Ordinance 0610ORDINANCE NO. 610 Amending section 9 of an ordiance estitled an ordinance establishing diestricts or zone and regulating therein the use or property height of buildings and required open spaces for light ventilation of such buildings and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith inclucing ordinances 227, 319, 338 excepting the zone map heretofor adopted by ordinance 227 and refered to in section 1 hereof Section .I. Section 9 of the above entitled. ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9. - Industrial - bistricts of Class are hereby. establishe as shorn - o said. nap.; a'nd - no -- building structure or premises skull - be erected altered dr maiht fined nor shill any l and be - used . in an of said - districts which d6si.gr ed, intended or used - for any - purpose other - . than. the - pur- poses and - .uses -- specified a:nd... ' -per - mitted.: in districts . of .Classes 3r.- 4 or -. 5 - hereof, -. :or' .ari.y.. -rma nufactdririg or WArehousirig business .. lbr automo- bi - wr eeldng establ.�.shrhent pro - vided h r rna t r � lrpdri: Shall b p iri - a ny of - said districts nor ally business; trade o r - industry which i'.vblves . the making or utiliza -- ta�i�. ,.,-- pow4er.or-o er.eX4 p o fires ; or hidh i Involv'es bore bdiling, . tat bailing`, tanni.taig, dressing or preparing - skins, .hides or -- leather ,, nor a,ny : bus ness trade Or. i.xidustry which is nofxious or off hsive by. rea- son - of the emission of odor, du stp smoke, -gas, vibration -or noise; pro - vided, h owever, . that in connection with any.' such industrial plant single . f amily -d elling . qua hers - may be. provided therein. -. fora ratchman or other em ployee of said plant and his . family. SE CTION 2. This ordinance shall go pint .effect at the expirat of thirty days from the date of its final. passage, HENRY A. WEIGH ART, :,presiding Officer of the Council. I, the undersigned., hereby certify that .the. foregoi.n Ordinance was duly' and regular y - adopted and passed by the Counll of the City of Alameda regular meeting as- sembled on - the 6th day of duly, 1-937, by the following vote - - wit AYES: oaunc1 - Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, Morris and Presi- dent Weichhart, (5). NOES: None. kRSEN T : None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 116 reunto sat my. - hand. and.. affixed the official seal of f said qty this .7th - .day o July, - 1937. (SEAL) D, ]E L E R DY City Clerk of the Ci of Alameda'. Publish July 8, 1937*