun- cil, this 20th .day. of May, 1930. : VICT. OR 'L. SCHAEFER., Presiding .Offleer a -f. the Council. , the. undersigned, hereby . certify that the: foregoing: 3rdinance :vas duly:.. and . regularly adopted: and passed by the Council of the. City of Alameda: in..regular meeting :a.ssem- bled on tl - ie ..20th day of .May, 1930, by:. the follom;ing . vote; to_.wit : . A:YT1S Council men. Hrodersen, : Cal - cutt; Latham and President Schaefer, (4). NOE No ne: :ABSENT Clounc loran Henning.M. ..IN : TESTIMONY'' THEREOF, I have hey eunto . set my h and and of - fixed the official seal: of said city this 21st day of Maly, 1930: (SEAL) W. E.: VAR.COE, City Clerk .of .the City of Alameda. Publish May 23, 1930.